defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
Ready to learn something extremely basic but very impactful for your business? As an entrepreneur, you have big dreams to grow your business. We set fancy goals and pray for big wins. However, when it comes to the “how,” we get stuck. We wonder, “How do we do it?” “How do we grow and reach these big audacious goals?”
The “how” is what frustrates us. It’s what creates the overwhelm in our business and we end up stopping in our tracks. Indecision creeps in. I have something simple that can help you move forward in your business so you don’t get stuck anymore. It’s time to grow your business, and the best way is by following this simple concept: the one-win-per-day concept. Not only is this going to help you grow your business, but it’s going to help you take action and create consistent growth towards your big goals. If you are a visionary, which most entrepreneurs are, this is going to help you get to where you want to go faster!
Podcast Review: “Best Podcast Ever!”
“Somehow we stumbled upon Stef and her podcast and it changed our lives! We signed up for her free workshop, then took Podcast Pro University (PPU), launched our podcast and we are now in Podcast to Profit. Everything Stef shares is full of gold and offers great actionable steps. We can’t say enough about how her podcast and her program have set us up for success as we launched. We’re already a top 3% globally ranked podcast for our category. We couldn’t have done it without Stef and all of her generous tips and wisdom. Thank you!” –The Beauty Hunters Podcast
One Win Per Day Playbook
Taking one step forward every day this year is what we are trying to achieve with The Win Per Day Playbook. If you accomplish one win a day, one step forward in the right direction, 365 days of the year, you will have incredible growth. There’s so much power behind daily wins.
The concept behind a win per day is knowing how to grow your business with one simple step at a time. When we are in the middle of a big project, it can be overwhelming and we often struggle to get started. The same goes for setting large goals for your business. Sometimes goals are too big and we feel like we aren’t making progress towards them. It’s important to reverse engineer your plans and to have an operating system and a task management system to help you get unstuck. When you are first getting started, begin with a simple action that can be focused on every day to create consistent momentum forward.
If you are afraid to move forward, you are stuck in your business and everything feels stagnant, using the one-win-per-day method is a great way to reactivate your business and have forward momentum toward reaching your goals. When you get stuck and don’t know the next steps to grow your business, striving for one win a day is something to aim for. If you feel like there is too much to do or when you feel like you are not good enough, just try to get one win. I go back to this core principle I have stood on for the past 6 years in my business — the daily win. What is one daily action you are going to take in your business that you can call a win?
This Fuels Our Drive To Do More
You probably have these big, audacious goals in your business. You might even feel like they are impossible to reach, unobtainable perhaps. Rather than chasing these huge goals that may feel untouchable, set goals that you can actually achieve, and ask yourself “What is one small win I can achieve today that will get me one step closer to my goals?” It’s a positive dopamine hit in your brain when you accomplish a small win. This activates the reward center in your brain and you get a sense of accomplishment. It creates more positivity in your mind, and in turn, you are more excited to work in your business. You then start to look forward to getting that win done every day. You are positively reinforced with every win and it gives you the excitement to keep pushing forward.
Step 1: Choose Your Work Blocks
Let’s get you geared up to start the One-Win-Per-Day Playbook. Keep this easy playbook stored in the back of your mind to move forward every single day in your business. First, choose what days you plan to work on your business and want to achieve a win per day. Is it Monday through Friday? Are you striving to have a win seven days a week? This should match up with your work blocks – the days you are working in your business. Create a schedule that is realistic for you and the growth of your business.
Step 2: Brain Dump
Next, brain dump all your priorities for that day. We use MindMeister and MeisterTask for our operating system within my business. We follow Chelsi-Jo’s plan from Systemize Your Biz. If you don’t have an operating system in your business, follow Chelsi-Jo to learn more about the process of organizing your business tasks into an operating system.
After you brain dump, take the time to look at all your tasks because next we are going to organize your list and reverse engineer it. Look at everything that needs to be accomplished over the next year, then break it down month by month. After that, figure out what needs to be done in the next week and what you need to focus on today. You should have daily, weekly, and monthly tasks that are recurring. You will also have projects that stand out. The focus is to list out all the things you want to do this week and what you want to do today.
Step 3: Organizing Into Categories
To help you do this in a more organized way, I want you to identify all the tasks by grouping them into 3 different categories. Rank them as “A”, “B” and “C” categories.
“A” Category:
Things that make you money in your business
It will help you to grow your audience
Is it God-led?
Does this bring you joy?
