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3 Tips to Stay Motivated as an Entrepreneur Working From Home
Do you too work from home and find yourself wandering around, wondering what you should be doing, and feeling less-than-motivated? I know the struggle! Laundry is lurking… distractions are everywhere, and yet you’re supposed to magically be motivated each day to pour into your work. I think there is so much beauty in being able to work from home, but the reality is that it’s sometimes harder than working from a place you’re not responsible for.
Today, I am going through 3 tips to stay motivated as a work from home entrepreneur! I know these will help you feel inspired and more energetic, and keep you looking forward to showing up to your work each day.
1.Never Stop Learning and Growing in Your Work From Home Business to help stay motivated
Listen to personal development or spiritual growth book that will inspire you, stretch you, and help you grow.
2. Work Out and Eat Clean For More Energy as a Work From Home Entrepreneur
When you feel your best physically your energy levels are high and you’re able to keep showing up for your life and business.
3. Set Monthly Attainable Stretch Goals to help you stay motivated
When you have goals that you know you can hit, you can actively work towards them with excited anticipation of doing the NEXT RIGHT THING in your business.
Bonus Tip to Stay Motivated when working from home
Get with other like-minded business owners in a peer-led mastermind or better yet, in person!
(00:00): Hi, friends! Today, we are talking about three ways to stay motivated as an entrepreneur, working from home. Super excited to share these tips with you! It’s gonna be very tactical, very easy to digest. I know it gets hard, we get tired. Sometimes maybe you’re wondering if it’s working at all.
Maybe the money isn’t quite there yet, but you are showing up at your highest capacity. Maybe the money is there and you’re burnt out. You’re exhausted. You are so ready to throw in the towel and go get a nine to five because honestly, it feels a lot easier right now.
But no matter where you sit, the truth is you’ve been called. You have been chosen, you are appointed and you’re anointed for this position, for doing what you’re doing right now for the people you are created to serve and you are called to help.
(00:51): And we just have to keep showing up in it, faithfully, pouring out what we have inside of us so we can bless other people. So we gotta stay motivated. We gotta keep showing up. So here are three really simple, easy things you can do to just make sure that you are feeling your best.
You’re excited about pouring into your work each and every day. And I can’t wait to share them with you. Let’s do it!
(02:35): Before we get started, Hi, what’s up, girl? Are you in my Facebook group? Come hang out with me, Are you on my email list? I have tons of free goodies for you over at, click on free.
And I also have lots of courses and ways that we can work together over
Whether you are trying to get Clarity on Your Calling, whether you are ready to Start a Podcast so you can stop marketing online, stop fighting with social media, 24/7, just being able to lay all of that down and hang out behind a mic.
Hang out and bless people with what it is that you have once a week, twice a week if you wanna get crazy and just pour out your heart and still be able to grow a business, something sustainable, something that organically grows evergreen, and it’s so easy to scale.
It’s so easy to understand the SEO and the marketing and the strategy behind growing a really incredible business from behind a mic.
(03:39): And then lastly, whether you wanna monetize, you wanna create that incredible coaching business, or the courses you just come on over to, and you’re gonna see the steps you’re gonna see where you fit in my school.
And I can’t wait to work with you. I can’t wait to help you build an incredible God-centered business from your giftings. I’m here for that. All right, let’s do this.
(04:05): Number one, the first way to stay motivated as an entrepreneur who is working from home is to never stop learning. I want you to never stop learning. Now, I don’t want you to learn all the time and not take action.
You guys can head on over and listen to my episode 438 to make sure you’re not consuming too much information. And that you’re consuming in a way that makes sense, in a way that’s valuable in a way that’s really streamlined into your week.
(04:34): But here’s the deal, especially if you’re working from home, especially if you’ve been in the game a long time, if you stop learning and you get comfortable, you’re gonna get stagnant. Now, I’ve been there. I have figured out how to have an amazingly successful show.
I’ve figured out how to hit the charts. I’ve understood how to have a really successful podcast. I know how to build an amazing coaching business. And of course, I figured those little pieces out and I could just stay there. And I was staying there, actually.
One of my goals this last December was like, I don’t wanna do anything else. I’m tired, Lord, please, I don’t want one more project. I don’t want to do one more thing. And I did sit there for about a month, maybe two months.
(05:22): And then I began to feel maybe discontentment, stagnation and started to feel a little blah. That’s when I prayed, of course, God is so incredible.
