defeat the enemy, strongholds and spiritual warfare
Hey Friend!
This post is based on Day Two of the New Year, New You series. It’s about organization. To teach you about this topic of organization, I have one of my favorite people on the planet to dive deep into productivity and systems, my incredible friend Chelsi Jo Moore.
When we think about New Year planning and goal setting, typically we go to this space first:
I’ve got to get organized.
I feel like I’m all over the place.
I’m scatterbrained.
I’m stuck.
I’m not exactly sure what to focus on.
That’s why I have brought in the expert of all experts on getting your life and business organized from the ground up, Chelsi Jo Moore. Chelsi discusses all things about systemizing and organization. I know you’re going to love it!
Tip for this special series
Grab your notebook and pen and get ready to learn and be inspired. If I could offer one tip as you read the content in this special series from these powerful people, you walk away from each post with one core thing that landed for you.Make yourself a promise you’re going to do something with it.
At the end of this series, you’ll have five core things to take from this content and plug into your goals in five different pockets of your life. I pray that this series blesses you as much as recording it blessed me. Let’s dive into organization!
My Friend Chelsi Jo Moore
Where do I start when introducing Chelsi Jo Moore? You’ll read more of our story in this post. In a nutshell, I’ve known this incredible woman for about six years.
Chelsi was first my student and then my friend. I’ve become her student now, too. It’s funny to see how God works. He knows the people we will need in our life well before we understand.
When it comes to organizing your life to have more time to work on your business, Chelsi is a powerhouse. She teaches organization skills to give you more time to work on your business.
Business Systems for Organization
Don’t get me started on her business systems. She helps you with all of the basic stuff. For example, how to set up your workflows so you know what to work on. And get all of those pieces in place to be more productive. She also helps you create full-fledged operating systems for six and seven-figure business owners like she did for me. I don’t have enough time to tell you about all the incredible things she’s done in my life.
If you want to check Chelsi out, I have two links. The first link is to Chelsi’s group coaching program, TOBOS. It’s the equivalent of Podcast to Profit but it’s her business organization system and group coaching program. Use my link to get some awesome bonuses at a great price.
The second link is for Chelsi’s Systemize Your Biz. Click on these after our conversation. Let’s dive in.
The New Year, New You Series on Organization
Stef: Welcome back, Chelsi Jo Moore. I’m so excited to hang out with you today again.
Chelsi Jo: I am so excited to be here. It’s been a hot minute, far too long. Thanks for inviting me to teach your audience.
Stef: You’re one of my most recurring guests on this podcast and for good reason. As I explained in the introduction, this is the New Year, New You series. I wanted to bring on my five core people who help me in every area of my life.
The one area Chelsi excels in with her God-given talents is productivity and systems. We’ll dive deep into what our journey looked like, how we met, how this whole thing transpired, and how my student became my dear friend and teacher. It’s so fun.
I love how God works to bring people together. You’ll be on the edge of your seat as we give you some tactical and tangible tips for the New Year. Tips that will help you in the areas of systemization, productivity, and organization.
Chelsi’s Journey Into Systems and Organization
Stef: From my market research documents, one of the main challenges I hear is time management and struggling to get everything done. People run around like chickens with their heads cut off. There’s never enough time. If that’s you, this is your New Year, New You post. Chelsi, tell us about our journey together and give everybody a synopsis of how you found me.
Chelsi Jo: Well, it began when I decided that I was going to start a business. I had been a wedding and floral designer for about seven years. It was a side hustle with my Mom. I was also a sign language interpreter for about seventeen years.
Before I got married, I had been a single Mom. My husband was doing real estate. He’s also a full-time firefighter and paramedic. I was trying to figure out how to be a stay-at-home mom, a working mom, and a brand-new wife. I just wanted to be home with my babies and make money.
