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Today we are looking to the future when it comes time to scale your passive income machine that you’ve built with your podcast and courses. Stacy talks about her favorite advanced scaling strategies and how they’ve worked for her. Hearing how other successful women have built there empires is always a fun way to step into possibility lane.
I hope you glean some advanced marketing strategies in this talk and realize that once you’ve optimized the Stef Gass business model – scaling is limitless. Because you have CLARITY you have a foundation that is organically growing and scaling, and you have the. one. thing. that is doing to make you profit and grow your purpose.
I think you’re going to love it!
Hey girls! Today, I have a fun, special guest for you. Her name is Stacy Tuschl and she runs The Foot Taffic Podcast. And Stacy is just so much fun. She really talks to us a lot about some advanced marketing strategies. She goes a little bit into challenges, five day challenges, scaling and running multimillion dollar businesses.
And I think it’s always super fun for you guys to take a step into what’s possible without distraction of where you’re at right now, but just so that you can have that perspective and that long-term vision, that there are different methods for different people to reach and attain their goals and to create impact in whatever it is that they are doing.
And so I think it’s fun that Stacy came on and she shared with us how she has really grown and scaled multiple businesses, a really large thriving podcast.
You know, she has had all of the success, but at the same time, hasn’t sacrificed her family and her marriage to do it. So I just want you to take a walk down possibility lane with me today, take a listen to all of the cool things that Stacy has done and the fun ways that she markets and, see if this could be a fun future advanced marketing strategy for you.
I know you’re going to absolutely love today’s interview. Now, before we get into all of that good goodness I want to remind you to come and join my free Facebook community. Okay. This is a community that is not full of spam. It is not full of people selling stuff. It is a true sisterhood of Christian female entrepreneur mamas, just like you, who are working together, being inspired, helping each other grow, lifting each other up.
There is prayer in there y’all, there are days where you can promote all of your stuff, but more from a community aspect of sharing with each other and helping each other grow. We have ambassador of the week where you can sign up to, if you’re a Stefanie Gass student to market your podcast, your visibility, you get to go live in there and teach on something. You get a free 15 minute training with me. So all of the fun things, promise you. I.
f you’re not there, you’re missing out. Are happening over in the Stefanie Gass Facebook group. You can get there by going to bitly.com/successsupportgroup or just go to Facebook and type into the groups, Stefanie Gass or Christian female entrepreneur. And you will find my free Facebook group for you guys, just so much fun and transformation and growth is happening in there.
And like I mentioned, if you are a Stefanie Gass student, if you have taken Clarify Your Calling, Podcast Pro University or Podcast to Profit, you have access to becoming ambassador of the week. Just let us know if you’re interested in, you can email us or just sign up for it over in the group and we’ll get you all squared away. All right, let’s do the thing.
Hi, Stacy. Welcome to the show! I’m so excited that you’re here!
Hi Stefanie!Thanks for having me! Yay. So start us off with just a little bio of Stacy. Tell us who you are and how you got to be, how amazing all the things that you do.
Thank you. So I actually started my entrepreneurial journey right out of high school. The summer I graduated I decided I wanted to continue my love of dance. I decided to put out some flyers in the local community and offer a middle school competitive dance team at 17 kids that summer come to my parents’ backyard.
And within three years we had a hundred kids coming to my parents’ backyard every Sunday, where I would teach all day long outside. And as I was about to graduate from school, my family thankfully were entrepreneurs themselves and said, I feel like this could maybe be a business.
Like maybe you could actually like have a studio and sell. So three years in, I decided, okay, I’m going to incorporate actually charge for dance lessons, get our own space. And today this is actually the summer story is 19 years ago, which is crazy. I now have two performing arts academies in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
We have about a thousand students, music and dance, about 50 to 60 employees grossing over a million dollars a year, selling dance and music classes. And probably like six ish years ago, people started to say, can you teach me how you’ve grown so fast? What are you doing? How are you, how are you not in the building yet had this like massive company.
So I just naturally started teaching other small business owners, what I was doing, how I was systematizing, how I was able to have a life and be with my family and not be, you know, cause this business is a second shift and weekend business.
