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Join me for Kingdom Business Planning and Prep AND Business Profit Planning
So we’re going to be going through five steps to creating a kingdom business from scratch. We are also going to be going into how to actually implement these five steps that I’m going to be giving you today. And then I have some amazing gifts and surprises. Woo. For those of you that might be into it. So hang with me until the end. You’re going to be over the moon. Boom.
Hi everyone. Say what’s up if you’re watching, if you’re on the replay hashtag replay so that we can say hi to you after the fact. Hi, Carla. Okay. Let’s do this. So first and foremost, what is a kingdom business? Okay. I’m like really sitting in that for the past couple of days, thinking to myself, like, what is it? What does that mean? And so here’s what I wrote down. Okay. And you guys I’m really prepared for this.
I was going to have slide decks for y’all, but instead we just got some notes. So we’re inviting Holy spirit up into this training today because your girl is unprepared. It’s going to be wonderful. I’m so excited. I’m here for it. Who’s here for it. Okay. So what is the kingdom business? What I came up with is that a kingdom business is God’s business God’s business. That is managed God’s way. AKA.
We are doing something using our giftings, our calling, but for his good while we’re here on earth I believe that when you run a kingdom business, you are using your gifts for God’s glory and all of us have that opportunity because we’ve all been created on purpose with a purpose. Okay. Am I right? So basically when you think of a kingdom business, I want you in your mind as we go through today’s training to think about running, stewarding a business for God, where he is ultimately the CEO.
Okay. He is the owner of the business. They are his purpose. His purpose is his rules. Okay. He is hiring and firing. God is directing it. He is running the show. He is setting everything up for you to just operate this kingdom business for him while you’re here. Okay. And it’s all for the glory of King. Jesus. Yes. Woo. Who was like, I want to do that.
Like I want to business with God at the seat of the table at the, at the head of the table. And I just want to show up for it. Like guys, there is such a difference in my business today than when I was running a top 1% network marketing business. When I was at the top of my corporate experience, because I was doing it from an egocentric position, it was like, how do I make the most money?
How do I get the next promotion? How do I get the next rank? Like it was true truly. And utterly and me being really vulnerable. Right? Yeah. Now all about me. And here’s what happens when you run a business from a position of all about me, it’s that in our own power, we are completely and utterly power less to make a massive difference in the world.
When we’re operating from our own strength, we’re always going to be less than we’re never going to be enough. We’re always going to be tired, hustle harder, want for more. And we’re always going to feel like we’re lacking. Like there’s something missing. Like we, we need to rise up into something new because we never find that fulfillment when we’re operating from a place of self and we’re constantly searching. Did any of you feel that way right now?
Drop me a one. If you’re like, I’m just working in this business to work in this business, or I’m trying to figure out what my business is and I’m just working nonstop and it doesn’t feel like a kingdom business. I don’t feel like God is at the forefront of this business. He’s paving the way and laying the bricks, my feet. Like I am anxious and tired and frustrated and overworked and overwhelmed. And over it to any of you feel that way, comment below.
Here’s another difference in how my business feels today than how my business felt my business today. You guys, it is more fruitful and flavorful than anything that I ever envisioned for my life. Back when I was doing all my dream boards and I still have dream boards, but when I was like, Oh man, if I could only make six figures, you know, if I could only have that breakthrough, if I would just work harder.
And if I just hustle more and if I just force it, I was full of comparison. Envy. There was drama all the time. It just felt so like straining. It felt like I couldn’t breathe in my business. I had to work so hard just to keep it from falling versus today. When I’m operating in this business for you all, I’m in the back seat, I’m like, Jesus, take the wheel and God will, Holy spirit will show up with me for me, give me ideas, give me inspiration.
And I feel like I’m at rest even right now. I feel like I’m at rest. And I don’t know how many of you know what’s going on in my life, but like there’s a lot going on in my life from a personal level and through my business. ‘m redoing P2P right now. Yeah. I’m sorry. Yes. I’m redoing P2P as we go along. Cause I had all the new branding. I’m updating podcast pro university.
