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from psalm chapter 18
Spiritual Battle Plan
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Today, for the first time ever… I am revealing my 4-Step Clarity Framework. This system was the inspiration for my course, Clarify your Calling and it was born during a Holy Spirit moment after banging my head against the wall on HOW I was going to help my Lola’s figure this out!
To date, it has helped over 400 women figure out ‘their thing’ and I know it can help you do the same!
If you have been struggling to find out what your calling is so that you can build a profitable online business, God’s way – this episode is FOR YOU. Please grab a notebook and pen and actually… do. the. work.
This 4-step framework can transform your life – if you let it.
ALSO… if you are listening to this on 11/22-11/23 you’re in luck! It’s the last sale of 2021! Claim 20% OFF of any Stefanie Gass course with our Holiday Flash Sale! Use the code ‘HOLIDAY‘ at checkout. Enjoy. www.stefaniegass.com/courses
What’s up, friend? Happy Monday! I hope you’re ready for an awesome Thanksgiving week. I know I am. I’ve got my little munchkins off school, so that should be interesting but at the same time, so much fun. We’re going to watch all the Christmas movies, we’ve already decorated for Christmas. Yes, I’m totally that mom. I’m like, it’s October, can we go ahead and get this party started, all the hot cocoa, all the lights.
Now, today I have a fun podcast topic for you because I know you’re diving into every live coaching episode that I have. You are downloading all of the episodes where I talk about clarity, where I talk about making money from home.
And so what I’m going to do today is just go ahead and walk you through the four-step clarity framework that will allow you to finally, without any confusion, without any overwhelm, without wondering, is this really it, to know 100% what your thing is. Today, I’m walking you through how to get clarity on your calling in four simple steps. All the Amen’s, girl.
So be sure to get out a notebook and pen, we’re going to be digging super deep into that. Now, before we do, two huge announcements. Today is so huge and no, I did not plan this, but it’s pretty epic. Apparently, November 22nd is like the coolest day ever for y’all because two things are going down today.
The first thing is that if you have been eyeball in any of the Stefanie Gass courses, you are able to save 20% today with our holiday flash sale, 20% off of Clarify Your Calling, Podcast Pro University, the Pinterest masterclass, or Course Crafter, any of the courses, head to stefaniegass.com use the code HOLIDAY at checkout. You have 48 hours from right now to snag this offer. So this is going to be good, November 22nd and November 23rd, 2021.
If you’re listening to this after that, so sorry, but I love you, but you can still go buy the courses. This is for those of you who are listening right now. You’re listening live. You’re listening today on Monday, November 22nd, you can go and finally say ‘yes’ to figuring out what your thing is so that you can build a profitable online God centered business and do it his way.
You can finally build something sustainable, foundational without social media, without having to show up 24/7, without the hustle, you can finally find what is inside of you already that is begging to be brought out so it can serve the world. This part of you, that God has already gifted you, that you just need to figure out how does this become a business? I’m going to teach you all of that.
And step one is Clarify Your Calling. And that is at clarifyyourcallingcourse.com. Your code is HOLIDAY. Step two is once you clarity on your thing, you’re going to go and start the podcast. Why podcasting? Guys, podcasting is growing over 30 to 40% every single year. People love to hear you, and that’s how we generate trust.
And when you use podcasting, the way that I teach you, I teach you SEO, how to scale without spending money, how to scale using SEO and keywords and incredible content. I teach you how to do it and way less time than everyone else without fancy equipment, guys, half the time I record from my phone, y’all know I’m a huge advocate for PJ’s all day.
Podcasting is life because you get to be who you truly are from behind a mic touch and bless other people with your knowledge. And in turn, they’re going to come and say, Hey, how do I work with you? How do I learn these things that you’re teaching me, which then brings you to my step three, which is Podcast to Profit.
So if you’re at the stage of podcasting, you’re going to head to podcastprouniversity.com. Use the code HOLIDAY today. You’re going to save 20% off. Now, if you’re at step three, you’re like, I’ve got clarity, Stef, I have a podcast and I’m ready to go from, part-time having fun with this thing to truly monetizing.
Guys, I have helped multiple people actually, or 500 people launched successful podcasts. I have had hundreds of people reach 10 and 50,000 downloads at this point. And I have so many success stories of people that follow this Stef Gass system and are having massive success.
