defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
Have you ever stopped and asked yourself, what do I really want? What would success truly mean for me six months, a year, five, or ten years down the road? Why am I doing all the things that I’m doing? And what am I actually trying to create? What is the end result that I want? What is non-negotiable?
So often we run, chase, and do, without knowing what the heck we’re running towards. We don’t know what the objective is we are so desperately trying to achieve. Right now, I want you to pause for a moment and think about what type of success you want. What does your life need to look like in order for you to know that you’ve reached success?
For Me, It’s Sustainability
As I sat and thought about this, one of the biggest words that kept coming up for me was sustainability. I want to know if I take a vacation, my business isn’t going to implode. I want to be able to create something that I can trust. And trust the business I build is blessed by God.
I want it to be something I can do in less time, something that’s fulfilling and that brings peace and purpose into my heart. Something where I’m able to spend time with my kids, where I’m able to get sick and be out for three or four days and know nothing is going to crumble. I want sustainability.
If that’s on your list of the top three things you think success means to you, then this blog post is for you. I’m going to share with you the ONE thing that has helped me so much (and it’s not actually podcasting). You guys know I’m super here for that conversation. But it’s something else. It’s ONE thing I believe is non-negotiable in your race for sustainable success. Let’s go!
“My name is Cheska Nicole. I have a podcast called Do I Have ADHD? I just started it ten months ago and the entire situation has been such a God thing. In ten months we have had almost 65,000 downloads. I’ve had multiple one-on-one coaching calls with people and every person that I have coached except one so far has told me it was such a God thing that they found me, that they found my podcast because they’ve never found a podcast where they felt so heard and so seen.
Even just me finding you. Because I found you through an interview. I was teaching summer school and listening on the bus during field trips. I just binged all of your stuff and I ended up with a podcast just a couple of weeks later. And I had no intention of starting a podcast. It’s working and it’s growing and it’s touching people and it has been such a God thing. And I’m helping other people feel known and that is a huge blessing. So I just want to encourage anyone who’s listening, just start taking action now. You don’t have to have it all figured out. God will keep giving you every single next step when it’s right.
Amen Sister Friend.
If you, like Cheska, want to grow something sustainable like a podcast where you can pour your heart out, touch people, reach people, use your voice to actually grow an audience, and then ultimately get those coaching clients or get those future students right from your show, I encourage you to go watch my free workshop, which is at
This workshop is going to tell you how and why you need to take action on using a podcast to grow your online business. I promise you these 40 minutes might completely transform the trajectory of the way you’re growing your business. I really pray you’ll give me this time to see if this could be right for you. You owe it to yourself to see if this is the next right step for you. Again, that’s
What’s the ONE Non-Negotiable Thing to Achieve Success?
I know you’re wondering, what’s the ONE non-negotiable thing Stef that’s going to help me achieve sustainable success? Sure, it’s the tactical outcomes like having a podcast or some type of long-form content. It’s having systems and having a team, and taking action. It’s all of that.
But as I sat and thought about it, the core route of actually finding a breakthrough, of making a huge jump from, “I did it” to “Oh I’m doing it, I’m pushing through, I’m showing up, I’m optimizing now,” to ” now I’m actually growing and scaling. I’ve hit a place of sustainable success.” What is it? What’s the secret sauce?
And it’s (drumroll please): Consistency! Write it on your paper. Highlight it. Circle it. Double-underline it, baby. C-O-N-S-I-S-T-E-N-C-Y! says consistency means, a degree of density, firmness, or steadfast adherence to a principle, agreement, harmony, or compatibility among the parts of a complex thing.
Wow, does that not totally explain your business and your brand? There’s this complex thing we are dealing with, but inside of this complex thing we have agreement, harmony, compatibility, and uniformity. And then we have steadfast adherence to that thing. That is so it!
Keep reading friend because I am going to share six tips to help you be consistent. But first, let’s dig deeper into what consistency is and you’ll see why consistency is non-negotiable.
Consistency is Found in Scripture
The Bible says in Galatians 6:9, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.“ We have a worldly definition of consistency that’s spot on and we have a biblical definition, that’s also spot on. It’s going to take time not to become weary of doing the thing. Then, we will reap a harvest if we let do not give up.
