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from psalm chapter 18
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Going from a super-successful job in a corporate setting to leaping into the unknown. Chasing after a calling…a dream that doesn’t quite make sense yet. Hanging out somewhere between…can I really do this? and I’ve got to try!
This coaching session is for you if you need help mapping out your passion, uncovering your calling, and crafting a specific brand roadmap for 2020. Lyn-Tise Jones and I go deep and discover her next moves as she navigates out of her full-time gig into uncharted territory as a confidence coach and communication curator.
I pray this blesses you!
Hey girl, welcome to episode number 128 of the podcast and happy flipping new year. It is 2020. We are gonna be doing some big things this year. Sister, I’m excited to have you here with me. I am just bearing it all this month. We are gonna be talking about some juicy stuff. I hope you listen to the episode 127 about me breaking up with Instagram. If you haven’t for sure listen to that after this one. And there’s so many more juicy things coming. We are about to jump into the 10 by 10. We are a few short downloads away from 100,000. Ah, oh my gosh, brain explosion. I’m so excited, get ready.
I’m gonna be gifting coaching sessions, two 30-minute strategy sessions. In today’s episode, we are doing a coaching session. I am doing a coaching session with my friend Lyn Tise, who basically you guys, she is just this incredible powerhouse.
She’s way, way, way successful in corporate, but she’s navigating out of corporate. She wanted to figure out what the heck to do with her passions. We uncovered a brand new focus for her. We did a brand curation roadmap with her and you guys are gonna love the aha moments, the breakthroughs that we really came to get. And it’s just so good., it’s gold. And then I want you to apply all of the things that I did with Lyn to your business, so that you have clarity moving forward in this brand new year. So buckle up, grab your notebook. And if you are interested in finding out more about Lyn after this episode, she’s on the IG at LynTiseJ.
What do I wanna do, where do I wanna go, because I’m all over the place. Like I love digital storytelling. Sometimes I think about being like an influencer podcast, but then I also love to write a lot because sometimes I also don’t wanna talk to people. I’m as much as I am, an external processor, I’m also like introverted too. So it’s like this weird balance. You’re an ambivert. You’re me. Have you ever heard of that term? And I have a lot of fun. I have three kids and I’m married. So like wanting to elevate that.
Then people are always like, oh you and your husband and your kids are so great. I’m like, you don’t see behind the scenes. Like yeah, we work really hard. It’s kinda showing my mess a little bit, you know, thinking about that. And then the other thing I think, because of like my line of work, people know I have faith in God, but I’m more restricted. So kind of learning back how to bolster, like my belief in faith and not like try to hide it. Like, oh, there’s just something special about me and like sharing a little bit more.
But what I appreciate, like one time you posted about like what it means to be a Christian for you and how like, occasionally you may like let a curse word slip or this trying to also find my place. Because if I am faith based like hell, I’m never gonna cut the mustard like for that population of people. Light and joy, you know? So I hope you got something outta all of that. I love that so much. And here’s the beauty of it. It’s we are all these beautiful multifaceted people and we have all of these great gifts and the things you’re doing today are grooming you for tomorrow.
It’s hard to differentiate between what do I take with me and what’s the number one core thing. But that’s what I can dig out of you I hope today. Because if we can get you clarity on the one common denominator in all of these things and you can go and build a brand around that, that’s your brand, and that’s your message. I think that is where you start to gain clarity on what’s next. Right. That’s the number one goal is what are we doing? I wanna ask you a couple clarifying questions.
Is what are we doing something you know, for sure is gonna be online, like a passive brand? I think I want it to be, I think I’m just scared. Like yeah, I want it to be. Do you have a brand online yet? No. That’s even easier, because otherwise we’re like doing all this work cause I’ll be like, now you have to change it. And people hate when I say that. Let’s talk about what’s your zone of genius. If you could really dig into all of those beautiful things you said to me that you’re passionate about passions are a different thing than what you’re gifted at. You did mention digital storytelling and writing.
But expand on that for me versus what else do you think is like you would do it all day, every day? You’re not making money from it. It lights you up, and you’re obsessed with it. Can you figure out one core thing that you think you’re really great at? Yeah, I know it. I just don’t know how to make money off of it. Of building relationships. Like my core gift is like talking to people like, whether you’re the janitor or the CEO, like I am invested in people. I love that so much. So building relationships.
