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Ready to create a freebie? When should you create an opt-in and what should it be? What about a Facebook group? What would you even post in there?! What does this whole organic funnel even look like? How do the pieces fit together?
If you are scratching your head and feeling overwhelmed by what to do, when… Sister friend, I got you!
In today’s LIVE COACHING session I guide my client, Ryanne Channell, on creating an impactful freebie for her audience.
I help her understand how a FREE CHECKLIST paired with a free FB GROUP can capture new leads directly from her podcast. We then uncover how to best monetize her new podcast, and I provide tips on creating a supportive Facebook group and how to best manage it. We even map out her coaching program together so she can start making some income… from day ONE.
This one is full of strategy and ah-ha moments.
You don’t want to miss this one! It’s time to use your podcast as a simple, organic funnel that captures leads and converts. THIS is how marketing and sales should be — EASY.
Hey sisters. Welcome to another episode of the Mompreneur Mastermind Show. Today, we are in a live coaching episode with my girl, Ryanne Channell, from Wellness in the Word podcast. And what we’re going to learn is how to create a freebie that supports your podcast and drives traffic to your paid thing, to your program, your offer, or your coaching. You guys are going to absolutely love this one.
Now, if you have been stuck, stuck on what your freebie is, maybe what your product should be. You need help mapping out a passive course, or you’re literally stuck at the very beginning with the four tiers of brand creation. You’re like, what am I even doing? What’s my brand. What should I create?
What should it be called? What’s the tagline? I have got you covered, boo. Grab a coaching session with me and you can set that up by emailing us at support@stefaniegass.com. All right, let’s dig into this coaching episode with my girl, Ryanne.
Hi! How are you?
I’m so pumped. Tell me what are we talking about today? And I read your notes, but I just want to hear in your words and sometimes things change.
Okay, cool. So yeah, I really want to try to figure out like freebies and monetization. Cause I haven’t created any kind of freebie for my people yet. And I think I just don’t know where to go with it because it’s, it’s a Bible-based podcast, but also like a wellness. So I’m just not sure.
And then I want to launch a Facebook group, so just trying to figure out how it’ll all work together and monetize it eventually.
Okay, good. And it’s Wellness in the Word. Talk to me a bit about the show. So that I have like an overall vision.
Yeah. So what I’m doing, I’m doing three podcasts a week. They’re shorter podcasts. So every single week I do meditation Monday where we’re meditating on a verse of scripture and then every other Tuesday I’m doing a testimony Tuesday where I have a guest on the show, sharing their testimony. Wednesdays, I do wellness Wednesday where I’m talking about some type of wellness tip, whether it’s like spiritual or physical, emotional wellness.
And then every other Friday I’m doing faith Friday where I’m just talking more about like faith or, you know, reading something from the Bible or just talking through something in the realm of faith. So when I don’t have a Tuesday episode, I have a Friday episode and vice versa.
I’m gonna pull it up real quick. I just want to make sure you have everything here I want to see. Okay, cool. Yeah.
And right now I’ve really just been kind of basic on my titling and my descriptions.
So if we have time, that’s something we can talk about too, because I need the juicy titles.
Ultimate mental and physical wellness for Christian women. So for sure you’re missing this valuable real estate right here, right? Wellness and the Word — ultimate mental and physical wellness for Christian women, right here in the title.
And then in your name right here, Ryanne Channell put like a dash or whatever, and then here we can put more keywords here. Here you can put, let’s see word for this meditation, like biblical meditation, Christian, like you know how there’s Holy yoga. Is that like a word for this?
I would just say biblical meditation. Yeah.
So use that as a keyword, biblical meditation Bible study, you put like Christian mom, Christian woman, wellness. What in wellness could she be looking for? Cause wellness is too big of a word. Not for your title, but in a keyword. Holistic health coaching. Holistic?
Yeah. That is something that’s, that’s what I, I’m a holistic health coach. So, you know, what else I’ve been I’ve been using is whole person health, which I like that terminology. I don’t know if many people use it, but,
I’ve never heard of that. I would search if I was Googling, I would probably put in holistic health or holistic health tips, something like that. Okay. So plug those in cause that’s going to help you grow. Perfect. Okay. So let’s get back to your main questions here. So let me ask you this. When somebody comes to your podcast, Ryanne, what is their number one trigger? What are they struggling with? What does this Christian woman desperately need from you?
