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In this Clarity Coaching session with Elizabeth Amado, we dig DEEP into getting to the core common denominator of your brand. How to structure a podcast around a micro-niche!
We go over why we need to have a niche strategy and why talking to one person actually grows your brand faster than talking to everyone.
I pray this blesses you!
Hey, Lola. Happy Monday. That is right. I am actually recording this intro for you on Monday. It’s 8:30 AM. I literally forgot. We have an episode today. My VA emailed me. She’s like, Stef, are you okay? There’s no episode. I’m like, hold up, wait a minute. It’s Monday.
Anyway, we were out of town and you guys, this quarantine has me just so screwed up with my schedules and my days. So anyway, apologies we are late, but sister, we are here. That’s right.
Yes, you can hear my children right here in the next room. This is episode 165, and we are going to be talking about going from a big niche and I want to talk about everything and I’m passionate about so many things.
But we got to tick down and dig down into that big niche to find the micro niche that is yours and what your one thing is so that you can finally have more clarity in your brand because clarity equals confidence. Am I right?
So in today’s clarity coaching session with Elizabeth Amado, you are going to hear exactly that. Going from a big niche to a micro niche and a complete rebrand of a podcast. We’re mapping out content. We’re mapping out strategy for her show. I know you’re going to love it.
Before we get into some clarity coaching, two things I have to share with you. Thing one is that I am making a promise to all of you. I am recommitting to showing up in a big way in our Facebook community. Okay. I have committed. You heard it here folks right now on April 20th of 2020, you heard that I am committed to showing up once a week for you in the Mompreneur Mastermind group. Okay?
Why? Because there’s almost 3,000 of you in there and I am ignoring you no more sister friends. This is going to be where I get to go deep with you. I was having the most beautiful conversation with Cathy Heller the other day. We were talking about how and where you get to go deep with your humans.
How can you connect? How can you help them to feel and be seen? While you guys feel close with me here on the show, it’s still me teaching you. It’s me talking to you. Where do you get to come talk to me? If I had the choice, honestly, between where I want that to be, I would choose my Facebook group. It’s just so intimate.
It’s all of you. It’s a place where you can ask me questions. I can speak directly to you through live video. I can answer your questions. That is what I’m choosing for the rest of 2020. So if you are not part of my Facebook group, you’re going to be missing out in a huge way.
So please pause right now, go to Facebook and type in Mompreneur Mastermind. My group will be the first one to come up. Come and request to join the group.
We add everyone within 24 hours and I’m actually going to go live for the very first time today. I’m going to take live questions from the group. So come join. Don’t miss out on free coaching every single week from me, this is going to be so fun. Okay.
Thing two. If you are sitting in a space right now, and you’re feeling confused about your business. You’re lacking clarity, direction, and are unsure of the how and you don’t know what the brand is or what your niche is or how to create the online course. You need help mapping that out.
Maybe you don’t know where you are at all, and you’re just sitting there and you feel a tug in your heart, but you don’t know what it is. You’re not sure how to take action on it. Or you have extreme clarity, but you’re not making money.
Hello? I am Stefanie and I am a coach. Okay. I have helped hundreds of women just like you get clarity, launch online courses, and successful podcasts. I can help you.
I am, I believe, extremely affordable. I actually, when I was having this conversation with Cathy told her my pricing and she died. She like fell out of her chair and was like, Stefanie Gass, no one should have access to you, period, but they should not have access to you for under $2,500 an hour.
My jaw fell to the floor, but I see her point, you know, it’s about how much you value yourself and your services. So I will let you guys know I’m going to do a big jump at the end of the year.
So if you’ve been considering coaching with me, I would highly recommend getting on my schedule for this year, sooner rather than later, because they do fill up super quickly, but it’s insanely affordable, honestly. What price would you put on clarity?
Because clarity equals confidence. Confidence equals action, action equals growth and money and projection and exponential growth. That is what you all want. You all think you want money, but you want growth.
