defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
Are you struggling to scale your online business or podcast? Even with working hard and showing up everywhere, are you still struggling to see the results or growth you want? You have a fantastic product or service that everyone needs if only they knew about it.
Do you ask yourself, “Why am I not growing? Why am Inot making consistent income and staying capped at the same download numbers? Why isn’t my Facebook community growing? Why is my revenue or course sales flatlining?“
I understand those questions and the frustration you feel. I’ve been there, and I’ve been able to scale my business for the past six years to a seven-figure company from $0. You can make consistent income and build a strong, growing brand and business. You can save time, eliminate frustration, and serve others. Here are six reasons why your business isn’t scaling.
Your Business Isn’t Scaling Because It’s Niched Out Too Far
Your business isn’t scaling because you may be niched out too far, meaning that your target audience is too wide and broad in hopes of reaching many.
Instead of targeting many micro-micro niches by taking your product, brand, or service and paring it down into a single, little pocket niche you serve. Going micro is how you grow bigger and faster. To do this, ask yourself these three questions, and with each question, go a deeper and more specific layer.
What is my Segment of the Market? – Am I in beauty, health, relationships, Christian life coaching, home management, finances?
Inside my Segment of the Market, what is my Identifier? – Specify the one thing you do inside this segment. What is the one thing that identifies or sets you apart from the rest?
Who do I Serve? – Be super specific as to who you serve. You will not scale when you talk to everyone. Your goal is to be the biggest fish in your small pond. Only when you capitalize and excel in a tiny market should you step outward into a broader market.
If you can’t identify a specific person you serve, take your identifier a layer deeper and go even more specific. For example, if you do life coaching for couples, make your identifier more specific by saying Christian biblical life coaching for couples who are newly married. Now, you have a clear, specific micro niche.
An Example of Micro Niching
Let’s look at these questions using an example of a beauty brand. Being niched out too far with a beauty brand means you talk about makeup, hair, bath products, natural clean house products, and soaps you want to sell. That’s too big, broad, and confusing.
Micro, micro niche down by identifying the health and beauty industry segment you will serve. You choose beauty. Then, go one layer deep with the identifier of custom, handcrafted, natural soaps. Now, one layer deeper by answering for who, such as for kids with eczema. Now, you have a micro, micro pocket niche that you can scale.
Your Business Isn’t Scaling Because of Crappy Content
Another reason why your business isn’t scaling is crappy content. If you want to scale, you have to cut out the crappy content. What is crappy content? Putting out random reels that entertain but don’t change someone’s life. Videos with lousy lighting, completely unedited, and poor audio. Posting content or podcasting randomly when you feel like it. Stretching yourself thin by repurposing content in all the places.
If you want to scale your micro, micro niche to respond, you must be consistently in their face, giving value and teaching something they need to know.
Podcasting is the best, top-of-funnel, long-form method to show up consistently, give value, and offer help as you grow your business to six figures. Podcasting isn’t complicated or lengthy. It is the cheapest, most time-efficient thing for you to do to grow your business.
It can be a five-minute powerful tip given once or twice a week. Or share 10-20 minute-long powerful podcast episodes. You can do interviews with knowledgeable guests. What matters is that you consistently teach something of value that reaches their heart, shows authenticity, and builds trust with your who, your ideal person.
If you have a podcast that isn’t scaling, ask yourself:
Am I putting out consistent content or whenever I feel like it?
Is my content not highly desired by my ideal listener?
Am I trying to show up in all the places?
Depending on the answer to these questions, it may be time to level up your content. Your first step is to get on five calls with your ideal person and ask them about their number one problem. What are they struggling with the most right now? Let them talk. Write down what they say, and then create content for the next 60 days, specifically around those conversations you had. This will help you understand their problem instead of what you think it is.
Your Business Isn’t Scaling Because of a Lack Of Business Operating Systems
A third reason your business isn’t scaling is a lack of systems. If your online business feels like a hot mess where you feel overwhelmed and pulled in all directions because there are so many things to do and all of it feels like the highest priority, you have no systems.
What are systems? Business Operating Systems are management systems that help you organize what you do in your business each day, week, month, and more. Systems allow you to keep track of clients, take payments, issue invoices, and reach out to abandoned carts. They are email marketing software, course hosting platforms, and social media posting services.
