defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
If you’re considering starting a coaching business, you’re in the right place today!
I’m so excited for you to hear this conversation with one of my amazing Podcast to Profit graduates, Charlotte Haggie.
Charlotte hosts The Resilient Mum podcast. She started her podcast with no experience, and turned it into a top 2% globally ranked show, with 98 countries actively listening! That sounds like a dream, doesn’t it? Does it sound impossible? Well, it’s not! If she can start a podcast and a coaching business, so can you!
In our interview, Charlotte will share with you how she went from feeling lost and confused to having a dialed-in niche, confidently launching her podcast, and getting the first client in her coaching business in just two months!
She also scaled her coaching business from one-on-one coaching to a thriving six-month group coaching program. Charlotte created this thriving podcast and was able to go through my group coaching program, all while balancing motherhood and her coaching business.
Ready To Launch Your Podcast and Start a Coaching Business?
If you’ve been wondering how to launch your podcast, start a coaching business, or make it all work in your already busy life, this conversation is for you. I hope it blesses and inspires you that today’s the day to start!
After you listen to this conversation with Podcast to Profit alumni, Charlotte, I would love for you to learn the exact steps she took inside my 5-day bootcamp. Head here to learn the method I teach that creates highly profitable podcasts.
You owe it to yourself to see if this method is what you have been praying for. I have created a highly successful podcast and company that glorifies God. I know it’s what I’ve been called to do, so I can teach you the same roadmap!
Stef: Hey Charlotte, welcome to the podcast!
Charlotte: Thank you for having me. I’m so thrilled to be here!
Stef: I am too, it’s been a while! Let’s start by telling everyone what your podcast is about.
Charlotte: My podcast is The Resilient Mum, and it discusses stress management strategies for working moms. I aim to help working moms build their resilience so life isn’t so stressful and overwhelming. I want them to stay calm and productive and remain present with their children. The season doesn’t have to be a season of rushing and getting through it, but just being in it and having such joy in that.
Building a Coaching Business: Charlotte Found Stef’s Program
Stef: I love how unique each of my students’ businesses are. This is such an important area to focus on and I just love your work. I’m excited I was able to be a small part of your journey. What were you doing in the world when you found me, and how did that come about?
Charlotte: To be honest, I wasn’t doing much. I went to do a talk at a local retail company here in Cape Town, South Africa. After leaving that talk, I remember wishing I could talk more to these women. I loved serving them but felt like I didn’t have access to them. In that moment, I decided to start a podcast but had absolutely no idea how to do it.
I searched on Apple podcasts, “How to start a podcast,” and there you were! I binge-listened to your episodes. It wasn’t long before I bought Clarify Your Calling and Podcast Pro University. I told my husband I had to buy these courses to start my podcast. I remember exactly where I was when I listened to one of your students who said, “Don’t follow anyone else. Keep your eye on one lane.”
I went home and deleted any other mailing list I was subscribed to so I could just follow you! One day I knew I’d be in Podcast to Profit. I diligently went through Clarify Your Calling and Podcast Pro University. I wasn’t sure how I was going to do it, but God is so good and He had a way.
Building a Coaching Business: When Opportunity Knocks
Charlotte: It was my daughter’s birthday and Easter Sunday. My dad had randomly taken the children for a walk. All I could think about was the podcast and how to move from Podcast Pro University into Podcast to Profit. I was determined to find a way to make it happen. I was scrolling through social media and you advertised about hiring interns.
My body tingled all over and I knew this was what I needed and what God had planned. So I signed up for the internship and became a blog intern. I was concerned about the time difference here in South Africa, but it worked out, as I was able to blog on my own time. I loved being a part of your team and I had the incredible privilege of joining the program after that.
Stef: First of all, what an honor that you trusted me enough to get rid of everyone else that was in your inbox. So often we forget that we don’t need more things – more coaches, more programs, more strategy – we need to be wise enough to have less. I love that you felt God’s conviction that this was the way and the person, and you were really tuned into that leading. What a beautiful gift that you were able to discern that through all the distractions!
I love that the internship showed up right on time for you. I don’t think you know this, but we had over 75 applications, so the competition was stiff! You got right in, did an amazing job and you earned Podcast to Profit! Tell me a bit about joining the program. Did you have clarity? Had you launched your podcast already? What did everything look like when you came into the program?
Building a Coaching Business: Taking Action
Charlotte: I launched in August and joined in November. I wasn’t far into podcasting, and I wasn’t sure where it was going, but I’m an action-taker. As I launched, I was able to feel safe in the knowledge that I would have your program to guide me in a step-by-step process. I knew how you operated from taking your other courses. I wasn’t worried about launching because the best was yet to come.
Stef: Did you feel you knew your direction? You were still in the beginning phases of the business, right?
Charlotte: I had been coaching for a while and had a few clients here and there, but it was slow.
Stef: So you came in with the knowledge that you needed to scale, grow, and optimize. You knew you wanted clients and a coaching business. Tell us about the program for you. What is it like behind the curtain of Podcast to Profit?
Behind the Curtain
Charlotte: As I mentioned earlier, I’m an action-taker. In the first week, we were straight into the back end of your portal. I was so excited by the training! What I loved about the training was that it dripped out. I knew that I could have run ahead, and I probably would have, but you gave it to us in such a way that I knew I could do it, and I knew I could fit it into my schedule.