What type of relationships do you see yourself building? Is it like business relationships? Is it networking in general? Do you link people together? What type of relationship building? I do definitely link people together, but it’s more like, it’s the person who let’s say who’s at the networking party who feels awkward and feels shy to talk to someone else. Like those are my kind of people. Like I guess the best way I can describe I’m here for the underdog, the ones who are like the left out or forgotten, I make it a point to connect with them. Making people feel important.
Communication relationship building. Now let’s talk about when you look at this brand. And we think about a year from now, whether or not you’re still working at your job, who are the people that we are impacting with this gift, this gift of communication, this gift of maybe it’s even like, um, client communication, like teaching people. Because you and I have a very easy time meeting with anybody. They’re comfortable, they feel like they can open up to me right away. But I think 90% of people really struggle with that. And I think that is something teachable.
You just have to get clear on why we’re teaching it and to who and come up with like a core promise to those people and that’s how we build something tactical. So who are the people we wanna help? Who do you enjoy the most? Do you enjoy a certain woman? Is it couples? Is it business people who do you enjoy the most? Good question. I love women. I tell my husband all the time. Like, I don’t even notice guys, but I’m like that girl’s butt is banging. And I’m like, oh my gosh, I just wanna give her a hug because I just love us.
And the stories that we share, like it’s the power that we have with one another. So definitely women and women who are in spaces, who, who are looking to, activate and other women as well. How else can we give her a personality? Is she married? Is she not married? Does she work? Is she introverted? Is she a business woman? It’s such good question. Definitely, I feel like introverts flock more to me. That’s why I’m always tired, because I feel like they make me work harder. Definitely married or maybe newly married. Younger someone who is malnourished in the love department. Like socially awkward.
Who maybe feels unloved, not beautiful. So really big two words came in for me when you were explaining all of that one was confidence. And the other was tap into your extrovert, like capture your confidence or something where it’s like, you’re teaching that woman who is afraid to step into her own power. And inside of that, it’s confidence building. It’s teaching them how to, you know, step into your confidence so that you can effectively, grow relationships, whether that be business or personal.
I think what scares me then is because I, and I know this is not a therapy session, but I’m putting it here. Because I wanna do this, because I think that it will bolster my confidence because I feel like I am very confident, but when it comes to like feeling like I’m guiding or facilitating others through their own confidence journey, like on a larger platform, as opposed to like me and you just like are in the same room. But here’s what you have to remember when you’re building something online. You’re not talking to everyone.
You’re talking to one woman sitting in the corner, wishing she had the confidence to go into the middle of the room and make a friend, the woman who wants to build and scale a business online. But she’s terrified of what everyone else will think of her. If she opens her mouth, even though she has the tools and the things to say she’s in her own way, that’s all. That’s who you’re speaking to. And you have the gift you said of going up to that underdog and pulling them out of their shell and activating their confidence. So remember, you could have a thousand people that were following you and listening to you, but you’re only talking to one.
I tell myself that all the time, because I’m like, should I really share this? Or should I not? You know, like if I’m gonna talk about a pimple or like something awkward and I’m like, yes, I should, because Lindsay is gonna laugh her butt off. When I talk about this, I wanna resonate with one woman. And if I’m polarizing to everyone else, It’s okay. That was so yummy. If we have this brand for a second, is it confidence specific? Like, do we think that’s the thing? Is it something like claim your confidence?
I really enjoyed what you said about tap into your extrovert. I think because that like confident is just a pillar, right, under that umbrella. And I love that because like, believe it or not, when I was younger, I was super shy. And so I have gained some skills along the way that have helped me to be where I am. So that gives me actually more confidence to be like, oh no, I have something to teach you right here. So the few pillars that I’ve jotted down, like if we were to roll with, tap into your extrovert for now would be confidence, building communication skills, relationship building, networking.
But like, and all that sounds all businessy and boring, but here’s the beauty. What I teach is businessy and boring, right? I’m like, hi, email marketing and podcasting, but I’m doing it in a way that’s my flare. You would bring your flare to those things by using visual examples, by talking about what makes you feel more confident. And you might say like, you know, I put on my cheetah sweater and I’m feeling good right now. And now like what are those things? Cause, remember who you’re talking to? It’s not the businessman that needs to be confident in a sales presentation.