Okay. So I imagine that she is like just struggling with day to day life and feeling like she can’t, just feeling really overwhelmed I guess, and wanting to know more about God and about the Bible, but not knowing where to begin. And that’s the last thing on her mind anyway. But feeling like maybe that’s kind of where she can get the fulfillment that she’s looking for, that she can’t get elsewhere.
But also the person who is just a mom trying to be healthy for her family, for herself, some self care in there.
Okay. So there’s a couple of things. Like, I mean, obviously I think somebody come to you and go, I want to understand scripture. I want to know the Bible and I’m overwhelmed. What Bible? How do I understand which books should I start in? I don’t know if like you, the first time I ever went to read the Bible, I’m like, I’ll read from Genesis forward.
And then like, you’re like, why am I reading the Bible? This is so crazy. And so like now when I tell people like start with the new Testament, go to like acts and Matthew and Psalms and like start there and that will help you like have this just easier, easier walk.
I want to make it like, fun. And like give them the background on some stuff, because I think that’s important, like the context of what you’re reading.
So what if it was like a beginner Bible bootcamp.
Oh, that’s fun.
Let’s just brainstorm this out. So we could have a beginner Bible bootcamp, which would be 90 day, your 90 day introduction into scripture, understanding and navigating the Bible in an easy, fun, simple way. Scripture maybe. Maybe we had a 90 day checklist or something for them as a freebie. And maybe if they knew like this is the version I recommend.
You can have a link to the Bible that you recommend as an affiliate link on Amazon. Right? Get a commission. You could have your favorite Bible, journaling kit, your Bible highlighters. And like all of that can be an affiliate. It’s not much, but you’ll make something. And then you can have like a 90 day thing, like, okay, week one, you’re going to read chapters one through 15 of Matthew and then you’re going to go.
And maybe you have like a prompt. Like, what was your takeaway from these books? What was your or apply it to yourself? Like a little easy Bible study. It’s like 10 pages long. That’d be a great freebie. So there’s an idea. The second thing you said to me though, is health and wellness and so where I’m like, okay, that’s where I’m like, okay. Is this woman really coming to you for health and wellness?
Or is she really coming to you? Because is she, let me ask you that question, or are you just plugging it in because you sell it? I think so, because that’s where I get, like the Bible part is something that I am passionate about, but people are always asking me about because I am holistic health coach. People are always asking me for the tips or like, what do you do? Or what do you eat? And things like that.
So for me, I want to, I do think it’s important and I want to help people. Like here’s, you know, the things that you can eat, but also, Hey, take a step back and realize our health. Isn’t just about the food. Yeah. I have a fun idea. What if it was like the Holy holistic health starter kit?
Okay. Tell me what you’re thinking.
Or what you’re thinking or a holistic health starter pack.
Yeah. I like that.
Like that where you’re like, cause now there’s two, cause really I’m thinking like, okay, yes, this is the same woman, but these are two very separate problems. Like I want to know the Bible and know scripture and get deeper in the Word. I want to get better with wellness. I want to be on the Holy Spirit diet. My friends always like, Oh, you’re so glowy. I’m like, I’m on the Holy spirit diet. Like I’m eating, you know like how would Christ treat his body?
Literally like this is the mindset shift you have to have. You can’t treat your physical body anymore. You’ve got to get it together. You need to sleep, to respect yourself. You need all the things. So maybe like this holistic health, wellness sounds better like holistic health wellness kit or something or starters. Fine. Yeah.
But what I’m thinking in there, it could be like to have this holistic health transformation, Ryanne, what do they need? They need a morning routine. And maybe you have, it’s like, again, a PDF checklist or something or one email from you with a, Hey, step one. You’re going to do a morning routine here is click this link and you could do this on your podcast. And then just embed a podcast episode right there.