He basically whispered in my heart, there’s more, there is something new, only for you, new, and I’m not talking about distraction, kind of new. I’m talking about optimizing the business that you’ve put your heart and soul and spirit into.
And that next thing for me was just super simple. It was figuring out the next level of SEO in my blog. And it was figuring out how to really optimize some of my cold lead traffic and just really simple things that it was time to do in my business. And I had gotten to that point and I needed to learn.
(06:13): And guess what? When I started learning again, I was so excited. I was lit up in my heart and I had something exciting to pour into. And here’s what the never stop learning can mean for you. Perhaps it could mean listening to a personal development audio.
Or diving into a new spiritual growth book that’s gonna inspire you, stretch you, or help you to grow. Maybe it is a parenting book, a course. Maybe you haven’t taken a course in a long time, or you bought the course, but you didn’t finish it.
I’m not talking about information overload and content consumption, craziness. I’m talking about plugging it in as I talked about in episode 438, we’re gonna still take action, but we’re going to do intentional personal development, IPD and that’s gonna help you to stay motivated.
It’s going to help you be excited about what you’re doing. It’s gonna help you be excited about pouring into the one thing with all of your heart, with everything that you’ve got, and it’s gonna keep you fresh.
(07:15): Number two, the second way to stay motivated as an entrepreneur, you are trying to juggle. You’re juggling work. You’ve got hopefully a really amazing time management schedule. You know how to do all the little pieces to keep yourself showing up to work with intention.
Hopefully, you’ve got some home systems going on in your business, but now you also have kids, most likely, a lot of you have to take care of your home. You’re in your home, which sometimes is a little bit distracting in and of itself.
So my second tip to stay motivated is to work out and eat clean. This has made a huge difference for me in my productivity, my efficiency, in the way that I show up.
(07:59): Now, I’ve always been moderately healthy-ish, but it was more of an unhealthy obsession with being healthy, where I would do some kind of crazy diet. And then I’d go off the wagon and eat pizza all weekend and then I’d feel guilty.
And then I’d start over. Not that kind of workout and eat clean, but like the lifestyle where you truly commit to treating your body like God’s temple. Your body is the house of God. You do understand that, right?
(08:26): The holy spirit is residing in you. Holy spirit is a person and we are the temple. And so when I envision that, I’m like, Ooh, dang. If I am the hotel of the holy spirit, I’m gonna treat my body well, I’m gonna drink water, I’m gonna eat clean, clean food, not processed food.
I’m gonna eat very minimal sugar, minimally processed food. I’m gonna really try to be as intentional as I can about treating my body well, one because it’s the temple of God. And I’ve got, I mean, I just wanna steward that and shepherd that responsibility.
But secondly, I have boys to keep up with, an eight and half-year-old, a five and half-year-old. I have two dogs, we’re about to get a chicken, maybe two, it’s gonna get crazy over here, you guys, I’ve got to have energy. I’ve gotta be on my A-game.
(09:17): I wake up super early because I wanna spend time with the Lord. I try to stay up until at least 9:30pm so that I can have an hour with my husband before the kids go to bed. And so working out and eating clean really makes a huge difference in my motivation.
It allows me to show up. I’m excited. I’m excited about my day. I feel super energetic. I feel like a high achiever. My energy levels are really drastically different.
I sleep so much better and I’m able to show up for my life in business, excited, motivated, and just feeling so much more productive is really what that’s created for me.
(09:57): Next, oh, and let me say something about working out for a hot minute.
Working out has also, it’s like it had a link, like a direct link to my endorphins, a direct link to my confidence and the second that I’m showing up in my workouts, and for me, it was really pivoting and shifting into weightlifting weight training.
I felt stronger, not just in my body, but mentally. And when I felt stronger mentally, I was motivated to show up for my work cuz I was like, I am on it.
(10:29): I feel focused. And it’s so crazy, doing something as simple as lifting weights, as simple as adding in the extra salad and swapping that out from whatever it is that you might be eating, that that physical change can make a difference.
That big of a difference in your brain strength and in your heart that you begin to feel motivated and excited and stronger in your actual business, your focus level goes up, and your confidence level goes up. And when all of those things are kind of working together, you’re motivated, there’s no way around it.
(11:02): My third way, my third tip to stay motivated is to set monthly attainable, keyword, monthly attainable stretch goals. When you have goals that, you know, you can hit, you can actively work towards them and you can have so much excited anticipation that you’re doing the next right thing in your business.