It’s the secretary at her job that she’s terrified to go ask for the raise or it’s the mom that’s afraid to go have that hard communication with her husband. How does that feel? That feels really good. Because I’m already thinking about like my steps and my steps are always like praying, journaling, reflecting. So I’m thinking of something like when I go to the tagline, I always think in terms of podcastings because it helps my brain. So we go big brand is something like tap in your extrovert, right? Yeah. Then you have a tagline, which is the promise and for who.
Then we have this whole pillar piece or this what it would be the podcast description, which is all the SEO terminology that she would be searching for. And we have content. So we’ve got this four tiers to building something for you that you can run with. So if we’re gonna use tap in your extrovert, what I’m thinking of as a tagline is something like blank for the powerful Christian woman. Cause if you want it to be, if you’re gonna be talking about prayer and worship music, and that’s a huge component of finding your power, which I totally am with you, let’s go there, go to that micro niche.
Don’t be afraid of that because do you know how many people are Christians and women that are struggling with all of those pillars that are missing for her? So how else can we, what other words do we want in that tagline that’s like super clear? Like, I don’t wanna use the word resources, but something like Resources for the powerful Christian woman or master your confidence for the powerful Christian woman. I love that. And here is why I think that people assume like once you decide that you are a Christian, you automatically like embody the power.
I mean, we do, we embody the power of Christ, but some of us who have been damaged or not, because it can be all of these things that society has taught us, right. About our role as a woman and as a Christian, you have to learn how to get there. And so I really do like the master your own confidence and not being afraid to be like, I’m not really feeling confident, you know? And I think too, you can teach them through this because you have these great stories you can share. If you’re willing to get really vulnerable with that one woman, remember, and pull these stories where she’s gonna resonate and say, oh my gosh, I’ve been through something hard like that.
You can show her how rebuilding a relationship with Christ was healing and how it brought you more confidence and clarity and how it led you to the steps where you are today. And I think you have, because of your past the visual storytelling that will have her resonate with you. So, and it is, it’s all mastering it. It’s building into it. It’s confidence, it’s power. And it’s for the Christian woman. It’s like an open diary kind of concept, it’s you and me, and we’re gonna go grab coffee or a cocktail and we’re sitting down and I’m telling you I am so afraid to blank to have this hard conversation.
I’m going to the networking event, or I’m afraid to ask for the raise. I’m afraid because of my own limiting beliefs in myself. And you talking into me the power of belief in my own heart. And you saying, look at all the things you have to offer, let’s practice communication. Let’s practice confidence building. Let’s talk about how the Holy Spirit plays into you finding your worth. It’s like these coffee conversations between two friends. And you know what, that just made me think of, like, I’ve been playing with this in my mind. Like what would I brand my show or whatever. Like, I love my name because it’s super unique. But it has this feeling like I’m your new best friend. Like, I want that feeling.
So when you’re talking about coffee and conversation and mirroring back, like, I definitely want that to be the platform. So now I’m just thinking, when you’re saying master your own confidence, your new best friend. Like how could I put your new best friend in there? Or like, I think what you just said, like, okay. So when we go into the description of this Hey friend, or Hey sister or something like that, cause we wanted her to know it’s for her. Are you sitting somewhere between I can see my potential, but I’m afraid to claim it. Don’t worry, I’ve so been there. I wanna take you on a journey of mastering your confidence and reclaiming the power that you know lives within you.
I’m gonna take you through the pillars of tapping into your extrovert so that you don’t have to be afraid to live your life anymore. We’re gonna learn confidence, communication, relationship building, networking. And we’re gonna break it down to some worship music, sister. You better believe you’re gonna have some fun. Hey I am your new best friend. Grab your confidence hat and let’s dig into the show or, and let’s tap into your extrovert. Yes. I love it. That’s the opening video like right there, the SEO in the podcast. That’s the opening of the show. So now we have three tiers done. Let’s start digging into what’s the content look like.
