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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work with a coach? What about having a long-term mentor in your pocket? Someone to pour into your business with strategy, vision, and accountability… do you wonder if that would be worth it? What might happen on the other side of the YES?
Listen in today as I jam with one of my longest clients, Eidit Choochage from Therapeutic Life Healing podcast. We take a walk down memory lane and chat about all the transformation her business (and HER) have gone through over the past year.
This episode will warm your heart and give you insight into if a coach might be in your future.
Hey friends. Welcome to today’s episode of the show. Happy Friday, I am talking to my client and friend Eidit from Therapeutic Life Healing Podcast today. All about what is it really like to have a business coach for an extended period of time? What happened inside of her business, her mindset and her heart in working together over the past year, plus how we were divinely put together at this event, which is so cool.
So you get to hear all the inner workings of that, but most importantly, what really happens when you let someone into your business, when you let someone in to help you strategize to have that accountability with to brainstorm with. And I think it’s just important for y’all to see, because some of you have never worked with a coach before.
You’ve never worked with someone you’ve never let someone help you grow and scale in, into your purpose, into building a business God’s way instead of the world’s way. And so this is kind of a fun, deep, deep dive for those of you thinking what coaching even work for me.
And what does that even look like? And does that investment ever make sense? Does that investment come back full circle? So this episode is an inside sneak peak. Come be a fly on the, well, I know you’re going to love it.
You can be like Eidit and we can hang out together one-on-one and get full focus and attention into your business. I help you with clarifying your calling, creating a kingdom business.
We can strategize on figuring out what your podcast content will be creating a passive revenue course together, whatever I’m here for you. So if that’s calling your name and you really thrive in that focused attention environment, email Nina at support@stefaniegass.com and obviously guys be careful with my name’s spelling S T E F A N I E G A S S .com.
Now, if finances are a thing or you do better learning on your own, I would recommend taking a look at my passive options. So step one, you don’t know what you’re supposed to be doing. What is my thing? I need clarity over my calling.
I encourage you to come take, clarify your calling, which is a product that I’ve created, which takes you through 30 days of clarifying your calling. This is at such an affordable price point. There are no excuses for you not to dive straight in to figuring out what your thing is.
There is no reason for you not to know the direction of the calling, because I believe that when you begin to walking in your purpose, you are able to experience God’s God’s focus and his plans for where he wants you to go. And sure, a clarity is in evolution, but you’ve got to start somewhere.
This is for you. If you’re like, I don’t really know what my thing is, my calling my purpose, my God’s centered path. Clarify your calling course.com. Step two, you have clarity, you know what you’re supposed to be doing. And you’re frustrated trying to build a business online. You don’t want to do it using ads.
You don’t want to show up on a hundred platforms. You’re like, I just want to hang out behind the mic, browse and flawless with my kids, with my lukewarm coffee. Okay. And just speak into a microphone.
Podcasting is what’s up. It’s blown up my business. It’s it grow faster than Facebook, Instagram, my YouTube and my blogging. All three put together. It, it blew past all of it. Why? Because it’s authentic to me because it’s fun because I get to share and show up for you guys on my own terms, which gives me freedom to pour into you. You trust me, and then you work with me, that’s it.
So if that’s where you’re at podcast pro university.com, step three, you have a podcast. Yay. But you got to go all in. You want to monetize it, to rank. You want it to chart. You’re like, this is, I want Stefanie’s exact business model and you’re ready to do some serious work.
Over 90 days, I invite you to apply for podcast to profit mastermind program, 20 women, all in head down focused laser laser-focused lots of work to do to grow scale and monetize your podcast, using a course or a coaching offer. Okay. And that kicks off April 30th and we already have applications.
So if you want to be in the next round of podcast to profit, you’re going to want to hurry and head to podcast. Two T O podcast, two profit mastermind.com podcast to profit mastermind.com. Let’s get into it.
