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Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jacklyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jacklyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
Spoiler Alert: Jacklyn recouped her investment in my group coaching program, Podcast to Profit, within less than two months. She explains her experience with other coaches, how she created a top ranked podcast, and why Podcast to Profit was pivotal to her success.
She shifted her podcast niche from something a little bit bigger to something dialed in
She hit a top ranked podcast
She consistently gets clients from her show
Jacklyn grew all of her success on social media, but came into Podcast to Profit to learn to make sales from the podcast so she could get off of social.
Jacklyn Kirschen is a weight loss dietitian, mindful eating nutritionist, and mom of two. Her journey began fifteen years ago when she lost sixty-five pounds and discovered that weight loss isn’t about calorie counting or restrictive dieting. It’s about learning to work with your body and not against it.
After years of struggling with yo-yo diets, obsessive tracking, and feeling out of control with food, she transformed her approach. She’s kept the weight off for fifteen years. In 2020, Jacklyn turned her personal Instagram with just six hundred followers into the Mindful Nutritionist. That grew to over eighty thousand women.
Jacklyn hosts the top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully, which has over fifty thousand downloads and is ranked a top 1.5% show.
She is making sales with clients and her signature program, the Mindful Weight Loss Academy. She’s helped over five hundred women permanently lose weight. She shifted from something she didn’t love to a podcasting model.
Buckle up. This is a juicy one. You’re going to love it.
Jacklyn‘s Accomplishments While in Podcast to Profit
Jacklyn has accomplished all of this while still in Podcast to Profit! I wanted you to hear her story before she graduated to prove that when you invest in yourself, making your investment back is feasible. It’s possible when you:
Do the right things
Follow the right steps
Are dedicated and disciplined
Don’t overcomplicate
Let’s learn more about Jacklyn’s top ranked podcast.
Stef Gass: Welcome to the podcast, Miss Jacklyn. I’m so happy you’re here.
Jacklyn Kirschen: Thank you. I’m honored. I’ve been listening to you for the last year and a half, and now I’m here!
Stef Gass: You’re here! Tell everyone what you do and what your podcast is called.
Jacklyn Kirschen: My name is Jacklyn Kirschen. I’m a weight loss dietitian and mindful eating coach. My podcast is called Lose Weight Mindfully.I help women sustainably lose weight while eating the foods they love without counting calories through mindful eating.
Stef Gass: Doesn’t that feel good because you know what you do? You’re so clear and confident. That clarity is priceless.
Jacklyn Kirschen: It has been a work in progress. You coach us on simplicity. It is so simple. This is who I am and this is who I help. It does feel good.
Stef Gass: I’m so happy for you. Do you remember how you found me?
Jacklyn Kirschen: I was a part of Cathy Heller’s program, It’s Your Turn to Podcast. It was in August 2023 that you came in for a VIP session with us. I was trying to have another child and had just lost a pregnancy. My daughter was probably a year old at the time.
I was so burnt out. I knew I wanted to scale and start a podcast because I was sick of social media. When you taught in Cathy’s program, you mentioned ditching social media. I remember thinking, “Who is this person? What is she talking about?” I had scaled my business the best way I knew with TikTok and Instagram.
So don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for how social media supported me. But when you talked about using your kids on your Instagram stories, you hit home because I was doing the same thing! My story views increased when I posted pictures of my adorable daughter, Olivia, but I wasn’t present.
Jacklyn Kirschen: The kicker was I wanted to have another baby and do things differently with the next child. I wanted to be present. I didn’t want to post a video of my child’s first steps and go right into selling. It felt so icky! I was always on. There has to be a different way.
When you talked about getting off of social media, I immediately went to your podcast and binged it. I was going through an emotional journey after losing the pregnancy, but I remember thinking, I’m going to work with Stef at some point. I don’t know when.
A year later, I had my son Ezra and while I was postpartum, I saw that you were doing a sale. I knew I could get a sixty-day runway. so I thought, ‘I‘m doing it!’ So it happened.
Stef Gass: Thank you so much. I’m so sorry for your loss, and I’m excited for baby Ezra to be here.
