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Today we are doing a deep dive into cycle syncing 101 for entrepreneurs! What is cycle syncing, how to optimize productivity, planning, and business based on your cycle and so much more. Joelle Suess from Feminine Fitness schools us on how to modify our calendars and projects to align with our hormones…
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Connect with Joelle on her podcast, Feminine Fitness!
Okay, girls, this podcast is long overdue. Oh my goodness, I am just now entering the world of cycle syncing. And I thought it would be just so fun for us to learn together. I brought on Joelle Suess, who is a longtime client and friend of mine.
And she schools us today on the four different types of cycles, how to optimize your cycles and your hormones so that you can find the most productivity in your business, so that you can optimize your projects and your monthly planning. It’s legit, like every single person woman needs to hear this episode for sure.
And I also love that Joelle has a Christ centered foundation. And she really talks about how when we understand our bodies in a way that God created us, we are allowed to operate with grace.
And I just thought that that was so cool that she brought in a biblical perspective to understanding our bodies. So you’re going to totally love this. I took like 40 pages of notes. So get your notebook and pen ready. Let’s get in the flow.
Hello, Joelle! I’m so excited to have you on the show.
Hey, friend, I’m excited. Thank you for having me!
This is gonna be so much fun. You guys. I have known Joelle, now for probably two years or more like you started… What was the very first program you ever took with me? Do you remember?
So I was following you and listening to you as you were sharing your Britney Spears year. I just related to you so much. I actually heard you on somebody else’s podcast. And then as soon as I dove into all of your stuff, I eventually started with a clarity coaching call, which now you have Clarify Your Calling.
But I was I went and did a one on one clarity call with you. And I knew podcasting was just something I was called to do. Then I got Podcast Pro University and just recently graduated from P2P. So hey, we’ve been together a long time, and I appreciate you so much.
I think you are one of my very first, I don’t know, 10 or 15 podcasts that I helped get launched into the world, you know, two and a half years ago. So you started with Intentional Productivity. And now you run the podcast, Feminine Fitness. Tell everybody a little bit about like, what’s that? You get clarity, and then you went through a pivot?
So I first thought for a while because I had been into health and fitness for so long, that my calling was meant to do something outside of what I was already doing. But really, it was about niching down. And when I was going in, and I loved intentional productivity. And it’s still how I operate and do things today with my priorities in mind.
But when it came to helping other women, it was really about how can I give people health and fitness advice, which I love so much. And it’s always been a part of who I am like I should have saw that, at first right away and known that that was going to be where I went.
But I’m like, how do you really take health and fitness and niche down even more. And so when we were going through that and when I was having the podcast and all of my health and fitness episodes, were still doing the best I just kept praying, I kept listening to you, I kept like stepping into more and more of what I do now which it’s so aligned with, so right.
It’s been great having you to help me through pivots as well because sometimes that feels like, should I really do that? Should I stick with this? Have I been giving things long enough, but when you have prayer and support and a mentor and a community, and it feels right, you just get that validation of like, yep, take the next right step.
That’s really how the pivot happened was just like, oh, some of these episodes are doing the best. I’m learning about this. And this is working for me. So I’m going to share more about that and share more about that. So the pivot wasn’t necessarily like a full 180 twist. It was more like a small step, a small step, a small step into this first full circle moment of me being on your show.
Exactly. And I think, isn’t that what clarity is? It’s a constant evolution of listening to God’s clues, and then taking action on that, and then listening and inventorying and then taking action. And so now you’re fully aligned, and you came into Podcast to Profit with Feminine Fitness already?
Why did you join that program? When you were like, I already have the new show, I feel so niched into who I’m called to serve, like, what was it about the program, you were like, I need that.
I wanted to streamline and polish things up. You know, I knew I had podcast episodes, and I was on a groove with being consistent with my posting, because of what I learned in Podcast Pro University. I mean, editing was a cinch. I had like the intro. So I had the groundwork, but I wanted to polish things up within my podcast and my business model.
And we did exactly that in P2P, we went through and talk like all the things that you give us, the pitch, working with Ali on my graphics, SEO, optimizing everything. So now when people search cycle syncing in podcast, my show pops up. So for me, it was about taking kind of, it wasn’t necessarily even a mess of a business model that I had, it was just polishing it up and creating a streamlined process of my show, getting in front of people.
