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Today we are digging into 8 types of REST. When we rest, we are filled with His peace. Life is easier, lighter, and more free. In a world where our to-do lists are glorified and busy is the new black, we are inundated with lies about ‘success’ and ‘more’. Finding rest is a must.
We are told that if we just hustle harder we will finally find fulfillment. That when we get through the endless stuff on our lists, we will finally have time to breathe, to relax, to create memories, or actually spend time with our kids…
Sweet girl, the truth is as daughters of the King we are on Heaven’s timeline, not the worlds. There is fruit in rest that I have discovered to be so sweet. That inside of obedience, God gives. He provides. He takes our burden and carries it. The weight of need, more, and want are so heavy. It’s time to walk in freedom.
I pray today’s episode helps you relinquish the world’s demands so you can exchange them for God’s plans. I hope to help you implement rest in new ways throughout each area of your life.
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. -Matthew 11:28
Hey friend, today we are talking about eight types of rest and how to abide in the Lord and His peaceful gifts that He has for you. I’m going to talk about what it means to find rest, how we can discern between worldly rest and Godly biblical rest, and then how to actually implement rest. How I go through these eight different areas in my life and achieve and grow and purposefully and intentionally plan in rest. We are going through it. I hope that this blesses you and that you are able to step into all of the amazing gifts of rest and types of rest.
And really can start to step into rest, both physically, emotionally, and spiritually, and really uncover this newness and freshness life God has for you in the gift of rest. let’s do it. Hey SIS, I have a favor to ask you if you have been a Lola for over three episodes and you’ve been hanging out with me for any number of weeks now, or maybe even months or girl, maybe even years, have you left a written review for this podcast? That is something that I, that truly lights my heart up.
Every time I get to see your comments and what you guys think of the show and your favorite episodes, and which ones have inspired you or transformed you or change your heart or your business in some way. So I’m going to ask you for a favor right now, if you have not done.
So will you pause this episode for me, scroll all the way down and the apple podcast app, and just leave me a quick written testimony for how this show has impacted you. I would to hear from you. And if you want to do me one more solid taking a screenshot of this episode and posting it in your stories, guys, that’s the only way that I know this is touching your heart.
And it it’s really what keeps me going. It’s what keeps me excited about showing up for you is hearing from you. So I know it’s hard. I know we’re busy, but if you guys can do that for me, it will bless me more than you know. All right. So today we’re talking about rest guys. If I’m being really honest with you, this is something that I did not ever do until recently, honestly, until the last couple of years, I was just go, go, go busy, go to do list, check the box, achieve harder, work, harder hustle.
And I was constantly exhausted and I was constantly edgy and I didn’t know how to rest. And we would go on these camping trips. And on these trips, I find this like, it’s like peacefulness this. My like my life would just slow down and time would slow down.
And I would see my family in a new way. And I would have such a great time. And I realized these camping trips were forcing me. As I look back now to rest. They were forcing me cause I didn’t have cell phone service. I wasn’t able to work. There was no internet.
All I had was my present moment and my family and all the fun activities and nature and all of these different blessings from God that I was typically too busy to see and other experiences when my phone broke, we were on vacation and this was the beginning of me taking sabbaticals from my phone every weekend. But my phone broke and I mean, literally broke. There was no hope, no hope at all.
And we were on vacation and I could not work. Couldn’t get on the internet. Couldn’t get on social media. And again, I was forced to rest and to be, and now that I look back, I think those were just gifts from God, even though I felt so addicted and I felt so, it was so hard for me to lay those things down and to rest.
And those were really in relation to my business. But I want to right now ask you some questions and then we’re going to go through eight types of rest. I’m going to read you some scripture about rest as well. What’s your definition of rest? How often are you taking a break? How often are you taking a break? And I don’t mean a break to watch Netflix or to go drink three glasses of wine, no condemnation.
