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Today’s show is going to blow yo’ mind. My client Emily Nichols is training us up on Habit Stacking & Habit Hacking! Plus how to create healthy habits that stick!
We do a deep dive on what habits are, which ones we MUST have, how to create new habits, how to stack habits (wait for it…), and finally how to shift habits into an actual routine. Habit Stacking & Habit Hacking is way more fun than I expected.
I am a habit and routine junkie, so this episode had me all kids of pumped up. You are going to love how simple, strategic, and easy Emily makes habit creation. And more than that, you’re going to love having habits in your everyday that totally transform your energy, productivity, and mood! Let’s grow girl.
Check out Emily on the Self Transformed Podcast.
Well, I have a treat for you today, sister, I am jamming with one of my clients, Emily Nichols, who runs self transformed the podcast. She really focuses on redefining self care with simple fitness, nutrition, and mindset habits for busy working moms. But she acts like when I look at her, I see one incredible specialty that I felt compelled to bring her on the show to share, which is habits. She is a habit gangster.
She is going to teach us today all about creating habits. That stick, how to know which habits to start with, how to implement habit stacking and habit hacking so that you can really create new routines in your life where you’re not even thinking about it. And she totally simplifies this process for us. So y’all are going to love this. You’re going to need a notebook and pen. We go through lots of tactical things.
I took a page of notes over here on my end. So you’re totally going to love this episode. I know it’s going to help you create a habit plan and implement new sticky habits that you can not even think twice about that that are easy to implement, easy to stay with, and they are going to absolutely transform the inside the outside, the productivity, how you feel your wellness and have you poured from a full cup before you know it now,
Before we get into this juicy, amazing conversation with Emily, I just wanted to see if you needed any support from me. Are you in this season of what the heck am I meant to do and how am I meant to do it? And what is my thing and how do I create this amazing business out of my calling? What is my calling?
What is my purpose? I don’t know. Help me, help myself. I want you to check out, clarify your calling course. That’s at clarifyyourcallingcourse.com. If you’re not ready to invest, please just take my free workshop. Four steps to clarify your calling. It’s on my website, stefaniegass.com, click the button, get going, get clear. All right.
Now, if you have clarity and you want to do exactly what Emily has done in today’s episode, create a podcast and monetize it with a program or a course or coaching, which you will hear Emily talk about in this episode. That is what I teach you inside of Podcast Pro University and Podcast to Profit, okay. Or we can do it. One-on-one in a coaching package. I am here to support you. My entire focus. You guys, my loves is to help you build a scalable online business.
That’s completely passive where you sell courses or you have a booked out coaching business, or you run programs or all three. It doesn’t matter to me, whatever lights, your little heart on fire. And we have endless leads driving to your passive stuff through a podcast. That’s what I’m doing over here, day in and day out, because it’s the best business model on planet earth. It’s super easy and simple to create. It’s easy to implement.
There’s no more social media, 24 seven. There’s no more distraction. You don’t have to show up 24 seven. You don’t have to do videos. This stuff is easy. It’s fun. It’s seamless. And it works. I have endless testimonies for you over at stefaniegass.com. If you’re wondering if this business model actually works. Yes and amen. Okay.
So if that’s you go to stefaniegass.com and click on the courses and mastermind tab, and just go through, it’s going to talk to you about which step, where you are, which program, where you should start, all the things. Okay. stefaniegass.com.
Let’s do this it’s habit time. You guys heard how awesome Emily is in the intro, but I’m sitting across from her beautiful face right now. As I sit here and all my makeup lists glory with my wingding everywhere, because I forgot that I had a meeting right before this, but she’s loving me anyway. And all my hot mess, mom expressed lifestyle, which is exactly what we’re talking about today.
Because I, as I was meeting with Emily and all of our private sessions, I recognized that she had this gift for habits and habits stacking and creating really there was a system around habits and I was like, oh my goodness. Emily got to come on the show and talk about habits. So here she is. Welcome Emily.
