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Today I’m chatting with my friend and client, Stephanie Parenza all about BOOKKEEPING! We are here to demystify it for ya. Get back to basics and show you how simple, easy, and even fun (GASP!) bookkeeping basics can be. When you know your numbers, you can focus on what actually matters.
In this conversation you will learn what bookkeeping is, how to get started with bookkeeping basics, and our favorite ways to manage the process in under 20 mins per week! All the Amens! Wooo!
You will also learn what to focus on weekly, quarterly, and annually in your bookkeeping and taxes so that you feel equipped, and focused!
We gotchu!
Hey, sisters. Welcome to today’s episode of the show. I am chatting with my friend, my client, and the amazing Stephanie Parenza from Business-Minded Mama podcast. And she is blessing us today with all of the business bookkeeping basics that you need to know as an online entrepreneur, whether you are profitable or not, you need to listen, whether you’re a beginner or you’re intermediate, you need to listen because this stuff is super important to the backend of your business.
It’s easier than you think we are going to simplify bookkeeping for you today, so that you can walk away with everything you need to know and nothing that you don’t. I hope that you guys enjoy this episode and if you do, and you want to go further into your bookkeeping journey with us, we do share a little bit about Steph’s course at the end of today’s episode, which is the bookkeeping business basics course.
This is really the course that takes you guys through bookkeeping 101, reporting using QuickBooks in your business. We talk a lot about that. And so if that’s for you, then you can come and snag access to her course at the current pricing, which is really, really incredible. Three, two, one, go. And it’s at bit.ly/stefbookkeepingcourse. I personally vouch for this course. I’ve taken it myself.
I learned a lot. It is not fluffy. It is to the point. It’s going to equip you in all of the bookkeeping so that you, you, yourself, you can manage your own books in 15, maybe 20 minutes a week. It’s super easy and you can then streamline the tax process and the preparation process for what you need to do every year end.
I’m telling you, you’re going to love it. Anyway, let’s hop on into this conversation and I hope you guys enjoy this. If you do come on over and say, thanks to Steph Parenza on Instagram, drop us a line and we’ll meet you inside. Hi, Steph.
Hello. How are you? Welcome to the show. Y’all, Steph is a friend, a very long time client, and she’s currently pregnant with twins and you already have three kids. You’re going to have all the things going on, all the children, all the things. So cute. Anyway, so today, you know, we wanted to talk about, I asked her to come on because we wanted to talk about bookkeeping and demystify this because it’s not hard.
It can be super simple, easy, and even fun because in my opinion, like this used to be such a thing hanging over me all the time of, Hey, I don’t know if I’m doing this right. Like, how does bookkeeping link with taxes and what do I need to be worried about when it comes to finances. What I’ve now realized, you know, after going through my own process and then taking your course also, and just having you to pick your brain is that it can be really easy.
Yes, you can. Yeah, it really can. It’s so overwhelming for those who don’t know numbers, who aren’t in numbers, who hated math growing up. They just think no way I can do this, but it really is easy once you get lay the foundation.
Yeah. So tell us a little bit about your, your background in the bookkeeping and all the things you do.
Well, accounting degree, of course. I started off in public accounting right after college. Um, as an auditor, I was not a favorite among many, um, but really it laid the foundation for me and really gave me some great insights to different businesses and whatnot. And so, unfortunately I knew it wasn’t long-term for me, but like I said, no regrets. I quickly moved into private sector. Then I started having kids and thought, eh, no, I want to have more flexibility. I want to be at home.
And that’s kind of how my journey started as an entrepreneur. I knew I would kind of stay in accounting because I knew it. At that point I wouldn’t say I was like super passionate about it. I just was like, okay, this is my degree. This is what I can do. I can make a little money, but then as you start to meet other entrepreneurs and business women and just businesses in general, you’re like, this is so important, and I want to see them succeed.
That’s kind of how it all shifted there. I got my first bookkeeping client and kind of stumbled through all of that managing. Then I was like, wow, this is great. Like, I can do this for others. I can also just teach others to do it for themselves so that they really can have a good understanding.
This has been a journey I’ve been doing this for nine years, but even just in the last two years, I feel like I’ve become even more passionate about it. It’s been really exciting to kind of shift my business a little bit into really helping others manage themselves. Because I truly believe if you know, what’s in your numbers, then you can thrive in your business.
That’s so good. Which led you to starting Business Minded Mama podcast. Which is, you guys, if you need any help with financials and accounting past this conversation and this bookkeeping conversation, Steph’s podcast is a great wealth of knowledge for all of that, which is amazing. You know, I love the podcasting stuff.
