defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Sis!
It’s LIVE COACHING time. If you are just getting started with finding clarity so that you can build a God-centered, online business, this one is a MUST. I am sitting down with my client, Susan Shropshire and we are building out her 5-tier brand map.
This is the foundation for your work at home biz.
Together, we create her title, tagline, pillars, content, and description. We go layer-by-layer, piece-by-piece so that she can move forward on starting her podcast with confidence.
Pull up a seat, friend. Clarity is waiting.
(00:00): Hey friend! Welcome to today’s episode. I am doing live coaching with Susan Shropshire and we are going to be digging into the five pillars of her brand. This is actually an unstuck session, 30 minutes power session to help her really map out and clarify the five pillars of her podcasting brand map.
(00:19): By the time we’re done with this 30 minute session, Susan is so clear, she knows exactly what she set out to create. She has absolute congruency between who she’s called to serve, what she set out to create and how she’s actually going to build it. So I know you guys are going to love this.
(00:37): If you’ve been struggling with clarity work or fine tuning, this vision of what your business is going to become using the Stef Gass model, this is a must listen. Grab a notebook and pen Let’s go.
(01:53): Well, good morning. I’m super excited.
(01:56): I am super excited for you to help me get unstuck.
(02:02): It’s my favorite. I love it. And these early mornings are the best because I have my coffee, I’m all fresh, Susan.
(02:10): Me too. I’m like, okay and then we’re going to get off the call and I’m getting to work.
(02:14): Yes girl, so here for it.
(02:17): Oh goodness. I’ve been listening to the podcast and I’m like, oh my gosh, she can so help me. I’ve just got to talk to her.
(02:23): We’re going to have so much done today. You’re going to be pumped.
(02:28): Awesome. And I have done my homework. I’ve been doing Clarify Your Calling and I’ve done the homework. So I don’t know if it’s easier for you if I kinda like go through what I have and then where I’m stuck is my tagline, my help statement, my description. That’s kind of where I’m stuck. I kind of have like my person and even my keywords and all that, but I’m just having a hard time kind of summarizing that, I guess.
(02:54): Yeah. Perfect.
(02:55): So if you want me to kind of go through.
(02:57): That would be good. Give me like an overview and I take my notes over here too. And so I’ll share anything I come up with with you when we’re done. And just so you know, I read your blurb that you put in the booking link, but I would love to hear from you, give me an overview of what you’ve come up with so far.
(03:14): So this is my person and of course, and I am so your Lola, oh my God. I think it was a podcast you did the other day, or maybe it was one of the trainings or something. And you were like, this is my Lola I’m like, she just described me to T.
(03:28): Yes, I know y’all so well.
(03:31): I know. So this is my person. And so of course she is where I used to be. And so her name’s emotional Emma. She needs a change in her life. She isn’t happy with the way things currently are, but she doesn’t really know what to do to make it better. She wants to either start a business or she owns a business that isn’t as successful as she likes.
(03:52): She’s always heard that we need to hustle and grind, but she knows that isn’t how she wants to live. The short-term sacrifice for a long-term gain ends up being a longterm sacrifice without a gain at all. She’s been driven and knows that she’s made to do something big, something to make a difference in the world. She wants to be known for something.
(04:11): She doesn’t know what to do, but they need money. She has to pay for a child’s education or a wedding. They need the money for retirement. And money’s always been an issue. She’s a people pleaser. That’s always felt a little awkward and didn’t really fit in. She’s always been happy and funny. But over the year, she started to feel sad, anxious, and depressed. She doesn’t recognize herself.
(04:33): She’s lost her identity in marriage, in a family and just feels lost and without a purpose, she gets up in the morning depressed. And she’s so used to feeling worried about something, her mind automatically starts to search for what she should be worried about that day.
(04:47): She’s worried about money and hiding her out of control spending habits. Until now it’s just second nature to be in that mind space. She thinks she’s lazy, but she’s really just unmotivated because she doesn’t have anything to look forward to or something to do that she loves. She wants the freedom of working from home, but doesn’t really know what she wants to do.
(05:06): She likes to do DIY, but she doesn’t think refinishing furniture is going to lit her up. He’s tried network marketing only to find that she doesn’t like bothering people and she’s lost way more money than she’s ever made. Love technology and design and learning new things. She’s a course junkie and loves to take the courses, but never puts the information in the action.
