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In today’s LIVE COACHING session, I help my client and friend, Kristin Kotzebue clean up her podcast and brand.
We go from multi-passionate to micro-niche so that Kristin can serve her peeps more deeply! Come be a fly on the wall as we dig into massive clarity!
Hello, beautiful ladies. Welcome to another episode of the podcast. Today in episode 247, we are talking about how to niche in from a, I love everything, I kind of talk about everything position into a really micro level micro niche so that you can reach the woman that you’re truly meant to reach in this live coaching episode with Kristin Kotzebue from Pink Clay Social.
We really go through messaging and connection with her avatar, and then we clean up all of the pillars that her podcast has been touching on so that we can get really down to the nitty gritty of like what she’s actually called to do be, and say, and stand for. And it’s just such a fun, beautiful process. Come hang out with us, learn, be inspired and see what comes through for you. Why don’t you start me with, what’s the number one thing that we want to accomplish?
I really just kind of want to have some clarity on, because I hate when I feel stuck with my podcast because I love doing it. And I don’t like feeling like, Oh, should I do this? Should I do that? So really just having clarity on my message, which I feel like I’m getting closer to, so that those episodes just can flow and it’s not like, second guessing myself and just really having that clear vision. And then also monetizing it for in the future and stuff.
Perfect. So take me on the journey of where we were to where you are now. Like what or where, you know, what have you come to on your own? How are you feeling kind of, where are you and then we’ll work together to like really clean that up?
Yes. So if I rewind to when I started it, because I had been in an MLM fitness company for five years and never was at the super top, but in the top 5-10% where I was earning all the free trips and all of that and loved it. I loved having women in my groups and helping them, talking to them one-on-one helping them reach a goal and telling me, you know, I’ve got more energy. I’m, you know, I don’t have to take my depression pills anymore. And I loved it so much.
I became a live fitness instructor and rather than going to a gym, I just rented a cheer gym here. And I just got on Facebook and I would invite, and it just grew by word of mouth with these women just coming to my classes. I loved that community and just really inspiring women to feel confident in their own skin, because I was a very anti-scale and all of that, it was just, I want you to feel good. But the company, you know, there were some things like with the nutrition side and scales and portion control and all this stuff that I just didn’t like.
It came time when I was starting a new group. And I went to do what I always do post a before and after as someone that had gone through the group and I was like, Ugh, I just cannot do this. Like, I don’t want any woman to look at this and think that’s what I’m supposed to look like. I don’t want them joining my group to look a different way or to get a number on the scale. I just want them to love their body and work out because they love themselves and have more energy.
So it was that mindset that made me, and I have two daughters, um, they’re 11 and 9. At the time they were 8 and 10 and I would talk to them about this and, you know, just, I just want women to love themselves and know who they are in Christ, be more of the word instead of the world and move their body because they love themselves. I’m going to leave this company, which I kept my account because I love the workouts.
But I was like, I’m going to start my own business all about helping women find confidence, being more growing in their faith and realizing who they are in him. Really just motivating them. That’s kind of where the podcast originated from was I just want women to overcome fear, gain confidence, step into the woman God is calling them to be, and it, but still that confidence in two things, confidence in your own body image, but then also to go for that job interview, go for that dream on your heart, that type of stuff.
That’s where the passion for the podcast came in. But you know, the enemy got in my head and said, what? You can’t be a confidence cheerleader, Kristin, like you need to make money somehow. Over the last year I felt like that’s, I feel like that’s kind of what I’ve been doing, chasing the money. How can I make money rather than this is the message on my heart? I’m going to lead with that. I’ve heard you say before, there’s the thing that makes sense. And then there’s the passion on your heart?
And I wasn’t going, I was going for the thing that made sense, like, okay, I’ve got to make money somehow. So let me, you know, do social media, managing, and then I’m going to do social media strategy and clarity coaching and this and that and all this business stuff, which made me confused like, Oh gosh, should I be podcasting about business too? And so it’s been this year of chasing the money. How can I make money?
