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Have you ever heard of enlightenment, ‘calling it in,’ outer consciousness, manifestation, and the secret? Think the universe has got your back? Have a hard time discerning the truth?
Maybe (like me) you even dabbled in seemingly harmless ‘New Age’ practices?
Over the next two episodes, we do a deep-dive into this WORLD-WIDE New Age Deception. Fooling so many people (even Christians) into believing they are manifesting money and being the ‘God’ of their own lives.
Join me in this honest, candid (and pretty funny) conversation with my client and friend, Tracy Wren. Tracy shares how she was deceived into believing the lies about ‘New Age’ and found herself deeply engrained in demonic practices until the death of her best friend revealed the TRUTH.
Learn how to live with your eyes focused on God and discerning TRUTH so you can discern what is real and not real in LOVE.
You will learn how to navigate fear, feeling stuck, or research-mode overload as truths are revealed. Seeing our fallen world for what it is – Satan’s kingdom is…well…a lot. But there is a way to cast these newfound realizations on Christ so you can stay at peace in your heart and mind.
So you can stay focused on your spiritual gifts, family, and doing GOOD. Spreading the light of Jesus by living as He did. We are kingdom soldiers. Now more than ever, friends. BUT, we can’t fight for good if we ourselves are living in deception.
John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.“
Living in a fallen world doesn’t have to be dark, scary, or hard. It can be fun, it can be Heaven on Earth if you are partnered with the light. God’s light. Don’t be deceived, sisters. Lean into this conversation and I pray that it brings you clarity, laughter, and new eyes to see any deception happening in your own lives or the lives of those you love.
It’s time to seek the truth. So you get unstuck from the dark, discern choices, life, and business in love and Godly light. You got this. We got this. We are in it together.
Psalm 25:5 “Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.”
John 16:13 “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.”
Psalm 145:18 “The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.”
I pray this blesses you.
Hey, beautiful friends. Welcome to episode four of the truth seeker series. I am so excited for you guys to hear this episode. Normally my episodes, I try to keep them around 30 minutes, but this one, Holy Spirit intervention at its finest. Oh my gosh. I truly feel that I’m Tracy and I just had the best conversation. So many important takeaways that every single Christian entrepreneur needs to hear and implement right away. You guys are going to absolutely love this.
It’s a conversation between one of my amazing clients who has become a dear friend and also a teacher. It’s so cool how God works. Tracy Wren, who runs the Faith to Freedom podcast. It’s for ex-new age and Christian entrepreneurs.
What Tracy does is she brings unfiltered truth, exposing marketplace lies. So you can do business God’s way through faith and service. She’s a blessing. You guys just get ready. We brought the fire.
Ya girl is not a lawyer. Thank goodness because you guys would be in big trouble if I was a lawyer. While I can slay on some business and we can talk about some Jesus up in here, the legal stuff has me just blacking out. I hear you guys. You’ve been asking me all these questions about legal trademark contracts. Oh my. I knew I had to find you guys, someone that I personally trusted to help you.
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Plus I get Andrea’s monthly in the Facebook group where I can ask her all of my questions. It’s crazy. Legal made easy. So if you need help with contracts and I think all of you probably do. Let me tell you what, the Contract Vault will arm you with the protection that you need. Plus it’s crazy inexpensive. I mean, crazy inexpensive. Go to thecontractvault.com and use my coupon code, Stef Gass, to save 20% off.
You are going to love this and you’re going to love the price point even more. Thanks, Andrea, for hooking up my girls. Oh my gosh. Welcome to the show Tracy. Thank you I’m pumped to be here.
Me too. I’m so excited. You guys heard about Tracy in the intro but she is such a blessing. I just love your faith. You already know I love you.
It’s so funny because here we are two Christian coaches. Half the time we’re voice messaging each other from the toilet and laughing about our messy lives. That’s the truth.
Well, thanks for being here, friend. I think my vision for us talking this morning is just to even go deeper with truth. I’ve been in this truth seeker series with my girls now for three episodes and I’ve taken them through my journey and revealing a lot of hidden deception that was happening. For me as a kiddo and then in the network marketing industry. Then through like idolizing different things in my life, from my body, then to attention, to money, and to work.
But something you’ve experienced is a little bit different than anything I’ve experienced. I knew and felt really led to have you share your story with us and bring some light. So let’s start there. Let’s just walk us through what happened for you in your huge reveal of God’s truth.
Yeah, so it was a really big wake up call for me. Ever since I was young, I always had really intense dreams and I always had faith. I just didn’t know like how to direct my faith. I didn’t grow up in a Christian home, so I didn’t really have that.
The only thing my mom would ever tell me is if you just know that Jesus Christ is the son of God, you will be saved. I would just always have like this lingering, what does that even mean? Like, I don’t get it. Is Jesus God? Is God Jesus? Like what does this mean? So I never really just understood. I just understood the fact of how faith in something bigger than myself.
