defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
What’s up, friends? Welcome to another week. I don’t know about you, but our summer is coming to an end and it’s bittersweet. We’ve had the best time with trips and busy schedules, summer afternoons, a couple of sunburns, and slow mornings. But I feel like it’s also time to get back to work making money. Time to dig back into routine and focus on the balance that I love that comes with routine.
So how about you? How is your summer coming to a close? Come on over and share with us in the student community. How does that look for you? What are you most excited about for this next season? If you’ve got kiddos in school or you’re heading back into homeschool, what are you most looking forward to in this next season?
A Fun Conversation About Making Money
Today, I have a fun conversation that I’m going to share with you. This is somebody who is inside of my Podcast to Profit Mastermind. Her podcast is now about thirty days into the journey. She has a question that I think so many of us are asking when we’re getting started in something new and we’re trying to lean into believing in a framework and believing in a system. I’m doing everything right, but:
I’m not making money.
I’m not making money yet.
I’m not making money fast enough.
This conversation will consider what that looks like, the mindset behind it, the reality, the inventory of where you actually are, and then the tactical. We’ll also consider what you can control and what can you actually do about it. If you’ve ever thought that or you are feeling that way right now, this is definitely a conversation that you want to listen to and lean into.
Free Workshop About Making Money With a Podcast
Before we get into this coaching session, did you know that I have a free workshop for you? This 40-minute workshop is going to show you why podcasting is my absolute favorite way to grow an online business. Podcasting can be the vessel that you use to create an audience that is highly converting and that actually is excited to come and spend money with you as their coach or course creator.
I promise you this workshop will help you understand how podcasting is the number one driver to success on my end and how it can potentially be the same for you. Head right now, to this link. Or if you want to work with me on some other level, head on over to the Stefanie Gass School and check out all the ways we can work together.
Don’t Lean Into Desperation and Fear
P2P Student: Outside of the framework of P2P, if I had to boil down one question, it would be, what are the most effective ways of moving the needle forward to making money? Obviously, I have a powerful story that’s going to bring an impact. I know that.
But also being very practical, our family needs money. My old mindset would have said what other coaches say, double the amount of messages that you’re sending to people every day. Well, I’m not going to double my messages because I’m doing two podcasts a week!
So I’m balancing that mindset of the hustle and I need to do more versus, just relax. It’s all in God’s hands. What are the best things that I can control versus just staying consistent with these and leaving the rest up to God?
Stef:This is everything and this is everyone, right? This is for everyone saying I’m in the call. I’m doing the work and I’m literally doing everything you say. But, yeah, I need money now. And so we get into that space of desperation. When we come from a place of desperation, it’s a place of fear.
There’s zero blessing in the action of desperation and fear. I’ve experienced that time and time again because I constantly leaned into desperation and fear. Does this sound familiar?
Let me try this tiny offer because that’s an easier thing to sell.
Let me talk about that even though that’s not my brand.
Maybe if I change the keywords for the 30th time in 30 days.
So we sabotage ourselves because we truly need to make money. There’s always something we can do to make money. We’re entrepreneurs! We can do whatever we need to do, right?
Fully Surrender to God
Stef: But there’s also this place of full surrender knowing that God knows every hair on your head. That’s not meant to be a cop-out answer. The promises in scripture run so deep that He is going to take care of your every need. We can let go of fear and desperation and come from a place of strategy with a sprinkle of patience. Which is the most annoying thing I could say to you right now.
And then, strategically focusing on only the things we as humans can actually control. All that said, your emotions will always push you into desperate action which you want to run from. You’ll dig a hole worse in your financial situation because you‘ll start over. You’ll build something that isn’t aligned and you’ll go do this and that.
Run from that! Just check yourself before any action happens. Ask yourself:
Is this a hasty act?
Is this an emotional action?
Is this a fear-led action?
And if it is, we‘re done with those. Now we focus on the second piece, which is the patience and the trust piece. We go to a deep place inside and ask a really hard question. Am I fully relinquishing control over my business and my finances and my worries around those things right now? What would you say to that question?
P2P Student:So here it comes. Yes, because this topic is something I’ve been wrestling with for a while. It’s challenging to surrender, you know. But bills are due or bills are late or whatever. Yes, there is the surrender and you know, Lord, I need you. I understand it’s entirely in your hands and your timing and all of that.
It’s about a money mindset. How is your family managing money, you know? But there’s still that, like, what happens if, you know, a bill is due? And then what? That’s my thing.
There’s a God-Solution to Every Problem
Stef: So remember that there’s a God-solution to every problem. But what happens is sometimes we focus on the outcome that we believe has to happen in order for it all to make sense. So we’re hyper-fixated on this business has to be making money right now. But did God say that? Did God say you’re going to pay your bills with this business right now?
Or is there potentially something distracting you because your vision is so hyper-focused on what you think you should do, and this one outcome that you are so desperately trying to get to? There’s obviously a blessing in this business that you’re building. Look what you’re doing. But what if you’re missing that thing you’re going to pay your bills with this right now? Because you’re going to build this other thing in time.
My Personal Journey Making Money
There were weird things that happened that were so unexpected in those years when the money was completely gone from my end. We still had bills to pay and things to do. I was still building but this other thing would happen.
For example, somebody reached out in an email and they contracted me to run their social media for two months. They paid me $2000. It’s not what I did. But it was a blessing that I could do what God was asking me to do. What’s interesting is, God’s got your bills. God’s got your family. But we can’t miss the ways in which maybe God’s answer is coming in.