Ligit I’m a quarter of the way through it’s 2.0 baby. You guys are the first people to ever hear that. And I’ve got all these things going on and then, you know, we’ve just gone through a big loss in my life as well, which ended up being beautiful. And it ended up being a beautiful, amazing, incredible God gift. I don’t even have words. God is so faithful, but like there’s a lot going on where I could be crumbling right now.
And instead I’m at peace and I’m at rest because I’ve surrendered it. Okay. That’s what I want for you. How many of you want to run a business and feel that way? Drop me a two in the comments to be here for this. Okay. So we just defined kingdom business. Let’s move to point number two. Okay. Get ready. I’m about to trigger somebody. I’m about to trigger somebody. Who’s ready. Okay.
Hold on. I need my, I need my burst guys. It’s behind the phone just a minute. All right, here we go. Okay. How many of you think that you can’t have a kingdom business? Because you don’t know if you’re worthy of that thing. Maybe you feel a little insecure like you don’t have what it takes, you’re not qualified. That you’re not good enough that you don’t have enough practice, that you don’t have enough purpose that you aren’t going to be good.
You’re not going to shine. You don’t know what to say. You don’t know who would buy the things you just don’t think it’s for you. Is anybody willing to be honest today? Get on the chat. If that’s you. Okay. In order to have a kingdom business, my loves, you have to believe that you can. You ha you have to trust that God has for you. That there’s something great for you to step out, into, and achieve here for him.
You have to believe that everything inside of you is going to tell you that you shouldn’t believe it, that you need to stay small, that you aren’t good enough that no one will buy it. That you don’t need to open your mouth. That someone’s already doing that. But those are fear, worry, anxiety, and lies from the enemy. And my sweet Lola’s in the room. Listen, what does the enemy want for you?
He wants to steal, kill and destroy. And that includes your kingdom business. That includes you saying yes. And I meant to what God has in store for you, not what you have in store for you, but what he has in store for you. So we’re going to go through four lies right now. I’m a bust him up for lies. Tell me which of these lies you are believing lie. Number one, lie. Number one. I’m nobody.
Therefore I’m unworthy for a minute for a minute. Let’s go ahead and talk about the truth instead of this lie, that the enemy so desperately wants to plant inside of you. The truth is that you are nobody. I am by dust sweet friends. I haven’t been nobody without him. Okay. Exodus three 12. I will be with you like girls. The calling is not based on your credibility alone, but his, so yes we are nobody, but who are we with him?
Everything. You’re everything. And he is all that you need. That is all that you need to rewrite that lie. Everybody’s nobody. But we can all be calm. Somebody with him. Okay. Line number two. No one will listen to me, work with me, believe me. Okay. Any of you telling yourself that one that’s lie. Number two, no one will blank. Go ahead and fill in the blank below in the comments.
No one will blank. What are you saying? All right. Here’s the truth. The truth of this one is James one, verse two through four. Consider it pure joy. Whenever you face trials of many kinds, testing of your faith produces perseverance. Consider it pure joy. My friends, whenever you face trials of many kinds, your faith produces perseverance testing of your faith produces perseverance. Okay? So, so what if nobody listens to you?
We get to be joyful and excited and have excited anticipation for what God wants to do through that season of hard. Okay. Through that season, if I’m just starting through that season, nobody bought, nobody listened. That coaching call was real awkward. Okay? Like it doesn’t matter where you fail because through that failure, your faith is strengthened. And when we fail in our faith is strengthened.
We are more prepared to walk out the purposes that God has for us. Okay. I couldn’t sit here and have this conversation with all of you right now. If I hadn’t failed at business, like had a huge, massive, disgusting, ugly failure life crisis. Who am I?
2016, eating the Doritos, crying, watching Netflix and just praying to the Lord Jesus to show me an identity outside of work. Okay. Like I had to walk it out. I had to walk it out in order to realize that, Oh my goodness, my identity isn’t in hustle.