So it can be a very just like sad, you know, lifestyle of you’re missing family dinners. You’re not hanging out with the family on the weekend. So I really had to start to get good at productivity and delegation and all of that. So now I have a company called Foot Traffic as well as the performing arts academies. And we help small business owners get more customers through the door. And that’s basically what I do. So it’s kind of crazy.
How fun. I wanna get into like all the cool strategies you use to scale businesses in a minute, but I want to start with you we’re growing this massive, you know, dance come to and doing all these other things. How have you maintained that quote unquote like balance or at least like semblance of balance with your family? Cause I know people talk about it like, oh, you just set up like some little routines and just time block, but like realistically you’re building an empire.
So what are those strategies?
So first I think I always have to share this with people because I attract a multi passionate, multiple business people. And I always want to tell people I didn’t start the second. First of all, I didn’t start the second location until the one business was 10 years old. Then the second business I was already 15 years into business. So what I want people to see is I already had a well-oiled machine.
I already had dozens and dozens of employees. I was not in the business. I worked on it. So I don’t want to get permission of like, yeah, start your third business. If it’s not profitable, if you are already overworked and underpaid, multiplying businesses will not help you. So I always tell people, you know, $0 times any number of locations or any number of businesses always gets you zero.
And I think we think I’m not happy with this business. So let me get another one going. And I bet that will make me happy. And I’m telling you, you want to add more businesses because you’re loving what you’re doing and you want fuel to the fire. Not you want to magically transform your unhappiness. So that’s the biggest thing I want to share.
I love that one profitable and playing the long game with business number one. Don’t look up until that one’s where you want it, right?
Yeah, for sure. And I think too, it’s like, we always think I’m not happy with this. I must need something else. And the looking outside never really brings you happiness. You have to be content and happy with what you have in order to really start to multiply and add on what you want to do.
So I think that was big. It’s a process. So I’ve been doing this now for 19 years. The first three years, I was a solopreneur, but I started to say, how can I bring somebody in the classroom? How can I start to bring multiple people? How can I start to not teach five nights a week and on Saturday, Sunday, how do I maybe teach three nights a week?
And then like a year went by and it was like, okay, well, what if I just taught my favorite classes on Mondays and everybody else I outsource to. So over the years I started to pull back certain responsibilities and bring people in. So when people come to me, they’re like, how do I get out of my business like you are? It’s like, well, do you have a decade?
Because that’s how long it’s going to take you to really get this thing well-oiled where when you leave it, it’s still running and growing and profitable and people are handling things at the front desk or at customer service, like you would handle it. And that’s a long term strategy.
Such a long-term strategy. And I think, but I loved a couple of things that you said there was you outsource probably before you were ready. That’s one thing I’m constantly saying.
One hundred percent.
How do we get help and be super resourceful? There’s a solution to every problem. And the second thing you said that I loved so much was I stayed in the pieces that lit me up. I stayed in the dance classes that I loved. And so maybe a few, for some of you listening, and Stacy can add to this. I always tell them, start a list of things you do every week and then highlight the ones you hate.
And then put those in a little bucket over here and ask yourself, how do I get someone else to do those recurring things I don’t like to do?
100%. And there is part that this is where people get they’re like, oh cool, I don’t have to do that. Yes, but you do have to set the right, get the right person in there, train the right person, invest in that person before you get to up and leave them. So sometimes we will think that the answer is, I hate doing this thing. I’m going to hire somebody and she’s going to come in next week and she’s just going to take it off my plate.
And I’m never going to have to do it again and know that this is me pouring in to the people that I hire. So right now we have a new marketing manager. I am working with her every single day, Monday through Friday for 45 minutes to an hour privately. And we will do that for at least 90 days. And then at the 90 day mark, maybe we’ll only talk three times a week. Right?
But there is still so much time and energy that I have like, what I put into her is what I’m going to get out of her. And so many times we just think like hiring is this magic bullet that just like gets things off your platea and these people are phenomenal. No, they’re great but you also need to give them the resources that they need to thrive in your organization.
That’s really good. And I know a lot of my girls are listening on the other side going, oh my goodness, that feels so overwhelming. I could never hire a person. I’m a solopreneur. I want to do all the things. No, you guys don’t, you don’t want to do all the things.
