defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
Do you worry about the future? Today, we are going to be talking a little bit about what’s going on in the world. If you are anything like me, you’re maybe a little bit too in tune with the news and geopolitical updates. If we’re just being super honest, there are literally 32 countries at conflict right now ranging from civil wars to full-out wars, terrorist insurgencies, etc.
We’ve got rampant inflation happening left and right. There is absolute insanity happening throughout our schools and even throughout our streets. If it’s got you a little bit worked up, just know friend, you are not alone. This is why we are going to have this conversation today because we need to capture and contain these worries, fears, and thoughts that can:
Overtake Us
Derail Us
Distract Us
From who we are called to be as God’s daughters and sons. Rather, we need to turn to God and trust in God even when it’s hard and even when the world wants to keep us fixated on everything but Him.
7-Step Spiritual Battle Plan
Today, I’m not going to remind you to go buy a course or connect with me in some certain way. As my call to action for you, I just want to remind you today to do this:
Slow Down
Seek Him
If you have not grabbed my 7-Step Spiritual Battle Plan, it is completely free. There are no strings attached. I sell nothing. It is a gift. It is something that the Lord walked me through as I was walking through something hard in my own life. He led me to Psalm 18.
I was blown away by the battle plan, the step-by-step that He had inside scripture just for me to follow. It helped me through this time in my life and it’s helped me through many more and I want to pass this gift on to you.
If you are facing a season of stronghold, spiritual warfare, or anything hard, I mean, Hello, who isn’t? Please go and grab this battle plan and allow it to bless you, work through it, and I pray that it will help you navigate this hard season that you’re walking through.
Worry Is So Real
I’m excited to chat with you today, friend. You know, worry is so real. As much as I try to not worry, it just creeps its ugly little head around and it finds me. I don’t know if this is just the world we live in, if it’s just one of the seasons that we’re going through right now, or if it’s truly the end of the end times.
I’ve been on this, and you guys have heard me talk about it. This little research journey into eschatology in the past 12 to 18 months. It’s biblically the study of the end times and is:
Wonderful and
It’s super interesting to learn about eschatology from a biblical perspective and to listen to the different experts and see what scripture has to say. Then look outside and see the world transpiring in such a way that it directly correlates and directly links to these things I’ve learned in the past 12 to 18 months.
I Still Have Questions and Worry About the Future
While that can be super exciting, it’s also semi-terrifying. Because there are certain things where there are still question marks for me around different pieces of this whole thing. That’s where the worry comes in. Worry comes in when we don’t know for sure.
As humans, do we ever know for sure? I think that’s the point. God wants us to be completely and fully surrendered and completely and fully reliant on Him. That’s where our human nature side comes in. The enemy will prey on and poke at the pieces of us that want to say, “But God, but when? And but God, what about blank? How will I blank? What about this?” There are so many questions.
Be Careful of Different Narratives
As we look at the news and see the narrative that the media might portray or maybe some of our family members portray, we get away from what scripture says about staying completely yoked up with God. Yoked up in our mental state and in our heart posture. And not ever worrying but controlling our:
We easily get derailed and we find ourselves in this place of uncontrolled chaos. I know for me, that looks like instead of sitting to do my Bible study or sitting to pray or turning to God, I’m turning to YouTube and looking up the latest news. Or I’m looking up a news channel and checking out what’s going on. You know?
It’s Easy to Fixate on These Worries
Maybe that’s not it for you. Maybe you’re listening to this episode because you’re super worried about your kids or you’re super worried right now about your marriage. Or maybe your business is floundering.
They’re all one and the same because the worries that we face that are of this world, are not going away. If we are nearing the end of time, which I think you cannot ignore the signs and what the Bible says, those begin to compound for us.
I’m bringing this episode for you today but also for me. So that we can go through this road map together of how to trust in God and let go of worries about the future. How to really lean into walking with Him even when the world is absolutely crazy, chaotic, and catastrophic. And when the world wants to crush your peace and your presence, we’ve got this because we’ve got God.
Step 1: Don’t Worry About the Future, Acknowledge Your Fears
So let’s dive in. We’re going to go through 5 things today that I personally am working on. I pray that these will also help you as well to just rest and trust in Him. The first one is to acknowledge your fears. I think the worst thing we can do is stuff away the worry, anxiety, depression, and whatever it is.
We need to acknowledge this. Acknowledge the fear. It’s okay to have fear. It’s okay to have worries. But dwelling on them and idolizing them is where we get into trouble. When we acknowledge our fear, it brings it into the light.
I think of Ephesians 5:13, which says, “Everything exposed to the light becomes visible and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.” Another version of this says, “But their evil intentions will be exposed when the light shines on them.” Getting things out of you, out of your mind, out of your spirit, and literally out of you. You’re letting go of this belief, worry, and fear.