My identity. Isn’t in money. My worthiness. Isn’t an achievement. I am not loved because I achieve, I am loved because of who I am because I’m a daughter of the King and that’s all I need. And that’s all you need. But if I hadn’t walked through that failure, I wouldn’t be positioned for the call. Okay. So if you never step out, because you’re so afraid that no one will blank.
How are you ever going to, how are you ever going to reach the ultimate destination? How are you ever gonna find those treasures that he has hidden for you? You gotta be refined by the fire girls line. Number three. I am not qualified. Anybody, anybody dropping in the chat? Are you alive?
Number three, a believer. I am not qualified. Okay. How do you feel about Exodus? Four, 11 through 12. Now, therefore I go and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak.
I mean, literally who makes him mute or deaf or seeing or blind? Is it not? I, the Lord now, therefore go and I will be your mouth and teach you what you shall speak. Pressure gone. Like dust it off your shoulder. Okay. You don’t have to be qualified, just open your mouth and he shall fill it. And if he can, if guys, if the Lord can make people blind, people see and heal and all of the incredible miracles that are still happening today.
Don’t you think if you’re called for something and you try and you fail and you get back up and you try again and you open your mouth and you’re a little shaky, but you work through it. Don’t you think he’s going to qualify you and give you what you need to get through it. Okay. There are so many times and so many moments, especially in the last month where I’ve had to say something super.
I’ve had to try something that I’ve never tried before. I’ve had to show up in my fear and just say, Holy spirit, come speak for me because I don’t have the words. And he did every single time. He will show up for you when you show up for him. When you step out in faith and you push through the fear, he will qualify you. Okay?
Line number four. Let’s see who’s. This is line number four. I’m afraid, but I’m just afraid. Lord. Don’t make me do this. Don’t make me do it. God have mercy. I’m insecure. I’m intimidated. I don’t know how I’m just afraid. Anyone, anyone line number four.
Here’s your verse? Proverbs three, five through six. Lean. Not on your own understanding. Sweet friend. Lean. Not on your own understanding. Where’s my verse. Where’s my verse. Here it is. We not on your own understanding. I don’t know where it is. That’s what I wrote down. We not on your own understanding. Okay. But you have to lean on God’s understanding.
It is all about believing that he has your best interest at heart and that he is going to help us run the race. Okay? Right. He’s going to help us run with perseverance, that the race he has set before you, and all you have to do is lean, not on your own understanding, but lean on his and believe that he is going to get you there. So that’s number two. We went, we went, we’ve defined a kingdom business. Number two, we believe that we can.
And number three, we’re going to move into right now is we have to have direction. So it’s really hard to go create the thing. Even if you have your heart set on the Lord and you’re like, okay, I’m going to do this. I’m going to push through the fear, smash the lies, believe that there is something good for me and that I want to have you as the CEO of my business.
Thank you. The nourish mom, lean, not on your own understanding, but in all of your ways, acknowledge him and he will make straight your past. Thank you very much. Okay. Great guys. Yes. That there it is. All right. I had it there somewhere and it has gone. So the direction here’s the direction. So once you have that mindset and you’ve been praying over this and I’m like, Lord, I’m ready for my kingdom business.
I’m ready for my kingdom business, Lord. And you’ve been working on yourself and working on your belief, you’ve ready to actually take action. And then you’re like, what do I do? That’s what we’re going to move into now. So direction on actually moving forward in your kingdom business starts with, I just said it prayer. If we are going to invite God, you become the CEO of our kingdom business.
And we are going to operate from a second seat and we’re letting him take ownership, write the guidelines, hire fire, lay out the programs, priced the things, bring us the clients. We have to literally die to self a little bit. Yeah. We have to stop being in control of everything. And we need to invite God and Holy spirit into this walkout with us. So you need to pray that prayer and allow that change to start happening.
