defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
Today, my student Heather O’Brien will share her story from her first sale to subsequent podcast growth.
Heather has accomplished some amazing things:
Twelve thousand podcast plays
Creating the pitch for her first sale
Building a strategic content calendar
Automated systems
Landing pages
Podcast growth of over nine hundred percent
This is the year I want you to decide what method you’ll use to grow your online business and get your first sale. What are you going to go all in on? Get rid of all the extras, let go of distractions, and simplify. Drill down to the nuts and bolts of what creates profitability inside of a company and partner that with glorifying God.
What does this look like?
Get your time back
Create systems
Have a business that works for you 24/7
Believe in what you have created
Sell and market with confidence
Make your first sale and more
Your people NEED what you have to offer. I want all of this for you! Do you think it’s your time to get your first sale? If you do, this post is for you. Get ready, get a pen, and let’s go.
Heather’s Story: The Evolution of Her First Sale
Stef Gass: Let’s get into today’s conversation with Heather. I’m over the moon that you’re here. We’re going to have the best time. I can’t wait.
Heather O’Brien: I’m so excited to be here and share my story with you and everyone else.
Stef Gass: As we begin, tell us who you are and what your podcast is.
Heather O’Brien: I’m Heather O’Brien. My podcast is Heal With God. I help Christians heal from trauma, anxiety, and depression by hearing God’s voice.
Stef Gass: I love that so much. Before you found me, did you already have a business and a podcast? What was the evolution that led to your first sale?
Heather O’Brien: That’s a good question. I started with a podcast in 2016 and didn’t know what I was doing. My husband helped me come up with different ideas but I wasn’t consistent. It wasn’t a business. It was more like a hobby.
DON’T DIY YOUR BUSINESS to your first sale!
By the time I joined Podcast to Profit, I had done everything I knew how to do. I did all the free stuff for two solid years. I told my husband I was capped out. I’ve done all of the stuff that I can do. I need someone else to walk alongside me.
Stef Gass: Have you ever invested in anything or were you DIYing this baby?
Heather O’Brien: Total DIY! That’s why after two years I came to the end of myself. Because it’s a lot to learn to run a business online. There are lots of parts and pieces and different languages to learn.
Stef Gass: That’s so true. When we get started, the number one culprit is ‘I can figure this out’. But it’s only as good as your best guess. This means you’re going to pick a random somebody on YouTube or a random somebody somewhere else and do what they say.
Most often, that person is an expert in one tiny pocket. As a new business owner, you’re not getting the comprehensive holistic coaching you need from the beginning to your first sale. You’re only getting a tiny piece.
How Heather Found Her First Sale
Heather O’Brien: You said it perfectly because I was leaching onto every piece of content I could. It wasn’t cohesive in any form or fashion. I had lots of bones but no foundation. I think that was my biggest problem.
Stef Gass: So you had all of these chunks possibly in the right direction but they didn’t talk to each other. Your messaging and marketing weren’t right. I’m assuming you weren’t making money yet.
Heather O’Brien: I made my first sale with a coaching business but it wasn’t through podcasting. No one was listening to my podcast except my parents and a few friends. On a good week, I had thirty listeners.
Stef Gass: What method did you use to make money? Why did you want to change that?
Heather O’Brien: I was a guest on a well-known podcast. Year after year from that one episode, it kept feeding word-of-mouth. When I got on this person’s podcast, I created a website because I thought I needed to look professional. That was the beginning of my business.
I didn’t know what I was doing, but I needed a place where people could go other than Facebook. My business grew because of word-of-mouth alone. That was awesome, but it wasn’t consistent.
Stef Gass: That probably gave you the first inkling of the power of podcasting.
Heather O’Brien: Exactly!
Stef Gass: That’s so good. How did you find me and what was your journey into Podcast to Profit? What was that like?