The weight was taken off my shoulders, when my husband bless his heart, because he was always supporting my different startups, but he said, why don’t you, cause I used to be a teacher before I had kids and he said, why don’t you just get your feet wet into teaching, again, just go back to subbing. Sub a couple of days a week, work on your business, try to figure out what it is you’re wanting to do.
Once I went back to teaching, I was like, Oh, this weight was off my shoulders of there’s the money. And I’m actually loving teaching. Like I forgot. I love teaching these little kids and all of that. And so then it was like this huge weight off my shoulders about the money that helped me go. I am feel so clear now about the original full circle, the original message that I had on my heart that was just to help women feel more confident and be more of the word than the world.
Nothing with the business stuff, you know? And it just got kind of cloudy as I was trying to make the money with it, but I feel like it’s just kind of come full circle.
That takes me back to my 2016 year when I was like, I’ll make Amazon merch T-shirts no, I’ll do this. No, I’ll do that. No, I’m going to get a job again. Like I was just so chasing the money and it’s because we get in this state of panic of we need money and we’ve got to have that. And so where are my skills? And where’s the demand instead of what is God asking of me?
Because we know when we do the mission work, God provides the money to do it. That’s always true. It’s always true. It’s said in the Bible so many different ways, we’re equipped, we’ve got everything we need, you know, he’s not going to leave us when we need it the most. Right. And I think he laughs when, you know, I could just imagine God, if they’re laughing, look at her making t-shirts like, look at Kristin over there doing social media strategy.
Like if she would just stop and listen. Listen to me and do the work of asked her to do the flood Gates would open. And I’ve really experienced that when I finally let go of it all and was like, I have nothing left. I literally, we don’t have any more money here, but I, here I am. I’m just going to do what you say and look at my business now. Right? You took care of the rest.
So let’s get back to, let’s clean up your brand as if we’re kind of starting from scratch a little bit, because I really want you to, I don’t want you to be like, well, I have to stick with Forward in Faith or I have to stick with this pillar. Like when we think about this woman, I really think you’re onto something with, let’s start with the woman.
So this avatar who needs you the most, right? Why does she need you the most? What is happening for her? And I think it’s a lot of internal, an internal, emotional battle of worthiness when it comes to her weight and when it comes to what, what else? Like what’s happening for this woman and why does she need you?
Yeah. So I call her Kelly and she’s in her thirties or forties, she’s married and has kids. Really, she could have boys or girls, but I envision her having at least one daughter cause a lot of the stuff I talk about in my podcast, I talk about with my daughters as well. And I think it’s important for us to raise confident daughters. So I think that she’s a yo-yo diet or she’s tried so many things in the past.
She doesn’t realize her full potential and the beauty that other people see in her, you know, she’s got a lot of negative self-talk she always feels, you know, she feels guilty if she eats certain things, diet culture has really gotten into her head. She doesn’t want her daughter or her niece or her sister to have the same food and body issues that she has had.
I didn’t realize because that was one of the things when I was coaching, I’ve always been a no good food, no bad food, food is food. I always tried to let the people that I worked with know it, but it was hard for me to articulate. Like, you know, you don’t have to weigh yourself and you don’t have to restrict yourself from this food. It is okay to eat ice cream with your family. But I didn’t know how to articulate how I was feeling.
So through this journey of this year, I realized there’s a name for how I eat and it’s intuitive eating. And some of the concepts from intuitive eating is stuff that I’ve always used, but I couldn’t really articulate. So once I found that I was like, Oh, there’s a name for it. So I do feel like I really want to start incorporating intuitive eating type of mindset and my podcasts.
Okay, good. That can be for sure a pillar. So when we get back to Kelly, what other issues like, what has she tried? That’s not working. Why is she searching for your podcast and your solutions? I think we said she’s, yo-yo dieted. What else is happening for her on an emotional level?
Yeah, she’s also, she’s tired. She worries a lot. She finds herself very anxious and she, you know, she’s just worried and kind of feels like every day is the same. Like there must be something more out there. I feel like every day is the same. She wants to grow in her faith, but she’s not quite sure where to start. She wishes she were happy, was happier.
