defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey sister!
In today’s episode I am sharing with you Daily Intentions for Moms Raising Kingdom Kids! These daily intentions are some that I personally STRIVE towards every day when it comes to connecting with and cultivating God-led kiddos.
These are easy intentions that you can fit into the mom-cracks of the day or while you’re in the car at drop-off.
I have seen a big shift in their behavior and my heart after I started purposefully pouring into them in these fun, unique ways. These Daily Intentions for Moms Raising Kingdom Kids is going to help you create a shift in the hearts of your littles and in yours.
I hope these not only bless you, but bless your littles too.
Hey friends, happy Monday. I hope you’re having a great start to your day. I am super excited to talk to you a little bit more about Daily Intentions for Moms Raising Kingdom Kids. You’re thinking to yourself what the heck is a mama intention? Well, for me, these are simple practices that I am focused on every day with my littles. It’s not perfect.
They are just intentions that I strive towards just to help these little guys feel seen, heard, appreciated cherished, and they also fit in the mom cracks of my super busy day because you know, I do all of the things, the podcast workout a morning routine time, keep the house together, all the things. And so if you can squeeze in these awesome mama intentions, um, they allow you to fulfill that mama longing in your heart to be super intentional
With your kids and present, but also in a way that’s actually practical and realistic for those of you who are busy working models. So I think you’re going to love this. Before we get into the show, I wanted to let you know, my brand new website is public. Head over there and poke around
There’s some free gifts for you. I have four steps to clarify your calling workshop. Um, I, you can grab, access to the insider list over there. You can check out all the different courses and coaching options. All of that is published for you on the site.
I would also love to hear your feedback, just DM me on Instagram and let me know what you think of the new site. I’m super excited. All the credit to Ale Merino ( If you guys need an amazing brand, an amazing website, awesome logos, new podcast, art, please hit up Ale.
So let’s talk about these mama intentions. I’ve got five of them for you today that I’m going to go through with you. And I just am sharing with you. The ones that work for me, I highly recommend that you come up with mama intentions that work the best for you in your life. Also, obviously this is going to be different based on different ages of your children. So my boys are four and a half and seven and a half.
And so this really works for me. You’re going to have to tweak these efforts so slightly. If your kiddos are, are older elementary or middle school, or if they’re, if they’re younger, you also may have some different intentions.
I think that this will give you a good, just to getting started on those and figuring out what these could be for you, how you could fit them into a super busy schedule and how you can make things work for you in the stuff you’re already doing on a day-to-day basis, without it becoming just another thing on the to-do list.
All right. So number one is that I put my phone down when my boys speak to me now, like I said, you guys, this is an evolution. These are intentions that I strive towards. This does not happen. 100% of the time, grace, we are not perfect.
And I get it. I get that the social media addiction is real, but we also have the power to take our lives back to be intentional. And in my opinion, you know, when my boys speak to me, the least I can do is give them the respect and attention and focus that they deserve to know that they are heard, that they’re appreciated. And that they mean more to me than this little piece of electronic junk in my hand.
And so when they come in and they speak to me, I am working super diligently on setting, whatever it is down that I’m doing, giving them full attention, answering their question, not just to get rid of them, but like really hearing them and replying back with a question. That’s my goal. That way they know, I really care. They know I really am hearing them. And so what I’ve also noticed about this mama’s is that when I do this, they’re super satisfied.
They don’t come back two minutes later and ask another question. They don’t go mama, mama, mama, or start acting out or start acting up. It’s great. She heard me, she sees me, she’s validating me right now by actually looking at my eyes and hearing me speak to her.
And then she really did care what I said, because she reciprocated with a question or some type of comment back that validated that she heard me, right? Like our kids when they act out or when they stop listening or when they keep coming in over and over again, they are all cries for attention. And in this massively distracted society, I think we’re all screaming for attention and worthiness and enoughness.
And I want going to be the first one to raise my hand and say that I am choosing to break that cycle with my boys. And so this is the number one thing I am diligently, diligently focused on and working on every single day, every single hour.
