defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
In this post, we are going to talk about how to boost your profit potential because maybe you’re in a new season in your business. A season where you are serious about really drawing your line in the sand and taking this seriously so that you can actually create something that:
Makes Money
Is Growing
And Is Optimized
I hope you are in a space and a place of feeling this fresh wind leap in your spirit around your business and around what God’s calling you to do. Because I’m going to give you 5 Immediate Ways to Boost Your Profit Potential. These are not easy. These are not overnight, but these are actually what it takes. So if that is you, you’re going to absolutely love this.
It’s Charlotte Haggie here from the Managing Mum Podcast. We are a calendar month into launching, and we’ve already had 1,400 downloads and are ranked in the top 3% of podcasts, which is completely overwhelming. I am so thrilled to have found you Stef and to have been able to follow your Clarify Your Calling course and then have you hold my hand all the way through Podcast Pro University where you made it so simple and easy for me to start this podcast and to launch it into the world successfully. I’m incredibly grateful and I’m really, really, really excited for Podcast to Profit where I’m going to see it grow and make an even bigger impact. I just know it.
Girl, Won’t He Do It?
Y’all, can we get a moment of silence for Charlotte’s adorable, adorable accent? Charlotte, you probably hate that I just said that, but sorry not sorry. I love your sweet accent. Did you say 1,400 downloads in one calendar month and a top 3% ranked podcast? I’m so excited for you.
Friend, if you want to get clear on what your podcast should be about or launch the podcast in the world just like Charlotte has, or if you want to make money from your podcast, I have a course or group coaching program for you. All the details on how to work with me can be found at the Stefanie Gass School. I can’t wait to help you make these dreams a reality in your own life in business.
Market Research: The 1st Way Way to Boost Your Profit Potential
Let’s dive into today’s topic. We are actually going to talk about 5 Immediate Ways to Boost Your Profit Potential. Let’s dive straight into this because these are going to be really tactical and I want to give you a little bit of a lesson on each of the 5.
The first way to boost your profit potential is market research. Inside my group coaching program Podcast to Profit, we spend about 2 weeks just on market research alone. What is market research? This is verifying and validating what you think to be true about your brand. You may think that your Macros for Mom’s podcast is all about her wanting to be able to find healthy food to feed her family.
But when you actually dive into the market research and you meet with people, you learn how to interview people appropriately and pull out the:
Important Nuggets
Important Verbiage
Marketing and
Messaging From These Conversations
I do teach you how to do this inside Podcast to Profit. You’ll discover that it’s not actually what you thought. But actually, she wants to boost her energy to keep up with her kids. There is a disconnect between what you thought your positioning was for your podcast and what the person actually wants.
So if you want to make money from your show, you have to be in 100% alignment with what your people are saying. That tip alone is worth 7 figures, friends. And like I said, if you need help with that, we do this together inside my group coaching program Podcast to Profit.
Laser In: The 2nd Way Way to Boost Your Profit Potential
The second way to boost your profit potential is to laser in on the top 3 actions each week that are going to move the needle. You might think, maybe I should post some stuff on social and perhaps I should do a random YouTube video this week. That sounds good! Or maybe you’ll record a podcast, but then life got busy. So you decided not to because you’re setting up email marketing.
Okay, stop the madness and get clear! Ask yourself, what is income producing? What are the top 3 things this week you must do to move the needle forward towards making a profit in your company? What do you need to do?
I Will Give You a Road Map to Follow
When you come into Podcast to Profit with me, we go through those foundational things. I give you a road map, a step-by-step plan of what you should be focusing on. If you want a sneak peek, it’s probably not what you think because the funnel that I help you build goes podcast at the top. Then nurture, which would include website, email marketing, and community. The last is to offer coaching, a course, or a program. That’s it. That’s my funnel.
Anything that doesn’t touch that funnel in that order goes away. Once your funnel is built and working and you are actually making money, then you can start to look at these other things. Things that might be fun for you or you want to test some additional marketing strategies.
That’s fine, but you have to be focused on getting to the end result of building a funnel that actually works and is not leaking sales for you. Laser in on the top 3 actions each week that move the needle in your business. Do not do anything else until those 3 things are done.
Master Your Craft: The 3rd Way to Boost Your Profit Potential
The third immediate way to boost your profit potential is to master your craft. Somewhere, somehow in the personal development space, there’s this thing. Sorry, I don’t remember the book, but it talks about the fact that it takes 10,000 hours to perfect your craft.
I heard this a long time ago, and it’s always stuck in my brain because 10,000 hours is a whole lot of time. I see people who want to make money online. So they come up with something. They build some, you know, random thing that they think is going to make money. Whether or not it’s aligned with their calling and whether or not it’s aligned with their business.
Even if it is, it’s typically not something that’s been researched and strategically built. So, they try and launch this thing. They post it on social media a handful of times and hope that it’s going to work. They get excited about it. When the excitement fizzles off, they don’t replace the excitement with discipline, dedication, and data to help that thing actually sell. They quit and jump to the next thing. Hear me. You will not have a profitable business jumping from thing to thing to thing to thing and from offer to thing to this, to that, to her, or to him.
Just Stay Still and Pick Your Thing
Go inward and upward. What are you called to do? Pray, “Lord, convict me beyond all conviction of the direction in which I’m supposed to go. And help me stay so insanely dedicated to my one thing to the craft.” Then you practice and you pour in until. I have been in entrepreneurship for 14, or 15 years now. This particular business I’ve been in for 5 years. Just now, I can tell you, I finally feel like an expert in this field, 5 years later. I finally feel like I can help people grow a Top 1% podcast and feel like I can teach people how to build a 6-figure business effortlessly and seamlessly.
