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In today’s ADVANCED LIVE COACHING session we come up with a 7-figure income strategy.
I work with top podcaster and, 7-figure Network Marketing earner, Ashlie Molstad on course mapping, diversification, and future income strategies. We go through her existing empire to clean it up and focus on the core common denominator of her brand.
You will love this one because it shows you that with success – maintaining clarity and focus is imperative! (With diversification comes distraction!)
Keeping your eyes on the WHO you serve will guide you in growing your empire with intention. Staying on the path of HOW you best serve your avatar keeps the main thing the main thing.
Come be a fly on the wall and enjoy.
Cheering for you,
Hey loves. Welcome to today’s episode on the show. I am jamming with my girl, Ashlie Molstad, who really does incredible in her network marketing business. But what we are discussing today is really advanced seven figure plus strategy for taking a business where you are earning something like commission or you’re working for someone else or a service-based business or whatnot.
And kind of like branching out to create your own stuff that can be more passive, that can be a higher profit margin in conjunction with whatever it is that you already do. This is really advanced live coaching, which is super fun. I haven’t aired many of these episodes because they are so strategic and so in the weeds of different people’s businesses, but I thought this would be super cool for you guys to be a fly on the wall inside of this session to kind of see what is possible.
Also for those of you who have, you know, six figure plus businesses, this is the kind of stuff that we can jam on, um, during private coaching. So those of you that are like, Oh, what do you have for me? I’m a little bit more of an advanced entrepreneur. This would probably be the type of stuff we can work on together inside of your business. So grab a notebook and pen, you guys are gonna really enjoy this one.
I just feel like I have so many tabs open in my brain and I want to streamline this. So let me just tell you kind of where I’m at.
Yeah. Tell me where you’re at. And then what’s your main goal for us is clarity, right? What you’re going to do.
Yeah, yes. So I have been, I have a large business. I have the audience, I started kind of shifting more into this anti-diet mentality space. I’ve been asked to create a course for a long time. And so I have created this course it’s called Body Positive Bad-Ass and I have it all mapped out on my serve based on our recommendation.
So I have it mapped out, but I’m planning on doing live videos. It won’t, like I have the content, but I’m actually gonna shoot it in real time with them on zoom or something in a webinar format. At the same time I am, I have started life coaching school. So that’ll be for more, one-on-one like, I’ve already booked a few live coaching calls as practice.
I have created a website and I I’m finding myself now everything’s ready to go. And I’m like nervous to launch. I feel like, well, what I put it out there and nobody’s interested, even though I have proof of concept and I did launch it on stories, you know, just like, Hey guys, this is ready. If you want to check it out. I’ve already sold 50 sessions, which is $10,000. So I’ve already had like a pretty good launch.
So with your Body Positive Bad-Ass, talk me through like the vision of that product. So it’s going to be, cause you say you’ve sold 50 sessions. What exactly is it, like is it going to be a fully passive course?
So I’m thinking right now that I have 12 modules mapped out for what it’ll be and it’ll cover kind of my story with dieting and then launch into some food principles that I think will work. Cause when you’ve been dieting and then you want to go to intuitive eating, it can feel really scary to not have any rules. So I have some guidelines like bumper rails.
My thoughts on movement, I will teach them how to handle emotional, eating stress, pregnancies, illness, injuries. I go into all the things on the scale. All of that and my thought right now is I will do it live. I’m thinking I’ll keep the lessons like 20 minutes or less and they’ll be recorded and that I can then repurpose. Then I’ll open it up for Q&A at the end.
So that’s kind of how I’m pitching it, is like you get the lessons and then you also get one-on-one with me. I might be doing this, I’m calling it like a beta test group. I might be doing this like a couple times. And then ideally it will become an evergreen course that I’m not leading people through. Perfect.
And you’ll meet with them like once a week for 12 weeks.
Yeah. So I’m thinking, I don’t know what your thoughts are. What I was thinking is initially it would be once a week for 12 weeks, but then I’m wondering if I should do a crash course and do two lessons a week for six weeks.
Well, what do you think it really takes for this person to get a result? Is there a time of implementation between okay, like today we’re learning about emotional eating. Is there a time of implementation? That’s going to take them a full week to have like, okay, I conceptually get this, I put it into practice now I’m ready for the next lesson?