I’m just over here going like truly rest, like rest with him in him. Step away from all types of idols, all types of idols, all types of numbing mechanisms, whether it’s TV or this or shopping or what, like when, when have you just Ben, how often are you doing that? Because it will change you. It will change you and it will change your life. And it’s so cool to me.
When I, when I look at my life and I realize I don’t have to do anything, I feel so free. I don’t have to drink to have fun anymore. I don’t have to be on social media to grow a business. I don’t have to work to feel valued or validated. I don’t have to check a box to think that I’ve been productive today.
I can just be and rest in knowing that I am enough just as I am just in my, in my physical presence of being in, just being a mom and just being a wife in recording an episode when I had a hundred other things on the to-do list, that all of those things are enough and that rest can be found in the little perfect pieces of our day that we are choosing to, to fill with other numbing mechanisms, with things that are changing us that are planting negative seeds that are stealing from God, trying to speak with us.
I know this is deep stick with me. I promise it will be worth it. So let’s look at some scriptures about rest. What does God have to say about rest? The first one, Matthew 11 verses 28 through 30. Come to me all who labor and are heavy Laden. And I will give you rest, take my yoke upon you and learn from me for, I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy. And my burden is light. This promises us sisters, that when we come to him and we hand it all over, we hand it all over. We are laboring too much. We are burdened with heaviness. There is a lot on our shoulders. When we hand it to Jesus, he will give us rest his gentle lowly. We will find rest for our souls peacefulness in our hearts.
So to me, there’s this decision I have to make every day. Am I going to carry this weight? Or am I going to hand it to him? And I find myself often trying to carry it, trying to carry grief or sadness or salvation of others or problems of others or the fears of the world or the what ifs of raising children and the fears that I have that go along with that.
I find myself there often would have to come back to this verse, come on to me and I will give you rest. I need rest from my thoughts. How many of you need rest from your thoughts, from your worries, from your anxieties. That is, that is a emotional and spiritual rest that you must taken. So the next one, Exodus 33 14. And he said, my presence will go with you and I will give you rest.
So again, he is with us. When we carry God’s presence with us, we are given rest. It’s a gift. Rest is a gift. And here’s something I’ve learned about gifts. Recently. We all have gifts. It’s all right there. It’s take this gift I have for you, but it’s our decision. It is our choice. If we’re going to unwrap the gift and when we unwrap the gift, are we going to look at it, put it on a shelf or are we going to actually use it?
We are all given the gift of rest. We are given the gift of heaven’s timeline instead of our own worldly timeline. Because if we are trying to do things on our own worldly timeline, there’s never enough time. There’s never going to be enough. You’re going to feel stressed and tired and overwhelmed.
And your to-do list will grow and grow and grow where you can operate on heaven’s timeline, where there’s unlimited time, unlimited time, slow down mamas, take the time to rest the gift.
Is there the rest of all the other things, they’re just distractions from the gift. They’re distractions from slowing down the time to soak in the memories. I think that one of the things that have, and for me is I was always in so much of a hurry. I was glorifying busy for so long. I have a really hard time with memories. I can’t remember much of anything to be honest with you.
And I think it’s because I didn’t take the time to smell the roses. I didn’t take the time to journal my life and a life that is well lived is worth recording. Somebody said that somewhere. That’s not, mine is so good. Now I write down what happened in my life and my day, every single evening, because it’s worth it. Of course, Genesis two, verse two through three. And on the seventh day, God finished his work that he had done and he rested.
So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy because on it, God rested from all his work that he had done in creation, which is the Sabbath. Now, I don’t know if any of you practice the Sabbath or not, but I believe that we all should on the weekends are my weekends are my Sabbath. And of course you can modify. You can do, make that you pray and see what God has in store for you for a Sabbath.
But for me, that’s no phone, no social media, not no phones, no social media at all. And very, very limited work. And if it is work, it’s just work that God’s asking me to do. Maybe a podcast episode, maybe I’m inspired by that. It’s light work. I’m not meeting with clients. I’m not posting things like I’m here and I’m resting and resting in him.