I’m kind of like a kind of a recovering control freak. Okay. And it took so much for me to go, you know what? I’m done running this business. I don’t even know what this business is. Would you mind? Because I mean, really you girls a hot mess express over here, but like truly inviting God take control and to walk along beside you. So number two, you’re going to pray now we’re going tactical is you already got a notebook and pen? I hope so.
Next thing you need to know is the who. Okay. So like who are you called to serve? Who is, is that person who is that niche? Who is that demographic? What is, what are they like? Who are you called to serve often? Here’s a clue. Often my friends it’s you two to five years ago, 90% of the time, because we didn’t walk through the trials that we’ve walked through.
True for nothing. And yeah, here’s something else that’s really uncomfortable. And a lot of you are going to hate this right now, but you’re going to have to talk about it. All of those traumas trials, hardships, failures, awkward moments, whatever those things are that you’re hiding from your cast, wingding alert. You’re going to have to talk about it because often those trials are exactly the triumphs.
God’s trying to get you to help someone else get to, sorry, not sorry. Your life will be changed. When things come to life, they have no more power over you. So me talking about the business breakdown was a huge catalyst for my business success because that’s ultimately what God wanted me to help. Other women walk away from was the hustle was the lies of the industry was figuring out how to build their own thing, partnered with him instead of the world.
And then he showed me that he showed me all the house. So that’s, it’s who, who, and then what? Okay. So if we’re going to pray, we’re going to figure out who, and we’re going to figure out what, and then we’re gonna figure out how, okay. So as you’re sitting there today you guys have a lot of resources for, to figure out the who the what and the, how you can do my free workshop, which did that.
stefaniegass.com, or you can do Clarify Your Calling. I’m going to talk about, I’m going to give you guys a humongous gift in a minute for clarify your calling. But basically you’ve got to figure out what you’ve walked through. That was excruciating and just be really honest or what you’ve walked through. That you’re really great at that. You’re equipped at that. You’re qualified to do that.
You’ve already done. And you’re going to basically say how and who do I serve with this same solution set and get them the same result? That’s it? That’s your, that’s your starting point. We have to start somewhere. You are never going to know the end destination. You’re never going to go, Oh, I’m going to start by helping moms.
Let me just something fresh in my mind, I’m going to help moms begin to homeschool. And then through helping them homeschool, I’m going to create a 1 million download podcast. I’m going to have three courses that go step one, step two, step three. Then I’ll have a retreat once a year.
And then I’m going to be on stages, teaching lots of people, how to scale their homeschooling business. And then we’re going to ultimately have 5 million a year by three years from like, no step one. I homeschool my children.
So therefore, I’m going to start by talking about how to homeschool your children, to other moms who have the desire to homeschool their children partner with God. That’s it. That’s where you’re starting. We often don’t have any idea how it makes us money. What the product suite looks like, how it’s going to work out. Who’s going to follow us how fast it’s going to grow. That’s not up to you. You’re not the CEO.
Isn’t that great news. You’re just going to show up for it. Yes. And amen. In obedience, in your awkwardness, in your fear. And you’re going to start from step one. That is the direction on getting on the path. Okay. That’s where we’re starting. That’s a restart and that’s a restart. So number four, number four. So we did, what is the kingdom business? We’ve defined that. Then we went into believing you can, and the God is for you.
We debunked the lies with God’s truth. Number three, I just gave you very high level direction on getting on the path. I’ll give you some more in a minute. Number four, once you have direction, like a basic step, one of what you’ve done, you’ve done it for a minute. For a minute. I have so many clients. Y’all previous clients. None of my current clients have ever done this to me.
Just kidding. Where they’re like, cool. I want to teach on blank. I want to teach how to do Facebook ads. I’m like, great. What’s your experience with Facebook ads? They’re like, none. I’m starting those tomorrow, but I’m going to teach them. No, no, you’re not. No. You go sit down. I let him come on, girl. Not what you want to do. It’s what you’ve done. And those of you that are creeping back into lie.
