defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
Are you struggling to make sales? Don’t have enough clients booking with you, even though your podcast is growing? It’s stable, but making the sales you need is impossible.
I will share these tactical, tangible, actionable steps you can take because I believe you’re probably making these three common oversights when making sales.
For many online business owners, making sales can seem so tricky. You need a combination of things to see success.
A solid offer – and talk about it a lot
The right audience
Address your potential buyer’s pain points
Without addressing these issues, making sales IS going to be difficult.
I want to make sales easy for you without making you feel icky.
Grab a notebook and pen if you’re ready to figure out what mistakes you’re making – maybe without even realizing it – and, better yet, know exactly how to fix them.
Let’s go! Here are three common oversights when it comes to making sales.
Common Oversight 1 in Making Sales: You are not Directly Selling on Your Podcast.
You’re delivering great content, putting awesome things into the world, and teaching people something, but you’re shying away from selling during your episode.
Maybe you feel like:
you’re being pushy
you’re over-promoting yourself or your services
Listen, friend: People are so highly distracted that they will not know the next step unless you tell them clearly. You need to say to them precisely what you want them to do.
I want you to start including clear calls-to-action, or CTAs, in every episode.
For example, if you’re coaching and you are offering a quick discovery call, I want you to invite them to book the call right then and there:
“If you’re struggling with decluttering your home and are unsure if working with me would be the right option, I would love to have a quick conversation with you.”
Then, share the link with them verbally and in your show notes. “We will be able to figure out if working together is the next right step.”
We have to tell people exactly what to do and where to go to get it to make the sale. Don’t forget – SAY THE LINKS! You must say the links inside your episode.
If I’m listening to a podcast and you don’t tell me where to go to get the free thing, take the quiz, or book the call, I’m not stop what I’m doing, pause the episode, and find the show notes. That is a HUGE barrier to buying.
Stop making it hard for your people to buy!Keep it simple and use direct, clear selling.
Common Oversight 2 in Making Sales: You’re Overloading on Free Content Without Tying It to Your Offer.
You might be pouring out endless value on your show. You’re giving and giving and giving. You’re linking to other episodes to help your listeners with their problems. And you’re amazing because you’re FREE FELICIA! Free, free, free, free, free!
I don’t believe in withholding information or having a gateway where listeners purchase something to get the solution. You can give it all away. I completely agree that you cannot give too much, but you MUST tie it back to your offer.
You have to connect the dots for your listeners; they won’t connect the dots themselves.
Give away free content, but take it further by tying it to your paid offer to make sales.
For example, they’re not going to listen to you talk about how to budget and save on expenses repeatedly – giving them all this free stuff – and then magically realize or remember that you maybe could have a budgeting boot camp course that they should go check out.
They’re not going to come up with that on their own! You have to tie your free content to your offer:
“If you loved the budgeting exercises we just went through on today’s episode, I want you to know that one component inside my Budget Blueprint Bootcamp will walk you through six months of budgeting with me in this group coaching program. I will help you with this, this, and this other thing.”
Then, back to Common Oversight 1, you tell them exactly how to get it, the link, and why they should buy it now.
Focus on tying your content to taking action. Remember that every piece of content you put into your podcast’s world is a natural lead into how you can help them go farther through your paid offers, whether it’s coaching, a course, or a group coaching program.
If you’re one of my students, I always say this: You’re not speaking to someone who’s where you are…you’re speaking to someone who is two, three, or four steps behind you.
You’re also speaking to a very distracted person nowadays. We must be clear and blatant with what they need to do.
Common Oversight 3 in Making Sales: You’re Not Addressing Buyer Objections.
This is the oversight I am most guilty of.
When selling, I often focus on:
“Imagine if…”
the outcomes that are going to happen for this person
the breakthroughs they’re going to have
the success they’re going to have
But sometimes, I fail to address their objections! So many of you are also making this mistake, resulting in not making sales.
Sometimes, people are not buying because of the objections they believe – or the excuses they have – but sometimes, they’re true, viable objections as to why they shouldn’t or can’t buy this thing right now.
Common Sales Objections Keeping You From Making Sales
Common sales objections include:
Lack of time
Lack of money
Fear of failure
Any of these things are reasons people may hold back from buying and, in turn, prevent you from making sales.
They might be thinking, “Is this really for me?” or “Will I get results?” if you do not address these concerns head-on, your listener will stay stuck and frozen in indecision.
I want you to start weaving answers to objections into your podcast episodes and sales messaging.
A few great, organic ways to do this are to use:
Testimonies, like, “Mary thought that she could not afford to have a meal prep coach, so she kept doing it herself and wasting time and money. She finally invested ONE TIME in my course, Meal Prep Mastery, and she said that she was able to make all her money back – plus some – within one whole week of meal prep because she learned how to capitalize on spending less money for more quantity of food.”
Storytelling! I want to tell you about when I’ve failed at something because it makes it relatable and easy to share and creates a no-judgment zone for potential buyers.
FAQ-style conversation:“We’ve received emails saying ‘We don’t have time to invest in _____.'” Then, answer that question directly in your episode. Think about this as a way to tackle their hesitations. When you address these things head-on, your listener doesn’t have to worry and stay stuck. They now have the answers to make their decision.
Take Action to Make Sales!
You now have the tools to make some small shifts and tweaks in how you sell on your podcast.
I want you to write down a plan of attack for your next episode. Write down a bit of language – refer to those examples I shared in this post, and infuse them into your show.
Lastly, I want to remind you that if you need help with making this work as a viable business, if you’re struggling with how to get your podcast to get leads, you want more time with me to be able to dive deeper into these little pockets of your business – plus my team of exceptional coaches – please come and apply to Podcast to Profit, my 6-month group coaching program.
It doesn’t matter if you have a podcast yet or not; we can help you! This amazing program will help you do so much more in less time – no more searching for answers! The program includes:
Plug-and-play templates
A team ready to help you move from one step to the next (how to sell, scripts, building your coaching offers), and more!
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
Is podcasting right for you? You’re about to find out. I was going through our weekly market research report that one of my interns pulled together for us and found that you have many podcasting questions.
Visit the free resources section and find out which software I personally use and recommend. Become an affiliate, or discover other trusted resources I have to help you succeed on your business and faith journey.
I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
I'm Stef Gass.
hey friend!
Get clear on your calling in 4 weeks or less so you can start your online business with confidence.
Apply for my 6-month group coaching program for podcasters! Build your offer, learn to sell, and scale.
Visit the Stefanie Gass School to discover what step you're on and and learn which course is right for you!
Launch a podcast in less than 30 days! 12 simple steps to go from idea to successful podcast.
Let's work together!
Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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