Well, that led me to have more glory in myself. So I became like an overachiever. Although it was Rocky in my teenage years, I still just always had this big mindset and perception of having faith. If you have faith, things will just come to you.
So even though it was hard, I was a teenage mom. I had a scoliosis surgery. I had just so much happen in my life to where I was attributing my faith in this higher source throughout the entire time. Not really knowing what it was. Until after college, I landed some really good marketing jobs. However, the self-development that came with the marketing job is what really led me down a path of deception.
What I mean by that is I had this hunger for knowledge. I wanted to know why I can go and work for this lady who lives in a mansion. She’s an entrepreneur and she’s super mega rich, but I lived in housing and low income and welfare. She gave me a book. It was “Rich Dad, Poor Dad.” Then she gave me another book about co-creating your life. She gave me this other book. All of these different books about basically like how I am this creator and I can create my own life.
So I’m like, oh my gosh, this is what has been missing for me. This was the missing link. She has this hidden knowledge, this enlightenment, and this is the way. She literally had a library. So I would just go in, I would take three, four books. I’d read them and return them. I’d come back and read them, return them.
So every single spiritual you are the creator book, I read I absorbed and I really truly believed it. So I was in law of attraction, manifestation, vision board, and affirmations. Not that I’m saying all of those are bad, but the way in which I was using them at the time were for self and not for God.
I actually started to see a lot of stuff happen in my life and I thought it was actually working. I was like, oh my gosh. Then I watched the movie, the secret and I’m like this is it. I’ve found it. I know how I can finally get rich because I am a god; I believed that I was a mini G.
I really felt like I was creator of everything in my life. It was nuts. I was so selfish, prideful, and egotistical. I thought I was smarter than everyone because I tapped into this hidden knowledge. Ignorant to my husband, even to my kids, I was trying to push stuff onto my kids.
I look back now and I was just like, once I came to Christ, I dealt with shame after that. But here’s what happened where I found the truth. So I was, I had my own coaching business. It was a spiritual business. You know, I was doing teaching law of attraction and using attraction, marketing, all this mumbo jumbo, spiritual woohoo crap in my coaching. That’s really what it is because it really is. It’s such a lie.
What happened for me was I started to lose friends. I thought, I was on a different spiritual plane than they are. Right. I’m up here, they’re down there. They haven’t gotten to this level of higher consciousness if you will. I got this Christ consciousness attitude. I’m just bigger and better. I know the way now.
One of my closest friends at the time, she told me what you’re doing is evil. I want nothing to do with it and I was private. We didn’t talk for like seven or eight months. Then out of nowhere, God used my dream. I didn’t know it was God. I had a dream out of nowhere. This was almost the three or four years ago now.
The dream it was super short. It was just black. I didn’t see anyone. I didn’t see anything. It was just black. I heard a very strong masculine voice from behind me. I was not able to turn like I wanted to turn to see who this was. But like there was this force that didn’t allow me to turn to look at him. He said my friend’s name was ill. I immediately knew like I had this knowing of this is bad. Like something was wrong.
I woke up and I said to my husband, I said, I had a dream. I go another one because I always would tell him about my dreams. I’m like no. This is something that I’ve never experienced. This voice was something that shook me to my core. This is something that I cannot ignore. I was like, what should I do?
He’s like, well, why don’t you just reach out to her? I was okay. So I reached out to her we reconnected. She’s like, I love you. I’m like, I love you. She told me she’s doing good. She started journaling and all this other stuff. I was like, alright. You know, she’s starting to get into this. I thought she’s I really thought that she was starting to come into the stuff that I was into. Like the universe was bringing us back together. I literally thought that.
Then two weeks go by and she dies suddenly. So they put her in a coma for 14 days because she was only 29. They put her in a coma to try to bring her back. Here I am two hours away from where they had the life flight her trying to channel to her spirit to tell her spirit to go back in her body.
Because here I am still thinking I got power over life and death. This is how the deceived that was. Then God gave me another dream that showed me, her and her not coming back. That she was going a different way. I woke up. I was like, she’s really going. Who is this speaking to my dream? What is this? I got the call that they took her off life support and that she did go.
That’s it. This is when I wept for the first time. I had no control over what was happening while I was on the floor, crying, and weeping. I called out to every single false god’s name that I knew at the time, and I don’t even want to say their names because they don’t deserve to get credit here.
So I was just like this god’s name, that god’s name. If this was you, if that was you, reveal yourself to me, tell me who you are. I will always, always honor and worship you. Who were you? Then the last name I said was Jesus Christ was this you? Then I got down and I cried and then nothing. The next day her fiance came to my house and he gives me her journal.
He says, I want you to read this. I can’t read the journal. But it sat by me on the couch while him and my husband were talking. I just kept looking over. For the first time, I felt the Holy Spirit and he said open this book, but not to go through it. I only wanted to go to her last page, the last entry I wanted to see what’s on this last page. I go to the last page and it was dated the date that I reached out to her.