And I would encourage you, no matter how old your kids are to pop this one into your mama intention. Number two, we are learning and talking about a new verse each day, Monday through Friday. Okay. It just happens on the weekends. Sometimes it doesn’t happen every day. It’s a goal, right? So what do we do? Um, I actually have a few different scripture cards. Um, one, my awesome client.
Katie Hendricks sent me one. I got on Amazon and then one Chelsi Jo got me as a gift. You guys can just head to Amazon and type in scripture, memory cards, okay. Buy a bundle. Um, they have some for kids that you can color the back of the scripture cards you can put in kids, scripture, memory verses or kids, scripture cards.
Okay. Lots of options here. You could make your own. You could grab up a Google, Google, uh, or go duck, duck, go search results by typing an easy scriptures to memorize starting there.
And it’s not about the memorization of a scripture. It’s about the prompting of the conversation for me behind the scripture. So for example, if we’re choosing, let’s say Joshua one nine, be strong and courageous, probably I’m with you, right? That might be a verse that, that my son Miles will read to me and Landon out loud as I’m driving them to school. This is one of my favorite Daily Intentions for Moms Raising Kingdom Kids…
So we’re going to multitask here. This is the one situation where I’m like, yes, to multitasking, I’m driving. I don’t want to be looking at my phone. I want to use that time to their benefit and to our connection benefit. So this is the time where I have a bunch of scripture cars in their cup holders and in the backseat of the car, they grab one miles, reads it out loud. Awesome. Tells us the verse, tells us the scripture. And then we repeat it a few times and I just ask them questions.
What do you think this means? Can you give me an example of that please? Would this be a situation where this would be the answer? This verse could be an answer to that situation or, or would this be an example of that verse? And so we’re just talking about it for about 10 straight minutes, and then we finish up that conversation by repeating it again. And, um, it’s not for me. Like, do you remember the verse?
Because if they remember a verse, but they don’t understand the meaning behind it, guys that is worthless. It’s not really resonating. It’s not connecting with their heart strings. Not implanting it inside the way that it does when we really go through specifically what it means. And also what it means from little eyes. Okay. Let’s move on. Number three, no tech or phones at meals or on the table.
So this started because, well, not because my children were the problem because we were the problem, Brad and I would have her phone and we would check and you know, it vibrates or dings.
And then before, you know, it, you get lost in a text thread and it’s stealing from that one time of day where everybody’s sitting together, we have a kitchen island and that’s where we serve dinner and we laugh and we ask each other what our highs and lows of the day are.
And it’s just such a special time to connect and reminisce on the day. So we made a rule. I made a role that at first didn’t go over too. Well, no tech or phones at the table, but what happened was I started putting my phone in a little basket in, uh, the living room. And then I would tell the boys, oh, no tech at the table. Well, pretty soon they would grab daddy’s phone and say no tech at the table.
So it actually worked to my benefit
Because they ended up being the bad guy. So it’s perfect. Now, we don’t bring our phones to the table anymore. And it’s amazing. My favorite thing ever is that I often forget about my phone till well after dinner. Sometimes I go to bed, I’m like, oops, my phone is still in the basket.
It’s so miraculous to me to be able to detach, we should be able to detach it. Shouldn’t be miraculous that we, that we can detach from a electronic device to spend time with our loved ones over dinner, over a meal, and just really soak each other in. So that’s number three, my number four mama intention is I strive now again, guys, not about perfection, not about making sure that this is perfect every single day, but my goal is to spend 15 to 30 minutes of one-on-one time per day with my boys.
And I, I like doing things that they want to do if possible. Now it’s not always possible. So today Landon helped me make breakfast. Something I was already doing that I know he enjoys and I had him come join me. He helped me mix and break the eggs and we just talked and I turned off. I was listening to the Bible and I turned it off. So I could truly just focus on him. I knew that he’d be there for 15 minutes. It would be super, great connection time. It was an opportunity to connect.
I took that opportunity. And then with my older one today, we played a game called topple. We’ve got to wait, is it topple? Something like that anyway, super fun. And yeah, that was a great time. So what can you do for 15 minutes mommas with each of your kiddos that is something they like to do or that they want to do and make it a true opportunity for connection.