Let’s talk about why consistency matters. I’m going to share some tips with you because I know it’s hard. It’s easier said than done. It’s easy to say, I’m in. I’m going to be consistent and then reality hits. Life hits, a kid gets sick, you go on vacation, and consistency goes out the window. You find yourself frustrated and giving up and inevitably trying to start over. Right? We can’t allow that to happen.
Consistency is the Non-Negotiable Foundation
Consistency is absolutely key when it comes to sustainability. So why does it matter? If you’re going to make progress in your business, you have to keep working towards that outcome. Consistency is the thing. We don’t get to stop. I mean, obviously, you’ll rest, but stopping is not going to happen. That is not an option. This is non-negotiable until we get to the outcome.
Because when we get to the outcome, God will have a new thing for us every single time. He doesn’t just let us grow into a comfort zone to stay there. He helps us get to a comfort zone so He can take us to the next level of discomfort. So we can grow and expand and explode in this purpose we each have in our lives.
Whether you’re starting your podcast right now or you’re coming up with what your brand is going to be or you’re focused on growing your audience, consistency is the non-negotiable foundation upon which every single thing is built. Without consistency, your message gets diluted.
Consistency Creates Super Fans
If your marketing efforts are sporadic, people won’t trust you. Your audience won’t know what to expect from you and consequently, they won’t buy from you. Your business will be inconsistent, which means it will not have any momentum. There will be a lack of trust between you and your listener.
You WILL NOT have loyal customers because they are unsure if they should buy from you versus somebody who has massive consistency. Consistent individuals have established themselves as reliable, trustworthy, and dependable. When you create superfans, people are here for you.
How often have you guys known for sure if I click on Stefanie’s podcast, there will be something new to listen to right now? I’ve heard time and time again how y’all binge-listen to my podcast. I am consistent! In four and a half years, I’ve only missed one episode, and that was a decision I made over a holiday.
Non-Negotiable Consistency Matters in Every Area of Your Life
Consistency is bigger than your business too. It matters in every area of your life. It’s non-negotiable. If you want to hit a new level in your health, how long do you have to work out, drink water, go to bed on time, and eat healthy foods? It takes a really long time to start seeing notable results.
Consistency is the thing that actually moves the needle. It’s not getting started. It’s not the newest diet fad and it’s not that you amped up your workouts for 30 days and then you’re going to take a month off. Your success is in your consistency, even in your health goals. Consistency is non-negotiable.
What about consistency in your marriage? You can’t go, Oh, let’s go on a marriage retreat once and then focus on yourself now and put your spouse last. You have to be consistent in the connection in your marriage. Consistency is the secret to success in every area.
Are you in the Word once and call it done? Or maybe you’re in the Word once a month and call it done? That’s not good enough.We have to be consistent in the things that matter most to the person we are working to become, to be the very best version of ourselves.
Non-Negotiable Consistency Creates a Better Version of You
I am not going to shy away from the fact that I think there’s a better version of each and every one of us. There should never be a moment in time where I say, Well, I’m done growing now. My marriage is pretty good. I’m kind of nice to my kids 90% of the time. My friendships are all right. I have one friend I called two months ago. My business is okay. I’m making $1K a month, even though I originally wanted to make $10K a month. It’s fine. Yeah, I go to church.
That is not the best version of you. Even if you think you’re operating at the very best version of yourself in every single area of your life, there is another level. Pray, ask God:
Where could I be even better?
Where can I get even more into it?
Who this beautiful version of me that you’ve created me to be. How do I get there?
What do I do differently?
What’s the call of my life?
What’s the thing I should give to?
What am I supposed to be doing?
Who am I supposed to be helping right now?
I promise you there’s another level and consistency will matter. If you ever want to hit those levels of performance and excellence and trajectory and sustainability, friend, you’ve got to get consistent.
Non-Negotiable Consistency is Mindset, Discipline, and Motivation
First, how do we do it? I’m sorry to tell you, but creating consistency is not as easy as snapping your fingers. It’s a whole thing. Consistency starts with your mind and your prayer life and your belief that you are worthy of walking this out with God, that He has this beautiful anointing over you, and that all you have to do is show up for it. There’s the whole mindset piece.
Second, consistency is the actual discipline to show up and to keep showing up even when it doesn’t feel shiny, sparkly, and new. It’s a discipline that’s non-negotiable.
And then third, there’s the intrinsic, internal motivation factor of why you’ll keep showing up when the discipline and the newness of your routine have worn off. Your heart has to keep pulling you forward until.
