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In today’s FULL Live Coaching session with Jane Springer, we go from unclear to absolute clarity. She walks away with a fully mapped out brand (a Five-Tier Brand Map), and direction on how to go start her new business. Jane brings two ideas to the table and together with Stef, she is able to define the right path for her calling work.
Getting clarity is the catalyst to success. When you know where you’re going, you can walk in it! (Isaiah 30:21)
If you are feeling stuck or are starting from scratch, today’s live coaching session is a must-listen. I pray it helps you get clear on where God is calling you. Putting the puzzle together piece by piece starts now.
Whip up some coffee and come sit by me- it’s time to dig in.
Hi friends. I am so excited about how many of you took advantage of the flash sale earlier this week. And I cannot wait to see the transformation in your clarity, to watch your incredible businesses be born from your callings so that you can build an amazing work from home business. And yes, I am absolutely sitting outside on my patio, watching the wind blow through the trees right now.
I do not have a microphone and you’re just going to have to love the audio of this intro because I am super comfy. That’s the beauty of podcasting, my friends. And that’s the beauty of authenticity. It’s like show up as you are, where you are, who you are and people can love you, or they can not love you. Here’s the door, right? Like everybody’s going to love you though, because you’re amazing.
Today I am sharing with you, guys, a live full coaching one-on-one session that I had with Jane Springer. We’re going to be going through Jane’s roadblocks when it comes to building clarity for her, we’re going to obviously go through the five pillars of building her brand map, title, tagline, I help, description, pillars, et cetera. We’re going to do all of that together and Jane really walks away with absolute clarity and direction on what she’s going to build. I can’t wait for you to be a fly on the wall.
And if you have been struggling with clarity, just grab a notebook and pen. And I want you to just come along on this journey with us and answer the questions that I asked Jane, as if I was asking you. I think that’s such an awesome way to get some free coaching right now is put your little booty in James’ seat, dig into these questions. And if you find yourself stuck at the end of today’s episode, I invite you to come join me and Clarify Your Calling, which is exactly what we do together in that program is get these questions answered once and for all.
And everything is on my website stefaniegass.com. If courses, aren’t your thing, I do offer an exclusive number of coaching sessions every month. And I do have a one or two openings left for new clients at this time. So if you’re interested in that stefaniegass.com and click on coaching, let’s dig into today’s coaching session with Jane.
So let’s start Jane with, I read through your notes, but what’s the direction that you think you’re being called to go in, or kind of walk me through where you are and the different pieces of where you’re stuck just to give us a jumping off.
Well, I feel like God would like me to take what I’ve been through, which He has seen me through, which He has walked me through in my life and help other people with it. Where I’m stuck is I’ve been through so many trials and challenges that He’s helped me with that I’ve had a hard time deciding.
Little background. The first business I had was style coaching. And I had a little business called Lifestyles by Jane. And I would help people with their closets and take them shopping and stuff like that. And then I got certified as a life coach.
So then I was a life and style coach and in my life coach training, you know, of course, they’re talking about your target market, they’re talking about your niche and that part of the training, I just started to spin because God, I don’t know what you want me to talk about because I’ve been divorced twice.
I’ve dated for a while. I’ve had abusive ex-husbands, I’ve been a single parent. I have several chronic health challenges that I have and live with. And so I can help people with those. I’ve tried, I’ve dabbled, I’ve tried a little bit of this and a little bit of that.
The only thing that I’ve really had any real success with, and I’ve made only $5,000 max I’ve made in a year, but I had gained weight around my middle as many older women do. And I suspected that something was off with my blood sugar. And I finally got them to test me for pre-diabetes and I found out I was pre-diabetic. And so I changed my diet, always been kind of a health nut and health focused. So I didn’t realize how much sugar I had been ingesting.