“B’s” and “C’s” are things you think you might need to do, you think it would be a good idea to do, you saw this other person do it and you want to do it too, etc. Categorize the remaining items on your list into “B” and “C” categories. The more important items go into the “B” category and the least important ones into the “C” category.
Entrepreneurial Example:
You may have a goal to start a podcast and you are pondering over what you should be doing today in the long list of things you have to get done in your business. Some thoughts come to your mind:
It’s a lot for one day and you start to get overwhelmed. Start allocating your list into categories: A, B and C with the ultimate goal to move forward and grow your business. Starting a website should be placed at the end of the list, and creating an email list is not necessary until 2 months from now. The most important thing I have to do today, the “A” category, is to watch Module 2 in PPU.
Next, after you brain-dump your ideas and list them out, then you will want to rank them. Select the one thing you need to do for today. And remember, you can do more than one thing. You are not limited to just one action item a day. You can do more, but you want to make the focus of your day on the one main thing that’s going to move the needle forward. That’s going to be your win for the day. It’s your “must-do” item on your list. Once you have chosen that one thing, write it down, star it, highlight it, and put it in your planner and/or your operating system. Remind yourself in order to see growth in your business, you must do this one thing today.
Step 4: Choose The Time of Day
Next, you are going to choose the time of the day that you are going to accomplish this one task — your win. I recommend doing this one thing FIRST in your work block. If you have a 12:00-3:00 pm work block while your baby is napping and your older kid is at school, then the ideal time to get your one thing done is right when the clock hits 12:00 pm. The first thing you are going to do at the start of this work block today is Module 2. Do not wait and procrastinate. What often happens is today’s daily win ends up being tomorrow’s daily win. We don’t want that happening. Do it first!
Step 5: Accountability and Tracking System
The last step is having accountability and a tracking system of your daily wins. I ordered a habit tracker from Amazon to help with this step. In this habit tracker, you will find a box for every day of the year (365 boxes!). So let’s take your daily win today, which was watching Module 2 of PPU, and color in a box on the habit tracker. Every day moving forward when you complete your win-per-day, color in a new box. A year from now you will look at your tracker and get to see all these beautifully colored in squares for an entire year — that’s your hard work! It’s a great way to reflect on how far you have come in your business.
Set Realistic Wins That You Can Achieve Each Day
Remember, when choosing your one task for the day, be realistic. Make sure it’s something you can complete today and make sure it’s an “A” priority item from your list. As you complete all the “A’s” from your list, then the “B’s” become “A’s”, and the “C’s” become “B’s”. Everything moves up the list. Keep in mind that you want to start with the thing that is going to grow your business and make you money. If you go through my framework, Clarify Your Calling, Podcast Pro University, and then Podcast to Profit, you are going to have the exact step-by-step plan of knowing what is an “A” action item.
I encourage you to take the time to share these wins in our free community and use #winperday. Remember to find someone that you can call your accountability partner. Have a support system to help you stay on track and focused on your business. Ask a friend or your spouse to help keep you accountable and you will have a higher success rate. When you post your win per day online or text it to a buddy, you have a higher likelihood you are going to accomplish it.
It’s a simple concept but it’s one that moves the needle in my business, especially during the times when I feel stuck or I am unsure of what to do next to grow. When I am faced with a big project, I have to break it down and categorize it into “A”, “B”, and “C” categories.
Take 5 Minutes To Reflect On What You Learned
Take the time to reflect on what you learned. Make a decision and pick the one thing you are going to do today. Have one win per day every day and you will be amazed at how far you grow in your business. Not sure where to get started with your one win per day? I encourage you to join one of the courses from The Stefanie Gass School where I map out every step you need to take so there’s no guessing on what comes next in the growth of your business.
Before you go, be sure to watch the free workshop!
This free workshop is for you if you want to grow an online business in less time.
It will teach you how to explode your audience without the social media hustle, make consistent sales using a podcast, and plan, record, and launch a podcast with ease!
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
Visit the free resources section and find out which software I personally use and recommend. Become an affiliate, or discover other trusted resources I have to help you succeed on your business and faith journey.
I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
I'm Stef Gass.
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Get clear on your calling in 4 weeks or less so you can start your online business with confidence.
Apply for my 6-month group coaching program for podcasters! Build your offer, learn to sell, and scale.
Visit the Stefanie Gass School to discover what step you're on and and learn which course is right for you!
Launch a podcast in less than 30 days! 12 simple steps to go from idea to successful podcast.
Let's work together!
Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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