I know. I get emotional every time I talk about this. It’s so profound. How God worked. On that page, it was just one verse. She wrote, I’m the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except by me. I closed it and I went, it was Jesus. My husband looked over at me. He was like, what? I said, I’m hearing God.
He was like, oh my God. Cause this was my first like true grieving experience I’ve ever had that someone was so close to me. So my husband legitimately thought I was having a nervous breakdown. I was going crazy. There was talk of him, like maybe, you know, like mental institution. Because I was all in then. I was like, there’s no denying. There’s no denying that Jesus Christ showed me who that was in my dream.
It was him. He gave me the opportunity to have closure with my friend to say, I love you. We closed things up. He gave that to me. Then he showed me who it was a few days go by. I’m praying. I’m like, okay, well where do I go from here? Like how do I learn about you?
At this time, like I’m completely starting to not even talk to my husband. It was getting bad. He really thought I was going crazy. It got bad because I’m just seeking God, I’m talking to God. Talk to me. Where are you? What is it?
Then I remember my friend’s fiance said, just so you know, I put a couple of things in your trunk. I was it came to me a couple of days later. I went out onto my trunk. Her Bible is there.
Oh my gosh.
There was one verse highlighted in a sense Psalms. It is your word is the light and the lamp to my feet.
Oh my gosh. Okay. I see you. I hear you. I’m going to read your word, follow you, and obey you. I will never stop talking about you. Here I am still talking about it.
What a crazy story. Isn’t it so cool though how God uses everything for good. There you were lost, seeking. I think he hears all of us here just seeking and searching. Where do I worship? What do I do? What’s the higher power for me? It’s this moment of if you’ve never been shown that Jesus Christ is the way he still didn’t give up. Right.
He was like, I will show Tracy through all of this. I am the one. He used that for good. Nothing is wasted.
So beautiful. So, okay. I have a couple of questions about the new age. Those of you that are like, okay, Tracy is talking about deception and manifestation. All of that. That whole movement is called new age. Now they heard in my story a couple of weeks ago, how I talked about, I like put my toe in the water. I’m calling in all the money. I’m going to visualize money when I’m sleeping. I tried meditation like three times. I’m going to focus on the white light and the money is gonna flow down on me.
That’s as far as I got, because I’m like this crap ain’t working, I’m going back to my Bible. I dabbled. But like how fast did it grab hold of you. Then what did you see from getting into new age that you thought was coming from a good. We think that it’s coming from a light, a great place. Talk to us about that because that’s where people are having trouble.
How do I decipher though? Because all these good things are happening in my life.
Yeah. So it was really hard to know how it was happening because I thought I just had the power through this hidden knowledge that I obtained. I thought I had this new found enlightenment. Right? So like when we say new age really is just like this collection of beliefs and practices from many other belief systems. It’s really just like this umbrella term for things that are promised to give you enlightenment and hidden knowledge.
So anything that gives you a promise like that, like you could have all of this. Think about where that first came from. Right? When Jesus got tempted by Satan himself. He’s like, look at all the kingdoms you could have. Jesus says get behind me. Well, if you don’t notice, he says get behind me.
I didn’t know because Lucifer ring barrier of light, like his name. He is a false light. So it comes as a false light and you get so confused because if you weren’t given that foundation of truth of Jesus Christ. He is the way to the father and there’s all these other fake, false paths of the world, you’re going to really get confused.
We either follow God in Christ Jesus, or we follow the prince of the power of the air. It’s just one or two. If it’s the prince of the power of the air, that’s new age and it’s this big umbrella term under all these different spirituality practices and rituals that have origins of pagan practices.
If we look in Deuteronomy and Leviticus and I’m not going to get too Bible thumper on you here, but it shows what people did. It shows that new age actually is not even new. This is something that it has existed long before. It’s just coming back in a very modern way. That’s appeasing to our flesh because we are a society that wants everything now.
We are a society that thinks we don’t need no man to do it. I’m gonna do it this way. I’m a woman, girl power. Here’s this movement. Here’s that movement. Oh, the universe got my back. Okay. How do I get in with this universe thing? You know?
So that’s really how I got caught up into it because I was raised and I don’t really need anyone or anything to do anything, but basically to rely on myself. So I was relying on myself to make things happen. I thought, okay, I filled up a coaching practice when I was working for this high level entrepreneur.
When I started my business, I’m calling it in. Like it’s actually working. Or when we bought our house, I’m the only person in my family that ever bought a house. When I got a car and I paid it right off. Oh, it’s this it’s that? I really thought the universe was granting me my wishes.
Yeah. But you were being deceived. Do you feel like all of the things that were coming to you through that time, Tracy, were from Satan? Do you think that he was using that money to deceive you? How do you feel about that?
Yeah. So here are the things that I didn’t talk about when that stuff was happening. So we just bought the house. Then in a few months time, the complete water heater went, it was a $5,000 thing. Although I got things, I also got some turmoil with it. Although it looked like I had, a full coaching practice, I had some debt that I wasn’t telling about.