And so people had started noticing that I was losing weight. And so they wanted to know, like, how are you doing it? I ended up with, I don’t know, 10 or 15 clients. I said in my thing that my faith is very important to me. And so I had not injected it into my business at all, but when I would get these ladies and they all turned out to be over 50, Christian, but I didn’t advertise myslef like that I know it was just a God thing that he sent me them.
But they would tell me, like, I’d say, you know, like, how are you doing on the weekend with your eating? And they’d say, well, I went to a dinner at my church and there was all kinds of casseroles. I’m going. Oh and so I would ask them a little bit about their church and said, well, would you like for me to send you some encouraging scripture from time to time, which I love to do.
And they’re like, yeah. So I love to send people encouraging scriptures, whether it’s about food or anything else, any of the trials, my friends and clients and all that. So that’s really the only area that I’ve had consistent success in 2016, when I was up against the wall about picking a niche, I just said, okay, I’m going to pick a niche. I’m going to pick single Christian women over 50, who would like to attract a partner. And nothing really came of that.
I actually got one client. She was 30 something. But the women that I know that are still single. Most of the people I’m around are married now because I’ve been married for years, but it’s been 30 years since my last divorce. But in 19 years, since I started dating my husband, the women over 50 are as a rule, a little discouraged, and I need to lose weight. Nobody’s going to want me that kind of thing. But I’ve started a meetup group.
And I actually did a couple of several classes, a retreat center here. And I called it Thriving after divorce, Living in peace and grace and I had about six or seven people come each time. And that was definitely faith-based. And I did a series of wellness videos for the city and county here. Definitely not been inject my faith in that at all.
But I also did some classes at my church winning at weight loss, the kingdom way, these all things I made up myself, change your thoughts, change your life. There were several that I did that I have that are faith-based, which I really enjoy doing those more. But at any rate I even I led a retreat at a retreat center up in Alabama called You are God’s masterpiece.
And they had seven women come, which was the minimum that they would actually hold the thing. But it was all about loving yourself. The greatest commandment, love your neighbor as yourself and how women, a lot of times don’t love themselves. And so it was kind of a general talking to them about their faith, their body, mind, community, who are they spending time with? Surrender, there’s relationships.
Each section has a scripture associated with it. I have a bunch of different freebies because I’ve changed things so much, but I had a weight loss guide as my freebie, and then I changed it and I made it each individual thing. Each step in the weight loss. I called it the Divinely inspired weight loss guide.
Oh my gosh. Loving this.
Had six components to six or seven. I was really proud of that one because I took what was secular and made it faith-based. Yeah. So I’ve had multiple taglines and I’ve had coaches tell me, like, since it seems to trip you up so much, just go with maybe Christian women over 50 or something like that, or just, don’t worry about an age and make it Christian women who just can’t seem to get things going or need to move forward or something like that. But that just seems too general to me.
And so Stefanie, I get so spinning on all this that I shut down.
Totally. That’s normal. The beautiful news is I hear a perfectly clean, clear direction for you. I think we just need to clean it up because there’s two directions here, Jane. Direction one was this earlier part of your life, where you overcame the divorces and the single dating, and sure you can help women with that. But my question is, do you want to be working with women, talking about divorce and dating and being that kind of you’re out of that phase of your life. That’s question one.
The second part here, which is so great is this health arena, this weight loss arena, and it’s all partnered in faith. It’s founded in God’s truth over loving your body, finding this wellness, even finding healthy weight loss. And I think that that’s okay.
And all of that stuff, which it sounds to me like that’s the one we have incredible clarity that you’ve already been gifted on how we get her there. You have freebies, you have amazing names and titles in that niche. I think we just need to clean it up. So my gut was leaning towards this other weight loss, health wellness, loving yourself over 50 for Christian women.
From the very beginning, I just, when I lost my confidence on the weight loss coaching, because I’m a bit of a perfectionist, I want to really help people. And when they don’t lose the weight or they’re not losing the weight, like it’s not coming off. And then they get frustrated and I feel like I’m not giving them their money’s worth. And then a couple of them dropped out in the middle of my coaching.
