defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
Let’s discuss how social media is ruining your chances of making money from home. Friends, your time on social media eliminates your chances of a profitable online business! I know this sounds counterintuitive, but trust me!
If you still rely on social media for lead generation and building your kingdom business, you are wasting precious hours every day. Believe me when I say I have learned from making this same mistake.
Several years ago I realized that my time spent on social media was actually costing me the success I was working and praying so hard for! Does that resonate with you? Are you spinning your wheels posting to Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook, only to be left with no results? Are you desperately trying to build a business using social media because it seems to work for everyone else?
Friends, stop everything you’re doing right now! Let me help you understand why social media is ruining your chances of making money from home, and what you should do instead to have a profitable online business. I can’t wait to dive into this topic with you!
The Culprit of Our Overwhelm and Burnout
A student asked me the other day if I ever felt like a failure because I couldn’t get all the things done for my business, even though I worked so hard. I told her I used to feel that way, but not anymore. She wondered how we could apply this mindset to her own business.
I reminded her that she should focus on saying “no” more, and not be available for everyone and everything all the time. She needed to get out of the weeds of her business and start delegating some tasks to team members. I also told her that she needed to phase out of one-on-one coaching and phase into a more passive model.
Inside my group coaching program, we made a clear action plan for her to implement these things. Now, we are so excited about how this year will go for her business. I, too, remember the pressure of trying to do it all and grow something fruitful but feeling like I was drowning.
The culprit causing this overwhelm and burnout is likely social media, and many people don’t even realize it.
Making Money From Home Using Social Media: False Promises
Here’s the problem: social media is full of false promises. We hear everywhere that it’s the only way to grow our businesses and make money from home. We must constantly post, engage, create stories, use the latest and greatest trends, and follow what everyone else is doing. But friends, if this method worked, more people would be wildly successful!
The Viral Trap
Many of us believe if a social media post goes viral, that person must be a huge success, but that simply isn’t the case! One of my students had a few TikTok videos go viral. She told me she didn’t make one dollar from those videos. When she came into my program she let me know that no matter how much success she had on her social media videos, it wasn’t making her any money. The reality of social media videos is that they don’t create any conversion.
The trap is that if you go viral, you will earn income. This is not true, friends!
There are so many downsides to getting stuck in this trap. Not only are you spending time creating content to post, but you get lost in the scroll. This is a massive waste of time! As we talked about in one of my podcast episodes, it’s an addiction!
I used to drink alcohol in the past. You have one drink, which turns into five drinks, followed by feeling miserable the next day. It’s a trap! Any trap or sinful tendency will have you craving more of it because it feels really good at the moment. There’s also an emotional toll to this trap – the burnout, frustration, and comparison – not to mention the mental fatigue! When I’m on social media, I get mentally fatigued and distracted from my loved ones. This is not how I want to do life.
Chasing Leads with No Return on Investment
The biggest issue for me as a business owner was the lack of results from social media. There was low ROI (return on investment), engagement was a constant battle, and little to no conversions were happening. I used to spend four to five hours a day on Instagram convinced that this was the answer to growing my online business.
I invested in social media coaches, did hashtag research, did everything I was “supposed” to do, and painstakingly grew to 40,000 followers on Instagram. But this was to the detriment of everything else in my life! I still had to chase the leads and no results were coming from it. It was like network marketing trauma 2.0 (if you know, you know)!
I had a family I was trying to support while also trying to climb out of a hole I had created from my prior network marketing business. Then one day my discernment alarms went off—I knew this was not what God wanted. My phone was in my face all the time, and I still wasn’t getting results. After a few years of selling my soul to this method of success, I realized this was NOT the way.
Leaning Into God’s Way
I had gone all-in on my relationship with Christ at this time. I fully surrendered and asked God to show me the way. He gave me a prophetic dream soon after, where I saw and heard Him say, “Start a podcast.”
I was obedient and started my podcast. When I did, I exchanged five hours a day of social media use (that’s 25 hours a week) for two hours per week on my podcast! Which means I gained back 23 hours in my week! Once I did this, I grew more in one year than in a decade of trying to grow on social media.
My business surpassed six figures in my first year of podcasting. I phased out of social media, and within one year of podcasting, I got completely off social media. I did a 30-day fast from Instagram, which led to two years completely Instagram-free. You can do this too!
I didn’t return to posting on social media until I had a team of people who could repurpose content for me. Once we surpassed $500,000 in revenue, we decided to do paid advertising, but I never went back to posting myself for the sake of posting.
Making Money From Home Using Social Media: A Waste of Valuable Time
Why will this ruin your chances of making money from home? It will steal all of your time, attention, and heart posture of being a kingdom-led CEO.
If you waste time creating short-form content with an algorithm that doesn’t have a long shelf life, you will fail.
It’s like walking into a stadium with 20,000 people to share your offer, whereas 19,999 other people are also screaming their offers! No one is in a position to listen to another because everyone is shouting their offers as loudly as possible. This wastes your time, perpetuates your addiction, and will ruin your chances of being profitable.