It’s just this podcast. Wouldn’t even be here. If it wasn’t for you and pushing me off the ledge. And that sort of thought about like that right there. You know, it’s not about, I think when we finally get that, it’s not about us and it’s about the gifts we have because we’re responsible for, for sharing them and empowering coaching and mentoring.
Like for me, and for you guys, you to start your show Eidit and be able to bring that into the world and then to hear it come full circle of, I’m literally sitting with you on your show, which is having amazing success, amazing traction, that that’s it like, that’s the moment. And that’s when you know, you’re walking in your purpose when you see the full circle happen. And so, yes, I help women start podcasts and I help them get clarity.
And then my ultimate goal is to help women then make it into a business by using podcasting and passive courses. Because you know, like to use a different example, you have this beautiful gift and therapeutic life healing was a gift that you brought in to give to the world.
But at the same time, there’s women that need you at a deeper capacity than all your free value and your free content. So while you’re making such a huge difference at the same time, I’m like, but hold on, we’ve got the course now because women want to go deeper with you into this therapeutic life healing.
And we knew that there was a demand to work with you at an affordable level. So we created the course and, and put that into the world. And so, and so that’s my entire business model is we get clarity, we start the show and then we create a way to monetize it by giving people value and a solution.
And yeah, that’s what I do. I wear PJ’s all day. Love coffee. I let Jesus lead me in my business. And I’m a Testament to being the 1% be different. And in that, I mean, be different than what everyone else is because you are only authentically you and you can only be you and your voice can only be unique to who you are.
And when you finally start sharing that and stepping into who, whoever you are and what you’re created to be, and seeing the things in the way that you were created to say them, that’s when you make an impact because you no longer blend in with the rest of the world, because all of the world is walking to this on the same path to this beating, to the same, the beat of the same drum, they’re all just doing all the same things.
And I think people are searching and yearning for authenticity in a space that’s so overcrowded with fake and perfect and the way it should be. So I’m kind of that weirdo that I’m willing to let my weird flag fly.
And that’s why we were so connected. God knew God knew because in 2018, I mean, I was just figuring it out where I wanted to go next, because I was just so miserable in my job and miserable, not because of who I was working with. I loved the, the team and everything that I was the mission I was doing at the time, but there was something more, there was other things that weren’t going right with where I was working and what I was doing.
And so God just put it in my heart to search for something else. I had no idea what that something else would be. And so this episode is all about how investing in yourself and having someone to hold you accountable so that you can get clarity on your dreams, reach your dreams. Step-by-step and that’s what Stef did for me and with me.
So in 2018, I was just kind of like a deer in headlights. Like I need to go somewhere else. And I don’t know what that next job is, but I have 15 years of mental health experience. And I stumbled upon your show at your podcasts at the time. So Stef’s podcast is the mompreneur mastermind show, and it has a lot of business information and strategy.
And, and so, and that makes with like personal development and motivation. And so I also really liked that you were Christian and I, you know, resonated, I wasn’t a mom, but there was something still about what your, what you were representing that I just felt authentic and true, and just connected to you.
And then of course look how God works, how we met in 2019, almost like a year later. Like I would be on the treadmill at the gym, in my healing journey that, you know, I talk a lot about on my podcast, listening to your show, and you had no idea who I even was, and I was just paying attention to how you would show up and consistent.
It took a while, but I was like, I think I emailed you a couple of times about your coaching and you had sent me your, your coaching menu. I was like, okay, thanks. And then you reached out a couple of times and you’re like, yeah, let me know if you have questions. I’m like, thanks. We’ll do. Yeah.
And I was still in my fear. I was still very scared about not knowing what to do next. And then of course, God had us actually meet in person that I had no idea, no idea. We had both gone to Angie Lee – she’s in marketing. And she really brings women entrepreneurs together and has this conference called pays to be brave for women entrepreneurs to come. And it’s kind of a, it was in San Diego last year, actually in October.