You’ve heard on the show, Virginia Kerr, who’s had $75,000 months. You’ve heard of Brooke Jefferson and she had $11,000 launch. Obviously my sister from another mister, I was like, ‘what is that term?’, Chelsi Jo Moore, she’s had incredibly successful months about to pass 300,000 downloads on her podcast. Aubree Malick should have $45,000 a month. I’m actually bringing her on the show. She’s going to be sharing her testimony with you guys super soon. All of whom followed my model, one – CYC, two – PPU and three – P2P, Podcast to Profit.
So if you’re ready to scale, build, grow, explode your show hit the 10,000, the hundred thousand, the 500,000 and beyond Podcast to Profit is it. If you’re ready to start making money from your show through a passive course, program or coaching Podcast to Profit is it. And today is a huge day. So first of all, go grab if you are in the beginning stages, the sale offer today, it’s a holiday sale, I’m so excited to give to that to you, guys. The code is HOLIDAY.
Now, if you’re on the other spectrum and you’re like, I’m at step three, Stef, I already have all the things. Then you are going to want to get your app in today for Podcasts to Profit. Why? We are sending acceptance letters out right now. And you have a shot at getting in the door for the January, 2022 class of Podcast to Profit. You’re going to want to run though. It’s at podcasttoprofitmastermind.com.
Two reasons: first, the price is going up for this program next round because it’s awesome, it’s grown. The value that you’re getting now is, oh my goodness. So exponential, accountability, bonuses, it’s surreal. And two, we only have 30 spots and we already have, I believe 37 applications. So if you want a shot at getting into this round podcasttoprofitmastermind.com. So those are all the cool things happening today. Such a big Monday. Can’t believe it, but let’s go ahead and dive into today’s topic.
So we’re going to go through the four-step clarity framework that I actually used to build Clarify Your Calling. I’m going to show you right now, how you can uncover your calling by digging into my four tier brand creation system. And when you’re finished with this system, what you get on the other side of my four step clarity framework is the five pillars of your brand.
And you guys have heard me do this with people live on the coaching. This is exactly what I take you through in absolute detail inside of Clarify Your Calling, my course, but today I’m just going to tell you what it is. I’m going to walk you straight through it. I’m going to give away as much as I can to help you get started.
So number one, step one is you have to first know what your identity in Christ is. And I know that this is such a buzz thing, and maybe this even feels like kind of hypey to you right now. Like everybody’s saying that, but here here’s the situation. If you are not hearing from God in your life, you can’t receive your God crafted purpose.
And from birth, God has created you, you are beautifully and wonderfully made, right? Just as scripture promises you, you have this beautiful blend of gifts and of anointings and these mantles over your life that you are not accessing. Maybe you’re dabbling in them and maybe you don’t know what they are.
There are so many incredible pieces to who you are, but it all begins with knowing who God says you are. So the very first step in the, in the framework is you got to start hearing from God. You’ve got to get yoked up with your Father and do some inner work. Now, inside of CYC, we go super deep into this.
It’s a whole week that we spend on this, but I’m going to tell you right now, a couple of the cool things that are inside of step one in my program. So the first thing is I really give away something that I call God says statements. And what this means is opening scripture.
If you guys are not spending time in the word, you are not spending time with God, period, because God is the word and the word is God, John 1:1. So you’ve got to get in there. And even if you feel like, oh, I don’t understand it, or it’s not resonating with me you go to pray.
And ask the Lord to bring the scripture to life for you, to bring the words alive and to implant in your heart, to just bring these beautiful seeds of truth and knowledge and wisdom off of the pages and transform who you are. Ask God to show you the many incredible, hidden mysteries of what’s only scripture has to offer you.
Now when you’re pulling from scripture and after you begin to say these types of prayers and open the door for holy spirit to help you really pull these incredible nuggets out of the different chapters of the Bible, what you want to do is find the ones that resonate with you the most, write them down.
And then what you’re going to do is you’re going to take the verse as you see it. And you’re going to transform the verse into a God says statement. So we’ll just take one of my favorites as an easy, simple example for you, Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future, depending on whatever version you’re looking at, this can be set a few different ways.
So you write that down and then on the right side of your paper, you actually, you pull from this scripture what God is saying about you right now. You’ve heard people talk about where you can just put me into the scripture. For example, for God knows the plans He has for me, plans to give me hope and a future, plans not to harm me.
So that’s an easy, simple way to start making scripture come alive in your mind. But I even have another step to this and it’s to pull from this and put in my own words, what this verse actually means to me, to my heart, in my own perception, there’s no right or wrong way to do this either. So to me, what does this mean?