You know, like she sees some other women and thinks like, gosh, I were as happy as her. She just kind of feels like something’s missing. I wish I were a little bit happier. She has a lot of self doubts. She also, again, looking at the happier person, you know, kind of, she wants to strengthen her own marriage.
A lot of comparison. I’m going to assume.
Yes. Yes.
Yeah. Okay. So good. So when we think about the pillars, the first thing that has to happen is the foundation of faith, right, Kristin? Like this concept of helping her rewrite, the worldly lies with godly truths. Faith is an actual foundation. And what is in the faith bucket for you? Are you going to talk about scripture? Are you going to have her doing journaling exercises? What are you going to do in there?
Kind of just the whole Christian mindset of the Word versus the world. Talking about forgiveness and yes, using scripture in these, um, but talking about forgiveness in our relationships, like I have an idea in my head that I’m about to do for not stressing over the holidays about the story of Mary and Martha. Letting go of the more mentality and so, different ways to get in a Christian mindset.
Which I feel, you know, one of the fruits of the spirit is peace. And so to kind of get that part of her, that’s the worrier and the anxiety helping to make that switch in her brain from the world stuff and really finding that peace in Christ. And I’m talking about that whole Christian mindset I guess.
So let me ask you a question. What do you want your niche to really be this health and food freedom thing? Because there’s lots of things you can help her with, right? Like, Oh, relationships and help her do more in the world and get her purpose figured out. And then, Oh wait, I’m going to talk about motherhood. Now we’re going to talk about relate.
Like, what thing do you want to solve the most for her? Cause there’s lots of things you can solve, but, but we need a niche that we, we solve this one problem, Kristin, and then that allows you to open up to talk about other things. But what one problem do you want to solve for her?
The main problem that I’m so passionate about is her confidence, her self worth, you know, just the whole diet culture of weighing yourself and yo-yo dieting and restriction. And all of that is really what I’m like passionate about.
I want you to stay there. Okay. I want you to stay there in your mind, in your brand, in your content, in your episodes. When we talk about monetization, does this solve this lie of you are not worthy and you have to do this the world’s way when it comes to self-worth and confidence really related to body image and food. Right? So I know it might be like, Oh, like you putting me in a bucket, but we have to solve one problem before we solve many.
And that’s the thing, A. you’ve done it yourself. B. You’ve helped people already do this so many times, right? For so many years, that’s why God equipped you with those things. And so if you come in with this bucket of solutions of all these different things, you’re not helping her get anywhere. You’re giving her a tiny tip here and there. That’s not transforming people.
You got to go into her heart, Kristin and say, this is the one problem we are solving this completely thoroughly from top to bottom. And I’m your coach for that. That’s how you explode. Okay. Is that feel like, Oh.
It feels like you said, like, Whoa, only because, you know, it’s hard when you’re multi-passionate and there’s so many things you want to talk about. But I get what you’re saying. And I think another part of me feels like it is a passion on my heart just to share the Word with people.
I didn’t, I fear like, Oh, I don’t want health and wellness to overshadow faith. That’s kind of like in my head, like thinking, Oh, well the whole thing could be helping women grow more of the, in the Word than the world and intuitive eating confidence kind of be a bucket.
Okay. This, somebody asked me this question, I’m gonna ask it back to you. And it was triggering for me. So it might be triggering for you. Okay. Do you want to be a preacher or do you want to be a coach and mentor? Which one?
Oh, that’s good. Yeah. I want to be a coach and mentor.
Same. Cause I was going to rebrand. I was going to fully rebrand and do the name of my journal With God She Rises and do this. Let’s spread the word, but like to what end? Because there are so many preachers and people that are doing the Word.
Wow. That’s good!
But God, yes, right? Like let’s use it was our gifts that he put us through, Kristin like me and the business realm and you in this health and wellness realm, let’s use our business as our ministry. We can pair them. I’ve done it. You’ve seen me do that. You can do it too. How many women, they don’t, they’re not looking for another sermon. They’re looking for a solution in their body, in their confidence, in the emotional eating space, in the dieting.