So we’re talking about pretty much about a year ago. And we had just come back from a break. I had gone to the conference by myself, just like, okay, let me go try to make some friends, let me try to get motivated and figure out what I’m going to do next with my life. And I didn’t even know if I want to work like who I was going to work with or what I was going to do.
And then I was just sitting in the seat and I looked over, there was, I was towards the aisle. Cause I like to be at the edge because I’m claustrophobic. And I’m like happens. I know where to exit that’s my anxiety. But, but it was really served me well, because when I looked over the
Aisle, you were like two rows in front and like right across from me. And I looked at you from the back of your head. I’m like, she’s going to think I’m a stalker. I’m going to DM her and be like, Hey, I see you. And remember me, I kind of wanted to see we’d work together. And you were like, yeah, come over. Come say hi. I do. And I distinctly remember that.
Like I distinctly remember turning around and you had on all black right on the always I’m an all black right now. You are right in the aisle. And like, you had just stuck out in my mind. Like I get coaching requests all the time. But at that point, I guess, you know, I was sending the, the menus. I’m like, well, you and I were having conversations about, about what coaching might look like.
And I remember like, I remembered you so vividly even. And it was like, Hey, I’m behind you. I’m like, Oh, Eidit like you were already ingrained in my mind as someone that I knew I was going to work. I knew that we were going to work together. I already knew that it was just letting it flow and letting it be like, whenever God gave you that blessing. So it was funny because it was like, Oh, Eidit here.
Like there was no sip. Like, it wasn’t like Eidit’s here? It was like, Oh, Eidit’s here. Yeah. That makes perfect sense. God. Cause like you already lined this up. Like I already know, but she’s supposed to work with me. So anyways, continue. Yeah. And then as soon as you were like, yeah, come say hi. And I’m like okay, God, I hear you.
I hear you. I would pray every morning before going into that room. Like, God, you’re going to seat me next to the people I need to meet. I know that. Oh, crazy. And of course, you know, and it’s like, it was like 3000, no, 1500 women there. Right. So it was like, it was a pretty big venue. So for us to be seated, like it’s just the line people apart. Exactly. Yeah. With 1500 women, like the exact area.
So, and I otherwise wouldn’t have, I don’t know, like met you or in person cause we live in different States. And so I went up to you after the break, I went up to stuff and I was like, ah, so I’m a D Hey, and then we sat down and just tears, I started crying and you were like, why are you crying?
And it was like, I think that you had this moment of feeling like I’m so done with being lost. Like I’m so tired of searching and I just need that direction. And you knew what you did. Like you knew what you did for a living, but like there was this piece of you that was searching for more, but like in a, be like an authentic way, like how do I do something with this? That’s bigger and more and get into the world and kind of get out of my own way.
And we started having some of those conversations about, well, how could I help you do those things? Like how could I help you get over the roadblocks? I just remember kind of openly talking to you about the kind of stuff I coach on. And I could tell that you were just like, yes, like this flood of relief just went through you and you were like, that sounds so right.
I think what you did stuff in that moment for me was like, make the impossible. Or like, what was it clear, more possible reachable and clear. And it was something that I hadn’t experienced. So I mean, I, you know, mind you for, for listeners listening, like imagine, at your job, if you’ve been promoted and you’ve reached kind of a level of success and, and it still has a made you happy. And that’s what happened to me.
And I, you know, I was now a director at an, at a program at a nonprofit and that was my, you know, ultimate dream that I had said I wanted to do. And then I, here I am in that role and I’m still not happy. So if you can relate to that part of what I was struggling with is like reaching success, quote unquote, or what you had dreamed of.
You get there and you’re still not happy or it ha it hasn’t fulfilled you. That really hurts because you’ve worked really hard to get there and it can be really defeating and soul just straining. And you feel like that feeling of like, just feeling lost and then you don’t know where to go next.
So to speak to you and to hear that you could take what I have experienced and learned and, and turn that into something else just made it feel like, Oh, there is something else on this other side. And I don’t know what it is yet, but if I work with her, she’ll I trust her to help me clear that up. And that’s what we did. We started at the end of 2019, I think like around November, December, something like that was our first session.
