defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
Welcome to today’s blog post where I am joined by my dear friend Chelsi Jo. Together, we are diving into this concept of organization in your life and business. The truth bomb is that busyness is not productivity and that there has to be an easier, more simplified, more systemized way to get it all together. To go from overwhelmed to organized.
And so stick with me today as Chelsi and I dive in to discuss solutions to busyness. She will take us through 2 foundational systems, 4 steps each, to really get everything together so that you can trade busyness and have much more time to:
Focus on your business.
Pour into your family.
Do the things that you absolutely know you’re called to do.
I pray this post is a blessing for you.
Go Deeper With 5 Different Courses
If this post speaks to you today, everything we‘re talking about is inside the amazing courses my friends Chelsi Jo, Polly Payne and I have created.
These are going to really help you set up for success when it comes to making your business something that can produce income and impact in the future.
Chelsi’s in the House
I have such a treat for you today. One of my favorite humans on planet Earth is sitting here across from me, my beloved Chelsi Jo Moore. She is here to just bless you with her incredible brain. It is something to behold, friends. When it comes to getting organized and having detailed systems, I feel like a breath of fresh air in my business and life.
So much of that is attributed to Chelsi and the work that she brings to the world. I cannot wait for you to hear from her today. We’re going to go through all the goals around truly getting rid of busyness and getting organized in your life so you can have more time to work on your business and really do the things that God is calling you to do. Get ready and definitely get a notebook and pen because Chelsi is in the house. Hey, girl, welcome.
About Chelsi Jo
Chelsi Jo:Hey, I’m so happy to be here talking with all of my incredible business mom friends who are running online businesses like you and me. This is going to be so much fun.
Stef:It’s going to be so fun. Most everyone probably knows you. You’ve been on the show multiple times. You are my best friend. We are business besties and family friends. But in case they haven’t met you before, tell us who you are and what you do.
Chelsi Jo:Hi, I am Chelsi Jo. I am the founder and CEO of I have 4 signature systems. Actually, I have a lot of systems but I have 4 signature systems that I sell to stay-at-home, work-from-home moms, and CEOs who are trying to run banging businesses and families at the same time. My systems help you go from overwhelmed busyness to organized no matter where your journey is:
Having a Business
Starting a Business
Wanting a Business
Running a Home
And trying to juggle all of those things and do it well. I am a wife to a firefighter. We have 2 girls that are 6 and 11. I have been running this business for 4 years. I’m also the host of the Systemize Your Life podcast which has been such a treat and journey.
I’m a previous student of Stefanie Gass and did every single thing she ever told me to do. I ended up a whole lot better for it and you will be too. I love CrossFit. I’m super crunchy and I don’t like chemicals in my home or in my food. So, yeah, that’s me in a nutshell.
From Student to Friend
Stef:That’s actually how we became more than coach and student. I started to message Chelsi, I need to get rid of my plastics and I don’t know where to start. She was a great mentor for me to detox my home and educate me. We became friends through it. God is really good in how He works.
Friend you have such an incredible gift for helping us get organized. I mean not in a cute tidy-up way. I mean the deep-rooted work about:
Getting It Together
Getting Focused
Getting Intentional
Just walking into a room and feeling in control again. It’s this really beautiful gift that you have over your life. We’re going to dive into that today.
Productivity Is Not Busyness
Stef:Can we begin with this conversation around what we think productivity is? And maybe these ideas around how we are actually operating our life as so many of us working moms or women who work from home or women who work and have this side hustle at the same time. What does this actually look like? What is this reality for us now which then leads us from busyness to needing what you have to offer?
Chelsi Jo:Yeah, there’s so much to talk about here. This is literally my mission work. So let me see if I can be brief. I think we’ve come into this time and space in our era on Earth. Our current culture says that women have to be responsible for a lot of things.
The lineage that gave us the responsibility and even in our belief system for most of us who are Christians who want to spearhead what a home feels like:
The Actual Spirit of the Home
The Tone of the Home
What It Feels Like?
How We Interact With Our Kids and Spouses
The Cooking and Cleaning
And just really providing a space for nurturing is something that we’ve carried for a really long time.
Busyness and So Many Responsibilities
Chelsi Jo:But on top of that now, we’re also carrying this sometimes need and want to make money too. Doing all of that for a lot of people seems really impossible. I went through it myself. I struggled to figure out how to work outside the home as a sign language interpreter, which is what I did before this business. With my Mom, I ran an event-based business. We did flowers and designs for weddings and boutique weddings.