Blogging was not an option but it was very time-consuming. Then somebody shared the Mompreneur Mastermind Show, which was your previous show back in the day, on their Instagram stories. And I was like, what’s this? So I clicked on it, found your stuff, and won a free coaching call. You were hot off the press with these amazing things listeners could win. I was all in and I won! The rest is history.
Chelsi’s coaching call
During our coaching call, you named my gift: Systems. I thought, that’s so boring, no one would like that! I hate that! Then you told me the name of my show.
My next step was to work through the first version of Podcast to Profit before it was called that. I was one of the guinea pigs in the beta group. Before you had built out your program to what it would become, you were doing coaching. The exact thing you teach your students how to do.
That’s how we met. Then we ended up speaking at the same virtual summit and became friends. I had been helping you with all the crunchy mom stuff because you were trying to purge chemicals from your life. That’s my bag.
In this random way, we became friends and then peers. Now we’ve been hustling this whole thing for years. But you were the first stepping stone in my growth as an online business owner. It’s been amazing to learn from you.
Chelsi did what she was told
Stef: I love that! I remember the day that I gave you the name for your podcast. What I think is so funny is when you tell the story, you didn’t tell me you hated it. You said, “Sounds good, I’m going to start that podcast now.”
You’ve also said every time I gave coaching advice or a directive, to my face you were all in. But then you would hang up the call and tell me later that you wanted to go vomit.
You would run to your husband and say, “This woman is making me do these things I don’t want to, don’t know how to, and can’t do.” But you did it and it’s been roughly six years since we started this journey together.
Chelsi Jo: My podcast just had its fifth birthday. Yeah, it was probably six months before I launched the podcast.
Chelsi’s success
Stef: Tell me if I’m wrong but you’ve reached three million downloads already on the show?
Chelsi Jo: We’re almost there. We’ve been in the Top 10 in the U.S. a few times.
Stef: That’s crazy. And you’ve never spent a dollar on ads, correct?
Chelsi Jo: Not one time.
Stef: You now have a multi-six-figure company, a team, and an internship program. And you retired out of sign language interpreting.
Chelsi Jo: Yeah.
Stef: Because of your podcast, you homeschool your daughter and work your business around your life.
Chelsi Jo: It’s literally because of my podcast. I’ve done a couple of partnerships because the podcast is doing so well. It gave me the validity to say, “Hey, I could do this.” The podcast has gotten me on some big stages, specifically, with the doTERRA company and thousands of their highest network marketers. It’s catapulted me into what I’m doing now. It’s been cool.
Productivity and Systems
Chelsi Jo: Obviously, what I teach is productivity and systems. It’s been my main focus all along. I’m a one on the Enneagram scale and meticulous about everything. Although people would assume it’s about perfection, it’s not. My personality will backslide into that negative trait if I let it.
When working with you, I wasn’t about to pay for something and then not do it. We didn’t have any money. There was no money to set aside! My other business wasn’t making money. We were living paycheck to paycheck. We were credit card cycling. I wasn’t going to pay a coach and not do what she told me. What a waste of money!
I knew I had to do it. I got great results every single time. My first course sold to three people for four hundred dollars apiece. I was like, “How exciting! We are making it!” I celebrated so many wins. The first year my podcast had twenty-five downloads every single time. There was just so much to celebrate!
Slow as the pace that greatness grows
Chelsi Jo: Initially I wasn’t aggressive with the podcast because I was working on my systems. My motto is: “Slow is the pace that greatness grows.” As you read this post, I hope you will look for ways to step into the New Year and realize the truth in that motto.
I’m clocking in literal goals from my bucket list last year that all of my friends got done in six weeks after saying they would do it.
At times, that’s hard for me. But you better bet your buttons that I‘ve been able to skim the fat off of everything that everyone else has done faster than me. I got straight to the nuts and bolts.
Organization is about balance and boundaries
This allowed me to work out consistently and pour into my home the way I wanted to. These are the things that are important to me! There’s a great balance. That’s why you and I have been such great friends.