Number three of I’m not qualified. You’re maybe feeling that way because you’re trying to teach something that you want. Instead of something that you’ve overcome. Hear me, hear me. It’s gotta be something you’ve already done. Okay. Now your purpose work and your calling is a constant evolution. So maybe in a year or two from now, after you’ve walked through this next step, you’re going to bring her with you.
Okay? It’s like, you’re the ship and you’ve got the tugboat on the back and they have the rope. Okay. And you’re just pulling them behind you. So every wave that you surpass in the ocean, you can pull them over the same wave. Okay? I didn’t start with podcast to profit. I didn’t start teaching people how to monetize a podcast. I started with how to a get clarity on what your podcasts would be about.
Cause I had done that and then I helped other people do that. Then it was, Oh, they want to start a podcast so they can grow their audience. Great. I’ve done that. Let me help. Some people do that. Cool. Doing it, doing it months and months and months and months and months. And then, Oh, now they’re asking me how they make money with the show. I’ve done that. And I’ve helped some other people do it, creating the thing. Okay.
That the duck, the duck, the duck, will there be something else new that God has me do? Of course I’m 36. You guys like, I have no idea. The end result here. And there is no end result. There’s no end result. There’s no end goal, but what do you want me to do now? Lord. Okay. So you start with the one thing that you’ve done.
There we are. Okay. So number four, what do I do with it? What do I do with the one thing I’ve done? So let’s say that you’re the, our homeschooling example. You’re like, okay. I homeschool my kids. I want to teach other mamas to start homeschooling their kids. What I want you to do is start serving authentically. That is number four. You’re going to adjust, serve. You’re going to give away the knowledge that you have for free.
We have to start growing trust authentically in order for people to ever buy from us. And you guys, there is 1,000,001 trillion, bajillion people all over the internet with their fancy ads and their big lies about all the ways they’re going to solve all your problems. And you’re too smart for it. Aren’t you? You’re too smart. Like we’ve been in the game long enough. We’re going to the people that we like no trust, actually laugh with.
Appreciate have had a result with before we ever spend money with someone. So if they can’t find you somewhere and binge all your free stuff to see if you are the right person for them there, your business is over. It’s over. Before it started, stop looking for the overnight success stuff and start building something. That’s going to withstand the test of time. You can build your house on a pile of dirt and watch it fly away in the first tornado.
Or you can build your house out of brick on a foundation of concrete and watch it withstand tornado after tornado, after tornado, I don’t know about you, but I am willing to do the work to build my house on a foundation of stone, partnered with God and what he wants for that business. No matter what. And it does take more time. The way that I have you guys build businesses takes way more time than other people are going to promise you.
But the business you build with me is going to be way more fruitful, way more flavorful, way more fulfilling, way more faith led than anything else that you’ve ever done in your whole life. And you’re still going to have time for what actually matters to you. Those babies, your spouse, your friends, yourself, your health, your business, your like my, my business right now with five streams of income.
That’s bigger than I it’s not, it’s not mine. It’s God’s cause like I couldn’t build one this size just saying I work 32 hours a weekend. I have four people helping me in this business. And it feels super easy and fun. It doesn’t even feel like work, but it is, but it’s like, this is work. That’s what I’m going to help you build. And this is what I’m telling you right now. You got to start by serving for free.
I don’t care what anybody says and you can’t do it on Instagram and you can’t do it on Facebook because you don’t own it. Do you want to build someone else’s castle or do you want to build your own? Do you want all your eggs in someone else’s basket or do you want your own basket full of eggs? I want my own basket because I own it. I can fix it. I can sell it. I can scale it. So where do you own it?
A podcast you knew that was coming? Yes you did. So when we show up on our podcasts, that’s our long form content. Okay. You can show up once a week. It’s super easy. You show up behind your little microphone. Okay. And you’ll just talk and you just share your heart with what you’ve already done. And then you utilize SEO, keywords and titling and visibility strategies.