I had some issues I was going through that I wasn’t telling about like panic attacks. Just all of these other things that I was like trying to just self-medicate and get through and trying to just lie to myself. You didn’t just get the good without any bad. People in the new age are talking all about this good. They’re not talking about the bad.
Cause you’re trained to say, don’t talk about the bad. You talk about the bad and the bad is going to come into your existence.
Exactly. You don’t get good without the bad. Like you have to be able to be honest and open. We’re living in a fallen world.
Amen. There’s no glory without suffering and Jesus Christ proved that to us.
Oh wow. So when you started to lean into Jesus. I can picture your husband right now. Just looking at you. Like what?
I’m not kidding you. He really wants, they call 302, and he was like, I have to 302. I’m like, you put me in a mental institution over this, I’m telling you there are going to be big problems. Just give me a minute. Let me figure this out. He’s like, but you’re talking to yourself. I said, I’m still learning how to pray. Do I pray in my head? Do I pray out loud? I said, I’m not talking to myself. Let me figure this out first.
Right. So was he a Christian?
No, he was raised Catholic. So he thought, you know, he checked all his boxes that he was good to go.
Yeah. Okay. Got it. Which most of us do, right. We check our box.
So when the truth started to be revealed to you, are you like so many of us that it became so overwhelming and scary for a period of time? Cause I think as we get more truth and we start leaning into God and we get into scripture and we ask for truth, cause I’m like, Lord, don’t let me be deceived. Bring me truth. Let me see your way.
We start to see the worldly lies everywhere. Our businesses, the books we’ve read, the coaches we’re following. Just the beliefs that we’ve been telling ourselves. The shows we’ve been watching. The news everywhere. It becomes such a heavy weight. Before we realize we can cast that weight. Did you get stuck in that period of fear? How did you navigate that?
I wouldn’t say I got stuck in the fear, but I got stuck in like research mode. Are we on a flat earth? It’s like Illuminati, Freemasons. The one I. Hollywood. What is all this? Oh my gosh. The whole world is corrupt. So everything is new age?
Then God showed me that even though I got really deep in. At first when I started my podcast, it was all about exposing new age truths. I would have to go really deep into research in different ideas and practices. I would get like stuck in this rabbit hole because it was one theory after another theory. Then I just started to have nightmares. I just felt the presence of this darkness.
God came to me and he said to me, I don’t dwell in the darkness. I can’t be staying in the darkness. Then he showed me just through ongoing study and sitting with him to share the truth in love. That there was a way. Then he showed me Matthew 12:26, that God has his kingdom and Satan has his. Right. So this is Satan’s kingdom that people don’t understand. So this whole world is corrupt. We’re not supposed to be storing up anything here, but up in heaven with the father.
Amen. John 8:32, then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. We are free when we lean into God’s truth and we get away from the fixation of the darkness. I love that you heard, I do not dwell in the darkness. Here’s the thing I feel really convicted right now. I know Tracy does too. That I’ve been called to help you guys see the light in your businesses, to find God in who you are called to be, and to lean into your spiritual giftings like never before.
But when I do that and when we help you guys kind of navigate that, you’re going to stumble over all the worldly lies. When you see them, what I’m seeing happen is you’re getting stuck.
Oh yeah.
So many of the listeners and my students, they’re just stuck in the worry, the overwhelm, the fear, the judgment.
Then they go, oh wait, those are all lies. What do you mean they’re lies? Oh no. Now I don’t know who to trust. I can’t trust anyone. I’m on the interwebs, Reddit forums, and drowning in the dark. So what I have to say to you is one of the verses that I just hold onto is that then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free (John 8:32).
We are being promised that when we hold onto the truth we will become free. Let go, don’t get fixated on research. Tracy is telling you guys. Let go of research. For me, it’s fear. So Tracy’s is research. My bondage was fear of I’m so afraid. I can’t look at this anymore and I wanted to hide and I want it to get off social media. I wanted to just bury my head.
I still go through it, but we have to continue to be the light for truth. So what do you have to say here, Tracy? What advice do we have? Do you have for them to not get stuck in that fear or research space?
Yeah. So I think that’s a really great question, Stefanie. First, I want to say that I feel like those who have found their voice feel like they have to be a voice for the voiceless. Then they go onto digging the research so that they speak with credibility and people take them seriously. It’s just that the hole goes so much deeper that we don’t really know how far to go without fully getting stuck there because then it’s like a shocker.
It’s like I’ve been lied to this entire time. But not only that, God’s word tells us to expose the wickedness. So then everyone feels we have to expose all of this wickedness have to expose. But what we’re forgetting is that God says to share the truth in love. God also says by the way that we love people, people will know that we are a disciple of his. That’s in the book of John.