Because back in the day, I just wanted to bake cookies and scrub toilets all day and not do my business. On the other side of the pendulum, you wanted to go in hard for your business all day because of the fruit it will bring to the family. It’s been nice blending those two things.
You now have boundaries between work and home like you always wanted because you have systems in place. And you have a squeaky-clean, organized business and a high-functioning team.
Stef: I think to that point, you have such a highly successful podcast and company today. One reason is you simplified the business systems to help. But the other reason is you did what I said. You invested in yourself when you didn’t have the money. All of that’s important.
The root of who you are
The second piece that got you there is obviously what you teach. You can only fake it for so long until you stop trying to do what everyone else does. That’s no way to build a company. You must go to the root of who you are and be brutally honest with yourself and your gift.
No matter how much you want to minimize it and say that systems won’t be successful or who wants that, systems are what God has for you. The sooner we allow ourselves to be honest about the thing we’re meant to do, the faster the lid blows off. And so for you to be coachable in how to bring systems to the world and then to step into the thing you weren’t sure of, was the other piece of this puzzle that helped you get where you are.
In the beginning, I helped you. And now it’s cool because we’ve swapped roles. About eighteen months ago, I realized I was at the lid of my company. We were over $750K in annual revenue and everything felt chaotic. I had a team, but we weren’t organized. We pretended to be organized because we had glorified lists everywhere.
I just kept throwing money at problems. I knew I had a friend with this incredible gift, but I also had a lot of pride in trying to do it all myself.
Identify your weakness
We all have a weakness. And that is probably the one weakness of mine that I had to work the hardest at. God always places the thing in front of you that you need to harness, work through, and surrender to Him. So He used Chelsi to stretch me in that area and be willing to raise my hand and say that I needed help.
That is probably the hardest thing I’ve had to do as a CEO and successful business owner because I realized I had outgrown myself. Now it was time to ask for help. That was uncomfortable for me. Thank God Chelsi saw me through it with grace and love. She said, “Let me help you.”
Chelsi Jo: Like, FIVE TIMES!
Stef: What is wrong with me? I don’t need any help! Come on! Every day, I preach we must be willing to take advice and be coachable. But for some reason, I had this barrier and control around this thing I had built. I wanted to force it to work, but it wasn’t working.
It was chaotic. Things would get missed. Things were overdue and the team felt scattered. Everyone felt scattered! Things were getting done but it felt haphazard. We were constantly chasing everything instead of leading from the front. Excellence is one of our pillars. From an operational standpoint, it wasn’t excellent.
Chelsi’s boot camp
Chelsi came in and took my team through a boot camp experience to test the new operating system she had been using but had not rolled out to the world. We were one of your first clients, the guinea pigs, that went through that process. It took us about four months to tear everything apart in my company on the back end and rebuild it using Chelsi’s system.
I had full faith and said, “We’re doing this.” I let go of all the excuses and barriers in my head and got the team on board. We were a hundred percent in. No matter the time, money, and frustration it might bring to redo something, we had to do this well and right for the last time.
We went through your whole program. It’s called TOBOS now. It has changed everything for us. This year, we became a seven-figure business with a team and a huge internship program. My company feels organized and well-run.
Organization leads to results
I work twenty hours or less a week. My team can manage when I’m gone. That’s been a dream of mine from the beginning. How can I leave, let go of everything, and let the company run? It’s working!
In the past eighteen months, you’ve helped me expand my capacity. You can’t expand capacity based on grit, hustle, grind, and a go-getter attitude forever. It will burn you out.
Chelsi Jo: No matter where you’re at in your business journey, brand new or a full-blown team, I think a huge part of what you experienced and what every person experiences when they find me is less of the control and the need to do it on my own. I’m sure there was a little bit of that for you.
But mainly, it just sounds like a lot of work. It sounds like something that’s not fun. Who wants to organize their pantry, let alone stop putting stupid links and processes in emails, post-it notes, Google drives, and Asana boards that you can no longer find because the list is fifteen steps deep?