I had a brand-new husband and a brand-new baby. There was shared parenting time with our oldest daughter and her biological dad. It was so much trying to figure out how to cook meals all week long and figure out how to not spend 2 hours on Pinterest figuring out what to put in a crock pot for one of those meals. Then make the grocery list and not go out to eat 45 times or be at Chick-fil-A drive-through again. Let alone keep the toilets clean and not see a ring of mold in there. Honestly, it just was so much.
Busyness Makes You Uncomfortable in Your Own Skin
Chelsi Jo:My brand new marriage was crumbling. What I see happen so much is just the constant chaos and women dealing with it in 2 ways. The first way is they wear the badge and they think it’s cute. They ignore the fact that they don’t feel good in their own skin. They don’t like what they look or feel like anymore.
It’s physically painful because they’re overweight or underweight, wherever you’re at on that spectrum because I was always on the underweight side. I know a lot of people are on the overweight side but both of those things have a great impact on your health.
It affects the way that you interact with your children. It affects the way that you interact with your spouse. They know and you know that you’re not showing up for who you actually are supposed to be and who you want to be.
Busyness Causes You to Give Up on Your Dreams
Chelsi Jo:The other option is what I see women doing as they just altogether give up on their dreams and they pour 100% into their family. They pour 100% into everything and then they end up having bitterness and resentment towards all the things and all the people.
The end result is that we end up coming to this place where women are fighting fiercely and trying to work their tails off all hours of the day with no reward at the end of it. You go to bed at the end of the night and have no idea what you did. But guess what? I closed the rings on my watch today.
Stef: Don’t throw shade at the rings. I’m super here for them. I got a new ultra watch you guys. I’m enjoying this but okay, I digress.
Chelsi Jo:You know what I mean. When all we’re doing is trying to check boxes to prove that we accomplished something but inside we feel like nothing of value has ever taken place. That’s not productivity.
Stef: And then I don’t even know what I’ve done.
Chelsi Jo:No idea. Because guess what? You know you made 10,000 steps. But where? Because there’s still crap everywhere in your house. Your emails are still unanswered. You don’t even know what your kids wore to school today. Like, you don’t know. Somebody called and said, “Hey, we can’t find your kid. What did they wear to school today?” You don’t know. You saw him, but you didn’t see him.
With Busyness, You’re Just Putting Out Fires
Chelsi Jo:It’s like everything is moving around you so freaking fast and all you’re doing is putting out fires all day long. Because you’re trying to do all the things that I just said you’re trying to do. There’s nothing wrong with that. Those are honorable things. It’s the way that you’re choosing to go about it because you have not picked up the correct tool for the job.
Stef: One of the things that was the most painful for me was the time when I couldn’t remember a meaningful moment with my kids. I was like picking my brain and trying to think what happened today. And I couldn’t remember a moment that I looked in their eyes. I couldn’t think of a moment where we had a real conversation.
And even if we did, it wasn‘t enough to deeply root in my heart because busyness caused me to chase my own tail. I‘m so glad Chelsi came into my life because I’ve gone through every system that Chelsi offers. I‘ve implemented every single thing that she has.
Get Rid of Busyness and Be Truly Present in Your Life
Stef: Today, we’re going to talk about 2 ways that we can solve this problem because busyness is not productivity. You must organize your life if you want to:
Make Money in Your Business
Have a Healthy Fruitful Marriage
Have Meaningful Moments With Your Children
Meaningful moments that really matter not just to you but also to them. You have time and space to be really and truly present. This is where it all begins. So Chelsi, talk us through a little bit about what are these 2 major systems and which one we start with.
Chelsi Jo:Before I answer that question, I get hit in the face all the time with major resistance from every single person. I’ve had people slander me. This is not possible. It’s not possible to balance all the things. It’s not possible and I’m like, whatever. I’m doing it!
Stef: I’m doing it too.
Chelsi Jo: And I’m not lying to myself. No, I’m not. I do all the things that I want to do. Are they at the capacity that my little heart so badly desires? No. I’m not sitting on the floor playing Legos and crafting sensory bins and doing all the Pinterest mom things. No people, I’m really not.
Stop Busyness Little by Little
Chelsi: But guess what? We do eat whole, clean food. I have made shifts in every area of my life to one degree to take me in the direction that I want to go. Every day we continue to further systemize little by little by little by little. In my business, I show up hard and have a great impact because:
I know what I’m doing because Stefanie helped me get to that point.
I have my tasks.