(05:26): She’s thrown enough spaghetti at the wall. She can own an Italian restaurant. He loves learning things and then telling and teaching other people about what she’s learned. She loves encouraging people and being their cheerleader. People come to her to be encouraged. She has a sense about people and can see things from a different perspective.
(05:43): She’s good at telling other people what to do, but not herself. She’s an overthinker. She gets paralyzed with not knowing until she just doesn’t do anything. Then she feels like a failure. Because once again, she started something and didn’t finish it. She’s much better at helping others do things than helping herself. And she wants her to have to be different, but she just doesn’t know where to start. That’s my person.
(06:07): I love how much clarity you have over Emma. Like you truly know Emma, you see her. I can feel that you have like an empathy towards Emma. Then you can give like, you have great reasons why she thinks that she’s these things but in reality she’s not. And there’s a reason for it. I think that’s so key.
(06:27): And that’s going to help you a lot when you sit behind the mic, because same thing with my Lola, I know why she’s hustling. I know why. And so having those why’s are super important, so I’m really proud of you for that. So talk to me about, you said you have some keywords that you think feel good. What did you come up with there?
(06:44): So what I’m thinking about as far as like topics for a podcast, kind of my buckets, I guess like mindset, productivity, business topics, and then goal setting and vision boards. Cause I’m really big on goal setting. And so kind of what I had thought about as far as like podcast topics to kind of give you an idea like under mindset, your thoughts have power.
(07:12): So whatever you thought about today, like actually happened, would you think differently, you don’t have to believe your thoughts. The big one is don’t compare yourself to others. We see their highlight reels and everybody’s life is a dumpster fire. When you worry about something, it may never happen. But, but when you worry about it, you live it over and over. Kind of things like that under mindset.
(07:33): Productivity would be things like time spend in one area is time away from another. So be mindful of where you’re spending your time, habits, tips, tricks, things like that. One that I actually did a social media thing on was a time calculator where you look at the average life span of a person minus your age, and you calculate it down to days.
(07:55): And that’s like the amount of days you have left, if you live a normal lifespan and it really makes you mindful of where you’re spending that time. Being busy, isn’t a badge of honor, you know, ways to be more productive and to focus on what matters, not just being busy all the time. So that’s kind of be like productivity.
(08:16): Business and tech would be, I’m really good at helping people kind of connect with their ideal person. Kind of like I did with my emotional Emma, helping people really work that down to coming up with that, helping clients, getting clients to love you.
(08:32): I have been in real estate and I’m trying to get out of real estate to start this. And my clients won’t let me like they are calling me and they’re like, it’s time for me to sell my house and I need to buy another one. I’m like, okay, one more person. And then I just do one more, one more. Yesterday and I’m like, oh my gosh, I’m never going to get out of real estate.
(08:49): That’s awesome.
(08:50): My clients think of me like they’re best friends, you know, we’re really connected. And so, you know, ways to like make your client base, love you and connect with, finding your brand voice, maybe some things on like how to start a side hustle, things like that. So that’s kind of under business.
(09:08): And then of course, goal setting and vision boards is how to do vision boards. Why you would do vision boards, goal setting, how to, you know, achieve your goals. Things like that. Because I have her pain points as you know, she wants to work from home, but she doesn’t know how to start a business.
(09:23): She either hates her job or she has a business is not going well. She deals with anxiety and depression. She needs to have a purpose, needs extra money, things like that. So that’s, I kind of thought those topics would be good.
(09:37): And I think I could connect those. Like when I talk about mindset, it could help you with mindset, but also mindset in business or productivity could be just how to get things done at home. Schedule your workout in with your life or how to use productivity for business. So I think it can kind of, they could blend maybe.
(09:56): Yeah. You’re on the right track. I want us to spend a moment here though, because it’s really big at the moment we have these different bubbles that they’re all very tactical, which I like that. However, let’s go back to Emma for a minute.
(10:10): She has a lot of problems. We see all these problems and pain points and these things going on, but we don’t want to solve all of her problems, Susan. We don’t want to solve all of them. We want to solve the number one problem that Emma is experiencing.
(10:25): She’s lost sight of a purpose, right? Why she’s living for everyone else because she doesn’t even know what she’s living for.
(10:33): Exactly.
(10:34): That’s it. So let’s write that down. Number one problem, lost sight of her purpose, what she’s even living for. So if this is the number one problem, and we come down here into our, these pillars that we’re working on. Mindset, let’s just do a checks and balances, does mindset work.