Yeah. Stef, thank you so much for having me. It’s truly an honor to get to share this with your audience. Yeah. Well, I’m so excited.
You’re here. Start us off by telling everybody who you are and what you do.
Yeah, well again, thank you again for having me on the show, but my name’s Emily Nichols. I’m the host of the self transformed podcast and pretty much I and helping women redefine what self-care really looks like through simple fitness, nutrition, and mindset, habits, habits being the key word there, because I feel like a lot of women there’s, they’ve done so many different types of wellness programs. We know how to work out.
We, most of the time we know how to eat well, but it’s a matter of sticking with it and making it so simple in your life that it becomes an unconscious behavior. So I’m trying to help busy working. Mama’s like those listening to the show today, make these habits, stick for life and stop the insanity. Stop the cycle of starting and stopping and starting and stopping. So that’s pretty much what I do.
You helped me launch my, I rebranded my podcast. I launched a new program called self transform you. And I’m just helping women transform from the inside out and really realize that it’s okay to take care of yourself and be able to fill your cup up and then being able to pour into others as cliche as that sounds. But for real, your family will feel the side effects of it. And they’ll be like, go, go do something for you, mom.
Cause it’s, we’re gonna all feel better too. And it’s just amazing. Helping other women feel so much more energy and feel so much more lit up just by doing these simple habits every day. That’s so good. I think that’s the key right there that you said simple unconscious behavior that sticks for life. Those were the key things that you just said there to me because when I look at myself
And you were talking about habits right before we clicked record and I went, there’s these things I’m doing that. I don’t even recognize that I’m doing every day that are directly linking to my productivity that are directly linking to my success in my fitness, my wellness, my motherhood, et cetera. So how do you define let’s just for a minute? What is a habit? What do you think a habit is? And why do we need them?
Yeah. Habits are what build consistency in your life. And they compound over on top of each other to create massive transformation in your life. And it’s little things like you said, you didn’t even realize that you did everyday, but once you really start analyzing, oh, I do this every day and oh, I automatically do this. It’s the compound effect. When you have all of these simple little behaviors compounded on top of each other, you create pretty much your own routine that helps drive you forward.
You know, my clients through self transform you right now, they’re going through for their homework this week. They’re writing down every single thing they do in a day. Like any tiny little behavior, like brushing their teeth, going to the bathroom, you know, making their coffee, letting the dogs out. And we’re going to be talking about how those habits are something.
They just do unconsciously every day and how we can add some more healthy habits onto that. That feel very simple. Cause I think that’s where the overwhelm happens is you start something new or you want to start doing these things, but you’re like, how in the world am I going to fit time for this? Because I am so busy. But when you really sit down to take a look at your time throughout the day, it’s like, oh, I have a few time-wasters here. Oh, I have something I do every day.
What can I add onto that? So it’s these simple little things that makes such a big impact so much to dig into here. So the very first thing was that it’s a compound effect that you create through consistency. That then becomes a routine, right? And then in that building that new routine, it’s things that you’re already doing every day. So let’s dig into that a bit. So Emily people are sitting on the other end of this episode going,
Okay, so what type of habits should I have? And then, so I guess the first question is how do you uncover what habits you need? And then we’ll move into how do we implement and start this, these new habits. So how do you, let’s say let’s take, we have a busy mom, preneur. She’s working from home.
She’s got the kiddos who are elementary ish or younger, trying to scale this business online feels overwhelmed, pulled in all directions, making excuses for why she can’t get off social media, why she can’t fit in and work out. You guys I’m not hating and shaming on you right now. I’ve been you. Okay? And I still am on some days. So that’s our ICA. Let’s just theoretically say, what habits does, does she need to implement? How does she start with that question? Like what habits am I even missing?
Sure, sure. Well, I think it’s taking some time to maybe sit down and realize how you’re feeling every day. Check in with yourself. If you’re like, I feel really low energy or I feel like I’m not making time to eat meals and my blood sugar is low and I’m losing it on my kids because I’m not taking the time to eat every day. Or maybe it’s, I’m overextending my schedule and scheduling too many clients.