And maybe that’s the stronghold that you have been called to break. You’re going to use scripture to do it. You’re going to use the Word to do it, but it’s solving a problem. Like how it’s to me, that’s like, it’s the most magical thing to find the one stronghold, you know how to break using God’s word.
Yeah. Okay. That was a good question.
Yeah. Somebody asked me to and I was all Oh. and I was like, all right.
Let’s go back to our pillars again and try this again. So the first pillar, when we think about faith and scripture, I agree that we do need to have this Christian mindset pillar, but let’s frame it in a way of Christian mindset when it comes to self-worth and confidence and being free and freeing herself from food obsession and diet obsession. Right. Using scripture to do it. So faith and scripture. But because we want to break that strong the worldly stronghold of you should be and you should look like.
Right. Okay.
So then the second bucket for me is the actual tactical tools bucket, Kristin, which is this concept of intuitive eating and food freedom. Right. And that’s, that’s a whole bucket.
Yeah. Cause when I, when I jump into that bucket, like so many things flow, you know, like so many different podcasts episodes. Yeah.
Here’s the question. Does this episode help Kelly in her self worth and confidence and break the strongholds that she thinks about body image, emotional eating, and worldly standards of what she should look like? Like constantly go back to that one question. If the answer is yes, you get to do that episode.
Right. Okay. So, you know, there’s a line where, okay, I want to talk about marriage today. Okay. But let’s bring it back to self-worth and confidence in her body when we’re talking about marriage. Maybe she’s not being intimate because she has this lie in her mind that she’s not beautiful or sexy enough or whatever. So maybe you can talk about other topics, but bring them back to your core that you have been called to solve. Does that make sense?
It gives you a little more wiggle room. So intuitive eating and food. Freedom is a bucket. What’s the next bucket in here? What ha what else do we do? Or do you do, that’s going to help her step into this, this crazy space of worthiness that she’s never experienced body confidence, living her best life, understanding discernment with food, experiencing food and living her life. Right.
How does she break free from just all the, all the crud that we’ve embedded in ourselves and had the world embedded in us for decades. Faith, intuitive, eating and food freedom, kind of what else?
I have, what I had and you know, so I’m trying to like reframe my brain with what to come up with next, because before I kind of looked at my pillars as, okay, a Christian mindset, wellness and intuitive eating, confidence and self-love, and in motherhood and marriage. The motherhood aspect of it might, could be one just as far as raising confident. Cause that is super important to me.
I try to have my kids be a part of what I’m doing. You know, I’m very open with them about podcast episodes or clients that I’m working with. Even if it’s like an IGTV or a Reel that I’m doing about, you know, pants size not mattering or, you know, they’re a part of it filming my stuff.
Those pillars still work. We just have to make it related to what you just said, this topic. I really hope, yeah, they may have daughters, but I have two sons and I’m like, it’s, that would still be a podcast for me. Right. Because you would still be like, just because Hey mom was with, with boys, what are you teaching them about women’s worthiness when it comes to does mama, is she the only one that doesn’t eat the cupcake?
Truly like there are lessons to be learned for both children, for boys and for girls and so speak to them too. I really feel like you can make a change in the next generation by being the example for your sons as well. Yeah, I agree. Right. So I love that. Absolutely confidence and self love is absolutely critical.
Then motherhood and raising, raising confident children. Yes. Confident children and becoming that example, right. Becoming changed so that they can be changed so that you’re not embedding the lies and passing on maybe the lies you’ve never even recognized before,
Even your own behaviors that you don’t realize they’re going to pick up, you know, if you weigh yourself every morning or if you talk negatively to yourself or even talk negatively about food at the dinner table and you know, Oh, I can’t have that. And then they grow to think, Oh, that’s a bad food. You know, my mom never would eat that. And so yeah. So that type of stuff is super passionate about.
I love it. I’m so with you. Good. So now we have four. The other one you had mentioned was marriage or relationship, right?
Yes. And I had that with mother motherhood and marriage just being a Christ-like wife and stuff.