Oh yes. You can get the mom on the side and does, you know, all the things. So you’re amazing. Well, let’s start with like, what is bookkeeping? Like, let’s go super basic and talk about what is bookkeeping. And assuming that everybody listening to this pod, Steph, is either a side hustle or they have that entrepreneurship business, or they’re getting started in one, what are like the basics? What is bookkeeping? What are the basics? Start us there.
I love answering this question. What is bookkeeping? Because I think when people hear bookkeeping, once again, overwhelmed, like you just think no way, I’m not gonna be able to do this, but bookkeeping is essentially the financial records of your business. That’s all it is.
What’s coming in and what’s going out. That’s really all. So you, as an entrepreneur, as a business owner, even someone who’s just doing a side hustle, you need to know like what’s coming in, you need to know what you’re spending and you already do know that because you’re receiving it and you’re spending it.
Right. So it’s really just doing that disconnect of actually visually seeing the numbers come across into a spreadsheet essentially, or a report. You are living your financial statement daily because you’re accepting money and you’re spending money. Right. So I love answering what is bookkeeping, because it’s really not that overwhelming. You already know it. It’s just getting over that hump of actually like looking at the numbers on a PDF or an Excel or in a spreadsheet or in a software.
So good. And that’s, so it’s a simplified way of looking at it, like money in money, out in the business. One thing that I think many new entrepreneurs are not doing right, is that they have kept all of their finances together. They have personal finances mixed with business finances. One of the best advice I ever got from the very beginning was Stef, before you make a dollar, you treat your business like a business, and we’ll go into some of these steps with you guys.
But the very first step is that I created business accounts that were separate. So that as I was looking at income and expenses, I wasn’t getting distracted by personal income and expenses. So I had the business account for checking. I have a business savings, I have a business credit card, all of that completely separate, which made that easier, Steph. The looking at the income and what’s coming in and what’s going out. What do you want to say on that?
Absolutely. I get to tell you that even as an accountant, I did not do that at first. I did not see my business being more than my one client, just didn’t have this vision, but you need to, no matter what, even if your business doesn’t grow or you end it or whatever happens, you must start that way. Because I can’t tell you how many hours I spent myself learning this lesson, just digging in all of these different statements, trying to pull up all of my business stuff.
So that is absolutely one of the very first things I tell all my clients. I tell anyone who’s asking me questions. Just do it, set it up separate. If you absolutely have to use it for personal one day, it’s not the end of the world, but I highly, highly, highly recommend that you keep everything separate because it’s going to make this process so much easier.
So good. Okay. We talked about what it is. What are the basics of bookkeeping? Like why do we care to look at what’s coming in and what’s going out? Why does that matter? Why do we need to know the numbers of our business? Even if we’re not profitable yet, because people will say, Steph, they’re like, well, I don’t make any money yet.
So like, I’ll deal with that later. Or like, you know, I’ll deal with that when that kind of mentality of like, well, I need to focus on building the business first, before I even look at the numbers. Like, why do people need to look at that? Why does it matter? And how do they, and then to answer that first and then we’ll go from there.
So obviously there’s a business you want to be profitable. Even if you aren’t right now, because you’re setting everything up, how are you going to know how to grow your profit, to cover the expenses that are going out? So if you’re not paying attention to what’s going out, you don’t know what you need to make to at least break. Even you don’t want to run on a loss. If you’re setting up a business, you want to figure out how you’re going to grow your income so that you do have a profit.
If you have no idea what’s going on, you’re never going to get there. You’re just going to keep spending money. And then you’re going to question, why is nothing coming in or you’re not focusing, where am I spending the money? Why am I spending that money? Is it helping me achieve income so that I can have a profit in this space?
Yeah. So looking at it for profitability and doing those analyses and, you know, what’s so fun is as I got deeper and deeper into my number and not just looking at like this big profit bucket, but being able to dissect it now and know I have X amount of percentage coming from a specific course, like I have X percentage coming from affiliates. And I know to the dollar exactly where all of my money’s coming from, and it’s very empowering because then I can pour fuel on the fire of the stuff that’s working.
I can, you know, focus on like, okay, I need to shift out of coaching so much because that’s where a lot of this profits coming from and my time is going and put more focus and marketing into the passive courses. But I wouldn’t know that if I wasn’t looking at my income at this deep level.