Heather O’Brien: This is a fun story. I don’t think you know this part of it. The podcast that sent me coaching clients for three years was Shawn Bolz. That’s where I learned about you. I was listening to him and there you were. I told my friends I needed to invest in someone but wanted a Christian. That’s hard to come by.
After I listened to the episode you were on, a couple of my friends said, “What about this girl?” That was a God-wink because I was thinking the same thing.
Stef Gass: That is so amazing. I love that. So you not only found me on a podcast, which speaks to the power of podcasting, but you thought about working with me because of the faith aspect. That was me niching down into a particular pocket. The thing I teach my students in Podcast to Profit.
This is important because you can’t be for everyone. Then no one works with you. And if they do, they’re usually not the right people or you’re not getting them the outcome they need. It’s more than just the direction you’re serving, it’s that tiny pocket within. We spend weeks refining this when you come into Podcast to Profit.
Heather O’Brien: I picked you because you were in the Christian niche. That’s what I was looking for because that’s my business. Honestly, I was like, “No one is going to get me,” but I knew you would understand me since you were on Shawn’s podcast.
Stef Gass: I love that! At this point, you had already made your first sale and made a little money in your business but it was sporadic. You were at the beginning stages. Some pieces were in place but nothing comprehensive.
What made you want to join Podcast to Profit? Did you go through a bootcamp? Did you binge-listen to the content on the show? What was the thing that made you realize you needed Podcast to Profit?
Heather O’Brien: It was the bootcamp. I took the bootcamp six months earlier and did the entire five days. I realized this is powerful! But I didn’t have the finances to enroll or the God-wink I was looking for. Then when the bootcamp came around again, I decided to do all five days. I was there taking notes.
It didn’t even make sense but for some weird reason, there was money in the bank so I could afford Podcast to Profit. I knew this was meant to be and you were my person. For two years, I did research on so many people. I was digesting every piece of free content I could. Your content resonated with me the most.
Need help getting clarity on your calling?
Discover how to have a God-led mindset, figure out your niche, create a clear brand, and know with absolute clarity what you do, who you serve, and how you serve them!
Stef Gass: This is important to note because you went through what I call an immersion experience. That’s where you get to hang out with someone to know you’re their person. I teach you that in Podcast to Profit. I know the power of it in my business.
My goal is to teach each of my students to run their businesses the way mine is because mine is peaceful and simple. There aren’t a hundred funnels all over the place to get broken. Let’s keep this easy but comprehensive and holistically together.
I’ll tell you guys straight up. Don’t do that. It’s a distraction. Quit doing those things. In the bootcamp, you experience how my business is set up. And it leads to the question of how to create this for my business.
What were the roadblocks for you? I know you said money was in the bank at this point. Did you have any other roadblocks? Was time something you were worried about? What worry was coming up, if any?
Heather O’Brien: Besides the money, my main worry was whether you were the right person for me. It was the Christian aspect that sealed the deal for me. I needed help to name my business. At this point, I had written six books. There were books and courses already created. But I didn’t know what to do with it all. I didn’t have clarity.
To get clarity, I needed to talk to another Christian. Talking to a worldly person would not have given me clarity. After my first spotlight with you, I left with so much clarity. Finally, I knew it was a word from the Lord. It was a Holy Spirit moment.
Stef Gass: I felt it too. I distinctly remember that moment with you. Boom! Heal With God was born. You had this thing you could touch, feel, and build from. It’s everything. When you sit in confusion, you can’t move.
Heather O’Brien: That’s it. I was completely immobilized because I didn’t have clarity. I know you have a course on clarity and I thought about doing that too. But I didn’t realize how foggy I was until I got clarity.
Stef Gass: That makes sense. That’s the point. You can’t have clarity because you’re in it. You know the direction and have ideas and concepts. But you haven’t gone through it yet. Twenty-twenty vision is only possible on the other side.
It’s important to have someone else look at your business who can point out when you’re not seeing or saying things clearly.