All of which I teach you, I will teach you all of that. Kay. Don’t weird out about the tech. The tech is easy. You’re just going to show up consistently authentically for long enough. Now, what is long enough? What is long enough Stef? A year here, maybe two. But how many of you have started and stopped things over and over again for longer than a year already?
You know, like I only wasted six years trying to figure everything out because I kept jumping all over the place versus like, let me just start with step one. Be obedient to the call, show up and serve and trust God. And when I started the podcast in 2018, that was my promise to him. I will show up with everything that I have. But your Lord, you got to give me the words because I don’t even know.
And one year later what he had done surpassed everything that I tried to do the entire seven years prior. I mean, all of it just smashed it, smashed it. Okay. So you got to show up on your podcast for one year. Now you guys are like, I can’t start a podcast. Oh my gosh. Y’all yes, you can. It’s legit. The easiest thing I’ve ever done between you tubing blogging.
I’m trying to do lives, trying to do socials, trying to run ads. I spent 20 grand on ads. Y’all like made back 15 barf. Okay. Like a podcast is the easiest place for you to show up. You can pause. It’s low overhead. It’s so fun. And you’re just sharing your heart. It’s like, you want a girlfriend sitting down to coffee and you’re just going girlfriend. I walked through this thing. Let me give you some advice.
You don’t have to overproduce. You can edit yourself. Like seriously, it’s not rocket science. There is a lot of SEO science. There’s a lot of visibility. There’s a lot of marketing. I’m going to teach you. That’s going to help you grow and scale your show so that it can become an actual revenue driver, which we’re about to talk about in a second. But ultimately it’s where you’re showing up. Here’s why else. I love it.
The other reason that reason I love it is because it is evergreen forever. You guys head over to the podcast app and you type in something that I’ve talked about before and I’ve titled my show as such. My episode comes up way back from 2018 and it is still driving traffic. It is still making sales. Do you all think that my post on Instagram from 2018 is making sales?
That’s like, it’s like gone. It’s like dead in five minutes. Do you guys think that my YouTube video from 2018 is making sales? I don’t think so because I was real awkward. If you want to laugh, please, please go watch my old YouTube videos or don’t save yourself podcasting. Is it because it’s where I can authentically show up in my BJ’s around my kids in a way that feels right to me over and over and over again. Okay.
Now, so now you’re like, can I have a direction? Okay, I’m going to start serving on a podcast, but how will I ever make money? How will I ever make money? Okay. So, and, and here’s what I also love about podcasts. You guys, when we talk about kingdom business, I don’t care what your end result is. Okay? Whatever God is calling you to do and how he’s calling you to serve starting that podcast is how you spread your little wings into the world.
That’s how you get known. It’s how you grow an audience. It’s how you can use your business as a ministry. It’s how you can put your little fingers, the webs, all across the whole entire world. I have people who listen on every single content. It’s insane continent. It’s insane. And you can do the same thing. So even if you’re like, well, podcasting is not what I’m called to do.
No, but podcasts, how you build the audience, the platform and the credible [inaudible] to do it. Yay girl, last but not least number five. And then I have some really crazy presents for you. Who’s ready for some breasts. Okay? How do I make money? So there’s a million ways you can make money at a brand. We really want to be partnering with God in this so that we can have godly profits so that we can do with that money, steward that money.
Well, we can tie the well, give well serve. Well, whatever it is like, it takes money to solve problems. I believe. And I believe we can use our money for good. And I believe if you truly come from a space and a heart set of, I want to rise up here on earth to better your kingdom, give me whatever it takes to do that, that he will, whatever it takes to do your bidding here on earth to change lives, make a difference. Save kids, change hearts.
I don’t know you’re going to need some resources. And I feel like if God has enough of his daughters rising up into their authority and stop being afraid of money, they can do incredible things with it, for his kingdom. Okay. He wants, why wouldn’t you? You want that for us? Why wouldn’t he want us to change more hearts and lives and be able to put that money to work, to transform what’s happening here.