What do you say to those people that are like, okay, well, I’m looking at the income and I’m looking at the expenses. Or I want to look at that, but how do I look at those things? Like, how am I actually going to, is it a spreadsheet? Is it a software? Like what, what do we do to begin this process of bookkeeping?
So there are many different ways you could go about this, but I’m a huge advocate for QuickBooks. I’ve been working ever since I started, I’ve moved many clients over to it. And I just think it’s the best because it’s easy and it’s online. You can have it while you’re sitting on the beach. and when you’re in the car. You can have it in your office. It just can be everywhere.
So you can always have instant access. It is so easy to use. It’s user-friendly the customer service is great. You can connect all of your accounts and really everything just kind of flows in. And once you’ve, once again, set the foundation, so you’re going to set up the connection. So your transactions come in, I want you to code it.
All of those, if you’re doing the same things over and over each month, which many of you probably are, everything’s just going to flow and you’re not going to be having to spend too much time actually looking at the individual transactions, but actually shifting your time to looking at the profit and loss report and really seeing what is happening there each week or each month, however you determine is best for you.
Yeah. It takes out all of the grunt work. Like my husband used to have this Excel spreadsheet and he’s like, we’ll just do our budget in here and like the budget. And then I’m like, so once I started the business, I tried to copy his spreadsheet to work for my business. I’m like, well, that’s fine when you’re getting started, because you have like my website costs, beep, yay! I did my bookkeeping, you know.
It will quickly grow like over the next year or two. And what happens is the busier, you get the importance of bookkeeping starts to diminish. And you’re like, Oh, well, when I get to that, so the best time to take control of this is in the beginning. When you have time, I’m so grateful. Like I set up my LLC before I was making money. I’m so grateful that I got my ducks in a row, you know, and I’m now because I wouldn’t have wanted to deal with that.
I love QuickBooks. I second that after like hot mess express with the spreadsheet for like a couple months, I was like, we’re done with that and invested in QuickBooks, which is super cheap. Yep. It took me, I don’t know, an hour to set it up maybe an hour and a half. Yes. I go in once a week, I code all my expenses, code all my income, set up rules.
If I get a coaching client and they’re a recurring client, I set up a rule that says, this is income and you can tag it, which Steph’s course, we’re going to talk to you about Steph’s course if you’re like, what are they saying right now, talks about tagging as well.
Because I tag it like private coaching or one-on-one coaching. So you can go super deep, but it’s automated. The cool thing with QuickBooks is that as the rules get set up as you go. And now when I get in, everything’s already been auto coded for me. And all I’m doing is catching like two or three transactions once a week, that haven’t ever been coded or a rule doesn’t have a rule for those things.
Absolutely. Because it’s easier and easier as you go along, which is what I love about it. So it’s getting over that initial setup. It’s just taking the time and it doesn’t take a lot of time to do that. Then bookkeeping is going to be so easy for you as you progress.
So on a week, let’s talk about on a weekly, quarterly and annual annual basis. What are we doing with our books as entrepreneurs, online entrepreneurs?
So really, I think weekly, like you had just mentioned what you do, weekly at the end of the week, just go in and make sure everything’s coded correctly. And I think that’s all you really need to focus on the week. If you have some invoicing or what not to do, that’s a separate thing you could, you could consider as well, but that’s really all you need to do each week.
And then each month take a look at your profit and loss once everything’s been coded and it’s all flowing through your profit and loss, make sure you’re taking a look at your profit and loss, comparing it to the previous month, perhaps to see what’s changed, if anything, or maybe where you should spend a little extra money or a little less money, or how you could plan for the next month to increase your income.
And then on an annual, of course, you’re going to want to also look at your profit and loss, make sure everything’s in, make sure your profit and loss is good. You’re comparing it to the previous year. If you can, if it’s a first year for you, that’s fine. Just make sure everything kind of looks in order. And then if you have been keeping up with your bookkeeping, it’s as simple as just printing that off and giving it to your accountant or uploading it into a software.
That’s why I love to just reiterate how important it is to do your books each and every month from the beginning of the year, January right now, like get started because when it gets to tax time, you will not be in that panic. I see that so much and nobody wants to deal with that right after the holidays.
Nobody wants to deal with that first of the year, like you want to start fresh and be excited for new things in your business, not deal with getting your complete year’s worth of books in order so that you can file your taxes. So do it now. Like it’s so important to set yourself up on the system.
Let me tell you, I used to, this is not a drill. This is not a drill right now. I used to, so Brad and I both have accounting degrees. You know, he was a public accounting CPA as well, Steph. And then he went private and then now he doesn’t work in accounting anymore, but we both have accounting background. So we’re like, we can do this. You know, we have the TurboTax and all the things.