When I earned back 23 hours per week, I went from a few hundred bucks a month to a six-figure company in twelve months. Why? Because I had my time and sanity back! I was able to generate leads with long-form content. I created a tool that would work for and not against me! Podcasting was the answer and was the method that helped my company grow. Now, let’s talk about why.
Podcasts Are Evergreen
Unlike posts that disappear in a few hours (i.e., Instagram), a podcast will always come up and will work for you 24/7. If someone searches “how to start a podcast” or “podcasting vs. social media” my podcast will come up in the search because of my evergreen content. I have over 800 episodes working for me that never expire and never go to the algorithm graveyard. Can I get an amen?
Podcasts Create Deeper Connections
When you listen to my podcast, I capture your attention for 15-20 minutes. Where else on the internet can we do that? We can’t do this with social media or YouTube. It’s the audible consumption that creates conversion, helps people trust you, helps retain information at a higher level, and removes all visual distractions. My podcast has been the bread and butter of my business – 90% of our revenue comes from the podcast alone!
Do people find me in other ways? Sure! They might find me in a YouTube video or Facebook ad, but what creates the sale is my podcast. We have to go deep with people because of the trust recession happening right now. People have purchased courses and programs and have been led astray by people who are not well-meaning.
As someone who wants to grow a biblical business built on merit and value, your word is gold! Where can they go to find your word? It has to be a long-form method, like a podcast–a place where they can trust you aren’t going to lead them astray and, instead, be the coach or mentor they have been praying for. This can all happen through a podcast.
Making Money From Home Using Social Media: Admit Social Media is Ruining Your Life
You’ve got to admit that social media is ruining your life in some way. You probably don’t feel great about using it. Most people I speak to tell me it’s not working for them, and they are exhausted by it. So, let’s start with being honest about NOT loving social media. Then let’s talk to God about it. Here’s an example of what I might pray:
“Lord, I don’t feel good about social media in my life. Please show me a better way to grow my business. Grant me the courage to get off of social media completely if that is your will for me. Give me the strength and confidence to trust you if there’s a way forward for my business that doesn’t perpetuate an addiction that is not glorifying to you, Lord.”
We see this all over the Bible – in Job, David, and the Psalms – someone is crying out to the Lord, and we need to do the same. If you feel the conviction that social media is wrong for you, ask God to help. He gave me the strength to do a social media fast, and when I quit Instagram, my business experienced massive growth.
Sometimes we need to obey God with an act of faith. Sometimes we’re convicted about something that scares us, but we need to act on it anyway. It’s about doing things from a posture of faith, not fear. And, at times, that means we stop doing things that don’t feel in alignment with God’s will for us.
Making Money From Home Using Social Media: Podcasting Is the Better Way
Perhaps one day, you can get back on social media, but for today, you need to focus on long-form content creation, such as podcasting, that will give you extra time that other methods cannot provide. First, we must begin with managing our time on social media.
Limit or Eliminate Your Social Media Use
I would encourage you to quit social media completely, but you can simply lessen your usage for a set amount of time. I have so many podcast episodes to help with this. Go to my podcast page and search for social media or Instagram. There are at least a dozen episodes to help you along the way.
Start Your Podcast
Friends, get your podcast started! I have so many ways to help you do this! One of my favorite ways is our Profitable Podcast Bootcamp. I want to pour into you and speak God’s word over you through this bootcamp. It’s a fantastic way to learn more about podcasting, understand the nuances of making a podcast profitable, become a better speaker, and be blessed by amazing opportunities that will come your way.
People often don’t want to podcast because it doesn’t feel as exciting. You don’t go viral or get hundreds of comments on a post. However, you get heard across the world, reach thousands of people, and have the potential to make a profit. It’s so underrated, but that’s why I want you to jump on it!
I can prove to you that podcasting works. Go to my website and read all the testimonies about people having success using podcasting. It is truly a game-changer!
Making Money From Home Using Social Media: Final Thoughts
I hope this has inspired you to take a look at your social media use and get serious about podcasting.
Here’s something else to consider: have you approached God about things in your company that you need to pivot or shift? I promise He has an answer, and maybe it’s not podcasting, but I believe God is making a way for you this year. His hand is on His kingdom entrepreneurs right now. The work that I see in my students in Podcast to Profit is incredible! From helping women write books to restoring marriages. The opportunities to help people are endless!
You are changing the world and you need a podcast to reach people more efficiently. It’s time to say goodbye to social media and hello to making money from home and making a greater impact on the kingdom.
Here’s a recap and your homework:
Acknowledge that social media wastes time and makes false promises
Admit that social media is ruining your life in some capacity
Create boundaries around your social media use, or eliminate it completely
Talk to God about where your focus should be in your business and lean in
Consider podcasting as your long-form content method
I promise you will feel so much more free and have more profit than you ever thought possible. Until next time, my friends!
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
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I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
I'm Stef Gass.
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Launch a podcast in less than 30 days! 12 simple steps to go from idea to successful podcast.
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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