You want to scale and to be seen and to be heard and to be felt and to reach people and to inspire and transform and teach, right? Isn’t that what you ultimately want is to be recognized for your gifts?
Let’s do that together. If you are ready to actually do the work, I am ready to give you the clarity. Raise your hand. Let’s go, girl. I am here for it. I am here for you and ready for you. Now’s the time.
There is no better time than right now to do the work so you can take action. Please email us at info@stefaniegass.com. We will talk about pricing and packages and figure out what might be right for you.
Let’s dig into today’s episode with Elizabeth. What do you want to accomplish in this session today? What’s the number one thing?
I guess figure out my Lola situation. The homework will kind of guide me there. It would probably be, I know I’m going to tell you later about this, but I don’t have a website up. So that will probably be a huge part of it. Yeah, just focusing on how to really pinpoint who my target market is.
It’s like, I know I want to talk to women. Originally when I launched my podcast, I was like, my podcast is geared to women, but I guess I could talk to men too. Why not? My cousin was like, what do you mean? What do you mean why not? You need to think more thoroughly about this.
Then as the months kept going, I’m going on almost eight months since I launched.
I started to feel like when cousins or family or friends that are males are like who are you going to bring you on the show? I’m like, I don’t feel like that goes with my brand or that goes with my audience. I feel like that you can have male guests on there, but it needs to be like premeditated. My podcast is about like lifestyle and wellness.
So I try to think things that like are girlfriend chat topics or, you know, feel-good topics. Topics that are going to make you glow up. So my name Stop Drop and Glow is a play on words. So like, everyone is always like, the glow up is real.
So how she like combined her passion for food and for cultures. Now she’s like really big in the Boston scene. Going to do wine tastings and photo shoots with all these fancy restaurants and stuff like that. So kind of how she had her own glow up in her field.
I’ve talked to a lot of girls who have done all this natural weight loss and how they found their calling and following and their tribe online and stuff like that. So, yeah.
You’re okay. That’s good. It’s I wrote down some key things that you said. So what do you do outside of podcasting? Do you have a full time job?
Yeah, so I work in higher ed right now. I work in graduate admissions and I hate it. Yeah. I’m a pretty young mom. I had my son at 22, so yeah. My dream always was to move to the city, work in radio, and media. I like blogging, social media, and cutesy fun creative projects.
So obviously I couldn’t have moved to the city because I mean, Boston is a city, but I have my son now. So now I feel like I’m a little more family oriented, but I don’t want my podcast or my brand to be like this whole mommy and me thing. I still want it to focus on like being a woman being, you know, going through the different motions.
I’ve had a couple of moms on my show and we do touch upon like mom things. I had a friend who she’s a personal trainer, so she’s like I went through a lot of like body changes.
She was a really young mom, 17 yearsr old, and talks about like how she fell in love with fitness and how it helped her like break through depression and mental health and stuff like that. So kind of like we touch upon mom things, but I don’t want that to be the sole purpose of my brand.
Yeah. Okay. I like that too. I think it’s good to not be everything. I’m hearing a lot of everything in what your brand is today, which is obviously what you’re saying is I need help to niche down. I love the name of the show. Stop Drop and Glow.
So let’s talk about for a second what have you done that someone else is looking at you and they’re two steps behind you? When we’re thinking in terms of glow up your life. Okay. Glow up. What does that mean to you and what are the steps you’ve taken to do that in your own life? Talk to me about that.
That’s actually a really hard question because my friend was telling me when I was first launching, really think about what is your glow up? My personal goal has been just not trying to let being a mom kind of box me in.
So trying to not let like the mom guilt. This is definitely something I’m working on because I still have like mom guilt. I feel like I have to put everyone before me, but I would say my main goal has been I’m a mom, but I can still do my podcast.
Some people come in to do interviews. I’m like how do you do this? You work full time to meet with me and promo. I don’t know if I answered your question. It’s really, it’s hard for me.