And I’m one day and I’m giving too much to them, which is wonderful. But how are you replenishing yourself? So it’s really just checking in with your feelings and figuring out what triggers and your day are really setting you off. So like I said, you’re not eating enough throughout the day. Your blood sugar is low and you’re noticing, oh, I’m being very impatient with my kids right now. Have I eaten anything today?
Have I moved today? You know, maybe you’re not sleeping really well. And you’re thinking maybe if I added in a 30 minute workout, maybe I could sleep a little bit more soundly at night. Cause you’ll be a little bit more tired or even just checking in with your mindset. Have you spent some time in prayer today or opened up a devotional? Have you connected with a friend or just sent a funny meme to friends?
I live for funny means it’s checking in, just thinking, checking in with yourself and thinking when you’re feeling a certain emotion, what can you do to reverse that? And usually a lot of times we’re just not taking care of our basic needs. We’re not taking care of our basic needs and to be able to elevate yourself and transform yourself and be able to give to others as an entrepreneur, you have to just take care of your basic needs. So think of what your basic needs are. You know, you kind of think of the hierarchy of needs pyramid.
You’re starting with just basic food, water, sleep, movement, community friendship, and then you get to the top and that’s where you’re like, oh, personal development and pouring into others. But a lot of times our, our pyramid is flip-flopped upside down. That’s really great. So I think the highlight here for me is
When you look at your inventory of your life, start with your feelings and your emotions, but going from a basic need perspective first. Cause I think often we go from a, as this busy, mompreneur great. I’m going to create more habits in the business. I’m gonna create more habits with the to-do list. That’s where like, and even for me, that’s where my brain goes with.
Oh, I need new habits to be more productive, but let’s challenge you guys listening today to start with the basic needs habits first. So for example, I’m going to give you guys some examples of myself and Emily. Maybe you can give a few examples. I recognize that I wasn’t taking my vitamins every day and I wasn’t drinking enough water every day. Like some of those simple things that I wanted to do, but would fall away. So what I did is we have the vitamins in the fridge.
They’re the liquid vitamins sitting right next to the milk, which I froth for my coffee. Then right next to where I land for my coffee is the vitamin. And right next to the vitamin is the Brazilian nut that my person has me eat every day for whatever’s in a Brazilian nut. I don’t know. So I have in the morning, coffee is non negotiable. Okay? So this is something that we already know is happening with Stef Gass. This is a simple thing that she’s doing everyday already. So looking at that simple action and going, how do you make the other habits connect?
And this Emma gonna explain what this is called a minute. This ha this connection between what something I’m already doing with the items that I want to implement. So now wake up, make the coffee, grab the cream. Oh, there’s the vitamin take the vitamin shop. Put the frothier in. Oh, there’s my Brazilian nut. Take the nut, take the vitamin. Good to go. So I’ve created this system. What is that called Emily? Yeah.
That’s so that’s called habit stacking. And I live for that. I could geek out and talk about habit strategies all day long and that’s what we’re doing in self-transforming. That’s why we’re going through an inventory of everyone’s time right now to talk about their habits. And a lot of it usually starts with coffee because most of us are without doubt making coffee every morning. It’s an unconscious behavior.
And I do the same thing to stuff. I set out my vitamins and I let my dogs out. And during that time, as when I let them out, I go and I take, I drink a big glass of water, take my vitamins while my coffee is going. Did I do that right away? No. That eventually had to become an unconscious behavior. And we talked about my super secret. I’m going to share it with everyone here because we’re all friends.
I’m going to share my first secret way to fit in a little bit more fitness throughout your day. So, you know, we’re drinking a lot of water throughout the day. That’s a habit I CA I teach as one of what I call my, my daily five, my fab five habits to do every day with my clients. So we’re drinking a lot of water. So we’re going to go pee a lot. We’re going to go to the bathroom a lot.