So Stacy, what do you say to the person who like, I just want to hire my first contractor or my first person, what would they look for? And like, what are some tips that you’ve found for finding someone that’s going to grow with you in the long, for the long game?
Totally. So before I answer that, I do want to say to that person, if you are comfortable being a solopreneur, there are so many risks or like it makes you fragile of like, if you were to get sick, if your son, your daughter needs time and attention, your parents, if you have to pull yourself out of business temporarily, what it grow without you, would it be here six weeks later? Right?
What would that look like? I know that if something were to happen to me or my family for six months, like let’s say, I find out tomorrow, I need six months and I’m outta here because something really serious has happened. I know that my team can thrive in the next six months.
So you want to be careful that you’re not thinking, oh, it’s easier to be a solopreneur, not when something happens, not when you know something unexpected comes your way. So, that’s what I want you to hear. Now, hiring a contractor or your next first person, I would say go the contractor route over employees.
So I do have contractors, but I really have a majority employees. I’m talking like 50 in the one business and maybe like 15 in the other and a handful of contractors. But I will say as somebody getting started, it’s a lot less, it’s just easier to start with a contractor.
Right? And you maybe don’t know how to hire, train and maximize. You may need that expert or that specialist that comes to you and says, no, I am phenomenal at writing email copy. I specialize in building funnels. So that you don’t have to train them on how to build a funnel. They’re teaching you. So I think in the beginning, it’s just a lot less risky. It’s project-based, you’re not committing to them forever.
Like we’re making an offer. This week it’s for like a $55,000 annual salary. That’s a scary commitment, I’m promising that I’ve got this job offer and I’m going to be able to pay you hopefully forever. With a contractor, you could say 30 days project basis, I need five blog posts and you’re done.
Exactly. And contractors can grow with you too. If they’re like, oh, I loved that. I loved this person. They did amazing in my blog post, like great, want to do that every month?
We have had actually quite a few contractors that used to work for other people. I was just like one of many that have quit their business and said, I am all in with FootTraffic, I want to come and work for you. So yeah. People quitting their businesses to become employees that are just, they see the vision. Now, I will say that if you’re like, oh, I like that idea. Those people didn’t necessarily see the vision a year ago or two years ago.
But as they start to work with the company, they go, wow, there’s a place for me here. So I think your best bet is probably finding somebody that can wear multiple hats. That is just like, you know, a Jack of all trades that, cause in the beginning you need everybody, you need a graphic designer, you need a funnel builder, you need a copywriter.
So if you can find somebody that maybe isn’t a specialist in all of those, but it’s pretty good at all of those and can just do whatever you need them to do. That’s probably the easiest route to go in the beginning.
I love all of that advice so much. So let’s take a little pivot and go into some of the cool strategies that you do teach these small businesses and multi-passionate entrepreneurs about scaling, you know, from our interview, we just did my whole strategy is long game organic marketing podcasting. So I would love to hear, I know you have played that game too. What other games do you play?
Yes. So Gass, I’m a huge fan of podcasting. I’m all in with what Stefanie is saying. One of my biggest strategies right now is we do small offer paid bootcamps. So, we were doing them at $17 a bootcamp. Now we just raised it to 27 and I call this like the bite sized bundle.
So with me, I’m looking for the person that’s a little bit more qualified than just the freebie person, right? The person that’s just like, I believe the freebies that the lead magnets are just getting a little less effective. They still work. I’m not saying they’re gone. But the point is, people will grab that free offer and then unsubscribed two minutes later.
And what I’m looking for is the person that is a little bit more qualified that says, I like this so much that I’m going to pull up my credit card to show you how much I like it. And with $27, it’s still such a small offer, but it’s an, it’s just another level of commitment versus just giving an email.
So we do these monthly and when it’s a paid offer like this and the reason I call it a bundle is because there’s some upsells that go with it. Our average cart value right now is about 50 to $60 a person. If you’re thinking, well, I need new visibility, but I don’t want to spend money on paid traffic. Well, when you go the paid route, I’m funding my paid traffic.
