defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
How the heck do you trust God in your online business? Are you struggling to balance faith and work? Do you find it hard to fully surrender and relinquish your plans for your business’ success? Don’t worry, you are not alone! I have been there before, and still am sometimes!
In today’s post, I will share practical ways to hand your online business over to God. Perhaps that sounds scary to you – it did for me too! Maybe you want to trust God but you can’t truly let go of control over your online business. My goal for you is to find peace in this online business journey, knowing that it all belongs to Him anyway.
I want to walk you through three action steps you need to take to trust God in your online business. Friends, our kingdom businesses will never truly succeed if we don’t trust God and keep Him at the center of it all. He called you to it, and He will see you through it if you trust Him.
But, Stef, how do we do that!? That’s what we’ll discuss today, so buckle up!
How God Continues to Show Up in My Online Business
I want to kick things off by sharing a story with you. I have been very successful in my online business, and that’s all thanks to God. From the moment He gave me a prophetic dream in 2018 to start my podcast, it has been ALL God’s doing.
I have surrendered (for the most part), and I have trusted God (mostly). However, I have also oscillated because I’m human! There were moments when I felt like someone else copied what I was doing, or I was hard on myself for not meeting my goals. Sometimes, I wondered if this big plan was even working!
There’s a difference between having questions and questioning God’s will for you and your business. I never once said, “God, there’s no way this business could bring in a million dollars. Lord, your plan for me isn’t working!” I never spoke those words because I knew He would make good on His promise. After all, He is a faithful, promise-keeping God. If He led me to create my podcast, I would see it through.
I Trust God with My Online Business, Even When It Feels Impossible
There have been seasons where the podcast became stagnant or even declined. However, because people convert so quickly through the podcast, revenue continues to grow. Just recently, I questioned whether we’d meet our goal or not.
Two days before the end of 2024, we still hadn’t hit our revenue goal of passing one million dollars in a twelve-month calendar period. And, frankly, there was no way this goal would be met this late in the game! We were too far away and had pulled all the rabbits out of our hats. We were at least $20,000 away from our goal!
But God.
As I trusted God with the end of the year, crazy things started happening – people started paying off balances, jumping into my group coaching program, and upgrading. So many people started taking action at the end of the year, and within just a few hours of the new year, we surpassed our goal by a few thousand dollars.
After this huge goal was met, I shed some tears because of the sheer goodness of God. It’s not about the money, it’s about His kindness. It’s just like God to do something so kind at the eleventh hour, so to speak.
From the day I started as an entrepreneur, I believed one day I would have a million-dollar company. I remember people chuckling at my lofty goal. I certainly didn’t meet that goal in network marketing, but I continued to believe it would happen one day. Every year as I made plans, I continued to surrender this big dream over to God.
God’s Will is Worth the Wait
I believe dreams and goals are good when they’re partnered with God. We’re very generous as a company, and we steward what He gives us by employing people, giving back, and helping people find their voice in the world.
There have been moments throughout my journey where I wondered if something was working well enough, but I never questioned Him. If God had taken my company away last year, I still wouldn’t question Him. I trust that His will is worth the wait.
My worry over my business was trying to override God’s will over my business. While I’m so grateful and honored that we hit those big goals, my faith in Him would not waver. Sure, I would have been disappointed about it, but my trust in the Lord is steadfast.
So let’s talk about your plans and how you can trust God with your online business.
Perhaps you aren’t seeing the fruits of your labor yet. Maybe you’re in the messy, hard beginning. Maybe you’re in a season where something has failed – been there, done that! Or maybe you’re in the trenches of the middle and you’re wondering if this is it for you. I want to assure you that you can trust God with your online business.
Now, let’s get into our practical steps as you trust God with your business. Grab your notebooks and take some notes, friends!
Trust God in Your Online Business Step 1: Surrender to Him
We must surrender our online businesses to God. Proverbs 16:3 says, “Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.” Have you invited Him into your business? Start there, friends.
Sit down and have a business meeting with God. Ask Him for the desires of your heart. Pour out to him and tell Him what’s working and what’s not! Don’t compartmentalize your business. He deserves to be in every facet of your life. God delights in the details, so let Him in. This means praying over every area of your business.