So I think that that, that feels so great in my heart. And I also believe that he wants us to do it in a way, the way in which it’s not sucking the life out of our actual life. So super here for thinking about this question right now, that’s going to change everything.
I’m going to allow you to see how you’re going to monetize your show. You got to figure out once you’ve been here casting for probably three to six months, you’re going to start to hear from people. You’re going to start to watch your analytics. You’re going to start to see from all my free stuff. What are these people demanding? What are they knocking on the door, asking for? What questions are coming through.
You’re going to get to know your avatar. You’re going to do some free calls. You’re going to do some market research, all of which, which I will teach you how to find out this one thing. That’s going to change your business. Profit trajectory forever. Are you ready? What’s their number one problem.
What is your avatar’s number one problem. Okay. Now, what do you think it is? What is it? I used to think, Oh man, my avatar wants to build a big Instagram following. How many of you have been a Stefanie Gass fan for a really long time? And you remember the Instagram blueprint? I don’t even remember what it’s called. I had that course. Then I thought, Oh no, no, no. It’s how to create a funnel.
That’s what they want. Created funnel, fusion. How many of you remember that? Fun course. And they weren’t bad courses. It’s just that, that’s what I thought people wanted. But the truth was, you guys didn’t want any of that. You wanted to grow a business from behind the mic in a way that was scalable without hustling harder, without using social media, without being exhausted.
Without having to compare yourself to everyone else, without fighting an algorithm, without spending thousands of dollars on ads, you wanted to just share your heart authentically and grow an audience.
And you were willing to play the long game and you wanted to do it partner with God. And that’s when the answer was podcasting. I knew how to do it. I could solve that. Number one, problem and PP, you was born. And it is my number one course. And I have over 450 successful podcast launches. I have dozens and dozens and dozens of people who have ranked in the top 100 of their category.
I have handfuls of people who have even ranked number one through 10 in their category. And that is not something I could have done on my own. Right. So how do you do this? Okay. Where do you start? Where do you start? Okay. Did you guys enjoy that? Any breakthrough? Did you have something that just sparked inside of you during this conversation? Comment below now, where do you start?
I want you guys to start in clarify your calling. Okay. And I have a gift for you. It’s really big and you only have 48 hours. So hang with me cause you’re about to Pope get payouts. Okay. I want you guys to start and clarify your calling because I’m going to take you through four weeks of uncovering. What is your thing? What are the pillars that you’re going to stand on? What is your title going to be?
What is your tagline going to be? What’s the description going to be of your podcast? Okay. So clarify your calling is step one for all of you that want to build a kingdom business from scratch. And right now through right now, this second, right now for 48 hours, you can take 20% off. That course is only two 97. And now you get to go take 20% off.
So you get it for two 40. It’s ridiculous. It really is. But I know that it’s so absolutely necessary because not everybody can afford one-on-one coaching, but I need all of you to know what your calling is.
I need all of you to have clarity on how do I take this big idea, these different pieces and put them together in a cohesive, specific, tangible way so that I can walk away with a business model. That’s what clarify your calling is. So you can go to stefaniegass.com or stefaniegass.com/clarifyyourcalling and your coupon code is HEREFORIT. Yeah.
20% off, 48 hours only from right now. So you have until Thursday at 3:00 PM, Thursday the 10th. Now hold on, hold on. It gets better. It gets better. The next step after you’ve completed, clarify, you’re calling and you’re like, Oh my goodness, I have a business plan. I know where I’m going. I have a title, a tagline, a description, a content pillars, over 30 different episode topics. You’re going to need to go plug that into an actual podcast, which is where you’re going to move into clarify, sorry, Podcast Pro University.
Right? So you’re going to go CYC. And then PPU now podcast. Pro university is the tech. It’s the planning of the podcast. It is the recording, editing visibility strategy, it’s title SEO. It’s like all the backend stuff that helps my students have a big juicy, successful podcast launches for really low overhead. Most podcasts and courses make you walk away with like 150 200 bucks an episode in unnecessary stuff.