I used to, here we go sit down like February or March, I would go through and comb through the credit card statements. I would have to export them, Steph, line by line, find the phone bills, find this and that. And like awful excruciating hours, weeks. So last year was my full first full year in QuickBooks, 2020. I think I started the end of 19. Hallelujah, all the amens.
Okay. It was like, I pushed the button, you know, I’m like transferred to TurboTax. And I was like, yep. I’m like 10 minutes. Like I could cry. I could cry right now. And then what’s super cool is QuickBooks takes care of some of the things as entrepreneurs that we don’t know. Like, I wasn’t sure how much estimated tax should I be paying. QuickBooks calculates it based on what’s happening in my business and a few really, really easy projections that we plug into QuickBooks.
So now I’m able to just, I click a button and I pay my quarterly estimated taxes. Right. Cause now I’m in a profit, so I’m going to be paying those estimated tax so that I’m not smacked with a bajillion dollar tax bill at the end of the year, which is fine, which is great. So it took all the guesswork out. Oh my gosh. Just the hours that it has saved me for $7 a month. I’m like, what the, why was I not doing this sooner?
Absolutely. And I think that’s one of the most common questions I get is when and how do I pay my estimated or what I got, I need to pay estimated taxes. Like, why not let the software tell you what to pay as long as you’re spending like 30 minutes or less in your books each week, just making sure everything’s flowing through, it’s going to do all the work for you. And it’s so magnificent and you’re going to be so happy when it comes to tax time.
Yeah. And even if you don’t do your own taxes, so if you do QuickBooks talks to TurboTax and so it automatically will link and take everything from QuickBooks and populate it for you. They already talked to each other, the codes already line up all the things it’s so, so nice. If you don’t do your own taxes, there’s also a button, right? Like export my tax information.
It’s a, it’s a whole Excel document that you just emailed to your, to your CPA or wherever you do your taxes and they do all of that for you. Either way you’re covered. Yep. Okay. So let’s talk about tax for a second. Like what are a few tax basics that the new entrepreneur needs to be conscious of or thinking about?
I mean, I definitely think that number one, which we just kind of talked about was estimated tax. You have to pay an income tax on your profits. And so making sure that you’re paying your quarterly estimated taxes so that you’re not hit with those penalties and fees at tax time is super crucial. So if there was only one thing you wanted to take away from taxes is just making sure you are paying your estimated taxes.
We’ve talked about this briefly earlier, and then we’ve talked about this personally before, but like having a separate account where you pull money to each week or month, depending on how often you’re getting paid, pulling it there setting it there so that you’re not touching it. So when it comes time to pay your estimated taxes, you actually have that money to put towards there.
Too often do I see businesses like, woop, estimated tax is due, but all the money’s gone. Well, that’s going to be problematic because you owe it and you’re going to also have to pay additional fees because you didn’t pay enough during the year. So that’s like the number one thing to think about. There are of course other taxes, sales tax, depending on what you’re selling a product or a service, or even some e-products.
That is a difficult subject to cover because it’s state by state. So really just making sure you take the time to look into that in your state, I think is very important. But really, like I said, if you only took away one thing, pay your estimated taxes so that you are not hit even harder at tax time.
Yeah. When I was in network marketing, didn’t know that in the state of New Mexico, we had to pay sales tax on commission, as well as the product sales. I was rocking and rolling with my six figure network marketing business for five years. I got a massive, I had to approach the state and say, sorry, I didn’t know about this.
They had to do a managed audit of my books and we had tens and tens of thousands of dollars that I had to back pay. Because we didn’t know. And so one of the good reasons maybe to grab an accountant for an hour and pay an account for an hour in your state to be like, what do I pay? And with just that, you know, because that was something that, you know, we didn’t know, we didn’t know. So that’s one thing.
And then the other thing Steph mentioned was putting money aside. The way that I do that is I have a tax account, savings account set up at my bank with all my little business accounts. And every month we can go into QuickBooks and see what was my income this month, take a look at that income. And I just pull a blanket 30% and pop it over into the tax because you know, and based on your tax bracket and all the things you can estimate what that might be, but I always want a buffer as well.
So maybe putting, and taxes will change as you get, as you make more and more profit and you are, you make more income as a household. If you’re filing together, you can move more over there just to be safe because the worst thing in the world was getting this humongous tax bill and going, how are we going to pay this?