So it really has to have to have this change of perception in the way in which we are being the salt and the light of the world, rather than feeling like we need to come online with a very bold message. This big mega truth bomb for a world that’s so deceived. The thing is, and the truth is, we cannot force people to see the truth. The veil is still over their eyes.
If someone, when I was in the new age, came to me trying to preach the gospel to me or telling me like my friend who told me that things that I was doing was evil, I thought I was smarter. I thought that I had this enlightenment, conscious view that she just wasn’t smart enough to have. I was prideful. So there are people of this world that have that mentality as well. So although we want to bring the truth forth, we have to remember that God is the ultimate change maker of hearts, not us.
Yeah. I love that. That brings me to another point that you and I have talked about having just an open heart and love as Christian coaches. I think it’s also easy to get stuck. As Christians becoming really judgmental of people that are still in that veil phase. They’re like, oh no. I’ve got family members. It’s like all around us all the time.
It’s hard not to go, here’s my Bible. I’m going to slap you in the face with it. To me, it’s so obvious that it almost triggers me. You are this close to being free. What is wrong with you? I just want to grab people and shake them, but then I have to take a step back and go, wait, how would Jesus handle this situation? What would he do right now? What would he say?
I sometimes just have to be like, Holy Spirit take over, because I just want to go off. We’re human beings. I’ve made this choice to just love everyone wherever they’re at and not cast judgment. Through it, what’s so crazy recently, Tracy is that people come to me through my podcast. They are like, I haven’t spoken to God in 20 years. I listened to your show and because you never judged me or you never made me feel like I had to do something, but you were like carefully just intertwining prayer. I’m wondering if you pray with me. I’m like, oh what?
That’s it. I mean, that’s why we’re doing this, right? This is so much bigger than business stuff. It’s so much bigger than anything. This is soul work and kingdom work.
So it’s hard because sometimes I still feel compelled to truth bomb people. So I’m going through that. But you know, we all gotta work through that process on our own, but I’m doing my best, Tracy. I’m doing my best.
I’m with you.
I’m like, Oh yeah? Evil spirits?
I rebuke in the name of Jesus. Don’t bring that over my way.
Exactly. I know. My husband’s just like, hey tone it down. I’m like the evil spirit’s there. I have to rebuke them now. I’m going on nuts. He’s just like, oh my gosh. So that just literally happened yesterday.
So if you guys are in it and you’re just feeling like this overwhelming sense of I have to do something. Pray first, get into your scripture, make sure that’s what God wants and needs you to say, and how he wants to needs you to say it. Then believe me, I’m doing this too.
We have to be soldiers for Jesus. We are not showing up to be soldiers for the darkness by bringing all that darkness. Like Tracy had said they don’t deserve to get that attention or that publicity right now. Amen to that. So we have to be careful that yes we want to bring truth and awareness and help each other get growth through this, but not so that we get fixated on the darkness. But so that we can quickly replace it with Godly truth. So Tracy, you have anything to add on that part?
I don’t, I think you summed that up beautifully.
Good. So let’s shift gears a little bit here. I want to talk for a few minutes about the coaching industry.
Okay. You saw me got real serious.
Okay. I’m ready. So, Tracy, I want you to talk a bit about your perception of me. Let’s just get real honest. Take them on that journey because I want to talk to you guys about how do you discern which coaches or programs or things are right for you. Can we trust the label of I’m a Christian coach or I’m not a Christian coach? So Tracy take them on the journey of your exploration of Stefanie Gass as your coach.
Yeah. So I think it’s so important too that we have the sermon in the process of making decisions. Because we’re wondering is this me, is this God, is this devil. Like who and what is this? I also want to say that I think it’s super important too, that we don’t only need to hire and work with other Christians because Jesus didn’t come to only sit with people that followed him. He came and he sat with the sinners. He just didn’t sin with them. We really have to make sure that that’s clear.
So when I first found Stefanie, I don’t even know how I found you to be completely honest. I just started following you, reading your stuff, and listening to your podcast. Later I reached out to you and got your coaching menu. I was going through it, talking to my husband, and my husband felt good about it. Then I was about to, and I go back and forth with questions.
That was like at least a year ago.
I probably asked her some off the wall questions because I’m just very cautious from being deceived. I want to be careful because I’ve worked with a Christian coach after coming out of the new age. This Christian coach was actually still like a new age Christian coach, if you will. So I didn’t even realize that that existed. God really showed me that new age is literally everywhere, including the coaching industry, particularly the coaching industry. Cause that’s where I am.
I wasn’t fully convicted on working with Stefanie because I was being influenced by other people. I would always like go to other people and be like, oh, have you heard of so and so? Have you heard so and so? Someone would be like, no or someone would be like, yeah. It depends on really what you’re looking for. No, you need to stay away from her because she works with the Enneagram.
At this point, I never even heard of the Enneagram. I’m like, what is this now? Here we go. Another thing. I’m like, all right, let me look into this. So I looked into it a little bit. I saw that it was like this personality tool. I was praying on it. God didn’t convict me on it right away or anything of that sort.