What’s the tacticals that she walks away with. And of course, there’s always the question of how do I make money with this? So, I think we can brainstorm that as well. So let’s first talk about what do you think the tacticals are that you can teach her in each of these pillars that we’ve identified? We wanna go into her brain, let’s give her a name by the way. We’ve talked about who she is. She’s introverted, married, younger, a little bit socially awkward, she’s afraid of the hard conversation. And, she’s afraid of her own success. Her power is intimidating to her, right?
What’s her name? So what’s interesting, what came to me is my nickname TT, everyone called me TT. And so if I think about talking to TT, like that’s my person. She is so scared of her power and Lindsays embody it. And, I could even play on like sometimes I do ebb and flow between Lindsays and TT. And I have to be like, I got you come on TT. But let’s start with confidence. What can you teach her inside of confidence building? Like, not just the fluffy, like, oh, we should feel good about who we are, but like, is there a tool? Or something you did that shifted your confidence.
I guess it was just a matter of deciding how much I wanted to live. Like it literally got harder for me to be smaller, like, or how do I describe it? I also don’t wanna say like life is too short because people know that and it’s overused. But like, what the hell do you have to lose? Like what do you have to lose? I want you to say that kind of stuff in your show. Like, you know, what the hell do you have to lose? I think that, I also said, so having that, like what do you have to lose mindset? So that’s a mindset piece. I think also for me, when I think about myself, it was taking action even though, and it built confidence.
And then practicing built confidence for me. I wasn’t confident the first time I had to stand up in front of a room. I was like kind of peeing my pants at the same time as like sweating profusely and thought I was gonna die. But now I’m like, what up people I’m like, I don’t care. But it took so much practice to grow confidence. I think that’s where you can really hone in for her. Is that confidence is a muscle. And then each episode that you talk about confidence, cause you could do each pillar has an episode and then rotate through again and again, and again. You can do like, here’s what it is. Here’s the confidence muscle of the week, the exercise that we’re gonna do.
Give her a story of how you did it or how a guest did it. And then you give her a homework assignment to go grow her confidence muscle this week. You just have to have a made up mind to do it. For me, for those of us who like to do things and do them really well, like that will limit you for a long time. Because if you don’t have it all figured out, then normally you won’t do it. Or at least I have it for 10 years. And that’s a lesson you can share. Cause it’s something you struggled with. And then say for you guys, this week’s homework assignment is to do something without it being perfect.
I want you to go right now and go live or do an Instagram story or write that post or write that letter that you’ve been meaning to write to someone, get it done. And I want you to do it before you’ve even prepared, like give them something tactical that they have to do, because when that woman starts to see her confidence growing and she starts to see her extrovert come out, she’s coming back. Let’s go to the next one which would be something like communication, I think, cause that’s an extrovert trait that we really want to grow for her.
How did we get better at communicating? And I know we’re natural at it, but if we think about, was there anything that stood out as like communication got easier when. When you realized that your voice also matters, okay. That you have a responsibility to represent the people who are coming in with you, who may not have access to the seat that you’re holding right now. I think too, like that brought me that visual of your two steps ahead of the people that you wanna talk to, so I love that. Especially when you’re talking to the woman that’s having business communication issues, you know?
What else helped me a lot in communication was just really listening. Cause I was always trying to think about what I should say next. And it made it odd and awkward, and so anxiety built, like the longer you sat there, you’re like, oh, at first I wasn’t nervous now I’m very nervous. Cause I have all these thoughts and I don’t know what to say. So like listening and just kind of trying to have that natural flow really helps ease communication. The other one that came up was being authentic, especially when you’re talking about the online space.
That’s what I wanna focus on is authenticity and integrity, having much to say and how much not like I tell my son, like we have lots of words, baby. You just can’t say ’em all in one night. Especially not like when it’s time to go to sleep. That’s another story you’re bringing in a story that she can relate to, because she’s got kids. I’m pretty sure most of them, and you’re saying you guys, when your kid comes out 17 times at night with a million different stories, how do you feel about communication? Like don’t be that person, but also don’t be the person that’s afraid to communicate.
It’s this sweet spot of listening, having honest conversations with people. So all of that goes in there. So the next pillar we talked about was relationship building. We are great at relationship building because why? I keep going back to authenticity. Like, it’s not about treat others how you wanna be treated, it’s treat others how they wanna be treated. And, have your expectations of how you wanna be treated and don’t flex. And then I would go into a story of all the thousands and millions of times that I flexed.