Probably. Yeah.
You know, when it comes to like diet and food, I feel like, I feel like a 12 week would be, even if you did it once for the full 12 weeks, that way everybody gets an amazing result. You have all those incredible testimonies and then you get to evaluate, do I want to do this live again?
Which I’m thinking for you, you really need that passive product. You have all these other things. And like with Podcast Pro U, that’s 60% of my revenue comes from one course, Ashlie. And so if you did the 12 week, all in one time and you recorded all of those trainings and Q&A, then you package that bad boy up as a teachable course or whatever you’re done. And now on your show, you just promote that’s what we, you promote, right?
Yeah. Yeah. The other thing is, I have a podcast, but it’s with my best friend. So it’s a separate brand than my own brand. Of course, like, she would, let me talk about this, but I can’t, it’s like I know your big thing is have something where you’re giving free content and they do get that there. But I also have a lot of free stuff on my stories and I feel like I get a lot of value on social media.
But I can’t, but then I’m like, do I need to start another podcast to have a be specific? You know, I feel like I don’t need to do that. Cause I’ve got all these other things. I don’t know what your thoughts are. Like if I need a specific podcast for this.
Yeah. Okay. So why don’t we let’s back all the way up. Let’s clean up your brand. So that you’re really super clear. Like, what are you, what are you doing? What do you want to do? And then we’ll just build the pillars of the triangle and then we’ll fill in the gaps. Like what, what does this need to stand on? So that you have real, real clarity on like, what do you want to do?
Cause at this point, Ashlie, like you can do and be anything like you’ve literally you’re at that financial position of like, you can now just do what you are called to do and you don’t have to do all the things. So let’s start with that. Like obviously you’re the brand. So if we think about the brand and we just start at the very top, Ashlie is the brand right now.
The next question then is who do you really want to serve? Like if we were to map out your ideal avatar that you want, like, who do you want, who are you called to help and serve and why, who is she like at the root? And why does she need you so much? Who do you think that? I assume it’s a woman, but it could be.
A hundred percent women. I don’t work with men at all. I basically want to help the me of just a couple of years ago. So I’d like, someone’s a little more established. She’s a mom probably between 30 and 40 and she has a great life on paper, but fine. There is something missing. She’s been like checking all the right boxes. She’s been dieting and doing all the things that she’s been told she’s supposed to do and still just feels unfulfilled and happy.
But she’s also a big dreamer will work hard. Um, and like believes that there’s something more for her. And it’s just lacking that confidence or kind of the, there is something more, but what is it, how do I reach that full? My, my life’s potential.
Okay. And how do you see the life coaching partnering with the health and wellness coaching? I know they kind of go together, but where are those for you in this spectrum of serving her?
For me, I feel like so much of my success is based on my mind. I really believe that your mind controls everything. And that is kind of what my Body-Positive Bad-Ass is about, is going into your mind when to fix your mind, you take care of your body. But I also know with life coaching that sometimes when we feel a certain way about our body, it trickles into all kinds of other areas of confidence.
And so we think like people come to me and they think I want weight loss, but what they really want is to be happy and fulfilled and they think weight loss is going to bring that. And that just isn’t the case, unless you fix your brain. So I feel like with life coaching, it allows me to kind of dive into other areas that maybe they’re blaming their lack of progress or whatever in their life, on their body or something.
But it’s really the mindset like that thought loop that they’re stuck in of I’m not worthy. I’m not good enough. You know, I’m always a quitter or whatever. I feel like I will coach, life coaching will be, I feel like focused on how to get to an anti-diet mindset, but I think it’ll become bigger than that. I want freedom for everybody’s brain.
Okay. I love that so much freedom for everybody’s brain. That’s so good. For this woman, what’s her name by the way, let’s name her.
I was thinking about it yesterday. When I was listening, I was listening to Shaniqua, that one. You guys call her Shan, I think her name’s Kaitlin. I’m gonna call her Kate.
Good. Okay. And is Kate, so where is Kate in her, like physical realm? Like, so she’s a mom, but is she working? Is she not working? Is she, cause she’s kind of in this searching for more. And so is she like in a nine to five and going there’s something else here for me and I can’t figure that thing out?