(10:58): Maybe it’s even like discover a new purpose cause maybe in her life has been well, my purpose for awhile was my children. My purpose for awhile was my marriage. She’s over 40, right?
(11:09): Right.
(11:10): She’s like, oh man, I’m facing empty nest or I am empty nest or all this stuff. What’s my new purpose? And now of course that leaves everyone feeling empty and wanting. So question to you. Mindset, do these topics directly impact her solving this problem? Finding herr purpose?
(11:31): I think so.
(11:32): All right. Let’s talk about this one productivity, where she’s spending her time, her habits, routines, her time, calculator, busy isn’t the badge of honor. Do these help her discover or answer this problem?
(11:43): Not really.
(11:44): I’m feeling the same way. See, what I think is happening is if we give her this stuff, it’s distracting her from doing the deeper work of what she really needs to do.
(11:54): Right.
(11:55): You know, we’re like, oh, let’s make a planner cause that’s going to make us feel better. But us feeling better, isn’t solving this emptiness inside. That’s not going to fix it. You know? And are you a faith person, Susan?
(12:10): Yes.
(12:10): I mean, that’s such a big one for her. If what she does isn’t filling her heart and letting Holy Spirit come in and looking to the scripture for who she is, this is going to always be empty. So let’s see what we have here. We have mindset work, we have faith and we can talk about what goes in faith.
(12:27): And then we have self-discovery envision. And also in faith for me is purpose because everyone’s purpose comes from God, every single person and God, he knows what season we’re in and what purpose we’re called to fulfill at that point in time.
(12:42): And so in this bubble, it’s really how to ask God these questions, right? How does she hear from God on her purpose? How maybe this is a weird concept for her. Maybe she’s always thought that it comes from within herself.
(12:57): And I’ve always said, I think everybody needs to find what their true purpose is and then work in that because I think we’re meant to work as a team, as society. And when we’re working in our gifts and somebody else is working in their gifts, we are all better. But when we’re trying to do somebody else’s gifts, we’re not as good. And then they’re trying to do our gifts and they’re not as good. And so we need to find out what we’re supposed to do and do it to the best of our ability.
(13:27): Exactly. Okay. That’s great. I put those notes for you here under self-discovery vision gifts, spiritual gifts, personality test question mark. You may or may not like using those, where do you fit? Those are so great. This is wonderful. Do you feel like this is in alignment for you a little bit more?
(13:48): Now that we have cleared that up, let’s go tagline, I helped description. Let’s start with I help since it’s a little bigger and then we can pair that down. So you help women over 40 do what? Right here. Oh man, how triggering do we want to be here? So let me pull this down.
(14:14): We can be like, I help women over 40 stop living for nothing and reignite their purpose. But it’s like super triggering, you know, I’m here for that, but I don’t know if you’re here for that.
(14:27): Well I am because I am about, you know, you need to just face things, head on.
(14:31): So this would be, I help women over 40 stop living for nothing and rediscover their purpose. I feel like that’s what it is too. And this people pleasing portion, that’s an offset of her filling the void. So that’s not the number one problem, but it is a number one repercussion of this problem, outcome of this problem.
(14:52): So that’s why I’m not putting that in there. Okay. Let’s go taglines. Now we just shorten this bad boy. Stop living for nothing and rediscover your purpose.
(14:59): That’s great.
(15:01): Let’s go. Do you have a title or do we need to rework it?
(15:04): Well, we need to rework it cause I was thinking about success without insanity, but if we’re not really talking about the business part of it and all that, then success really doesn’t, I mean success in your life, but you know, maybe different title.
(15:22): That I think would just, it’s what she thinks she needs and wants. But it’s distracting from what the problem really is. And like, let’s get her away from the tacticals and get her into this inner work that’s going to free her for success. It’s going to free her from worthlessness. That feeling of worthlessness.
(15:41): It’s going to free her from this, you know, sludging around all day like what am I here for? Like, that’s such an awful place to sit. And if we direct her to, I know, start a side business, she’s just distracted for two more weeks. And then she’s right back where she started.
(15:58): Exactly.
(15:59): You’re with me. So title. I feel like we should speak to her spirit. Like light your life, ignite your life. Like the fire within, like something that’s like gonna make her leap out of her chair and be like, I need that. Any of those making you think anything?
(16:24): Yes. I do like ignite and I was always drawn when I was in network marketing. They were wanting us to like come up with unit names or, you know, things like that. Beth Moore had, that was when her book, the Audacity, came out and for some reason the word audacity, just I was, but I don’t know how we would the audacity to … I don’t know.