That’s okay. You know what the good thing is sometimes there’s not an answer to everything. I think that’s important is to say, doing this, self-discovery work of saying, what have I done and really digging into that? Are you married?
I’m not married, but I have a partner. Okay. The reason I ask that is because maybe your glow up in this season is navigating this passion, fueled life with the baby, a full time job, a partner, and all the things on your plate. I think you can really focus on glow up as a term doesn’t mean that you’ve reached an end destination for sure.
I always say that in my show.
Good. Yeah. Can mean you’re finding your glow up within each transition or within each piece. I think that’s a beautiful concept. So, okay. So let’s talk about this brand. What do you think?
You’re in an Enneagram seven, which means you’re vibrant, adventurous, open, love new things, and love to stay excited. Right. Which is great for a podcaster. Now it’s also hard as a seven though, to stay focused because you guys get more.
So let’s try to focus in on a common denominator of this brand. Okay. Now, when I hear Stop Drop and Glow, I’m thinking about how to uncover the potential in your own life. Maybe that’s the phrase like how to let go of all of the busy and say, how do I elevate? How do I elevate in this season? I guess that would be the one sentence for me that phrase would mean.
So let’s dig into that a little bit more. Do you have any visions for this brand? Because right now it’s just a podcast, right? There’s no website, there’s no products. None of that.
Are you monetizing at all?
Okay. So then the beauty of that is we can make it anything we want it. So let’s talk about what’s our common denominator of this brand. Okay. What is the promise that we’re making to these women listening? What’s the promise? What can we offer her? What solution will she find by listening to this show? That’s our big question.
Yeah. So, I mean, I would say you’re going come in and listen and hopefully find words of hope uplifting. I always say like, I want people to tune in and feel like they’re talking to their friends or they’re sitting in and listening with their friends.
Because I feel that when you feel really connected and close and relatable to the host or the content that makes you obviously want to come back for more, but also put into practice whatever you heard.
So whether it be maybe I should give group fitness a chance so I can like try to rid my anxiety of working out. Maybe this next chapter of my life, I can start working out three days a week or whatever, if that episode is about fitness or something.
So uplifting friendship. What area of her life are we helping her glow up in? Because we can say every area. We’ve got to get like specific. Is it business, health, fitness, or mindset? Are there a couple of things we can become experts in?
In your life? Where do you excel? Where do you feel the most lit up? What are you natural at?
I would say probably mindset. I feel like I find myself a lot, always telling my friends you love florals. You should go to a floral school or like open a flower business or like start that YouTube channel. I’m always encouraging people. They don’t always listened to me.
My friend was like, you just start a podcast. I’m like, what the heck would I talk about? In which that’s probably why I went into like the 16 avenues of love and life. I jumped right into it. I read a couple of articles and did a little YouTube search. Then I was like, okay, I’m just going to go for this. I started honing in and what am I going to call it? Stuff like that.
So I would say like, I do like mindset a lot because there are levels to mindset. It can be kind of like a baby step situation. Even though I’ve talked to a lot of health and fitness people on my podcast. Whether it’s their natural glow up by naturally losing weight and going to run a marathon.
I feel like always about their end result and then how their end result can motivate someone else. Not necessarily that I go and work out everyday because I don’t. It’s a personal struggle I have. So I wouldn’t feel comfortable saying come listen to stop, drop, and glow about your health and fitness glow up because I’m not it.
Right. No, no. I think you’re really onto something there because if you think about one area. Let’s say, for example, your expertise was mindset/taking action. Okay. Think how little that is. Okay. It’s the mindset of taking action? Because I think that 90% of people have an idea, they have a goal, but they’re frozen and paralyzed in fear because they don’t have the how. Okay.
But that’s exactly where you excel naturally is you are not afraid to take action. Right? You figured it out. You launched a show, you navigate life with a small child with a passion project with a full time job. So I think if we look at what glow up means to you right now, it’s how to take action, no matter what your thing is, right?