I bring sixteen years of experience to the table so I can say if something isn’t clear. This is how you can bundle everything into a comprehensive package. That’s my gift. After two years of trying to figure this out and finally getting clarity, what an amazing moment for you.
Heather’s Experience In Podcast to Profit
Stef Gass: After you invest in Podcast to Profit, talk to me about what it’s like. What was behind the curtain? What was your experience in this group coaching program?
Heather O’Brien: It’s amazing, frustrating, exhilarating, and every adjective you can think of. When you first jump in, all you want to do is devour. I bought it over the weekend and was ready to devour the material. But you said, ‘Nope, here’s one lesson.’ I was like, ‘Seriously?’
Through the process, I realized if you didn’t make me wait, I would not have done the exercise. I re-listened to the first lessons about putting God at the center of your business. I thought I knew how to do this but I had never had a God meeting about my business. That changed everything. I do that regularly now. I needed to slow down.
There was some intense work to be done. I thought I had most of it figured out. My website and funnels were all done. After the first lesson was released, I knew I had one week to get it done. There was access to the coaches in between. They laughed at me because there were two meeting opportunities, one in the morning and one in the evening. I decided to show up to both and see if they kicked me out.
I went to two calls a week plus your spotlight every other week. Your coaches said, “Heather’s here again!” Everyone was there for me, helping me every step of the way. But you have to be open to feedback. They’re honest. The coaches aren’t just glancing at your work. They picked through my homework with a fine-tooth comb. I remember you saying this website is not going to work.
Stef Gass: Yeah, I remember. I’m very blunt. I always tell my team, “I forgot the sandwich method!” They taught me. “Stef, you have to say something positive, then give feedback. Then you’re going to sandwich it.” I told you, “We have to fix this and this.” And then I remembered I forgot the sandwich method.
The best news is you know me by then and know I won’t sugarcoat why you’re not making money. That’s the feedback that sets Podcast to Profit apart.
Most group coaching programs are about numbers. It’s about rushing people through as quickly as possible. It’s not about the result. They have people in the group doing their homework but did they do it correctly? Is the product going to produce a result?
We don’t do that. My goal is to take you going through the wringer. If you don’t come to this knowing how to create a profitable podcast properly, there is something wrong with the formula. I have coaches willing to tell you what’s not working, but better yet, tell you how to fix it.
Heather O’Brien: That’s it! The feedback was extraordinary. It’s not just verbal. It’s hands-on. They got into my Canva account, and said, “Let me just fix this for you.” I don’t have the creative juices for graphics and design. I can copy something. Give me an idea and let me run with it.
Stef Gass: Exactly! My coaches are so in-depth in the detail. I think that’s one thing that sets us apart. Of all the different components of Podcast to Profit, what is your favorite piece of the program?
Heather O’Brien: I don’t know if you know we do this but secretly during the Zoom calls, we chat with each other. One person said, “I feel like I’m passing notes in middle school and hoping the teacher doesn’t catch us.” We’re getting to know each other. Before I joined this program, I had one friend who was an entrepreneur but didn’t know anything about podcasting or online business stuff.
I didn’t have anyone to talk to about business especially not podcasting. We have a mastermind that we formed from our Zoom call chats. We talk to each other anytime we want. Will you look at my freebie and see what you think? Will you hop on a Zoom call with me and talk this through? We’re there for it! One of my favorite parts is the collaborations that came inside and outside of the program.
Stef Gass: That’s so powerful. It’s difficult if you have no one to run the race with. It’s nice to have people doing the same things where you are.
I have peer-led masterminds of people I’ve met in group coaching programs and at speaking engagements. We’re still friends to this day. I talk to them all the time. The huge breakthrough comes from those friendships and conversations. I love that you mentioned this.
Heather’s First Sale During Podcast to Profit
Stef Gass: Let’s talk about your results from Podcast to Profit. I remember one huge moment I hope you’re planning to talk about.
