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This live coaching session with Christine Fletcher is for YOU if you want to figure out how to niche-in, get your brand in line and uncover YOUR THING once and for all. Also, we go into how to build an audience and clear out confusion on what to do first as a Kingdom Entrepreneur.
I pray this blesses you.
Hey, what’s up girl. I hope you’re having a beautiful day. I am sitting here in my favorite corner of the house. Looking out my window at this beautiful view, sipping some mango bubbly. My little human is napping in the bedroom right behind me. So if this is quiet, that’s why, but this is the dream you guys. This is literally the dream.
For me is serving all of you while I’m sitting here in my gym clothes on my comfy couch with my pug by my side working during my kids’ nap time. How did I do this? Well, it wasn’t necessarily easy, but it took a lot of time to finally figure out that it wasn’t about sales.
It was about service. It was about pouring into all of you for free and getting you guys to see growth and transformation in your hearts and your mindsets and your business so that you can trust me.
The number one way that I did that was by starting my podcast. Oh my gosh, you guys, I wish I would’ve started a podcast seven years ago, instead of trying all the things, instead of figuring out, oh, maybe it’s this course, maybe it’s that course. No, all along it was service. It was showing up over and over again, putting my heart into all of you and putting service before sales.
That is why my business exploded. It’s because of my podcast. So if you want to create an organic growth funnel, that is evergreen, that works for you on Google search, the SEO is already there. It creates trust. It starts to build an audience for you.
My mind is blown. The organic growth of my show has surpassed every expectation, so much so that six months ago I created the Podcast Pro University course.
Now I have a hundred women that are launching successful podcasts. I mean, we have girls that are launching top number six in her category. Number 11, I have handfuls of women that have launched top 30. I know that podcasting is the catalyst for massive growth.
That is why I’m so passionate about it. That is why I’m helping so many women do it. That’s why I created the course. That’s why I go live in there every month and answer questions and work with these women to help them because podcasting can catapult your business.
So if you’re thinking about it and you’re like, but should I? I don’t know. Look, you have to do yourself a favor and come watch my completely free webinar on podcasting to see if it might be right for you. Okay. That’s step one. That’s at bit.ly/10stepstopodcasting.
If you’re like, okay, I think podcasting might be the next step for me. I’m feeling stuck. My business is stagnant. I can’t seem to grow an audience. That’s engaged with me. I’m not showing up consistently in the world. Podcasting is probably the answer you’re missing to go from I’m kind of showing up and I’m making lack luster sales to I’m always showing up, but in an easy, fun, simple way.
Now my audience resonates with me and trust me, and they’re ready to work with me at a higher capacity. Okay. And if that’s you, I want you to join us in Podcast Pro University. It’s at www.podcastprouniversity.com. Join us right now.
The membership group is free and will not be free forever. There is insane value in there. You get it when you buy the course, you have lifetime access and the girls are amazing.
They’re doing review swaps for each other. They’re going on each other’s shows, answering questions. It’s so cool to watch the magic. So didn’t mean to talk for this long, have fun with that. Podcasting is what’s up. Anyways today to the point we are doing a live coaching session, which you guys are going to absolutely love with Christine Fletcher.
In this live coaching episode, you will hear us figure out her zone of genius, or at least clean it up a bit for her. We then go through the four tiers of brand creation, naming her brand, tagline, description, and content road mapping.
We even talk about ways that she can create freebies and some passive income ideas for her down the road. So if you’re sitting in a space of what’s my brand, or it feels kind of iffy, or I’m not too sure on my copy and messaging, this coaching session is a must listen.
Help me figure out my zone of genius. Who am I speaking to? Who’s my Lola? So those two for sure. Then if we figure that out, then what to do with that? I know you’re big on podcasting. I’ve thought of doing that in the past, so I’d be totally open to that kind of thing.
But I think before any of that, we need to back up and go, okay, well, what am I sharing with the world?