So I’ve been experimenting with my own habit stacking. So I’m drinking a lot of water throughout the day. I got to go potty a lot. So every time I go potty, I do my piece squats afterwards. So after I go to the bathroom every day, and I’ve been doing that for about three months now, and think how many times do you go to the bathroom throughout the day?
And it’s just compounding those again. Like, Hey, I could have like up to a hundred squats a day and it took me no time, hashtag peace squats. You guys, we’re going to these spots. Emily told me this in one of our sessions. And I like right after I peed when I’m like, guess what? I just did. I did my piece squat and I loved it so much.
And it was like this really simple, easy thing, because imagine if you pee, like, if you’re anything like me on about y’all, I think I have a problem. I’d be like six times a day, maybe more, probably 10. And if you’re doing 10 a day, well now you’ve got a hundred squats in and that’s going to take you what, 30 seconds to pop those in. So now we’ve not only added in vitamins and water in the morning when we link to coffee.
And if you’re not a coffee person, do you make tea in the morning? Like, what are you already doing in the morning? The vital, you know, every, I mean, any little thing. Yeah. Yeah. So now what can you stack that you’re missing that has to do with your basic needs here? So vitamins is bringing you energy. Water is obviously super important. And then this movement component, we just taught you P squats. Okay.
So that’s how you can fit in some of the movement. If you’re just doing that, it’s better than nothing. Let’s keep digging in here. What other, what other fab, five habits are we missing that have to do with these basic needs? Yeah. So as my clients are going through self transform you right now, you know, we’re doing workouts and we’re talking about my food freedom method, but we’re digging deeper into habits, but we’re doing it slowly and implementing some small things over time.
Because like we said, we want to make it simple and not overwhelming because if you try to do too many at one time, guess what’s going to happen. You’re not going to do any of them. Not gonna do any of them. Promise. I know from my own experience, but these fab five things that my clients are doing right now, these are simple things they’re starting with, that they can do throughout their day that are super easy.
So number one is am and PM gratitude. So whether it be prayer using a gratitude journal, telling someone you’re grateful, that’s super easy. Number two is getting 10,000 steps within a day. If you’re like me, you get stuck behind your laptop all day sometimes. And you go and look at your steps and you’re like going to bed. And you’re like, I’ve had like 4,000 steps today. What did I do?
What did I do all day? I was behind my laptop all day. Number three is drinking enough water. A lot of times we’re dehydrated. And we don’t realize maybe we’re cranky or hangry. And really we’re just really thirsty. Okay. And some type of daily movement every day, it doesn’t to be a workout, but some type of joyful movement, whether it’s a dance party in the kitchen with your kids, whether it be taking your dog for a walk, whether it would be just going outside and just enjoying the sunshine, doing some type of daily, something every day, walking water.
And my plants are realizing like, oh, these are some things that maybe I already do, but maybe I’m just not doing enough of, or consistently, consistently build it up. Yeah. And they’re, they’re writing it down. They’re making sure they’re doing it. And last but not least is quality sleep. Okay. So for a moment, let’s talk about this am PM gratitude. One. How can we make? Cause here’s how I look at this list. I’m like, oh great. So like movement, for example, that’s a fun
One. Great fit it in when possible. But like, it’s not unconscious yet for me, I’m still going, oh, I have to fit that in. Then you check the box and like, it’s not seamless. It’s not a habit. Like the vitamins are for me where it’s like, oh, I, I just do that thing. So let’s talk about some examples with like, let’s just take the daily movement for a moment. How do we make it a habit that can become unconscious partnered with something we’re already doing every day that then moves into becoming a routine?
Yeah. So this is a good example. This is real life. Something that happened to me yesterday. So I’m a coach at orange theory and I like, I personally like to work out on my own at home. I just got a Peloton.
Just get a Peloton. You guys I’m telling you, oh my God, we’re not sponsored. Just sponsor sponsor us. No,
I’m obsessed, but I’ve been doing this. No, no fail for six years stuff. I always lay my workout clothes the night before always. And that is my trigger to do my workout. So I have a middle schooler. My oldest son, Dylan is 13 and he gets up super early. He gets, he catches the bus at six 40.
