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Hey Friend!
Have you ever considered going on a phone fast? We desperately need to take a break from our phones!
If you’re a Christian trying to create an online business and glorify God in your work, your phone is probably a major distraction. If we’re constantly distracted, how can we possibly fulfill the desires of our hearts and God’s calling in our lives?
We’ve gotten so used to having a phone in our hands, constantly beckoning us to respond to someone or check something. If you’re anything like me, your phone may even be an addiction, thus, a serious need for a phone fast.
Today, we will learn how to disconnect from our phones to reconnect with what truly matters in our business and home lives.
Let’s explore a 7-day phone fast plan to increase your focus and allow you to crush your goals in your God-led, faith-filled business.
You decide how long or short you want to do a phone fast. If you’re anything like me, your heart is yearning for it. You feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit, but you need the plan and consistency to see a phone fast through.
Well, I’m your girl. We can do this together.
Why Do We Need a Phone Fast?
Not only does our phone distract us from what matters the most, but it also derails us from what keeps us healthy. High smartphone usage correlates to increased rates of anxiety and depression. One study found that over 41% of teens with high social media usage rated their mental health as poor or very poor, compared to 23% of those with the lowest usage.
Phone use has also been linked to sleep issues, such as insomnia. Excessive use can lead to other issues, such as reduced physical fitness and unhealthy eating. Yikes! Who knew?
Another study from Frontiers says overuse of smartphones may impair cognitive control and change the brain’s grey matter volume, which is responsible for attention and impulse control. I don’t know about you, but my attention span has decreased to one-third of what it used to be!
Lastly, smartphone overuse can perpetuate addictive behaviors, like checking it compulsively or having difficulty controlling your usage, despite negative consequences.
Do any of those points resonate with you? Not only do I feel the physical effects of my phone usage, but I also feel the Holy Spirit’s conviction that it’s time to lay my phone down!
If you’re feeling the same way, I want to share my game plan for a 7-day phone fast. The goal is to disconnect to reconnect: with God, your family, and yourself. Let’s remind ourselves that we are in control and won’t let any addiction overtake us.
Now, let’s dive into the phone fast plan!
Phone Fast Step 1: Understand the Meaning of Fasting
Many scripture references speak to fasting, but in short, fasting is giving up something you idolize or turn to instead of God. Fasting is giving that item (or habit) up to create more spiritual availability with Him.
We see a reference to this in Joel 2:12, which says, ”That is why the Lord says, ‘Turn to me now, while there is time. Give me your hearts. Come with fasting, weeping, and mourning’” (NLT). To do this, we have to let go of the things that are in our faces 24/7.
Another scriptural reference is Ezra 8:23, “So we fasted and earnestly prayed that our God would take care of us, and he heard our prayer.”
When you’re decreasing your phone usage, it’s a wonderful time to increase your prayer life. Think about other things you’ve wanted to do but haven’t had time for, like journaling or starting a new bible study. You can put your energy and efforts into these valuable things instead of into your phone.
Maybe, like me, you’ve done other fasts in the past, like the Daniel Fast or social media fasting, but this time, a phone fast feels like the right kind of fast in the season we’re in.
Phone Fast Step 2: Determine the Length of Time
I did an Instagram fast for 30 days, which then became over a year of Instagram fasting. To this day, I still don’t post to Instagram and it’s so freeing! I used to spend 4 to 6 hours a day on Instagram, whereas now I use it to check messages when needed for my business.
You can do any length of time that works for you, but we’re setting it at 7 days. You decide what length of time is best for you, and always feel free to lengthen it to fit your goals.
Phone Fast Step 3: Draft Your Goal
Next, we need to dig into setting our purpose and goal. My goal is to disconnect to reconnect with my family, God, and myself.
What is your goal for the phone fast? Do you want to work out, pray, or gather more with friends? Write it down and hold yourself accountable.
Phone Fast Step 4: Set Boundaries
What are the rules or guidelines for your phone fast? As for me, I’m setting up “No Phone Zones” for my day. When my kids are home, or it’s family time, I want my phone out of sight completely so I don’t inadvertently reach for it.
Set Up No Phone Zones
First thing in the morning, I’ll set a timer and put my phone in a basket until 9 am. My kids are home during that time, but I also want to be sure I’m prioritizing my power hour with God every morning, which varies depending on whether I hit snooze too many times or I find my phone in my hand.
My next “No Phone Zone” is from 5 to 7 pm. That’s our dinner and family time, followed by my workout time. After 7 pm, I’m free to get my phone back and use it while doing the dishes, putting laundry away, or even relaxing before bed. I’m not here to take those times away from you, but I will encourage you to be strict while spending intentional time with God or family.
Of course, we need to be realistic, too. If your mom or spouse calls, you should answer the phone. This isn’t phone prison, but it’s good to set intentions for how you will set those boundaries. If you’re used to constantly looking things up on your phone, grab a notebook and jot down the things you want to look up later.
Delete Easy-Access Apps
Another way to set boundaries is to delete the social media apps from your phone. This creates a simple but effective barrier to getting into the apps and limits your usage. Our instant access and immediate gratification make it that much harder to stop! When I first deleted my apps, I would still try to click on them, and it made me realize how addicted I had become.
It may sound hard now, but you can do almost anything for just 7 days!
Phone Fast Step 5: Create a Plan
You need to create your plan. You can go for as little as 30 minutes or as long as away from your phone all day. There are no rules on how this has to be done. Prayerfully seek God’s will over your phone fast as you decide what works best for you, while still stretching yourself.
When I first gave up Instagram, it was a stretch for me to just give up weekends. Then it became 30 days, and quickly I worked my way up to three years!
Think about what you will do in the pockets of “No Phone Zone” time. What are some productive things you want to accomplish? Is it a morning power hour with God, breakfast with your family, or a workout? Maybe it’s re-organizing your closet! Whatever that thing is, you’ll find you have so much more time in your day simply by doing a phone fast.
Phone Fast Step 6: Do the Thing!
When will you start your phone fast? I’m starting immediately so I can be done by the new year. So often when I do a fast, I learn what I have been idolizing or spending too much time on. I’m able to reset the why behind why I use the tool or how the tool uses me.
What’s your start date? Stick to it and see it through! It’s okay if you mess up along the way. Just get back to the plan you drafted and carry on. Ask God for the strength only He can provide. You’re not a failure when you mess up. It’s how we learn!
Phone Fast Step 7: Reflect on Your Time of Fasting
After the 7-day phone fast, sit down and reflect on how it went.
How did you feel? What happened? In what areas did you grow? This will help you know if this is a practice you want to do more often.
Phone Fast Step 8: Decide Whether or Not to Continue
The final step of the phone fast plan is to decide if you will keep some of these new habits after completion. I ended up staying off Instagram completely after my fast a few years ago, which has been such a God-send to me for gaining back valuable time.
I also ended up leaving the distracting apps off my phone. That freed me from any further addiction to social media and endless scrolling. Since then, I have been watching YouTube videos or catching the news from time to time. It’s all okay in moderation, but I’ll know when my casual perusing has become something more.
Final Thoughts on Your Phone Fast
Sometimes, all it takes is a good reset to see what’s truly important in our businesses and lives. Remember, we need to disconnect to reconnect. Here are those steps again for our 7-day phone fast:
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