Probably. She’s probably, I mean, I want, my initial gut is to say like, I don’t care. I don’t care. Cause, I mean, being a full-time mom is harder. I think it’s more work than working in the corporate. But I guess it’s it probably is someone who’s really motivated. So she probably is a corporate person. Like I was a corporate person before I found this.
That was me, yep.
She needs to have drive. Like she has to have ambition to do something.
Good. So when she’s thinking about you, when she finds you, what, why do we think she finds you? What are the triggers that Kate is like Googling or searching for? Like what are those trigger words that we think are really keeping her stuck? Like I think obviously that first word for me is like, I’m stuck, I’m unfulfilled, I’m unhappy. I’m searching, I’m seeking for more. Is there any other like just major trigger word that, you know,
I do, I think that she thinks that her problem is I’m not like I can’t lose the weight.
Right. It’s like I’m unworthy is a thing.
I’m not enough. Not enough as I am. So there must be an answer in weight loss. There must be an answer in changing jobs. Like she’s looking for all the physical ways to make her feel better.
A hundred percent. You’re right.
Yeah. Looking for physical change, weight loss, probably. Cause I do think like, you know what a huge impact being coming healthy in the wellness played in this concept of like freeing the mind in a way. So I do think she’s thinking that that’s a major issue for her, which none of it’s not the issue, but it’s a solution to part of it.
I think a lot of times we think like I remember when I was fully at war with my body, I spent so much time thinking about it, and I was blaming, so I was blaming myself. Right? Like that my life wasn’t where I wanted it to be because of the way I looked or something and that’s not really true. I think that’s an easy thing to blame it on because that’s what society accepts like yeah.
Everyone diets, everyone wants to look different, you know? And there’s also no shame in wanting to look different. Right. Unless it’s just sabotaging the rest of your life. So one of the things I have here, I said, feeling stuck, scared or stagnant in one or multiple areas of your life, let’s work through the thoughts that are holding you back from living your happiest life. That’s like the life coaching blurb.
Yeah. Yeah. Scared, stuck, stagnant. Working through the thoughts that are keeping you what?
That are holding you back from living your happiest life. The thing that I, the tagline for Body Positive Bad-Ass I have a body is a beautiful thing, but living is why you’re here. Time to take your power back and feel in control around food and your body.
I love that. That’s so good. And Body Positive Bad-Ass is that going to be that’s just the course or are you thinking of that being like maybe the overall brand?
I’m thinking just the course, because I feel like my brand, instead of, I feel like I don’t want it to just be about the body now. So I feel like it could be, my brand is like Ultimate, something, Bad Ass if we’re going to keep that, but then there’s like the body positive bad-ass and then there’s the mindset bad-ass or something I don’t know.
Yeah. I don’t know. I haven’t thought about, but as I’m talking, if there’s another alliteration where there’s like, you know how to become a bad-ass here’s your body positive one and then your mindset one or business bad-ass because you, you know, I have the network marketing. I dunno.
Okay. Yeah. We’ll play off of that. So we have these triggers for Kaitlin, and we really know like, she’s just in this phase of feeling stuck, there’s more, she’s unhappy unfulfilled in her body and her mindset. She’s really looking for, I think she thinks that she’s looking for weight loss and health and wellness and she’s like also, why can’t I just feel fulfilled? Like I’m unhappy.
So she comes over to something social media and, or the podcast and she finds you, and you’re like kind of this epitome of who she’s trying to become. Right? Like I want to be fulfilled as a mom. I want to have my own thing, my own business or my own coaching business. Like I want to be as confident as Ashlie is. I don’t want to be stuck and scared in the corner anymore.
It’s how she’s feeling. So what are the solutions? What are the pillars that we think this brand will stand on to get Kaitlin that freedom? Like, so I like to do three or four pillars. Like we’ve got our triangle. We obviously have Ashley’s the brand at the top. Maybe we’ll add a second title that has to do with this ultimate badass concept.
Then we’ve got Kaitlin in the middle. We know all her triggers. Those are like, what fills my triangle? Like all these words that we have to solve for her. And then at the bottom of the triangle are these four buckets that you talk about and that you stand for. So, I mean, obviously one of them, you know them better than me. Why don’t you start?
I don’t know. Well, yeah. I don’t know if I know them, but one of them, for sure, I think is being authentic. I think that is something that holds people back so much– afraid to be themselves. And I know that was true for me. I was afraid to be myself. So then when people did compliment me, I didn’t believe that because I’m like, well, you don’t even know me, right?