I love that. So tell me a little bit about what you’re doing today.
Yeah. So about a year ago, I went through some, faith-based fitness instructor training through Revelation Wellness. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of them. And from there it’s like speaking life over people while you’re moving their body with scripture. It’s just beautiful and amazing, very holistic.
I was like, okay, I can see myself teaching classes like this. So I started a company so that I could legally take money charge to do classes and stuff. I called it active gratitude because I was talking with a friend and kind of realized gratitude comes really easily to me. And it’s like a big sort of thing in my life.
So when about getting another fitness instructor certification to be able to get insurance and all of that. So then starting in end of April was when I was able to start my first classes. I rented a yoga studio to teach them. A friend came with a friend once and then two guys came twice and that was it.
So then I was just renting this empty space for kind of the summer. So then I stopped that this summer. I’m like, okay, something’s not working here. I started from scratch. Tried a few ads online. That kind of thing.
I had the idea of doing like some sort of guided meditation podcast, like a scripture-guided meditation, calming, centering type thing. I would always do like a workout at the start, but leave a good 20 minutes at the end for we’re going to lay here now, hear a bit of God’s word, and then I would leave them silence too, to pray and hear from him.
So that felt like, oh, maybe I could do something like that. So, yeah.
Okay. So when you’re looking at now, there was this a French component to this. Talk to me about that.
Yeah. So, that has been this big daunting question in my mind. I think there’s a lot of fear surrounding it. I love French. I’ve always loved being part of the French community here. It’s not my first language, but I’ve felt this dream on my heart.
I feel like it’s from God over the past year, even more, but mostly the past year, since I started all of this to like bring his word and this goodness of wellness and you know, to the French community.
There are like expats here and stuff I’m in Vancouver. Okay. So it’s not like I’m not in Quebec or France or anything and that’s always been this that would be amazing. It also feels completely impossible, which maybe means it’s from God. He would need to show up in a big way for that to happen.
So, I was a French teacher for six years and then got burnt out from that and quit so glad I did. Yeah. But I enjoyed that. Now I work in French every day at a French nonprofit, because it’s sort of like, there’s this part of my heart that wants to be in that. Right.
At the same time, like lately I’ve been all these doubts have been coming to mind, like I’ll read the thing and I’m like, well I didn’t know that word. How would I know to use that word? If I were talking about this to people or do I know the Bible well enough? No.
But that it’s also like that I could immerse myself in that and learn. So that’s why I’m not sure it’s really been something. I think God’s put on my heart and I’m just, it’s like, I keep wanting endless confirmations from him because it’s scary.
Why do you think that French piece of this is big for you? Because you also mentioned hearing your notes that I have no idea how you say that word.
Yeah. It means like French speaker.
I probably butchered that. Okay. But that they are very secular and not really interested in Christianity. So are you feeling that you should focus on this French community because of that purpose? Missionary work or evangelism so to speak or do you feel like you just like doing things in French?
Do you know why you feel like you want to incorporate that? I’m trying to discern if that’s really important right now or if that’s truly like mission work for you?
I’m not sure. It would be a mission because it feels like there’s no market for it. You know, which isn’t true. There are French speaking Christians, but the internet would be the way to find them. Not in person here in a class.
They’re not going to come because that there aren’t enough. You know what I mean? There’s probably not enough base of them to come to a class here.
So that was where they do the podcast came from. But yeah, I guess it feels like bringing this to that world. There’s so much in English already available. I guess it kind of feels like that. It’s sort of like, well, why me, God?
I don’t know if I’m the right person for that. I’m fluent. I’m very good. I have to give myself credit for that. I can work in it every day. You know what I mean? I feel like I’m more eloquent and I can be more myself in English and that’s been this huge hurdle to doing anything.
Which one is it? Or is it both or all of that?
Yeah. Or both.