Tip #1 Have a Business Meeting With God
The first tip is to sit down and have a business meeting with God. This is something that I teach inside Podcast to Profit, my six-month mastermind program for podcasters. Because if we are not running a God-centered business, not only does it have less meaning and fulfillment, but we in our humanness are going to fail.
We’re going to get distracted or we’re going to give up. We could fall prey to impostor syndrome or to excuses and limitations we face. We have to have a God-centered business and a God-centered mindset.
So sit down with God and have a business meeting. Talk to Him about the goal you’ve written down and the outcome you want. Pray and ask Him to pour into your heart the belief that you can and to allow Holy Spirit to lead you forward in your steps.
After you’ve had this business meeting, you’re going to have to continue to cultivate it. The consistency in your relationship with God has to be on point if you want any of the rest of these tips to actually play out in your life.
Tip #2 Develop a Non-Negotiable Routine
For my second tip, I want you to develop a routine. You can have discipline but if you don’t have a routine, you don’t know what to be disciplined about. Not only a daily routine but a weekly and a monthly routine where you know, what you’re doing on a daily basis to get to that goal.
I think where we fail at consistency is we don’t know what to do. What I teach my students, is very simple. One, select your long-form content. Pour into that on a weekly basis, one to two episodes a week.
Secondly, you’re going to nurture. We do an email Love Note once a week. It’s very simple. We post in a Facebook group a couple of times a week. And then lastly, work on conversion. That’s it. That’s all we need to do in order to grow a beautiful, sustainable online business.
Obviously, there are a lot of strategies and how-to’s inside of what those simple things are. You can learn more about those if you decide to join us in Podcast to Profit. I think we struggle with consistency because we’ve put so many things on our plate that is completely irrelevant and unnecessary to the outcome and goal we have set for ourselves.
Do you know exactly what it will take to hit your goal? If you do not, this is the very first problem you need to tackle because you can. Then once you’re clear on what you need to do, you can build a routine around it.
Tip #3 Have Non-Negotiable, Super Clear Goals
Tip number three is you need to have non-negotiable, super clear goals. What are you trying to get done? And then reverse engineer them so that you know what is the clear and objective plan each and every month until I get this thing done?
How do you break this big goal into smaller tasks and then create a plan to accomplish it? I’ve heard people take both sides on this. For instance, I hate goal setting because then I fail and I feel bad about myself. Remember, goals are simply an end result we’re trying to get to. Breaking this goal down into smaller, attainable stepping stones, creates data.
For example, did I hit this goal or not? If I did, cool. How do I pour fuel on the fire that’s working? If I didn’t hit this goal, how do I adjust? How do I pivot? If you have no goals, you have no idea if something’s actually working. I think it’s smart to set goals that are tactical, that are realistic, but push you a bit. Goals that are attainable and that are measurable.
How Do You Know?
How do you know if you’ve actually hit this goal that’s going to give you the data you need to know if you’re on the right track? If you say I want to be a $10K per month earner and that’s one of the sustainable success objectives you’ve set out for yourself, you need to reverse engineer it.
How many should I make based on the superfan number?
How am I going to get there?
What does this look like?
How am I going to grow the podcast?
How am I going to grow my audience so that I can get more leads in at this conversion rate?
Then how do you increase your conversion rate?
Maybe you’re going to work on optimizing your email list.
Perhaps you’re going to work on your messaging and marketing.
Maybe you’re going to invest in yourself and join a program to teach you how to do all these things.
You got to figure that out friend. If you don‘t know what the clear goals are for where you’re trying to go, you’re going to get nowhere fast.
Tip #4 Plan Out Your Content in Advance
Tip number four is you need to create a content calendar and plan out your content in advance. We do this for my podcast. All fingers and all angles point back to the podcast. This is going to help you stay consistent because you’re going to have to show up and plan. You’re going to have to show up and batch-record your content. You’re going to need to show up and make sure that all the pieces are working together.
If consistency is a major player in your strategy, the worst thing you do can is fly by the seat of your pants. That’s why I said you need goals and you need routines. Listen to the things I’m telling you right now. You need a content plan. It’s non-negotiable.
Tip #5 Batch Your Content
Tip number five, batch your content. On Wednesdays, I sit down and record the next three episodes for the following week. Every single Wednesday, I’m recording your next three episodes. It’s established a routine in my life that’s super consistent. I know what my goal is for the podcast this year, and therefore I know exactly what I’m supposed to be hitting each month.