All right, let’s do one more. This is John 14, 27. Peace. I leave with you. My peace I give to you, not as the world gives, do I give to you? Let not your hearts be troubled. Neither let them be afraid pieces already given again. So if rest is a gift and peace as a gift, what are we operating in?
What Headspace, what level level of busy-ness are you operating in? How often are you opening his gift of rest and peace? Because the world cannot give those to us. If there is a worldly solution to finding rest, run, his rest is the only rest that you need your whole life. Everything you’re looking for, everything we think we need all. If I had more money, I could take more vacations to rest.
Oh man, if I just worked harder than maybe my husband, I would get along better and then we could get along and go to dinner and look in each other’s eyes and rest in each other’s love. Oh my gosh. If I just finished this to-do list, then I would finally have time to love on my babies more and to rest with them, play, those are lies. They’re lies that the world has fed you, but the truth is
You already have the time you already
Can operate in rest on a daily, hourly basis. Sister, you can already invoke his peacefulness because it’s already given to you. We just have to unwrap the gifts. So let’s talk about the eight types of rest. And I’ll give you an example from my own life of how I am working and operating and constantly praying that God will continue to foster my growth in these different areas.
And that I will continue to find peacefulness and rest in him in all of these different types of rest. One is physical rest, physical rest. Your body is a temple, your body. As a temple, we have to treat our body. Like I always think of it. As you know, we, we embody the holy spirit, the holy spirit lives inside of us. So my body is a hotel girl. Like if holy Spirit’s gonna abide in my body, I need to treat my body like a hotel for the holy spirit.
I am feeding it and nourishing it with vegetables. I working out, I am taking care of my body. I’m not glorifying my body. I am just taking care of my body. I love my body. I have cellulite. I have some flab on my arms, girls. I have some stretch marks on my stomach. I used to hate those pieces of my body. And now I love them because they are a hotel for the holy spirit.
So I have to love my body and I have to give my body rest. What does this look like? For me? It looks like for me, going to bed by no later than 10:00 PM every night, not getting on my phone, not letting anything steal from rest of my physical body. I take a few days off from working out every week. This is rest. It’s letting your body heal. It’s letting your body recuperate from you, a challenging and grow in your body.
It’s praying over your body. Thank you to this body. I love you so much. It’s it’s praying thinks, and having so much gratitude for a body that allows you to walk for those legs. Yes, they have cellulite. Thank you Lord. For these cellulite legs that allow them. I need to walk so many people. Can’t walk it’s perception and perspective over this body. It’s, it’s loving, finding peacefulness in your physical body and also tangibly taking rest.
So for you, what’s the number one thing you can do. Write it down. I want you to write these down and come share them with me in the face, the group to take one, to take your physical, rest up one more notch. What do you need to do? Okay. Number two is relational rest. Now this for me, I wrote this down, but I didn’t know how to write it down, but it’s in my marriage.
So my husband and I, 24 7, our parents we’ve been co-working from home. Okay. We are to friends, but also to parents, to coworkers, if you want to call it that, like we’re constantly on duty. If you will, and our marriage needs rest, we need to get away from it. All of the things that we have, our responsibilities, and we need to rest together. We need to go on a day date.
We need to go on a mountain bike ride. Lay together and be intimate. Look in each other’s eyes. We need to have a conversation that doesn’t have anything to do with all the things that we have, have to do. Do you know what I’m saying?
How often
Are you, you and your spouse finding rest together? And this is what I am constantly working on you guys, because not all of these come easy. None of them come easy. But when I do that and when I make that a priority, our marriage is stronger. My love for him grows the way I see him grows. The veil is lifted from my eyes of, oh, I love with this man. He’s annoying me right now.
