defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
I‘ve got an amazing niche training for you today. If you’ve gone through the Stefanie Gass School or you plan to, you are going to get very well acquainted with something I lovingly call the TSO statement which stands for Tactical Specific Outcome.
This is one long phrase that tells your niche audience exactly what it is you do. I cannot tell you how many people get hung up on this one step in their business breakthrough. Because if you do not have absolute clarity on what your TSO statement and business promise are, no one else will know either.
That Elicits Confusion
It Elicits People Leaving
Not Sticking Around
Not Subscribing
Definitely Not Buying
In this post, I have a 20-minute training that I did in the student community that I am sharing with you guys on how to really get super clear on your own tagline in your business and for your podcast.
If you join Podcast to Profit once you’ve launched your show, you get your own community where we actually do power coaching live every other week. So lots of opportunities for you to come hang out with me in a deeper capacity by hopping into the courses and the program. All of the details on how you can work with me can be found at the Stefanie Gass School.
Listen to How I Help My Students Niche Down in This Live Training
So the next question comes from Kara Brothers. Kara’s question is about her tagline. So she threw a vote out in the group, which was Empowering Women in Home-Based Dog Treat Businesses.
And then she said, “The problem as I see it, I don’t think people who want to start or grow their dog treat business are Googling these words. I think it’s high level.“ Then she said, “The tagline that I like better is, Recipe Hacks, Decorating Tips, Pro Packaging, and Social Media.”
Let me help you guys really understand the tagline. You hear me call it the TSO. Everybody put TSO in the chat. That stands for Tactical Specific Outcome. I’m not just calling it that because I want to. I’m calling it that because that’s what it is. It must be a Tactical Specific Outcome.
Now, what is a TSO and where does it actually go? Your TSO is the tagline that you put on your art. It is the tagline that you guys have at the top of your future website. Nobody needs a website yet till you come into P2P. We’ll help you build it. It’s basically to help you have a waypoint on your business map that shows, this is where I go, this is where I live, and this is my waypoint. For example:
Declutter Your Home in Less Than 30 Days
Start a Flexible Home School for Christian Moms
Leave Corporate America and Create a Work-From-Home Law Business
Relationship Coaching After Infidelity for Women
Do you guys see what I’m doing there? Here’s what it’s not. It’s not emotionally driven. It’s not fluffy, and it’s not filler, okay? The TSO is your business promise.
Niche Down Your TSO: Make It Punchy and Clear
When Kara used the word empower, what does that mean and why is it necessary? Because a TSO needs to be extremely punchy and clear. A TSO is not a list of things either. So, Kara, when you’re talking about your list of words, those are different. Plug those words into content titles. Those can potentially be keywords at the top of your podcast where we actually list some keywords.
You can find out all about this in PPU inside of the training in the back office. A TSO answers niche questions like, why am I here and what is this podcast about? So for Kara, I would recommend your TSO be, Start and Grow a Dog Treat Business. Done. Being that it’s a dog treat business, your brand is already so niche. We want it to stand and breathe in and of itself for your TSO statement. Are you guys understanding TSO? Put in the chat and say, “I get it.”
Your TSO Needs to Be 10 Words or Less
Your TSO needs to be very short, 10 words or less, and punchy. A Tactical Specific Outcome. What is it that you do? Now, do I expect all of you to be like this is 100% what I do, and my business promise is so clear? No, that’s why you’re coming into P2P.
We’re going to optimize it. I’m going to rip things apart and rebuild. It’s going to be fine. But I need you to get close and I need you guys to be willing to dig into your niche. We’re going to see some other examples as I go through the homework here. Everybody that’s in here, put your TSO in the chat, and I will tell you if you need it to be more dug in or if it’s a good starting point. Okay, let’s take a look at some of these TSO statements. Let‘s see what you guys have going on.
Tori’s TSO Example
Tori says, “Improve Your Chances of Conceiving With Simple Lifestyle Habits or Understand Your Fertility So You Can Improve It Naturally.” Very good. Those are really great starts. Either one would be fine as a starting point Tori. What you’re going to find in P2P is exactly what your woman is saying and what you want to clean this up to be. Either one of these would be okay.
Which one does she really want? Does she want to improve her chances of conceiving or does she want to understand her fertility? Pick the one she wants more and go with that. The one thing I would do here though is Simple Lifestyle Habits is a little bit vague. It’s okay for now. You can roll with this right now.
But if you can start digging in and drilling into what Tori’s superpower is when it comes to what kind of lifestyle habits, in what area, and what exactly is your secret sauce? Drill down a little bit deeper. This is good to start with though but just have an open mind around how you might be able to niche that down in the future a little bit.