Bring Your Fear Into the Light
Letting it escape your body and out into the air. Discussing it with somebody else, journaling it, writing it down. Whatever needs to happen. Then that brings it into the light. God directs us to do that. To make it visible, to expose it to the light, and then it will be illuminated.
I think that’s super important for us to do as we push things inside and bottle them up and we harbor them thinking, “Oh, this is dumb or no one would understand. Or you know, my spouse can’t handle me talking about this for one more day.” That may or may not be me.
Tips to Acknowledge Your Fears
We harbor them and they start to fester and grow. They start to kind of blossom in your mind and maybe into something that they’re actually not. So get it out. Here are some tips for this:
Find a friend that you know you can talk to about a fear you’re having
Bring it back to scripture.
This will help you then navigate that because we have to acknowledge the fear before we can work on it or let it go.
Step 2: Don’t Worry About the Future, Focus On God’s Promises
Step Number 2 is to focus on God’s promises. One of the best ways that we can trust in God when we’re walking through all of this hard stuff is to focus on the promises in His word. There are so many promises in scripture that we can look at that help us let go. Instead of allowing this thing to grow and become all-consuming, we can release it.
Isaiah 41:10, “Do not fear for I am with you. Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” There are so many beautiful promises in here. Don’t fear. I am with you. Don’t be dismayed. I am your God, I will strengthen you, I will help you, and I will uphold you. All of these promises are already here.
Allow God to Be in Control
When we turn away from God’s word, we believe that we must fear because we are alone. We must be dismayed because God is not for us. We must be weak because no one is helping us. We’re actually turning against the promises of God and we’re leaning into the enemy’s deceptions. We’re leaning away from what God wants for our lives.
When we start down this path, it’s a slippery slope. It’s us taking control of ourselves instead of allowing God to be in control. Use Isaiah 41:10 as a scripture to renew your mind every morning. When you find yourself in fear, when you find yourself dismayed, turn to this verse. Speak it aloud. Speak it over your life, your home, and your family. Write it down. Journal it. Put it on the fridge.
Walk in the Light
These words can be a shield and a protector for you. Psalm 27:1, “The LORD is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life. Of whom shall I be afraid?” Again, I don‘t need to fear anything because the LORD is my light, and I am saved. The LORD is my light and my salvation, end of story.
Nothing that happens here on earth is going to matter at the end of the day as long as we are saved. When we speak that the Lord Jesus Christ is our Savior, He is the person that we will follow to the end of the earth and beyond. When we believe in Him with all of our hearts, we ask Him to forgive our sins and turn our hearts towards Him, we are surrendering our lives to Him. That is salvation. Jesus will be with us. We will walk in light and in life.
God Will Transform You
As you speak those words, maybe they’re just words and it feels like a prayer. But over time, as you begin to live it out and believe it and walk forward with that as your new truth, God transforms you and He makes you new.
If you were to look at me today versus me 10 years ago, I am a completely different person. The things that I do, the way that I speak, the language that I use, how I look, it’s the Holy Spirit diet. Girl, if you’ve been trying to diet, all you need is the Holy Spirit and watch how He cleanses you from the inside out.
My cravings have changed. I don’t drink alcohol. You guys, it’s absolutely crazy that when we turn our full and utter trust and belief in Him and become saved, we begin a changing process, a revitalization and redemption process where we are completely made new.
Trust in God
I bring this up because that is the beautiful favor that awaits us. When we finally relinquish control and stop cowering in fear and worry. Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight.” So we hear to trust in the LORD, to not lean on our own understanding.
How many of us think we believe something? You know what I mean? And then maybe you watch the debates and you’re like, “Well, maybe I don‘t believe that.” Or you believe in something, you’re on somebody’s side and then you hear a narrative and you’re like, “Oh, maybe it’s this thing over here.”
Humanity as a whole, we are so confused. We are so impressionable, vulnerable, and easily swayed. We are swinging left to right, up and down, just fickle.
I Don’t Mean to Offend You
That’s me. And then tomorrow, I’m over here. My husband’s like, “What is going on with you?” I’m like, “You know what it is?” I am not turning back to the truth and the foundational principles of what is true. That is God’s word. I am opening my Bible every single day. Even if I have 2 minutes, I’m opening it. I’m finding a word of the Lord, and I’m speaking it aloud over my life.
Because this worry, anxiety, fear, and chaotic spiraling is not helping me. It’s not helping you and it’s not helping the purpose that we all serve, which is to:
Glorify the Kingdom of God
Be Anointed and Appointed Children of the Most High King
Hold Our Heads Up High
Be Confidently Aware of God’s Truth and Walk That Out
That is what and who we are called to be. We have to stop playing into the enemy’s tricks and lies, which are to lean on our own understanding and not submit to anyone. Instead, trust in God and lean on only what He says to be true and not my own understanding. Submit to Him completely and walk straight alongside God. I’m going to choose to do that and not worry about the future.