Why we’re having middle schoolers get up that early? Like, I don’t know. Oh my gosh. But I get up right when I hear his alarm going off, I have my alarm set for five minutes later. I get up, go to the bathroom, hashtag he squats an extra layer to that. I have my gratitude journal on the back of my toilet. So I grabbed that. I grabbed that into my gratitude. You guys,
Coffee makes you Pope. So then you can go grab the gratitude journal, hashtag grateful. Okay. So we can go hashtag poop, gratitude. No, I’m sorry, Tuesday.
Like I said, I have my workout clothes laid out. And yesterday for some reason, the night before I didn’t lay my workout clothes out. And so I got up and I just kind of wandered downstairs and I started chitchatting with Dylan before he got on the bus and I started doing the next step of my routine was making my coffee, take my vitamins, my water, letting the dogs out.
And I was just dude did it to do. Then I started, I opened up my phone and I started scrolling. And then I was like, I didn’t even put my workout clothes on it. Oh, they weren’t out. Oh, I just wasted 15 minutes now. I don’t have time to get in my right before my next kiddo gets up hot dang girl. So I told my husband last night, I was like, babe, I forgot to lay my workout clothes out last night. And I never got my workout. And for me, I prefer working out first thing in the morning. Number one that just works better with my schedule.
And number two, that’s just when I personally like to work out and it didn’t happen yesterday. Okay. So that’s really a great tip. I love that so much. And so what I’ve also noticed, this might help all of you listening is finding where the habit fits the best because I tried the mornings
Was in there and it was okay. But like it was always super crunched for me. Cause I wanted that to be my morning routine, with the fit, with my faith and my devotionals and my prayer time. And so I decided it wasn’t working and it didn’t fit there, but I didn’t want to lose the habit. So I’ve moved it to right after my last session of the day, which is typically three 30, right after I get my other son miles and I’m done with work. That’s like my, my perfect time to do it.
Cause the boys, Greg come in, they do their workout at the same time on their little iPad workout. But I think what would really help is that the workout clothes, that would be such a great thing to add in. And then what’s the other piece of this puzzle, Emily, about making it stick. Okay. How long, how do we get through that first awful 30 days of implementing some of these habits where we don’t love them so much or whatever, how do we get them to stay?
Yeah. I mean, you hear so many things like, oh it could take 21. Oh it could take 30 days to make a habit stick. I think a lot of it is just staying consistent and giving yourself grace a really a bonus tip. Let’s call this a bonus tip because I share this in my free community a lot. When we’re talking about habits, like you miss a day, whatever, don’t miss more than two days. Don’t miss more than two days.
I think there’s a trigger in our minds where we’re just like, oh, I missed it again. And then you miss that day again. Then you just throw your hands up in the air and you just give up and that’s when it’s not sticking, but also take some time to evaluate, you know, give yourself at least a month, give yourself at least a month. And if you’re like, you know, like you said, it’s not working for me to work out in the morning.
When can I schedule it in my day? That works. And do you actually put it in your planner or your calendar for workout time? Yeah. Write it down, put it in your Google calendar tattoo on your forehead. Put it everywhere that it’s going to make be part of your day, not just loosey goosey like, oh, and later today I’m going to work out, schedule it in block and your time. Make sure you’re not having appointments during that time.
Communicate with your partner or your spouse as well. It’d be like, Hey babe, I’m going to have workout time during this time. Could you help watch the kids or just, you know, if the dogs are barking at the ups, man, just let you go handle that and whatnot, you know, and communicating that and making it a priority and says, so loosey goosey. Now, if it truly is inconvenient, switch up, change it at another time.
Or if you’re like, I don’t like this habit. I don’t like, you know, doing peace squats. I don’t like working out at three 30 in the afternoon. Okay. You gave yourself a month, tried it at a different time, try a different workout. We’re so quick to give up on ourselves. And when it comes to our wellness, you have to have a lot of patience and grace with yourself because we come from a mentality where we want to see results.