I have a task management system.
Now that my business has grown, I have a full-blown operating system.
Eliminate Busyness Starts With a Foundation
Chelsi: But the foundation of that is this business task management system that helps me know exactly what to do and when to do it. So, I can get in and get out of that work block, not mess around, impact people, create income, and then get back to the rest of my responsibilities.
Nothing about that is false. Nothing about that is fake. Everything about it can be a reality. I’ve seen it happen for so many people. Of these 4 signature systems I believe to be absolutely a requirement for people to experience and go through if they want to have this experience of running a business from home and working at home and showing up in all the ways.
The 2 foundational pieces that you must start with are these 2 systems that we’re going to dive into. The first is a home management system. There are 4 pieces that I want to share with you right now. Then I’ll tell you what the 2nd system is after we get done going through this one.
The First System Is Home Management
Stef: Perfect. So now the question is, why would we start with home?
Chelsi Jo: That’s my heart? So many are different in this. I’ve come to learn that there really are 2 different ways of people coming at this. For me, my default is home management. That’s why I created the home management system before everything else. And that’s why I make my students do it first.
Because it doesn’t matter how successful your business is. If your home is in shambles, it’s not really going to be as successful as you want it to be. I know there has never been anyone who’s like, “Yeah, my business is amazing, but I don’t have a relationship with my kids or my husband and I haven’t had a date in forever.” We don’t really need to go into it any deeper than just to say, that the real foundation, I believe, of a godly woman is to make sure that they’re stewarding their:
They’re stewarding these things before they give all of their talents and their first fruits to everything else. But that’s where we need to put it first. This can be so overwhelming and time-consuming that we feel like there’s not any time left. That’s why we start practically speaking with the home management system. Because I’m about to free up somewhere between 10 to 20 hours of your life so that you can do this business by having a home management system in place.
Stef: Incredible! Alright, take us through the steps friend.
First: Manage Your Time Well
Chelsi Jo: First and foremost, you have to manage your time well and it needs to be flexible. When you come in and learn my home management system the way that I teach it. The first thing that we tackle is how you’re managing your time. I have a very literal color-coded, copy-and-paste template.
Let me help you figure out how to make a framework for your life with 5 major time blocks, some routine stacks, and some other things that we build on as you go through building a home management system. We’ve had, over a thousand people go through this. Whether or not you’re:
Working a 9 to 5
A Stay-At-Home Mom
A Homeschooling Mom
A Work-From-Home Mom
You Run a Major Business
You Do Nothing
You’re a Husband
You’re a Work-From-Home Dad
I don’t care who you are or what you do. It’s worked for every single person. This time management piece is an absolute game-changer.
Even My Husband Is on Board With This
Chelsi Jo: After about 6 years of managing my time this way, my husband Blaine is finally practicing it independently on his own. Listen, I don’t care if your husband has never touched a Google Calendar and knows nothing of it. That’s no excuse. Blaine didn’t either. I did all of this and bamboozled my whole family. They had no idea it was coming and I smacked them with it and now they love it.
This is just the way that our family runs. So the first is time management. Let’s get your time under control and make sure that it is flexible so that you’re not putting out fires all day long. You’ll actually embrace the curve balls and know what to do with them. You will be able to accomplish so much throughout the day, more than you probably ever have in your entire life.
Second: Automate Your Tasks
Chelsi Jo: The second part of the home management system is automating your tasks. So when we look at your to-dos, everything that you’re writing down on your to-do list, it’s very unnecessary. All of it should be automated.
95% of it can be automated. 5% of it will actually need to go on a to-do list, but I can literally take all of your to-dos and automate them so that you never have to think about them again. They’ll fit into about 8 buckets and 8 categories that I give to you and you repeat those. You put them on your calendar and do them every single week.
They stay there. They’re static. For example, maybe it can’t happen on Tuesday. We have a family fun activity. We have our meal planning and meal prepping. There’s a lot of different things that we put in there and we put it on the calendar. But sometimes on Tuesdays, I can’t do that because Blaine is working. He’s a firefighter on shift so we can’t do that thing that we said we were going to do.
So we have to move it. We simply move it. Always have those things automated every single week and now my to-do list for the family literally has like 3 or 4 things on it each week. I set aside time to tackle those things. That time is called “To-Do” and I tackle those few random things in that hour or two that I set aside. I also give a bunch of them to other people. I have other people do things because I’ve automated it. It’s really easy to outsource.