So I start to become an unfair advantage with my competitor who’s doing the free bootcamp, who is literally having to put out maybe $10,000 and hope and cross our fingers that she sells something at the end of that bootcamp. With me as I’m selling the bootcamp on day one, I’m recouping my money so when I go to south, even if I have a not great launch, I’m not out my Facebook and Instagram ad spend.
So with us we do these for five days. I do them once a month and I started doing them every 90 days. So this is a manpower, something you have to think about. Okay. So again, on Foot Traffic right now, I think there’s 15 of us full-time. And so think about that. If you’re working, full-time in your business and I get to multiply that times 15, we can not compete with one another.
Like it’s just, it’s an unfair advantage. It’d be like trying to win a basketball game. And you’re the only person on your team. And they have five. Like good luck. That’s not happening. So with this strategy, in the beginning we didn’t have 15 people. So for me, once every 90 days was all my team could handle. And as the team started to grow and we started to systematize, I was able to say, let’s do this every eight weeks and then let’s do this every six weeks.
Now we’re at every four weeks. Honestly I could do it even more often because I just show up for the five hours one hour a day. And that’s it. I made him out. It’s exact same training, right? I’m not creating something new every month because 90% of the people that come into the bootcamp are colds.
So they have just met me through an ad. And five days later they’re spending money on our program. So the 10% of the people that are not cold are actually past bootcampers. So what we’re seeing is they rinse and repeat, cause there’s so much value in this bootcamp they’re like, I didn’t even catch half of the stuff I want to go back.
So we’re noticing like a bootcamper might come in two times or three times or four times. And then eventually buy like you, I think you had said in our podcast interview it sometimes it takes some time to get them to warm up. So what’s amazing is we’re converting a great percentage of those cold and our bootcamps are converting at about 10%, which is a lot higher than your typical free offer. 2 – 5% is great. Ours are 10% and crushing it because it’s a higher qualified person busting up their credit card.
That’s really interesting. I would love to do a visual example of this. So let’s take, I’m going to take one of my students. Let me pull someone in my brain here. Let’s say that we have someone, they have a podcast and it’s all about meal prepping for busy moms and they have the meal prep and macro 1 0 1 course and it’s $200. So it’s like they have a small already course and they’re organically selling it on the podcast.
At what stage in the game would they use a challenge strategy assuming they don’t have the money to run ad spend to fill this challenge? Is it still lucrative for them? Should they still do it? And should they still charge for it versus it being free? Let’s say that their show is at 10,000 downloads and they are just at this like beginning stages of entrepreneurship. How does this fit in?
I love this question. So first you can sell this on the podcast. My add like the intro we do at the, at the top, we use like Libsyn pro where you can put something in front of it. Mine will say like, Hey, join us in our next live bootcamp coming. And I actually don’t say a date because we do them so often that I’m just like always introing it.
So I literally say like, we’ve got a live bootcamp coming up, make sure to join us in our Drive more traffic bootcamp. And then here’s the link. And then we use a special link where we can see who is coming from the podcast.
So you could do this completely organic without spending a dollar on Facebook ads. Now, the reason you’ll want to spend money on Facebook ads is because they’re paying for it, right? Like we had somebody who spent a thousand dollars, but she recouped $950 of the thousand because people were buying the stuff.
And regardless you build your list. So even if you’re like, well, I didn’t make any profit, but I spent a thousand made a thousand. You’ve built your list probably pretty substantially.
Well, that was just at the top of the bootcamp, she still sold on day four and made like $30,000.
So you’re recouping the money that you’re putting out in a Facebook and it comes back that same day. So a lot of times, if you were to run money to a webinar, you’re waiting for two weeks, hoping you actually make your money back. This is an immediate strategy of like, no, we spent this much today, but we made this much today. So it’s less risky. So I would say to you, test it with your organic people, see, are they buying right?
How much is the average cart value? What are they spending their money on? And then say, okay, this is getting to be exciting and less risky. Now it’s time to learn Facebook ads and figure out how to scale this. And cause if it’s not working with organic, it’s not going to work with colds. So you don’t have to go to the Facebook ad route until you’ve tested it organically.