This is how you start. Step two. You need to clean out your fridge and treat your body, and then maybe there’s some scriptures you can refer to about how to treat your physical body. And then you can have some starter tips like blank vegetables a day, start easy. Start just cut out fried food this week. Or like just the easy basics. Like yeah. Next one could be like, get more sleep.
The next one could be drink more water. The next one could be whatever else you, as a holistic health coach can offer someone who just need like a 30 day reset. That’s what we should call it.
30 day reset. I like that. And in my description and in my like introduction on the podcast, I say like taking care of our bodies the way he intends us to.
So I would create those two things. I would promote them in your show. Like maybe based on what you’re talking about. Cause you’re either talking about spirituality, the Bible, scripture, the Word, or you’re probably talking about health and wellness and now you’ll have two freebies that go with your content.
You test and see what works best. And don’t, this is like a checklist with a little video. Like you don’t need to throw in the kitchen sink. This is free.
Okay. Yeah. Cause that’s where I’m like over, like I get nervous cause I’m like, Oh, what do I have to teach yet? Or like, I don’t, I think eventually I’ll know more personally of the Bible myself that I can do more.
Just remember she doesn’t like get, she’s probably never even opened the Bible. Okay. If she’s done anything, she’s reading Jesus Calling, that’s it? So you know more than her.
And so you can come from a place, just remember who you’re talking to that if you have any comparisonitis or that, Oh, like who am I? Go– but who am I speaking to?
Right. And that’s true because most people that are in my life or my audience just don’t have any of that background at all. So that’s perfect. I wish I had found that I couldn’t, I would look like, I just didn’t have anywhere. That was like, Hey, it’s okay to be intimidated by the Bible. So here’s your pitch. You ready?
Friends. Listen, are you intimidated by the Bible? Does scripture totally freak you out. You’re not alone. I think people are just afraid to admit it, but that’s why I’m here. I’ve put together a super easy beginner Bible bootcamp to simplify scripture for you, which additions are the easiest to understand.
I’m going to give that to you in this little handout, which books should you start in? Hey, spoiler, starting with Genesis and reading chronologically is going to get you stuck. Here’s what I recommend. Come on over to the Beginner Bible Boot Camp, which is bip bip bip dot com and grab this free beginner Bible boot camp gift for you.
I’m so excited to have you get deeper into scripture.
Love it. That’s awesome. Yeah. I was actually planning on like launching my Facebook group October 1st and I was going to start with like a 30 day simple, basic reading plan that like my church gives out anyway, you know? So it’s already like laid out and so that’s perfect.
That aligns perfectly, so those are the freebies I would do. Now as far as monetization, do you have any ideas for that?
I’m thinking coaching right now. That’s the only thing that I could think of or that I know how to do basically. Cause I have coached in the past, but it was all about food and I just, I never really got anywhere far with it. I didn’t, I wasn’t just in love with that part of it.
Because I think what would be cool is if you monetize the holistic health side of your business, but for Christian women, like, you know how I monetize like clarity, coaching and podcasting for Christian mompreneurs, like I still talk about the Bible. I still pray over them every time I have a coach coaching stuff going on, like I’m still infusing that in. But what we teach is actually a tactical for these people versus charging our teaching something that has to do with the Bible and scripture, because then you get, it gets weird.
Yeah, it does. Because, and so that could be like passion projects that you do and it can be a piece that you infuse, but I think what you could easily sell is this holistic health and wellness stuff. Does that sit okay with you firs?
Yes. That’s kind of where I see it too, because I do, I feel weird. Like what could I sell around? Like teaching people about the Bible? I feel weird about that. Yeah. And there are people who do it and I think it’s okay if God’s called you to do that. But I really feel like we can do that and infuse that into this other piece, which you are already a holistic health coach.
So let’s talk about that. When we say holistic health, like when we think about this woman, let’s go the health side of who she is for a minute. What’s happening for her? What are the triggers? What can we create for her? That’s either passive or coachwise that will solve these problems. Immediately I’m thinking this complete like exhaustion, like adrenal overload.
Yeah. Right. Overweight. Yeah. Not always overweight, but usually struggling with their weight. Just feeling like overwhelmed by having to feed their families every day. And especially like, even if they think they could eat healthy, like their families are complaining about it. And then they have this grand plan to be healthy, but they don’t plan for it. They feel like, Oh, okay. I’ll just start next week.