Cause there’s just, he’s not putting his clothes in the hamper. He’s putting it next to the hamper. You know what I mean? Like those are trivial things of the world that try to keep us distracted from the pure unconditional love that our spouses have for us and that we have for them because we are one, we are United. So for you. So for us, for us, realistically, this looks like probably one immersive date.
That’s like a full day per month. If I’m being realistic. Now for some of you, that’s a weekly thing. And for some of you, maybe that’s quarterly. I don’t know. And there’s no right or wrong answer here, but go to the Lord and ask, what do you need me to do to begin to rest in my marriage again? Okay. And I want you to write down one thing you can do to take that up. One notch.
Number three is emotional rest. Number three is emotional rest. And this is probably been the hardest one for me because I grew up with a dad in particular, who was extremely unemotional. Okay. Like you don’t cry. You’re tough. And there are pieces of that that I’m grateful for. And then there are pieces of that I’m, you know, learning, I’m learning about how to be emotional in a good way.
I’m learning about opening that box, that I’ve put so many emotions and feelings in throughout my life. And so what I’ve discovered for me, emotional rest is taking a hot bath and allowing myself to cry. It’s okay. Allowing myself to feel grief and to go through emotion instead of hiding it or, or avoiding it or thinking, or having guilt around it or having shame around it, but going, I have this emotion, I’m going to take it to God.
And I’m gonna allow myself to just work through this. That for me is emotional rest because when I’m harboring emotions, I’m not resting with it. Like rest with something is peace with it. It’s abiding in it, through it so that you can come out the other side stronger, closer. And some of it is uncomfortable. Guy. Rest is not comfortable. Rest is not comfy, but it’s so absolutely necessary.
And once we start to relish in it, it does become not just comforting, durable, but you crave it crave rest in all these areas now. So emotional rest. And maybe for you, you, you maybe are being a bit too emotional, right? There’s a sweet spot for each of these buckets, each of these eight types of rest.
So what do you need to do in this bucket? Do you need to allow yourself to feel or to, to allow holy spirit to work with you on some different types of emotional rest or maybe, you know, it’s time for you to seek that therapist or that spiritual growth mentor or talk to that pastor at your church what’s happening emotionally that, you know, needs some work, write it down. Number four, business, rest, rest in your business, rest in your business.
Now guys I could have, and I have had entire podcast episodes about rest in your business because I feel so strongly.
This is like part of my mission work is that as entrepreneurial, heart and moms, all of you, you want to grow these businesses. You know, the fruitfulness is right on the other side of getting through that hump of working through it. And you get so distracted by the desire to succeed, the business becomes in a way an idol and it was for me and it can be for me.
And I’m very grateful that I’m willing and have been shown how to let go of the spirit of control and how to notice when my ego is creeping back in, or my desire for achievement is rearing its ugly head because I just pray over that. Holy spirit, I pray that I would release these fleshly desires in my heart for my business and that you would just take it. It’s your business. God, this is your business.
How do I operate this business with my eyes on Jesus, with my eyes on heaven’s timeline and not the worlds and what he so lovingly showed me me is that I was to lay down the idolatry of my business, of growing my business, the idolatry of the to-do list of busy.
So what that looks like for me, tangibly ladies is outsourcing a lot of things. I have four people on my team now I had to get over the notion that I, it couldn’t be done without Stefanie Gass because that’s absolutely ridiculous. I had to get over the fact that it takes an investment to hire help. Yes, it does too bad. Get over it. The provision is already there for you. God will, will give you those answers. I had to get over the fact that I was handing my business away to some other people to help me.
That is a spirit of control. And we are, we have to break that in order to find rest in our businesses. The other thing that that looks like for me tangibly is I don’t work after roughly four o’clock everyday. If I’m being honest, I start, I do my workout around four o’clock. Then I make dinner with my family. We do not eat dinner with any type of technology around us.