Are you kidding me? No one wants to go through and sort that out. Even if they did, they wouldn’t know how to do it differently and better than what they’re doing. So why even try? When people meet me, they realize there’s a different way that looks a lot better.
Challenges to organization
But now they have to do work. There’s always this thing they’re up against that does not directly correlate to more money, but indirectly correlates a thousand percent to more money in your business.
I can guarantee if anyone is consistent, they will have more time and money in their life.
Although you were consistent in your business, there were lots of things happening that weren’t great. You were always putting out fires. Some people make it far and grow well in their business because they work their tail off. They hustle hard and have a burning fire and passion.
But as you said, at some point, that leads to burnout. Most people don’t have the skill set you have to understand marketing and sales. There’s no real and immediate benefit to them. They’re hustling hard but it’s sloppy.
They don’t know their gifts.
They don’t know how to market.
They don’t know how to sell.
They don’t know how to make things simple.
And so they’re always hustling. It’s unorganized. They’re not making money so they quit and give up. Then they start copying people. They find a shiny object. It’s a constant defeat for the mom. She wonders, why she can’t make this work.
Frustrations to organization
She doesn’t want to put her kids in daycare so she can go to work. Her kids are sick all of the time. She’s exhausted and is twenty, thirty, or forty pounds heavier than she wants to be.
It’s not a way to live! I don’t care what kind of revenue your business does or doesn’t make. The point is, whenever you sit down to do your work, your work is notoverwhelming you.
And having that business on your shoulders is not overwhelming, but feels like a blessing. It feels like something you get to pour into.
Organization for Your Team
Chelsi Jo: Now I’m in a position to help people with a team. That’s what TOBOS is for, to help people who have grown to that point in their company where they have a team and need everything to be organized.
They need help from top to bottom. They need full-blown processes for clients and production on all of their platforms and content. Everything has to be systematic if you want to scale.
To scale, your capacity must grow. Everyone has this capacity they can’t see past. If you’re working right now and you have a side hustle or you’re a stay-at-home mom who has started a business, you probably feel like you’re at capacity.
What does growth look like?
That capacity will be stretched whenever you get more productive with what you’re doing. Then that capacity will get stretched. This is what growth looks and feels like. If you want to consistently grow, you need organization and systems in place.
That is essentially what I do. Whatever level and capacity this woman is at in her business, we have a place for her to start.
In the beginning, I didn’t understand that. I thought I would teach people how to set up a home management system and that’s what I taught.
That’s what Systemize Your Life does. It gives people my four-week home management system which you and I put in place. Everybody tweaks it so you have your home management system. You have to have organization if you want to be successful at anything, from a mother to a business owner.
But in that process, I had two hours. I remember asking my husband Blaine how can I get two hours without the kids this week. That two hours turned into four, then eight, then twelve, and now it’s twenty hours a week. Throughout that process, I realized I didn’t have much time. I needed systems in place to help me.
Organization leads to consistency
I started creating systems in my business and everyone asked me how I was so consistent. What are you doing with this little bit of time you have?
That’s when I started unfolding what I was doing from the back end in organizing my business. It’s one of the most incredible things when I get to see another woman realize her potential was not:
Limited by her children
Limited by her laundry
Limited by the fact she only had four hours a week
Because of her organization, she made consistent progress and had a huge impact on her kids. She was able to make eye contact with them. She was able to spend one-on-one time with her husband. Also, she was able to:
Take care of herself
Work out
Take a hot bath
And not be a slave to toilets, dishes, laundry, schedules, and to-do lists
That freed her up with the ability to truly see through the gifts she was given as a woman outside of being a wife and a mom.
Chelsi gave her life to Jesus
It’s so important to me because as a young girl, I watched my mom give up herself and her identity to be a wife and a mom. Throughout my twenties, that carved out a path for me that said, I didn’t want to be a mom. From that, I made a lot of decisions, some leading me into some not-so-great relationships. I ended up a single mom.