Sometimes I hit it, sometimes I do not. Remember, it’s data. I do this not to make me feel bad. I do this to make me get clear, to grow and optimize and get in y’all’s hearts and heads so I can create the content you actually need.
Tip #6 Stay Focused
Last but not least, tip number 6 is to stay focused. If you want true consistency, I’m talking four and a half years later after starting your show, you will have 400 to 600 podcast episodes.
You’ve gone from a couple thousand people in your community to hundreds of thousands. You’re making consistent sales from your show. You are on other people’s podcasts. This is what’s happened to me through the power of consistency.
Sure, I’ve added in all the other pieces that I teach you in Podcast to Profit like taking action and knowing the steps. I get it. But if you don’t have consistency, that’s the non-negotiable, foundational thing that breaks everything else apart, because it doesn’t matter if you have all the strategy in the world.
You Have to do the Work
You have to do the work over and over and over again:
When it doesn’t feel exciting anymore.
If you don’t know if anybody cares or if anybody’s listening, you have to do the work.
When your podcast goes stagnant for twelve months, you have to do the work.
That happened to me. By the way, before my latest breakout, before hitting these big audacious numbers, I had a huge period where my podcast didn’t move.
But I said I will until. I will keep opening my mouth and He shall fill it until the Lord says stop! Why are you stopping? Stopping is not part of the secret to success. Stopping is inconsistent. And we are unavailable for that. It’s non-negotiable!
Does this mean you can’t take a break? No, batch record and take a vacation. I take so many vacations, but you guys don’t know because I’ve batched my content. I’ve been consistent.
Not only is my content consistent, but my messaging is consistent. I know who I’m talking to you. I’m not confused with who I serve and how I help you and what my offers are and what I expect you to do. I’m not confused. I am very clear now.
Non-Negotiable Consistency Plays Into Your Actions
Non-negotiable consistency plays into your actions. It plays into your messaging and your marketing. And your consistency completely matters when it comes to your focus. We need to avoid distractions. This means getting serious about eliminating distractions from your life.
What does this mean for you? Does it mean you will delete the social media apps from your phone? I hope so. Why are those still there? Does it mean you’re going to turn off notifications on your phone? I hope so. Why are those still on?
Does it mean when you decide to sit down to a work block that you’re going to choose to remove yourself from the hubbub and the noise of your home and actually sit down and be serious about the work that you’re doing? I know that this isn’t always possible, but it is sometimes.
Sometimes we choose to stay in a noisy, crowded space when we have the opportunity to escape to maybe a bedroom or even better yet, leave the house so we can actually focus. I have students who work from their cars. Get focused!
I Struggle With This Too
Okay, I struggle with this too. That’s why I created Episode 587 to help you. There are ten hacks to help you focus better. Go listen to Episode 587.
But really, the message I’m here to bring to you is that consistency is key. If you don’t have the consistency right now, it’s okay. It’s okay to be where you are, but it is not okay to stay there. If you know there’s a bigger, better version of you that’s calling, that’s screaming, get consistent. If there’s a desire in your heart and you hear yourself saying, I want this to work, I want this to matter, I wish I had more peace or presence, I wish I had more time, then get consistent.
What is the thing that you need to commit to right now and be so consistent with it? Plug it into your planner and build the plan Set the goals and build the routines. Create consistent content around it. Get super focused.
Bonus Tip: You Must Have Non-Negotiable Accountability
And here’s your bonus tip. You must have non-negotiable accountability. Go and tell three people who really matter to you, who are going to care about these goals that you have set for yourself. Tell them. Tell them when you’re going to do it.
You have to have accountability inside of consistency. And then you go get it done. Put your head down and get to work. Stop looking up, stop looking side-to-side, and stop looking at your phone. Just do the work. It’s non-negotiable!Trust me, the consistent work is going to get you where you’re called to go.
Before you go, be sure to watch the free workshop!
This free workshop is for you if you want to grow an online business in less time.
It will teach you how to explode your audience without the social media hustle, make consistent sales using a podcast, and plan, record, and launch a podcast with ease!
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
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I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
I'm Stef Gass.
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Launch a podcast in less than 30 days! 12 simple steps to go from idea to successful podcast.
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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