And then also what I have to offer with my coaching services and my programs and my e-course, and saying, Okay, this is the evolution and journey that I take a woman through when they start working with me. So it was really not necessarily starting the business. It was polishing it up and putting it together. So it’s like a package in a pretty little bowl.
And you know, what’s cool about us is, you have the course. And so what we ended up doing, which was a really cool moment was we did some advanced strategy for you in Podcast to Profit where we actually came up with the mastermind, the next level, the next tier of profitability for your business.
And that was super exciting for me, because I hadn’t yet done that in P2P. So it was really cool to see like, no matter where you’re at in your podcasting journey, like that mastermind will take you next level.
100%, you know, I know all of us were in such different stages. And that was kind of something that crossed my mind a little bit too, as everybody was introducing themselves, but I just knew I was in the right group of women.
And so yeah, even though some of them were just learning a lot of those beginner things, we still helped each other, they still gave me great insight in other areas that were super insightful and helpful to me.
So let’s pivot into why I brought you on this podcast today is because I am so like, behind the curve, and I’m like, I don’t know anything about cycle syncing. I know it’s all the rage. I know everybody’s talking about it. You literally have a podcast all about this. And so I’m like, let’s get in the know over here. We need to get in the flow over here. So start us off, Joelle with what is cycle syncing.
And you know, you’re gonna, maybe others are listening to that term be like, I don’t know about it, either. But as I talk about what I’m going to talk to you guys about today, you’re gonna start having these lightbulb moments of like, Oh, this makes sense. That makes sense.
That’s totally me. Oh, that’s why that happens and all that. So once you know about cycles syncing you really don’t have to know much of the method but really tap into more of your intuition and trusting it and making it work for you instead of against you.
Because we’ve been told or a lot of us have been told all our lives like this is the curse of our flow and something negative when really what I teach is to how to use our hormones, know how they impact us and know our strengths and what supports us in certain phases. So then we can be our best.
So really, what is cycle syncing to me, it is ultimately bringing awareness and aligning your lifestyle to your feminine hormone, monthly cycle to give your body the support that it needs while optimizing how our body works, and how we can live optimally in each phase, not thinking that one needs to be better than the other or that one’s super sucks.
And the best example that I have for this is we have four phases, right? So, follicular, ovulation, luteal, and menstrual and I have a rundown, that’ll give here in a little bit, but four phases, just like there’s four phases of seasons, spring, summer, fall, winter. Well, the best example I can think of in explaining why women should cycle sync comes from a place of I’m a farmer’s daughter, and my dad, we live in the Midwest.
So it’s not sunshine and wonderful rain all the time, we have to optimize certain activities. So we reap the best harvest, we know that we want to plant in the spring, let things grow in the summer, and we harvest in the fall. And then there is a winter phase of letting the ground rest, letting the workers rest, like it would not make sense for my dad to go plant the field, the corn in the fall time.
It would not make sense, that would make it harder on him to do that. The crops wouldn’t grow, especially here, everything would just freeze and die. But with that being an extreme example, but as women, we have these four phases, and they very much look like and feel like the seasons of weather.
And so if we can just think of it as it’s about optimizing, it’s not about being obsolete, it’s not about, you know, having productivity and then laziness. It’s like, each season in each phase has a purpose. And why this is, is because of our biology.
When certain hormones are rising, there are things going on with our energy, our mood, emotion, and our brain that changes. And so in some phases, we can hop on the podcast mic, and it just feels like it is flowing. And then there’s other phases where you may hit record and be like, oh, gosh, bring it back.
Or questioning everything you say? Did that come out right? Do I have anything more to say? So really, it’s about understanding what our body is going through instead of forcing every single action, even coming at it with grace and knowing Okay, this is why I’m not crushing the to do list like I was two weeks ago.
Or this is why I’m stumbling over my words a little bit more than when I typically do or this is why I’m not even really thinking that creatively right now. It’s about knowing what is supportive during each phase. And then if you can, which as entrepreneurs, sometimes we can map this out and plan this out.
So we have four phases of our cycle, every month or every what however many days your cycle is, and we have four of them. And they are follicular, ovulation. What was the third one? Luteal, and menstrual?
Should I run through those quickly? And explain like how to know which phase and then kind of how each one has a superpower. And it’ll also roll back onto that like seasonal topic. Okay, so this is the meat. This is the juicy stuff. Ladies, you are here for it?
