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Hey Friend!
Do you feel distracted or lack focus in your online business? Do you want to grow your business and make more money but feel like you are on the hamster wheel with a never-ending to-do list?
Everything on your to-do list will grow your online business and make you more money because it’s what the online influencers tell you to do – Head down, roll up your sleeves, and get to work!
But let’s be honest, that leaves you glued to your phone 24/7, thinking you must always show up on social media, spending less time with your family, and feeling burnt out.
I’m here to tell you that it is possible to grow and streamline your online business so you create consistent income and grow your audience while maintaining balance in your life and business. However, it will ONLY happen with four things you need to focus on in your online business right now.
I call it the Focus 4 Formula, and I give you permission to stop doing all the things on your to-do list and only focus on these four simple things right now.
If you are willing to focus on these four things and do them extraordinarily well, your online business will grow and make more money. Are you ready? Let’s dive into the Focus 4 Formula.
The first thing to focus on in the Focus 4 Formula is consistently producing long-form content, which can be video, podcasting, or blogging.
Podcasting is the best, easy-to-produce, top-of-funnel, long-form method. It is the cheapest, most efficient thing to do with the most significant return for your time. Podcasting has no shelf life, meaning an ideal listener could find your episode three years from now and still benefit from your content and buy your offer.
Whatever method of long-form content you choose, the next step is to decide on your level of consistency. Maybe you prefer to produce one or two podcasts every single week over and over again. Perhaps you choose to blog three times a week, every single week, over and over again.
Whatever you choose, stick to that one form of content and show up consistently and excellently. Your online business will grow as you consistently share or teach something of value that builds trust, reaches your ideal person’s heart, and shows authenticity.
The second thing to focus on in the Focus 4 Formula is a targeted offer. A targeted offer is aligned and specific to your ideal person’s needs and wants to buy. It reflects what your ideal person is dealing with and going through.
It is solution-based and outcome-oriented. A targeted offer has the correct title, tagline, and marketing. Lastly, it is positioned correctly because it is priced at the perfect price point your ideal person is willing to pay.
The opposite of a target offer is having a $7 tiny offer, a $9 e-book, a $5,000 high ticket offer, and a $30,000 mastermind. Several random offers do not serve you or your audience well because they diminish the value of each offer. Besides, how many $7 tiny offers or $9 e-books do you need to sell to make the income you want in your business?
Clear messaging is the third priority in the Focus 4 Formula. This means knowing exactly what your ideal listener is thinking and saying and repeating it in your marketing and messaging.
How do you know what your ideal listener is thinking and saying? Get on 5-10 calls with your ideal person and ask them, “What is your number one problem right now? What are you struggling with the most right now?” Let them talk while writing precisely what they say because your ideal person is your best copywriter. Ask these same questions inside Facebook communities.
Then, create incredible content based on what these people said to nurture your audience. Stop discussing what you think they want or random topics you see others discussing. Create content that your person is asking for. Leads, new podcast listeners, and clients don’t just come in the door and decide to buy anymore.
They want to feel seen and heard, loved, and nurtured. Teach them something of value so that they trust you. Tell authentic stories that make them laugh and feel like they belong. You can do all of this through your one piece of long-form content, a weekly email newsletter, and your messaging and marketing.
The fourth thing to focus on in the Focus 4 Formula is getting more leads by doing less. Yes, that’s right. Get more leads by doing less!
You build a funnel of places that point people to your long-form content. This isn’t creating more content. Instead, it’s like little arrows that point back to your video, podcast, or blog. This could look like Pinterest marketing that drives back to the podcast or YouTube shorts that drive back to your full-length video.
Email newsletters or sharing in Facebook Communities point back to the podcast. Remember that none of these arrows are new content or more to-dos. The last thing you need is more to do. You have already created an amazing piece of long-form content.
Now, take 30 minutes a week to show up on Pinterest, write an email newsletter, or share in a Facebook community and point them all back to the podcast. This is how you show up in less time with less effort in a scalable way.
Another way to enhance your targeted offer and generate more leads is to host a workshop, boot camp, flash sale, live launch, or discovery call. These methods require you to show up with intensity quickly, build connections and trust, and offer great value for free in exchange for sales.
Inside Podcast to Profit Mastermind, my six-month podcast group coaching program, I teach my students the strategic repurpose game of showing up on Pinterest, writing consistent weekly email newsletters, and creating little clips for social or YouTube shorts that all point back to one long-form piece of content.
I teach you what to say and how to position Pinterest pins to attract your ideal person in a way that keeps this part of your marketing effective and on rinse and repeat. I also share my live flash sale and live launch framework, which you can run within your business.
Are you wondering when you should do everything, like building a YouTube channel, speaking, and posting on social media?
This question can only be answered when you decide on your tangible, realistic, yet stretching goal.
What’s your goal? It might be 10,000 or 100,000 podcast downloads, consistently earning six figures, or having 100 coaching clients. It may be paying off your mortgage or hiring a team member.
The Focus 4 Formula gives you clear marching orders for your online business. You no longer need to start your day wondering, “What will I do today?” You no longer need to feel overwhelmed by your never-ending to-do list!
Don’t do it if it doesn’t align with these four things. Your online business will grow with consistent long-form content, building a targeted offer, being clear in your marketing and messaging, and focusing on getting more leads by repurposing content.
Just listened to this episode and went straight to Pinterest to see what you do. Just seeing it is helpful – can’t imagine how impactful being in P2P will be! You’re amazing! <3 Thank you for sharing your heart and your wisdom!
Hey Amy! Great job being an action taker. We are so happy the visual alone helped you.
Stef loves to help you simplify the process and maximize the return on your time investment. This podcast episode has some great information that I know will bless you as well. Enjoy!
Have you ever wondered how much money a podcast with just a thousand downloads can make? It’s probably more than you think, but not in the method you think.
Have you ever had a business meeting with God? In this post, my goal is to provide you with six tangible steps to set the agenda for your business meeting with God.
Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jaclyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jaclyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
Visit the free resources section and find out which software I personally use and recommend. Become an affiliate, or discover other trusted resources I have to help you succeed on your business and faith journey.
I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
I'm Stef Gass.
hey friend!
Get clear on your calling in 4 weeks or less so you can start your online business with confidence.
Apply for my 6-month group coaching program for podcasters! Build your offer, learn to sell, and scale.
Visit the Stefanie Gass School to discover what step you're on and and learn which course is right for you!
Launch a podcast in less than 30 days! 12 simple steps to go from idea to successful podcast.
Let's work together!
Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
Just listened to this episode and went straight to Pinterest to see what you do. Just seeing it is helpful – can’t imagine how impactful being in P2P will be! You’re amazing! <3 Thank you for sharing your heart and your wisdom!
Hey Amy! Great job being an action taker. We are so happy the visual alone helped you.
Stef loves to help you simplify the process and maximize the return on your time investment. This podcast episode has some great information that I know will bless you as well. Enjoy!
3 Reasons Having More Offers Won’t Increase Revenue. Why Less Is Better in Your Online Business
Stef Gass + Team
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