So I couldn’t wait for their six weeks to be done based, but that’s my stuff that I can work on. And so I just kept thinking to myself, oh, well this single Christian women thing, I mean, that would really be fun. You know, if they wanted to lose weight, if they wanted to do styling, if they wanted to do dating, but I’m out of that arena. Now it’s been 19 years.
And talk about difficulty in getting someone a result, you being in control of them, finding a great partner, Jane that’s even worse.
I never promised them that. Really that’s what their pain point is, but I would really be working on them. You know, their confidence, how they feel about this, their self care, all that business.
If you look at that answer, you just gave me it’s back to the root of what we just discovered. It’s still back to her, who she is, how she loves herself, this finding the right weight for her, that she feels confident and beautiful in. And here’s the truth. I’ll tell you.
We can never get people the result, Jane. Only people can get people a result. Here’s everything I have to offer you here is everything that I know. Here’s what I have done for myself. Here’s what I’ve helped other people with. They will take all of this amazingness, the answer to their problems and do nothing. And that is not something we can control. And it’s something that we have to bless and release.
So let’s just clean this up and we’ll back into the problem that you solve and we’ll put some focus on that. I guess let’s begin with her, the woman, let’s get really clear on her, your avatar, and then we’ll go into the solutions. So what else is going on for her? What are her demographics like? Is she working, is she retired? Do we think she’s married?
I think she’s working.
So she’s busy. And maybe she is probably having some type of health issue, Jane, whether that be exhausted 24/7, maybe she is pre-diabetic, maybe she’s not sleeping, well anxiety, maybe some mental health stuff going on. I assume that she’s not at her best health. And so all these other problems are starting to arise.
So health issues are coming which you’re scaring her. Not sleeping well, probably like, I assume, low libido.
She could.
Cause that’s usually tied to like your food, and the sugars and all that.
And how you feel about yourself.
Low confidence. She is not loving what she sees in the mirror. She’s probably gained some weight from where she’s comfortable. So gained weight, her body’s changed. If menopause is a big issue right now, menopause or premenopausal. Like she’s in this rut, in her physical and she’s feeling like she wants to love her body again. Tell me what your thoughts are on that. Wants to love.
Well I actually did a freebie and the original title of it was How to love your body more in seven days or something. And then I changed it to well, somebody else change the title to Feel good, look good and have more confidence in seven days.
I like yours better How to love your body in seven days. Learn to love your body in seven days. So beautiful. See, you already had all these pieces. You just didn’t have how they went together. You didn’t have the puzzle. What’s our woman’s name? Let’s name her.
Her name is Lisa.
Okay. Is there anything else going on with Lisa? If she’s married, is her marriage feeling a little strained or is that going well for her?
I think maybe a little stale. Maybe she doesn’t feel sexy and with her husband.
And another piece of this, which is so perfect, Jane, is that because she’s so unhappy in her body, like she’s probably wearing things that don’t make her feel confident, beautiful. Your styling can still even be a part of this brand.
That’s one of the items in the loving your body in seven days.
Amazing. So you already have the brand, you’re so good. You just need to put all the little words with it to make it clear. That feels good. I feel pretty clear about Lisa. Also where is she with her faith? So I know she’s a Christian. If she has a relationship with God, is she actively searching for His truth in this journey? Or is she like, I’m a Christian check the box and move on with her life?
I think she’s searching. I think she’s actually, can I change her name to Jennifer? Because I actually have a friend Lisa who is a Christian. I kind of modeled the single Christian women thing off of her, but she’s struggling with her faith. So most of the people I work with are definitely, and even Lisa likes to get scripture. So anyway, go ahead.
So I feel really clear on Jennifer. Let’s go now to our solutions for Jennifer. Now these are Jane’s solutions. I’m trying to build for you here. These are your pillars here. I’ll share my screen with you so you know what I’m writing. And if you can see on your iPad or not, but I’ll send it as well.