It’s a TSO Statement Not Statements
Okay, Dawn says, “Faith-Fueled Confidence, Clarity, and Career Transition Over 40.” So this, Dawn, is 3 things. When I say TSO statement, you guys, I didn’t say TSO statements. Statement. One Tactical Specific Outcome.
So Dawn, what are you really doing? What are you really doing for this niche? Confidence and clarity. These are filler words. These are emotional outcomes. Let’s get rid of that. So what you might say is Career Transitions for Christian Women Over 40. Do you see the difference? Let me say it again. Faith-Fueled Confidence, Clarity, and Career Transition Over 40.
That’s what Dawn had. I’m asking her and challenging her to get rid of any filler and emotional outcome phrases and say Career Transition for Christian Women Over 40. Faith-fueled is elusive. What does that mean? Can you label it? And if you don’t want to label it, okay, I’m open. But do you see the difference in the stickiness of that second statement? It’s much more clear. All right, we’ll do a couple more.
Niche Down and Get Rid of the Messy Middle
Kori says, “Embracing the Messy Middle of God-Centered Motherhood.” Okay, so what have we learned you guys? Embracing? Don’t need it. What is that? That has nothing to do with anything. You’re going to get rid of that. Messy Middle? What does that even mean? Okay, so we got to drill into the niche. Then God-centered Motherhood? That is a thing like a segment of a market. So, Kori, you want to drill in. Here’s how you guys can really start to get more clarity on these TSO statements.
What do I mean?
When I do that, what does it look like?
Ask yourself these questions. Peel your own onion until you figure it out. So what you can do Kori is ask the question, “When I sat in the messy middle of motherhood and I wanted to get centered with God, what did I do?” What did you actually, tangibly, and tactically do? And what Kori might discover is she was great at journaling and finding time to read the Bible.
What is the sticky thing Kori that allows you to help this mom center her motherhood on God? That’s what you really want to start moving into when it comes to a TSO. Just do that homework. Pop some options in the student community, and we’ll look at it.
A TSO Is Not a List
The last niche example, and then I’ll grab a few more questions. Okay, so Linda Ann. Here’s an example that I want to address. She’s got Goal-Getters Coaching and Consulting. Very cute. But her TSO says, Dream Big, Be Bold, and Achieve More. So, Linda, that feels good, but that is not a TSO statement.
That’s a list of things that are elusive. I can’t touch them. Okay? But when I look at your podcast title, Goal-Getters Coaching, and Consulting, I feel that maybe we can drill in and micro-niche down a little bit into this goal concept. Because you said goal getting. So potentially, I don’t know your brand yet. We’re getting to know all the details of everybody’s brands.
However, we really want to think about your business promise and how you help people achieve their goals. How do you help them get their goals done? What is your process? You guys write on your paper, what is my process Underneath that, write down, what is my method?
Drill in and Peel the Onion
You’ve got to look at what you did to get to this outcome that you are promising other people. That’s your TSO statement. So some ideas for Linda could be something like Reverse Engineering Goals to Grow Your Business or Quarterly Goal Setting to Build Productivity.
Again, I don’t know her exact brand, but I’m just giving you guys examples. What is the thing? What did you do? It’s usually something you can actually feel, touch, and experience. So drill in, peel the onion, and see what you come up with for your niche.
Is this helping you guys? Are you starting to get it? I know you might still feel stuck. Please know that’s normal. Please know there’s confusion before the clarity. Normal! There’s frustration before the fruit. Normal! You’re good. Deep breath. You can do hard things. It’s okay to sit in a little bit of discomfort while you get the download. You know what I’m saying? It’s okay.
Do the work. Do the journaling and brainstorming. Get out of your way of consumption and go inward. Go upward. Do the work. Get close and post it in the group. This process isn’t easy, but it gets to be worth it.
It’s a Process to Niche Down Your TSO
A question from PPU student Jennifer Skaw. Step 1E is is help with the tagline. I’m going to have you guys put in the chat what you think. Who is having an AHA moment about what this should look like? Is it becoming more clear for you? I hope so.
Clarity is an evolution. I don’t expect any of you to be exactly spot on. That’s what P2P is for. But I do expect you to get close. I expect you to be somewhat in the right direction. Challenge yourselves here. Don’t let frustration freeze you. Challenge yourself to press into the work.
So Jennifer’s recent favorite tagline is, Claiming the Life-Changing Power of a Christ-Centered Mind. Is it clear or a little bit confusing? What do you guys say? Don’t be scared. Let’s go. We’re here to coach. We’re here to do the work. Caroline says it’s a little vague. Raquel says it can be a little bit clearer. And Kara says it’s confusing.
How to Know if Your TSO Is There Yet
Do you guys want to know how to know if your TSO is there yet? Go ask 5 people who will tell you the truth if your sentence is clear. Does this sentence make sense? Text 5 people who will tell you the truth. If they are at all confused, you are not there yet.