Third: Manage Your Home
Chelsi Jo: The third step is to consistently manage your home. As in how do we keep this bad boy clean and tidy? So a lot of people come to this point and you may be like, “I don’t know how to keep up with any of it because I have too much stuff.”
When you start learning how to consistently manage your home, you might hit a quick pause button on implementing your home management system. I can take you through my escape method and help you escape your clutter so that you can live mess-free. That is probably worth every dime that you would ever spend just getting your house decluttered. Stef’s gone through this whole process.
It Worked for Stef
Stef: I did and I was just going to embarrass myself so that no one feels bad. I felt like I was pretty good and I ended up getting rid of, this is not a drill, over 60 trash bags.
Some Were Donations
Some Went to People Who Needed Things
Some Were Trash
60 bags of things friends, in my life! This is now something that I try to do once a year. Thank goodness it’s much less cluttered. It’s helped me reframe my mind around do I actually need this thing as well. It’s helped me to be a different type of consumer. I 100% attest to step 3 in a million ways.
Chelsi Jo: Escaping your clutter is a huge part of being able to have a consistent home. Once we get the clutter under control, and maybe yours already is, we go through this in my community twice a year. We have an escape challenge which is really fun for our students to actively as a community declutter together. But then we just talk about how you automate within your life. How do you build into your time blocks when you’re going to turn around and tidy your space?
So, when you get to the end of the day and all you want to do is sit down and all you can think about is sitting down because you’re exhausted, you sit down in a clean house, not in a house where you see where everyone has been all day long. Furthermore, within that, we just talk about how to set up your cleaning on a really simple rotation by breaking your house down into zones. There’s a consistent home management piece of that.
Fourth: Get Support From Your Family
Chelsi Jo: The fourth part is my favorite part. I tried so many times to not put this into my full-blown home management system, but it is absolutely a requirement. It’s getting support from your family in a very simple way. We actually take you through this week-by-week.
So we get through each of these steps in one week so that you can learn them and then we support you in implementing them. This part is really for you to be able to say, “Now I have an actual thing that I’m doing. I have a system. Now I need to communicate it and understand how to get the buy-in from everyone else around me.”
So many women are like, “No, no, no, you don’t understand. My husband has always wanted me to be this woman. He’s super excited.” Then other people are like, “Absolutely not. I can’t get my husband or my kids involved. How are you doing this?” I give literal language cues and guided support on how to help you craft a leadership style within the way that you’re not only setting up but encouraging other people to partake in this home management system with you.
It Can Bring Your Family Together
Stef: I will share that prior to going through this home management system, I was doing all the laundry of my entire household on my own for many, many years. It’s me, my husband and my 2 boys. We also live in the country, with lots of mud and dust. I was relentlessly frustrated.
After getting Chelsi’s coaching through this one simple, very easy conversation that I had made really big in my head, resulted in Thursday’s family laundry night. Now we play music and it’s a whole fun thing. Everybody does all their laundry once a week. It’s been a bonding experience that I thought was impossible. I couldn’t even bring myself because I just thought it was a woman’s place because of the way that I was raised. It’s amazing.
Chelsi’s Home Management Program
Stef: You guys, all 4 of these incredible steps are inside Chelsi’s home management program, Systemize Your Life. Not to mention the bonus of being in her community. Chelsi just mentioned it comes with 2 escape challenges. You get her. She’s an amazing coach and helps you implement these pieces and components of task and time management. Plus, all the templates that come with it.
Chelsi Jo: yeah. You guys will get my budgeting system. You get all kinds of systems that Blaine and I use in our marriage which are major bonuses. There’s live coaching on Zoom with my student success coach who actually knows my method probably better than me. She’s so killer. Everyone loves her. There’s so much dedicated support. We have coaching that happens twice a day in the Facebook community. We actually ask for pictures to see your work.
We’re super supportive because what I know for sure is that setting up a home management system feels like a lot of work. We want to make it as simple as possible and I want this to indefinitely be the way that you run your home. I want you to understand how systems work so that you can look at life through a systematic lens.
The Second System Is Business Task Management
Chelsi Jo: Let’s shift now to the second system, which is business task management. When you go through Systemize Your Life, we are going to help you understand what your work blocks are going to be and where to put them. I’m also going to help you do some simple math of a power hour once a day.
That’s 5 hours a week in the mornings and then a 2-hour block throughout the rest of the week, every single day. You now just created 15 hours for your side hustle that you’ve been trying to fit into the cracks of your day through your cell phone, thinking that you were getting work done. And you don’t understand why your business isn’t growing or it’s not taking off. First of all, Systemize Your Life is going to help you craft those blocks. These questions will now make sense.