So the next part, and I already had an idea of a title for you. So Kingdom Wellness for women, but we’ll have to see, so let’s play with solutions and we’ll try to bucket our solutions into like four major categories. So I want you to just talk to me and you have been, you’ve been giving me great ideas already about our solutions here.
So for example, weight loss, that’s a solution you can help her with. Confidence. We had scripture/God’s word, which is loving herself.
Style, and clothes.
Like self-care,
I’m going to put that up here. Okay. Another component of this is probably mindset. Getting her…
Oh, that’s all of it. I use Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind or whatever that is.
Then we’ve got some wellness stuff. Nutrition was a part of this because that goes into the weight loss part, right? I’m actually going to put that up here. My bucket, all this stuff under wellness, self care and comfidence I’m gonna pull those out and we’re going to put those under mindset. Self care is a weird one. We’ll have to find where that goes. Then we have faith where that’s our scripture, God’s word, loving herself, leaning on the Lord, identity, trust, faith. Then we have styling or confidence. Styling is more tactical.
Comfidence falls more under mindset. Well, it’s kind of a mixture.
I know it kind of is. Which is great. I don’t care what your bucket they go in. My weird guy is self-care. Where does self-care fit? We’ve got wellness, faith, styling, and mindset as our pillars.
I think wellness.
So now we have your four solutions. These are your four overarching solutions Jane. So the beauty is when you set out to however you’re going to build, probably if you hang out with me, you’re going to end up with a podcast, right?
I actually have no desire to have a podcast.
Okay. What do you want to do blog?
Actually, at the very beginning I had just a faith-based blog called Springoflivingwater.com.
That’s cute.
And believe me, I have bunch of domains. So springoflivingwater.com has all faith-based blog posts. I sprinkled faith in there, but not all the time.
So the point of what I’m saying is however you’re going to build. And there’s really, there’s only three options. You’ve got to blog, do video, or you have to do podcasting because otherwise we don’t have a way to bring in our leads.
Oh, I do Facebook lives.
Great. So you can do that and blogging. And that’s great. So when you set out, here’s the question, does this help Jennifer with one of these four solutions, wellness, faith, styling, or mindset? If that answer is yes. You get to talk about it. You’re staying in your niche. Okay. So you can talk about any of these freebies, how to love to learn your body in seven days. Yes.
Pre-diabetic or helping her with sugar. Absolutely. Divinely inspired, weight loss. Absolutely. Herbing God’s masterpiece. Yes. Winning at weight loss. Yes. Styling and confidence for women over 50. Yes. All of this is in your niche. So let’s go up now and try to create an I help statement that’s is very clean and clear.
I help Christian women in midlife or should I say the over 50?
Either one. I think they’re interchangeable and we probably want to use both here and there.
I help, Christian women in mid-life who are struggling with their health and weight or bodies with the way they feel in their bodies.
I helped Christian women over 50, feel confident in her body and find freedom and who God created her to be. Christian woman over 50 find body confidence when they lose weight and they feel good. That’s the outcome. Or we call it what it is. I help Christian went over 50, lose weight, gain confidence and
Can we put grounded in her faith, something like that. Do we want to put something faith in there?
We totally can. Do we want to say lose weight I guess is my first question?
Well, that’s pretty much their pain point, but all goes together because if they’ve got that extra round their middle they’re overweight, she could have a myriad of other health problems going on arthritis in their knees and can’t play with her grandkids and a lot of things. So…
So I think it would be important to say lose weight because that’s why she’s here. And then we’ll let the podcast or the brand do so much more than that. Help her. So I helped Christian women over 50 lose weight, find body confidence, get healthy and grow in her faith. Now there’s four things I think grow in her faith is a afterthought for why she’s here. So we could …
oh, wait.Yeah, we’ve already said she’s a Christian woman.
