defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
I never thought I’d see the day when I could come to you and say we consistently pass 100 sales per month. It was never on a vision board. Maybe one day…
Being a 7-figure business owner was not something I thought was possible for me. I knew I’d be a 6-figure business owner; I felt confident about that level of success. But where we’re growing now is something that is Kingdom. It wasn’t on my radar.
We grow into our fullest capacity as we can handle it. What God’s done with the business at this point, was too big for me to dream about because I wasn’t ready. I wasn’t able to shepherd, steward, or foster it in a Kingdom way.
Kingdom CEOs
Let’s talk about opening your mind to your own Kingdom capacity. To become a CEO in higher levels of leadership you didn’t even know were possible, you need to start to lean into them. Part of being a Kingdom CEO is recognizing the need to do things differently.
You will need to get in control of your mindset, develop leadership language, take terrifying action, and trust in God at this level you may have never thought would be available to you. When you step into this space and see what He will do, it’s surreal.
Let’s act “as-if” and start cultivating some of these traits now as you step into profitability, your first 6-figures, and then into the 7-figure space. It’s not all about making money, but it’s a piece of what we’re called to do as Kingdom CEOs. I’m not afraid of that and I hope you’re beginning to understand why that’s important for good people to do incredible things.
I’m sharing five things I’ve personally done to reach this point in my sales. Remember, this is 13.5 years in, so no one’s going to get here overnight. We’re going to go as slow as we have to grow so we can have big growth in whatever amount of time God deems possible.
Let’s start taking the right actions now so we can start seeing results faster. We’re diving into the five things I did to pass 100 sales per month consistently so you can begin to get there too.
No. 1: I Went All-In on One Long-Form Content Method
The method I chose was podcasting. It became the foundational place I showed up. I used to try to show up everywhere – a little bit on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. When I started the podcast in October 2018, I made a commitment to pour my entire heart and soul into podcasting. I wasn’t sure, didn’t have clarity, and did not have a fancy brand yet. I just started and was ridiculously consistent.
For you, the question is: What is your one long-form method going to be? In today’s world, with all the algorithms and pay-to-plays, plus the hyper-distraction of our listeners and consumers, you’re going to need to go all-in on one core method. What is that for you?
No. 2: I Stopped Pretending to Know it All & Did Tons of Market Research
This means you stop guessing what your brand is, what your people are saying, the title of your show, and what your offer should be. Go do the work to find out what people are actually saying.
Do you want to have breakthrough success? Sit down with the human beings you’re called to serve. Get in their brains.
In the past year, I have gone over and through approximately 4,000 lines of market research we have collected over the years. This has given me the clarity to uplevel our sales, marketing, and messaging. I recognized different points where the content was off, the copy was wrong, or I wasn’t landing correctly because I wasn’t using their verbiage.
This is a massive thing you can do right now to get so much more clarity so you can start getting many more sales per month. If your offer is falling on deaf ears because it’s the wrong positioning, you’re out.
No. 3: I Got Rid of Distracting Calls-to-Action
I’ve been asked:
Do you have ads on your podcast?
How do you drive traffic to the affiliate offers you have?
I drive traffic to my school; my courses are the way for people. Inside the courses, if people need a specific tool and I am an affiliate, I’ll promote that. Sometimes I have an episode that’s relevant to a specific item, and if I’m an affiliate, I’ll market it. I list all of these on my resources page.
Instead of being distracting by promoting all the different ways you help people, you need to be crystal clear on the one way you need them to take action. Figure out what your core offer is; then go hard on that one core offer. All the other things are supplemental.
What does it take for someone to get a massive result with you? That’s what you sell. That’s what you talk about consistently; over and over again. You have to be insanely persistent about what your offer is – in an authentic and inviting way, of course. You have to be the squeaky wheel with the one thing.
No. 4: I Created Outcome and Pain-Point Specific Content
My podcast got targeted. I began to focus on what you were asking about instead of what I wanted to talk about. I have a heavy focus on the tactical stuff you need. When you ask me a question, I make it into a podcast episode.
You submit Speakpipes and I literally bring your verbiage onto the podcast. I title the shows in ways you are experiencing the problems and pain points, with the outcomes you want.
If you want to increase your sales, you need to be laser-focused. If you want to go big, you need to niche down really small. Your marketing, messaging, and offers get hyper-focused. That’s where the secret sauce is to actually scaling.