And you had me by December, 2019 mapping out this podcast, and you said, what’s your launch date? I was like, let’s go with two to a 2020, cause I liked all the twos. Then we did it. We launched, we launched the podcast,
Watch this podcast. And why is that such an incredible thing? I think it’s such an incredible thing because you could have sat there in the job, helping people one-on-one and doing the work you’d been doing and impacting one person at a time.
And that’s important. And there are callings for that, but I want you to recognize Eidit you, you starting that show and setting aside all the fears of, because I’m sure that that felt like intensely uncomfortable. Like I’m going to start a podcast, I’m going to bring this stuff out into the world and like, how does that work? And does it look like, and what will I talk about?
And now you’ve had the show for a year, almost, almost, almost, yeah, February now you’ve literally touched women and probably men as well across the entire world. Yeah. Six continents, six continents over 20th century.
I have no idea. Who’s listening. Even this morning on our coaching call. I was like, someone is in Aruba downloading an episode. Who are you?
This is so like wild. And, and it was on my heart that I wanted to reach more people. And I didn’t know exactly why, why, but I knew I wanted to with, you know, I think everything that I’ve been through with like grief and loss and depression and anxiety, and then being in mental health myself, I just wanted people to know that you’re not alone.
Even as a mental health professional, like there, I struggle and that you’re not, nothing’s wrong with you if you’re struggling. I get it. And I just like to be an open book. And I think coming from a background of being an immigrant and being middle Eastern, you know, Syrian, we don’t really open up in our culture about mental health.
So I think God put it on my heart to really expose a lot of the things like substance abuse and mental health issues in our community. And then at large and used this platform to reach people because I do get people reaching out, like thank you for sharing X, Y, and Z episode. And I just remember coming to you still. So scared, still feel scared at times about doing what I do.
And I think that’s where the accountability is so key to keeping you going. Cause if it wasn’t for our monthly sessions, I don’t know that I would still be showing up on this. I don’t know if this podcast would actually even exist to be honest.
Wow. There’s something so intense to be said about accountability, because just like, I think, especially as sometimes women and especially if you’re a mom or you’re married or you have a job or like any commitment at all, we tend to put ourselves last on that list.
And that includes the impact we’ve been called to make when we’re last, our impact is last and Eidit couldn’t have made the impact that she’s made if she had, Oh, well, the show’s not going fast enough. Or I don’t know if anybody’s listening or is this even making a difference?
Because a lot of times we don’t see those validations coming back from our free content, especially at first for the full four to six months, a D it was like, you just put out your heart and you spent hours recording this show and you served and you showed up for, and there was minimal validation for that.
And it would have been an easy thing to throw the towel in on like, well, I don’t really know if that’s working. I’m not sure if it’s making a difference in anyone’s life, but because not because you had me, but because you had accountability because you had invested in keeping yourself on track and making sure that someone else who had walked the walk before you was saying, trust me, keep going.
This will make sense 12 months from now, you can’t give up on this before we give it 12 months. And you have that voice every month that you had to come and bring homework and you had to come and you had to show up with whatever it was. We had been working on.
It was like, it was like, you were in school and you had that paper due. Cause like, I’m, I’m, I’m not scared to call it. Like it is. I’m like, well, where’s the thing. Where’s the thing Eidit like, what did you do the thing? And if you didn’t do the thing, well, then now what are we talking about? And so it was like, you had this like, tough love, but I love you T style coach. It was like, Hey, I’ve been there.
Let’s go dig in with me. And look, once you cross that six month Mark, and we really continue to define what they needed from you. So we impacted, and then we went deeper and said, now, what do they need? And we identified this need of community. They needed the community. And you did the events and well, if it wasn’t for COVID, you sold out to events like Bali and Spain, and y’all listening. I know that you, some of you were signed up for that.
