defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
Some of the most effective business growth tips can seem downright weird, especially for Christian creators who want to stay aligned with their values. These are going to be counterintuitive to what the world says that you should be doing when you’re trying to grow.
So whether you are a podcaster, a YouTuber, or anything in between, friend, today I’m going to share five weird business growth tips that you can employ as Christian creators into your businesses to help you get more leads and conversions to find that stretch into being Christian creators AND content creators, to meld them because they are one and the same.
We are called to grow Kingdom businesses and therefore, we have to find that beautiful balance between what God’s word calls us to do and how it asks us to show up as Christian creators, implementing the tactical tangibles of growing a business.
I want to give you these five out-of-the-box, weird business growth tips today so that you can grow in some unique biblical ways as Christian creators.
I hope you’re excited! Get your notebook, and pen, and let’s dive in.
Weird Tip 1: Embrace Counterproductivity as Christian Creators
Instead of a constant hustle, I want you to focus on regular rest and a Sabbath. This is such a powerful weird tip. Exodus 20:8 says, “Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.” Now, that was an Old Testament guideline, but I still believe that we today, the Church, should think about what a Sabbath might look like for us.
Traditional Sabbath: take a whole Saturday or a whole Sunday and rest in the Lord
Maybe take a break from work, and go exploring with your family, or on a hike
Maybe it’s taking a couple of hours a week, or you take a week off a quarter
Whatever that Sabbath might look like for you, it’s critically important as Christian creators that you rest. When we rest, we create that gray space for God to speak. When we’re constantly busy, we’re getting that dopamine hit by clicking our phone, consuming, and learning which are so important… sometimes. We create so much noise that we actually cannot hear the voice of the Lord.
Be still and know the wisdom of the Lord, the voice of the Lord, the Holy Spirit’s leading.
It often comes in the stillness and the silence so you must embrace counterproductivity at least sometimes.
Weird Tip 2: Network Through Giving Not Taking as Christian Creators
I want you to approach networking with a mindset of service rather than a mindset of what can I gain, and what can I get. Here’s the weirdest thing ever, okay? I want you to offer help without asking for anything in return. I have experienced this twice recently.
Heart Posture
One of my friends, Gillian Perkins, knew that I was starting my YouTube channel and exploring and testing, and not getting anywhere. She decided to give of her time and do a YouTube audit for me from the kindness in her heart from a service perspective. She didn’t ask me for anything in return.
It was a gift from friend to friend, from Kingdom entrepreneur to Kingdom entrepreneur. And I am telling you that was just the kindest thing she could ever do. Then, when she asked me to come and be a speaker at her summit, of course, I said yes because I’m now going to repay that favor. I am going to have that heart posture not just with Gillian but with other people because it meant so much to me.
Service-based Posture
Another one of my friends, Grant, called me up and was like, “Hey, I have this whole team of YouTubers and we’re going to come over and audit your account.” This was such a beautiful thing. Do I think that they’re trying to gain something and network with me? No, I think that they’re being Christ-centered, Kingdom, incredible CEOs who have this service-based heart posture, but I also believe that if you want to grow in these circles of people that are within the network that you want to get into start connecting with them.
How can you serve them whether or not anything comes from it? I know that this is weird and counterintuitive but Matthew 5:16 says, “In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see,” I have been a recipient of those kind gifts from others, and I have that same heart posture.
I’ve also done free coaching for people when I felt the calling of the Lord ask me to. I’ve given all kinds of resources and gifts. I recently gave a course away pro bono to somebody who was looking to start a podcast and who’s in ministry and just moved across the country. She wanted to start a podcast and I just felt the leading of the Lord for me to gift that to her.
So how can we do these things sometimes that are out of the ordinary so that we can serve without that selling posture?
I think that that’s a really important point that we can think about. How can we give and not take? Acts 20:35 says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive,” so keep that in your mind.
Weird Tip 3: Market Yourself Authentically without Selling as Christian Creators
Yikes! Now I want you to think about how you can attract people to your brand or business or content without having a sales focus. Now do I never sell? Of course not, I do sell. I believe it is my responsibility to sell. People have been praying for the course that I offer and the group coaching program that I offer.
I believe that I am a coach that God is positioning in front of people who need to know that I can help them build a business that is glorifying to God – and profitable – so that they can do good works in less time. 75% of the time, I give, maybe more.
Giving with My Podcast
I have almost 800 podcasts now over the past six years to give. Six years of sharing business growth tips, content to start a podcast, scale, make a course, coach, learn all the nuances of business, learn how God supports business owners, biblical principles, and faith – all of it! I give, I give, I give, I give, I give… so how can you market yourself from a teacher’s perspective without having the sales mindset?
Now, it doesn’t mean we don’t sell, it just means that as you create content, have that position of authenticity with a sprinkle of sales.
This authenticity part is really weird. Where I see my students have the greatest success is they story-tell, they share. I shared a couple of examples with you of how people have been kind to me, how I’ve been kind to others in that weird business growth tip I gave you about networking through giving not taking. It’s kind of a similar thing here. How can you story-tell and share authentically?
What are the things you’re most embarrassed of? You’re probably called to share that.
What are the things that are hard for you? Share them.
What are you walking through right now in the space that you occupy as a leader, teacher, online business owner, ministry leader, or pastor, any of those things?
What are some things you can share that are going to create that vulnerability connection?
I think thinking through these questions will help you market with authenticity.
Weird Tip 4: Celebrate Small Wins as a Form of Worship as Christian Creators
Psalm 107:8 says, “Let them praise the Lord for his great love and for the wonderful things he has done for them.” Let’s treat our small milestones like BIG achievements, and thank God publicly and privately for them.
Everything we accomplish is because of God’s will and our obedience to stepping out in faith to do things that are sometimes scary. Let’s treat those small wins as a form of worship… thank you, God, thank you, God.
Weird Tip 5: Turn Rejections into Prayer Points as Christian Creators
Philippians 4:6 says, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.” Instead of getting discouraged by small setbacks, know you are going to face those in your business. You’re going to have moments where things don’t work out, where you feel like a failure, where you’re frustrated. Turn those small rejections or frustrations into prayer points. Bring them to the feet of Christ.
Pray over them in the moment. There is no perfect way to pray, friend. You don’t have to wait to go into your prayer closet for four hours. Sometimes, it’s a whisper in the moment.
“Lord, I’m feeling frustrated. I cannot record this podcast. I keep messing up and tripping over my words. Father God, please help me to be a vessel. Let the Holy Spirit speak through me right now in Jesus’ Name.“
It’s a prayer point and the Lord hears all prayers.
Those are some weird tips that I want you to think about, to put into practice in your business right now. You can grow in that Christlike leadership as Christian creators and have favor and abundance so you can be in partnership with God for whatever the will is that He has for you in your business or ministry.
I am praying for you today and every day, and I am excited about the work you and the Lord are doing in partnership.
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I'm Stef Gass.
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
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Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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