And getting the exercise and making the time for themselves to do that and not feeling guilty about it or using their families as an excuse.
They’re also, they haven’t been willing to put down work or the phone or social media or, and yes, those are excuses. But like, so when I look at this woman, I’m like, listen, you know, you want to lose that weight. Like you’re tired of carrying around the 10 and 15 pounds that’s making you feel self conscious, right? Tired of being exhausted every day.
You’re tired of having adrenal fatigue, which maybe you don’t even know you have, but I’m going to willing to bet that you do. You’re exhausted. You aren’t drinking enough water, not getting enough sleep and just hiding behind a library of excuses in your life as to why you can’t get healthy. Listen, listen, I’m here as your holistic health coach, because I want you to have the accountability.
I want to bust through these excuses with you. But then I want to give you the toolkit, the arsenal, the how to, to make it easy. How do we get and help our family get healthy without them ever knowing that we are making them eat healthy or get on a diet or how do we deal with a picky family? I’ll talk about that with you. I’ll cover that with you. I will keep you accountable. We’ll come up with a weekly plan, and then we talk about what do they walk away with right?
In 90 days, you walk away with that 10 pounds gone. You walk away with a plan for healthy, you’ll have more energy. You will be more intentional, have a better mood. All of these things you’re going to walk away with. Your family will be feeling better as well. And we’re going to do this in 30 minutes or less a week. Like your meal prep. You’ll know that better than me.
But as an example, in three hours a week, we’ll have all your meal prepping stuff done, and you’re going to be able to rest easy. How does all of that feel? Is that like a big solution toolkit that you can provide her?
For sure. Yeah, absolutely.
So what I think you should do. Well, a couple of things we can do. What’s your super fan number? Do you know?
I don’t know because I hadn’t.
When, when you did that, I hadn’t, I didn’t have my podcast yet. And then I think it’s small? For sure.
Cause there’s two things you could do. You could do a passive product and record all the videos and like drip them over eight weeks or something, but then show up every week Live as an accountability in a Facebook group. And the thing is people will be in different places. Like, so if Mary buys it here and she’s on week one, like foundations of holistic health, just understanding it.
Or, or getting the healthy mindset and she gets that stuff and takes your video, reads the video, here’s the video. And then she shows up live. But then you have, you know, Larissa or whoever and she’s on week eight and she shows up in the thing. Still fine, right? Cause they can still show up, bring their questions and maybe it creates more belief over here for her.
Cause she sees Larissa having success on week eight. So that could be, and they have a Facebook group right where everybody’s posting and they’re growing together. That’s option one, option two is private coaching where you show up with somebody, you take them through a plan like this. We’ve got, let’s say eight weeks. And you’re going through this full plan, like the holistic health rework.
I like the reset as the freebie and then like playing with, I like holistic holy health just because that’s part of your brand, the holy holistic health reset. I like that. And then maybe you have like the holy holistic health transformation package? That’s like an eight week one-on-one so you could do it one on one, but here’s the thing. Then you’re teaching the same thing, but it’s more customized, which is great. Every week with people.
Option three, you run a group program with like five to 10 women live. You teach, it’s like a group coaching. You teach. They have homework. They get to know each other. They’re taking it at the same time as each other for eight weeks or 90 days. Which one of those feels really good?
I think I liked the third one because part of what I want to do, like in my free Facebook community is get like little pods of women who are like sticking together and growing together and just creating that community.
Yeah. I love that. Okay. So what you could do, which would be really fun is you could have a holistic health bootcamp for like a week in your group, when you launch your Facebook group, after you could do your Bible thing sure, like just to get that foundational stuff set up and then you could run like a fun little, Hey, let’s talk about what is holy holistic health?
Let’s go through three days of this and just having fun with them and then tell them I’m going to launch for the first time ever the holy health transformation workshop for 8 weeks or 90 days, we’re going to go through all these foundational things. So let’s talk about what would these foundational things be so that you have like a rough structure? Obviously the first one for me is like having a Holy health mindset, right?