If you didn’t know about your luteal phase, and you’re now like in your late 20s, or 30s. I was the same. And we didn’t know about it until it became relevant. And I hear often, like, why aren’t we taught this in school? Well, really, as teenagers we didn’t care. So starting off, I always like to start with follicular phase.
That to me is like the springtime, the newness and it kind of just flows into a nice, well rounded completed circle. So follicular phase is the phase when your period has stopped, okay, so when you no longer have your period, you are in follicular phase. And this phase lasts like one to 13 ish days long. So it’s about a week and a half, two weeks after your period, okay, during this phase, this is when your hormones are on the rise.
So if you think of a bell curve, this is the beginning of the bell curve where your estrogen and testosterone are on the rise. And what happens when our estrogen and testosterone are rising, we start to feel like ourselves again, mood, energy, emotion starts coming alive in us
And when estrogen is on the rise, our brain centers are starting to activate the certain areas of our brain that are connected to communication, plans, creativity. So during this follicular phase, this is a great time to, you may just have a lot of new projects, or this is the time where you often think like, Oh, that’s a great idea.
And give yourself some time to write down these ideas, whether you keep a note in your phone, or if you have journaling practice every single day, like just be aware that this is a time where new ideas may be come in. This is also a great time to your brain likes to plan things out. You sit down during follicular phase, this is often when you can maybe sit down and create those content plans, like map out what episodes are going out.
If you have any launches, I’m going to talk about launching since a lot of us in business, if we really optimize a launch with our cycle, mood, energy and emotion, it’ll work for you. Because during our ovulation phase, which I’ll get to, we have this open communication and energy where if you place yourself in the right activities during the launch like it will just make the launch feel so much better.
But still in follicular phase like planning things out, strategizing, tackling like mentally challenging tasks, problem solving, making decisions, like think of it very much like spring, follicular being spring, there’s newness, there’s maybe things going on below the surface, but things are coming back to life, and ready to go and grow at this point.
And that leads us into ovulation. So ovulation is that peak of the bell curve with our estrogen. And in this time, like I said, with launching or podcasting, this is a great time to use our communication centers, this is a great time to have those masterclasses, to batch record a bunch of episodes, to get out there and do the things in your business that you need to do.
Maybe it’s recording a video that’s supposed to go on your sales page. Or maybe this is a time where like you want to if you’re creating a course, where you actually go in and teach that course. Follicular phase, you might be like, Oh, I’m getting all the ideas for my course and what I want to teach, if you can plan it out, right ovulation, record those videos, and then keep like, stay in that creative outward zone during your ovulation.
Why? Because you’re gonna have the energy for it, you also have the magnetism of being social during our ovulation time. That’s when we really are like attracted to being around others and others are being attracted to our personal energy. Like we as women just have an energy and a glow about us. When our estrogen is peaked and we are ovulating. It’s just science. So that’s really like that go time in your business.
How long is that one, Joelle after your… And how do you know you’ve moved out of the follicular into ovulation?
Great question. So ovulation last like three to five ish days. So it’s very much like that bell curve once again, like, follicular’s a little longer, it rises, and it’s a shorter duration. And with each phase, none of them are really a hard stop and start, it’s gonna feel like a nice rounded flow. So you don’t necessarily need to know.
Okay, I’m on day seven of my follicular phase. I’m rolling arm in the beginning of my follicular phase, or how do you know, if you’re ovulating? That’s where you can really, if you want to be precise about it, you can do some tracking, you can do some apps, I really like the app, My Flow, on how I track my cycle, because My Flow, I think it’s $1.99. But in that app, it’s really the only full cycle syncing app.
Because it gives advice, there’s information in there on other ways to support your cycle during the particular phases. So that’s a really, really good one. I still even mostly rely on my app, just because my brain doesn’t necessarily want to remember like, Oh, well, today’s date is the bla bla bla and my first day my menstrual phase was on blah, blah, blah.
I just truly like know from my app, what phase I’m in, but that’s really the first two weeks after you’ve completed your period. So that’s really like the time where you can be the quote unquote, productive. How I define productivity and how we define, like those action moving business building type of activities.
But that doesn’t mean the rest of our cycle has to be wasted or unproductive. We just want to keep in mind what our body is going through. So then we can align what it is that we do.
And that leads us into luteal phase. So our luteal phase is just simply the phase that is after ovulation. And before your period starts. And that for for depending on everybody is different can be like 10 to 14 days long. So I tend to think like it’s just another two week time period. We’re in luteal phase.