That was not. So we do that monthly where we moved the money into the tax account and then quarterly is when we pay those estimated. So, so good. Okay. So maybe you guys are sitting here and you’re like, this all sounds good. You guys did a great job of simplifying it, but like, can you actually show me how yeah. Like, show me what y’all are talking about when it comes to Quickbooks. Like, I want to learn to set it up. I don’t get it.
Can you talk me through different accounts? Like you mentioned a profit and loss, what is that? Do I need a balance sheet. What about inventory? Like maybe there’s all these questions going on in your mind about really being equipped to do your own bookkeeping because girl, like you’re empowered. You can do this. Like it’s not hard. You just need a lesson, you need a quick, one-on-one on bookkeeping, some simple step on taxes to set you up for success and dah, dah, dah, dah. We have it.
Yes. We do.
Talk to us about your course, which I took you guys. I took Steph’s course and it’s phenomenal. It’s so simple. There’s no fluff. It’s to the point, it’s clear. It’s easy to understand. And then Stephanie literally takes you through tutorials and every single everything she’s talking about and QuickBooks she’s screen-sharing, she’s walking you through it. So I’ve taken the course. You’ve got Stef Gass stamp of approval on that. But step talk was a bit about what the course is called, the different modules that are in there and how it will help her.
It’s the Bookkeeping Basics Bootcamp, and it’s really geared towards the beginner entrepreneur or even entrepreneur who just hasn’t been doing their books in QuickBooks or doing them each month at all. You know, just it’s really geared towards that entrepreneur. And what I want to do is help you one set the foundation for your business. So kind of discussing just some basics of accounting, just not so that you’re, you know, everything, but so you’re aware.
If you do happen to go work with a CPA to do your taxes, like you understand some of the language, um, and you guys can actually have a conversation. Of course, I go through how to set up an LLC, because that’s really important, I think to do, to set your business foundation. Then the bulk of my course is QuickBooks 101, I take you step-by-step.
So if there’s something that doesn’t apply to you, you can skip that module. If you don’t need mileage, skip over it. It’s a simple, quick, easy course where I just help you set up QuickBooks and then walk you through like what you need to do each week or each month, quarterly, annually. Really just making it as easy as possible and allowing you to navigate through it, depending on what your business needs.
And then I’ve recently added some bonus modules and there’s more to come on taxes, just helping you get a basic understanding of your taxes. Once again, I’m not trying to make you an accountant. I’m not trying to make you a professional bookkeeper, but I really truly believe that if you have a understanding of your financials in your business, that you really can grow your business and you can really make the best decisions.
I just couldn’t be more passionate about it. I’m also, I have a module that will walk you through the steps. As we talked about how QuickBooks will help you either import into TurboTax or send off to your accountant. So there are some, end of the year, it was a tax checklist I think, is what they call it into the year steps. Just making sure everything is good and then it is sent away. And then you shift your focus to the new year, which is the way it should be.
Yes. This you guys, this is so worth your time. Like I went through steps course in, I binged it in like two to three hours just to make sure I wasn’t missing anything. And I learned super cool, even as an intermediate, like bookkeeping, I understand bookkeeping and I was already doing it. I still learned more. Like I learned the tag strategy, which is super cool for like differentiating where your income is coming from.
I learned a lot about setting up my profile for success, but that I wasn’t doing accurately. I learned more about the reporting capabilities. So it was so much even for an intermediate person to walk away with, but as a beginner, this would have been life-changing for me from, because I wouldn’t, I was so stressed and it was like, this doesn’t need to be a stressful topic. You don’t need to be overwhelmed.
There is an answer and it’s Steph’s course. Okay. Bookkeeping Business Basics course is, did I say it right? I always say that it’s like, okay, it’s life. So I set up a link for you guys to grab her course. It’s super undervalued. It’s ridiculously affordable. You are going to walk away with a full understanding of what bookkeeping is, what reports you need to care about, why all the tutorials, setting up QuickBooks.
And if you’re like, Oh no, but then I have to buy QuickBooks. Y’all it’s seven bucks a month. Okay. So you can afford QuickBooks. You can figure that out. It will save you hours on hours on hours of time. And you will walk away with some tax knowledge of what you need to worry about there. And even LLC talking about incorporating or protecting your business from a liability standpoint, super important. So all of that is covered in Steph’s course.
