defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
Do you know what God’s call is for you? How can you overcome distraction and hear God’s call?
If you’re anything like me, you have been attacked from every angle with fear, worry, anxiety, and sadness. I explained it the other day to one of my friends as this feeling of dread. It’s like I was carrying it around with me. But in the past few weeks, I realized this is all noise. I believe now more than ever that Satan is attacking us!
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”~Ephesians 6:12
We constantly battle the Enemy’s plans, ploys, and tricks, manifesting as worries and anxieties. We focus our fear on these instead of the whispers of God’s call, which we are to focus our faith on.
In this post, let’s consider how to silence the noise, overcome distraction, hear God’s call, and step into His purpose for us. Are you ready? Grab a notebook and pen.
Let’s go! Here are three steps to overcome distraction and hear God’s call.
Step 1: Recognize the Distraction to Hear God’s Call
The first thing we must do to silence the noise and overcome distractions so we can hear God’s call and step into His work for us is to recognize the distraction. Satan uses anxiety, worry, and fear. All of those things distract us from:
God’s call
The business that you’re called to step into
The podcast that you’ve been ignoring
Having that hard conversation with your spouse
Being more intentional with your kids
Many of us are focused on future casting. What about this? What about that? My listeners know the one I’ve been dealing with is where my kids will go to school. There are so many other worries we all deal with, such as:
Changing jobs
Getting laid off
Credit card debt
Insert any and every worry you’re holding onto right now. It’s just too much!
Satan Is Amplifying Noise Around You
I believe Satan is amplifying the noise to keep men and women of God hyper-focused on our worries and fear forecasting so we’ll stay distracted. Whether we’re distracted in fear or hope, he wins because it keeps us from moving forward and having our eyes on God. We are called to look up, look forward, and move consistently with God.
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”~John 10:10
If we understand the enemy is here to “steal, kill, and destroy,” then we know that the spirit of fear, in whatever way it is showing up, is not from God.
God wants us to “have life and have it abundantly.” Let’s exchange these fears and have the life God desires for us. Recognize the distraction to overcome the distraction and hear God’s call.
What is the ONE thing Satan is amplifying in your life right now? Write it on a sheet of paper.
Over the past few months, I would overcome one thing and fixate on something else. Once you become self-aware, it becomes obvious that it’s just spiritual warfare. We miss it because we think these are real fears. Granted, they are.
I’m not here to minimize what you’re going through. I go through stuff, too, but at the same time, we have to look at this through a spiritual lens and ask, is this from God, or is this just a distraction? Write it on your paper. Recognize the distraction. If you have more than one, write them down too.
This step-by-step approach to hearing God’s call can be applied to the other steps.
Step 2: Surrender the Distraction to Hear God’s Call
The second thing we must do to overcome distraction and hear God’s call is to surrender the distraction. When we have anxiety, worry, fear, idol, or obsession, inserting any of those things as a distraction clouds our minds. It clouds our thinking! It takes up space!
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” ~Philippians 4:6
We must take captive the anxious thought, worry, idol, or fear in every situation. The second it comes up, what are we to do? In EVERY situation, we are to take it to God in prayer and petition. This means we are repeatedly advocating for ourselves in prayer to the Lord with thanksgiving.
What Might This Look Like?
Lord God, I have been so anxious and worried about the state of the world. I feel crushed with helplessness. I’m struggling to filter my mind and not swirl in fear. I don’t want to go on social media and follow all the rabbit trails and obsessively click on all the videos that make my heart full of anxiety and fear. Father, I give it all to you.
Thank you for this awareness. Thank you that I can be sound in mind and that scripture declares that I will have God’s peace. Take this from me, Lord. I don’t want to bear this burden. I don’t want to wear this weight for one more day, Lord. Please, take this from me. I ask this of You in Jesus‘ name, amen.
Surrender the Distraction in Prayer
“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.”Matthew 6:34
Each day has enough trouble of its own. Is that not so true? I love this because it’s a clear directive, “don’t worry about tomorrow.” Tomorrow will worry about itself.
Those of you who are like me project and fear forecasts with things like this: this could happen, that could happen, or this might happen.
Anything Founded in Fear Never Comes True!
Recently, I conducted a training in one of my Facebook communities. When have you guys ever had a big, scary fear? Then, obsessed over it and mapped your life around the fear? Did that fear come true?
If I had to guess, I would say 99% of the time, our fears are unfounded. Decide not to worry about the what-ifs. Instead, trust God’s plan for tomorrow.
”For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.“~2 Timothy 1:7
This tells me that the spirit of fear isn’t coming from God. It’s a deception! Instead of welcoming the spirit of fear, I don’t want anything not from God. It’s a hard NO! I don’t want that! I’m unavailable for that!
So what are we promised in 2 Timothy 1:7? It says, “God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” That means we have the authority to rebuke fear in Jesus’ name. Surrender it and let God take the weight from us.
We Also Have Love and a Sound Mind
That’s love to receive from God and give to other people. Instead of worry and fear, let’s focus on spreading the love and encouragement we receive from God.
Lastly, a sound mind. How many of you need a sound mind right now? That’s what I want. That’s my prayer.
This is a battle! We are not promised that this is going to be easy. We’re promised the opposite. Through trials and tribulations, we’re going to grow through it. We’re going to face persecution. I believe that persecution is not only earthly but spiritual.
Pray and actively search for a sound mind.
Step 3: Refocus on God’s Call He Has Given You
We must refocus on God’s call once we recognize and surrender the distraction through prayer.
“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”~Psalm 46:10
We must refocus our ears away from the enemy’s screams and distractions and tune our frequencies to God’s voice. If God speaks to you as He speaks to me, it’s in the quiet. It’s in a whisper, and it’s a moment in nature.
It’s that surrendered time when I want to:
Be busy
Do the dishes
Check email
Touch my phone
Instead, I aim to hold my spirit in a surrendered posture. I say, “God, I’m here with You.” I hold myself, breathe through it, and sit in my anxious unrest. “Holy Spirit, help me be still.”
Little Pockets of Time
In those moments, there’s a download, a word from the Lord. It’s the little pocket of time to open the Book and read scripture, turn off another YouTube video, listen to worship music, and worship Him.
God intervenes when I make active decisions. He reminds me Who I belong to, helps me overcome distractions, and removes the noise. He also helps me silence my fears and replaces them with the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Yes, and amen!
So, friend, make intentional time today to hear God’s call and write it down. What verse can you wrap your fear in? Write out a prayer and surrender it to the Lord right now. Write down the ONE THING you’re going to focus on each day.
Identify Your Pocket of Time?
What is your pocket of time?
Going to worship?
Spend five minutes in your Bible?
Look for a mentor?
Join a small group?
What’s something physical and tangible you can do to overcome distraction, fight the noise in your life, and diminish it? I believe it all begins with the decision to get still, get quiet, and go slowly.
Stop leaning into the noise of fear and start leaning into the whisper of faith.
Scripture Recap to Hear God’s Call and Overcome Distraction
To dive into the verses I mentioned to hear God’s call for you, here is your scripture recap: John 10:10, Philippians 4:6, Matthew 6:34, 2 Timothy 1:7, and Psalm 46:10.
I pray the will of the Lord will wash over you, and you will know precisely what you should focus on. I pray you will have heaven’s timeline on your life right now. Give it to God, sit with Him, and rest in Him. Know to be still and know that He is with you today and every day. Tomorrow is taken care of, amen.
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I'm Stef Gass.
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