Systems are not checklists and to-do post-it notes. You won’t accomplish the amount of work you need to make six figures with sticky notes and to-do checklists. In this episode, 5 Steps to Get Work Done When Your Week Gets Busy, I discuss completing work without Post-it notes.
Your Business Isn’t Scaling Because You Don’t Have a Team
The fourth reason why your business isn’t scaling is no team. If you profit from your online business but aren’t scaling and growing, it’s time to build a team. If you look around and notice that no one is running the race with you, it’s time to build a team.
Building a team keeps you from feeling alone, burning out, getting sick, and neglecting your family. It also brings partnership, team members who are strong in the areas you are weak, a balanced work life, and six-figure growth.
When funds are low at the start of your business, be resourceful when building your team. You may need to learn to delegate and relinquish control. Get an intern or two to help in exchange for coaching or your services. The right person and provision will come as you get out of your way and trust God with your business.
Invest in yourself and scale your online business by getting team members and coaches to help you learn what you don’t know. The fastest way to get to the next level in your business is to get help, hire a coach, and build a team.
Your Business Isn’t Scaling Because You Aren’t Selling Your Offer Enough
The fifth reason your business isn’t scaling is not selling your offer enough. You may have created an offer, built a team, set up business operating systems, and invested in yourself, but you still have not actively marketed and sold your offer. Now is not the time to slack on sales. You must sell in every podcast episode you publish.
I love to watch food videos. I’m all about clean eating, whole foods, high protein, and meal prep. I used to watch a lady on YouTube because she had terrific meal prep videos. She took us through the kitchen and taught us how to meal prep. However, as I watched her videos, she would never sell.
I found her website and searched until I finally found a free thing. Then I got the free thing, which made me want to work with her even more. I was ready to beg her to take my money in exchange for whatever course she had. But I couldn’t find an offer anywhere. I finally gave up and started watching someone else. It was so frustrating for me.
Don’t make the same mistake as this meal prep YouTube creator. Understand that if you micro-micro niche and create amazing, consistent content, your ideal person will become obsessed with you and your stellar content. They want what you have to offer. They want to invest with you.
Make it easy for your ideal person to spend money with you by telling them the next step to work with you. Be unapologetic about selling because they want it anyway.
Your Business Isn’t Scaling Because People Are Confused About Your Offer
The last reason why your business isn’t scaling is because of confusion surrounding your offer. This means your ideal person, the buyer, is confused as to what you offer. Or you think you know what your ideal person wants, but they don’t like it. Offer confusion may also mean that you have the wrong positioning or verbiage around the problem you are solving or how your offer will help.
The best way to avoid offer confusion is to talk with your ideal person and ask them, How do you need help? What do you need from me? What would you want to purchase from me as our next step together? They will tell you exactly what they want.
What did you discover about your online business, podcast, or offer after learning these six reasons why your business is not scaling today?
Suppose you’re saying, Wow! I need help. I need a coach to help me get unstuck and help me scale. Clarify Your Calling is for you. I’ll help you get specific with your micro, micro niche so that you create a clear brand. You will know who you serve, how you serve them, and what you do. That way, you can grow a business that aligns with your purpose and makes money online to provide for you, your family, and the kingdom.
If you already have a podcast or soon will have one and want expert help in a group coaching setting with me, come into Podcast to Profit Mastermind. Learn how to monetize your podcast, build a course, have a clear marketing funnel, repurpose your content on Pinterest or a blog, and scale your show.
Have you ever wondered how much money a podcast with just a thousand downloads can make? It’s probably more than you think, but not in the method you think.
Have you ever had a business meeting with God? In this post, my goal is to provide you with six tangible steps to set the agenda for your business meeting with God.
Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jaclyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jaclyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
Visit the free resources section and find out which software I personally use and recommend. Become an affiliate, or discover other trusted resources I have to help you succeed on your business and faith journey.
I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
I'm Stef Gass.
hey friend!
Get clear on your calling in 4 weeks or less so you can start your online business with confidence.
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Visit the Stefanie Gass School to discover what step you're on and and learn which course is right for you!
Launch a podcast in less than 30 days! 12 simple steps to go from idea to successful podcast.
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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