Then we often go outside and play trampolines visiting, maybe we’ll watch a family TV show or something like that, but like, we’re truly resting. Maybe we play a game, maybe the Brad wrestles with the boys and I go take a hot bath. Like there is, I’m not working now. That’s probably 90% of the time. Of course this can not be 100% all the time. They’re just boundaries that you set for yourself. And they’re flexible boundaries because what if I have a client in Australia or what if I’m a launch?
Great. It’s okay. But 90% of the time I am not working after four. That’s what that looks like for me. It also looks like getting to help with my kids, right? If I’m going to run a business of this size and do all the things that I do, I have to have help, whether they’re in school, whether I have a babysitter here, whether my mom is helping me, like I am asking for help left and right.
And then finally the weekends, the weekends are true. Truly are a Sabbath for me. I delete the apps completely 90% of the time, Facebook and Instagram. I clear my inbox out on Friday so that I don’t have to look at my email mills. And if I work, it’s doing something that’s fun that I just want to do, like recording an episode or working on updating a course. Like it’s, it’s fun, easy things that I can do too,
As I rest.
Okay. So in the business, in this category, what do you need to do to take that up a notch? And I feel extremely strong. Holy spirit is always convicting me that you all have a lot of work to do when it comes to social media. So I would really encourage you to think about this question. Are you looking at your phone more than you’re looking into the eyes of your children, your husband and your friends.
Are you thinking more yeah. About what could be happening on your phone, in a facade of a world that actually doesn’t matter than the world that you are physically in. Are you carrying your phone around with you from room to room? Do you have panic when you don’t know where it is? Does your phone die before the end of the day? I know these are hard questions, but they are questions that you must ask yourself.
Because we as kingdom entrepreneurs, we you’re building not businesses for our own benefit to make some money. We’re building legacies. We are building transformational change for people with the gifts that we have. And if we are so distracted that we cannot even raise our babies by looking them in the face and hearing them when they speak to us.
Instead of speaking to our head, as we look down into a world that is not even real or doesn’t even matter, something’s got to change. I want you to see that for what it is, what is that? That’s an idol, my friends, and that is the enemy using something physical to steal from your presence and your purpose and your purpose. I know this is hard. This is hard work. And you know what hard work is. Great work hard work is hard. Work. Write that down.
Girls’ hard. Work is hard work. What do you need to do in the business? Rest bucket, write it down, come share it in the group. The fifth type of rest is spiritual rest, spiritual rest. How are you finding peace in your spiritual journey, guys? Tactically tangibly. This is so cool. There is not one way to do this. You know, you’ve heard, oh, you must have a morning routine and you have to just read your Bible every day.
Yes, that’s wonderful. But how about just a walk with you and God, and just talk to God, just pray to God on your walk. You know, when we go mountain bike riding, I have so many physical, tangible, emotional, spiritual experiences with God in the trees, in the, in the wind. Just even in my heart and holy spirit, just being with me, just feeling the presence.
You can do this in the evenings. If you want to pray, you can have a bath by playing worship music and feel the presence of the Lord. Okay? Like there is no right or wrong answer to how you can experience spiritual rest. Maybe it’s also looking for a spiritual growth mentor or looking for someone a biblical mentor that you can lean on.
Someone in your church, a friend of yours, there are ways to just rest in God, just resting with him and in him. And it doesn’t always have to be a seeking. Okay. Try some different things. Right? So for me tangibly, what does this look like? I do wake up an hour before everyone else about actually an hour and a half. And I spend a full hour with the Lord in the mornings and I’m reading the Bible. I’m doing a Bible study and I’m praying and I’m journaling at night. I’m praying all day throughout the day, guys,
All day, all day long.
And that takes practice and it becomes a habit and a routine. It becomes a desire of your heart. I’m outside doing mountain bike riding or sitting on the patio. And I’m looking for the Lord in every little piece of my life.
And I’m writing them down. Resting in the Lord for me is, is focusing on the gifts. He gives me on a daily basis on the miracles that are happening in my life from top to bottom, and then recording them, recording them, writing them down. There’s a reason that the apostles followed Jesus around and wrote down every single thing that he ever did because belief, belief, and faith is strengthened when you’re recognizing the clues.