(16:45): How about like the audacious side of life or the audacious life or an audacious slice of life or?
(16:52): I really like her audacious life.
(16:54): Yeah. Me too. So what we have left is description, right? Yes. So we would have, it would be Her Audacious Life. Stop living for nothing and rediscover your purpose. It’s just so bold. I’m here for that. Now we need a description. So let me just riff you one.And then you make it your own and you’ll have to re-listen you can transcribe this using like Temy for a couple of dollars and then cause you know, I can’t type this up. You know how it is?
(17:29): All right. Let me grab all our pieces. Oh, and then Susan, tell me a bit about like you, what, you know, that portion where it’s like, Hi, I’m Susan, you know, wife, mom of blank, I too have been in your shoes, I blank, blank, blank for so many years. Give me that little snippet about Susan real quick.
(17:46): That’s a good one.
(17:48): Who am I? So you’re wife, you’re a mom, right? Mom of how many?
(17:54): Just one.
(17:55): Mom of one. How old is your.
(17:57): She’s 27.
(17:58): Okay. No grandkids yet?
(18:00): No. Granddog.
(18:02): Granddog? It’s coming almost, … I wonder if that would be cute to put in there.
(18:12): I am definitely a pet lover. We take in strays and rescues. And so my ideal person must love dogs.
(18:21): That’s so cute. We can even put that in a hashtag. Okay. So I’m going to say like, after feeling, let’s put in all the words she’s feeling, but about you. So like I’m sure you were her at some point, right?
(18:36): Oh definitely.
(18:38): So after feeling unfulfilled, listless, is that a good word?
(18:43): Just lost, wondering.
(18:46): What was the breaking point? Where were you like that’s it, was there a breakdown? Was there a dark day? What happened?
(18:52): There was. I was to the point where kind of like where I said, you know, she wakes up in the morning and her mind automatically goes to what should I be worried about? It was just the overwhelm of that feeling of dread and worry. And just day after day, you go to bed and wake up the same thing the next morning. And it just got to the point where I’m like, if this is all I’ve got to look forward to for the next 50 years, Jesus take me now, you know?
(19:24): And then what happened? So you got to this like super awful place in your heart and in your mind, you’re like, there’s just nothing here. How did you climb out of the cave? What was the first thing that happened? Where did you look? What happened for you?
(19:40): Just started doing Bible study, praying. Again, this can’t be all there is, there’s got to be more to life than this. And I can’t take another day of just this, just wandering around, not knowing what I’m supposed to do, feeling like I’m lazy, feeling like I know there’s something I’m supposed to do, but being just so confused about what to do.
(20:07): Okay. So then you poured into God and you were looking and you were seeking for Him. And how did he finally get you on a new path? What did that look like?
(20:15): It’s actually, when I started in real estate and we were looking for a house at the time and I just kept watching the real estate agent thinking, and then this is bad, but she was really bad real estate agent. You know, if she could do this, I could do this. And, again, it really helped me because I love to teach. I think that’s one of my gifts and I can make things really easy to understand for people.
(20:45): And so I loved working with like first-time home buyers and helping them navigate that process. I really loved talking to my clients every day and you know, to go in and looking at houses with ’em and you know, just helping them through that process. Then I started working with other agents and kind of helping to train other agents.
(21:07): And now I’m actually a mentor through the brokerage I’m at where I kind of help those new agents kind of get started and that kind of thing. And so that’s where I started to feel better. I started, you know, like I said, and then when I got up in the morning, I had things to do. I had people to call. I had clients that were depending on me and you know, that kind of thing.
(21:29): Okay, great. I love it. Got it. Okay. Ready? Welcome to Her Audacious Life. Hi friend! It’s time for you to stop living for nothing and rediscover your purpose. If you are so tired of living a life that feels empty, feeling like money is constantly an issue in your life, finding yourself, people pleasing and saying yes, over and over again even though you don’t want to, if you’re tired of feeling worried every single day and searching for purpose and meaning in your life, this is the podcast for you.
(22:07): Hi, I’m Susan wife, mom of one. I do have a grand dog hashtag mustlovedogs. And after feeling unfulfilled myself, I know how you feel because I felt listless, lost, wandering endlessly, searching for ways to fill this void that I didn’t know how to fill, trying everything from MLMs side hustles, emotionally eating, shopping, sleeping, arguing with my husband, pointing fingers at everyone, other than me to feel better and nothing was working.