What do you actually do when you sit down to that work block that you’ve created?
How do you keep yourself from just scrolling Instagram?
How do you keep yourself from saying, I need to create posts?
How do you keep yourself from falling victim to meaningless task-crunching when you sit down for a work block?
Step 1: Flush Out Every Single Task
Chelsi Jo: You have a task management system. That’s what you have. This too has 4 parts that I take you through in 4 weeks. That’s a really beautiful thing about being a student of mine because it’s very systematic, of course. It’s really cool because you’re going to get the rhythm of it. You’re going to understand what this feels like.
So the first thing that we’re going to do is sit down and I’m going to have you flush out every single task. You’re going to automate what you think are daily tasks but I’m going to teach you how to make those daily, weekly, and monthly so that you know exactly what to do every single day. We’re going to give you one, little, daily card. Stefanie is giving you an “Amen,” over there.
Friends, This Is Life-Changing
Stef: Guys, this is truly life-changing. Life changing. If I could take a second and tell you how I felt in my business before implementing all of Chelsi’s business-related systems. I was confused and running from about 37 different tasks that I thought were operating systems.
They were basically glorified task cards and they were all over the place. They were a mess. Nothing was put in the proper time frame. So, I’d work on something that didn’t need to be worked on yet and then I’d run out of time to work on the thing that needed to be worked on.
I sat down to work and I didn’t know what I was supposed to be doing. So I would pick whatever random task was first on the list. It was completely chaotic and it really kept me chaotic:
In My Business
In My Mind
I Felt Confused
That’s the word that I would say. I often felt confused about my business. To be able to say and attest to doing the work to get it all out of your brain and into this beautiful task management system. It frees up the obsessive wheel of thinking and decision fatigue that I would have to go through around what should be working on and what should I be doing. That’s completely gone. Even here in Step 1, getting your automated dailies out of your brain and into a place where you know what you’re supposed to do.
Chelsi Jo:Because here’s the thing. I didn’t have a lot of time and I was looking at I need to replace my income. What actually happened I wanted to be home because I was being forced to breastfeed at work and it wasn’t working.
I Had to Go All In
Chelsi Jo:So I really did want to be home for that reason, but then the pandemic came. As a sign language interpreter, you need 2 people in the same room to need an interpreter. One has to be deaf, one has to be hearing, and then you have the interpreter. No one was in the same room anymore. They were doing it all online. It was a catastrophe and I hated it.
My hours went from 20 to 25 hours a week, which I needed, all the way down to maybe 2 hours a week. And it was without the stipends that were coming from the government. I don’t know what we would have done. That’s where we were at in our life.
So I knew that I had to go all in in a very short amount of time in my work block and I needed it to matter. I knew exactly what Stefanie had told me about podcasting. The strategy and actual tasks and not being confused about what to do.
I Needed That Time to Really Matter
Chelsi Jo:I wanted to just be so stinking consistent and I needed that time to really matter. I didn’t have time to scroll Instagram. There was no time to do that. And so to be able to help myself, I use my systematic brain that just does what it does, and it created these things it does.
Because I was trying to sell systemize your life. I was over here on the back end systemizing the poop out of my business and come to find 4 years later, it’s what everyone wants to know how to do too. So we’re doing that now too, right? So, Step 1 is getting in there and automating all of those tasks. Every day, every week, every month, you know exactly what to do.
Step 2: Organize the Extras
Chelsi: Step 2 is organizing any client or event work, anything that’s extra. All of those extra things. You need to provide someone for something and you don’t want to drop the ball. You’re working together with someone or you’re providing a service for someone. You’re showing up to your first coaching call.
What are all the things that you need to do? What are all of those steps in that process that you’re going to do again and again? Why are you recreating the wheel? We get this super organized. We get it flushed out so you never have to think about it.
Step 3: Automate Your Marketing Content
Chelsi: The 3rd step is the humdinger here. This is whenever you automate your marketing content. This means you now know exactly when why and what you’re posting on every platform, whether it’s short-form or long-form content. If it’s a:
Social Media
If you’re on that platform, you know when you’re posting, what you’re posting, and why you’re posting it. You plug it in and duplicate it every month. You tweak a few things and make it fit whatever you’re selling, whatever you’re talking about, and you never think about it again.