And you’re like, you better be holding my one. We’re going, and you’ve sold them out like this because you knew that they were searching and seeking for community and sisterhood. And then you and I worked together to create your course, you know, the life transformation, healing course, and life healing, life healing, transformation, see all the words.
And the reason we created that was because the woman who’s getting the free content from you was like, but how do I work with you? How do I go through these different steps that you talk about? How do I implement? And when you came up with the course, you sold two on the first day or something like, right, like wasn’t 48 hours. Yeah.
So talk about the gratification though of, Oh, now I see, like, when things don’t make sense initially when you’re doing it for impact, when you’re doing something for money, it’s a different story. And you’re searching over the overnight success and you’re looking for the easy answers.
And you’re maybe this coach, maybe this answer, maybe this product w when you’re doing it, because God created you to do it and you don’t understand the money part, it’s a different journey and it’s way more worthwhile.
And it’s way more gratifying when you finally get there. And then it’s way bigger. It’s way better. It’s more fruitful, more flavorful. It is just provision everywhere when you are willing to just keep going when it doesn’t make sense. And that’s the kind of the point that you’re at is you’re seeing it.
You’re seeing it in every country. You’re getting clients, even though you went on a detox last month from social media, you still brought in clients. And it’s because you’ve set up the foundations with your podcast and you’re authentically you, and you’re showing up, pouring out your gifts.
And it’s just such a beautiful thing to see that you never gave up on that and accountability. Yes. Back to the question, accountability was an integral part of this process.
It’s a huge part. Thank you stuff for that. I, I really appreciate it. And I think for people listening English anywhere, like, you know, we all have dreams, we all have goals. We all have calls on our hearts and we all come from different backgrounds and lived experiences.
And we just have such special gifts and, and something to share, whether it’s, you know, art, whether it’s music, whether it’s using your voice, writing a book teaching people, business strategies, because then they can go and create a podcast to serve women, or, you know, it’s just, we all have something to share.
And it’s just, I think so important to hold, have someone help you hold your hand along the way, because it isn’t easy. And it is scary. There is a lot of doubt. Even though I have a very small circle that I’m very close to that cheers me on there have been people who have been not doing that.
And I think for someone like me, and maybe you relate, if someone’s listening that you fear judgment being feared of people, people judging you for what you’re doing, especially when you’re putting yourself out there or trying something new or leaving a very comfortable salary to go do something completely new that has no sustainable income coming in.
That might look crazy to other people. So you just have to have someone who can keep the faith with you and help take it step by step by step. And I don’t, I, my husband, even to this day, he’s like, you are just such a happier, different person than you were, you know, a year ago. You know, I dropped down to part-time.
I love what I’m doing now, part time. And then the other, like rest of the time, I only work Tuesday through Thursday part-time and then from Friday to Monday, it’s like all like what I’m doing, like podcasting.
And I, you helped me clarify that. I want to actually coach women specifically. Now I have women who I coach on sessions. I literally just, you know, get off the call on a Friday a video session with them and I’m full of joy. We just, you know, I get texts and messages of like how it’s been so helpful for them.
And, you know one of my clients, who’s a mom and she’s just as more present now with her kids and family because of her anxiety is decreased from sessions together and helping them build their toolbox. It’s like, I can keep talking about mental health all day. Like, give me a mic. Cause it’s your gift, right? And so it’s like, when you have a dream, don’t let it just die with you. And I think I also have been just so sobered up by death.
Like we’re, you know, I’m not shy to talk about we’re all we all are gonna die. And I think you said this definitely like, like, boom really actually cares, like who really like knows you, you’re going to, we’re all going to die. You know, it’s like, let’s, let’s just leave this earth, you know with our gifts and our, whatever we have to share while we’re here.
And kind of quiet the fear and the judgment noise from others down. But I think having someone like you or an accountability coach along the way really, really helps to make the difference. And it’s about investing in yourself. Yeah.
Yeah. Investing in yourself is so important because anytime we get anything free, it’s fine for like a hot minute, but there’s nothing on the line. There’s nothing on the line. There’s nothing that’s going to make you show up for yourself.