We have. So I helped Christian women over 50 lose weight, find body confidence and get healthy and get spiritually healthy.
I liked that. I was designing a class for church called Spiritually, balancing your blood sugar or something like that.
See, oh my gosh, you have all this content that’s already perfect for this. So clean and simple and easy. I love it. So the next question is what’s the title of this company and brand going to be, and what’s our tagline going to be so that your website is obvious, your blog is super obvious. Maybe tell me some of the domains you already have. And we’ll see if something already fits.
Okay. These are the taglines I’ve had. The first one I ever had was Refresh your life, replenish your spirit, that was before I went into the weight loss business. That’s only been in the last three, four years. Redesign your life from the inside out. Then I did Healthy, whole and faithful after 50.
Oh, that’s good.
And then I had some people say, what is she faithful about as you faithful about her husband or what? I made it healthy whole. And faith-filled after 50. And then I have the one that I have now is Feel fabulous after 50. But that doesn’t say at all. So…
These are all great, like you’re so close. My favorite is this one so far Healthy, whole and faith filled after 50. How close that is where I help statement. I help Christian women over 50 lose weight, find body confidence and get spiritually healthy or get spiritually fit. We can use the F if we want. So yours right now is Healthy, whole and faithful after 50. Let’s do a couple more iterations and we’ll pick our favorite.
So that could be something like lose weight, find body confidence. It’s this right here. Right? We’re just taking our second part. So that would be right here. Lose weight, find body confidence and get spiritually fit after 50. Now here’s the difference. This one is very specific, right? We’re telling her you will lose weight, find body confidence and get spiritually fit. There are three promises we are making to you by hanging out with me. This one get Healthy and whole, and faith-filled, it’s shorter, but it’s more elusive. What do you mean by healthy? What does being whole mean?
That was the other question people asked me, what does it whole name?
What is whole? So I like the more specific we can be in a tagline because we have two seconds she’s in or she’s out. So I would probably go with this one that’s just a lot more obvious. You will lose weight, feel confident and get spiritually fit. Oh, and PS it’s for you if you’re over 50. Thoughts? And if you’re like, oh, I don’t love it yet. We’ll keep tweaking.
No, I like it. I’m wondering about the spiritually fit after 50, although an alliteration is good.
Lose weight, find body comfidence and get spiritually fit after 50, all the F sound really good together. Yeah,
I know. Okay. So you want to know my domains? Yeah.
Let’s go through your domains.
divinelyinspiredweightloss.com. Then of course I have janespringer.com. I have youthemasterpiece.com. Springofliving.com. Cause I kind of a thing on my last name, but anyway, kingdomlovecoach. So that was when I was doing the dating thing. LifestylesbyJane, that was my original one. I’ll skip the lovecoachjane, prayitoff.com. Springerstyle.com. Springoflivingwater.com.
And I actually have a Facebook group with Spring of living water although it needs to be defined better. I haven’t been keeping up with it anyway. wwlthekingdomway, which is a winning at weight loss, thekingdomway.com. And then I did kissprediabetesgoodbye. Those are the only ones I’ve got. I’m more than happy to get more.
So spring of living water, I don’t know what that means.
I just know that that’s in scripture and I love it, but it doesn’t tell people anything.
And so here’s the thing. We don’t have to have a name that tells them what it is, right? It could be springoflivingwater. And then our tagline is very obvious and clean, lose weight, find body confidence and get spiritually fit after 50. They know what it is when they read the tagline. That’s great. The situation is it will be a slower grow.
The next one, divinelyinspiredweightloss. Very clear. My problem with this one is it pigeonholes you into weight loss. Three promises, weight loss, body confidence, and getting spiritually fit. Janespringer.com. You always want that. And that could be the.com, but it wouldn’t be our brand name. So keeping that one. Youthemasterpiece, this one could totally work.