I would write down something like I don’t have to worry about tomorrow. I don’t have to worry about my calling because God’s already got it figured out. The Lord created books in heaven about me and those books, and those plans are for me to be His daughter, to rise up, to glorify Him and to do kingdom work. Yes and amen. I am so excited that God’s already created the plans for my life.
So I’m going to go deep into what that one scripture means for me and my life. And I would just recommend like, let that flow, let holy spirit take over. And how many of these do you do? As many as you can. I think a beautiful, and those of you that are going to join me and Clarify Your Calling, we go through this for about a week, and this is just one tiny piece of the work that we do in yoking up your identity with who God says you are, but this is something that all of you can start with.
And I mean, I would find maybe three scriptures a day and do the God says statement for those three scriptures every day for seven days. And I promise you like print them or write them down, laminate them, put them in your office, put them on the fridge, this becomes your truth. There’s so much power in telling yourself and beginning to see yourself in the way that God sees you, your identity will begin to shift in a small amount of time as a week.
So step two, once you’ve really poured into your identity in Christ, week two is to then taking some of that knowledge of how does the Lord see me and plugging it into what I call your root statement. It’s the root of who you are. There are so many components to figuring this out, but for me, when you guys come in to Clarify Your Calling step two of the clarity framework is to go through what I call the P S B V formula.
P stands for passions. S stands for strengths. B stands for battles and V stands for victories because those four things partnered with your spiritual giftings leave clues. And as you’re journaling over your passions, and then you journal over your skills.
And then you journal over the battles you’ve walked through, the hard things in your life, the hardest moments that you didn’t know if you were going to make it to the other side and you write those down, and then you write your victories, what have you overcome? What have you done great at?
And you’re writing all of these things down, along with, as a bonus component, your spiritual gifts, you are really going to walk away with this big audacious couple of pages, maybe 10 pages, depending on who you are, of information that you can almost call your book from heaven.
This is so cool because everything that you are right now, today is an offset of what God created you for. You just haven’t pulled out of this the common denominator, your root statement. So inside of Clarify Your Calling, I actually give you guys a formula where you’re going to pull certain things.
And I tell you which parts you’re going to pull from each of these, to pull it down into one little beautiful cohesive sentence. It’s amazing. And you’re going to look at that sentence and be like, oh my goodness, this is who I am. This is the thing. This is what the brand is going to be founded on. And it actually gives you what your thing is.
Now, guys, we have seen so many cool common denominators. I mean, from people who are called to help other women homeschool their children, to women who are called to raise kingdom builders, to women who are called to ministry, to women who are called to be life coaches or create a devotional in a new and different way.
Or maybe to go out into the world and teach people how to love their body in a new and unique way, to women who are called to create macros and simple nutrition for other busy moms. There are so many incredible outcomes here, but it’s all there. It’s already there for you.
So those of you who are moving into CYC, you’re going to do this with me, but those of you who are not, go ahead and go and do some journaling over the PSBV formula. And I want you to look and pray, Holy spirit will help you. Look for the common denominators between each of those four buckets, along with the spiritual giftings.
And I did a three-day spiritual gifts workshop that you guys can go watch if you’re struggling with what are my spiritual gifts, that can be found at episode 263 and 262. So what this root or common denominator is going to give you is a starting place. I know all of you that are listening to this right now, want the result. You want the end result. You want the outcome.
You want to have in your hand the I help statement and the tagline, all the pieces, but it all begins with figuring out a direction. That’s what this PSBV formula will give you, especially in CYC is I give you the formula to pull out the clues and then build the statement with me because this is going to be the thing that drives the five tier brand map.
Now, step three in the clarity framework is going to be avatar creation, messaging and tag lines. We’re actually going to now move into some of the key components of the five tier brand map. And that all begins with figuring out who you’re called to serve. Who’s this avatar, who’s your Lola?
You, guys, know that my Lola, well, she’s you. Let me tell you who you are. And this is no shade, I just know you really well. You want to make money from home or you want to make money online. You’re trying to figure out your thing. You’re super sick of doing it the world’s way. You’ve watched too many coaches for too long. You’ve tried 27 different things.
Nothing is working. You’re super sick of selling stuff for someone else. You’re super tired of trying to make things work and being overwhelmed and frustrated. And you just want someone to tell you, step one, step two and step three. And you want to do it in a way that fuels you. You want to be authentic to who you are, and you want to keep God at the center of it all.
And at the end of the day, you’re willing to do the work, but you want something that’s going to end up making sense, making money for you, making a difference, making impact, making income. You want all of those pieces. Here’s why it’s not working. You’re spending way too much time on social media.