And so now coming off of that bell bell curve example. I know you guys listening can picture a bell curve in your mind, it’s going downward. And that kind of means that’s when energy is kind of going down. There’s progesterone on the rise during our luteal phase. And progesterone really is that like, they call it the calming hormone.
But what I find with myself and other ladies that I talked to in luteal phase, it really kind of feels like a lull. Kind of what brings that ‘meah’ feeling. And we associate that as something off, that it’s something wrong.
But really, can we think of it in a different light of like, it’s just telling us to, like go inward and be reflective, and just bring in awareness and thoughtfulness during this phase, instead of being so like, out there and like, we’ve got to push things and we’ve got to get things lined up.
And and here I am showing up in this page on that page and all of the things all the time. It’s like, no, this is our body chemistry and biology really being like, Okay, come back. We’re in our fall season, luteal is that fall season, going inward. So some days in luteal, you may feel like absolutely great and feel really fine.
And some days you crush your to do lists and you still feel like batch recording for podcast episodes, and it’s okay. And other days in luteal, you’re like, what’s my brain doing? Why aren’t you working? We know the things, why aren’t you saying the things? And it’s really just because that communication center in our brain isn’t as activated.
And it’s really more the reflective analytical side of our brain that is like working during this phase. So during luteal phase, it’s a really great time for that completion of stuff. So if we go back to the example of creating a course, this is the time where you’re putting it into your Teachable platform.
Or, you know, you’re getting the sales page ready for it or typing out some things so then it is completed and it is done. If you’re thinking of batch recording podcast episodes, this would be a great time to really get ahead, to edit, to make your show notes, to put graphics together, you’re doing the behind the scenes stuff and in completion.
Some other things that are just like, you could be doing is things with financials or numbers completing a launch, like if you did have a masterclass of some sort during ovulation, like really ending that out during this phase. So with that completion, and especially like, when I find when I talk about this with ladies, it’s across the board.
So ladies, don’t think you’re crazy if like, it’s the few days before your period where the emotions swing. And I feel like I need to say this for every female entrepreneur, because I don’t think every female entrepreneur says it. But every entrepreneur has moments or days where we question everything.
What is this all for? Am I on the right track? Is this what I should be doing? Is this how I should be outlining things? And really, it’s that day before our phase that progesterone peaks, and then as soon as our menstrual phase happens, progesterone goes back down again, which restarts that bell curve.
And why we feel like okay, certain to feel like myself again, because during our menstrual phase, which is the phase where our hormones are at its lowest levels. And when I talk about how I help women sync with their cycles in all areas of their lives, they’re like, Oh, so you talk about periods a lot. It’s actually the phase I talk about the least, because I’m like menstrual phase.
You just keep it simple, streamline, evaluate your past month like this is that completion phase, it’s that winter phase, where you maybe want to review what you did and how it worked for you.
Take some restorative time off if you can, listen to your gut during this time. If you need to take breaks, if you’ve felt burnt out, don’t push through it and this can be a really good time luteal and menstrual phase to prioritize your to do list.
Follicular and ovulation, you may sit down and write out your to do list and just be like Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, I got all of this stuff. Look at me and I still have energy for the kids and I got my workout in today.
And then luteal phase you’re like, Okay, I’ve got five things on my list nad I only want to do two of them. You can just be different and prioritize things like definitely even some of my systems in my home, get put off to the side during certain phases. And so really, what I hope this does is bring you information to work with your biology as you’re doing things.
And you don’t have to change everything all at once. But I hope that the education just brings grace because yeah, there are 100% times where I’m like, I really wanted to hop on this podcast interview. Am I in the best phase for a podcast interview? No, not really, but this is something that I feel like I can talk about in my sleep. I know Stef is absolutely amazing. And so I’m like, Yeah, I am still gonna 100% do this.
And there are times where I do things in my cycle phases where I don’t necessarily have that strength or that superpower that phase isn’t appropriate. But this is life. I get that. But I can also go at it with grace, knowing this is what’s going on. And I don’t have to force it. I just want to show up as my best self and there’s nothing wrong with me.
It really allows you to understand yourself a little better. Like this totally makes me laugh because every time in the luteal for me, like I get super moody. And like, I’m not a crier, but like, there’s something that will set me off. And it’s typically to Brad and I’m like, you’re gonna say that you liked the meat that I made you, you know, and like, he’s just like, oh my god. Hello. Are you gonna start your period? Like, he doesn’t mean it in a mean way.