I’m like, what are you kidding me? I have a top 25 ranked entrepreneurship podcasts from behind a Yeti mic that I have the time don’t even edit on a $7 a month hosting site, excuse me, excuse me. With your $500 podcasts production. We don’t play those games. So I’m going to teach you how to do this scrappy and legit in a way that’s going to rise up. So if you are ready for, for this whole process, you’re like, I’m buying in.
I’m in like, I want to build a kingdom business. It’s going to take you six to 12 months, no lie, six to 12 months to build it. Then you’re going to start profiting. Then you’re going to, so you can make some small revenue in the beginning, but you’re not going to make 10 K months tomorrow. Like this is the long game, but I will tell you my students who have walked through this process, they did CYC then PPU and then podcast to profit with me.
They’ve been with me for about a year, a year and a half. The flood Gates have burst open and I’m talking big money, big kingdom, kingdom. Okay. The gods like stewarding, like they make a moves. You guys they’re making moves. So if that is for you, here’s the secret.
When you go to clarity, fire calling, check out, put in your code here for it. You’re going to see a one time offer. One time. If you X out of this, you’re done. So, okay. You can not get it back. Not making this up. You have to do it now at checkout, you’re going to be able to add podcast pro university for $200 off that’s right? So that means today.
When you say yes to leaping in your kitchen, new business, and you buy, clarify your calling and PPU and you walk this journey with me and you also get my accountability and support, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. You’re getting both of my courses for only six 37. That is almost 40% off off what you would be paying if you just went and bought them standalone.
Okay. Yeah. So that’s what I want you guys to do. Go to stefaniegass.com/clarifyyourcalling, let’s do this it’s time for you to figure out once and for all what you’re meant to do, how you’re meant to serve, how you’re meant to show up, who you’re meant to help and how you’re going to solve all of her problems. And I want you to literally have a kingdom business that has passive options for you.
That is scalable. That is simple and super, super fun lasting. Those of you that don’t need clarify your calling. You have absolute clarity, you know what you do without a shadow of a doubt, and you know who you serve, go straight to podcastprouniversity.com and you can claim the here for it code and save 20% off of that product as well. Okay? So any Stefanie Gass course, 20% off through Thursday, the 10th starts right now.
You guys can go grab it right now. And if you have any other questions for me, drop it in the comments below. And I just feel like I should leave you guys with a prayer and I will let you get back to your day. Thanks for joining me by the way. This was so fun. Thank you for joining me. If you guys want more of these workshops. No, let us know. Lydia has some strange like power over me and she’s like, let’s go live.
And I’m like, okay, no, just kidding you guys. She’s so awesome. So if you have any any desires in your heart for future trainings or workshops, please let us know, let Lydia know, get in her inbox. And I would love to bless you with whatever it is that I can, whatever topics, whatever fears or things that are holding you back.
Let me know. I’m literally here to serve you. Like actually literally here to serve you, father God, I just lift up all of these incredible women who are alive with me, who are going to watch this replay who hear this at a future time. I pray that whatever you needed them to hear in this workshop, that you just penetrate their hearts with that message that you allow Holy spirit to lead and guide them, you their mind and you amplify their hearts.
I pray that you quiet any insecurity, anxiety, worries, or fears right now in this moment in the name of Jesus. And that instead you instill in them a God-sized confidence, a desire to step up into their calling, to partner with you and kingdom works to do good works for you and to glorify King Jesus through whatever it is that their gifts are that you amplify their gifts, father, their spiritual gifts, their vocational gifts, and that you just bring to light, whatever it is that they’re called to do. And you show them how to do that.
God, that you give them the permission, the grace and the favor to find the right mentor, the right vessel for them to bring it to fruition. We thank you for this time. We’re so grateful we trust in you. We believe in you and we have faith that with you, anything is possible in Jesus name. Amen. Thanks for joining me guys. Love you. God. Bless.
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