You believe the lie that Instagram or TikTok or any of those platforms that are algorithm driven are actually going to build a business for you. Spoiler lie. You also are highly distracted by your phone. You need a better system of time management. You’re unwilling to get super focused, and you’re not surrendering to God at your highest capacity. You are not truly laying it down at the feet of Jesus. That’s what’s not happening.
Now, what I know about you to be true after working with thousands of people at this point through my courses or through my coaching or here through the show is that you guys are willing to stop the madness. You are so willing to say yes, and amen, to a better way of doing this. You just truly have been lacking a leader or a mentor or someone to follow that was doing it in the way that was aligned with your heart.
And so you were only doing what you’ve been told. Well, Hi, I’m Stef Gass and not to toot my horn, but to I want to be your mentor. I want to pull you through alongside of me so that you can build what I’ve built. God did this, I didn’t do this by the way. So you following this Stef Gass system of clarity and then podcasting, and then monetizing the show, using courses and coaching, God did all of that because I didn’t know how to do any of that.
I just kept praying, Lord, what’s next? What’s the next step? What’s the next thing? I don’t even know. And through divine download or a dream or scripture or through trial sometimes, just taking messy action with excited anticipation of what God wanted to do, He kept blessing this business.
And I know he was not blessing this business for me, for my bank account, for my life, He was blessing this business so that I could hand it to you and say, sister, beautiful friend, there is an answer here. And I want to show you how to get where I’ve gotten, girl, without using the enemy’s tools. It’s so good and it’s so God, and it all begins with understanding who your person is.
Step three in the clarity framework is who am I called to serve? What do they need? Where are they at? Where are they struggling? And then where have I already been so that I can begin to serve this person and get them that transformation. The next part is the messaging. And this is going to be the I help statement. And the tagline, those two pieces are so absolutely critical when you’re building a brand. If you don’t know what you do, your Lola will not know what you do.
And yes, you’re going to name your avatar. Pick a name that sits well with your heart, pray, see what your person’s called. My girl’s name was Lola. And I’m super excited to serve her. And to help you guys get out of this space, I’ve been there. Obviously, I was her. I was Lola for six years before I finally surrendered in this process.
So once you’ve done a lot of work on avatar and, guys, in CYC, we go through an entire week on this as well. This is not some fluffy, like what are the demographics of your person? Oh no, dear. We are doing market research, we’re digging in and learning the keywords. Were learning what she’s searching for. We are building out a vision of this person.
I even have you guys share in the CYC community, a picture of your person. We go so deep into avatar because when it comes to really the breakout of your business, it all depends on your avatar. If you don’t know who they are, forget it. You’ll never really create that transformation that you’re looking for in your life and business, because it’s not about you.
And that’s the coolest, most incredible piece of advice that I ever got, that I’m passing on to you. It’s not about me. And it’s not about you. It’s about her. It’s about him or them, whoever your call to help, it’s about them. So when we know what our avatar needs, our message and our business plan can flow. It can be born.
And so then from that part, we move to the I help and the tagline. I call the tagline, the TKO statement, it’s the tactical specific outcome. So what is the thing that you are promising someone. And so for me, I help faith, led women get clarity on their calling and build a profitable online business.
That’s my tactical specific outcome – for who? Faith led women. What am I promising? A business that’s profitable, God’s way. Period. I have lots of other friends who I’ve helped do this. So there’s another example might be I help work at home moms systemize their life. Clean, simple.
I help faith led business owners dream again. There’s another one I help busy working moms create simple, healthy meals. There’s another one, I help couples reignite their marriage, God’s way. So do you see how, like, these are not emotional? These are not fluffy. They’re not big picture. This is, I can tell you exactly in 10 words or less exactly what I promise you and exactly what the outcome will be.
And I am saying exactly a lot, because it is so important that you know exactly what you do. Now, you guys, are gonna try to do this on your own, because if you’re anything like me, you’re like, I can do this. I’m listening to this episode right now. I don’t need to invest in any of Stef’s courses because I can figure this out by myself.
But let me tell you something, sister, when you keep trying to duct tape your business together, you’re going to be left with some sticky residue that ain’t nobody’s business. No pun intended. When you decide to invest in yourself and CYC, I can actually help you build out that TSO statement and the TSO is going to be everything, you’re using it as your tagline on your future podcast or using it as the homepage clincher on your website, you’re using it on your Instagram bio.