No more trying to be like, “Oh, I need to record my kids doing this because it looks like really great content, and I haven‘t posted today, and I’m super stressed.” I never do that. That’s not a thing. For me, showing up on social, it’s such a joy and it’s such a treat. I look forward to sharing.
But if I don’t, who cares? The podcast too. I’ve only missed 1 podcast episode in 4 years. I’ve produced 2 podcast episodes every single week for 4 years, and I’ve only missed 1. I am super freaking proud of that because I’ve been able to systemize it.
There’s been a few times where I’m like, “Okay, I have to do this right now, and it hasn’t felt super inspired.” There’s been a handful of times. But I have over 400 podcast episodes and to know that I’ve felt great creating that content every single time is because of this step in my task management system.
Step 4: Get Your Projects Organized
Chelsi: So the last part of having a business task management system is getting your projects organized. Knowing what projects you need to do in order to reach your goals and getting them built into your week and your month so that you’re actually making headway on them is absolutely vital for you to be able to grow.
Stef: This is just incredible. I mean, imagine taking 8 weeks. 8 weeks is nothing to learn these 8 foundational steps to getting super organized in your life and business. Imagine the time, the peace in your mind, the intentionality you would feel if you really made this a priority.
What a beautiful act of self-love to give this to yourself and say, I am worth saying yes to this system. Chelsi’s got so many incredible bonuses in both of these with all of the support.
Chelsi’s Systems Will Bless You
Stef:Every single system that Chelsi mentioned today is included. I can’t tell you how much they’ve impacted me and how much they’re going to truly bless you. What else do you want to leave with Chelsi? Let them know where they can find and connect with you. You have an amazing podcast and some fun things that they can check out as well.
Chelsi Jo: Thanks to Stef Gass. You have an amazing podcast that I would never have even had. Obviously, if you’re thinking about having a Podcast and don’t have one already, get Clarify Your Calling and Podcast Pro University, which is exactly what I did and how I learned how to do all the things I’m even telling you about right now. That’s what I want to leave you with.
Use Systems That Produce the Results You Want
Chelsi Jo:Secondly, to say that whether you’re a type “A” personality or not, you are going to fall to the level of your systems in your life. You cannot produce more than the systems that you have in place. You have systems, you have routines, and you have rhythms happening every single day in your life.
They’re just not working for you the way that you want them to. So it’s time to change what systems you’re using to systems that produce the outcome that you want instead of falling down to the level of whatever poor systems you’ve put in place by:
Lack of Intention
Lack of Education
Lack of Knowledge and Application
Which is what we’re here to do. So if you want to learn more about a systemized life, come over and check me out anywhere you stream podcasts at Systemize Your Life. You can also go to my website and grab all of our free resources and learn more about me and all of these incredible signature systems that I have.
Before you go, be sure to watch the free workshop!
This free workshop is for you if you want to grow an online business in less time.
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This post is based on Day Two of the New Year, New You series. It’s all about organization. To teach you about this topic of organization, I have one of my favorite people on the planet to dive deep into productivity and systems, my incredible friend Chelsi Jo Moore.
Today, let’s talk about the concept of imposter syndrome. Experiencing imposter syndrome means doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud, as though you don’t deserve to be recognized as an expert.
Do you know what God’s call is for you? How can you overcome distraction and hear God’s call? If you’re anything like me, you have been attacked from every angle with fear, worry, anxiety, and sadness.
Feeling stumped with your podcast content? I’ll share three key concepts and an action plan to create highly desired and listened-to content that is also found worldwide.
Visit the free resources section and find out which software I personally use and recommend. Become an affiliate, or discover other trusted resources I have to help you succeed on your business and faith journey.
I can't wait to help you get clarity on your calling, grow your business, launch a podcast, build a course, or scale and get visible. Check out the Stefanie Gass School. No more frustration or overwhelm. Just a simple, step-by-step framework to get you where you want to grow.
I'm Stef Gass.
hey friend!
Get clear on your calling in 4 weeks or less so you can start your online business with confidence.
Apply for my 6-month group coaching program for podcasters! Build your offer, learn to sell, and scale.
Visit the Stefanie Gass School to discover what step you're on and and learn which course is right for you!
Launch a podcast in less than 30 days! 12 simple steps to go from idea to successful podcast.
Let's work together!
Clarify Your Calling Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and get clear on your calling so you can start an online business! Hop on this quick, 35 minute free training and map out your next steps!
Podcast for Growth Free Workshop
Watch this workshop and learn how podcasting works to make money online! Find out why podcasting is the best long-form content outlet and how it can drive more leads than social media.
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