And so I just say all of that from a personal experience place. Maybe He lets you miss a bill. And there’s some type of reason that’s happening. He’s going to figure out all the little details and make sure that they’re going to make sense for you. So just work on that. God, how are we going to pay the bills this month? I want to work on this thing, but I know you’ve got this. Am I missing it? Open my eyes spiritually. Open my eyes, Lord:
To the Solutions
To the Answers
To the Ways
Where is it? Whatever it is, I’m so good with it for right now because I know that He’s going to make a way for me to eventually build the thing that He’s calling me to do. There are some tips that have how that worked out for me.
What Can You Actually Control Making Money?
Stef: Now to the third point, what can you actually control? Because you want an easy answer, right? How do you make the most money? Well, I’m telling you guys in Podcast to Profit how you make the most money.
You focus on consistency in what you’re doing.
You’re doing everything I’m telling you to do.
You’re fixing the things and doing what I’m saying.
You can control that, but what you can’t control is how fast it works. You literally have no control over that piece. Is it going to work? To the depths of my core, I believe the answer is YES! But I don’t know when.
So what you do is stay consistent until. You’re doing two episodes a week to the best of your ability, and you’re offering coaching. Coaching is the fastest way that you can make money. Because your superfan number is smaller and people can work with you quicker. But the best way you grow is exactly doing what you’re doing.
Wait for God to Happen
I think where people lose it is it’s not growing fast enough to my liking, so there must be something wrong with it. So you redo it, start over, pivot, quit, and grab this. That’s the entire point of obedience. Staying in it long enough that you don’t even think it’s possible, and then God happens.
Then the last strategic thing I have to say is and I always tell people don‘t jump off the bridge when there’s no water under it either. Because I know this business takes time to build.
Is there another option financially if that ends up being the case?
Is there a part-time opportunity?
Look outside the box.
Sometimes we have to do something we don’t want to do for a while, to financially supplement while we’re building the thing. That’s just the reality of where we’re at. I asked God, please give me something to supplement while I’m trying to make this work. When I relinquished control of it, there was a knock on the inbox. It was like, would you do this? That’s literally the amount of money that we needed for two full months to get me to the next step. Then people started asking me if I would coach them. I’m like, okay, God’s got me here.
My Trust Began to Grow
As I started to see that He had those little pieces, my trust in it grew. So I knew. I felt the anointing of the Lord over the business. But it was not income-producing That’s where we look. We don’t change our strategy on the call, but we might change our strategy around making money. You’re saying online tutoring. What can you do in a short amount of time while you’re pitching the coaching? Hopefully, this is shorter than you think.
What’s your super fan number? One hundred and twenty-five, right? And only one month in! I just want you to imagine if you promised yourself that:
You Would Not Give Up
You Wouldn’t Stress
You Would Just Do Whatever You Had to Do
Imagine following the road map for twelve months. Imagine if you didn‘t give up and you stayed consistent for twelve months. You didn’t deviate from the plan, you didn’t go rogue, and you didn’t rebrand. Where would your brand be? Look what you’ve done in thirty days. Thirty days is already possible for you. Twelve months is tomorrow.
You Control How Much You’ll Show Up
P2P Student: Another school year. This makes it tangible. So the thirty-thousand-foot view would be two podcasts per week. I’ll learn about Facebook and email.
Stef: That’s the plan. So for you, be hyper-focused on the top of the funnel. You’re basically following P2P. That’s what I’m telling you to do because yes, we’re going to build the nurture. And, yes, we’re going to build the offer which for you right now needs to be coaching. You’ve got all this set up the way that I asked you. Then you’ll focus on the top of the funnel.
Do as many podcast interviews as you can take.
Try to get on shows that are super relevant to your brand and your business.
Do swaps with people.
Control the organic growth as much as you can.
You can’t control the outcome but you can control how much you show up. If you can show up on five shows a week, do it. Get on five shows. That’s all you can control. You can’t control how many organic leads come from those conversations. That’s not for you to control. It’s not mine to control.
When I finally gave that piece up and just did what I could, success happened. No one that does all that they can is going to be a failure.
Do What You Can
P2P Student: I just wanted to make sure I know what I can do and I’m doing the things I need to do.
Stef: Just do what’s in P2P. Everything else is yelling at you, “Do this. It’s too simple.” You’re unavailable for any of that. I’m just doing it. If you’re like, “I already did what Stef said,” watch the video again. What did you miss? There’s gold in there. For example, one student said, “I love that Steph mentioned the preview section of the email in the video.” It was one little mention. That’s what I’m talking about.
Because every gold nugget I know is in those videos. Everything I know to where I’m sitting right now, it’s in there. So you think you did it? But did you? Is it right? Is it to the best of your ability? Are you showing up with everything you have to make this your business model? If that answer is yes, it’s just a matter of time. Don’t let your belief waiver. I know the bills are due, but God’s got that part.
This Is Holy Work
P2P Student: Not to minimize any of that because from January through May, I was with a high-ticket coach creating my high-ticket offer. But her lead strategy was Instagram. I had a couple of conversations but there were a lot of crickets for the amount of work I was putting in. So here we are at one month into this and more conversations than I ever had. One girl didn’t just want fifteen minutes of a discovery call. So I said, “Well, I typically charge for an hour.” I gave her a four-package deal. It was, like, $250. I was trying to build the airplane while I was flying it. I do have proof of one fruit of the labor, and it’s coming.
Stef: Yes! You’re doing holy work. Holy work is what you see in the Kingdom of God.
Before you go, be sure to watch the free workshop!
This free workshop is for you if you want to grow an online business in less time.
It will teach you how to explode your audience without the social media hustle, make consistent sales using a podcast, and plan, record, and launch a podcast with ease!
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
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I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
I'm Stef Gass.
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Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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