And then, so let’s say they test it organically, you get 50 people in and so I’ve always argued. So let’s, this is going to be fun to discuss with you. I’ve always argued that when their market is smaller to not do full five day challenges because they’re losing so much of the viewership each day.
And so I’ve actually advocated for them to do like one day or two days, because even for myself, by day three I’m down 50% from who was there day one, and I’m actually selling day one when I do a workshop. Curious your thoughts on that.
Which there’s more than one right way to do something. So I love the discussion. Like you’ve got your opinion. Everybody does a different. So a couple of things that I would share is my first paid bootcamp I ever did, I only had 69 people in it.
So what people don’t get is when you do a free challenge, I was getting thousands in my free, when I went to paid and only $17, I only had 69. And I was like, oh, shoot. Like in my mind, I was like, I want a hundred, at least a hundred. And I’m like, oh my goodness, 69, this is like sad and embarrassing.
I’m like, no one’s gonna even come on day one. Well, first of all, what happens is they’re higher qualified, they actually will show up on day one. Like the show up rate is way higher than you normally see. You will not get the, you will not get 50% drop-off on day three. So I just did one day, and day two was bigger than day one.
That makes a lot of sense though, because your money, you know, I don’t open free freebies, but if I pay 30 bucks, I’ll open it.
Totally. And what happens is with day one, maybe they didn’t get to watch it live, but they caught the replay and they’re like, oh, this is good. So now they come day two. So day two had higher engagement than day one did. And then we pretty much keep it. Now I will say there is a drop-off after Thursday’s pitch because some people are just nosing. They want to hear the offer.
But we sell Thursday and we make pretty good money Thursdays. So even with just 69 people, now we do have a $5,000 offer. But even with 69 people, it was still a hundred thousand dollar launch.
You know, what’s super crazy about that though. I mean, from a $17 ‘Hi, come just hang out and be nosy to $5,000’, taking cold traffic to a $5,000. Like that’s pretty amazing. And so I do think, especially if you have that higher ticket offer, that five day experience could really be important because it really grows that trust with them.
It depends on price point. If you’re like, I sell something for $47. Okay. We could do that in a 30 minute Facebook live. But if I’m selling higher ticket, I want to go deeper. So I just did for fun. I haven’t done free in a long time, but last week I did a three part free mini series in my Facebook group did not spend a dollar on ads.
It was all free, just organic, warm people. Cause I’m getting leads every month. So even that very simple, very easy. We were still in open cart, but we’ve already sold three people in the $5,000 offer.
No ad spend completely free showing up for 30 minutes a day. Super like no emails. Like I’m talking like organic as organic can get. Cause we do so much in our launches that it’s like this had to just be a fun little activity. So I think it just depends on how hot are they. I was going to my warmed up Facebook group that maybe already has gone through a bootcamp. So when I go to sell it’s just a little bit easier to sell as well.
So there’s a question too. You’re bringing in these cold market people. And so I assume that that’s why you guys wait until day four for the pitch because you have to get them to convert to warm. Cause see, for me, I’m like, well, everybody is already warmish. That’s coming into these workshops with me, all organic day one. And it’s my big like sometimes it’s the biggest day is day one.
So I see where that can be a differentiator. If you guys are bringing in cold traffic, which just means they don’t know you whatsoever and they’re coming in for this workshop, it’s the first time they’re ever meeting you.
Yeah. There’s no trust built quite yet. You know? Like we will have somebody on day one that will say like, okay, what are you selling? Like fill me in. And we just won’t tell them because it’s like, you might not be ready to hear this kind of offer. And I want you to be so bought in by day four.
Now I have toyed with, could I sell on day three? How fast could I get it to go? But we’re just doing so well. It’s like, you want to be careful, you don’t break something that’s working. You know? Cause I mean to have a hundred thousand dollars miss on our next bootcamp could be pretty massive.
But one thing I want to say too is you have to get really good at seeding other days. So on Monday, I’m already telling you about a strategy on Friday, then I’m like, I’m literally teasing and bringing things in. So on Monday, when I bring up something and I tell you this cool strategy, and I say, oh, and wait till Friday, because I’m actually going to share this one strategy.
