defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
Have you been feeling overwhelmed or stressed lately? Considering the kind of year we’ve had, I’m pretty sure we can all answer yes to that question. We’re not only dealing with warfare in the world, but we’re also dealing with struggles in our businesses, marriages, and parenting.
We have so many concerns that weigh on us every day. No matter how big or small, they take a serious toll on our mental health and sanity. While our worries are sometimes an unnecessary distraction from where God is calling us, sometimes they’re valid concerns that we need to handle with real grit and intention.
When was the last time you set aside time to connect with God and renew your mind? Has this practice fallen by the wayside in the busyness of life? I want to challenge you to get back into the Word and see how your mindset is changed for the better.
When we connect with God, He renews our minds. And friends, there’s nothing like it! Wouldn’t starting your day with this kind of renewal be life-changing?
Today, I’m walking you through the different ways I connect with God daily, depending on my mindset for that day. There are times when I desire a full renewal of my mind, and there are times when I need to be in a posture of gratitude or worship. I hope you find this topic eye-opening and helpful for your daily practice of connecting with God.
Let’s dive in!
While in the pickup line at my kids’ school today, I had a true lightbulb moment about how my day had gone. I thought about all the different ways my day could have played out – how I executed my tasks, stayed focused, showed up for my team, and everything in between. What I realized was the trajectory of my day all boils down to the different ways I connect with God.
I’m not sure I ever realized it until now, but I connect with God differently based on what I’m going through. The different ways I renew my mind are varied based on what I need and how I need to connect with and lean on Him. Let’s take a deeper dive.
Different Ways I Connect with God to Renew My Mind
The main method I want to discuss is your emotional connection when you spend time with God. As a mom or wife, have you ever felt emotionally off? I found myself feeling a little empty or unseen this morning. Can you relate? You know those mornings when you’ve done everything to serve your family – like packing lunches, tying shoelaces, making breakfast – without so much as a “thank you” from anyone?
It’s not that your family isn’t grateful, it’s just that everyone is equally busy trying to get from one thing to another. Maybe, emotionally, you’re just needing something a little extra. It’s hard to identify exactly what that extra something is. That’s when we want to connect with God on an emotional level. Instead of looking to those around you to fill your cup, start looking to Him.
Connect with God to Renew Your Mind Method #1: Blast Worship Music
Music can be uplifting and energizing, but it can also be therapeutic! When I want to release any pent-up angst, discontentment, ungratefulness, or other feelings, I turn on and blast worship music.
Pop in those headphones and rock out while cleaning the house, driving your kids to practice, or making dinner. Nothing gets you in a better mindset than great worship music.
The emotional reset of a good jam session is sometimes all I need to boost my mood and renew my mind.
Connect with God to Renew Your Mind Method #2: Verbally Process Through Prayer and Journaling
If I’m anxious or nervous, I love to dialogue with God through prayer. I take a moment to pray for His help, advice, and clarity. This can look like a whisper, a shout, or a silent prayer. There’s no right way to pray, friends!
The Lord knows your heart. The Holy Spirit can even groan and intercede for you when you don’t know what to say.
I have found that verbal processing can manifest as wise counsel. When I need guidance, sometimes God places a message in my inbox, or places someone on my mind for me to reach out to. I’m better able to relinquish my anxiety and renew my mind when I connect with God through prayer and verbal processing.
For you, this might look like journaling. Journaling allows you a blank slate to write down all your worries, stressors, fears, beliefs, joys, and sorrows. Getting things out on paper helps to stop the spiral in our minds.
Connect with God to Renew Your Mind Method #3: Open the Bible and Dive Deeper
This is the one I am most excited to discuss with you! I had an aha moment today as I was wondering why I wasn’t operating at my highest capacity. I listened to my favorite devotional app this morning, which usually puts me in the right mindset. But it simply wasn’t working!
Here’s what I realized: when I’m under pressure, I need to be sure I don’t lose my focus or patience. For example, I have an upcoming photo shoot and a CEO retreat, so I’m feeling plenty of pressure right now. For the record, I do not work well under pressure! I’m more of a planner.
What I desire is for God to get into the roots and wires of my mind. For Him to get His hands on my overwhelming thoughts and gently untangle them in the way only He knows how. It’s so important to physically, tangibly touch my Bible – i.e., grab my highlighters and pens, open up the word of God, and dive in.
I know I need to dissect the word of God, even if for only 15 or 30 minutes. I have GOT to dive into scripture and get my hands dirty. This is what allows my mind to be renewed at an optimal level. Friends, would this practice help renew your minds, too?
Don’t you love learning new things about yourself as an adult?
Here’s what I’m learning about myself when it comes to connecting with God: Sometimes I can’t “cotton candy” my God connection and expect a renewing of my mind.
To clarify, if I’m unwilling to go deep when I need Him the most, why would I expect the soft-touch approach to uplift me in my time of need? And here’s the interesting part: it’s often the most important stuff where I want to do the “cotton candy” touch with the Lord, like just listening to worship music in the car.
Sometimes that’s all we have time for, but friends, that’s not always enough! When we minimize spending time with God, it’s usually the time we need Him the most! When we have all this other, worldly stuff to do, we prioritize that stuff over a deep dive with the Lord.
As I sat down today wondering why everything was throwing me off, why I was snapping at my team, why I was in a bad mood, it became crystal clear. It’s because I didn’t do my deep dive to connect with God in a high-pressure situation.
When things are breezing right along, music and journaling can work great! Some days, however, we need that deep dive to truly connect with God. We need a Godly business meeting, some marriage counseling, or a full-on intervention over our thoughts. Am I right?
Which Methods Work Best for You to Renew Your Mind and Connect with God?
This may not be the perfect recipe for you, but there are different ways to connect with God and renew your mind. I would encourage you today to think about what things work for you. What gets you on the right path, heals your mind, and helps you trust the Lord on a deeper level? Pay attention to those things, because those might be God’s connection points specifically for you.
I hope this post encourages you, friend. No problem is too small and no solution is too great for God to show up and renew your mind. He is with us in every season and every situation.
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Have you ever had a business meeting with God? In this post, my goal is to provide you with six tangible steps to set the agenda for your business meeting with God.
Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jaclyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jaclyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
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I'm Stef Gass.
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