That one could absolutely work because you are a masterpiece, right? Like God is our Potter. We are the clay. We’re going to help you get back to what this masterpiece is of what he created you to be. We’re going to lay down our food idols. We’re going to love our bodies. We’re going to focus on our mindset and our hearts in it. So that one could absolutely work. Springofliving, confusing.
Where not doing lovecoach, that doesn’t make sense anymore. LifestylesbyJane, like this one got me for some reason. Now, again, it’s like, prayitoff. What do you mean? But I immediately knew knowing your brand. Well, we’re going to pray it off. We’re going to pray off this extra weight. We’re going to pray off a solution for why we don’t feel sexy. We’re going to pray off all of these problems because God’s the answer. So I like it a lot.
So I’m gonna highlight that. The other one I wrote down for you as an idea, was kingdomwellnessforwomenover50, we should probably add, well, I guess we could even just have kingdom. I bet kingdom wellness is taken, but kingdom wellness for women, kingdom wellness for her, it was just kingdom wellness because wellness was kind of all encompassing of our weight, confidence and spiritual fitness.
I like it.
All right. So we got to pick one. So let’s go see if kingdomwellness is even available because that might be taken off the table. So go to godaddy, we’ll check it out. I’m assuming kingdom wellness by itself has taken kingdomwellnessforher that is available. Kingdomwellnessforwomen is available. Kingdomwellnessover50 available.
Herkingdomwellness is available so we can definitely make kingdom wellness work. So let’s talk about which one you feel led to. We’ve got three highlighted kingdomwellnessforwomen or some iteration of that. Youthemasterpiece, prayitoff.
I think the kingdomwellness is a good umbrella. What do you think?
I agree. I also love, I mean, I love them all for different reasons, but kingdomwellness is very obvious. This is going to have a heavy faith focus and it’s about wellness. Like there’s no question marks. So that is why I like that one. But youthemasterpiece makes sense too. And then prayitoff would be my third favorite. So I’m with you with.
Let’s pick one. So we’ve got herkingdomwellness. That’s available. We’ve got kingdomwellnessover50, whether you use five o or spell it.
The word.
kingdomwellnessatmidlife, available kingdomwellnessforwomen available kingdomwellness alone is not available. You can get kingdomwellness.co. We just have to check the trademark.
No, I think we should be specific for women. In some way.
Agree. Let me make sure it’s not trademark kingdomwellness, just in case. You’re good. So
Kingdomwellnessforwomen. You’ve got the two W’s It’s kind of catchy kingdomwellnessforwomen.
Yeah. Kingdom wellness for women just because of the alliteration. Sounds the best.
Yeah. And do we even have to say over 50?
No. Cause your tagline will say that. So we’ll have kingdomwellnessforwomen, be the title. Now above all, it’s your choice. But we could have Janespringer.com if you wanted to be the brand, Jane, like for example, I was the brand. So I had Stefaniegass.com. Then at first I had The Mompreneur Mastermind Show. It was a different title for my podcast.
The cool thing about that was no matter what I changed in my business, it was always Stefaniegass.com. Like that’s something that would never, ever, change. Or you go all in and you become kingdom wellness for women is the brand.
It’s kingdomwellnessforwomen.com, it’s kingdom wellness framework, that’s your course, we’ve got kingdom wellness for the soul book. We’ve got whatever kingdom wellness health trackers, like everything becomes kingdom wellness. And that’s what you would trademark in the future. And either one is right. It doesn’t matter which one it’s what you prefer.
Well, I mean, I’ve had Janespringer.com since very early. That’s how people mostly know me or
That’s fine. And here’s the beauty of that, Jane is that no matter what you were to create ever, it always comes back to Jamesspringer.com and then there’s tabs. And you can still have kingdomwellnessforwomen.com and that will redirect to the blog.
Yeah, I’ll do that right away.