But it’s like, now I’m just gonna like I’m actually I’m just gonna put up a token Joelle that says Like, luteal phase sticker, so that he’s like, Oh, she’s in the luteal, leave her alone. But so it all makes so much sense to me. And what I love about this is you give so many tacticals I’m going to go through a few tacticals and pull them out of what Joel was saying for you about what to do in each.
And let me reframe what Joelle said, we can’t make everything fit in the right phase, the right bucket. But if you have an option, there are certain things that we can plug in there. So when we look at our month at a glance, which is why it’s super important to pre-plan right, Joelle? intentional productivity, we take all of our monthly tasks from our Asana and from our planners and whatever systems that you’re using.
And you look at those and say, What is a monthly task? Not a daily, what is a monthly task? And then where can I plug that monthly task? So I have daily tasks, weekly tasks, monthly tasks, quarterly tasks, so all the monthly ones, I can plug into bucket 1-2-3 or 4 based on my seasons. So some examples here.
Number one for follicular, you are ramping up the hormone. Some of the things that Joelle mentioned was like the newness, the creativity. So coming up with podcast batch ideas, coming up with the outline of your course that’s a could be a monthly thing, maybe revising something that you need to revise, coming up with.
I don’t know new content for social media if you do that, like the newness, the creative. So maybe you plug in this like a day for creativity or even like 20 minutes a day for that week and plug those in. That would be a monthly task that maybe you could put in here.
Number two was ovulation. This is the creation, that’s what I heard from you was creation was a super power and communication. So this is do it, record the shows record the modules, do the batch recordings, have the hard conversations or the fun conversations, go play probably even like going and playing with your spouse has to be a great week for that like have the date nights in this phase.
The next one with luteal now we’re starting to decline so some of those monthly tasks you guys can plug in here would be the completions like Joel and I were saying like editing, behind the scenes, you’re not on, you’re still doing all this work, but like you’re not on, you don’t have to be the voice or the face or the the creator.
Let’s fine tune and let’s let’s plug in the pieces. So that’s all really good. What about like some other monthly? Let me I actually have my board up right here. Some other monthly tasks I have are like I have all my financial stuff. So you know, I pay the team I pay the ties. We do the budgets. I update QuickBooks, like what phase would that be the best in?
Ludeal. Yeah, that behind the scenes. Administrative type of stuff.
So I just started in, we’re working on scaling. So we’re testing some new cool things, different ads, different workshop stuff. I really think that one would be great. And follicular if I’m looking at like new creatives or new copy for that, that would be a great phase to do that on a monthly basis.
Batching would be great between follicular and then actually recording them in my ovulation week. So this is making so much sense to me. How do you? So that was my interpretation of everything that you were saying of like taking this big monthly task, brain dump?
And then plugging it in? What else do you have to say ther? How do you help optimize what these women are doing? And make sure they go in the right buckets? Is there any other tips you have for that?
Within business or within life and everything? It’s about implementing one area of your life at a time. And so I would, for me, when I started learning about all of this, it started with health and fitness first, because I was the type of person and I mean, many business owners can probably relate to this, I was literally burning the candle at both ends, like I was trying to get to my goals in a faster way, which I thought meant more workouts, eating less.
What I saw was constant push back. With business we can do that same thing leading us into burnout, we feel like we always need to be creating content. We always need to be the one in front of the camera, we always need to be coming up with with new ideas and everything.
But really how you’re going to utilize this and getting ahead and building your business in a strong foundational way is understanding why kind of working your business cyclically, seasonally if that depiction of it made more sense to you, how it’s working in your favor, because we are God’s creation. And the more that I’ve heard women say like, yeah, but the world doesn’t operate in a cyclical way. And I’m like, but it does.
And even when I go back to how God created the world, there was rest and why I end my talks on menstrual phase because it is about like that work and going into it, and then the rest and the restoration. So really just for any woman understanding that this is about working with how we were created and designed.
Instead of constantly feeling like you have to be in this fight and flight mode of doing more, creating more, being more and constantly being the same person, being always on, always that person who’s like, I can turn on the mic and just sing my truth all day long. And no, sometimes I even have days where I’m like 10 minutes through an episode and then I’m like starting over, what did I say?