And again, if we’re the bottom of the list, just because life and whatever that you have on your shoulders when you invest in something, something’s now on the line, and it’s like a conscious choice of like, if you invite invested in the best gym in town, back when I was 60 pounds overweight, after my second kiddo, we didn’t have any cashflow at that time because I knew like this is that moment.
I either keep going down this track, this unhealthy anxiety attacks, workaholic, worst version of myself, or I draw a line in the sand and I get it together and I could have gone out to YouTube and found the free workout.
I’m like, this is it. It’s this free, but I’m like, I’m doing it. I’m doing it. Right. I took the money that we didn’t have to go to the gym that was too far away, that I couldn’t afford because I was ready to really do it. And I did do it because I had accountability and I had money on the line and I’ve done it in my business and I’ve done it in my health. And people have done it with you and mental health and with counseling.
Money is simply a resource and it flows. When you put it out on bettering yourself, whether it be counseling or therapy or business coach, or a course, or the gym you can’t afford, you are, it’s going to come full circle back to you. That quality of life, those, the healing that comes from investing in yourself or the success, the growth, or the impact 100%, every single time, you will never, ever regret it.
The only way you would regret it is if you invest in it and then you did nothing with it and that’s all, but that’s also a conscious choice. And, you know, I think Eidit, and I, we just felt called to share this message with all of you that if you’re in that searching and that seeking and that dark, maybe dark space, that where I was when I was ready to get my health in order where Eidit was when she was trying to get her business in order.
Or maybe your marriage is in a, a dark, heavy space or emotionally in your mental health, what’s the thing that needs to happen. That you keep making excuses so that you stay stuck and you stay small and you stay broken because you don’t have to stay there. You don’t have to stay there anymore. And often it’s an investment in yourself.
That’s uncomfortable. It’s an investment you don’t have. And it’s a decision that you don’t want to make to get better, to grow forward, to push forward, to fail. It’s going to be messy, no matter what, it’s going to be messy. Do you think I was comfortable in that first workout class, 60 pounds overweight?
I didn’t know how to use the equipment, the weights. I didn’t know any of it. And I went anyway and it was so awkward and I’m so happy that I did. And, you know, do you think it was comfortable for Eidit the first time we sat down on this call? No. And we’re on a video and she’s like, hi, help me create a brand. What are we doing? Like what, you know, like Eidit I guess, what does that feel like?
What’s that moment, like, when you finally, like, you know what, cause it took you a while to make that choice. Like, what was the feeling like when you’re like, you know what I’m doing this for me, I’m doing this for myself. And what were those emotions in that feeling like when you finally decided to make that? I mean, it was a big commitment and a big investment for you.
It was, it took me three months to finally like, you know, come to you and say like, here’s like, here’s my card. Take it. Let’s meet. Like, I’m in, I’m all in. I’m investing myself.
It took me, yeah. It took me a good three months. I mean, I, similarly it was, you know, not that much cashflow in terms of like, it was holidays and you know, to spend money on like the podcast pro university course, along with the, the coaching, you know, it wasn’t investment. And for me, it was just finally saying like, I’m done,
I’m ready. Like, I’m, I’m, I’m done with everything. And I, and I just need to be happy. And I think coming from a place of like a lot of loss, a lot of pain, a lot of you know, realization that I don’t really have much time.
I don’t want to waste any more. Like, what am I waiting for? There’s never going to be a perfect time. So now is the time it’s, it’s basically now or never a what? And so it was just that, you know, that final decision and saying like, I’m, I’m going in. And I know my husband’s amazing and absolutely supported me.
And I was like, you have everything to make this happen. Like, go figure out your dream, you know, and what that looks like for you and, and God divinely inter vented or intervened and introduced us. And I was like, this is the person who’s going to lead me through. And, you know, a year later it’s like, I am so thankful. I have a podcast.