So I’m going to put brand, our brand is Jane Springer and that’s going to be our, our home.com. Then we have our blogs/business title, which is kingdomwellnessforwomen. Our tagline, right on your Janespringer page becomes Lose weight, find body confidence and get spiritually fit after 50.
That becomes the promise on everything you do. Okay. It’s a tagline/promise. And then we’ve got your I help statement for Instagram or anywhere that you want an I help statement, which is I help Christian women over 50 lose weight, find body confidence and get spiritually fit.
What do I call myself, Stefanie? .
That’s the last part. We need your title. And then we’ve got our content pillars. Feeling good.
Kingdom wellness coach is a possibility.
Kingdom wellness coach, absolutely. Kingdom wellness mentor. I like coach better.
I mean, some people say that coach is so overused now
I don’t think so. Not at all.
It pretty much describes.
I mean, and imagine you can have the kingdom wellness workshop, you can have the kingdom wellness method, kingdom wellness frameworks, all of them can play off of that but yes, I love kingdom wellness coach, because whether you’re helping her in weight loss that fits in her spiritual fitness, that fits it’s part of her overall wellness or her body confidence. So any of those fit under your title.
So that we’re locking in, that’s a yellow and yellow. In our last 10 minutes, what still feels fuzzy? What’s the next question that this brings up for you, knowing you have clarity on the brand itself, what to do with it?
Well, that was actually first thinking about the freebie. What did you call it? I forget what you called it. Love your body in seven days.
You have so many great ideas for freebies here and you’ve already created them, right?
Yes. I have names
Don’t have more than three because your three promises are what? Number one, weight loss, divinely inspired, weight loss diet. Right. So any blog you do that has to do with weight loss, that’s your freebie.
Oh yes. And then I have the one about loving your body in seven days. That’s the confidence.
That’s our confidence one
Love your body. And then I actually have one that’s the top 10 things every woman should have in her closet. That’s style. If you want to put style in there. Oh, spiritually fit.
I think this one’s fine to keep though, because you will have a couple style blogs. So the next thing for you that you need to think about Jane, that I would recommend is how to build a course or making a course that is for this woman that you can sell. She gets into this freebie Learn to love my body in seven days, she’s going through this freebie with you.
What’s the next step, right? How do we make money? Well, she either hires you one-on-one, which is okay for a while, but it’s not scalable. And it gets very exhausting. So I like coaching is great to start with to make some money, but how do we solve her problem in a course without Jane? So our problem is that we know is that she feels unhappy in her body and whatever I’ve said earlier. How do we create that course?
That really basically it takes her through our four pillars. So it helps her like the kingdom wellness method, for example. And it takes her through this wellness module, a faith bonus module, a styling module and a mindset module. And maybe it’s a $4-500 course. That would probably be the next step for you to think about as far as monetizing your blog.
Was the last one that you said? Four pillars, wellnes, faith,…
Mindset. Wellness, faith, styling, and mindset, which are the four pillars of your brand. And it can be kingdom wellness framework, kingdom wellness method, and the modules, have modules inside of them. Wellness, step one, 30 days, weightloss. So if we were to give that a tagline, since we have time, …
What about the kingdom wellness experience or immersion, or I’m just thinking out loud.
Go ahead. What were going to say?
If you wanted to also you saying that made me think of having it as a program where you’re actually live with them, Jane.
I mean, I love doing day-long. I love doing retreats and seminars in person.
Yeah. You could do that. You could do it virtually. So a lot of ways you could run this program. I think maybe putting some feelers out to her, like, which do you want? I can create this as a course. We can do this as a group coaching program. We can do it in person.
Probably it’d have to be virtual because this is a long process to go through these four steps with her. I’d probably take eight weeks to get started on everything. So anyway, any of those are great though. What is the promise of the outcome of that course? It would be,
That she would have a definite plan to lose weight, how to lose weight, identify, you know, where her issues are with the weight, to bring her faith, how to use her faith to accomplish your goals and love for life again, styling, how to look good and feel good in her body, in her clothing and mindset, how to transform her mind. So she’s thinking in a new way about herself and her life.