I know what it takes. Just now I really feel like I’m an expert at course creation. And now I can teach other people to be amazing at it. 5 years to master my craft, and there’s always another level of mastery. So quit giving up on the thing you’re called to do just because it doesn‘t work in 5 minutes? 5 years later. 15 years of being an entrepreneur, and here I sit finally feeling like I am a master in my craft. That’s going to help you become extremely profitable in the long run.
Take Action: The 4th Way Way to Boost Your Profit Potential
The fourth immediate way to boost your profit potential is to take action. You got to do the thing friend. I know it’s hard. I know it’s scary. Inside you want to run and scream and hide and vomit and maybe pee your pants. You just want to quit because it’s too much.
What is your neighbor, who literally doesn’t matter in this equation, going to think of you? What is your mother-in-law’s friend going to say? I mean, I just can’t. You know? Not to belittle your fears, but when you really take a step back and look at scripture, you see one absolute truth over and over again. It’s the only thing we’re to fear is God, not man.
We’re not to fear messing up.
We’re not to fear that something is going to be hard.
We’re not to fear the world.
We’re not to fear any of that.
We are to fear God. I believe that if God has convicted you to start the podcast, open your mouth and He shall fill it. To do something extraordinary with the time that we have here on this side of heaven, we must go. We have to take action.
No, It Won’t Be Perfect
It’s going to be a mess. It’s not going to be perfect the first time you do anything. Of course, it’s going to be hard. Of course, someone somewhere is going to think you’re weird. Welcome to the World Changers Club. It’s a really strange place to sit, but it’s 100% worth it.
You can do this but you’ve got to move your feet. My number one tip in the take action category, which I teach my students and reiterate over and over and over again, is don’t focus on the big, hairy, audacious outcome that is unforeseeable. God did not give Israel to David to be king over just like that. God gave Judah to David first.
So That He Could Learn
So That He Could Be Cultivated as King
So That He Could Grow in His Confidence
So That He Could Trust God
So That He Could Persevere
And then over time, I believe it was something like six and a half or seven and a half years later, David was then moved into the kingship of Israel. So you want to focus on one small step forward. Take action, but take one step forward so that you can see that it’s possible for you.
You’ll become a little bit better at what you do and you won’t feel overwhelmed or frustrated. You won’t feel so frozen in fear and in the how. What’s the next right step? Take it. Then look up. Ask God what’s the next step. Take it. Look up.
Get Confident: The 5th Way Way to Boost Your Profit Potential
Okay, last but not least, the 5th immediate way to boost your profit potential is you’ve got to get confident. Yep. Listen, people, I’m just going to call it what it is. I’m going to be really, really real with you, okay? People don’t buy from people who don’t believe in what they’re selling.
Let me say that again. People don’t buy from people who don’t believe in what they’re selling. Even if you don’t believe in what you’re selling, you‘ve got to be fully convinced that you can help people. You’ve got to be convinced that your offer is going to get people from point A to point B. Your voice has to have authority. You have to have a high level of transferability.
Your job is to transfer belief into your listener and into your future buyer. The second you start doubting yourself, that will come through in your delivery. They will hear it in your voice and then they will feel it in their spirit and they will not buy.
So What Do You Do?
I hope that you come into Podcast to Profit because I have entire steps on:
Podcast Pitching
Becoming Confident
Sales Psychology
It’s a whole thing. So if you need help on this, come into P2P. You guys can always apply at Podcast to Profit. You can come in at any time. As soon as you’re accepted, you’re in the program for 6 months.
You’ve got my team.
You’ve got my coaches
You have me.
You have office hours with my team every single Monday.
You have power coaching with me every other week.
It’s absolutely amazing. It’s six months of this incredible back office that teaches you:
Market Research
Mastering Your Craft
Getting Confidence
Course Creation
Program Creation
How do you do all these pieces that are maybe making you feel a bit inadequate in your potential to create profit? There’s nothing that you need to continue to sit and wonder about when the way has already been paved for you. It’s simply a matter of a big audacious yes and a huge act of faith. I believe if God says yes to you, trust to take that step forward with me in this program. And if that’s for you, again, Podcast to Profit Mastermind. If not or not right now, take these 5 things and run with them.
God Is Everything You Need
Please know that the Lord, your God, is everything you need. When you find yourself stuck, scared, wondering, wallowing, wandering, or anything that’s keeping you from moving forward into your kingdom purpose, bring it to the feet of Jesus.
Have Him help you because I promise He is not a God of confusion. We know that. Scripture says that to be true. He is a God of hope and joy and peace and overflow. And when you are partnered with Him in this business journey, I truly believe there‘s favor in the work you do. It’s not always financial but it is always fruitful.
It’s always something that can be foundational and that can also be a legacy. When you open your mouth and you do the work that God has called you to do, there is a blessing on blessing far beyond what you even see or realize in your finite understanding. God’s will will always prevail, so do not be afraid to step up and step into it. There are great things on the other side of this for you, friend. I believe in you. I’m excited for you. Let’s go get them.
Before you go, be sure to watch the free workshop!
This free workshop is for you if you want to grow an online business in less time.
It will teach you how to explode your audience without the social media hustle, make consistent sales using a podcast, and plan, record, and launch a podcast with ease!
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I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
I'm Stef Gass.
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Launch a podcast in less than 30 days! 12 simple steps to go from idea to successful podcast.
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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