I’m not even showing you who I am showing you what I think you want to see or something. I’ve grown into being confident in who I am and just working with women. I know that that is something that they struggle with. So there’s becoming authentic and confident in who you are, is one of them. I think probably being determined to become your best self, whatever your best self looks like. But I think there’s got to have like some grit, like some determination because it’s hard work.
Yeah. Maybe. So maybe that first one is this like authentic storytelling/ confidence bucket because you have to get her to be willing to become vulnerable, to then find that confidence. So that’s almost like you giving her permission to own who she is and this authenticity about herself, which would be then pillar one. Then pillar two with this concept of like grit, determination.
I think that one though is that’s the motivation bucket, right? That’s the empowerment and motivation bucket because coming from you for her to get grit and determination, she’s got to believe that she can. That one’s maybe like I would call that like the empowerment or motivation.
That feels good.
Okay. So the next two, I really would love to see now the tactical sticky stuff, like life coaching and the areas of what, like now what are the, you know, we’re like, we’re getting her to believe in herself or like, you’re going to claim who you are. We’re going to empower you, motivate you, push you forward. You’re going to give her that belief and now she’s feeling it like she’s seen how you like go to an event and you’re like, I feel it now.
And you leave and you go, well, I don’t know what to do with it. Like I can’t, I have no where to channel this new found excitement in who I am. We’ve got to give her the difference. I believe of like becoming a really great coach is we don’t just give people a feeling. We make them do something with it. And you know that as a, as a leader, you’ve built this huge team. So how do we get Kaitlin to do this work?
I mean, I kind of think that it starts with, I heard something, I think it was a while ago. The number one way to build confidence in yourself is to follow through on the commitments that you make to yourself. I think it’s maybe sending her with here are the things as far as like diet and wellness, I think that is something fully in her control, that she can implement and do, but you know, do it while she’s feeling empowered and free instead of fear of food or, you know, with restriction and deprivation and stuff, but giving her the freedom to make decisions.
And then it’s important that she follows through with them. Because like, when you say you’re going to work out in the morning and then your alarm goes off and you snooze it, if you think I’m just snoozing and I’ll workout later. But what you’re doing is sending the message that like you can’t follow through on commitments, you make to yourself and you get up when you have to go to work.
So you’re following through and commitments to other people, but not to yourself. It’s like, you’re constantly telling yourself you’re not worth your own time. Right. So I think, yeah, it’s gotta be, I think that’s a pillar is something that she can fully control, which is her nutrition and movement. In a way that’s easy.
Maybe it’s the food freedom and health and wellness bucket, all of that. Because think that’s something that every woman that I know is searching for food freedom. Why am I so obsessed with this every single day? Like I’m so over it, like you said, it’s controlling your mind. You’re off, you’re guilty or shameful you seem to break through. So that is definitely a bucket that she needs.
I think the fourth one has something to do with the life coaching and the purpose stuff. So what do you see yourself doing with the life coaching certification? Would you see yourself working one-on-one with people? Do you see yourself plugging that into a course and having something on like business and purpose coaching? Like what do you see in that bucket? Maybe?
I mean, my pie in the sky, I would love to do some sort of group coaching long-term because I like having the interaction, but I one-on-one, I just don’t have hours in the day for that I would have to charge an insane amount to make that worth my time.
But I love the idea of like, if I would be fine don’t, you know, doing allocating an hour a week to a group coaching call and a membership that people could be a part of. And I don’t know what the pricing is on that, but that they get the opportunity to ask me questions live and get live coaching from me.
And do you see, like, do you see it really in the areas of like, just for entrepreneurs? Do you see it for this corporate woman who wants to make a change?
I don’t think it needs to be just entrepreneur. I really think it’s the health and wellness, like the thoughts around your body. Because if every time you see yourself in the mirror, you’re talking to yourself, then you’re just constantly beating yourself down and that doesn’t really give you the chance to build your confidence.
So is it, cause we’ve got the food diet, wellness bucket, the food, freedom bucket, other pieces, the mind though, it’s the mind, it’s the it’s like food, freedom and mind freedom. It’s stop letting your thoughts hold you captive to who you think you have to be. Mindset. Freedom.