You depicted it so perfectly, which already shows me like, women are more in alignment with this and our feelings. We just tell ourselves we shouldn’t feel this way. We shouldn’t feel like we don’t have energy today. Or we shouldn’t feel like we don’t want to be on social or we don’t want to turn on the mic.
Which Oh, if it’s my calling, I shouldn’t feel that way. But that’s not true. There’s just things going on within our biology that saying, Yeah, you can be looking at this area of things or put that at a later date. And it’ll come back to you.
And I can also see you mentioning social media. I could see that being way more triggering when you’re in luteal or menstrual, right? Like, you’re on this app, and you’re over here like Oh, I hate her and cute butt you know, like I can see you getting so much more triggered.
So thinking about when do you fast from social media, and maybe instead of doing weekends, maybe it’s certain weeks based on that. So it just made me think like there’s so many things you can tweak to your advantage here.
Now you mentioned you were doing health and fitness first. Is there an order that you typically recommend that your women start really, cuz it would be way too overwhelming you know, you’re like, I gotta get my date life in order with this calendar and my health and my motherhood and now my business and then you’re like, just going crazy.
So like, what is the first one that you think is the most, not most important, but what’s that border look like? And like, what are you actually? So get like health and fitness, for example, I don’t have an example in my mind of what that would look like.
So for me what I teach, and what I do is one phase at a time. And I know that being on a podcast like this, where I literally covered all four phases, you’re kind of just like, what, how do I remember? So what I do in my beginner course Feminine Fitness Foundations is I do cover fitness and nutrition, because that’s what ladies come to me most often for.
But I also do cover lifestyle. So what I teach is a singular phase at a time. So when somebody comes to me, and we talk about goals, what are some areas she’s struggling with? Is it hormonal imbalances, or is it mood and energy and emotion. And then we say, Okay, this is your struggle, these are your goals, this is what your phase you’re in.
And these are the things that are supportive of this phase. And I only want you to think about doing these things that support you during this week. Like, I want you to incorporate these things, because this is where you’re at right now.
And then we talk, then she’ll either go on to the next phase when she’s ready to go in the next phase, or we’ll talk about it on a coaching call when we get to that next phase, but it’s really like, for me, it was just knowing about one phase at a time. I got one week at a time really.
That makes perfect sense because I was thinking it was more of like a category of your life. And then you plug it into all the phases and then but instead look at the week at a time. So give me an example of health and fitness as being your bread and butter.
How because I’m like I don’t even understand what that would mean like I do my four little peloton rides, Joelle. We hop on a mountain bike once a week. Jessica Brown yells it makes it not weightlifting enough, you know? How do I optimize that knowing that that’s just my schedule? Like what would I do differently here?
So once again, you can think of it with intentionality instead of changing it all up and changing up your intention going into your workout or your workout plan for the week. Because actually, and this is kind of rolling into the health and fitness stuff.
If you are in your late luteal phase and you really don’t feel like working out and you’re drained and exhausted and depleted because you finished a lunch and you did the things with your kids and you had that you have elevated cortisol already during your late luteal phase and if you bring in a killer workout you’re adding more cortisol which turns on your fat storage so that’s where I started with all of this.
I was the one like if you want to change your body workout more, eat less and push harder and do two a day and all this stuff and you know no pain, no gain, no excuses and all that stuff and I was like Okay, wait, I feel like I’m so working against my body but for you where you have your routine and what you enjoy, you just change the intention.
So with going back to that bell curve and back to follicular phase if your thing is, you know, peloton four times a week and outdoor with your significant other once a week. You keep that same routine and know in follicular and obvious relation phase that’s when your energy is on the rise.
You’re going to want to get out there and and do the things and have your bike ride and then early luteal, you’ll probably still feel the same. And then in later luteal, you’re like, I’m just not feeling it today. So how you can change that up is just the intention and intensity. So during follicular, ovulation, bring in that intensity, that challenge, whatever that means for you.
Maybe it’s longer bike rides, maybe it’s doing those challenging hit ones on peloton. During late luteal, maybe you’re doing more of the steady state stuff or taking advantage of the mobility and stretching that they have going on and eliminating really that like cardio like tuck jump and turn around and flip your legs sideways.
Like you’re changing up your intention and what I teach really also kind of how it was that well rounded completion of a launch or a course creation is the same thing with health, fitness and nutrition. You’re having this well rounded health and fitness plan of not intensity all the time, but still including mobility and flexibility and all those well rounded components of health and fitness.