So how does this sound kingdom wellness method or whatever kingdom wellness system – lose weight, find body confidence and get spiritually fit in 12 weeks for women over 50.
Yeah, that sounds good.
Yeah. Very specific. So this would be like program, probably I’d run this as a program the first time Jane, just to prove, to get that proof of concept, to get the feedback and the testimonies from the women and
As a group program, you mean?
Yeah. I run it as a group program. It’s 12 weeks. If you meet with them once a week, how many people do you think you have in your whole community that are like actively following you?
I have absolutely no idea. I mean, I’ve got about 200 people on my email and on Facebook, most of my stuff is on Facebook, but I have over 500 friends, but the algorithm is weird. So I never know really.
That’s my problem with building on Facebook. So let’s say you have 700 and we can, hopefully I always, 1 to 2% conversion is like really safe. So that’s seven. So if you had seven women join this group coaching program and you do it for 12 hours. So what do you want to make per hour?
I would like to make, even you tell me, cause I’ve never done something like this before
Yeah, that would be good. 250 is good.
So 250 times, and I’m going to say you need another hour each week to help them with homework or whatever. So that’s actually 24 hours of your time. That’s $6,000 is what we’d like to make from this program divided by seven women, 857. So selling this program for 850, I want it to be 847.
And the goal would be seven sales. Now you have your program. And then the great news is Jane run it once with the intention of like recording the whole thing as you go that way, in case you hated it, you have a course now and you just upload it into teachable and you’re done.
Okay. You’re talking about like doing a PowerPoint and stuff like that. So as you’re going along,
Just like this, we’re on zoom. All the women are in the side view, you’ve maybe have Q&A at the end,they ask questions. You have them sign a release so that if you choose to use it as a course in the future, everybody’s already signed off on that. And maybe you love it. And you’re like, I’m going to run this once a quarter. Great. And maybe you don’t and now you have a course.
That’s super helpful.
Good. So we got your brand cleaned up. We have a course idea, a program idea. Do you feel clear?
I feel clear.
The next part of this Jane is mari this idea for a year. So if I could be daring and say, don’t deviate, don’t look up. Don’t try to niche away. Stick with these titles, everything that we’ve come up with for one full year before you get to even evaluate it again, because all of the self judgment and the is this working is happening in the first six months of a brand. And then you give up and pivot and you start over again
I’ve done that multiple times when I didn’t get traction right away, I’m like, oh, this isn’t working.
And the other piece of advice I have for you is you’re doing these lives on Facebook. That’s fine. But can you repurpose those lives onto a YouTube so that you can own the content?
I have a YouTube channel. I just don’t use it. So, so we have a few things on there, but
If you pull up your Facebook live from a desktop, you can save it. And even on the formatting will be weird. Who cares? You can pop that video into YouTube. And now if Facebook disappears tomorrow and the algorithm stuffs you down, your video is still growing for you on YouTube.
Yeah, I can do that. The other thing I can do is recorded on zoom and then move it to YouTube, right?
Yep. And that allows you to share it on Facebook and YouTube. And the coolest part about zoom, Jane, is you also get an MP4 file, which is an audio file. So if you wanted to start a podcast, you’d have all your files and all you would do is use your audio file of your video.
Awesome. Thank you, Stefanie.
This was so much fun.
So much fun. Thank you for helping me clarify my calling.
You’re so welcome.
I just got so discouraged and then in a spin. So that’s just kept me stuck, which I have not enjoyed.
Well, what I love is you were right on, you had everything within, you already been in the right direction. You just didn’t have the bow. So it’s hard to create something with all the pieces when you don’t have the container.
Now you’re ready. Thank you.
You’re welcome, my love. Okay. Keep me posted.
I will. Thank you.
God bless. Bye Jane.
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