I think there are things in marriage though, that you can talk about the comeback to this because when she doesn’t feel like enough because her body looks a certain way, is she showing up in her marriage the way that she could? No. I mean, there’s so many levels of that too. Like even if I feel like fluffy and dumpy, I’m like, like just leave me alone.
Like I’m in a depressed, weird headspace, you know, your mental state is directly impacted by the way that you feel about yourself on any given day. And so I still think those are topics that you’re going to talk about. Yeah. Good. Are you excited? Are you, are you with me?
Yes, I am.
This is going to, I think it all comes back to like what you’ve done and where you’ve been also, which is it’s so liberating when you’re finally like, Oh, I don’t have to talk about all the other things that other people are talking about. I’m literally going to talk about what God had me go through. It was there all along. It was always this and the second they’re getting into this group and you stay in there, you’re going to see it grow super fast because when you solve one problem really well, you’re known for that.
Yeah. And even thinking about like, Oh, if I want to be a guest on someone else’s podcast, if you’re doing all the things, you’re like, Hey, I can talk about this or this or this. And they’re like, Oh, I don’t know what you do. No, thanks. Okay. You’re like super focused. They’re like, Oh yeah. Okay, perfect. So we’re on the same page.
We feel good with this. Let’s clear it up by getting a title tagline and a, what do I do statement so that you feel really concrete with that. Then we can keep going. So here we come back to our title. Right. So I know you have the business pink clay and I like pink clay. It’s just delusive I know what it means. And that’s okay. Cause we can add a sticky tagline. Does it still fit? Does the Pink Clay still fit? Do you want to brainstorm other ideas or you’re like, no, I really want that to be it. And I’m open either way.
Feel like maybe, maybe I get too sentimental about it because I think about all the conversations with my daughters and I’m like, which names y’all like and, and how we came to pink clay. So there’s a part of me. That’s like, I just love we’re all the work of his hands, you know, pink clay pink, because we’re ladies clay, because we are the clay to God, our Potter. I do like it and feel it. I think it’s close to me just because I formed it with my daughters. But at the same time, I’m open to what makes sense. You know?
And you can have a name like pink clay. It’s very trademarkable because it’s not a descriptive. So that as a pro you already have a lot of the things, right? You got the domain, you have the things. And I love too that, like I do like what the clay concept, because you’re talking about bodies talking about loving your body, no matter what it looks like. And you’ve literally been molded by the hands of God. I love how that has that connection.
Let’s just, let’s just play with a few others and see, does something else blow you away? And if not, let’s go with pink clay and come up with a tagline. That’s really clear. Okay. We’ll put that tagline on your title and on your stuff and in your logo. So that there’s no question. What does this mean? So right now we have Forward in Faith, right?
Yes. I don’t think that that fits anymore. Right. And I was never really loving it anyways. I just kind of felt like, well, if I’m not, it’s not going to be, you know, the pink clay podcast, then I’ll just, what else do I want to do? Oh, I want to help women go forward in faith overcome their fear. So that’s where it came from. I mean, honestly, I kind of, I feel like the podcast has done well and getting lots of downloads and lots of reviews.
What we’ll do is we’ll just do a tiny little rebrand with, you’re going to change the title and change the art. And you’re going to keep going. You’re not going to change a thing. You’re not going to do anything. You may have one little conversation with them about this refocus back onto the main thing, which God has given you from years ago. And that you’re not gonna be talking about business anymore.
And that’s okay just to communicate it. And then you move on and nobody’s gonna care. Nobody’s going to blink. They’re probably here for the, this part of it anyway. Cause that’s where you’ve been lit up. So, okay. But if we come back to this, like maybe I wrote down an idea of like fit and free by faith fitness, by faith fitness on fitness, on faith. I don’t know if you like the word fitness. I just matched with the Fs.
I love fitness. You know, in my groups and stuff that I do, but I don’t see myself talking much about fitness. Okay.
So then there’s also the word confident, right? Like, confidence by faith.
I even had originally thought about cultivating confidence.