That is a niche right there. So when I think about the promise that we can offer her by being a part of this brand with you, it’s that you are going to teach, inspire, and motivate that woman to get control of her mindset and take the glow up. Claim your glow up. I think a beautiful thing would be like this common theme through your show of every time you have a guest, it’s not about what she does.
Talk to us about fitness, weight loss, makeup, and coaching because that’s too whatever. Nobody’s going to stay with you.
Yeah. My shows are like an hour.
Cut that down to 30 minutes. I think the theme would be what was your life before the glow up? The gritty story. Okay. What happened to your mindset and what was the mindset shift? What actions did you take to get to the glow up and whatever that glow up is, and then talk to me about now how your life is different.
That same series of questions for your guests every time. Right? It’s bringing it back to the mindset shift. It’s bringing it back to the tangible actions that they took. How does that feel?
That sounds really amazing because it’s narrow. It’s straight to the point. I do a lot of research on my guests, obviously. I Instagram stock them till the end of the day. Then I ask a lot of questions. Tell me about how did you decide you were ready to do a brand? How did you decide you were ready to quit your job? How do you decide where to travel to? I do a lot of background on their person because I want the guest to feel like they’re learning about them.
But I like that it’s kind of narrow and straight to the point because when you are reflecting on what was your life before that’s already all of those questions. I hated my job and I decided to quit. I ended up in Spain.
I think the gritty story draws people in when the common denominator is, what was the mindset shifts? What did you do? What were the actions you took to glow up?
Whether it’s glow up in your business, in your health. It’s getting people to get off the couch to actually lose the weight. It’s getting the answers of how did you actually launch the podcast when you were terrified?
It’s the answers of what steps did you take to become a six figure earner? You can pick whatever that glow up is that you want them to talk about, but you’re bringing it back to the action steps. I think everyone’s answer will be different, which is so beautiful. But it’s all one theme. Do you see that? One theme.
I really like that.
So me too. I love that. I would bring it down to 30 minutes because we know like for the woman and the mom listening, she’s not going to listen past that. Okay. So let’s, now that we have a theme, let’s do the Lola so that we have all of her pain points, all of this stuff mapped out.
Then the second piece is I want to get a new tagline and a new description for the podcast mapped out so that the SEO will work for you.
Okay. So let’s do that. Let’s talk about your avatar. What is her name?
What am I going to name her?
Is it a her? You did say you had some male listeners. It’s okay to polarize. It’s okay to pivot.
Yeah. I mean, I think I’m going to keep it at her. Sometimes men will want to tune into a YouTube channel about makeup, like cool. But that’s not who the person is targeting. So I think I’m fine for now. If I ever feel like a huge calling to pivot, I will. What do I want to name my avatar? Let’s name her Rachel.
Tell me about Rachel. Let’s get into her brain. Remember, this is hard for us because we are not struggling with mindset. So let’s go backwards to when you and I both sat in a space of confusion, overwhelm, fear, frustration. When we sat there, what was our mindset? What was keeping us there? Let’s talk. Let’s just spit words out. Phrases, feelings.
Fear of rejection. Self-conscious feeling like lacking direction. Maybe feeling alone. Your friend circle feels stagnate or distant. Lacking fruitful friendships.
Maybe, they’re suffering from some sort of mental health or financial problems that are draining them. Stuck at a job that they hate. Some people have a lot of dreams, but don’t know how to execute. Sometimes people have a dream. They want to go to Paris or they want to go rock climbing. They’re just like too scared to just sign up.
That brings me to analysis paralysis because they’re overthinking it. Everything. The how, the fear, the no one will like it, and no one will listen. I’m not good enough. Who am I? Yeah, imposter because they haven’t started yet.
I have a lot of imposter syndrome myself.
Everybody does no matter how great you do. There’s someone bigger than you doing better than you making a bigger impact than you. It never stops. So that’s why we have to find joy in our own journey, which is something important that your show will teach her.