Jacklyn Kirschen: We had two frozen female embryos. I never thought I would have a boy. In Hebrew, we say, “It’s Besheret, it’s meant to be.” I believe, as I know you do, things work out the way they are supposed to. That heartache led to my baby boy.
Stef Gass:God is so kind!
A Different Way Led to a Top Ranked Podcast
Stef Gass: I love that you were slaying on social but at the expense of everything. You weren’t feeling great about it and those discernment alarms went off. Then you heard me and realized there’s a different way to do this. That took a big act of faith on your part.
Once you joined Podcast to Profit, tell me what happened inside this program. What was Podcast to Profit like when you got in there, and how was the social landscape shifting for you?
When I joined Podcast to Profit, I decided that I was going to do this right and follow the steps. I was all in. I knew something had to change. It’s been four years of growth, which I was grateful for. But it came at the expense of my personal and mental health.
Jacklyn Kirschen: I love Cathy and her program. But when I started my podcast, I didn’t get any strategy. It motivated me to get my voice into the world. At that time, I needed that.
With a strategy, I know there is a reason why you title things this way. There’s a step-by-step process to create a top ranked podcast. If I have a question, your coaches, Emily and Dani, are ready to help. I love them both. It’s like we’re best friends. The community is amazing too.
The biggest thing I love about your program is that it’s the strategy I need. In the first year of my podcast, I was throwing spaghetti at the wall. There’s nothing wrong with that. But I was at a point where if I was going to do this, I wanted to know why I was doing it and what was going to happen.
If it doesn’t work, then I can figure out why. I needed more than claps for my podcast. I needed money. I’m here because I am trying to make a living for my family. I’m not wishy-washy about that.
Monetizing Through Podcast to Profit
Stef Gass: I love that so much. I’m the same way. If I’m going to do something, I’m doing it with intentionality. We have limited time, resources, and attention. To say I have a podcast is cute. But I have a podcast as the solution to lead-gen in this business. This is the way I’m going to close my sales.
What did you accomplish in Podcast to Profit, Jacqueline? What were the things it helped you do? How does that look today as a tool to help you with leads and conversion?
Jacklyn Kirschen: Now I have a lot of clarity because I know my target audience and ideal client. I’m still in the process and fleshing it out. When you first taught us about market research, I decided I would do it right. Guess what? I signed three clients from my market research and made over 5K.
Stef Gass: That was less than three weeks into the program, correct?
Jacklyn Kirschen: I would say four weeks because two came from course calls. On one of the spotlight coaching calls, you told me to reach out to some of my old clients and I resigned one of them.
Stef Gass: Go girl! So in four weeks, you made your Podcast to Profit investment back.
Jacklyn Kirschen: Yeah, and I exceeded it!
Stef Gass: That’s so legit. I tell my students in the back office, “During market research, you might accidentally sign some clients.” It happens all the time.
Jacklyn Kirschen: It was so funny because you told us not to go in trying to sell someone and I didn’t. I used social media in my market research by posting on my Instagram Stories. The old me would not have told people I was in a program and working.
This time, I said I was in a podcasting program and needed help with market research. Immediately, people were willing to help. That’s how I got my three clients. It’s been awesome! Now I feel more aligned with what I’m posting. I haven’t ditched it, but it doesn’t rule me anymore.
The Numbers of Jacklyn’s Top Ranked Podcast
Jacklyn Kirschen: I’m such a numbers person. The one-year anniversary of the podcast is approaching, and I have just hit fifty thousand downloads. When I started with you, I had fourteen thousand. Dani told me that was amazing!
Stef Gass: I‘m excited for you. That’s huge. People don’t understand that most podcasts never make it past ten thousand downloads.
Jacklyn Kirschen: You teach us to look at the trajectory. It’s less about the actual number and more about where I’m going. I’m fifty-four episodes in and seeing this kind of growth means the world to me.
I never knew about rankings and just found out I have a top ranked podcast with a 1.5% global ranking. I can add that to my bio! It feels good to accomplish those things.