Yeah. I mean, I don’t, that doesn’t sound, I like alliteration, but that’s what it is. I want mental freedom. So yeah. I just want to like allow people to release all these external pressures and chains on themselves.
I also feel like mindset is just so overused. Yeah. Thought, thought transformation, coach thought transformation something.
Yeah, I do call it. So I have these weekly, I mean it’s mindset, but I do in my online community now have these calls every week and I call them a mindset make-over calls. That’d be good. I like feels, you know, like you’re making over your mind. So there is that mindset in there, but that’s what they are.
Yeah, exactly. So I think that’s your fourth pillar then it’s this mindset makeover/ thought transformation bucket. Which, you’re using the life coaching to do pillar three and actually all four pillars. But I wouldn’t call yourself a life coach. So we’ll talk, cause then we have to think of like, what are you, right? What are you going to be? So there’s the four pillars I think.
That are really great. So we’ve got number one, authentic storytelling/ confidence. Then we’ve got number two, this empowerment, grit, motivation bucket, kind of like Ashlie, just getting in there with like your tough love and your belief transfer, transfer a belief. Number three, you’ve got the diet health and wellness/ food freedom bucket. And then bucket four is the mindset makeovers and the thought transformation. So those are what you would ultimately talk about on social.
Those are the things that ideally your podcast would be about. So we got to talk about that as well. Because we really want to attract Kaitlins. We don’t want to attract, your brand is already too big too. Like you can’t serve everyone. You really want to get this niche and you want to grab this piece of the bucket and get known in this one, which I think is what you’ve done.
Like I think you have probably a whole bucket of Kaitlins that you’re serving. I’m just curious when it comes to the podcast, are you capturing Kaitlins, or is it a different market that you guys are collecting, like attracting?
I think it’s a different market. Having two podcasts is a lot. Yeah.
Do you feel compelled to keep that one? Like, does it light you up? Do you really want
The podcast I have? Yes. I am obsessed with it. It’s one of my very favorite. Like I want to build that, but I feel like if we turn it too much into what I’m talking to you about, that it becomes more my podcast rather than ours, but it’s me and my best friend. And we do have a pretty, you know, two years, I think this month. And like I said, we have two and a half million downloads.
It’s great. And I’d love ultimately that I we’d love to like, do live events and stuff in the future. Like that’s in a ten-year plan. So I don’t want to do anything with that brand, but I definitely don’t, we’re helping people, but that feels like it’s more of a good time. Whereas I feel like I’m more like personal development. Yeah. And I can infuse that on the pod.
That’s what I was going to say. Like, I don’t think that it’s a need that you need a whole second show, especially because your show is already extremely successful. Maybe I would have this conversation with her of like, Hey, would you mind if 20% of the time or 25? So one out of every four episodes, it’s a you solo maybe. You’re doing this stuff just to start using it and giving Kaitlin some clarity of like, Oh, I didn’t know that they did this too. And Oh, there’s a piece of me that wants that change.
And it’s still a good time. It still feels really relatable and authentic because three out of four, are you guys having fun? It feels like they’re your best friend. And then you giving her this little piece of like, but is there more for you? Are you ready for a little bit of change? Like, are you tired of being held captive to food and the scale? Hey, let’s have this come to Jesus for a minute. Once in a while we’re just going to have a talk. Do you think she’d be open to that?
She might be. The other thing I’m thinking is have you heard of Patrion?
So we have our shows on Tuesday and then we have a show on Friday on Patrion, but I wonder if I could add another tier and that tier would be mine.
Yes. How’s Patrion going for you guys?
We have like 1300 subscribers. We charged $5 a month. So it’s good because again, we love, I love podcasting, so it’s just another, it’s like 45 minutes to just hanging out with my best friend, you know? And she’s in Oregon I’m in Arizona, so it’s like, it’s fun. So I don’t know if that’s going great, but we’re getting paid to hang out. So it feels fun.
Totally. The only thing I feel like with not having it in the free content part is where’s the conversion to get them into Patrion because they’re going, Well, I haven’t heard Ashlie do any, you know, mindset specifically to this brand. Right? Haven’t heard her talk about, I don’t know, how to release shame around food. And like, just once in a while, and you could even have her on those episodes, but kind of bringing those concepts in like at a small level. Then you could do the Patrion, but it’s just another, it’s another thing.