I have a course I’m working with my dream clients. More clarity. I mean, we were talking about why I took a social media break was part of, it was cause I had like a, what did you called it as something hangover, accomplishment. Hangover.
Yeah. I was like, I’ve done all my goals now. What? And I’m like, is it an emotional hangover? No. What is it? Anticipation, hangover, no accomplishment, accomplishment accomplished everything. And I was like, okay,
I’m going to just take a month break to recenter and figure out what my next thing is. And, you know it, it was very hard to say yes. But then also at the same time, very easy to say yes to myself and it was emotional. It it’s definitely been an emotional ride, but one that I would do all over again. And so glad I did at the time that I did. Wow.
What do you think the thing is, you’re most proud of
That you’ve done in the past year, connecting with women, like launching the podcast and being able to reach heartbeats. Like I know someone on the other end is listening. Even if it’s just like one woman, I didn’t even care. Like if one woman, you know, is hearing this episode about anxiety, about depression or what I’ve been through.
And she resonates with part of my story or whoever my guest was. And it does something for her in that moment, then it’s all just it’s worth it. Whether I know it or not. I just trust God to lead this podcast to whoever needs to hear it, you know, to someone in the middle of Aruba or Taiwan or Kenya, or, you know, Canada or Norway. I’m like, I don’t know who you are, but thank you for listening.
And I’m so proud for like myself to show up. Even when I was scared, even when I had no idea what I was going to talk about, even though I was worried about friends or family listening and judging me despite all of those fears, I still showed up and it was about the heartbeats on the other end, who were tuning in. And, and I’m so proud of myself for showing up. So if I’ve helped anyone this is why I got it. This is why you’re my coach.
And you know, it’s interesting. You talked about hitting the, like your own log, the lid in a way, right? You hit that accomplishment hangover. And what happened because you have a coach and we met today. We met earlier today. We had the conversation of, well, what is next? You can’t sit there and comfy land. You know, you can’t sit on the couch with your, with your little tea and just, I did it all like girl, you ain’t done.
And that’s the point of having somebody who’s going to constantly further your growth and say, look, you’ve done these things. I now see more opportunity for you. And we talked about the next things, which are going to be visibility. You getting on other podcasts and doing some guest spots and some blogging. And we talked about how you do those pitches and how you do that research.
And we have a commitment and we, you committed with me to this homework. And so that’s the other important piece of never finding yourself too comfortable. Is, are you constantly, do you have like ink, like a little bit of excited anxiety? That’s like not, I know the word anxiety, like triggers people excited expectation for what’s to come. And it’s a little bit of nervousness and mixed with like, what’s this going to be like, and can I do it?
I’m a really scared, like all mixed into one. You should be sitting in that state at least once a month, like something new should be happening for you to keep you there because that’s how we, we grow the impact. And that’s how we grow as humans. Right? I couldn’t stay in that same class at the gym. That was our analogy. For three years, I had to up the weights. I had to move up and stand in the front.
I had to commit to going more often. I had to then do a different workout once in a while to get a result. You can’t just stay in what you did once. It’s an evolution of growth. And that’s another reason that it’s important to invest in herself and to have that accountability, because if you don’t, you’ll stay small because it’s comfortable.
Yeah. And, and, you know, one last thing that I think was so helpful that you helped me realize was strategy. You know, I, to my own, like I have no idea how to start my own business. And, you know, I don’t know that side. I’m just like, here I am. Here’s what I know. And so if you’re, you know, also someone who has a dream or has a goal and has a passion, but don’t know where to take it, what to do with it.
Having a coach who can strategize, you know, where to go next with what you have is, is like chess moves because now a year later, the money, you know, like I wasn’t focused on money, you know, it’s like focusing on impact, but you know, God’s amazing and like trusting the process, what you, when you do what you love and you have a strategy, the money will come.
And a year later making more than what I was making as a director and working less and doing more of what I love. So it’s just a year later. And so it’s like the fear of money was always there also for me of like, not having enough, like that scarcity mindset.