I like pink clay more. Yeah. Okay. Let’s see.
It also thought about, and this might just be like a future membership or just a boot camp that I do, but live free, live free, just cause it’s all about the food freedom,
But you know what? That would be really good for part of the tagline. Yeah. Live free, eat, like live free, eat free step into confidence by faith or something where I like that for it’s catchy for a tagline. The other words in here, we have our like food, food, freedom and faith, faith, faith, food freedom. Very, very clear though. I feel like these are taglines. I think the more that I think about this, the more the clay is just really perfect for this.
Okay, good. I do like it too. And I’ve tried, you know, like thinking of other things, I’m just like, I don’t know. It just keeps coming back to me.
Yes. Well, and now, because we’re doing this body and the clay piece and it, her molded inside of herself, but also her literal body by the hands of God. I think that’s so powerful as a visual. I love that it’s sentimental and that as moms, we have the power to mold our daughters’ and our sons’ beliefs about their bodies. And, and that is a power that we own as the Potter of our children.
Right. And it’s moldable. Here’s the good news, no matter what your clay looks like today, you can, you can continue to be molded to be more Christ-like and to continue to become what God intended you to be. Because I think he creates us from clay. Then we come into this world and we get scuffed and broken and a little bit smashed down. And our clay gets a little bit dingy.
How can we rebuild that? Like what a beautiful visual that you can use for almost all of this. Yes. Clay concept. Oh, I’m here for it. Let’s go. We got it. All right. So how do we clean it up with not clean it up, but add that tagline so it’s extremely clear. I really liked something like, okay. Pink clay, the podcast, the brand, all the things. And I liked the faith-led food freedom. It’s so sticky with all the F’s and something.
Faith led food, freedom and cultivating confidence, or live free, eat free faith-led food, freedom and cultivating confidence for moms. And it’s also for moms. I think that’s also something that you really, we want that to be really crystal clear. Right. Right. So now we really have a niche and that feels really good. How do you, so how do you like this one? Just close your eyes for a minute. What words aren’t right. What words are right. Pink clay, faith led food, freedom and cultivating confidence for moms.
I think that’s good. Yeah. Yeah. I like that. Okay. The other one we can do is cultivating confidence to live free and eat free. There’s a second option.
I think I might like that only because I feel like the F one is hard to say, like, I’d be like food freedom. Like I forget. Let me go look at my notes. Okay. So cultivating. Yes. So, pink clay, cultivating confidence to live free and eat free for mom. I like that for, for moms. I mean for moms.
Yes. Me too. Me too. And I do think it’s easier to say. And actually the sea really flows because we have pink clay. Then we go cultivating confidence to live free and eat free for moms. That’s good. Okay. We got it. Title and tagline. Yeah. Yes. Okay. We have our pillars. Yes. Good. Okay. We’ve got our avatar Kelly. Pretty, super clear. What’s next? Do you want me to do a description for you first? And then we’ll chat about monetization concepts.
Yes, I think so. That would be, that would be good. And I’m looking, I w I knew I had some notes somewhere. So before we tie a bow on the, I like cultivating confidence to live free and eat free. Is that the same thing as like, say on your Instagram, you know, I help women, blah, blah, blah. Is that where you would put that too or,
Yes, I help moms cultivate confidence so they can live free and eat free.
So I knew I had written this down, so let me read you this one, just see if you like this. But I had written down helping moms find confidence in Christ and live a life free of diets, cleanses restriction, guilt, and the scale.
I love that. I love that. It’s like a, an Instagram sentence and I love it for part of our like messaging overall. It’s just long for a tagline, but I love it. I think that’s great for your Instagram. That’s great because that is what we’re doing. You know what, the one thing we are missing in the tagline is the Christ or the faith component. So how about also like cultivating confidence through Christ to live free and eat free for moms?
Yeah. I like that.
The other one that we can go back to is the food freedom one, right? Cultivating confidence through Christ to find forever food freedom for moms. I kind of like the live free eat free though, because I think the live free comes with the food freedom. Like your life is better because of it. Your motherhood is better. Your self-love is better. Like, I think I like our first one.
