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Hey Girl!
Today’s episode is all about titling your podcast. How to pick a podcast title that CONVERTS! I will walk you through 4, must-have components of a stellar podcast name.
Already have a podcast?
Listen anyway! I rebranded 2.5 years in and it was right for me. And, maybe this episode will confirm and solidify that your podcast title is spot on.
If podcasting has been on your heart, this one is for you.
Be sure to download my PODCAST LAUNCH CHECKLIST to help you plan, publish, and promote your show.
(00:00): Hey, friend! Welcome to another episode of the show. Today, we are going to be digging into the name of your podcast. And even if you already have a podcast and you already have a name of your podcast, I still want you to listen because this is super important for you to withstand the test of time, to create a foundation that will allow you to scale a business that can be built, that partners with your podcast title.
(00:23): It’s that important that your title embodies your brand. So we’re going to be going through what a podcast title is, why we care about what that is. And then four specific components of making sure that your podcast title is legit, scalable and ultimately successful.
(01:40): All right, let’s do this. So, first of all, what is a podcast name or podcast title? Well, it is simply the phrase that you use that is searchable within Apple Podcast app, Podbean, Google, Spotify, all the places that someone might come listen to podcasts, and they search your show, your title, or your name of your show pops up, right? It’s literally the title of your podcast.
(02:07): Now, what I want you to really think about is why we care so much about what a podcast title is. I didn’t care at all the first time I chose a podcast title. Those of you that have been hanging out with me for a long time, for over a year, you know, that my show used to be called The Mompreneur Mastermind Show. Now I, you guys, just chose that because that’s what I had called my Facebook group.
(02:33): I just chose that because the person that I initially was talking to was a mompreneur and I didn’t have any heart in it. I didn’t do any research behind it. I didn’t pray over it. It was more like I’m gonna start a podcast. What should I call it? I’ll call it what I call my Facebook group. Done.
(02:48): And I really didn’t think deeply about the sustainability of a brand and also where I wanted to grow not where I want it to go. Because where I wanted to go was I’m going to get this thing out. I’m going to do this thing. It’s gonna be great.
(03:01): But where I wanted to grow was really building this scalable business where I was partnering faith and business and allowing something to be set up that could expand, that could have different legs of a business underneath it.
(03:17): So don’t pick something random, pick something with meaning for you. So that’s the first thing, that’s why we care. We really have to look at what is this brand? And I want you, guys, to think of your podcast title as the entire brand of your business. What is this? Is this something that means something to me? Is it clear about what it is? Is my person gonna be confused when they find this brand?
(03:46): And all of these other components that we’re going to go over in a moment. So what I want to begin with is this question of, okay, cool. So like, can’t I just pick my name like you did? Because I ended up rebranding the show in March of 2021 from The Mompreneur Mastermind Show to The Stefanie Gass Show. And I am here to to give you the advice of not choosing your name when you’re getting started.
(04:14): Why? Because nobody knew who Stefanie Gass was. Nobody knows who Joe Schmo is. So when they land on that podcast, it has no meaning for them. People are very egocentric. People want what’s in it for them. They want a result. They’re going into this podcast app and they’re typing in trigger phrases and issues that they’re having and solutions to their problems. Your podcast is not going to get found when you use your name.
(04:39): Now, when you guys pass 500,000 to a million downloads and you want to rebrand to your name, perfect, you’ve already set up an audience for yourself. You’ve already optimized keywords and searchability by all of the titles that you’re using, all the things you learned inside Podcast Pro University with me, those are what are going to allow you to still get found. Even if you have your name as the title of your show, but that’s not the way it starts out.
(05:07): We really have to earn our stripes if you want to call it that or lay our SEO breadcrumb foundation before we do that. So if you want to have your name be the brand by of your name, that’s fine. And have the vision of maybe two or three years from now, rebranding everything into your name. But right now I want you to pick a different podcast name and that can just redirect to your
(05:32): So for example, I was and my podcast was called The Mompreneur Mastermind Show. You could go to and it would redirect to So you can still have your name be the brand, knowing that you want to have that be the podcast name in the future.
(05:51): So just want to clear that up because you’re probably like, why did you pick that? This is confusing. So I wanted to let you know the thought process behind that.
(06:00): So let’s talk about four components of choosing a podcast name or title. You can call it either one that is going to be successful for you. Because this is why you’re doing a podcast. You want to sit behind your microphone. You want to build an audience. You want to connect with people. You want to get found organically.
(06:21): You want to be free from social, free from all these hard things, these distracting addictive platforms, and you just want to podcast and grow this show. That’s why it matters to you. So what you want to do is think about how you can get found with your podcast name and how has your name is really going to matter to your person.
(06:44): So we have to find this beautiful blend of it mattering to you and having meaning to your heart and having something that you can grow with and having something that’s going to matter to your person. Like I should have thought about that when I chose my first name, because I don’t actually like the word mompreneur and I was thinking very short term.
(07:05): So let’s begin with component number one. Component number one is four words or less. So it’s important that you choose a podcast title it’s extraordinarily sticky, right? It’s very short. It’s a very clean, we don’t want to have a podcast title that something like become debt-free for lawyers. That’s a tagline.