Yeah. Yeah. For sure mindset. And I think that is good to have to be the starter because everybody wants to start with the food and I want to be like, hold on, sister. Yeah. So mindset. I like that.
Okay. And then how about, um, the next week then you can get into food, right? The whole food rework or something?
Yeah. Just like the very basics.
Whole food basics, good. And that can be that week two. So like, okay, let’s do this. And you know what goes in there each week? I usually do an hour of teaching. So I show up everybody’s live. Same time every week you teach, they have homework. They can have an accountability partner. That would be really good. And then you show up the next week and you teach and record it the whole time.
That way, if you don’t love it or you’re like, okay, I want to do something different. You have a product now and we can just sell it passively. So that’s week two, week three. So now they’ve got mindset. They’ve got food basics. What do they need next is move your body, maybe? Week three. How do we like,
Yeah, I like that. Just fun. And like just having those challenges of like do something every day. Even if it’s a short walk.
Move your body sister. Good. Okay. So we’ve got mindset, food, body. Now how about,
I think there should be a week with like the miscellaneous stuff. Like how’s your sleep? How’s your water? Like those kind of basic things.
Okay. So let’s go backwards with that one because I feel like maybe that should be week one and then we get into mindset. Week two like push it down, like the foundations or do you think that’s after mindset?
I think it’s after mindset. Okay. So how, how about if that one would be, I want to say thing with foundations.
Yeah, I like that too. The foundations.
The foundational five. And then in there you can have sleep, water, self care, and now we’ll go through the foundational five with them. That’s what it is. The foundational five– food, exercise, sleep, water, self care and spirituality. Yes. So let’s just plug. We can just plug, let’s see one, two, three, four, five, six. So, the something six spiritual six, the successful six.
Successful? Is that what you said? I like that.
Okay. The successful six. There we go. So now we’ve got six, which is perfect because now we have eight weeks. I love now we got your whole food basics, move your body. Now we’re going to go into sleep. We can even call it like your circadian rhythm and you could teach them all about what it is. Cause it’s bigger than sleep. It’s like setting times for bed.
And how do they, maybe you can do a meditation for them to like, how do they meditate on the Oo! Meditating on the word should be in here? Something like that. That would be good, right?
Yes. For sure.
So sleep, unlock real rest or something like that. And then we’ve got water. So how about, um, water? And that one can be bigger. Like maybe, maybe water can just go into food. You can just plug that. Self care. I just don’t like that word. What comes from self care refreshment?
Like, yes. I love that.
Refresh your soul. And in there you can talk now about your Bible stuff. So we’ve got soul scripture, morning routine prayer. Yes. Okay. And then the last one we said was spirituality. So that can flow into the final week, which is what’s next. How to keep going and growing, like graduation. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven graduation. And I think all the while you’re having them post what’s the meal plan for the week, everybody posts like keep them focused on health and exercise as like an actual tactical.
It’ll just like build upon each other.
Yeah. Teaching a new concept while they’re now doing all of these things. And you’ve got meal prep, meal prep Monday, everybody post your meal prep from the weekends. And we’ve got sleepy Saturday, post you cozies on the weekend. Like yeah. It’s to drive that excitement in that community. Do you think they should post like in the Facebook group or on their own things and I share or what?
You’ll have Facebook group just for your holy health transformation program. And that’ll be just for them. So, um, here’s the thing you need to go calculate your superfan number. How many women do you want in your first launch of this program?
I’m not sure. I think probably not more than 10. Yeah. Cause I would want to be able to like manage it and, but I don’t, I think I’m also thinking like, I don’t know if I would even get 10, so maybe that’s like a limiting belief, but I’m having really good reception on the podcast. So I’m really glad about that.
So all you need is 500 superfans to like be really sure you’ll get 10. Okay. So I want you to run that number and let’s look at that. If you have under 250, I want you to just keep going for a little bit and offer some private coaching. Cause you can right now say, Hey, do you guys need some Holy health? I am offering a few private client meetings to help you come up with your transformation.