That’s making us a thousand dollars a day. Someone’s like marking it down like I better be there Friday.And then like Wednesday, I’ll say something like, okay, so today and tomorrow is kind of like part one – part two, they really go hand in hand. So please don’t just hear this strategy today and not finish tomorrow. Cause it’s really not going to be effective.
So in your mind, you’re like, oh, I have to come back tomorrow to make this work. Well, tomorrow is the pitch. The more you can like it’s like that soap opera, like Netflix. Oh man. There’s like a couple shows where I can not watch to the end because if I watch to the end, I’m for sure pressing play on the next.
I literally am like having to stop the video halfway through because I’m like, I can’t, I just can’t. I have no willpower. That is what you have to do in your bootcamps every day is like the soap opera. Like you better come back tomorrow cause here’s what’s happening.
See that’s super good. And that’s something I could definitely do better at even myself in mind because I’m like, okay, cool. Today was so fun. We’ll see you tomorrow. We’ll do the thing it’s like, okay. So that’s a super good strategy for all of you that are thinking of doing this. And I think it’s fine to everybody permission to be like, let me dabble, let’s start with just organic traffic.
Two days, play with it, see how it goes. Let’s go back to our, our macro mom who does her workshop. And let’s say she does like macro beginner bootcamp and it’s $27. They come in for five days and she does it organically. They heard it on the show. So already primed and ready. And she…
Is this a $200 offer? We’re saying still…
Let’s say $200 offer. She has 50 people in and she does three days and it’s great. And you know, she sells 10 of those things and it works. So now she goes, OK proof of concept is proven. How do I scale that bigger and rinse and repeat, let’s talk about that process.
And one thing I would say one strategy I would do for a lower ticket offer. No, I don’t do this, but I would, if I was doing low ticket is I would on Monday knowing it’s your highest show up date, typically I would tell them already on Thursday, I’m opening the doors to this offer. And here’s what it’s going to be.
However, anybody that joins by tomorrow at this time, I would already give them like a reason to join a bonus and a cost and set like maybe it’s $200, but on, on Thursday, you’re purposely going to say it’s 300 and anybody that jumps in before Tuesday, it’s 1 97 or whatever it is. Right. Cause it’s, you don’t need to have this like long drawn out thing, but you’ve got time to keep warming them up.
So that’s what I would say there. The thing that I I’m really big on just in my businesses in general is lessons learned. So every single time I’m in a bootcamp, I’m writing down like, oh, I should’ve said, oh, when I made this comment, look what they said or look what the chat did. I’m definitely going to bring that up. And I have like notes every single day. And every bootcamp is an opportunity to get better conversions, better messaging.
How do we tweak it? We just changed our second tier of like an upsell, because we were like, it’s just not converting as high as we wanted that second conversion. So what else would they want? Like what could we give them? So we started beefing it up with a Trello board and like throwing in other things. And now all of a sudden it’s converting better.
So it’s like, how do you be really honest with yourself? Like you have to drop your ego of like, I can always be better. Sure. What are we going to fix next time? And then not fixing so much stuff that you can’t even tell what’s working and what’s not working because you’re just like squashing, the whole thing starting over.
That’s really good. And so really doing lessons learned, tweaking maybe one or two things each time. And then what about, and this is a tricky one for me ad spend. So these solopreneur mamas who maybe they have one helper in their business and they’re not super profitable yet and they’re like ‘this worked’, I’m going to go spend $500,000 on ads. When should that happen? They definitely, should they be doing that themselves and all these questions about ad spend.
So first test it organically, right? You’re afraid to spend money on ads because you haven’t had the immediate cash back in. When you start selling organically and you’re like, wow, I know how to sell this and it is selling and it’s averaging X amount of dollars you won’t feel as scared.
Now I always say like Facebook ads it’s kind of like, if we were to go, I’m not a gambler, but this is the analogy that I use. If you will like Stefanie or Stacy, like, let’s go to Vegas this weekend. Let’s go have some fun. And I would decide, okay, I’m bringing $500. And I will aware I may not be coming home with anything. Okay. And I would be okay with that because the expectation was I might lose it, but I’m going to have fun with it. Right.