How a Top Ranked Podcast Makes Money
Stef Gass: How is this helping you make money today? Are you seeing people coming from social, but they’re going to the show? Is it converting people more quickly? Are you getting leads that come directly from your podcast? How is that looking?
Jacklyn Kirschen: I did get one application this year from someone who said she binged the podcast. At the end of 2024, I signed someone who listened on Spotify and not Apple. The best part about that conversation was she listened to every single episode. That meant so much to me because for over fifty episodes I have poured my heart and soul into it.
She’s such an asset to our community. One of my clients I signed from the podcast, resigned for a third round. My retention and my ROI are good, quality people. That means everything.
The lifetime value of a customer is not just four months. It’s eight months, a year and beyond. I would rather have people from the podcast who want to stick with me for a long time versus the people who download my free guide and don’t care what I have to say.
How to Use Social Media Strategically
Stef Gass: Absolutely! For those of you who want or need social to be a part of your journey, that’s okay. It doesn’t have to be all or none, but it can be less. And I think it can be more strategic.
One of the things I talked to Jacklyn about in our spotlights was it’s great to stay with social media because she has a solid following. But let’s drive them to the podcast because that filters out the people there for the free stuff and grabs the people there for longevity and sustainability. Those people will convert from the show.
Remember the purpose of your social presence. It’s an arrow pointing to the podcast. That’s all it is.
Sometimes, they hang out with you all day or a few times a week. They know they can trust you and are willing to buy from you.
Jacklyn Kirschen: I love seeing my clients learning things inside my Mindful Weight Loss Academy and utilizing the tools there, but I’ve added my podcast catalog. Every time I coach someone to a breakthrough or their mindset with the scale, I know I have many more things to offer my clients to get better results. It’s supporting and leading them to re-sign.
Go with Your Gut
Stef Gass: It’s exciting. I can’t wait to see what your podcast looks like for you a year from now. We’re going to work on positioning the podcast versus social media. I want to follow up with you six months from today.
What would you say to anyone who is on the fence? They’re wondering if Podcast to Profit is worth it. Is it what they need? What do you have to say to somebody listening right now?
Jacklyn Kirschen: I waited a year for the right time. I waited until I got pregnant, and then I had a baby. Guess what? It’s like I tell my clients, there’s never a right time. There’s never a right time to do anything in your life. If you want to change something, just do it.
There’s a part of me that wished I did it sooner. Instead of waiting until episode fifty, I could have started this at episode twenty-five, and it probably would have been better.
There’s so much support from the coaches and community. Everyone is kind and generous. I mean, every time I come onto a call, there’s no negativity. Everyone loves each other.
I have to throw this out. I’m Jewish, so I wondered if I could still join. Everyone said, “We love you. It’s okay.” It’s been nice because I have my faith, but I still feel accepted and loved.
All I can say is if you want to change something, do something about it. I didn’t think I could pretend and manifest it to happen. I did something and joined. I’m so happy I did. If you’re feeling that pull, go with your gut.
Take the First Step to a Top Ranked Podcast
Stef Gass: I love this so much. Big results always come with the first step and trusting the process will be refined over time. Thank you for coming on. I can’t wait to do our follow-up. I’m excited you’re already seeing the fruits of this work. I can’t wait to watch your journey, my friend.
How can everyone listen to your show and hang with you?
Jacklyn Kirschen: My podcast is called, Lose Weight Mindfully. You can find me on Apple and Spotify. I’m still on Instagram and TikTok. Whenever I get to the Pinterest step in Podcast to Profit, I’ll be there too. I would love to support you. It’s my journey to help women in their health journey and pave the pathway for their children.
Stef Gass: Amazing! Thank you so much, friend.
Jacklyn Kirschen: Thank you!
Stef Gass: I hope you loved my conversation with Jacklyn. If it is on your heart to take a leap of faith and join me as your podcast and business coach, I want to hold your hand. I want to teach you how to make podcasting profitable in my group coaching program, Podcast to Profit. I’ll see you soon.
Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jacklyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jacklyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
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I'm Stef Gass.
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