You guys can go to bit.ly/stefbookkeepingcourse. And this is Stephanie’s course that I’m recommending to you guys. You are going to absolutely love it. It’s going to equip you with everything you need to know so that guess what? You’re not going to even have to worry about bookkeeping. You’re in there literally 15 minutes a week. You guys, that’s what I spend in my books.
It’s like all the amens, like I said earlier, like, yes. So anyways, you guys head to bit.ly/stefbookkeepingcourse while Steph has this price at this price, because I’m going to make her raise that price pretty soon. Cause it’s so undervalued. But anyway, and Steph, do you have any like final just words of encouragement for our beginner entrepreneurs when it comes to the numbers or books or their business, you know, what’s on your heart and then we’ll let you guys get back to your day.
Given the time of year, I think it’s important because I, I know that there are people out or businesses, entrepreneurs out there who are like, I am so overwhelmed because at 2020, I did not do anything. And so like, I really have to put my focus there, but I don’t think that’s the answer. I think put your focus right now in January, 2021.
Yes. 2020 has to get done, but make sure you’re staying on top of it right now. Start January, 2021. When that’s done, use your extra time to go back and start thinking about 2020 ticket month by month. Make it easy for yourself. Give yourself January, February, work on that, stay up to date this year, stay current this year. Don’t let the fact that you haven’t been doing this overwhelm you even more. Like I said, make simple tasks, simple steps, to get caught up in 2020, but don’t let 2020 bring you down in 2021.
Like get in there now. Make sure by the time this month ends, uh, that you are good to go. 2020, you’ll just fill in when you can. I think that’s so important right now because I know there are so many of you out there who are like, how can I even think about 2021 when I’m so behind on last year? It’s like, don’t, don’t put this one away now, because then at the end of 2021, you’re going to be saying the same thing again. Oh my goodness. Where did the year ago? Why didn’t I like do this from day one? So
Such good advice. Thanks for sharing that. Well, thanks for blessing us, Steph.
Thank you for having me.
I hope you guys love today’s episode. And like I mentioned you know, come connect with us on Instagram, let us know what you loved about today’s episode. We have some amazing content coming for you on the show. I was driving home and I was like, Oh my gosh, I have so many good ideas for you guys coming down the pipeline of cool things that we need to talk about.
Coming up on the show, I’ve got, should you bring your faith into your online business? Dun dun dun. How to create a signature offer. Dun dun dun., How to come up with your own way of serving and solving like y’all. I was just getting down what after download of what we need to talk about. Be sure you’re subscribed to this podcast so that you don’t miss any of the gold new episodes every Monday and Thursday, sometimes bonus episodes as well.
You can also hang out with me over on Facebook in my Facebook group, and last but not least, I have so many options for you guys: courses, coaching, where we can work together. So head to stefaniegass.com and check out all the options of working together. Lord, I just pray over each and every one of these women that you equip them with whatever it is that they need to go next level in their calling and their purpose work that you pour into them, confidence.
God-sized confidence to pursue their dreams that you give them all of the foundations that they need to go forward in pursuit of what you have planted in their heart. The seed that you have planted inside of their heart to go after it. And to just know that you are partnered with them in pursuit that you’ve got this, that they have nothing to fear, nothing to worry, and that they have everything to gain, right?
Fruit of the Spirit and all of the fruits that come from doing good works, doing works by being partnered with you. And I just pray that you walk with them hand in hand and help lead them on this process. We trust you. We love you in Jesus name. Amen. I’ll see you guys soon. Love and God’s light, Stef.
Have you ever had a business meeting with God? In this post, my goal is to provide you with six tangible steps to set the agenda for your business meeting with God.
Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jaclyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jaclyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
We’re chatting with Podcast to Profit graduate, Rachel DeSonier, about how her podcast skyrocketed and landed clients without social media.
Do you want to build a profitable, sustainable, and impactful podcasting business? Then, you must follow my ten non-negotiable rules.
I’m sharing 7 steps that allowed me to make 7-figures as a Christian business owner. It’s time to get back to the basics.
Let’s talk about podcasting basics today. I’m doing a power coaching call with my friend, Jeri Bisbee, a Podcast to Profit student.
I’m breaking down different revenue buckets and what you should prioritize in each phase to build a profitable business.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
I’m sharing three simple, tried-and-true tips to get more clients and grow your business while eliminating discovery calls.
My student, Lara Frendjian, is with me today to talk about the amazing conversion rate she experienced with her podcast.
How social media is ruining your chances of making money from home, and what to focus on instead to create sustainable income.
Today‘s post is an interview with my student Heather O’Brien. Heather will share her story from her first sale to subsequent podcast growth.
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