defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
Are you busy with kids at home and trying to figure out how to fit in podcasting with your crazy schedule?
I remember all too well how hard it was to get in the deep thought work I needed to get work done. I don’t want you to feel like you must choose between work and your children.
I’ve mapped out a tactical plan to fit in podcasting with kids at home. I will break it down into two hours a week and show you how to split this into the cracks of your mom (or dad) life, making this super manageable and effective.
I will teach you what tasks can be accomplished with your kids around and which tasks you need to execute in your rare pockets of quiet time. You will learn that less is more and that the best way to fit in podcasting as a busy parent is to keep it simple.
You will obviously need to modify the plan based on the season of life that you are in and your schedule. I will share one scenario, but you’ll be able to reverse engineer how I mapped this out so that you can build something that allows you to fit podcasting into your life and family’s needs.
There are no excuses not to start your podcast and consistently fit in podcasting when you have a plan like this!
GOAL: Fit in Podcasting with Only One Episode Each Week
Once you’re more efficient and easily able to fit in podcasting, feel free to add a second podcast.
I’d rather you do that than spend time marketing on social media or a YouTube channel. You have to focus on keeping the main thing, the main thing, until you’re having massive traction with that one thing.
The time commitment in this plan is two hours a week, and the schedule is flexible based on your family’s routine.
How to Fit in Podcasting: Hour One – Plan and Record
You have options of when to plan and record because you don’t have to do both in the same sitting. Here are some ideas of where you could find 30-minute quiet pockets:
Nap time (if applicable)
Before wake-up time
After bedtime
A quiet playtime
Potential screen time
You must be ready to execute when you find these pockets of time!
I recommend figuring out what you will discuss on your podcast this week when your kids are around because you don’t need 100% quiet to pick your topic. But you need the quiet time to plan what you’ll say and then record.
Let’s break down this first hour even further.
First, you need to select your topic. Give five to ten minutes for topic selection.
Use the list of ideas that you’ve already brainstormed. Pick the one that is speaking to you and yelling the loudest right now, which is seasonally relevant, and GO FORWARD.
Friend, you will have 500 to 1,000 episodes before you know it. Don’t get stuck! Let’s choose a topic, and let’s move forward.
Next, spend about 10-15 minutes on outline creation. This will be your first time slot in one of those deep-thinking moments you found in one of those pockets I suggested above.
You’re going to create a simple, bulleted outline for your episode:
Intro: story or connection point you want to share
Main Points
Teachable Tips or Implementation
Call to Action
If you’re a student in my Podcast Pro University or Podcast to Profit classes, you have my outline for creating a podcast episode from start to finish. You’re just going to pull that up and plug it in.
Let’s keep it concise and high-level. You don’t need to write down every word you say. You’ve got to trust yourself and leave room for the Holy Spirit.
I get some resistance on this based on the personality types of my students, but the reality is that if you were sitting down to coffee with a friend, that conversation would not be scripted. You might have specific points you want to discuss, but you would still bring yourself to the table and speak from your heart.
That’s what we want to happen in the podcast. We don’t want it to be some scripted thing that removes the connection, all of the emotion from your voice, and those moments where the Holy Spirit wants to show up.
Time to Record
Lastly, we are recording. First, you will set up your recording space; again, you can do this while your kids are around. Get everything set up; when you find that quiet pocket of time, your space is already set and ready to GO.
If you’re struggling with setting up a conducive space to have a high-quality podcast with minimal equipment, again, at Podcast Pro University, I lay this out for you, and you’re spending less than $200 in total. You are just getting started and do not need a fancy microphone yet. I used my blue YETI mic for five years and ended up with a Top 20 Podcast.
Let’s not make this more complicated than it needs to be. You do not need a recording studio with egg crate foam on the walls. We can keep this simple.
You will record your episode within 40ish minutes of this first hour. Let’s focus on having short, punchy, to-the-point episodes. Ideally, 10-15 minute episodes as you start and learn how to fit in podcasting during this busy season of life until you gain more confidence and get quicker. You can potentially expand your episodes up to 20 minutes or so.