(07:28): We want to have something like debt-free lawyer. You want to shorten up if you’re only able to get a tagline out of your mouth and it’s like 10 words or less ask yourself what are the key components of this sentence and make that the title of your brand. So four words or less preferably two or three. You really want to be clear, you want to be clean and you want to be memorable.
(07:52): Number two, the second component of a successful podcast title is that the who is inside the title or the what is inside of the title. The who or the what? So, for example, I just met with my client, Gladys. She won’t mind that I’m using her as an example. She has the Christian pregnancy podcast. Okay. The inside of her title is the what Christian pregnancy. Cool.
(08:16): Now she’s done something amazing because the who is also kind of inside of her title, it she’s a Christian and she’s pregnant. So Gladys and I came up with this title together where we really found the blend of both worlds. And this is going to allow Gladys to expand and scale over time, which is really exciting. So that’s the who or what?
(08:38): Let’s take another one of my clients, Aubree Malick. She has Freelancer to CEO. That is the who. So Aubree has the who inside of her title freelancer. She also has the what freelancers. So that’s really amazing that she did that. Let me take another example here. My friend Polly Payne, her podcast is called The Dream Planning Podcast, dream planning. So Polly has the what in her title, dream planning.
(09:12): Let me take another example. I’m just trying to think of like every client. Blair and Kellie Critch. They have Blessed Mama Bosses. So Blair and Kellie have the who, the’re mama bosses and the’re faith led. So they included that word blessed. Are you seeing what we’re doing here? So there are four words or less, and they have the who or the what in the title. If you’re going to choose something elusive, like free and fierce, nobody knows what that means.
(09:39): Nobody has any idea what that means. We don’t know who it’s for. We don’t know what it is. So I would actually stay away from those kind of elusive emotional titles. And you’re going to learn all about this inside Podcast Pro University. And even in CYC, when we begin in CYC, we actually map out the five pillars of your brand, including the title.
(09:59): So if you’re struggling with this portion, please just go all the way back to Clarify Your Calling course and start there. Now, if you have all that mapped out, PPU does touch on this as well, but not in the depth that CYC does. So if you guys are interested in either of my course to really get clarity on this process,
(10:22): Now, if you are like, I have to have an elusive title, Stef, like the Lord’s spoken to me, it’s called free and fierce. Okay, fine. But then your tagline needs to be like super clear, like six words or less, 10 words or less at the most. For example, Free and fierce. Break free from debt as a fierce lawyer, or like whatever, like your tagline has to tell them the who and the what. Not my favorite, I would prefer your title to be that.
(10:52): The third component of a successful podcast title is that it’s scalable. So what I love about, for example, Gladys’ title, the Christian pregnancy podcast, Christian pregnancy, that’s so niche, but yet allows her so much freedom to grow. She could have a course in there, right? For Christian pregnancy women, which we’re building right now. She’s part of Podcast to Profit, where we work together to build out your course, your coaching or your program offers.
(11:22): So we’re doing that together right now, but she could also have a book, you know, Christian pregnancy, faith led mindset for Christian pregnancy. She could have coaching in this realm. She could have partnerships, like it’s something scalable versus if you pick something super what specific, like for example, essential oil mom, the essential oil mom show, you know, that’s the who and the what is essential oils, but it doesn’t allow you any scalability.
(11:55): What if you want to break out of essential oils and you want to do detox or clean living or holistic living, like you really have to think big picture about, can I scale this title or phrase to include more than one revenue stream?
(12:09): Number four is that it’s actually available. So inside of Clarify Your Calling, when we build your brand map, I actually take you through a four step process to make sure that your title is available because it’s super important that you are not choosing something that someone else has, that you can get, that it’s not trademarked, that it’s not already in use because you’re going to face issues when you try to scale, if you have the same name as someone else. So we talk about that in depth inside of CYC, but you got to make sure it’s available. So do an initial scrub for that.
(12:48): So let’s do a quick recap. Choosing a super successful podcast title has four simple components. Number one, it’s four words or less, and it’s super memorable and it’s super specific. Number two, it has the who or the what inside of the title.
(13:06): And preferably it has both number three, it’s scalable. You’re not putting a limit on yourself by the way that you’re titling your show. Number four, it’s available. And then the last little tip is that it has meaning for you and it has meaning for your avatar.
(13:23): So there you go. If you need some help again, with really getting clarity on what your five-step brand map is, title, tagline, description, content pillars, and the podcast episodes that are going to be in there, please begin with Clarify Your Calling that’s at
(13:41): If you have those basics and you’re ready to just actually implement, creating your show, just head to and we’ll dig into creation of the podcast, how to edit, record, equipment, scale, monetize, really go big with your show.
(13:56): And last but not least, if you already have a podcast and you’re just listening to this out of curiosity, I invite you to come apply for the next round of Podcast to Profit, which is a 90 day immersion mastermind for podcasters. We focus on getting your show to scale, rank, we optimize your SEO. I teach you how to build out a monetization plan for your podcast, courses, coaching or programs.
(14:19): It’s amazing. Our next round is going to be in January. And I do believe that we are almost full already with apps. So not everybody’s going to end up doing it. So you need to make sure that you have your application as soon as possible so that you have the chance of making it into the next round. That is at I’ll see you back here real soon. God bless.
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I'm Stef Gass.
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Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
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