Recommit to God’s Promises
Even when I find myself in these situations, I’m afraid that I’m idolizing this chaos, you know? We find ourselves spiraling in some situations. The awareness of it brings us back to Step 1. Acknowledge your fears. Be aware. I am definitely a little bit more over here than I want to be. I’m going to:
Recommit to My Walk With God
Recommit to Scripture
Recommit to My Bible Study
Recommit to Prayer
Guys, this is a constant battle that even I go through every week. Let me recommit. There’s always more. There’s always more in our relationship with the Lord.
In Our Peace
In Our Mind
In the Renewal of Our Minds
In the Posture of Our Hearts
There is always more. It’s a battle. There is a war for our souls. That war is waging now more strongly, intentionally, and intensely than ever before because of the times that we live in. We have to be aware. We have to open our eyes and we can’t live a life with a phone in front of our face and think that we are going to be awake and aware of the enemy’s tricks.
It’s important to get some quiet in our day. We have to get centered in the word. We need to pray, and we need to be submitted so that we can be led by Him. Otherwise, we’re missing it. If we’re allowing this stuff to control and persuade us, we’re missing God’s whispers, signs, and blessings.
Step 3: Don’t Worry About the Future, Pray for Peace
Step Number 3 is to pray for peace. When we’re feeling this worry, anxiety, and all of these things, the crazy future is like, “What’s going to happen?” With inflation, the housing market, grocery prices, and whatever, it’s just nuts.
And believe me, I’m with you. I see it. We all see it. We’ve got to turn to God and we need to turn to Him in prayer. Philippians 4:6-7 says, “Do not be anxious about anything. But in every situation by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your request to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” What a beautiful, beautiful promise.
Don’t be anxious, but pray, petition, be thankful, and present your request to Him. And then, you know how God loves those “and then?” And then the peace of God which transcends all understanding.
Don’t Worry About the Future Step 3: Pray for Peace
We should not feel peace right now. We should not feel peaceful in the midst of 32 wars that are happening in the midst of financial craziness all around and the midst of whatever is happening in our kids’ schools.
I mean, y’all, we should not feel peaceful but yet our God provides peace which transcends all understanding. So, Lord, I receive your peace even though I shouldn’t feel peaceful, even though the world is chaotic and crumbling. Lord God, I receive your peace.
Don’t block the peace. Open up to it. Allow it. It’s here for us. It’s already promised right here in Philippians chapter 4 for us. All we have to do is open our hands. Yes, Lord. I’m ready. I receive it. And that peace guards our hearts and our minds through the power of Christ Jesus.
Imagine your heart with a barrier of peaceful protection around it and your mind with a barrier of peaceful protection around it. Imagine being able to move your feet forward:
Even Though Life Is Hard
Even Though the News Is Bad
Even Though Life Is Throwing Sticks and Stones Your Way
Even Though You’re Facing Strongholds
Even Though You’re Facing Spiritual Warfare Battles
You still feel peace. That’s what happens when we pray. Pray like you ain’t never prayed in your whole life. Do it for 7 days and watch your life completely flip. I’m telling you the power of prayer. It’s indescribable.
Step 4: Don’t Worry About the Future, Practice Gratitude
Step Number 4 is to practice thankfulness or gratitude. This is such a powerful weapon against worry and anxiety and all of this stuff. When we are grateful, we are focusing on the good things in our lives instead of dwelling on all of the “what ifs.”
So what do you actually do with this one? I would take some time each day to write down the things you’re grateful for. This can be in the morning or the evening. I like to do this in the evening or the next morning for the day before. That way, instead of trying to force myself in the morning and say, “I’m grateful for my bed. I’m grateful for coffee.” You know what I mean?
You’re actually grateful because today I had an amazing parent-teacher conference with both my sons’ teachers and they had glowing reports. I’m so grateful Lord that you’ve positioned my kids to be such incredible learners at a wonderful school.
Right? Something that’s actually meaningful because it happened to you that day. This simple practice will shift your focus off of worries and “what ifs” to gratitude, thankfulness, and blessing.
Step 5: Don’t Worry About the Future, Let Go and Trust God
And finally, Step Number 5 is let go and trust God. The most important thing we can do out of all of these is to just trust Him. Trust He has a plan for your life, trust He has a plan for your business, and trust He has a plan for this world. Trust that He is with you every step of the way.
Hebrews 11:1 says, “Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” So let’s let go of our worries and have faith that God is in control. There are so many scriptures you can turn to other than the ones I’ve referenced today.
But I just pray that these bless you, that you are encouraged today, that you follow along these 5 Steps. Implement them. Actually do the practices that I have spoken about today, and watch your life, your mind, and your worries fade away. And at least lessen so you can grow in that true trust in Him.
Keep Looking Up and Moving Forward
I just pray over you guys every day. I’m so grateful for each and every one of you who is on this journey with me, and who are a part of this beautiful community that we’ve created. I just love you guys. I’m so honored that I am here to lead you and walk beside you on your journey. Let’s keep looking up and moving forward.
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I'm Stef Gass.
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