This is so critically important. You’re using it in an elevator with some random dude. That’s like, what do you do? And you’re like, well, let me tell you what I do. So then from the T S O and the I help statement, we can move into week four.
So the fourth step in the clarity framework is to put your business, put a bow on the whole business, because at this point, you know, who God says I am, what I’ve been created to do, a direction then, oh my goodness, who I’m called to serve. And then what I actually do and who I help.
Now in the final component and the fourth step of your clarity framework, you’re going to come up with your title and you’re going to come up with the pillars of the brand. So you’ve got avatar. You have got your, I help statement, your tagline, now you have in week four, title and pillars, you have all five components of your five tier brand map. This is exactly what we’re doing in CYC.
And I’m actually taking you week by week. So in 30 days of investing in this course with me, you walk away with all five pillars of your brand map so you can move into Podcast Pro University and know what am I creating here. So in this fourth step, we’re going to bring all the pieces together.
And this is where you get full clarity. This is really where the light bulb goes off. I think it’s so fun watching people they’re still in week two and week three, like, oh, I don’t know what I’m thinking of God. I’m not sure. And I’m like, just keep going. Week four is like the light bulb moment. Like you’re going to have this aha and the clarity is just going to smack in the face and you’re going to be like, I know what I do. It’s amazing.
I’ve had people telling me, they have tried for a decade to figure out what their thing is. And they go through this program and they’ve got it in four weeks, like talk about a God thing. And I so worked with God on this course, guys.
I kept praying, Lord, I do not know how to help people do this without coaching them. But I’ve got to give them an answer, something affordable, something that, that can scale because I can’t coach with 500 people. Lord, what is it? And I sat down and I kept sitting down in the mornings and praying and I’d get up the journal and like, wait for holy spirit to write, nothing would happen.
Finally, one morning I had my pen, I had my notebook and I just started writing, Holy spirit was step one, step two, step three, here’s the formula, oh my goodness. I was crying and I was so excited about what God was doing through CYC. And then the second that I launched it in the world and I watched the women start to have this incredible transformation, I knew that this was the thing.
I knew that this is what so many people had been praying for, including me. How is it possible to get someone clarity in a course? And this is truly it because, you guys, by my own strength, everything is impossible. But with God, nothing is impossible. Everything is possible. And through his strength, He allowed me to create this.
I’m so excited to be able to gift this to all of you guys today at 20% off through the holiday sale, because it’s going to change your life. I’m not just saying that because it’s my course, I’m saying that because it’s God’s course, I truly believe that. And I’m so excited. You have to email us support@stefaniegass.com or post in the student community that you’re going to get access to and tell us if this wasn’t transformational, because I’m so excited for you.
Now, and those of you who are not going to do CYC, you’re going to do it on your own, here’s what’s up with this one. When you’re looking at your title, it’s super important to think about the umbrella of the brand. What are you going to build? What’s the name of this whole brand going to be that is SEO friendly, and that means search engine optimization and keyword driven. So it can be found, your brand can be evergreen.
And this title also has to really resonate with your who, your avatar. And then the the next portion of week four is to build the pillars of the brand. So, as an example, my friend, Jess, I helped her build out her brand and it’s called Fuel Her Awesome. It’s a podcast for faith, led women, teaching them how to learn food, freedom, how to love their body, simple, easy fitness hacks.
She teaches supplementation with a sprinkle of faith. And so all of that is part of her brand. So the title she chose Fuel Her Awesome. So who? – it’s for her? What? – it’s fuel, cause it has to do with food and body image and all of those pieces. And then when we looked at her pillars, those are what are you actually going to talk about.
And you’ll see in CYC, I recommend three. If you want to go rogue and really have a bit more to talk about, you can have four, but I really recommend that you guys start micro niche. You start with something so sticky and so specific. So Jess has pillars of obviously food, and she has food empowerment and food freedom and all of those pieces.
And then she has the science because she’s an RD, she’s a science nerd. She has this pillar of like research and science. And then on the right side, she has the sprinkle of family and faith and really this fun bucket, if you want to call it that because she’s also teaching moms how to empower their kids through healthy eating, bringing some of your faith into your fitness goals, all of those pieces.
So when you’re looking at this, that’s the last part is coming up with your pillars. And then you’re done. You have the five pillars of your brand that you’re going to take, and you’re going to move into Podcast Pro University, and you’re going to plug it straight in because I built PPU to go with CYC.