People considering Podcast to Profit want to know if it was worth it. What’s the return on your time in the program? Did you end up with a fully built business? Where are you now? Was it worth it?
Heather O’Brien: Absolutely, I went to every meeting. I did every homework step. It was reviewed and I did it again. Sometimes over and over. I put the effort in. It’s either going to work or not. I’m good at obeying instructions.
I invested so I wanted to see if it works. There are a lot of different metrics we can look at. I had around twenty listeners for each episode. My listener percentage grew between five hundred and nine hundred percent.
The podcast continues to grow. I still use the knowledge from the program to title my episodes with keywords. Last week, I realized I had gone two months without using keywords. After I made some adjustments, my listeners spiked.
Before I joined Podcast to Profit, I knew I needed collaborations but most people don’t respond. I’m asking for podcast swaps and collaborations and getting yeses to some big names. During Podcast to Profit, I got a ‘yes’ an opportunity to be on a Christian television show with a viewership of over 2.6 billion! I couldn’t believe this was happening. It was a God moment!
So in the program, I’m getting my website ready, I’m getting things ready for ‘being seen.’ I wouldn’t have been ready, honestly. It would’ve been another big moment like I was on Shawn Bolz’s show and barely had a website ready. I always wondered what I could’ve done if I had been fully ready. So if I hadn’t joined the program, this could have been another another letdown.
Some of the episodes have been released on YouTube before TV. The trajectory is starting. I feel so ready. I have so much clarity because I was in Podcast to Profit. It rolls off my tongue. I know what I do, who I serve, how I serve, and what I serve them. Before Podcast to Profit, I couldn’t tell you that.
Stef Gass: That’s so powerful. You are positioned for the influx we know will happen because God wouldn’t have structured the pieces you needed to have in order.
Right before I had an uplevel, I was doing things that didn’t make sense. Why would I hire an accountant when I knew the basics of accounting? That didn’t make sense. Why would I set up a SEP IRA?
Weird things would happen that I felt led to move on, and then the lid would blow off. That’s exactly what you’re explaining right now. You’re positioned for the lid to blow off.
Heather O’Brien: Podcast to Profit prepared me for that. I did create another course. But I looked at my other courses and made them look professional because I already had some of the programming you recommended. I didn’t know you could push buttons and format it like that.
Stef Gass: That’s amazing. Your podcast has passed ten thousand downloads, correct?
Stef Gass: And you made your first sale during the program!
Heather O’Brien: Yes, I made my first sale during the first month of Podcast to Profit. That’s when the lid blew off. I remember seeing the PayPal notification on my phone. What’s this? Who is buying this? I forgot I had the course for sale.
Stef Gass: Talk about confirmation. If you can make one sale, you can make a hundred. You can make a thousand. You’re looking for the first sale because it’s rinse, repeat, and optimize.
Getting that confirmation very early in the program was important for you. That allowed you to refine the other pieces.
Investing in Podcast to Profit?
Stef Gass: If anyone was sitting on the fence thinking is this investment worth it? Should I invest in myself at this level? Maybe they’re thinking, I don’t have time for this or I have all the pieces in place. What’s on your heart to say to people right now?
Heather O’Brien: If you’re making the bucks, everything’s flowing easy and you’re living your best life, then you don’t need this. But if you don’t have clarity about who you serve, what you serve, and how you serve them. And if you don’t have the systems in place where everything is automated for you, Podcast to Profit is for you.
If you want to create an online business with a Christian who will pray with you and for your business, and someone who will let you have meltdowns and pray with you through it, and give you the feedback you need to hear, even if it’s hard, this is it.
If you’re a Christian and want to grow an online business through podcasting, this is it. There are a lot of places that teach you how to do podcasting and online business, but this teaches you how to do everything:
I built a course
I built automations
I learned about contracts and setting up automated contracts.