Eventually, I gave my life to Jesus and realized this is what life can look like. Jesus has been a significant part of my life for as long as I can remember. But it wasn’t until I hit the lowest of lows, that He said, “We’ll use all of this for really great things.”
It’s a full-circle experience for me when I see other women come to this place in their lives where they feel like they understand how to be in control of the skills that they were supposed to give to the world because they have systems in place.
Organization Tips
Stef: All of what you have said is so important. What can we give the listener right now who wonders, “I wish I knew where to start.” It’s a new year. I’m feeling all these things that the girls have explained.
All the words you use are landing for her right now. Can you give her some organization tips you think are tangible and digestible for the New Year? Tips you would recommend somebody start with.
Chelsi Jo: These are the basic organization tips I practice every day and week in my life. These are things that I would highly encourage you to begin implementing in your life.
If you’re a boss-babe, you’ll be tempted to run straight to that fancy thing you did to organize your business. I’m going to tell you, “Slow down for a minute!” Remember, “Slow is the pace that greatness grows.”
If you try and throw yourself into the New Year, New You, you’ll end up the same you at this time next year. That’s not what you want for you.
If you want your life to look different, there are some straightforward things you can start practicing now. They will help you live your lives differently. That means that you have to start doing things differently.
The only way to consistently do something different over and over again is not through stacking habits, although that has been made very popular. It’s putting systems in place.
Tip #1: Time Blocking
The system you could begin using now is my five-block time-blocking method. To structure my morning routine, I use five time-blocks every single day:
My AM block is fully focused on home and family.
Next is my work block.
Then I circle back to the PM block where I’m fully focused on home and family.
The last time block is my nighttime routine block.
Over the last seven years, I’ve dialed this in knowing exactly what any mother needs who is busy. That’s the first system I would encourage you to sink your teeth into. To do this successfully, get yourself a paper planner.
Stef and I both use the same one that we love. It’s the Dream Planner by Horatio Printing. You can use my five-block method in there. When you buy this planner, it will teach you how to use my five-block method. The owner and creator of that planner has put my teaching in there because it changed her life.
Tip #2: Fundamental needs
The second system you should put in place that pairs perfectly with the first tip is my fundamental needs system. This will ensure all of your fundamental needs for you and your family are met every week. One of those fundamental needs is a work-block.
It’s fundamental. I promise I haven’t forgotten this or left this out. If you want to show up and do your very best work at work, you must have all these things done because the laundry has a voice.
And so do the dirty dishes. They will talk to you. The children have voices and sticky fingers. They will find you. I don’t know what that is, but it’s hard to turn off. You need these things to have segments. These are light boundaries.
I don’t like regimen either
My husband just came to me the other day, and said, “I’ve concluded that I don’t like being regimented and scheduled.” And I said, “I don’t either.”
David and I were talking. David is his trainer who also gets training from me. He’s learned how to do this whole thing, and I’ve changed his life with his work, etc. He said, “But still I’m constantly moving things around.“
So they were having this conversation about it. The way that my husband looked at me when I said, “I don’t like regimen either.” “You don’t?” he asked. “I thought you thrived on that.” And I said, “I do thrive on it. That’s why I do it. I don’t do it because I like it. It’s what allows me to thrive.’ I don’t like showing up to my goals every year realizing I’ve made no progress.
I don’t like sitting around every day realizing it’s Groundhog Day.
I hate playing whack-a-mole.
I hate putting fires out.
I hate being a slave to my to-do list that never gets shorter. It only gets longer. I hate that.
I’ve found a way to structure the chaos. These time blocks and fundamental needs are the first place to start. They go under the umbrella to manage your home organization.
Tip #3: Good organization in your business
The last system I would say to put in place is having good organization in your business. That’s what Stefanie has alluded to.
No matter where you’re at, make sure, from the ground up, your business is organized. Getting organized in your business is an important piece of making sure that you can make money in your business. Making money is fun and kind of the point of it, you know.