So I didn’t get deep into the Enneagram and I’m not going to on today’s episode. Stefanie, straight up, because we were going back and forth for a few months. She straight up was like, listen girl, tell me what’s going on. What’s really holding you back that you have not? Because you’ve been in my inbox for like months. What’s really going on?
I was finally like, Tracy, why don’t you trust me? What is happening for you? Let’s just have it out.
I loved how real she was because that showed me that she was thinking of me, she cared about me. She already knew what I wanted, what God wanted for me, where I was trying to go based off what God was telling me. She felt really convicted that she could help me. I was like, all right, I’ll just be honest, like this whole thing with the Enneagram. So we chatted about it.
I know that you went on to do a podcast episode about it and you got pretty upset over it because it hurt me. Yeah. It does because you felt judged. Right? Yeah. Not by me though, because I was like, listen, this is just what I’m dealing with. I don’t even know what it is yet. Then you told me how you use it, why you use it. You never tied it to anything new age or anything of that sort.
So I was just like, okay, you know, I continued praying on it. Then in back and forth conversation as my husband and I were saying something, I was playing your voice note. You said the same thing that I was saying at the same exact time, my husband’s eyes got like a frog. He looked at me and I was like, well, there’s our confirmation because that ain’t a coincidence.
I don’t think I’ve heard that.
Yeah. He was like, I agree with you. So I was like send me the invoice and we’ve been working together ever since.
Yup. Here’s the thing that’s so interesting though, Tracy, not that we’re getting into the Enneagram right now, but I do have something to say about that. It’s funny because it triggered me and I thought it was triggering me in the direction of, well, I can use that. God told me it was okay for me to use that to understand my clients. I need to, okay. If Tracy’s is an Enneagram five, I know she’s a researcher. I can help her by not getting into the research rabbit hole.
So I was using it fine, but what’s interesting that he has revealed to me since is you may be can use it. Maybe you can, but if you are leading your sheep to the end of this mountain cliff, do you think they’re not going to jump off?
Maybe you know. You’re deep enough with me and intimacy with me to hear me when I say stop at the end. Cool. But are they deep enough with me to not jump over the cliff? I am not about to hold that type of weight and responsibility.
So I’ve actually since taken it off all of my client intake forms because I’ve realized.
Yeah. Each person has to decide for themselves the level of discernment. I cannot be responsible for leading anyone into anything new age. The Enneagram is a gateway. It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t sure figure out your test and it’s interesting.
But here’s the trouble. You go, I’m an Enneagram three. I’m a three wing two, which is what I am. All of a sudden I’m identifying with that, right? I’m a three wing two, which means I can just be a workaholic. Oh, it’s just me workaholic. I’m a three. Instead of being like, no, I’m a daughter of the King. He is here to define who and what I am. He says, I am not a workaholic.
In Jesus’s name, I am his daughter and I am what he says. We are not all the same. No one is the same. So I’ve since had a lot of enlightenment around that, which I have not shared on this podcast, which is why I’m talking about this right now. Be careful and mindful.
So it was right of Tracy to ask me about that. It was right of that person to tell Tracy, hey, be sure she’s not using that in the wrong way. I mean, they didn’t say it like that, but you know, be careful watch out for each other. Now Tracy had to go make her own choice about me, but that brings me to this next part of what you said, Tracy, new age is everywhere in this industry.
How do we discern? How do I believe? Can I just trust someone with a Christian label? What if I want to work with someone that is in the new age? What if you know, like me, I was invited into this mastermind with all these women who are very spiritual, not Christian, kind of spiritual. They’re pretty deep into new age.
God, what do I do here? What does that walk of discernment look like?
Yeah. So I think it really comes down to how spiritually mature you are because the Bible tells us, bad company corrupts good character. So I know personally for me, I wouldn’t have been able to work with this particular coach that I did a few months ago to help me with my sales training the first year or even the second year out of the new age.
Because I believe that I would have been corrupted into thinking that law of attraction was actually Biblical because this is what a lot of the coaches in our industry will say, who are practicing spirituality. They’ll say, oh no, I’m a believer. I believe in God. Oh yeah, Jesus, he’s my homie.
We could still bring in the money because he wants everyone to be abundant and rich. This is how you do it and this is why I have all of this. I could have gotten caught up in that if I was not spiritually mature enough and knowing God’s word. Having other Godly counselors around me, like his word says. To have the Godly counselors around you.
So you have to really know where are you at in your walk? Are you able to make those decisions and are they led by your flesh or led by God? How did that person even come into your awareness? What is it that they have that you want, that you’re attracted to?
Because a lot of people are using manipulation marketing based off their lifestyle to appease to your flesh. So then you’re like, I want that lifestyle. So I need to buy their program because I’m going to get what they have. You have to really use discernment into all the reasons as to why you’re even considering a coach, a program, a course, etc.