And I wonder if, because I just want to make sure she doesn’t feel like I’m trying to take over.
What does she do?
She is a big wig at a tech company.
So she’s not trying to build this for financial purposes.
No, neither of us are really trying to build it for financial, but we both want to 10 years from now, like see this as being a big part of our financial thing where we could spend more time on it. Ideally we’d have a daily show, even if it’s on Facebook or something like that.
So what if you, what if you pitched this concept of like, Hey, 25% of the time, I’d love to talk about this like bad-ass brand. Yeah. And then 20% of the time you ask her to talk about leadership and growing a team. Cause this woman might be in corporate. She might be an entrepreneur. We don’t know.
There’s things that she can bring to the table from her powerful bad-ass corporate perspective and teach on that stuff. And then the other 50% of the time, it’s you two having fun, being relatable, doing what you guys have been doing.
I think she would totally get on board with that.
And that brings a ton of value too, because we don’t know if Kaitlin is an entrepreneur or a corporate also gives her some, some street credit. If she decides I want to be a leadership coach in the future. I want to be a corporate growth coach.
Yeah. Ooh, okay.
We’re priming you both for your own thing, but it’s still your shared show. So we’ve got, so that’s what I would pitch her Ashlie and I would see how she feels about that. That way. You’re not doing, you’re not doing a crazy new thing cause you don’t need any other new thing.
Yeah. That’s the thing I’m like, if I added another podcast, I would just splinter myself again.
Yeah, exactly. So when we think of the pillars, and when I talk about the pillars, all it means to me is you’re creating content that helps Kaitlin in one of these four areas. I just ask myself, does this help Kaitlin? This thing I’m going to talk about today, like, how to find body confidence. You could do an Instagram on it and then you could, you could even to like something I do with my podcast is do the bonus episodes.
Yeah. You guys could, even if you’re, if she’s like, Oh, I don’t really like that idea. I don’t want to do my own thing. You’re like, great. Do you mind if I pop bonuses up every other week that are just mine? Added value. They bump up downloads. So I asked myself, does it fit in the pillar or does this really help Kaitlin, if that answer’s yes. Go for it. That’s a topic that you should do. It’s wonderful. It’s great.
And so that’s the free stuff. That’s what your free stuff you’re doing on Insta, hopefully on the show. Once in a while. I don’t think you have to add another Patrion. That’s bringing you $6,500 a month. Yeah. I think you could make more money from your course, courses, because I think people will pay $500 at a minimum. I don’t know what you’re thinking, but for that’s always, for me, like the easiest entry level price point is like 500 bucks.
That’s another thing I did want to talk to you about is stair-stepping. What I have right now, or the Body-Positive Bad-Ass with my soft launch that I’ve only talked about on stories because I’m too nervous to share anywhere else. I am charging $247. Wanting to have a seven in there. And I’m saying that it’s 50% off, but it’s going to be $497 when it’s all said and done. I have had some people like, Oh, it’s too expensive. I’m like, okay, well then you’re not my ideal client. Like I know you’re spending 250 here and there and all over the place.
That’s a ridiculous value. Yeah.
And I’m like, it’s 12 hours of my time.
12 weeks! Group coaching for 250? Like, I mean, and at your numbers. So my super fan, if you haven’t heard Episode 199 with the super fans, listen to that one. Cause that’s what I’m doing right now. But I’m finding your number of people who are ready and poised to buy something from you during a launch, you should sell during the launch of this program.
Ashlie, if we walk through the launch plan really, really effectively between 650 and 1300 slots, that’s 1% of your super fan number is 650 people. And imagine 650 times $247 price point. That’s 160 Grand up to 321 Grand. You should, I believe based on the people I’ve worked within the super fan number, if you launch with audacity, you should have launch number. Like you’ll have a six-figure launch. Yeah. No doubt. How does that feel?
That feels good. Right? That feels really good. Yeah.
Let’s talk about that. Well let’s finish the brand for a moment. We’ve got the triangle and I think you’re the brand already. Like we don’t need to do anything crazy there, but we could add that little additional title if we wanted to, but we really don’t need to because you’re not going to rebrand the podcast. You’re not going to rebrand your Instagram. I think you just you’re the brand. I don’t think you need like a ultimate bad-ass brand necessarily. I think you’re good.