View Organization Through a Biblical Lens
Stef: So good. I love that you led with home. I think so many women in business and those of us who have that drive to grow an entrepreneurial company of some sort, think we’ll focus on business first, and this home piece will somehow work itself out.
We’ve discovered it’s the opposite. It’s thinking about your priorities from a Biblical lens. If you do that and act on your priorities from a Biblical lens, you’ll see. It’s your faith, time with God, family, yourself, home, and business. When you stop prioritizing things in the wrong order, your business does fit and becomes simple.
Systemize to Scale
I attest to all of your systems. I use all of them in my life. Chelsi is a genius in this area. I want to talk for a moment about the program you’ve created. It’s called Systemize to Scale. It takes a holistic view of the systems you need in the home, the fundamental needs, and the organization in business. You create a twelve-month experience for people where they have you and your team. If you guys have gone through my program, it’s almost like Podcast to Profit.
It’s like the structure of Podcast to Profit where you learn something. But you also have the support to put what you’ve learned into practice. It’s hard to take a course and get it all to work because my brain functions a certain way.
But when I have help from a team and a coach who says:
Here’s where you’re going wrong
Here’s how you implement this
Here’s how to make this schedule look this way
Here’s where your time block will fit and what you should be doing inside of it.
I’m much more successful! Chelsi’s program provides a hybrid approach to draw your line in the sand and say, “I’m going to get systemized in my life and business so I can scale.”
What else do you want to say about your program Chelsi? I can scream from the rooftops how every person needs this program.
How to grow your business without sacrificing
Chelsi Jo: It has allowed me to be where I am in my business. If there’s a woman who wants to consistently grow a business so they can contribute to the family without sacrificing family at the same time, this is the answer.
I’m the coach who cares about helping you do both of these things well. I do believe that we can do both. That is what success looks like to me. This a twelve-month group coaching program where I take you through my entire momentum.
It’s a full year. During a sick season with your kids, how do we adjust? Whenever something happens in your life that takes you out of your ideal schedule that you wrote down, what do you do?
I want to teach you what it looks like to live life balancing both home and business consistently through the highs and lows.
What does it look like? Because let me tell you, I have been through the highs and I have been through the lows. Even when I didn’t feel like it, I was able to show up to do all these things because of my home management system and the specific way I organized my business.
I used those things to understand how to scale. The tasks you focus on really do matter. Getting to the next level in your business is not about throwing a bunch of crap out on the internet. For better or worse, it matters what you do over and over.
What’s included in Systemize to Scale
Inside of Systemize to Scale, we organize your house and your business. I teach you the systems that you need to continue those things. And then we get into the nitty-gritty:
How to scale this thing?
How do you set goals and break them down?
How do you fit your goals into work blocks every week?
You aren’t just sitting there scrolling on the internet. You’re not just creating content and getting frustrated that you’re not growing. Of course, you’re not growing because you have no purpose with what you’re doing when you sit down to your work block.
We get intentional with your time and intentional with your time inside of Systemize to Scale. It’s awesome. It’s the only program where you can get direct coaching with me right now, and have a community with coaches in it too.
Systemize to Scale is your one-stop shop. We’d love to have you. There are lots of Stefanie Gass students over there because it pairs perfectly with all your stuff.
Stef: It does. All of our programs work synergistically together. It’s amazing. Chelsi and I are the testaments to using Stef Gass programs and Chelsi Joe programs and meshing them. Both of our lives and businesses are a testament to those two things blended.
If you want to check it out, go to Systemize to Scale. You’ll find some fun information and bonuses for those who use my link.
Happy New Year Chelsi! Thank you for blessing us with your knowledge, brilliance, and the incredible things you brought to the table today. We’re grateful.
Chelsi Jo: Thanks so much for having me.
Stef: Alright, friends. That’s all I have for you today. I hope that it blessed you. I’ll see you soon.
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