Yeah. I’m with you on that. There have been interviews I’ve been on with other Christian podcasters. I’m always like, oh Lord, reveal to me the truth. Do not let me be deceived. Let me see any sign that this is not right for me. Things will be glaringly obvious to me. I’m like, whoa, and it’s so sad. Gut wrenching when we see people saying I’m a Christian, but doing all of the new age practices. We have to be super careful of that because it’s a form of deception.
Whether they know it or not, because I do think sometimes when we’re being deceived, we’re just following blindly. We don’t even maybe notice. I don’t think I noticed. Tracy, I’m sure you didn’t really notice oh, I’m living in deception, right? They don’t know it, but because you now have a spirit of intimacy with Christ. You’re going, okay, give me new eyes, give me fresh eyes. You can begin to read scripture, pray, and be mindful.
Before you make a choice. Pray before you make a choice before you trust someone. There was a scripture I wanted to read you guys. It’s 1 John 4:1, dear friends do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God. Because many false prophets have gone out into the world. Many false prophets, many.
So test it is what we’re saying. That’s what you should do. Yeah, I just having that spirit of discernment, those eyes for, should I trust this? Also being honest with yourself. Can I handle this? Can I really handle that? Me going into this new mastermind that I’m in. I know I can handle that. I’m not about to be deceived into anything, right.
Everyone’s like, okay ladies, let’s just pray and manifest some energy right now. Your girl just be sitting there, eyes wide open, my hands up, my shield, my Jesus shield. But I’m there to learn and I’m there to potentially be a seed. I don’t know.
Amen to that.
That’s exactly how I would see it. I remember we were going back and forth on this and I just said what a beautiful opportunity. Right? Because if you’re there for a reason, it is possible that God put you there because you’re so spiritually mature.
You just wowed me by saying that you stopped using the Enneagram. I had no idea, but yet I had been praying for you and for us and about the Enneagram. I concluded my study, probably, I don’t know, two or three weeks ago, because I was then going to do a podcast on it. But before I decided to do a podcast, I first want to have a talk with Stefanie because I know you’re the only one that I know that uses it. I was like, I would never want her to feel offended, but I’m about to blow this Enneagram out of the water.
I was like, but do I want to do this? But the way that you even spoke about it, like you said it so beautifully. About leading people away. If I would have came on and worked with you back then and I got into the Enneagram, right. That I can see how that could have been a stumbling block for me at that time. So what wise discernment you have. What a gift. God bless you.
Thank you friend. Sometimes we have to be willing to check our ego. Right? We have to be willing as Christians to say, God, show me the truth about myself. Is there something here that isn’t your way? The stubborn piece of me goes, well, I can use it fine. So why can’t everyone else? That’s the stubborn side of me, the ego side of me, the side that says, I stood up and said that I can use it publicly. Am I going to publicly renounce myself? How embarrassing.
Yeah, but I am obedient. When Christ shows me something in truth, I don’t care if I was completely wrong and off the wall. Yes, sir. What do you need me to do, say, and speak right now? Because my voice, I don’t want it to be my voice. I want my voice to be the voice of Christ and the Holy Spirit just using me.
Amen to that.
We gotta let self die.
We have to let self, me, and ego. Those are all of this world.
It’s so crazy too, because, sorry to interrupt you, but that’s one of the things in the new age that they teach you to do. So although we as Christians are saying that someone who is kind of spiritual and into the new age, are like, yeah, I’m getting rid of my ego. These are the ways and the practices in which I do it because a lot of Hindu practices teach that a lot of feelings that are bad or not good or whatever. It’s all ego stuff.
If you have pride, if you’re not humble, if you’re this or if you’re that. I honestly see truthfully like the goal for my personal opinion, with all of this new age stuff, is for new world order. I’m sure everyone has already heard about that, but like a global peace from this new age movement, under one religion, under one universal god. Combining all of the gods together.
Does it not seem like the world is going in that direction? Lose your ego, peace, positive vibes. Everything’s all groovy, baby. You know, like travel the world. Be a hippie, do this, do that.
Yeah. Group think. Get everyone to sit down and shut up and agree to mind control and just tell everybody you’re all worthy and you’re all equal. Just don’t think don’t feel don’t do don’t speak. All gods are accepted. All things are accepted. No, no, no.
Right. You’re all good and supposed to be happy and abundant and rich. Here’s how you attain freedom.
Yeah, no, if you get into your Bible, you do not see that everything is good and peaceful and happy. While we want to believe that, because it’s easier.
It’s easier to feel that sense of peace. The thing is pay attention to how your body is really reacting, right? Because while it may look like they’re so peaceful and happy, you’ve heard multiple stories at this point now. My anxiety attacks. My family being ripped apart. Tracy having anxiety attacks and her battles with all the things that she had to deal with on a medical level, when she was going through all this. The Holy Spirit will warn you.
Oh yeah.