I love the body confidence bad-ass for this course, which I think let’s talk about that launch plan, but that would be first. And then I’d want you to package that up as a course that you’re done with. And like, I use teachable. I love teachable that whatever one you want to use, but you live it, you pop it in there and it lives in there.
Then the next one that maybe you can create is business bad-ass or something or, well, I was thinking, so there’s a business one, but I don’t know how to make that a course. But then were you thinking the mindset something?
I was thinking your like, the mindset, but then if we’re going with that…
Right. I’m thinking something with your brain, maybe brain, something, something badass brain, B.
Brain Transformation Bad-ass? The brain, brain boss badass. I kind of like Brain Boss. That’s good.
Maybe it doesn’t even have to have bad-ass it could just, you know, I don’t have to stick with that, but yeah.
And if you didn’t, so, and you don’t have to, like, I have all the different names and it’s totally fine. Nobody cares. They’re like Stefanie Gass’ Pinterest course. They don’t even remember what things are called. They don’t care. Right. So it could be like, um, I like your concept of the, like the Mindset Makeover Masterclass.
Yeah! Yeah.
Cause it really is. It’s the mindset that then creates the transformation in the brain and the thoughts.
Also, I don’t know if this is, but we could also do the Molstad Mindset. Cause that’s my last name. Ashlie Molstad. Also do the most did mindset or something like that.
Molstad Mindset Makeover or the Mindset Makeover Mastercourse?
Yeah. I do like the Mindset Makeover Mastercourse.
So that would be the next one that I would probably do the same thing. I would run it as a live one time. Twelve weeks, maybe less. I don’t know for the mindset, what you come up with in there, but anywhere 8 to 12 weeks would be great. Then you package that up and now here’s the thing.
At that point, Ashlie, you have your two foundational products you’re done with, and now any do an episode or you talk about it in your Instagram, you’re either going to be talking about diet, health, wellness, and food freedom, and you sell that course or your mindset thought process, being authentically confident and empowerment, and then you sell the mindset course.
I love that. So let’s talk launch strategy. So I was thinking that I needed to start it soon-ish. I wonder, how long do you think I need to have to like build up the launch? And I just started sending newsletters to my list just last week. I got really good feedback on that. I just started kind of creating the value there, but I’m wondering how long I need to launch it.
Maybe it’s because we’re running up on the end of the year. I feel like people are not super interested in health and wellness at this time. So I wonder if I try to build up the launch to like a beginning of January or how long do you think we need to like be planting the seeds and getting people in?
I would love to do it now because it’s so fun. And like, we want to do it now, but I think it will sell better if you do it at the very beginning of January. What I do for a launch is, you want to take, like I would do from December 7th all the way through the 4th, you are launching into a free workshop. You don’t ever mention, I mean, you can tell people I’m doing a course, but like we’re really are 99% of the thing coming out of your mouth is like, I’m going to do this totally free bootcamp for you guys or workshop.
Probably bootcamp would be fun, right body confidence bootcamp. And then you can end up selling them. The body competence bad-ass course at the end of the month. So starting on the seventh, you’re going to tell them, Oh my gosh, I’m so excited. You guys, I’m doing a body confidence bootcamp. We’re going to do three days. You have enough super fans to do a longer launch. Some of the big gurus are like do five days.
I’m like, I can’t do it just for me, like I’m not here for it. Three days max, and it converted just as well. So you just to be sure and you can do it on the January 4th, fifth and sixth. And this is going to be your body confidence bootcamp and have a time that you want to go live like 9:00 AM every day. Do 40 minutes in the Facebook group is where I host my launches usually.
So that way you’re getting everybody from the podcast, everybody from Instagram over into this one place, which would be the Facebook group. And I do prizes leading up to the launch, like, Hey, as many friends as you invite in the Facebook group, you get entered to win a free prize.
Maybe you give away a couple 15 minute mini power sessions with you. Like people want Ashlie, they want access. So that would be a great thing for you to give. You could give them some swag. You could give some fun prizes just to get that excitement and momentum going, starting like the second week of December.
So people are already really excited. They’re getting in here, they’re saving the date. They’re inviting friends. And the beauty of this is we don’t have to tell people like, Oh, you’re going to join a zoom. And they forget about you. They’re collected in the group. No matter what, when you go live, they’re going to see it and go, Oh yeah, Ashlie was doing this thing and they’ve invited 10 people. They have everybody there.