(22:43): In my darkest moment, I woke up looking for something to worry about. I woke up and live my day with a feeling of overwhelming dread and debilitating anxiety was overtaking my life. And I thought, if this is it, I’m kind of done, but my story didn’t end there. My breakdown was actually my breakthrough because God, I look to Him, I poured myself into finding my purpose. I knew that I didn’t have the answers, but He did.
(23:11): He led me to a new calling, a new fire in my heart was kindled. And I found a purpose in helping others and using my gifts to better the world, God opened doors. I didn’t even know were there. Through that, I felt better. I had purpose. I was a happier person. I was able to serve from a higher capacity. I had new boundaries in my life.
(23:34): I was able to wake up with meaning and excitement every single day. And I finally knew what I was called to do in the second phase of life. My life had meaning. And I’m here to tell you, yours does too, friend. It’s time for you to awaken to your audacious life. Stop living for nothing. Rediscover your purpose and say yes and amen to what tomorrow has in store for you. Let’s do this!
(24:02): Awesome. Love it.
(24:06): So that should at least give you some starting place. If you love the whole thing, habit, take it, if you’re like that needs a little work here and there. Great.
(24:14): Nope. I love it.
(24:15): Good. So that’s your big description. And then you’re going to pair that down to like 45 seconds for the intro. Well then I will chat with you soon. I’ll get you your replay. And it was just such a blessing working with you today.
(24:28): You too. And I knew you were going to help me and you did so thank you so much.
(24:32): Oh, you’re so welcome. God bless you, friend.
(24:35): You too. Bye.
(24:36): Bye. Y’all. How cute is Susan and how excited are you for her? I am so thrilled for her. I can’t wait to see all of this come to life. Susan, we’re cheering for you. And if you are a Stef Gass student, did you know that you can purchase an unstuck session just like this? Just email us at We take a few unstuck sessions each month and I would love to help you really get unstuck. Let’s do this.
(25:04): Now, if you are not yet a Stef Gass student and you just heard this and you’re like, I need that. I need a business model that works in alignment with who I am, who I’ve been created to be, I want to make money from my purpose work and my passions then I want you to head straight over to and take a look at my Clarity Course.
(25:26): This is going to help you do what I just did with Susan. Create the five pillars of your brand map so that you can begin step one of the Stefanie Gass business model. When you’re done with my three step process, you will have clarity over your calling and a profitable online business. It’s amazing. It’s incredible. I have students left and right, who are, who are having massive success after following the business model.
(25:52): Guys, you can head to and read testimony after testimony of success stories. And this is not to toot my horn. It’s to say there is an easier way to do business. There is an easier way to build this and it doesn’t have to be distracting. It doesn’t have to be hard. It doesn’t have to be built in hustle. It doesn’t have to have any of that icky sales weirdness.
(26:11): It can be so, it’s almost so easy that people don’t believe me. They do not believe that it starts with getting clarity, partnering with God and then building a podcast out so that we can build that audience. Super chill, super low cost, super scrappy. PJ’s all day braless and flawless, and then building out a course or a program to monetize the show.
(26:32): It’s so easy. Nowhere in there did I say social nowwhere in there did I say busy, busy, busy. I am working, gosh, I could, if I was bare bones in this business, I could do it in 26 hours a week, guys. That’s unbelievable. So I want that for you. I want you to have an intentional business where you have time to be purposeful with your kids, time to be present in your life.
(26:58): And yet you’re building a scalable one to many business where you can truly make a big impact for the kingdom. All right. So just go to, check everything out. I invite you to come and join us in the course. I have a student community that is absolutely barnone. Like there is nothing like it. I think that’s the term. If it’s not, that was real awkward, but I owned it.
(27:24): Where it’s going to be just this sisterhood of incredible faith led entrepreneur women, just like you, who are lifting each other up, encouraging, walking alongside you. I do a bi-weekly power coaching in there where I answer questions. I do live Q&A. So you are not alone. There’s so much accountability. I have my team in there helping you, guiding you, taking a look at your homework.
(27:47): So it’s not like one of those courses where you buy it and you literally are left alone sink or swim. It has support we’re your floaties, friend. Come on. We’ll meet you in the pool. We’re with you. So Check it all out. If you’re a student and you want to have one of these sessions with me,, you can purchase one. There are limited quantity each month so 3, 2, 1, go. Love, sis. See you soon. Bye-bye.
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