BONUS insider tip: We are seeing that listenership is starting to drop off around the 20-minute mark. People are just highly distracted, and most people’s commute time is about 20-30 minutes max. We want to keep it below that 20-minute mark.
How to Fit in Podcasting: Hour Two – Edit and Promote
I’m going to give you another hour for editing and promotion. Again, the quiet pockets will look the same: nap time, before wakeup time, after bedtime, during playtime, or potentially screen time.
If interruptions happen while recording, don’t worry! That’s the beauty of podcasting. You can always stop the recording and resume at a later date, or you can stop it and edit something out as you go.
I teach my students how to edit as they go because I think that editing can be this weird, long, excruciating, overcomplicated, or expensive process, and it doesn’t need to be. We can edit as we go.
There were lots and lots of years where I didn’t even edit my podcast at all. We now have interns who come in and learn podcast production, so they edit my episodes. However, my point is that this is something I did myself for a long time.
Let’s break down this second hour even further.
First, I want to challenge you to edit your episode for the length of time you recorded the episode. So, if you record a 20-minute episode, you only give yourself 20 minutes to edit. This is how it should be because if you’re editing as you go, it should never take longer than it did to record.
This is your goal. People do not care and do not pay that close attention to how often you say “um,” I promise. Ideally, you are not wasting more than 20 minutes on editing if you record a 20-minute episode.
I teach my students to edit inside of where they’re recording. So, if you’re recording inside Audacity, you edit in Audacity. If you’re recording in Garage Band, you will edit in Garage Band. Both tutorials are included in my podcasting course, Podcast Pro University.
What do you focus on when you’re editing in a pinch?
Long pauses
Straight up mistakes
Adjust some volume levels – if you saw that red bar pop up during recording, it means your volume got too loud, and we need to fix that.
Again, every training on how to do that is in my course. I’ve got you covered.
The next thing we need to do in the last hour of getting the podcast out into the world is upload it to your podcasting host. We’ve got to write a little description, referred to by some as show notes. You should spend no more than about 20 minutes doing this. Then that’s it!
The last thing we will do in the final 20 minutes is promote. This is simply sharing your episode anywhere that you are:
Instagram stories
Facebook group
Pinterest pin
The BEST news is that you just fit in podcasting as a busy parent!
You have now chosen a topic, written your outline, recorded, edited, created your podcast description and show notes, and promoted the episode in two hours. I just gave you a plan of how to do everything in baby pockets of time. There is no reason that fitting in podcasting cannot be possible for you IF you eliminate wasted time.
Dos and Don’ts of Fitting in Podcasting
A time audit on the things you think are growing your business – share it with us in our Facebook Group because we can help you.
Build one core offer that your audience really wants. This is all you are focused on until that one thing passes six figures.
Create long-form content consistently that relates to what your audience desires.
Create reels on social media
Scour YouTube and all the places for DIY
Create a bunch of freebies
BONUS tips:
Sometimes, we need to involve our kids. If they want to talk into the microphone, let them! Children so often interrupt just because they want to know that they matter, so allow yourself to break your concentration for a huge hug and let them say “hi!” to get confirmation that mom (or dad) sees them.
Think about batching tasks. If you find 3-4 hours per week for podcasting, don’t just do the one podcast and then forget about it. Batching is your best friend in this season of life because you don’t know when a kiddo will get sick or life will happen. I always have a reserve of 3-4 episodes that we can pull from in an emergency.
Stay flexible. You’ve got to adapt and know that if you’re trying to build an online business, it’s got to be around your family. Your family and your faith must come first. It’s okay to shift things around, and it’s OK for this to sometimes look like a last-minute thing. Life happens.
Ask for help. It is okay to ask your spouse to cover for you for a few hours on a weekend. I know that’s not what we prefer, but if we want to fit in podcasting, sometimes we have to get creative and have conversations with the people who can help us in this busy season.
I hope this tactical plan gave you the framework to be consistent and continue to fit in podcasting no matter what happens at home.
I get it. It’s demanding. It’s a crazy season, but I wouldn’t have traded my season with my littles at home for anything. I wish I had known about podcasting like you do now. Take that blessing and run with it!
Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jaclyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jaclyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
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I'm Stef Gass.
hey friend!
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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