We can do health mindset. We can talk about the successful six, my proprietary program to unlocking holistic health healing. This is just blowing. Holistic and grab an hour with me. Great. Do that for now until we get to, I really feel like 500 will be your sweet spot to launch this program and really make sure we get 10.
So I think a $497 price point on this as a beta. Like for the first time it’s only $497. I’m only taking 10 women. That would be a really good place to launch at. How does that feel?
So I feel like that’s high. Is that, is that just me? Like, cause you can have a $197 payment plan for three months. Okay. But this is group coaching, you know like this is,
And it’s like two months, right? Eight weeks.
So two months it’s only $500 for them. Like they want the accountability, they want to do this. God’s way to like where is there a wellness coach saying I’m also going to pair this with scripture. We’re going to also, we’re going to partner with God in this journey to get back to optimal health. That’s why they’ll do this with you.
That’s why people do things. They’re like business God’s way? Okay. So that’s to come start pitching coaching right now. Okay. Make sure to see how many super fans you have and super fans compound. So don’t worry if you’re like, Oh, I have a hundred. Great. Just keep doing what you’re doing.
And then January we’ll launch the program. Right.
Okay, cool. Yeah. That’s probably a good time. So do you think I should have a freebie for like something in the wellness space too?
Yes. We’re doing the Holy holistic health reset.
Oh, okay. Okay. Yup.
And that’s going to lead them into coaching and your program, right? Your Bible one is just kind of for fun. It’s just forwarding one. And you can put in there though on the last page of your beginner Bible bootcamp freebie put Need help with holy health holistic transformation? I’m a coach. I would love to work with you sisters. It’s okay to sell in your freebie. We got so much accomplished.
I know I’m excited cause I wasn’t, I couldn’t see what I could do. So I like it. Perfect.
And if you need help, Ale can create your freebies. If you’re not a graphics person or use Canva. And then do your super fan number. Let me know. I’m curious to hear about that.
All right thank you.
Well let me say a quick prayer for you and I’ll let you get back to your day. Okay, Lord, I lift up Ryanne right now. I pray that you just work through her to continue spreading your word, that you help her bring clarity about the Bible. About you bring the women that need you the most to her so that she can just walk with them on that journey. Also that you help her really step into this space.
This micro niche of being a Christian holistic health coach and just helping these women have that transformation, their physical bodies and spirits so that they can just feel refreshed and renewed in you. I pray that whatever provision that she needs to do this business and walk with you, that it just pours out over her and that you just give her the confidence and the belief in herself to make this a reality in Jesus name. Amen.
Amen. Thank you so much. That was a beautiful prayer.
You’re welcome. And go get them sister. I’m here with you.
Can’t wait for the workshop. All right. Thanks. Bye.
I hope that you guys loved that episode and that it really helped you see how the podcast is. The very beginning of your funnel. The podcast is your evergreen thing. It’s the place that you show up to generate leads to get listeners. That is how you organically grow an audience is the actual podcast. From there, you can create a freebie, an email list or set up your Facebook group to collect the new listeners, right?
To grow the trust and to get them into trust tier one. And then you can offer paid options in trust tier two, which are your passive courses, your coaching, your products, your affiliate stuff, whatever it is that makes you money yet at the same time brings them an implementation solution.
So that is the way quote, unquote funnel and organic and evergreen funnel works. It goes podcast and marketing that podcast through Pinterest, through your blogs, etc. I actually have an episode for you. That’s coming out next that talks about 10 ways to grow your podcast traffic, to scale the listeners of your show.
So that’s coming out next, which makes perfect sense based on this to help you guys go, okay, I’m driving traffic to the podcast. The podcast is the funnel. Then it goes freebie and Facebook groups. Then it goes paid products. That’s literally it.
It’s so simple. And it’s it’s so like against what all the coaches are teaching you yet. I’m here to show you and prove to you that it works. I’ve proven that it works in two short years. We’re almost about to pass 300,000 downloads on this podcast. I have had income and revenue months that are bigger than all of the money I made last year in one month.
Like all from the show, all organically, all from me showing up and serving you guys. So again, if you don’t have a podcast yet, let’s fix that. There is no better time for you to start showing up behind a mic in your PJ’s braless and flawless, sharing your heart and message to grow and serve the people that God’s calling you to serve. And that is how you’re going to grow an organic audience that trusts you.