So you pick the time and do it the same time every day for three days. And you’re going to teach a different concept every day. Probably it’s going to be stuff that’s going to be from the course. Day one is urges. Day two is insourcing. Day three is evidence. And we’ve got those fun elusive concepts for all. Now what I’ve learned is I actually pitch course and my thing day one.
We could wait til day three, but you’re going to lose viewers by day three. We’re losing momentum. Like people are ready to buy day one. So you do your 30 minute training or 40 minutes. If you’re on a roll. And then the last 10 minutes you are selling Body-confidence Bad-Ass program. I’m so excited.
You guys, this is going to be crazy. Guess what we’re doing to be part of it. You’re a founding member. It’s live one time only. This price point is insane. It’s insane. Lost my mind, but I know that you need it. You know, I know this is your time. This is your thing. I want all of you to come in, and the reason you’re getting this price point is because you’re going to have a huge transformation and I need your testimony. That’s why you’re getting this price.
Because it’s true. Once you have all that social proof and people are having such a change in their body and their confidence. Well now you have all the social proof and you’re going up to $500, and it’s going to be passive. They don’t have access to Ashlie anymore. So my hope is that we literally have over 650 people join the live run.
Yeah. Yeah. That would be epic. Yeah.
So that means, okay. That means like logistically for you on the seventh, you’re beginning to pitch into the body confidence bootcamp, the free workshop. It’s three long, roughly 45 minutes. Each, sometimes I’m on a roll and I’ll go an hour. So, you know, give yourself an hour. You’re doing giveaways and promos to get everybody in that you possibly can into the Facebook group.
Before the fourth, you need your sales page ready for your course so that everybody can come buy it. And then day one, you pitch. So day one, you’re pitching the program. Day two, you’re pitching the program. Day three you’re pitching the program. And then I would leave it open. I don’t like to leave carts open too long. Cause it stresses me out and everybody buys the last day.
But, but a lot of people get paid on Fridays. So at least through Friday at midnight. And then you show up. That you could start give yourself, like, it depends on when you want to run your program, but you could do every Friday for 12 weeks starting that following Friday or something.
Yeah. Great. I love that. I did have some people buy already. So I’m wondering if maybe I tell them, because I do these weekly calls already. I wonder if I just say, Hey, I’ve decided that I’m going to launch this in January, not December, but you are my VIP. So I’m going to give you access to these calls I’m doing now. Do you feel like that’s too much value? Do you, or what do I say to the people who bought?
What do you mean that the calls you’re doing now?
I have an online Facebook group now. And I run on Wednesdays, the mindset makeover calls. And so it’s like live coaching where I’m talking to them and doing coaching and stuff.
Yeah. I, I think that’s a good, like compromise to tell them, Hey, you know, the other thing you could tell them is you’re going to get access to the calls cause that doesn’t hurt you.
It just a little more work for me, yeah.
They get free for you. And the other thing you could do for them. How many have bought 50? Is you could tell them that they’re the 50 that are going to get pulled for spotlight spots. Like hey, you 50 or the pool that will get, like I’ll do just 50 and pool your names or get the spotlight time. Cause I’m sure you’ll have some examples. You’ll need someone for, or yeah. Their questions first in the Q&A like in that founding member spot. Yeah. Good call.
I feel great about this.
I hope you guys. I loved that episode with Ashlie. She is awesome. You guys can go check out her Instagram, which is @AshlieMolstad or just type in Body Positive Bad-Ass. She’s so fun. And if this is calling your name as an advanced entrepreneur, you can book coaching by emailing us support@stefaniegass.com, ask for the coaching menu, see which option would be the best fit for you. And let’s do this girl.
I just pray over you that wherever you find yourself today, you find yourself empowered and lifted and lit up by partnering with God in your business, in the walk that he has set up for you this year, I pray that he gives you that confidence and insight into the next steps in your life and business.
That you search and seek him in your prayer inside of your scripture and mostly inside of your heart and that he just provides you those answers and pour into you right now, right here with whatever it is that he wants you to receive. And we believe in you. We have faith in you and we have trust in you, Father. In Jesus name. Amen. I’ll see you guys back here real soon. Love and God’s light, Stef.
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