If you guys are chasing after these humongous, lofty goals, that you actually have no idea how to hit, you’re kind of shooting in the dark. Maybe they’re so big and you have no idea how to do it, that you do absolutely nothing. Those are gonna make you feel discouraged. You’re gonna hide from your work.
You are not going to feel motivated, but when you have monthly attainable stretch goals, you know what? This month I’m just gonna show up consistently and record my podcast. I’m gonna be super dedicated and I’m gonna do it twice a week for four weeks. And you know that and you write it down.
That’s only eight episodes. I’m gonna go ahead and sketch out what those eight episodes are gonna be. It’s gonna be about this, here’s the time I’m gonna do it. You have the time in there.
(12:12): You know that’s the one thing that you can do to move the needle forward in your business when you’re working from home, you’ve planned it in, you know when you’re gonna show up for that thing.
And the truth is because you know, it’s attainable, yet not too easy. So it’s a stretch goal, but you know it’s attainable. You’re gonna show up for it. And as you begin to gain traction on your goal, you’re gonna get so close, guys, a month flies by. It absolutely flies by.
So every month I have one major attainable stretch goal in my business. Sometimes I’m able to achieve more than one. That’s okay, but I just have one, the one thing. What’s the one thing you are doing this month to move the needle forward? You can call this a focus goal. You can call it a stretch goal.
(13:00): It’s the one thing that if you do that, everything feels a little closer. Success feels a little more real. And it’s something that is not a time-waster. It is something that really does impact the growth of your business.
You’re gonna show up, you’re gonna be super motivated because you’re gonna show yourself that you can. You can do something hard. You can be consistent. And then for me, I’m addicted to it.
When you look backward, I can see 12 specific, humongous, incredible goals that I have achieved in the past 12 months. Do you know how amazing that feels?
And then go take a look at what your downloads and your income levels look like when you stick to your 12 focus goals, there is absolutely zero chance that you don’t have an increase in all of your metrics from month one to month twelve if you are showing up with stretch goals that you can actually achieve.
(13:52): And then you’re so motivated cause you’re like, this is working. I’m growing in my mind. Not giving up on personal development. Still learning. I am not overconsuming, but I have a healthy balance of intentional personal development.
And I know how to plug it in, in a way that makes sense in my schedule. I’m working out, I’m meeting clean. I’m feeling really healthy in my body.
I have lots of energy and now I also have these monthly goals that help me really move the needle, get some traction and feel so proud of myself at the end of a 30-day period.
(14:26): And then, I have a bonus motivation tip for you. I want you to get with other like-minded business owners in a peer-led mastermind, which I’m actually recording a peer-led mastermind episode for you, guys, it’s gonna be coming out in the next week or two, how to create your own peer-led mastermind.
It’s been incredible. The one that I have set up and been in for gosh, almost a year and a half now, maybe even two, crazy. Or better yet getting together with people in person. It’s important that you find your people. I want you guys to find it, and that’s why Podcast to Profit is so incredible.
It’s my 90-day immersion mastermind program for podcasters. You get to hang out with other people who are faith-led. They are entrepreneurs just like you. We’re so legit though.
We totally show up with our mom buns and our coffee and we find our people and they connect with each other and they create pods and they are in each other’s Voxer, just encouraging and helping and motivating and inspiring.
(15:26): And when you have someone to run the race with, it’s so much less boring. It’s also less hard because somebody’s right there with you feeling the pain and getting the blister and wanting a drink of water and wanting to give up. And you’re right there. But you know if you give up, they give up.
Running the race with someone else is just a huge motivator to show up in your business, especially when you’re working from home. And sometimes that can feel isolating and a little bit lonely.
How incredible for you to be able to know that somebody else is right there, a quick Voxer, a quick zoom call away to help you show up and keep pursuing the dream that God placed in your heart. Keep running the race well.
(16:14): I pray this blessed you. God bless you. May our incredible God of strength, may our incredible God who opens a way for you, who pours out His love and His encouragement.
May He motivate you, may He pour inspiration into your spirit, may He be an everlasting light in your life just encouraging you to keep moving forward. Keep stepping into your dream.
Keep showing up consistently, no matter what, even when it feels hard, may He just guide you forward, be with you, and walk beside you. And I pray that you continue showing up for the dream.
You continue showing up for His glory, faithfully serving Him until the end. May God bless you. May He be your strength. I’ll see you guys soon. Bye.
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