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Hey Friend!
How do you build a tagline for your business and podcast? Get ready for a behind-the-scenes look at a LIVE group coaching session with four of my students. I‘ll take each of them through an exercise to gain clarity and build a tagline.
Why do you need to build a tagline for your business and podcast? Because a tagline lets people know immediately what you have for them. A good tagline:
takes out the fluff
takes out the guesswork
is made up of one sentence
Friends, as we move farther and farther in the direction of instant gratification, we’ve got to tell people immediately what it is that we do for them. That is exactly what a tagline does for your business and why it’s so important to get it right.
I want to invite you into four real-time coaching calls where we build a tagline. I’m also going to answer a question from one of my students on why it’s important to build a tagline for your Facebook group.
Are you ready? Grab a notebook and pen. Let’s do it.
Leela: Yes! At first, I thought I had messed up, but it was actually a positive thing. When I looked at your response, I thought I had to scrap the whole thing, but you liked my title! I’m going to stick with Kingdom Mindset for Moms.
I came up with this tagline on the last call: A Christian’s Guide to Elevate Thoughts Using Scriptural Mindset Shifts or Elevating Thoughts Using Scriptural Mindset Shifts. But that doesn’t say who it’s for.
A Tagline Should Be Boring, Basic, and Blatant
Stef: Here’s the other thing that I want you to consider. If a tagline makes you think too hard, then you’ve lost your listener.
As you progress through Step 2 in Podcast to Profit, conducting market research will provide greater clarity. I guarantee you WILL tweak your taglines in Step 2 because you will know more about your audience. So, for now, bless and release. Get close and move forward.
Leela, you already said mindset, so you don’t need to say that again. You also said, Moms, so that covers the who. You’re good there. And you already said kingdom, which alludes to the fact that you’re probably talking to Christians. I love your title because you’ve covered so many bases. It’s clear.
Now for the tagline. What do you think this woman wants the most? Is it to overcome negative thinking? When you say elevate thoughts, it’s a bit confusing to me. Can you phrase it in another way?
Leela: A lot of mindset work is learning how to shift out of the place that you’re in. It’s changing your story and your inner narrative. I combine your story with the word of God. I speak into peoples’ lives using Scripture to combat the thoughts common to moms.
Tagline Ideas for Leela
Stef: Can we say something like Biblically Shift Negative Thinking for Moms or Biblically Shift Negative Thoughts?That’s literally what it is, right?
Leela Diaz: Yeah, or it could be Scripturally Shift. Do you think Biblically is better?
Stef: I’m okay with either one. If you find that she would resonate with one word over the other, then go with that one. Remember, it’s more about her than you. What is she going to say: scripturally or biblically? You’ll get more clarity as you interview several of these women.
Leela: I see your support team suggested Scripturally Shift Negative Thoughts.
Clarity is a Journey
Stef: That’s for you to start with for now. Clarity is a journey. As youbuild a tagline, it’s a journey. I still change my tagline so I know it’s easy to get stuck. It’s only tricky until you get more clarity.
Leela: Can I say Into victory? Because that’s a big part of who I am and what I do.
Stef: No. Any emotional word that is not something you can touch, you get rid of. That doesn’t belong in the tagline. I want you to have fun with the emotional words in your content.
Create a Podcast Title and Build a Tagline for Michelle
Stef: What’s up, Michelle? How are you? We’re going to look at your title and get that clear. If we have time, we’ll build a tagline for you.
Michelle: Okay
Stef: Tell me a little bit about your title. Have you landed on something?
Michelle: My pillars are spirituality and mindset. Because I’m a neuro-coach, I like to work with rewiring subconscious beliefs. My third pillar is alignment. So I landed on this: Rewire to Align, Release Your Limitations, or Shift Your Beliefs.
My work is about releasing limiting beliefs, releasing your limitations, and embodying your truth. It’s peeling the layers to connect with your authentic or higher self and connect with the person who lives within you. I want to help people create a fulfilled life and stay connected to themselves.
Stef: Are you open to changing things?