What else about Rachel? Do you care if she’s a mom, do you care if she has a certain type of job, do you care if she’s a certain religious affiliation?
I don’t really care about. Obviously like if she’s a mom, she’ll be able to relate to me if I talk about anything, you know, mom related, because I am a mom. She’s like a younger mom. Sometimes it’s like, what is a young mom? What does it matter?
But I do think that having an age range of like 15 years is important because you know, when I pumped rap music into my podcast, like I’m not relating to someone who’s 45 or 50 years old. Maybe a couple of them, but generationally, we do want to speak to somebody that we want to speak their language.
I think it’s okay for you to say a younger mom and potentially you’re talking to women who are 22 to 35 years old or 22 to 30.
Yeah. I mean, maybe she works, a get busy job. Office jobs, retail job.
Time for money.
Yeah. Bartender.
So that also brings me to another pain point for her, which is time. Limited time overworked. I heard feeling lacking as a mother. All of those things are more pain points for that woman. What about religion? Is that a thing for you or?
Not really. I mean, I identify as Christian, but I’ve never really thus far like emerged into anything.
What about, do you care if she’s single or married?
I don’t, but I feel like maybe the content would gear towards single. I’m like in between both.
Right. We can leave that out and then as you grow, it gets more and more defined. You get to know her better. Right. Okay. So, I mean, we’re pretty, we’re really into her. What about financially? Is she struggling financially? Is she more of a middle to upper class? So that we can really gear our product line.
I feel like she definitely wants to find financial freedom, not have to worry about how she’s going to pay for gas. I feel like Rachel is me sometimes. Not have to worry like I’m meeting up with, you know, my friend from college over the holidays. That means we’re going to go for drinks and there’s like $70 on the drink. Also me.
But yeah. You know, she wants to feel good about providing for herself and for her family. When kids are in the picture, it’s always the formula, the clothes.
Within six months. Issues are expensive.
So I think we’re good on Rachel. So like when we describe her just to give her a visual, Rachel is a new mom. She is struggling to make ends meet because she’s working so hard at her job at Applebee’s. She’s frustrated because Timmy is home at daycare, but she has these passions on her heart to do more with her life.
But she doesn’t know how, doesn’t have time, and doesn’t have money to figure it out. She’s totally overwhelmed with the online space, with text. She doesn’t get any of it.
So she’s just sitting in frustration taking zero action. Okay. She’s crying at night. Because she wants more for her life. She’s searching for a community of support, hating her job, and feeling like she’s wasting her life, wasting her days. She stumbles on your show. Okay. On your brain. Then we see the term, we see the name of your show, which is Stop, Drop, and Glow.
Okay. She’s thinking about Stop, Drop, and Glow. When I think about this promise that we can make her, I think that the promise is what we’re teaching her, how to thrive in your everyday. Right?
We’re not going to teach her here’s how to become a millionaire. Here’s how to change your life overnight. Here’s how to lose weight. No, all of those are end results of driving in your happy. Of figuring out the mindset of bliss of fulfillment.
Does that make sense to you? I want to make sure that messaging will make sense to her.
Fulfillment and bliss. When I think about the term glow up, because I think we need to use glow up and I know your podcast doesn’t say that, but I think that to be part of the messaging in a big way.
I think of that definition as you know how to thrive in your every day, having a mindset of bliss and fulfillment and learning the actions and psychology shifts to change your every day. Something like that. Right?
So let’s get even more specific on that piece. So we know who our Rachel is. Now we need the tagline. I kind of spit some ideas out. Let’s get it down to one six word. Okay.
Mine right now is navigating life and wellness to achieve the ultimate glow up. Okay.
So we’re going to rework that.
I still like to achieve the ultimate glow up.
The ultimate glow up is good, but it doesn’t answer the question of what does that mean? Right. Glow up could be anything. It could be makeup. We don’t know. Right. So like, let’s get so, and I know we want like fancy terminology, but we really want to deliver a promise in one sentence to her. Okay.