So it leads to optimal life, energy, mood and emotion support, because you’re not burning the candle at both ends, you’re really honoring the nature of a well rounded life.
Because even in motherhood like you can relate this to motherhood so much of like, whatever. This is when you can sit down and be like, we’re gonna go on adventures together we’re gonna go outward, we’re gonna do these new things together as a family during follicular and ovulation.
That week before your period and in your menstrual phase, maybe it’s like watching Toy Story series, all snuggled up on the couch, you know like in both those moments you can create amazing memories with your kids like your kids probably would think it is really cool like one time we created a tent in our living room.
We watched Toy Story all from one through four all day, it was awesome, mom and dad had snacks and they won’t even know that like mom’s gonna lay down because she’s got some low energy hormonal things going on right now. And so it really just leads into a well rounded life but like I said, I really take women on okay, this is the phase.
These are the strengths of support, focus on doing those things, not just those things, but add these things in that will support you that you’ll feel like oh I get to do this, I should include this in my groceries because that’s, this is going to be really good for me. I’m going to have this type of thing for myself care. All of it just really leads to a well rounded human being, which we as women are.
All so amazing and really what I kept thinking as you were talking about the peloton example I’m like, Great, we got Cody Rigsby, in follicular and ovulation. And I got Christine and her feelings over here in menstrual.
Cody during ovulation, I get it, like,
He just makes me crack up laughing, I can’t. And the other piece I love is your example with the kids like I always get so much feel wrapped up around. Oh no, all they did was be on the screen for X amount of hours. But what I like about this is when you look at the month as a glance.
Instead of looking at your day, at a glance, or even your week at a glance, saying, that’s been my problem I’ll look at the day at a glance instead of, what does this look like for the week, or for the month, and even in your business like going and looking at what you’ve accomplished at the end of the month, and looking at what we did this and we went on a hike together and then we did an outdoor adventure here and then they slept on the trampoline with daddy on this day, or like, or we all slept on the trampoline like making the time to inventory all the amazing things.
And then like you said, pulling the grace card, and looking at and last week we rested. And you know what, that’s okay and so I pull so much from that blessing in this conversation that it’s okay to have the rest, weeks, even and not that we’re not still spending time, it’s just different it looks different, what we’re doing with them so thank you so much I have learned a ton.
That me understanding this was way overdue, so thank you for blessing us today. Joelle was such an easy to understand, visual so much information, tied with science, bringing it all back to the fact that this is the way God created us to be and so it’s okay to be in tune with these different parts of us. Where can everybody come learn more about cycle syncing, and find you and all the amazing things that you do.
Come to my podcast Feminine Fitness, or you can find me on Instagram, it’s my name @joellesuess. But my podcast is where it’s at, that’s where I really do all of the teaching and if you have questions about anything, I will respond to you in the DMs or a probably got a podcast episode on it.
Absolutely. Well thank you for hanging out with us today, love.
Thank you!
How amazing was that interview, and I just wanted to bring this full circle by telling you that I’m creating a podcast together one and a half to two short years ago through a coaching call, then, that was before I had Clarify Your Calling, which is now how we get that clarity on what’s my thing, then Joelle took Podcast Pro University, she launched the show, she’s already having a lot of success.
She rebranded, and then she joined Podcast to Profit, and in Podcast to Profit we optimized her programs, we created her second to your offer her, her new mastermind program that she’ll be launching soon, we revamped her podcast. And so much success has happened for her all throughout this journey but really a breakthrough in the past 90 days.
So again, if you are looking for a business model, just like mine, just like Joelle’s, I invite you to the Stefanie Gass business model, I don’t have a name for it. Okay, the Stef Gass School, let’s just do that. And what you’re going to do is step one get Clarity on Your Calling. Number two, launch a podcast and number three monetize using coaching, courses or a program.
If you guys are interested in that and to see which step that you are at please go to stefaniegass.com and click on courses, and you can learn all about it, it takes you through some steps to tell you where you are, and take the leap girl, because if Joelle hadn’t took the leap a year and a half ago, she wouldn’t be on this podcast full circle moment with a full coaching business, a course that sells every single month, and about to launch her full out mastermind program.
You are just hopefully a few short years away from your own breakthrough, partnering your calling and your purpose work with a profitable scalable online business. Let’s grow, girl!
Use the simple acronym B.E.B.E.S. to increase your focus, memory, and attention span, and honor God with new habits.
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