Actually enjoying moments rather than thinking about what’s on your plate.
Yes. So pink clay, cultivating confidence through Christ to live free and eat free. Yes. Yes. Woo. All right. Let me give you a description and just as a template and then you can make it your own. And, you know, I talk too fast to write any of this down.
I’m praying over you right now. Thank you. Yes. I got to get in there inn the rift zone. Okay. Hey sisters, I know it feels like such a struggle to be more confident with your body, that you’re feeling overwhelmed by the world, answers to weight, loss and diet, and you feel, you feel like you’re not enough with where you’re at and sure you’re a mom now. And sure. You should just be happy with who you are, but then why can’t you get there?
And you’re constantly searching for answers. You’re on the next diet. You just want to throw in the towel because no matter what you try, nothing seems to set you free from this obsession that you are not worthy. You’re tired of feeling like you just can’t love yourself with where you’re at.
Hi, I’m Kristin, and I believe that you can find body confidence and food freedom forever through Christ, through digging into his Word and rewriting the lies and the half-truths that we have embedded so deeply within us.
That has kept us stuck, kept us from loving ourselves and kept us from the true freedom to thrive in our lives, marriages and in our motherhood. I’m here to show you that you can live a life free of diets, cleanses restriction, the scale, comparison, and hating what you see in the mirror, because you sister are crafted of pink clay. God has created you and potted you with his own hands.
You are perfectly and wonderfully made. It’s time that we remember, and we get back into the word and we get back to this space of loving ourselves just as God loves us. And just as he has created us to be it’s time for us to cultivate confidence through Christ. So we can finally live free and eat free.
Woohoo! I like it. I was getting so excited just as you were talking, I’m like, yes. Yes!
So that’s like the big written one, right? Pair that down into like 30 seconds for your intro. Okay. So let’s talk about monetization. Well, a what’s your bandwidth? Like, do you want to be coaching? One-on-one do you want a course? This is totally something that you could just do through a course. You know, when I think about why is she stuck? Why can’t she do this on her own?
She’s going to listen to your podcast, get all of this fuel, feel so excited. She’s going to feel lit up to make these changes, but yet, how do you actually get her to take action? How do you get her in the Word and out of the worldly solutions? You could do that in a course. I think, yeah.
I’ve debated like, okay, what I want to do a course, um, or a membership, like, even if it, you know, like a 10 week, like not really boot camp, but like a 10 week mentorship where they’re gonna live free and eat free, they’re going to learn the tools that they need to say goodbye to diet culture.
So I’ve thought about that. I’ve thought like, um, you know, kind of a process of whether it’s a webinar or whatever, but this whole idea of like reveal, release and reclaim. And that’s like the three step process, whether it’s a course that I take them through this and walk them through how we can reveal these diet truths, this diet culture and how it’s affected them in all these truths, which you know, that they think are true. But all these lies that they’re believing, revealing all of that.
Then going through the process of releasing it and replacing those lies with truth, and then reclaiming it like, this is what we’re going to do now. You know? So it’s kind of what I was thinking as a a course or a group that I run every quarter and, you know, everybody join and they pay a certain amount to do this live, where everyone’s in it together type thing.
So I love, so first of all, on the title, I loved it. Live free, eat free framework. It’s like your title’s already right there, which you had mentioned, which is so good. And I love this concept of the Christian mindset being the first portion, and then going through the reveal, release, reclaim, and then putting it all together. Now with now we learn intuitive eating at the end, and we start to put that into practice.
They’re getting the community and the support. I think that’s a huge piece of this being successful is the accountability, anything with diet, exercise, and reframing, all of that is going to need accountability. What I think you should do. I think that you should do it the first time live.
So far we have one, two, three, four, five, six weeks. So you could do these as a six week group coaching program, eight weeks if you can think of two more things to plug in, that’s important. Like maybe there is one week on fitness and just making it easy, fun fitness.
Yeah. Well, and that’s part of the intuitive eating belief is like looking at it as movement, not, you know, it’s just moving your body to feel good rather than like punishment.