And you’re recognizing how he is with you, those physical presence. And if you’re being distracted by all of the other things, you’re not taking the time and the intentionality to see and experience him on a level in which he wants to bless you with.
All right, we’ve got three more. Number six, number six is daily rest. So this one, I wrote this one down because no matter what your day looks like, it’s great gray. All right, like let’s just be real. We have pickup and drop off. We’re doing a load of laundry. We’re working our business where we’re trying to delete social media. If we’re smart, we probably could be running errands.
We have to reply to text messages, emails to deal with, got to talk to my spouse today. Where is he? Who is he? Hello? Hi. How are you? Like there’s so many things. Daily rest for me is just my shower. Okay guys, like this is, I go take a shower by myself. No children, no one talking to me all alone for 15 minutes. That’s it. It’s just, where’s your break in the day.
Find something for you. That’s not a lot of time. Okay. And it’s just that one time where there’s nothing. There’s no goal. Cause even in the morning, when I wake up an hour and a half before my family, there’s a goal. That’s my spiritual growth and spiritual rest. What about just like a true too out moment to just sit. Maybe it’s 10 minutes outside during the sunset.
Maybe it’s a 10 minutes. Yeah, maybe it’s a 10 minute walk. You can take 10 minutes and do not take your phone. Don’t you dare. Don’t you dare take your phone during your daily rest. All right. Number. So what are you going to do in your daily rest time? I would love to see you write that down. Commit, share it with me. Number seven is weekly. Rest. Number seven is weekly rest. Now I spoke about this in, in business rest.
So some of these rest buckets might overlap for you. But for me, the weekly rest is actually taking a Sabbath. You can call it a Sabbath. You can call it a mental break from all of the things you have to do, but it’s just being present in my actual life on the weekends.
That’s my weekly rest. Now this is 90% of the time. Maybe you have a super busy week. Hey that’s okay. What is your weekly rest going to look like that week? Is there a different day that you can just totally shut down everything and just live? You know,
One thing
That has been super cool is like when I have that day and some of the days my whole family is here and those days look different than a day that you have to yourself. Those are very rare for me. But even in those days, it’s like, what do I re, what do I really want to do right now? What do I want to do? Not what do I need to do?
Not what needs to be done, not what does someone else has been asking me to do for them, but like, what do I just really want to do right now? And sometimes I’ll pray. I’m like, holy spirit, help me know what I want to do. Cause like sometimes I don’t know. And then I’ll hear from him, he’s like take a bike ride or take a bath or go read a book, just lay down and read a book, Stefanie.
And it’s like, oh, thank you. Like what a gift? What a gift to yourself to just do something that you, that you’re heart is craving once a week. Now last one, number eight is an annual rest. This is a new one for me. This is new. It’s something that just recently happened that God showed me, but it’s on an annual basis.
Can you actually get away getting away? This can be alone or maybe this can be with your spouse. Kay. Or it can be with a friend, whatever that looks like, but like taking a check out right from life at least once a year to go and be with the Lord and have fun and you know, go on a hike and have a couple of days like two or three days at a minimum to a full week because the world is a distractor.
And if we’re constantly sitting in all of the worldly stuff that we have to face on a daily basis and we are unwilling to walk away from that, we are living in this clouded facade of what life can be. And sometimes hearing from God takes silence. Not sometimes all the time.
That’s why not only am I encouraging you to have a daily rest 10 or 15 minutes, but a weekly rest an entire day. And now I’m telling you an annual rest is a good idea. Yeah, it doesn’t have to be expensive either. Go on a camping trip, man. That’s a few hundred bucks. Grab your husband and be like, Hey, can we do an overnight? And just don’t want to hike. Can we go grab a, a cabin by the lake somewhere?