Where a lot of times we need to think about the way this is just a way of loving yourself by taking care of yourself and your basic needs. Not, not a means to an end is not a means to an end. It’s just your health. It’s just your lifestyle. And being able to pour into yourself, you’re going to be able to pour into others.
And I know that a massive difference in my own energy level, my mood, my productivity, the way that I show up when I’m hitting these habits that are in this in this basic needs bucket. So the three things that Emily said, ladies, just to reiterate this as, how do you stick with these new habits, consistency communication. So telling someone else that accountability factor, and then the third one was giving it a month before you give up on it.
And I think those are super great. I love that. So all of this has been super, super helpful. And I also want to say for those of you listening, like you can start with these basic need habits, which is where I would start. And Emily said, that’s what she teaches is starting with the basics, implementing them slowly. How many, like when should they integrate a new habit and then a new habit? And then are you doing one a week, Emily? Is it kind of dependent on the person?
I think it really depends on the person. Like I said, for my clients and self transform you, they’re starting with the fab five. They’ve added in the workouts that we’re talking. They’ve added in food freedom this week. And now we’re talking a little bit more digging in deeper to habits and you know, every three to four weeks, at least a month, I would implement a new habit. Just don’t overwhelm yourself because listen, ladies, I know you’re busy. I know you don’t have a lot of time.
Like how many of us, when someone asks us how we’re doing, what do we say? Oh, I’m busy, I’m busy, I’m busy. But what it feels great to be like, I feel really great. I have a lot of energy. My business is going great. My kids are getting along and you know, my husband’s happy when that feels so much better versus just feeling drained all the time. I think so slow,
Steady and simple when you implement. And also what I’ve noticed is now that I have most of the basic needs habits down and they become part of my routine, I’ve expanded and started implementing new habits in motherhood. Like I just did my episode. You guys heard on the five intentions, those are actually habits. We read a scripture in the pickup drop-off line for school. Talk about that dinner time and do the highs and lows.
Like these are actual habits that I’m even implementing inside of motherhood. It’s a habit. 15 minute timer goes on at least once a day to go look at the laundry situation. I mean, 15 minutes, a day, simple, easy things that you’re implementing. Not all at once. Habits for me has been a nine year evolution. Okay. Yes, literally. So it’s not like great. I’m just going to do all the 37 habits at Emily.
And Stef mentioned today, pick two, you know, start with peace, squats and vitamins and water or something. You can start with the poop journaling as well. If that works for you. I’m super excited about that one. I’m going to totally just do that. I love that one. I mean coffee, poop, journaling com hashtag and Instagram and tell Emily,
Emily and I tag her and I with which of these you’re going to do the hashtag coop journaling or the hashtag peace squats. Let’s hear from you guys and then implement every two to three weeks, a new one and just slow and steady and like anything else you want to leave everyone with when it comes to habit, stacking, habit creation, any of those final, like
Just thoughts. Yeah. I mean, just, it all comes down to simplicity and doing what works best for you because what we’re talking about, what works for staff may not work for me and vice versa. So do what works for you. Be willing to pivot, but have some type of basic need skeleton or template to your day where, you know, so last year my kids were home all the time.
Everyone’s kids were all the time and my whole routine was flipped upside down and I had to readjust, but I had this solid foundation of essentially like self care acts for myself where I was like, okay, I just need to pivot and readjust this. And it was okay. And it was okay. So being willing, cause you’re going to have different seasons of your life, where it’s going to be harder to take care of your basic needs and being able to have just these basic ones really locked and loaded, you’re able to pivot them around. No problem.
That’s really good. That flexible flexibility and simplicity and you’re you’re right. Like my workouts in the school year are going to be probably at a different time than in the summer. Yeah. Based around and just still being able to be flexible with those and implement new. And also they’re easy to readjust like you you’re so afraid of, oh, if I break the habit of doing the workout at 3:00 PM or doing the work at five, 6:30 AM, it’s going to be ruined forever. It’s not because it’s already part of your basic needs structure.
