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Hey love!
I’m so excited to bring you the PROFITABLE PODCAST SERIES! In this 5 day exclusive series you will learn 5 specific, actionable steps you can take to SCALE your show. These are strategies I teach inside of Podcast to Profit Mastermind, and now I’m handing them to you, completely free.
We will be going over how to use titles that CONVERT using my formula, how to optimize your podcast workflow to save time, the number 1 way to scale your show past 100,000 downloads, 3 ways to monetize your podcast, and how to pitch your stuff inside your podcast!
Are you ready for your podcast to rank on the charts? Want to create an offer that your listeners can’t resist? Ready to use SEO, visibility, and Pinterest to grow your show the easy way?
Join me in Podcast to Profit. A live, 90-day intensive group coaching mastermind.
Partner tactical training, accountability and a group of faith-fueled, go-getter entrepreneurs on a mission and what do you get?
If you’re ready to have my eyes all over your Podcast content, and offers on a weekly basis, this is the Program for you!
Massive results. Traction. Momentum… and Profit.
Hey girl, hey, we are back at the podcast to profits series or shall I say in the? Welcome back! We are talking today about the number one way to scale past 100,000 downloads. And y’all not only is this something that I have done for myself x5 at this point.
But something I have done for dozens of other podcasters, which is super cool and helped dozens and dozens of people scale past 10,000 downloads all by using this one hack. And that is not to toot my horn or to be a fancy pants, but to tell you that it works and it’s free and it’s going to change your life.
So we’re going to go into that today. I know you’re going to love this. I hope you are loving this podcast to profits series. If you are, please take a screenshot for me, post it in your Instagram stories and tag me @stefaniegass. I’m giving away some free coffees, girls!
What, Stef, is the number one way to scale past 100K? The number one way is to get podcast visibility, right? So how can we get visibility on our show? We are going to use titling, strategies like I taught you in the first episode this week, we talked about podcast titles that convert. If you didn’t listen, go listen to Monday’s episode TSAK formula.
That’s going to bring you lots of visibility, organic traffic. People are going to search for something and find your show. Okay? That is huge. That is a great thing that you can do to bring people in without ever dropping a dollar on paid advertising, which brings me to option two paid advertising, which you can do.
But I don’t think that that is a great option for 99% of you, because I actually recommend that you don’t start using paid advertising until you have at a six figure organic business, because it takes a lot of investment to test ads, to run advertising, and you don’t really have that free cash flow when you’re still trying to scale this business.
And I also believe in proof of concept. So organically proving your niche, your market, your keywords, your demographic, your podcast titles, your concepts, and your courses before running ad money to it. Otherwise you just end up wasting a whole bunch of money, driving traffic to something that isn’t the thing. Believe me. I know, I’ve done it. So save yourself that trouble.
Now, the third way that I do highly recommend that we scale past 100 K is called podcast guesting, podcast pitching. And there is an art and science here that I teach you in Podcast to Profit. My 90 day mastermind program that is kicking off, you guys, in a couple of short weeks away with only a few spots left wink, wink.
But basically there’s a formula where you find specific podcasts based on a formula that I provide you. I give you my entire pitch formula, my entire pitch script to get on those podcasts along with some cool hacks that we’ve learned as a team to get secured on a really epic shows.
Guys, I have been featured on podcasts that have 40 million, 20 million, 2 million, all over the place shows that or hugely successful, way bigger than my show. Why and how? Because podcast pitching is actually an art. It is a science and there is a specific methodology to making sure that it’s gonna work for you. You don’t just want to hit up 10 people randomly be like, ‘Hi, can I be on your podcast?’ That is not going to work.
You are not going to get secured those interviews. And it’s super important that you have a specific strategy in mind because you want to only show up for your niche, for the people who are going to eat up your content, come over and subscribe. You don’t want to waste your time. Okay? So podcast pitching is a phenomenal way to get seen. Imagine you show up on a show that’s three times your podcast size.
You bless their audience with something epic that you know, one of the things you’re super confident in that you talk about all the time and that person’s blown away, their audience is blown away. They air your show. And within 30 days you see an uptick in your own personal downloads because that person’s audience came over and subscribe to your show. The other cool thing that happens is they start buying all your stuff in the future.
So after you guys have monetized, this is such a great way to sell your things without ever having to sell, people just show up and they are begging for your products and services just because they like who you are and you’ve already vetted by the person that they trust. Okay? Like, it works. Believe me. After being on a couple of really large shows, I had an increase in my downloads those subsequent months, right after that of like 20%.
And I also saw a revenue bump because all those people were converting and it still works. Why? Because podcasting is evergreen. Those people’s interviews with you stay up on their show forever. So anytime somebody searches for your name or their name, you’re there and you get that free visibility for forever. So that is going to be the number one way to scale past 100 K.