Every morning, I’d like for you to pray over your day. Here’s what I say:
“Holy Spirit, lead me and my company today. Please direct my words and decisions. Help me take a back seat while allowing you in the front seat of my life and business.”
You are the steward of your online business, but you are not the owner.
Every day, have a business meeting with God with a morning prayer where you’re asking the Holy Spirit to lead you.
Trust God in Your Online Business Step 2: Trust His Timing and Provision
Psalm 37:7 says, “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him.” Isaiah 41:10 tells us, “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”
These verses remind us that we should wait on His timing and release the fear of lack and failure. Remember, God delights in the details. Therefore, He will probably allow every opportunity for you to grow. Obstacles are growth opportunities and we are refined by the fire. God will use these challenges to refine and redirect you.
I have failed time and time again. At one point in time, I had twelve offers! I created a funnel course that He allowed me to fail, and praise God for that! That was me throwing spaghetti at the wall, focusing on money and not service.
This failure taught me an important lesson. It taught me to slow down and to focus on the person who needs my offer versus the thing I’m selling them. I had to take a step back and audit myself.
Here’s your action step: journal about a current challenge in your online business, and ask God to reveal His lesson within. Write it down and pray about it.
There’s usually a lesson within our struggle. What I’ve found is that the sooner you relinquish it, He becomes the owner again and you become the steward. We release that control, much like sand flowing through our fingers. His direction will get us where we need to go.
Trust God in Your Online Business Step 3: Work in Excellence and Align With His Purpose
Colossians 3:23 says, “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.”
If we’re working for the Lord, we are doing excellent work by default! We shouldn’t create some random thing that no one is asking for just to make a quick buck. That isn’t glorifying to God.
There’s a difference between excellence and perfectionism. Excellence is doing the best you can with what you have. Perfectionism is striving after an unrealistic goal that you will never achieve.
Focus on Excellence
When we focus on excellence, a core pillar of my company, it’s doing the best with what you have. It allows you to be intentional, focused, glorifying, giving, showing up, doing the work, and speaking from your heart. This also helps you to be wise and discerning in how you handle conflict, an unhappy customer, or competition. When you’re working for the Lord, you tend to behave yourself!
Matthew 6:33 reminds us to “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” Notice how it didn’t say want, it said need? That’s an important distinction to point out!
This verse also aligns with my earlier point about working with excellence and creating offers that are glorifying to Him. He will provide us with all we need if we seek Him first.
Focus on the Purpose Beneath the Tangible
Some of my students will say something like, “I want to help people break free from the bondage of idolatry in their marriages.” That’s the kingdom and legacy work. That’s what will drive you to excellence in all you do. But you have to think about the language your target audience will use, such as, “I’m struggling to communicate in my marriage,” or “My spouse is struggling with an addiction.” We often focus on the tangible, but I’d encourage you now to think about the purpose beneath it all.
Give More than You Receive
Luke 6:38 says, “Give, and you will receive.” For me, this looks like financial generosity. Also, it’s the giving of content and time. For those of you not making money right now, how could you give more and go deeper? Perhaps you could beta through coaching or courses. I promise it comes back to you tenfold! Trust the process with open hands, friends.
Here’s your homework: what’s the kingdom-led reason you’re doing what you’re doing? How do you show up with excellence? What are two ways you can give more this week in your business? Is it time or resources? I want you to experience how beautiful it is to see the fruit that comes from living in this posture of confidence in who God is. This will change everything for you!
Trust God in Your Online Business: Key Takeaways
Let’s recap the three things you should implement today to trust God in your online business. Remember, He delights in the details with you!
Surrender to Him
Trust His Timing and Provision
Work in Excellence and Align with His Purpose
Your online business is part of His bigger plan. He appointed you for this work! Over time, He’ll bring you peace and clarity, even during seasons of uncertainty. I challenge you to take one area of your business today and give it to God. Hand it to Him and trust that He will lead the way.
Praying for you, friends, and I’m so excited to see what God is doing in you this year.
Have you ever had a business meeting with God? In this post, my goal is to provide you with six tangible steps to set the agenda for your business meeting with God.
Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jaclyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jaclyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
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I'm Stef Gass.
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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