This is how you play Facebook ads in the beginning. It’s like, I don’t know what I’m doing yet. So what is a test for me to learn that if I lose it, I’m going to be okay. And then I will use that information to rinse and repeat for next time. So I think you’ll you have this his like what’s the word I’m looking for? Like this comfort level of, okay, I can give it this much. And it might be really small, but once you give it $500 or whatever number you pick and you get the results, you’re either going to say, whoa, I missed the mark here, this did not convert well.
Or you’re going to be like, wow, I actually spent 500, but I recouped 300. Sometimes people even profit. So we have somebody doing this and she’s making $70 a day. So even if somebody like her, I’m like, why aren’t you spending more? You’re profiting. There should be no fear, but there’s still a sphere because they’re like, but what if tomorrow it doesn’t profit. Like what if I lose it all? I’m like, listen, you have proven results. So feet like go into that. So you’ll start to slowly go past your thermostat of what feels comfortable.
So in the beginning 500 is going to sound scary. But then at one point it’s going to go up to a thousand and then you’re going to get comfortable with a thousand. And then you’re going to go to two. And then from two, you’re going to go to three like we’re at a point where we’re spending, this is going to sound so scary. But I want people to see we’re spending about $5,000 a day when we run our bootcamp.
That like even a part of me is still a little like, oh my goodness, I can’t believe I said that out loud. But I know at some point it’s going to be like 10,000 a day. It’s it’s still like real money. It’s still scary, but it’s not as scary knowing I can show you the last six bootcamps we’ve done. And the conversions we get and the results we get and how it is always profited us, you know, X amount of dollars.
So the more knowledge and the data that I get, the less scary it becomes. You’re scared because you don’t have data. You don’t know what’s going to work and what’s not. So you’ve got to test small before you ever scale anything. Yeah. And testing small themselves or finding someone to do their ads for them. Okay. So some of you are tech savvy or it doesn’t scare you to learn. Like Facebook has phenomenal resources, a learning library of how to run Facebook ads.
You don’t even have to pay for a course. You could literally jump in there and learn it. Some of you, and this is me, should never, ever, ever, ever, ever run your Facebook ads, not your sweet spot. Doesn’t make sense. It would not be a good use of your time. Kind of know who you are. I would say to dabble and at least learn a little bit about it to listen to Facebook ad experts to like I know enough to question my Facebook ad strategy.
If you don’t even know enough, you should not even be outsourcing it. You shouldn’t be doing it yourself and you shouldn’t be outsourcing it. You should start to learn about it to start to say, oh, so what about this strategy? Or could we try this? But there’s a learning curve.
So it’s time to invest in yourself for free. Just putting your time in of like, get into some Facebook learning libraries. What are they teaching? What are they saying? And then test very tiny if you want to give it a go yourself.
That’s really good! Man, this has been so value packed all the goals. I know everybody’s like thinking about all the awesome potential here. So last word of advice for them, Stacy. And then where can everybody come and hang out with you?
So I think for the last thing I want to say is, cause I know I can scare people sometimes when I’m like, okay, and then you can do this. Remember like I have been doing this for almost two decades. I did not look like this when I was first starting my business.
And I couldn’t even really see the vision 20 years from where I was like the 18 year old Stacy did not see this right now. So I just want you to know like, it’s like baby, step it out, but start to really look and observe at like, what’s exciting to you, what lifestyle, what business model, where could you see yourself? Don’t go model people that are working 70 hours a week if that is not what you want to commit.
And all of a sudden you’re like, how did I end up here? Why am I miserable? Why am I …? So you really have to have to find those models, but you’ve got to figure out like, what is their behind the scenes? Do I really want that lifestyle? Do I really want? So I think that’s the biggest thing I can say.
As far as coming into find me, Foot Traffic is my podcast. So that is by far like my favorite place to hang out. Any place online @stacytuschl, Instagram is usually my favorite social media platform. And if you want to come experience a bootcamp you can go to 5daytrafficbootcamp.com and it’s basically, we teach 10 for your low cost ways to drive more traffic and you can find all the details there.
Oh my goodness. So fun. Thank you so much, Stacy!
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