Michelle: I’m open to changing things. I want alignment in the title because that’s what I teach right now. If I don’t use alignment in the title, I want to use it in the tagline because people know me for that.
If a Term Is Not Tactical, It’s Usually Your Offer
Stef: When my students get connected to a term that is not super tactical, that often is your offer. Alignment is what Michelle does. That’s the solution the listeners to her podcast will say, “Oh, she does that.” It’s almost like your thing. For instance, when I say TSO nobody knows what that means. But you know it because you’re one of my students. For everyone else, I say tagline or build a tagline.
Maybe some of your audience is looking up alignment but I think you could use that for your tagline. I’m interested in positioning that as your offer when you join Podcast to Profit.
From a business perspective to grow leads faster for your podcast, you should call your podcast something like Neuro-Coaching or Aligned Neuro-Coaching. Then the thing they’re searching for is in the title. That’s one option.
Another option is Limiting Beliefs to Limitless. That’s fun because limiting beliefs is a tactical key phrase they might be searching for. The limitless part is giving you a sprinkle of what you wanted as the brand owner. Those are some ideas to consider.
Podcast Title Ideas
Based on what you like for the title, we could pull the other pieces to build a tagline. Then the podcast title would be something like neuro-coaching, aligned neuro-coaching, and neuro-coaching alignment.
The tagline could be Rewire Subconscious Beliefs Through Neuroscience or Rewire Subconscious Beliefs for Spiritual Growth.
Michelle: My avatar was me ten years ago. She’s looking for fulfillment. She’s created a life, but something is missing. She knows there’s a higher purpose. She has given her time to everybody else to her children, to her husband, and her work.
As a woman, there’s a thin line where we dedicate ourselves to our kids, husband, house, and everything. When you step on that line and fall on the other side, you realize you have abandoned yourself. You’re lost.
How to Position Your Podcast for New Leads
Stef: All the stuff you’re saying to me will be what you give her on the podcast: fulfillment and purpose work. Those are the critical pieces she needs from you. You help her with those on the podcast.
But when we think about positioning the front end of the podcast, if you use things like purpose and fulfillment, they’re not necessarily searchable terms that bring in new leads.
Filter two buckets as you go through this initial phase of planning. One bucket is tactical phrasesand the other is, I can’t touch it phrases.
They’re both equally important. But the ones that are emotional and you can’t touch, put those in the content bucket. Create episodes around those phrases.
The tactical pieces are the keywords. Those are the things to bring in new leads. Does that make sense?
Michelle: Yes, thank you!
Create a Podcast Title and Build a Tagline for Cathy
Stef: We’re going to look at the title of your podcast. And if we have time, your tagline.
Cathy: I understand how the tagline isn’t quite as important. It’s the title I need help with.
Stef: I see three options. I’m curious where you landed.
Cathy: I work with independent retailers and help them to make more money, get better profit, and sleep better. From an SEO standpoint, I came up with Retail Cash Flow and Profit Formula. I think that is what they’re looking for.
I love Retail Profit Masteryjust because it’s shorter. But the fact is, they’re not looking for mastery. They’re looking for the formula.
Stef: So why don’t you have it be the Retail Profit Podcast? I don’t mind mastery, but like you said, maybe that’s the offer or course you build later. When you think about bringing people into the podcast, it’s something like Retail Profit Formula. It’s a little bit more beginner.
Your Tagline Can Change All Day
Cathy: I’ve been doing this business for a long time. My tagline is More Profit and Better Sleep.People always respond to the better sleep portion of it. I don’t always get lots of responses to the word profit. I’ve always wondered if it’s okay that people don’t respond to profit as much as they do to sleep.
I recognize I can’t use that in the tagline. I wonder if cash flow is more powerful than retail profit.
Stef: What about, Grow Your Retail Businessas the title? Now you’re covering anyone starting in retail, or trying to maximize profit. I don’t want to eliminate people not yet in the cash flow brain.