I think we can maybe answer this question if we start with the brand and the woman we’re talking to. Okay. The language who cares. Who cares if we say it in French or in English? So let’s get to the woman first. I think that will help us clarify this hurdle for you. So if we think about, you said active gratitude, the word that came through for me was active grace.
I don’t know why, but thinking of that word, grace made it more clear that it was a religious movement.
But I love your idea of active in there and I’m so obsessed because you know how people come at you and they’re like, you know, yoga and meditation are from evil roots. I’m like, no, they’re not. You can totally meditate on God’s word.
I really like that. You’re almost saying not new aged principles, but fitness and health and meditation and all of these things can still be rooted in Christ. And I think that’s super cool. I think that there isn’t a lot of resources that I’ve seen that are pairing meditation with Christianity. I haven’t seen that really.
Maybe I’m just floating around in a different sphere than you, but that’s amazing. I think you can totally do this where it’s fully online and you don’t have to rent a yoga studio and be away from your baby and all of these things.
So first of all, let’s ask the question. Is that still what you want to do today?
I think I was trying to think what’s the message I want to get.
What’s the promise for her? What do you want to gift the world? Right? What is the thing?
It’s peace, joy, a sense of calm. A way to connect with Jesus. Creating a space for that. Instead of just learning about him, being a space to sit and listen and be still. Slowing down our lives brings health to our physical bodies, our minds, less stress and anxiety, and all that.
Guys stop running around. Let’s just like spend some time with Jesus.
Yeah. We’re not willing to stop for long enough to even hear what he has to say to us. Yeah. What about then? Do you see the fitness piece of it still being part of it right now?
Not as much. Okay. I think moving our bodies, it’s important and there’s something that happens when you hear truth and you’re moving your body, like you learn better. It’s a release. Right. That is important, but I did go get a fitness instructor certification, but the whole like teaching you how to properly do your squats is not my passion. Yeah.
So here’s the second thing that I just thought of replacing active with guided something like guided grace.
If you’re thinking of like guided grace and I think always in terms of a podcast, when I’m building an audience and brand with someone, cause I go, what’s our title, tagline or our promise to the consumer, description, and our SEO going to be? Those three tiers make up your entire brand. Right?
Yeah. Yeah.
So like if I say, okay, guided grace, no idea if that’s available or anything and we can always find spinoffs of it. But guided grace, for example, underneath that title, you have a couple things that you’ve said over and over again, guided gratitude, guided meditation, guided peace with God, guided peace with yourself.
You are hosting this moment of peace and joy for her because I think what is so difficult for me is quieting down my mind long enough. And if I listen to like a sleep tape, no problem. If I listen to a meditation guide, no problem.
I have never even considered listen to a grace guide. Somebody that’s going to literally take me through and like maybe calmly, pray with me, give me a quiet amount of time to do my own prayer. You’re literally walking me through my spirituality time with God. Hello?
That is amazing. That’s a huge hole in the market. There’s guided everything. What about guided grace?
Yeah. Another thing I could do, but this felt like am I copying? But I guess is to do like a guided workout because the ministry did my training through, they do have a podcast where they will do like a guided workout and it’s not telling you do a squat now. It’s more like now up your intensity.
So you could be running, you could be squatting, lifting weights, whatever you’re just listening to it as you’re doing your thing. But I guess I have to like go of the idea of copying because everyone is already doing something that’s been done before.
Yeah. And everybody does something differently. I think the only way you’re copying is if you’re like they did a specifically this workout and they said specifically this, but if you had your own thing, if you were like I just want the woman to like stretch. I’m saying woman already. Stretch and move her body.
Then we’re going to go through like maybe you have a membership group where you go live every morning and you guys are stretching while you do the guided grace work together. I don’t know.
That’s unique and different. Okay. Let’s table that piece for a second. I think, you know, we’re getting there. So then now that we know it’s this, who is it for? And then that will bring us to the tagline, the promise, and the bigger picture.
Who do you want to work with? Who do you want to help?