If you run it once live and you, you know, it’s like, okay, this is going to for the first time ever, I’m giving you guys an incredible price. It’s going to be $497. Cause that’s always like that perfect price point $497. One time only is this going to be live for now? It’s going to be eight weeks. Then what you’re doing is you’re taking them through it live once eight to see if you like it, be to get paid while you create it.
Because now you’re being paid to create your program. You train them once a week on the zoom. Then they have a Facebook group to post their homework, to do the community stuff. Week two, you train them again. They have the homework. At that price point, there’s no one-on-one, but maybe they can buy some extra one-on-one with you if they want.
And then when you’re done decide, did I love that? Did that light me up? If so, wait a month and recycle, wait a month and recycle. If not, guess what? You have a course bill, you’re done. You save those videos and pop it up. As the live free eat free framework, self study program. They can still join the Facebook group with everybody else that’s gone through it and share homework and have community, but it’s just not live anymore.
So that’s how I love that model. It’s I do it once. If it didn’t really light me up, well, I have a course now, but if it did, I’ll keep doing it live and you can raise the price as you get those testimonies and, and see if it’s your signature thing.
I think I need to do some price work because I’m like $497. That seems so high to me.
Oh, for group coaching, come on, girl. Group coaching is your time. It’s this community like people are paying that for kits of diet drinks that they think are solving this problem. Like when we think about this problem, this is a huge problem that 99% of moms and women are dealing with and they’re dealing with it with the wrong solutions, right?
I can’t be set free and you know, the truth of how to set them free. That is worth $500. It’s also going to make them show up. If you charge a hundred bucks, nobody’s going to do it. Nobody’s going to do it. We don’t, we have to be invested to show up for ourselves, small price to pay for forever food freedom that’s built on faith. Like, I’m sorry. That to me is like undervalued.
Yeah. Well, and you’re right. I also don’t want to work with people that want the cheap, you know, the cheap stuff, and then they don’t participate and they’re not in it, and then you’re frustrated and feel like you’re doing all this work for nothing.
Let’s say you get 10 women. Like your podcast is big enough already that I think you, and you have, you know how to build these challenge groups. You can get 10 women to say yes to this with you at 500 bucks for eight weeks to find forever food freedom built on faith, built on a foundation of faith. We could even say that I like that.
And imagine that is $5,000, right? For you, which is amazing. You just got paid to build the course and then you get to decide, do I want this to be passive? Do I want to do it again? They’re going to talk about it. They’re going to tell their friends, they’re going to become, you know, your promoters for you. Then you have testimonies and you can continue that. Maybe after you are maxing out, Oh my gosh, I’ve got 30 people or I’ve got 40 people. And that was too many.
Well, then you raise your price so that you can get back down to your sweet spot that you enjoyed. Okay. I feel really good about that. Love it. You’re all set. You’re equipped. Right?
I feel so good. This feels, thank you. I just, I felt like I had this thing, but you know, you second guess yourself and everything else, and then you just want to do all the things and you’ve just really helped put it all into clear vision. And I knew you would. So thank you.
Thanks for hanging out with me, sisters. If you’re not part of the Facebook group, come on over. And you’ll find us, if you are not part of my email list, you can head to Stefaniegass.com. Get on the list. I would love to get to know you more to connect with you. By the way, if you’ve never shared an episode and you’ve been hanging out with me for more than three, you’re a Lola, okay. You’re one of my ideal humans.
You’re my sister friend. You are part of the community. What you can do to say thank you for this podcast. And just to let me know that it’s helping you, it’s connecting with you. It’s encouraging you in some way. You can share the show over on the gram. Just take a screenshot post it on Insta and tag me at Stefanie Gass.
Even better than that, if you want to do me another incredible, incredible, incredible. What is it? Thank you. Gift thing, do this for me. You can leave me a written review for the show on Apple podcasts. Those would be the very best ways to thank me. So I’m grateful for you. Thanks for being part of this sisterhood. And I’ll see you guys back here next week. God bless love and God’s light, Stef.
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