Disclaimer: You’re not going to have 100 sales per month until you get one. You’re not going to have 100 sales per month until you get ten. You have to get your first sale and then become clear on how you got that sale.
If you come through Podcast to Profit, my 6-month group mastermind program, I have a training for how to figure out where your sales funnel is broken. It shows you where you can optimize and fix the leaks you have in your sales funnel. You will have all of these resources, along with how to do market research, figure out your one offer, sell, find the outcomes and pain points, and put it all together in beautiful messaging and packaging that’s going to get you sales.
No. 5: Strategic Selling
To get 100 sales per month, you can’t just briefly mention your offer. If you want to have an online business and use podcasting to grow, you have to get comfortable with sales. You have to step into a confident space where you will learn, stretch, grow, and sell things.
If your person has a problem and you know how to solve it, it’s not about you. It’s about them. It’s selfish not to sell the solution that can help someone. You’ve been gifted that solution by God for His glory.
To glorify Him and give back what He’s given you through your experience, give it to someone else. When we ask them to pay for it, they will show up and do the work. Money is simply a means of exchange. When people have something to lose, they are more willing to do the work. Asking for money for your offer is necessary. It’s how people are going to show up and get results.
I had to uplevel my selling. I went from cute, casual mentions to strategically positioning myself:
How will I show up on the podcast?
Where will I market?
What does that messaging look like?
There are 7-9 different methods of strategic selling I utilize. I’ve broken them down and created templates to help you strategically sell on your podcast. When you come into my 6-month group mastermind program, Podcast to Profit, you get all my templates. You will get to make them your own.
I know not everyone is a natural-born salesperson. I can help you grow into that place. There’s a lot of mindset involved in becoming confident in your voice and believing you are qualified. There’s also the tactical, “What do I say? Where do I put the pitch and how often?”
Get to 100 Sales Per Month Recap
In a nutshell, we consistently do 100-150 sales per month and it’s growing quickly. What did I do?
I went all-in on podcasting – there was no option of quitting – letting go of all the other things that were busy work. I eliminated everything the data did not show was growing my numbers. If you want to hang out with me, I’m on my podcast. I’m not in the groups, not on the socials, nor am I on the creepy TikTok. But I’m here on this podcast. I want you guys to get to this point where you’re unapologetically unavailable. If it’s not podcasting for you, it needs to be some other type of long-form content.
I did tons of market research. I have over 4,000 lines of market research. This is years of collection. But do you have five lines? How about three people you know who are in your niche? When you join Podcast to Profit, I give you the questions to ask. I take you through the market research interview process and show you how to go through the data to find the top things to focus on in terms of message, marketing, and SEO. Sit down with your peeps and listen. What are they saying?
I got rid of distracting CTAs. What’s the one core thing you offer? Is it a Facebook group or a coaching offer? Not both, plus your email list, freebies, and a tiny offer. No. This is confusing to your buyer and that’s why you’re not making the sale.
I created outcome and pain-point-specific content for my podcast. And I started strategic selling.
BONUS: I Upleveled My Brand
I’m not saying you have to uplevel your brand now. When you start hitting that 6-figure, multi-6-figure, revenue space, I want you to think about how it can be possible for you to go build the million-dollar brand – upgrade the website, logo, and podcast. Once you’re comfy at that 200-300K revenue level, it’s not going to be long before you can scale into a much higher space.
At 300-400K in revenue, I took the next step and completely revamped and revitalized the brand. The million-dollar brand now exists so I can grow into it.
Before you go, be sure to watch the free workshop!
This free workshop is for you if you want to grow an online business in less time.
It will teach you how to explode your audience without the social media hustle, make consistent sales using a podcast, and plan, record, and launch a podcast with ease!
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
Is podcasting right for you? You’re about to find out. I was going through our weekly market research report that one of my interns pulled together for us and found that you have many podcasting questions.
Visit the free resources section and find out which software I personally use and recommend. Become an affiliate, or discover other trusted resources I have to help you succeed on your business and faith journey.
I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
I'm Stef Gass.
hey friend!
Get clear on your calling in 4 weeks or less so you can start your online business with confidence.
Apply for my 6-month group coaching program for podcasters! Build your offer, learn to sell, and scale.
Visit the Stefanie Gass School to discover what step you're on and and learn which course is right for you!
Launch a podcast in less than 30 days! 12 simple steps to go from idea to successful podcast.
Let's work together!
Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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