And then that’s how you make money. I know we’ve got it so backwards and the industry is telling you everything but this, but I am here to prove to you that it’s the answer because before I did this, I did it the hard way. Thousands and thousands on ads that never converted. I did all the courses and tried all the things I had, all the email funnels. I spent all the money on the fancy opt-ins.
None of it converted. None of that made me revenue. What made me revenue is the podcast because there’s something about authentic trust. When you get to be here with me every single week, right? You guys are my Lola’s. I know what you need and I’m serving you and I’m helping you guys, which means that you trust me at a deeper level. And then when I have an offer for you, that solves the problem you say, yes. That’s how easy this is.
So can you do that for your people? If you sell skincare, can’t you have a podcast about feeling confident and beautiful, or a like a mommy makeover and five minutes podcast. And then you market your skincare. Yes you can. Are you a life coach? Great. You can start life coaching gone wild or like, life coaching with grace, have a podcast. Do your life coaching on the air, give free tips and value and then market your coaching on the podcast.
Do you sell an online course about how to organize your kitchen? Great. You could have the home organizer super show or something. Do your podcast and market your kitchen organization course like it’s limitless, but you guys are over-complicating this process, having success all starts with you showing up and serving and solving on a podcast. That’s the funnel. It’s literally so liberating when you finally get it.
So if you don’t have that set up, I got you. I got you. If you’re stuck in the clarity, what would it be? What would my podcast be about? How do I come up with the title and how do all these pieces fit together? I offer clarity coaching. That is what I do. You can hit us up at support@stefaniegass.com and book a session. Or if you’ve got clarity, but you don’t have the know how of how to start the podcast, podcastprouniversity.com.
Enough said, that’s it. That’s the course for podcasting. Okay. Now, if you need to create the passive course or the products that go with it, I’ve got you there too. So let’s do this. It’s your time. I just want to pray over you that you found some inspiration in today’s coaching call, that you found some clarity, that you’re excited about de-complicating.
If that’s a word, the business, evergreen funnels, and you’re getting it. How organic marketing can be so simple and so easy just by showing up and being you. I pray that you are led to answers and solutions and clarity, and that God is pushing you to leap fearlessly in the call that he has on your heart.
I just pray that wherever you’re at, you know that you are enough because God has created you and you are fully equipped because all you need is him. He is here for you. And he’s leading you, not just in your business, but also your life, your motherhood, your marriage, your mindset, and inside of your heart. It really just takes that full relinquishing of trust.
The full surrender of God. Take my business in your hands and do your well, help me open these doors. Give me the creativity, give me the words. Give me the courage, father. Bring me the clients who, whatever it is that I’m meant to do in this business.
However, I can show up at a higher capacity father equip me, push me. Yes. I believe that you will do incredible things through me for your kingdom, God, and I just opened the doors for that. I trust you and love you in Jesus name. Amen. I’ll meet you back here real soon. Love and light, Stef.
Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jaclyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jaclyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
We’re chatting with Podcast to Profit graduate, Rachel DeSonier, about how her podcast skyrocketed and landed clients without social media.
Do you want to build a profitable, sustainable, and impactful podcasting business? Then, you must follow my ten non-negotiable rules.
I’m sharing 7 steps that allowed me to make 7-figures as a Christian business owner. It’s time to get back to the basics.
Let’s talk about podcasting basics today. I’m doing a power coaching call with my friend, Jeri Bisbee, a Podcast to Profit student.
I’m breaking down different revenue buckets and what you should prioritize in each phase to build a profitable business.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
I’m sharing three simple, tried-and-true tips to get more clients and grow your business while eliminating discovery calls.
My student, Lara Frendjian, is with me today to talk about the amazing conversion rate she experienced with her podcast.
How social media is ruining your chances of making money from home, and what to focus on instead to create sustainable income.
Today‘s post is an interview with my student Heather O’Brien. Heather will share her story from her first sale to subsequent podcast growth.
Are you struggling to plan engaging podcast episodes? Learn how ChatGPT can be a game-changing tool for your podcast strategy.
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