I don’t know where your avatar is. Maybe they’re more advanced and specifically looking for upping retail cash flow. I find when I position the podcast title as something highly searchable, it would be, Grow Your Retail Business or Retail Business Growth.
You can build a tagline like More Profit in Less Time for Better Sleep and you can always change it. The title is much more difficult to change. I like to have a simple podcast title that can grow with me.
Cathy: That’s super helpful. Thank you very much.
Stef: You have some things to stew on. You don’t have to marry anything right now. I’ll see you in Podcast to Profit.
Build a Tagline With Kelsey Joy Rinker
Stef: What’s up, sis?
Kelsey: After a long break, I’m trying to start everything again. I want to grow my Facebook group and grow my podcast. My main question is about potential titles for my group.
My podcast is still called Kingdom Dreamers. The title for my group isAbundant Living for Christian Women and Entrepreneurs.
I’ve shifted my messaging a little bit from spiritual growth to purpose. It still has identity and spirit-led strategies, but now I’m doing more coaching to help women discover and step into their purpose. There’s a little bit of the business aspect but not that much. Should I change the group name to Faith-Filled Living for Christian Women?
What Words Would Someone Search for On Facebook?
Stef: When you guys think about naming your groups, we are always trying to think what someone would search for on Facebook as they look for a group to join. By the way, we have a huge module on this in Podcast to Profit.
Are people going to look up purpose and strategy? Probably not. They’re going to look up a specific type of person. Or they’re searching for a particular group of people. In your case, maybe it’s:
Spiritual growth
Christian connection for entrepreneurs
Support group for entrepreneurship
Play with something like that. In the Facebook search bar, type things you are testing to see what groups exist, how large they are, and what they’re called. You don’t want to rip off another title but can use it to gain clarity. See if they have keywords you can utilize.
Kelsey: I didn’t know if I should add entrepreneurs because I wanted it to be more for Christian women. What about calling the group Faith-Filled Community for Christian Women?
What Does Your Person Want?
Stef: I think that’s good, but why? Why would Christian women come to this Facebook group? It‘s not just because they’re Christian women. It’s for something. What do they want?
Do they want Bible studies?
Do they want a biblical connection?
Do they want business growth?
Do they want to podcast?
That’s the other component of the title that I think we need to figure out.
Kelsey: I help them get unstuck in their identity and their purpose. It’s like dreaming with God. And I know these are all very woo-woo words.
Stef: What if we add Dream With God or Connect With God? Typically, when our students do this work in Podcast to Profit, the tagline is often Connect With God or Hear From God.That’s what they’re looking up.
Maybe start there with something like,Christian Women Connecting With God.Test that title and see how it lands. Any of the fluffy words like dreaming, they’re not going to search for. I don’t think they’re looking up those words to find a group to join.
Kelsey: So you don’t think, likeFaith-Filled?
Research Words You’re Curious About
Stef: I don’t think that helps you. I could be wrong. Do research and see if you get any results with that title for big groups. But my gut is saying no. Research the words you’re curious about and see if groups are growing with that type of name.
Kelsey: I want to add this to my podcast title. So I’m also, trying to figure out the SEO for that. I thought Faith-Filledwould be a big one for that.
Stef: When we build a tagline, we’re trying to figure out the tactical thing people want. For those who have kingdom brands, that gets difficult because it’s about identity. It’s the things weknow they need, but they don’t know they need them yet.
That’s why Steps 2 and 3 in Podcast to Profit are so invaluable. We take a vague concept that people can’t wrap their minds around and ask how to articulate it in a searchable SEO fashion. We run it through our system to determine the specific keywords people are searching for. Those keywords are the ones that are at the top of the funnel.
You can say what you want to in your content. Things like faith-filled and kingdom-dreaming. And the other things that are important to you. It’s more about semantics and positioning as you build a tagline. This should give you a starting place.
Build a Tagline Recap
It’s essential to build a tagline that’s clear, concise, and tactical. Remember, keep it boring, basic, and blatant. This helps your audience immediately know if you are right for them. The clearer you are, the more you can speak directly to their needs and pain points.
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