How I felt after like most of this has all been learned by being beat up. And that’s so cool though, because the reason that you had to go through that is you had to resonate with her. Everything we’ve ever been through in our life up until this point is because we need to use it for testimony because we need to use it to teach someone else. Now also with relationship building, a big piece for me that comes through with that is you are intimidated. Like if we’re talking about networking or the work sphere or even showing up on social, I think inside of, even maybe its own well, its own pillar, is confidence.
Somewhere in here we wanna talk about how do you get over your own insecurity? I would tell her, I think about who she is and what she wants out of it rather than what she thinks the other person is going to get out of it. And then when you think about like your friend, like you go back into, how would I talk to that friend? You know what I mean? And so regardless of who you end up doing a coaching session for, like I’m still talking to my friend. So it’s a way of almost like psyching yourself out.
Cause we’re talking about skills. So tapping into your extrovert, like when you’re talking to this person, like you see them, but you see your friend and you give the same advice that you would do. So I think any exercise that you can think about that helps her practice, that would be really great to add in the next one we talked about was kind of in line with that. It was networking. So I think you could probably pair, we’ve kind of talked about networking already, but okay. Anything else you think fits into that.
And then the final one, the final pillar that we talked about was like spirituality, prayer, worship that being a piece of building confidence. And so, I mean, hello? Like how to pray, how to get into relationship with God, how to let Holy Spirit lead your steps in your mindset. I’m always like God open my mouth and move my feet. I don’t know what I’m gonna say right now, but you say it for me. And then understanding that that takes like a different depth and dimension to understand. Cause I think like when I first came into like becoming a Christian, I’m like, but can you just call me on the phone? Cause I’m like, no, what I’m doing? Like, do you hear me? And, and, and for so long, I’m thinking, oh, I’m walking by myself, I’m trying this.
Then it’ll be like, it’s the almost random time. Like I was really upset about something last weekend. And I had been praying for an answer literally when I decided that I was gonna finally let this thing go. Like after days I walked to the refrigerator and heard what I needed to hear, it was like, what? So, really teaching about how I feel like God calls us to also have a relationship with ourselves. Even when you don’t have that clear answer, when you move your feet, He’ll just direct. It’s trusting in yourself enough to know that even if I take the wrong step, God will pivot for me.
But I have to take the step to even be pivoted. You know, what’s beautiful is you might, we might start with this brand. And then in 12 months from now, you’ve gotten so much feedback from this beautiful community of TTs that you’ve built, that they’re like, hold on, I need blank at a deeper level. And your customer and your listener will gift you what’s next. It’s always that way for me. I don’t even have to worry, because I know the right client’s calling me. I know the right questions are coming in to give me clarity on what’s next. So, I don’t even worry about it. But it took me starting somewhere and then rebranding a couple times until I finally felt in alignment.
I’m so used to also working with people who are non-believers and a lot of them, I’ve also made really great connections with, and they’re wonderful people. But we are not aligned in our faith necessarily. So what I really like about your brain is because you’re bold. Did you always know that you wanted to be that bold because I don’t wanna waiver or compromise. Do I not do that, but then just hold true to who I am. So I’m like, I don’t know what to do. So I didn’t at first because I thought, oh, it’s too polarizing. And I want, I need, you know, I wanna help the entrepreneur woman or the mom. And here’s the situation. There was always this piece of me that felt inauthentic.
Every day everything I did was coming from God and I was hiding that. That’s where the success was coming from. That’s where the clarity and the business, all the things. And so finally we are called to just be truth. And so I was like, look, if I’m gonna be truth, they’re just gonna get it all. Like there’s not one piece of me that I’m gonna hide anymore. The right person will find it. And here’s the beauty of it, I have so many listeners that aren’t Christians. Wow. And they’re like, we listen to your show anyway for the content.
But they’re staying on for the prayer. They’re staying on with me. There’s more change my message to you is that if that’s a huge piece of what this woman needs, don’t be afraid of it. And remember, God gives you whatever you need. So whatever you say, you know, just ask him to put his favor behind it and to give you the words that will change hearts. And I think you have to speak from that place. Now, that being said, you could keep Christian out of the tagline, it could be master your confidence for the powerful woman, and then be you on the air.