Remembering your whole core focus, I guess, or your whole core brand is centered around mindset. Shifting her to take the glow up. Right. So the title is already Stop, Drop, and Glow.
Actually have it here. Should I change the name? Would it mess up everything that I’ve already branded in terms of like my Instagram page? That’s really all I have right now. But my domain is bought at that. I haven’t domain. I just don’t use it.
That’s okay. You could, if we were to change the name, I want something in there. Whether this is the tagline or the title we want glow up. I love that idea. I love it. But I want something more clear here in the one sentence tagline. I want to be careful here that it doesn’t make me think of makeup. There’s a piece of that.
I was thinking like grow through your glow up. But then I think about makeup. So I feel like maybe something like change your mindset thrive in life, right? Where it’s so clear, like what’s the promise. I’m going to teach you how to change the mindset and thrive in your everyday. It’s got to be so clear like that.
You had said something like claim your glow up and how to thrive in your every day. I like thriving or thrive. Yeah. Would the glow up effect be weird?
I kind of liked that because you’re teaching them a whole entire system. I really liked that. The glow up effect.
Seems to be taken. I think we’re onto something here. It’s not taken. Oh my gosh. On the iTunes store, glowing up is in the glow up. The glow up podcast exists already.
The glow up effect is so cool because it makes me think of a system and it doesn’t make me think of makeup at all because we’re not saying just glow. Because people are like, what does that mean? That could be makeup. It could be meditation. It could be anything. Okay.
So let’s roll with the glow up effect for a second. Okay. It’s more clear to me too that it’s tied to mindset.
Okay. So let’s pretend that we rebrand. The glow up effect. Okay. It’s not a big deal because all you’re going to do is just change the name. Let people know in the show, hey guys, it’s got a new name. Boom. You’re not at millions of downloads where life is a big catastrophe when you rebrand. Right. This is right.
So if we went with the glow up effect and I just thought of a tagline that I think feels really good to me, let me know what you think. Okay. The glow up effect, mindset, shifts, inspiration, and actions to thrive in your every day. Claim your glow up girl.
I like that. Wow. That was a really intense five minutes.
Right? I knew it. I knew we’d get there. It just takes like that brainstorming.
Okay. So now I’m going to say this and you’ll have to relisten and write it down because I won’t repeat myself. Okay. So if I was to create the description of your podcast, like the whole paragraph.
I can write this down in retrospect, right?
I would relisten and pause it because you’re going to be like, what did you say? I would say something. So we got the title of the brand, the glow up effect. We have the tagline. Mindset, shifts, inspiration and actions to thrive in your every day. Claim your glow up girl. Then the paragraph with all the SEO is something like, okay, let’s see.
Do you feel stuck, super frustrated with where you sit today, have goals and dreams that you wish you could take the leap on, but you just don’t know how? You’re frustrated, overwhelmed, overworked, and tired. Girl, I feel you. Meet the glow up effect. This simple movement is here to teach and inspire you to transform your life.
Meet the glow up effect. Mindset, shifts, inspiration, and actions. So you can thrive in your everyday. You can transform your life little by little decision by decision and take those simple actions to transform. You ready to claim your glow up, girl? Let’s do this.
I like that. It feels like you’re just talking to someone over coffee.
Yeah. So that’s like the description that you put that could also could also be your intro. Right? Now let’s talk about content and I want you to do your first homework. Well, you have a lot of homework already because you have to rebrand. You have to.
This right now, I’m just talking about your podcast rebrand and probably Instagram and Facebook. I really love your channel art already. It’s very catchy. It’s clean. I think you could still roll with that and just change the title. I was wondering if I should put my face on it.
You have branding photos done?
I have a couple. I don’t love them.