And when I just took a little bit of a risk and invested in myself and then really held myself accountable with youyou know, adjust at that point, it’s just a matter of timing and trusting the process and money will come. And here I am, you know, I wanted to share just openly like that. Yeah. A year later, what you and I have together accomplish,
Making more than you did as a director, a podcast in 23 countries, 2025. I don’t know. Last time I checked, I think it was about 25 plus countries, but all six continent,
That’s insanity. You’ve got a course. You’ve got clients coming in. Even without you showing up on social, you’re working less, you feel more fulfillment and you’re open and ready for what’s next with excited anticipation, like who doesn’t want that type of growth in a year who doesn’t want those foundations in a year?
And you know, to your credit, you brought the gifts, you brought this, you brought the giftings that God had in you. You just needed the tacticals the execution, the tough love at times, the motivation at times, sometimes just the, the ear and then also the business tacticals to take your giftings though and make them blossom and to make them grow and to do it quicker than we can on, on our own.
Do I think you could have done this on your own? Sure. But I think it would have taken a while longer because we don’t know what we don’t know.
So I’m just proud of you. You’ve worked so hard. I mean, just God’s hand on your business, on your podcast, on the women that you’re meant to serve on all of you listening. I truly believe it. That when we rise up to meet God with where he’s called us to be, we become qualified.
The coaches appear the provision appear the way appears. And then it’s up to us to step up and step up in the fear so that we can just walk in faith because it won’t make sense. You won’t feel ready, but it’s your responsibility. So if you feel that tug and whatever the thing is, whether it’s what I’m saying or with what Eidit does, or you need that coach or that therapist or whatever the thing is, don’t keep waiting on the breakthrough.
The breakthrough is right there for you. And you’ve got to trust that you are worthy of that breakthrough. You are worthy of that healing, that resolution, that business, that field, marriage, whatever that thing is, you are worthy of that. And it’s right on the other side of you taking action towards it. Okay. So I’m going to just go cry right
Now because I mean, it’s just so beautiful. It’s, it’s so beautiful to talk about how worthiness is something, especially, you know, who went, you know, this is geared towards women, but as women, we oftentimes don’t feel ourselves worthy to put ourselves first.
And so that word is really emotional. I think it has like a very emotional impact. And so when to hear out loud that I am worthy of investing in myself, like I just, I’m wanting to start crying. Like it just, yeah, you are, you are worthy to invest in yourself and stuff. I have to ask you this last question, because I ask all my guests and his show what is one last thing on your heart?
That hasn’t been said that we haven’t talked about, that I haven’t we haven’t addressed. That is something that you want to leave listeners from around the world tuning in.
Yeah, I guess I just want to say that, you know, you have to rise up into who you are and it’s already inside of you. It’s in your soul, it’s in your heart. You were created to be someone of impact we all were, and you just have to a, be willing to start doing the soul, searching to say, what is that thing? If you’re not sure, and it’s not going to make sense, and it’s not going to feel easy. And most often it doesn’t make you money at first.
But I truly believe that when you pull that out of you, your transformation begins because when you are walking in your purpose and you are taking action towards the impact that you already have, everything else falls into place, you’re more joyful. You’re more fulfilled. You’re a better mom or wife or friend. And everything just feels easier.
So if life is feeling hard right now, which I know the world is not making that easier. I want to encourage you to dig deeper into the gifts that you have. And I want you to challenge yourself. I want you to ask yourself, is there something more I could be doing with these gifts? And I amplify them in some way, can I get behind the mic? Can I spend more time with my kids? If that’s the call, can I intentionally forgive?
Can I hire the, the, the therapist or, or what’s the thing you need to do? And I want you to make the choice that today is the day that you’re ready for the transformation, and you’re going to do the work and you’re going to do it until even when it doesn’t make sense, because you’re called to do it.
And it’s a responsibility and we need you. We need you. We need the kingdom changers to work together and to rise up and to do the work so that we can make this the most incredible place.
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