It’s not all groovy. It’s not all good. You have to choose the path that’s hard. That path is narrow. As Tracy’s friend wrote in the last page of that journal.
So anyway, we know that you guys are here with us listening to this episode on purpose. You were not led here on accident. Your ears are not open. Your heart is not being pulled right now. You didn’t get Holy Spirit chills if you did on accident.
So now it’s your choice. This is your time to open those doors into a deeper relationship with Christ right now today to make that choice. I want to see and know the truth, your truth, God. I want to see and hear from you in a big way, in a deeper way. Lead me, show me, guide me, and then do it in love.
As you reveal the truth, how can you spread that message in love? How can you be the beacon? How can you be the example so that other people say, gosh, I want to live like that. I want to feel like that. I want to speak like she speaks or he speaks. You’re just showing up Christ-like. That’s how you lead other people, save souls, bring people more salvation, bring them to truth. That’s a reminder for myself right now, too. I’m not pointing at any of you.
One for me as well, because it does get challenging trying to fight the enemy day in and day out. When you see your loved ones who are stumbling with new age, thoughts or practices, it can be really disheartening. I know personally for me, it triggers me when I see family members into that mumbo jumbo. I’m just like, would you please just listen to me please?
God just shows me, he’s the one that can change their heart of stone to a heart of flesh. He is the one that can save them, but I can intercede with prayer. So if that’s my duty and if that’s what I’m going to do, I’m going to walk in obedience. I’m just going to pray because they’re not ready to listen. They’re not ready to receive. So we cannot approach them with that type of, here’s what you need to do. Here’s what you should do, because they’re just going to block you out. They’re going to tune you out and they’re not going to want to come around.
So instead there’s a different way to do it. I love that you brought that up.
Yeah. It’s crazy. Times are crazy, but we can just trust. We have Holy Spirit guidance. When that door opens, Holy Spirit will prompt you, which is such a beautiful thing. Those of you who are like, yeah, you guys are always talking about prayer and interceding for other people.
Tracy I don’t know how to pray. My husband’s looking at me crazy and I’m in the car and my kids are like, what is she doing? Remember the Holy Spirit will pray out the words for you. If you don’t know what to say, just open your mouth and start.
Tracy, what is a last piece of advice or something you feel led to share for all of these Christian mompreneurs right now that are just fighting for truth? Fighting to do the right thing. Fighting to grow a business God’s way. Having discernment in their life, in their marriages, and as parents. What do you think? One last takeaway that you feel led to share?
That it’s going to get worse before it gets better. Although you may feel really disheartened and sad about the world, all of these things have to come to pass in order for Jesus Christ to return again. So take heart and just knowing that, although it may seem like we’re in the end times, or we’re close to the end times, rejoice that our savior is coming back.
Amen, sister.
That’s what I got. That’s what came to me.
Mic drop Tracy. Where can everybody find more of you? I’m sure they’re going to love you as much as I do. How does everybody come hang with you?
You’re so sweet. I love you. I’m just so glad that God brought us together. This is awesome. It’s amazing. Now the sister in Christ on fire for the Lord, just as much as I am. And to really always check me right? When I get distracted, you check me when you come to me with things. I just love this relationship that we have built together all by the glory of God for his glory. Right?
Amen. Me too.
So people can just find me on my website. It’s tracywren.com. I have a course coming out. It’s the faith to freedom framework course. This is an online course is really to help you partner with God to do business his way. I know we’ve talked about that, but this course is specifically for that ex-new age entrepreneur that helps them to really build that business foundation of faith for service, impact, and sales.
I go into adjusting your marketing strategy to really get rid of that manipulation marketing mindset and persuasion marketing I was talking about earlier. Help you get clear on your message, making sure that your message was not influenced by the world, bringing it back to God. So taking a worldly service, making it a Godly service, and you could learn more about how to profit God’s way.
This is not the prosperity honey, nothing prosperity about it. I really talk about how it’s important to do it in the way of the Proverbs 31 woman. How she did it, Godly. You could go and find more about that at faithtofreedomcourse.com.
Love it. You guys seriously, Tracy is such a blessing and a gift. If you are in that space of transitioning out of new age, into a Godly business, there is no one I would recommend more. A hundred percent. Tracy has been there. She’s walked there, walked that path and she can guide you through that much quicker than you can on your own.
Thank you.
Well, thank you. Shout out to Stefanie. I could not have done this course and everything without her amazing help and coaching support. She is the real thing. The real deal.
I am so grateful for you.
I’m grateful for you. Thank you.
I just pray over you guys that you found whatever you needed from this episode to help walk the road of discernment, walk the walk with Christ into truth. That he reveals to you, whatever it is he needs you to know, and that you do it in love and grace and in scripture holding the Holy Spirit’s hand because you are not alone. As you go on this path, you are with Christ. Lean into Jesus right now, more than ever sister, because he’s got you in Jesus’s name. We pray. I’ll see you guys back here soon. For one more episode in the truth seeker series, love and light Stef.
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