Okay. I really do like your art. I like the 3D foil. The colors work really well. I would make the title even bigger. Then I would do so here’s your second homework along with all the rebranding work is you need to do an episode about the rebrand, right? We don’t want to slap the listener and she’s like what are you doing? We’re not doing a huge transition.
But I think what you do want to say to her is like, we are going to niche it. I have found the common denominator. I understand the problem that we all are facing. It’s that we’re kind of stuck in this I wish mentality. I have an answer for you. Okay. It’s called the glow up effect and I’m so inspired to transition your mindset. I’m transitioning this brand.
If I can teach you anything, it’s how to change your life by starting with mindset. We’re going to have guests on that are going to take you through their journey, teach you the hows, the tactical things they did to change their life from I wish to I have. To break through the limiting beliefs in their own heart and lives in the system that you’re going to see all of these people have taken.
You’ll find these common denominators that you can implement in your own life. Make it about her. Tell them the next episode, we’re going to start digging into the glow up effect. That way they’re not, you know, caught off guard.
Yeah. That’s perfect. I just wrapped up my first season.
Oh good.
I think I can almost like pitch it as like this huge new reveal. Yeah.
Like relaunch.
Yeah like a relaunch basically. Yeah.
You know, when you think about, what is your structure right now? Do you have solo shows? Do you have all interviews?
I’ve never done a solo show and it’s been on my to do list because people are like I love your show. But I feel I don’t know you because we’re always talking about the other person.
So this would be a good opportunity to kind of do a hey, it’s me. Then about the rebrand and like what brought me there. So I’m actually really excited about that.
Good. So yeah. That’ll have to be solo and then going forward, like I think when you bring on a guest, it doesn’t matter what they do. Right.
I don’t care if they want to talk about a weight loss glow up, a relationship glow up, a business glow up, a mindset. I don’t care what they want to talk about. But I think what you’re looking for is like a juicy story of transition. That’s what you want them to say and make sure she was Rachel. Now she’s grown through that.
Take me through your glove effect. What did you do? It’s the same probably five to seven questions you’ll ask every guest.
So who were you before your glow up effect? What was the dark moment that changed everything for you or the aha moment? How did you take action to face the hard stuff? What are the tangible things you would tell someone else that’s facing these same issues? Take us through the journey.
Then finally what’s different today, right? From where you sat. Tell everyone where they can find you and let every guest know before you ever get on with them.
This is a 30 minute jam and we’re straight to the point. You have five minutes to share your story and then we’re going to answer questions. I think it’s just communicating ahead of time, what you expect, and giving them an outline.
That’ll keep them on par because anything over 45 minutes, that woman isn’t listening anymore. Rachel has 30 minutes on her way to work, right?
Yeah. That’s been a big thing for me. I can’t shrink it and then I like become so in love with all my content, like I don’t want to cut that part out.
I know right?
It’s always more work to cut it out. So I’m like leave it there.
Yes I’m with you. So you have to filter yourself, don’t allow yourself to ask too many follow-up questions. I know it’s interesting. We want to solve Rachel’s problem right now.
So we can’t care too much about Mary Jones’s wellness journey. Because Rachel needs results. So we really want to hear, the biggest piece of the interview should be the how. How did Mary get through that hard thing and take the glow up effect? Do you do once a week?
I tried to do two times per month. That’s something I need to work on is consistency.
Can you commit to me when you launch the second season, which I would launch January 1st of course, for new year. Can you commit to once a week for six months?
It’s okay because I know guest shows are a total pain in the butt. There are a lot of work, maybe every other. So you have a guest and then you have a glow up recap and it’s just you. Because the solo shows are much quicker to be out.
You’re just putting them out yourself.
So maybe if you do every other that would lessen your load. I like the glow up effect recap. You could talk about, you have the content with a guest and then the next week you dissect it. Why did that work for her? How can someone else apply those principles? Maybe it’s a 10 minute recap.
Yeah, I like that.