So all you’re going to do is plug in the cool pieces that we’ve just built together into Podcast Pro University. And you’re going to have your podcast. It’s so legit. So imagine with me for a moment that you say yes to getting clarity, you say yes today to finally knowing what your thing is. You finally don’t have to worry. You’re done Googling, journaling. You are done meeting with 27 million coaches to figure out yourself.
And all you do is do the work. You get out of pen and paper and you follow my formulas. And at the end of the day, you have a clean brand map and a clean vision of exactly what you are, who you’re called to serve and what you’re called to do. I want you to know that that is only 30 short days away from right now.
You could pause this episode right now, go to clarifyyourcallingcourse.com buy it, PS today, if you’re listening to this on November 22nd or 23rd of 2021, those of you are very lucky right now and you use the code HOLIDAY, you’re saving 20%. I mean, guys, this course is already ridiculously affordable and to save 20% more on that and PS, when you check out, you may or may not see a special one-time bonus offer wink, wink to also get PPU at a crazy insane discount.
So excited! Anyways, if you can say yes and you do say yes with me right now, just imagine before the new year begins, you know exactly what you’re going to do, and you can begin to take that journey and say yes, and take the steps and make the leap to creating something that’s foundationally evergreen forever. That’s going to bring you impact and income and use your gifts for God’s glory. I’m so here for that.
I hope that this blessed you today. Let’s do a super quick recap for you. Step one in the clarity framework is to really focus on your identity in Christ, who does God say that I am? How do I see myself the way that he sees me, and it’s really focusing on hearing from God in your life, digging into that, and then utilizing the God says statements. That’s just one component of this process, but it’s a great one that can really help you begin to bring scripture to life.
Step two, in the clarity framework is to go through the P S B V formula, which is passions, skills, battles, and victories, plus adding in the spiritual gifts training that I’ve done. You guys, can listen to that on my podcast episode 262 and 263 to really figure out how do you bring all of these different components of who you are all together into one root statement, the common denominator.
Step three, in the clarity framework is to begin building the five tier brand map. And that begins with your avatar. Then you move to the I help statement. And then you move to the tagline. This is a super sticky tactical specific outcome. The TSO statement, 10 words or less, what do you do? It’s not emotional. And it’s extremely punchy.
The last thing that you’re going to do in the fourth step of the clarity framework is you’re going to create a title and content pillars. Then at this point, you’ve got everything you need to move in to Podcast Pro University and begin to create the thing that actually builds the business.
So one is clarity, that’s great, how exciting, you know what you’re going to do. But the next thing is to actually go and build the thing. And I want you to know that clarity is an evolution. You, guys, are going to end with your five tier brand map, and you’re going to come into PPU and you’re going to start, well, guess what?
God’s going to fine tune it. He’s going to prune this garden. He’s going to plant new seeds and it’s going to blossom. So over time, you’re going to experience the favor of God over your show when you just begin. There’s so much fruit that is born from courage. I truly believe this because having clarity is step one, but taking the audacious action is actually the hard part, but that’s what you guys are gonna do because you are trusting in me, you are trusting in this business model and that can be at Podcast Pro University.
So those of you who are ready for that step podcastprouniversity.com, and again, today, your code is HOLIDAY. Love you guys so much. And may God bless you. May he bring you so much vision and excitement and clarity over your next steps. May he give you the provision to say yes to the thing that you need to get you where you need to go. And may he allow the time and space for you to pour into your business, to pour into your goals and to pour into the yes so that 2022 can be your most incredible year. God bless you, friends.
Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jaclyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jaclyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
We’re chatting with Podcast to Profit graduate, Rachel DeSonier, about how her podcast skyrocketed and landed clients without social media.
Do you want to build a profitable, sustainable, and impactful podcasting business? Then, you must follow my ten non-negotiable rules.
I’m sharing 7 steps that allowed me to make 7-figures as a Christian business owner. It’s time to get back to the basics.
Let’s talk about podcasting basics today. I’m doing a power coaching call with my friend, Jeri Bisbee, a Podcast to Profit student.
I’m breaking down different revenue buckets and what you should prioritize in each phase to build a profitable business.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
I’m sharing three simple, tried-and-true tips to get more clients and grow your business while eliminating discovery calls.
My student, Lara Frendjian, is with me today to talk about the amazing conversion rate she experienced with her podcast.
How social media is ruining your chances of making money from home, and what to focus on instead to create sustainable income.
Today‘s post is an interview with my student Heather O’Brien. Heather will share her story from her first sale to subsequent podcast growth.
Are you struggling to plan engaging podcast episodes? Learn how ChatGPT can be a game-changing tool for your podcast strategy.
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