Not every show talks about Christianity. When they hear it, they’re like, oh, um, yeah. You just have to decide how big is that piece of this brand. Well, I think very similar to you. I can’t, there’s no way that I can have these conversations and not express like how I’m feeling led by the Holy Spirit. Like it’s never gonna be a time where I’m like, oh, I just woke up like this. Like, no, I prayed through this. There’s your answer. So let’s talk about, we have right here 50 podcast episodes. 30 to 50. Like between talking about who TT is. All of her pain points, all of these pillars we’ve just identified. We went through specific examples of things we would teach inside of each pillar.
You have a podcast it’s already built my gosh. And I’m gonna encourage you to do a podcast over video because of who she is. I think that she is probably listening. This is how you build a brand, this is how you find your avatar. This is how you start from zero. Solve her problems for free, change her heart for free. Give her change, give her change for free, right? Cause that’s what I want. Like more than anything, like, yeah. I don’t wanna be broke, I wanna be clear at that. I feel I’m learning my life’s purpose and goal is to like, well, I don’t know what God has called me to, to do completely not in a pastoral role, but like in a sister role.
So I want you to leap on that. I’m gonna encourage you to do that for 90 days and then like, you gotta get that going, but in the background, how can we monetize this? Because the beauty is, as you start to grow this show, and of course you’re putting this stuff on Instagram, you’re kind of sharing when you have a new episode. Yeah. Across all the things and you may be like, oh, this makes me nervous. But how you can make money tomorrow would be confidence coaching. And this is taking TT on zoom. 30 minute confidence session. And you’re digging into, What is her one thing?
What are you struggling with? What’s this issue for you in these pillars? And you’re just talking it out with her, like a friend giving her tangible things to implement, to help change that. You don’t need anything to start doing that tomorrow. You need Zoom, which is free and a contract, which you can get a template online and it’s free, right? And PayPal for invoicing and it’s free. So you could start confidence coaching tomorrow. So that’s something that I would, I mean, I think that’s an awesome thing to do right away.
Second tier though, is you want something passive, but that is really, I think six months from now. Because you want to get the audience built and we wanna start hearing from her, what do you need? What do you want? Because she will give you the course. She’ll tell you what she wants and needs. And you’ll start hearing the same question as you coach. Every session you’ll hear the same things, and then you’ll go, okay, I’m answering these in the same way. I see a system coming to life. I’m gonna package it up as a course. And it really works like that.
You’re trying to do a transition that takes a whole lot of faith. You are attacked by the enemy every time. And there was a moment where I was like, I was going to go on staff for a different coach to do all her sales calls and convert. And I’m like, God, is this it? We don’t have any money coming in. Is this it? Nope. I I’m like, dang it. Like, where am I supposed to get money? And it was like, I had to trust the process that He had laid out. You are so right to have that perspective of I’m gonna trust this process for myself.
You’ve been hearing the call for two years. And so I’m proud of you for taking the steps to get it going. That being said, when we look at coaching and we think about, if you did like a confidence session with somebody, what do we wanna charge for that? And I think the question is for you is do you wanna take a client? You know, how many clients would be ideal for you? Let’s say in 90 days. Cause at first it’s gonna be slow. You’re gonna be just kind of getting your messaging out. But would you want like two or three clients a week? Are you like, I wanna, you know, blow it up with coaching at first and then transition into passive?
I would love like at least two clients per day, because again, I enjoy this like two to three people. I love talking to people and just listening. So my goal right now is I make, let’s just say like close to $500 a day. So my goal is at least to get back to $500 a day, like eventually they’re past that, but then I feel confident, like I’ve been making it on that salary, so that’s a bare minimum for me. If we had two, let’s start with, you know, the ultimate goal, let’s say a year from now. You had two clients a day at two $500 an hour, right? That is your salary that you’re making today, but you’re working two hours a day.
And you’re not just doing that though. I would think you have, by that point, you’ll have a VA that’ll be doing all of the contracts and stuff for you. Calendly is what I use to book. As you saw my process for that, you can reverse engineer that, you then have your podcast. That’s how you funnel in clients by the show. And so that would take, let’s say you did one a week, one episode a week. That was like 30 minutes, maybe two hours a week. So let’s say you’re working 1, 2, 3, 5, times 10. You’re working like 20 hours a week. And that’s zero passive.