When you book an appointment with me, all of the paperwork will be sent to you. I don’t do anything anymore because all of the systems are in place. If this is what you need, Podcast to Profit is the answer.
Stef Gass: I love that so much. Thank you for mentioning it. I love to ask that question because every one of you that I interview has something different. That’s the reason that it was so important to you. For so many people, that’s what they need to hear. They want to make this easy, seamless, and efficient but I don’t know how. They want to make their first sale through the podcast in a hands-off way.
That’s what we’re here to do. You’ll also learn how to create an entire course. You don’t need to buy another course from someone else. Everything is in Podcast to Profit. You know how to do live launching, flash sales, and everything.
Heather’s Advice
Heather O’Brien: I researched so many things about what I want to do. With the big God-wink, I remember thinking, I had no idea that this system was so robust. I had no idea I would have this much information in my lap whenever I got done.
If you do each step one week at a time, it won’t be overwhelming. But if you don’t do it as it comes, I can see how that can be overwhelming. It’s easy to bust it out in a couple of hours a week.
Stef Gass: Imagine six months from today. It feels big, but it’s not. Stop wasting years and get it done in six months. It’s a lot of work and you’re going to be stretched. Like Heather said, “We’re going to give you tough love.”
We’re going to tear some things apart and build some things. That’s the point. That’s why you’re doing this work. Let’s do it and be done with it. It’s like thinking about the diet for two years versus doing the hard work and getting it done.
Heather O’Brien: In the second boot camp I took, I remember one of your biggest sales points was the vision of what could be, and that was one of the selling points for me. It’s only six months and I will be done with everything. I don’t have to do all this free stuff and research it on my own. In six months, I’ll have everything. I had to buckle down and do the work. But now it’s done and I know how to refine it.
Connecting With Heather
Stef Gass: That’s so powerful, Heather. Thank you for being here. If somebody wants to heal with God and you’re their person, and they’re feeling led to connect with you, tell them where they can learn about you and listen to your show.
Heather O’Brien: The podcast’s name is Heal With God. Go ahead and subscribe. Start listening and binging. What I do is a little different than everybody else. I help people heal by hearing God’s voice. That’s my niche.
I have a freebie I would love to share with your readers. It’s called the Free Mental Makeover Challenge. You’ll receive the five steps I teach every coaching client to hear God’s voice to heal.
Stef Gass: Amazing! Go get that. I know it’s going to bless you. Alright, Miss Heather, thank you, sunshine. I’ll see you soon.
Heather O’Brien: Thank you so much!
You Can Make Your First Sale Like Heather
Stef Gass: How amazing was that conversation? Friends, this is possible for you too. This is not just another person making up stories about how amazing it was to follow this system.
I have dozens of interviews on this podcast where you can listen to people like Heather, who have the same results, have lives that are busy, and fears that creep up.
No one is different here. This works. No matter who you are or what your business model is, all you have to do is take a leap of faith and commit.
Commitment and consistency are some of the BIG things lacking in creating sustainability.
You see this overnight success promise everywhere – jump to the newest platform and thing. But how many times has that led you astray? How many times has that actually worked for you? Probably zero.
But what has worked for you? I want you to get to the root of the business God is calling you to create. For me, it was this podcast. This was the root and dream. This was the prophetic whisper from the Lord. And He made good on every promise.
I’m here for it. I do all three long-forms now and podcasting is still my bread-and-butter. It’s the easiest. The most inexpensive. And it brings the most joy. It allows me to be myself at the highest capacity. Podcasting allows you to feel seen and heard:
From the comfort of your car
While doing laundry
Working out
Listening on your lunch break
Do yourself a favor and come to my bootcamp. Because you never know if this might be the right thing for you. It might even lead you to your first sale, just like Heather. Let me share everything I know about growing a kingdom business with you.
Friends, I hope you enjoyed this conversation. I’ll see you soon.
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I'm Stef Gass.
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