You’re noticing that difference. You know, the way that I eat if I go off or get out of my bubbles on the weekends, I feel it. If it can get it’s like I can tell the habit, have a direct correlation to how I feel now that they’re part of the routine that I crave them. I crave the habits. And so I want to fit it in. I want it to be in there. So that’s, that’s a great tip. Amazing. This is so good. I’m super excited for everybody to listen to this, to come check out your podcast. Emily, tell us where they can find you and what your show’s called and your website.
Yeah. All the thanks. So again, thank you for having me on the show. Truly an honor, to talk about poop. This is real life. This is real life. So keeping it real, but you can listen to me on any of your favorite podcast, streaming service at self transformed.
And you can find me on Instagram at Emily Nichols, like Stef said, tag us, let us know your biggest takeaways from today’s episode of what new habits you’re going to start stacking in your life. And you can check out all the things that emily-nichols.com. If you want to learn a little bit more about self transform you, and there’s some fun freebies over there for you as well,
Thank you. I hope you guys love today’s episode with Emily. Again, if you want to create that exact business model, I want you to head to stefaniegass.com, click on the courses and mastermind tab and see how we can work together. How you can create a podcast of your very own that you monetize with a program just like Emily did self transformed you or a course or a coaching business.
I will hold your hand through that entire business creation process all the way from what’s my thing to, oh my goodness. The flood gates burst open. I’m working less than 30 hours a week in my business. I have endless leads and I’m selling all the things because that my friend is my dream for you so that you can be more present in your life doing something that lights you up, that doesn’t feel like work,
where you’re leaving a lasting impact for others, for the people that God has in store for you to serve for your family and feeling fulfilled all the while God, I just looked up these amazing women that they find the time energy and a heart to pour into the habits and the purpose work and the focus intentions that you have laid out for their lives.
I pray that they have discernment over what is stealing from their time and you give them the purposeful intention to create a new plan of action, to be focused and partnered with you in executing the new plans, vision and habits that you have in store for their life. And I pray that you’d give them lots of time, energy, and space to pour into this over the next few weeks.
And that you help them really create a blueprint to step out in faith and craft the life that you have store for them because we know your plans are bigger, better, and more fruitful than our plans could ever be. We trust you. We love you in Jesus name. Amen. I’ll see you guys back here real soon.
I’m sharing 7 steps that allowed me to make 7-figures as a Christian business owner. It’s time to get back to the basics.
Let’s talk about podcasting basics today. I’m doing a power coaching call with my friend, Jeri Bisbee, a Podcast to Profit student.
I’m breaking down different revenue buckets and what you should prioritize in each phase to build a profitable business.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
I’m sharing three simple, tried-and-true tips to get more clients and grow your business while eliminating discovery calls.
My student, Lara Frendjian, is with me today to talk about the amazing conversion rate she experienced with her podcast.
How social media is ruining your chances of making money from home, and what to focus on instead to create sustainable income.
Today‘s post is an interview with my student Heather O’Brien. Heather will share her story from her first sale to subsequent podcast growth.
Are you struggling to plan engaging podcast episodes? Learn how ChatGPT can be a game-changing tool for your podcast strategy.
What are the biggest business myths behind starting an online business? Check out my step-by-step guide and learn how to avoid them!
Discover how to plan, record, publish, and promote your show with this checklist!
How do we trust God with our online business? Here are three practical ways to keep Him at the center of it all.
Come Hang Out!
Learn How to Consistently
Make Income With a Podcast
For Faith-Led Entrepreneurs
Join 5-Day Profitable Podcast Bootcamp!
Podcast Launch Checklist
Steps to start and launch a podcast from start to finish
Should You
Start a Podcast?
Complete Business Blueprint
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Show me how to grow an audience the easy way - without the social media hustle
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from psalm chapter 18
Spiritual Battle Plan
defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
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Launch a podcast in less than 30 days! 12 simple
steps to go from idea to successful podcast.
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podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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