At six months I want to meet with you again and say, where are we at? What are the questions we’re getting what’s happening in the coaching? And then we need to build a course, okay. That you launch in six months from today. And that’s where you start transitioning from now I only take premier clients that I wanna work with and I funnel everyone else into the course because it’s the same answers. It’s the confidence system that you will have built by then.
Well, I’m like, my mind is just blown, like as you’re talking, because I’m like, this can really happen. So if I’m looking like all crazy, like, oh my gosh, it’s, it’s really because I know I sound like so silly, but you see these things, you read these things. It’s a whole other thing when you step out and decide to do it as I’m sure you know, and I feel like a kid in the candy store because I’m like, all I know right now is like, I got the confidence and the guts and the permission from the Holy Spirit, I feel like I know nothing else. So I’m like everything that you’re telling me, I’m like, I believe because I know that God sent me on a journey for this.
Here’s when you feel that passion, like, you feel like you’re gonna wake up tomorrow. You’re not gonna be able to sleep, you’re gonna have all these ideas, this inspiration flowing through. You’re gonna already sit behind a $20 staticy mic like I did and be like, hi, here’s my story. Like, you’re gonna be so lit up for this new project that nobody can stop you. And that’s how you know, when you feel that, you know, that’s where you’re supposed to be and you just pour a fuel on it and you don’t get distracted and like nothing else is even in your vision for a year. That’s what you’re doing.
You will know like if God tugs at you within a year, it’s very clear. Or at least it has been for me, but it’s like, I’ll wanna get shiny object syndrome or I’ll want to diversify. And I’m like, no, He said, stay true to the call that I gave you. And every time I keep digging deeper and deeper, and I think I’m at a roadblock or something’s not working, working. The door breaks open. I see that for you because I can feel your excitement about this project. And it feels it’s so in alignment for you.
It’s gonna be so cool to watch these, these topics that every woman needs. She’ll actually internalize it because of the way you’re gonna deliver it in a fun, spicy, awesome way with visual storytelling. Like that’s why she’s gonna have success because you’re going to deliver it in a way that it’s best friend sitting down to a coffee jamming and working this out. I hope you loved that coaching session with Lyn Tise. If you wanna book a coaching session of your own and jam with me for an hour so that we can go through brand curation road mapping, podcast strategy, course creation or anything else, your little mompreneur heart desires. Let’s do this.
Head on over to your email and shoot us one it’s info@stefaniegass.com. I would love, I seriously, you guys, I live to help you. And every investment you make in yourself and in your business and in your mindset and in breaking through the blocks that are holding you back, it is worth the investment because it will explode your business, which in turn makes you so much more revenue than that tiny investment ever held you back. And every time I meet with a coach or invest in a course or do a mastermind and I can’t afford it, that’s the thing I needed to explode through the income barrier that I was facing.
So believe me, when I tell you, I promise you this will be worth it for your business. I just wanna leave you with a quick prayer sister. I want you to know that you are fueled with God’s glory over your life with His grace, that He is whispering into you the power, but you have to allow Him to move through you. So you can go out this year and make waves and impact change, and do the things that you know in your heart you can do. I pray that you let go of all the fears, shake it off, that you let go of “But how, but when, but I, but can I, but will I, but will people care?”
Let go of that because God will gift you the how, He will gift you the provision, the money, the resources. He will gift you a supportive spouse if you just get out of the way. I know that sounds hard and harsh. And you think Stefanie, you don’t get it. You don’t understand what I’m facing today, but let me tell you what, I do. I’ve been there. And here’s what I had to do. I had to rewire my mindset and let go so that I could let God. So I’m praying over you now that you know, the glory and heaven on earth is here. I’ve touched it. I’m living in it, I am sitting in His rest right now.
I can barely believe that this is my life, and I pray that over you now listening, my Lolas that God will put his hands upon you and lift you up and glorify your life and that you let Him work through you. I love you so much. Cheers to 2020. I can’t wait to do big things with you this year. I will meet you over in Instagram stories. If you haven’t shared a show yet, please do so. That is the number one way you can thank me. I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart. I will see you soon. As always, love and light, Stef.
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