Okay. So let’s take the last couple of minutes and quickly go back through. So cool. We’re rebranding. The glow up effect is so happening. Okay. We’ve got our new tagline. I’ll send it to you. It’s also in the recording. You have your new SEO, your new description for your show, which you’ll have to rewind and copy. Okay.
So that’s first and then your next homework assignment is to work on launching for January 1st. So start now promote like crazy on Instagram, on social media. Talk about this.
Why you’re doing this, ask your community what they’re struggling with mindset, right? Get them involved in the process. You could even let them pick channel art. People love to be involved. Okay. Then record your solo episode about what’s coming and you can even leak it early.
Right? Then I want you to come up with content for like the first eight episodes. What guests do you want? Get them booked to get them scheduled this month so that you can get ahead and really digging into what is their glow up effect story. Make sure they were Rachel first. Okay.
So that’s going to be your homework for now. Then when we meet again, we’ll be meeting right at the beginning of January. That first week of January, I want to meet because then we’re going to launch this thing so we can talk about launch strategy next time. Our plan for potentially monetizing with something from day one. Or from the first couple of months.
So I think our January slot is the ninth. So should I launch the week before that?
I’m weird with numbers and days. Hold on. It’s important that we have our schedule. We’re meeting on the ninth and that’s 2020 let’s launch January 20th of 2020. Mondays are always good too.
Yay. I want you to leak your first episode though. Get the rebrand done now. Don’t wait to like put the new channel art, change the names, get the domain. We don’t have to build a website today, but get the domain, change the name, put up the solo. You could even prerecord a new intro for the show, like get prepared, right?
That’s perfect because my domain renewal is coming up.
So all of these things literally aligned for this to happen. You realize that?
I really did.
Your season was over, your domain was expiring. Oh my gosh, I’m obsessed.
How good does it feel to have clarity? I have just taken Elizabeth through her big, huge niche and her dream really. She was in semi alignment, but she wasn’t fine-tuned.
We just had to tweak a few things to take the glow up effect to its full potential. Please, if you guys have not yet go check out her show, the Glow Up Effect anywhere you listen to podcasts by Elizabeth Amado. She’s awesome. So proud of her.
But I really want you all to think about this question. What do you do and how do you do it? What’s your promise? If you were to answer me this one question, could you do it? What’s the ultimate goal and the destination of your brand?
I think 90% of women are sitting in that space of, I just don’t know Stef. I know the area and passion, but it’s not fine tuned. It’s not streamlined. I can’t give you a one sentence answer. If you can’t give me that your audience doesn’t know either.
They don’t know what you have to offer. They will not spend money with you until they absolutely have clarity that you are the right human for them.
So do that work, journal it out, girlfriend. Pray over it. Think on it, read a couple books, whatever you need to do. Okay to get clear. If not, again, I’m here for you. Please get on my schedule, send me a voice DM on Instagram. Let’s have a conversation. I answer every single person that sends me a voice DM. Okay?
I want you to have success. I want you to know that this is your year.
Leaving you with a prayer right now of abundance over your life. I want to send you off with so much belief in your heart that you can have the type of life and provision and favor that you desperately want and need.
Everything you have in your heart is there on purpose and that your best life is sitting there on the other side of you just taking massive action and stumbling through when it doesn’t feel clear.
I want you to know that clarity comes through action and that God has been calling you to move. He is asking you to trust him that he will make good on his promises over your life. That tug in your heart. That moment where you say, could I? Yes.
He wants you to know that you can because he believes in all of us. He has called every single one of us, I want you to know you have the opportunity to be chosen, but it starts with you raising your hand and it starts with you getting in line with what God wants for you. Not overthinking the hows and whats and ifs. But leaping.
I pray over you that you have the courage to do that, that you have the belief in yourself. You know God is holding your hand, walking with you, preparing every human that you need.
Every customer, client, venue, every single thing will be taken care of when you trust in his timing and not yours. Love you, sis. I’ll see you soon. As always, love and light, Stef.
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