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Hey Friend!
Today, I have a special treat for you. I’m going to share a snippet from my group coaching program, Podcast to Profit. Lara Frendjian, one of my amazing students, and I dive into mapping out her urgency offer to increase sales in her business after launching her Master Your Metabolism After 40 podcast.
We focused on the strategic layout of her offer to increase sales, along with some super fun strategies for getting people to show up and making that buying decision matter and work.
In today’s climate, you have to be reallysmart about bringing offers to the table. And just to let you know, urgency is a must when you want to increase sales.
Learn the steps to follow to create a business that is not only peaceful but also profitable. Be sure to grab a notebook and pen and think about applying these same business strategies to bring in more leads and increase sales with your online business.
As you read through the interview, make it personal. Ask yourself, “How can this conversation apply to me?What offer can I bring to the table to increase sales?”
I hope this interview blesses you.
What’s the biggest question you need my help with to increase sales?
Lara: I have ideas of what to talk about, but I’d love to discuss them with you. For the launch itself, in terms of the topics, what I’m going to cover doesn’t seem like reasonable information because I feel like I’m saying a lot of it on the podcast. What new information do I have to give them in the launch?
Stef: It does not have to be new. The purpose of workshops, launches, bootcamps, and one-day classes is that people want to hang out with us live. It literally does not matter that we’ve already talked.
I have 750 episodes, so there’s nothing new I’m going to say. There will be because God will help me, there will be something groundbreaking I’ll say, but I’m not going into it with a new training or method. It’s all the same.
It’s Podcast to Profit. This is the method. They’re going to do it, or they’re not. So, what is your process, Lara? When someone is going to master their metabolism after 40, what must they do? That’s what you want to talk about.
I’m never afraid to give away too much because covering everything in a one- or two-day workshop would be impossible. I like to keep it simple so it’s not overwhelming.
Million-Dollar Piece of Information to Increase Sales
Stef: Buyer behavior has shifted from how much you can give me or how many cool new classes and free things you can throw at me to how this saves me time. Time is the number one pain point in every niche.
We’re hyper-distracted, addicted to our phones, super overbooked, overstimulated, and all we can think about is how we don’t have time. So when you get an interested buyer, it’s not, “Here’s everything I give to you; go do it yourself.”
When you get an interested buyer, it’s:
Here’s the thing that you plug in and implement to save you 10 hours a week and get your metabolism back on track.
Here’s the blueprint of what you’re going to eat. You don’t have to worry about what to eat.
You don’t have to worry about your workouts. They’re mapped out for you to save time.
Shift your positioning to save time, and watch your sales grow.
Stef: What are you thinking about teaching them? Give me the high level in the launch that leads to your method of how they master their metabolism.
Lara: I have 670 superfans. The takeaway from the first day is to stop doing things with a lot of self-identifiers like:
Experiencing shifts in the body
Weight loss
Reduced energy
I’ll provide a workbook that will help identify one thing they will start working on and share it in the Facebook group. On day two, I’ll take them through the five steps to regain their body balance. That’s where I will dive into the method (balancing nutrients, etc.).
Make an Offer on Day One to Increase Sales
Stef: That’s good. I love that. Okay, so one thing with two-day-plus workshops is you need to think about: what’s the cliffhanger? Why are people coming back for day two? Let’s think about that piece.
Can you offer something really fun, like a door prize? Do you want to give away a half scholarship to your program? What can we do? Do you want to give a coaching call away to somebody returning for day two?
Lara: I was thinking of doing a live coaching call because I’ve started sharing some of my coaching calls on the podcast, and people seem to like them. I could do live coaching or don’t mind doing a half- or half-scholarship. I’m cool with that, too.
Stef: I think I like your first option. At the end of day one, I want you to sell your offer. Day one! A million-dollar tip!Most of you do one-day classes, so this doesn’t apply, but if you’re doing a two-day workshop, always shift the sale to day one.
Why? Again, our buyer is so distracted. You’ll probably see a vast drop off – if my stuff is any indication and everybody I know is any indication – from day one to day two to day three. Day one is your hottest market to increase sales.
Everybody’s there. Did you lose the sale if you don’t sell and they don’t come back for day two? Maybe. Maybe they’ll open your email, but perhaps they won’t. So we will sell day one, Lara, and invite them to join your metabolic mastery six-month group coaching program.
Urgency and Opportunity to Increase Sales
Stef: They’ll have an urgency reason to buy on day one, then come back on day two as you spotlight two people, for example, who’ll receive some fun, free coaching on the call. Now, there’s a reason to come back.
You’ll train on your five steps on day two to regain balance. Keep it high level; don’t go deep with each one. Take up to 45 minutes on the call, and then invite your audience to enroll in your six-month program.
Share reasons they want to join.
They’re done struggling to lose weight.
They’re done fighting hormones.
They’re done staring at the fridge.
They’re done trying 300 different diets to try to boost your metabolism.
They want to get healthy the right way.
They need help, support, and community.
Present the urgency offer to increase sales.
Tell them, “I will give you guys [fill in the blank with the offer].” So now we have another urgency offer to increase sales for day two and then let them know the cart will close within five days.
Lara: I love it!
Stef: That’s your strategy, and I think what you’re teaching is excellent! We have the urgency offers locked in, and with 670 superfans, you should be sitting pretty with 6 to 10 sales.
Lara: Do I need to discount it? What do you think? I’m offering them two bonuses. One bonus is how to get through the holidays. The second bonus is an extra month to cover December because it’s busy. Clients will get seven months in the program.
Do I need to offer a discount?
Stef: It’s a $2,000 program. What if they get $200 off if they buy within 24 hours of day one? We also sometimes offer a pay-in-full bonus, so that’s another option.
So if they pay in full, they get $200 off now, and you’re getting that cash flow in sooner, which is never a bad idea. You’re not dealing with future payment plan issues, especially for those of us who have more extensive ticket programs like this, so think about that as another thought: a pay-in-full $200 off.
Lara: Okay, I love it. You’re brilliant. Can I just give a praise report? I’m just so grateful for this program. I could honestly cry. My business was dwindling, and I thought of shutting it all down. I’m passionate about what I do and love helping women.
I was down to my last client when I first signed up for Podcast for Profit. It was like $300 a month. Since I started your program, I have had my highest month, which was $6,500! It was my first highest ever in business, and I’ve been doing this since 2020. It’s so God. I’m grateful.
Stef: Thank you so much. I am so happy for you. You invested $5,000 in yourself when you had $300 coming in the door to do a program you could not afford. Look how God redeemed that! I’m here for that.
Thank you, and thank goodness you didn’t give up! We have to keep pressing in against all odds. God takes us to the ends of ourselves; only He can get us back out of that place.
God redeems.
Lara: Yeah, that’s exactly the message He sent. I want to encourage others. God showed me Deuteronomy 11:11 on my launch day, and I want you guys to read it. The thing that you’re stepping into is no longer what you were doing.
You’re walking into the promised land. I believe that message is for everyone here. God’s given us a calling. Just keep doing it. It doesn’t matter what the numbers are. Just keep doing it and trusting Him because He brought you here. I believe that.
Stef: Amen. Big hugs.
I hope you were blessed today, friend. I pray it stretched, challenged, or grew you somehow. Will you share this blog with someone praying for a business breakthrough?
Lastly, come on over and watch my workshop, where I’ll teach you how to grow your online business in less than two hours a week using podcasting. You can watch it right now here.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him so you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
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I'm Stef Gass.
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