All right. The last one, number five, one of my favorite mama intentions that I’ve been focused on and I’ve been doing this for a long time, but just really pouring fuel on the fire. If you will, is praying out loud with my boys multiple times a day. So when we’re done learning our scripture card in the morning, we’ll just say a prayer. And we’ll say a prayer over Miles day, and I’ll say, son, will you pray with me? You know,
God, we, we pray over Miles day today that he would be protected by the blood of Jesus, that his eye gates and ear gates would be protected that your best warring angels would walk beside him today that he would be the opportunity or have the opportunity to be the light for someone else to bless someone else, to be a great friend to someone new and that you would give us the, to show who you are.
As we walk out today, please keep my son son safe. Please allow him to, uh, just have a special, incredible, beautiful day full of miracles that his teachers and his school be, um, protected and make godly mentors find him in Jesus name. Amen. That might be like a sample of prayer that I would say with him and similar similarly to Landon, when I was dropping him off at preschool.
When Landon and I are driving home from dropping miles off, we would pray over landon today. So that’s a great example, obviously at night, if you have an opportunity where something comes up in your life or for a family member that you just stopped right there in that moment, instead of saying, I’ll pray for you and then forgetting about it, that you actually stop in that moment and pray out loud and allow your kids to hear you so that you can start implanting in their mind.
What it really means to say, I’m going to pray for you. You actually do it. And then they get examples of what prayer might sound like. Because I think one of the weirdest things for people is like, oh, well, I don’t know how to pray. So if you can be that example and there is no right way.
Imperfectly showing up and giving them permission to pray what a beautiful thing. So those are my five mama intentions that I am committed to and focused on doing as often as possible. I strive to do them every day. And I encourage you to sit down with a notebook and pen, feel free to adopt any of my mama intentions and come share them with me on Instagram, if you do or create your own.
You know, I think a great thing to do is start by talking to your kids and say, Hey, what do you love or like to do that you want mama to do with you?
Or is there anything that you wish your mama was doing with you more often? Like, do you, do you want to read with me every day or whatever? And then those other ones that you know, are super important to you, like maybe learning that scripture verse or talking about that thing, or opening up for some harder topics, whatever that stuff might be. What could you do to fit that in?
And then again, um, what’s happening at the dinner table. That’s such a magical time mama’s to connect, to reminisce, to really spur that conversation and get to know your kiddos. And so the bonus one that I kind of mentioned was asking your kids and your hubby and yourself, what were your highs and lows of the day?
This is my husband’s dad’s family tradition, which is to sit around the table and go around. And we say, what’s your high, what’s your low. Daily Intentions for Moms Raising Kingdom Kids starts HERE.
And it’s such a great way to hear from everyone. What, what their day was like, what their favorite part was, if anything weird happened, you know, what opens up that conversation? So it’s something we love to do. And the kids actually asked the second, we sit down to start with highs and lows.
So there’s a bonus idea for you guys. And I’d love to hear from you. If you have any super cool mama intention that’s been working well in your family and your life or that you want to share with me, come on over, shoot me an Instagram DM. I love to hear from you.
And then finally, if you haven’t gone to check out the website, go do it, girl. I’d love to hear your thoughts. Stephan, grab your freebies. Come join us in the Facebook community. That is a totally free place to hang out, to connect with other amazing God led entrepreneurs.
Just like you. We do fun stuff over there. Mompreneur of the month where you can win free swag coaching sessions, scholarships into the courses. We do super fun stuff over there. Plus, special guests. So don’t miss out on the community, totally free. That’s at , Or it’s called the female, Christian entrepreneur community on Facebook.
So can’t wait to meet you over there. I love you guys. I pray that God would just open your hearts to something new and exciting, in a new and exciting way to connect with your family and your kids and give you that burst of inspiration over what some new mama intentions might be for you in your life.
And that he would allow you to just have a streamlined way of implementation something super easy and seamless that doesn’t bring stress. Everybody’s excited about it, and that it opens connection, deeper connection, a deeper revelation into who you are and to who they are. And ultimately just allows you to experience the beautiful favor that he has in store for your
family who love you Lord in Jesus name. Amen. I’ll see you guys back here real soon. Daily Intentions for Moms Raising Kingdom Kids.
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