Sometimes the calls were at 9 PM for me, but I was always geared up and ready for those calls because I knew I was going to learn something. There was so much that was practical and technical, but there were also perspective and mindset shifts. It was an incredibly holistic experience.
What was big for me was the sense of community. You, the coaches, the other students – we’re in this together, supporting and encouraging one another. It can be really lonely as a solopreneur and to be part of something like that makes the whole journey so much easier.
A Holistic Approach to Building a Business
Stef: I love this no-excuses approach. You’re in South Africa, and the time zone is harder for you, but you did it. Every single round of Podcast to Profit, we have students who live in different time zones, and they’ll show up in the middle of the night. I can’t believe the heart posture in that. They’re showing up for these calls and this work. I’m always in awe of you guys.
I also love that you said it’s holistic. When we created this program, that was the goal. How do we provide strategy and clarity for you with actual implementation? The how, the support, the details, and the community.
You often won’t be successful when you’re alone. You need people to bounce things off of and to be encouraged by. That’s why the bible talks about the church and community and being with other believers. I think it’s the same with business – you get with other like-minded people who do what you do, lifting you up to places you couldn’t go by yourself. I love that you brought that up.
Building a Coaching Business: Learning From Those Who Are Ahead of You
Stef: What was your favorite part in all the pieces that make up Podcast to Profit?
Charlotte: That’s a hard question! One thing I really appreciated and potentially where I learned the most was being in coaching calls with people who were ahead of me in their podcasting journey. I’m on step one and someone else is being coached on step five or six. You’re watching them be coached and seeing the potential for yourself and you’re learning what you want to do at that stage. I liken it to my children. My daughter is learning everything much quicker than my son did. You’re in an environment where people are ahead of you and they’re taking you with them on the journey.
Stef: Yes, they’re setting the pace. I also love that you mentioned what was possible and what was coming up for you. You can see that you’ll be creating a live launch strategy, a course, or email marketing. People think market research is daunting, but you have no idea! I ease you into hard things one month at a time. If we were to see everything up front, we would freeze up in fear.
You’re doing something small and you don’t even see what’s coming next. Once you look up, your entire business has been built, everything has been optimized, things aren’t broken, and often you’re already making money! Was that your experience, Charlotte? How long have you been out of the program now?
Charlotte: Since May of last year, so nearly a year.
Charlotte’s Success on a Local and Global Scale
Stef: What has happened since Podcast to Profit? Was it worth it? Any wins?
Charlotte: Locally, it’s been such fun. I’ll never forget going to church one day and someone knew who I was! I didn’t know her but she listened to my podcast. Isn’t that amazing? When clients start messaging and say they’ve listened to my podcast and want to book a session, that was when my mind was blown. This person across the world has connected with me! They feel like they know me intimately from the podcast. I’m listened to in 98 countries and am a top 2% podcast, and that is so exciting. Little old me sitting in Cape Town and I can talk to the world!
Stef: Can you all imagine starting a podcast, following a proven system, and getting found in 98 countries? Once you wondered how to connect with more people, and now God has placed you in 98 countries! As icing on the cake, people are reaching out wanting to book a call. Instead of having to push sales, you just do your podcast and people knock on your door and ask to be sold to. You got your first client right off the podcast within 2 months of launching. It’s been a consistent client driver for you. Isn’t that the dream?
Charlotte: It is. Why wouldn’t you want that?
A Coaching Business Can Be Easy For You, Too
Stef: Why wouldn’t you want to make it easy? I think it’s because we believe it can’t be that simple.
Charlotte: People might think, “It can’t be like that for me.”
Stef: And you probably felt that way too. How will “little old me” in Cape Town be heard and get people to subscribe and then want to work with me? It works, not just for you, but for thousands of people who have taken Podcast to Profit. What would you say to someone curious about this but they’re on the fence about the time or financial investment?
Charlotte: I would say that you can wait, but eventually you will do it. If podcasting is what you want to do, this is the way to do it. You will either waste more time or get into the program and see the impact it has. Waiting seems so silly when you can experience the change and your life can change, too.
Stef: Your life can change. You’ve gone from one-on-one coaching to a six-month group coaching program where you can serve even more women and scale. That’s incredible.
Charlotte: Yes, it’s been such fun.
Stef: Well, friends, if this is on your heart, you can wait or you can move. We hope you’ll pray, trust and move forward.
Charlotte, where can everyone connect with you and be encouraged by your podcast?
Charlotte: My podcast is The Resilient Mum and I’m on social media as @charlottecoaches.
How Charlotte Built Her Coaching Business
I hope hearing Charlotte’s story encourages you to pray, and if it’s the Lord’s will, go all in on podcasting. Let’s recap what we chatted about today:
Charlotte had a dream in her heart to connect with more women.
She found Stef’s podcast and began binging episodes.
In doing so, she knew Podcast to Profit was the next course she needed.
God revealed the internship opportunity, where she was able to earn the course.
Charlotte gleaned so much from Stef, the coaches, and the community within.
Within one year, Charlotte is being listened to in 98 countries and is a top 2% podcast!
She got her first coaching client within 2 months of launching.
Friends, if Charlotte can do this, so can you. It really can be simple. If I’m the person for you, let me hold your hand and walk you through this like I did with Charlotte. Jump into Podcast to Profit and see how it transforms your kingdom business!
Have you ever wondered how much money a podcast with just a thousand downloads can make? It’s probably more than you think, but not in the method you think.
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I'm Stef Gass.
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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