You know, ask some people to help you guys out with the kids. Like, or even just yourself, the other weekend, my husband was going to the cabin and I was overwhelmed going through some grief. And I said, you know, what, can you just go, can you just take them? Like, I really need these three days to myself. And those things three days were
Just me sitting at home by myself. Kay,
Me and the Lord. I had so much revelation. I had so many amazing confirmations from the Lord and healing inside of my, of my grief process and my grieving process. And I took a bath and I took a bike ride and I read a book and I journaled and I just sat and watched the birds, like what a gift, what a gift that God has in store for you.
And if you guys are struggling with this right now thinking, yeah, must be nice. There’s no way that I can rest. I can’t rest in my business and my relational rest and my emotional Rez. I can’t wake up early to do all these things at night. But do you staff, I can’t take 10 minutes of daily rest really,
Really? Or is that
Something else that is speaking on your behalf, your maybe desire to grow that business or maybe that addiction to busy or, or no, I have to watch Netflix and drink wine or I have to take that pill to relax, like, but okay. I think the first question is what are, oh, I need to lay down so I can experience his rest. Guys. I’ve asked myself, I have had to come to Jesus on this stuff, right?
There are so many things I didn’t want to let go of that. When I finally did, I experienced rest and peacefulness and heart transformation. I mean, it’s hard to even explain how my life feels and looks different and how much more favor I experience on a daily basis, just in my peacefulness, not let alone my marriage and my business and my motherhood and all the pieces that simply come from the rest and the abiding in him and all the gifts that he already has for you.
We’re just afraid to unwrap them because we have to let go of the other things that we think are gifts that the world has handed us, but they’re not. They’re distractions. They’re stealers of joy. So let me pray with you now. And I would love to see what you wrote down from this episode. Come share it with us in the Facebook group, at least lash success support group.
I would love to see that if this episode blessed you challenged you or encouraged you in some way, take a screenshot for me, posted in your stories, tag me, I’ll tag you in my share or you’re sharing. You’re sharing my stories and old bless me so much to hear from you. So let’s pray father. I lift up all of the amazing women each and every one of them and men too, who are listening to this episode.
I pray that whatever the rest is that you have in store for them, that you would bring that desire into the forefront of their heart and that their spirit would be encouraged to take action right now on implementing that rest. That peacefulness, that only comes through laying down the things that are not from you and stepping into all of the beautiful gifts you have for us.
I pray that they find the resources, the help that the encouragement the support that they need to begin to have more rest, true rest, peacefulness that you show them how that rest can begin to happen in their lives here and now.
And the holy spirit prompts them and encourages them to begin moving into a deeper season of rest so that they can experience you and all of the things you have in store for their lives. We love you. You’re so grateful for you and for this message. Thank you, Lord God, in Jesus name. Amen.
Let’s talk about podcasting basics today. I’m doing a power coaching call with my friend, Jeri Bisbee, a Podcast to Profit student.
I’m breaking down different revenue buckets and what you should prioritize in each phase to build a profitable business.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
I’m sharing three simple, tried-and-true tips to get more clients and grow your business while eliminating discovery calls.
My student, Lara Frendjian, is with me today to talk about the amazing conversion rate she experienced with her podcast.
How social media is ruining your chances of making money from home, and what to focus on instead to create sustainable income.
Today‘s post is an interview with my student Heather O’Brien. Heather will share her story from her first sale to subsequent podcast growth.
Are you struggling to plan engaging podcast episodes? Learn how ChatGPT can be a game-changing tool for your podcast strategy.
What are the biggest business myths behind starting an online business? Check out my step-by-step guide and learn how to avoid them!
Discover how to plan, record, publish, and promote your show with this checklist!
How do we trust God with our online business? Here are three practical ways to keep Him at the center of it all.
Is podcasting right for you? You’re about to find out. I was going through our weekly market research report that one of my interns pulled together for us and found that you have many podcasting questions.
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