So if you want to start employing that strategy, I am super excited, you guys, because in Podcast to Profit, we spend an entire week on podcast pitching. Okay. I do an entire hour and 15 minute training on the formula for pitching on my script. I give you our method, the followup calendar, all of it. So you will be able to just walk in my footsteps to start securing really awesome interviews for yourself.
And this is something that I’ve done proven. I’ve been able to secure those really large shows. And I reverse engineered it. How did I get on those shows? How did I get on podcasts with 40 million downloads? And I wrote down that process and I wrote down those scripts and I’ve put it all together for you guys inside of, I believe it’s like week five or six of Podcast to Profit, the mastermind program that I run for podcasters.
So you can do it yourself. That’s fine. Or you can just join us in the rest of the amazing podcast to profit content, and also walk away with my podcast pitching training, which is super, super amazing guys. I literally, I can’t speak highly enough to investing in yourself so that you can really start to get big results, right? It takes money to show up for yourself, it takes getting uncomfortable to grow. Growth equals change, okay.
And growth equals discomfort. So when we say yes to ourselves and invest in ourselves, something’s on the line, and when something’s on the line, we work harder for it. Not to mention all the crazy accountability that comes with Podcast to Profit because you’re showing up bi-weekly for power coaching. So I actually help you with your podcast pitching, I actually help you to look at the different types of podcasts that you could potentially be on.
I’m actually helping you craft titles that convert, I’m helping you map out the keywords that are going to be the best fit for you. I’m actually helping you implement a new podcast workflow. I have a guest come on and teach you guys how to plug in a workflow. That’s plug and play. That’s going to help you save tons of time and be super organized, like it’s all in there.
So you can take this week’s five day podcast to profit series and run with it. That will be awesome. I will be super excited. And the only thing that I need from you is a share of this episode, a screenshot and a share in your stories, tag me, or you can draw your line in the sand and you can say, you know what? I’m doing this.
I am making this a business. I’m going to make my podcast, my funnel, my business. And I’m going to create some courses in a program and I’m going to make it profitable. And I’m here to tell you guys that after working with so many women in the past three and a half years, specifically on this one business model around a year, a year and a half, two years at the latest, the flood gates burst open. Why?
Because it’s a long game. We are playing the long game, setting a foundation of stone. Building our house on solid rock. Plugging in all the components of a scalable business model so that all we have to do is show up and pour fuel on the fire. Okay? So the first year is work.
It’s podcasting, optimizing, it’s showing up, it’s doing these podcasts interviews. It’s doing all of the things. I’m going to teach you inside a Podcast to Profit. But then after that, it’s like, oh my gosh, everything is optimized. All I’m going to do is bless people with my content. I’m getting faster, I’m getting better.
I’m getting more notoriety within my niche. People know of me. I’m getting interviews faster and easier. And then I create this thing and I’m monetizing. And I’m just pouring fuel on that fire, showing up, that flood gate will burst open.
I’ve seen it over and over and over again. I have students. I’ve had students make $75,000 months, you guys, $16,000 months, I’ve had law students launched with $2,000 launches, $11,000 launches, like people will say spend money with you when they believe in you, when they trust you. And that trust and belief comes from sticking with something long enough for it to change. Not only you, but them.
They’ve got to know you’re here for them for the longterm. So if you are in and you were like, Stefanie, I am so doing this. I need this to become my thing, my business, my passion, my heart. I want you to join me in Podcast to Profit. Come apply that a few spots left, one of them’s for you, girl, cause I’ve been praying over this. And I know that if it’s right for you, you will know.
I want you to go to Podcast to Profit, so click on courses and masterminds, or you can just go to Get your application in right away. There are 20 women. It is super exclusive. It is intimate, focused attention. You get power coaching with me, office hours with my team, accountability, sisterhood, community. I mean it literally has everything.
Go look at the curriculum on the sales page. I mean, and just tell me this. Doesn’t have every single thing you need to go next level with your show. I’m going to meet you back here tomorrow. As we dig into number four of our four day series, and that is going to be all about three ways you can monetize your podcast and knowing which one is right for you.
So be sure you’re subscribed because you’re not gonna wanna miss tomorrow’s super juicy podcast to profit series episode Three ways to monetize your podcast and which one is right for you. And don’t forget to get your application in because we only have a few spots left.
(12:40): We kick off in just a couple of weeks, the first week of August for the fall Podcast to Profit program. And that is that I’ll meet you back here tomorrow for another day of podcasting hacks. God bless!
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Have you ever wondered how much money a podcast with just a thousand downloads can make? It’s probably more than you think, but not in the method you think.
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Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jaclyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jaclyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
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I'm Stef Gass.
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
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Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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