So Jen’s here in the chat, and she says your latest one says, Perfect Peace Choosing Loyalty to God’s Thoughts Instead of Your Own. You’re much closer, Jen. Choosing loyalty is unnecessary. What I had for you was Stop Negative Thinking by Renewing Your Mind. That’s what I had as maybe a try for you to get close. So that’s an option.
Label What She Would Call It
If you want to say, Perfect Peace, again that’s elusive to me because what does that mean? So I chose Negative Thinking because everybody struggles with that. You could also say, Stop Comparison or Stop the Negative Mindset. Let’s label it something that she would be calling it. Perfect Peace would be an outcome and I think it‘s hard to touch that. Choosing Loyalty is filler. Cut that out. God’s Thoughts, is closer but again what does that mean?
Is it renewing the mind?
Is it memorizing scripture?
Is it connecting with God through prayer?
What is it when you say that? What does that mean? Drill in just a little bit. You’re getting closer and you’re doing a great job. I’m super proud of you. I know this is hard work, but I know that you can do it. So what I had for you was Stop Negative Thinking by Renewing Your Mind.
What Did You Do?
Again, the question that you want to ask yourself is what is my method? Or what was my method? That’s going to give you so many clues. Your method was not something fluffy. Your method was not I felt better, and then I was excited and empowered, and then I just decided to find my identity in Christ. That’s not what happened. You did something. What did you do?
For me, it was like, I hit rock bottom. Then I went to church and then I got surrendered by reading scripture every single day. I got disciplined, opened my Bible, and sought wise counsel.
What did you do? That’s the secret sauce. And then you’re going to find out, of all the things that I did, what was the ONE thing that I want to teach other people to do? That’s how you guys drill into your niche. That’s how you’re actually going to grow this business and brand. Because it’s something you can touch and feel and experience, and it’s something you want for me. Does this make sense?
Cut Out the Filler Words
Okay, let’s do one more. I’m having so much fun. Dani wants some help on drilling down a big sentence to a TSO. So Danny says, “I am a holistic relationship coach, helping Christian women recover from trauma through the word of God and biology, to help her fight and win in times of doubt so she can walk in confidence in who she is because of Whose she is.” Great. So what you guys can do if you have this big root statement from CYC or you have this big directional sentence, is cut out any filler words.
Cut out any emotional outcome. Cut out any unnecessary explanatory words. Okay, so we would cut out, “win in times of doubt.” We would cut out, “walk in confidence in who she is because of Whose she is.” We’d cut all of that out. I can’t touch any of that.
Circle Things That Are Super Clear and Tactical
So she said, “Holistic relationship coach.” OOH, I would circle that. She said, “Christian women,” I would circle this. And then she also said, “recover from trauma.” Basically trauma recovery in a way. She could circle, the Word of God because she said, “through the Word of God.” She also said, “biology” so she could circle that. Although I would want her to drill more into what exactly that means in her niche and if she would actually be Googling that.
So what I have for you Dani is Holistic Relationship Coaching for Christian Women. That’s it. Done. Like, you guys simplify it. Let’s not be confusing. Maybe your pillars are, Trauma Recovery, The Word of God, and Mindset. But mindset as it pertains to holistic relationship coaching. It’s the inner work.
It’s Not Going to Be Perfect
I hope that this niche exercise was helpful for you. Remember this is not going to be perfect, and you will change this TSO again. I promise. But I need you to get as close and as clear as you can.
Make It Simple
Ten Words or Less
Tactical Specific
What Is Your Method?
What Did You Do?
What Do You Mean by That?
What Did You Actually Do?
Can You Touch and Feel This?
Can You Remove Any Filler Words?
Can You Remove Any Emotional Outcome Words?
Get it all done. Get it all clean, clear, and crispy. No lists, please. No emotional fillers. Tell me what this is and then come post it in the group again. Let us take a look at this.
You guys are doing so great. The work that is on all of your lives, whether it’s ministry or marketplace, I’m looking at these brands going like, “Yes, Lord, you are so fruitful.” There is so much favor for each and every one of you.
Push Through the Uncomfortable
So we’re going to keep pushing through these uncomfortable spots. I promise you’re going to have a lot more as you move through the courses and you move into Podcast to Profit. But I believe that when you push through your discomfort, you end up getting that clarity. You end up moving into your own kingdom authority and capacity. Because you see you can do hard things.
You’ll say, “Look what I just did.” And you move to the next right step. “I can do this hard thing.” You press into it, you do it, and you move into the next right step. That’s how you’re going to operate if you’re here with me. This is how I’m going to lead you through this process. We’re going to take the next right step, get clear, press in, do the work, and move to the next thing.
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You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
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