When those two men came to my classes a few times, I was kind of like, why are you here? I like you, but why are you here? So I’m just thinking of someone who’s where I was at. It’s just exhausted. That’s word that comes to mind. You’re exhausted. Sometimes because it’s your own doing.
You’ve taken on too many things or you’re not sleeping well, because your mind is breaking an addiction to being on in my mind. I’m going to read another article and learn another thing. It’s like sort cramming my mind with just, you know, being on.
Those are good things, but we need time away from that.
Craving peace through Christ. I wrote that down. Okay.
Okay. Yeah.
Is she a mom?
I think she can be or not. I’m not quite there yet and don’t feel like it has to be.
But I know there’s a difference in lifestyle and time availability and everything when you’re a mom and when you’re not.
That’s okay. What about, is she a certain age? Do you want to work with just younger people? Older people?
I think I’m drawn to people who are, you know, my age-ish, you know, 25 to 45.
Okay, let’s put 25 to 40 because I think it’s a different style of communication. Right?
Talking to different generations. So it’s good to have a 10 to 15 year. If I’m going to talk about rap music I’m probably not talking to the 60 year old woman. I have a couple of them that can still get jiggy with it. But you know, so I think it’s good for you to narrow that in.
I cheered when I heard that on your podcast for the first time I was like, what? Yes.
Exactly. You guys get me and I think when you’re talking to you and you have to be okay with, especially when you’re doing something in the Christian realm being polarizing.
There would be some people that go, I’m not pairing guided meditation with Christianity. Well that’s cool. But that’s not who you’re talking to.
Yeah. Right.
So I think just know you’re talking to a specific woman and she will find you and you will find her. Okay. What else about her? We want to get even more gritty with this. Is she married? Is she single? Does she have a job? Does she work from home? Why is she feeling exhausted?
I’m married. So I relate to like giving examples about your spouse if it comes up. Okay. So that probably I relate to that more. That’s the question I have with this whole like creating the woman thing is it me? I guess it doesn’t have to be similar to me, but it’s maybe what I can relate to.
So I’m talking to a woman just like me, but she’s two years back.
Yeah. Okay.
She hasn’t figured out the things I’ve figured out yet. She’s two steps behind me, but her personality traits are me.
Yeah. Okay. So yeah. I’d say she’s married. I’ll give that as a default. Because that’s where I’m at.
It doesn’t mean like she, can’t not be, it’s just easier for you to create content when you have a person.
Let’s talk about where is she religiously or spiritually right now today?
Well she needs to be open to Christianity or open to Jesus. You know, sometimes people get all caught up in labels and religion but it’s like if she’s willing to listen to scripture, so she’s probably not going to be searching this if she’s not right. She’s already a Christian.
Yeah. Yep. She wants to deepen her relationship and find peace, but she doesn’t want to find peace just by a weird meditation. Somebody doing their oils and they’re like crystals. No offense to my crystal humans.
Yeah. But like she wants to find her meditation peace time through Christ, right?
Yeah. So she’s already a Christian and she wants to deepen that and she loves that. Okay. Feeling a bit disconnected from God.
Okay. So if you have this brand of, let’s go with guided grace for right. Through this, what are we promising? What’s her name by the way?
I’ll pick Nora for now.
Nora. Hey Nora. Okay. So guided grace. I think the promise to Nora is something like guided peace through Christ, right? Find peace and joy through guided moments with Christ.
I would add joy honestly. Because it’s something that everyone, I don’t know. That’s something I feel like God’s been putting on my heart that I naturally joyful my husband. I was like, what comes naturally to me? I was asking him these questions.
He’s like joy. Oh my gosh. You’re joyful. Even when you’re frustrated and crying, there’s like still this element of joy. So I think that’s, what’s going to come out.
I love that. So finding something like finding joy. Finding joy, what is the other word I used finding joy and peace?
Through daily guided connection with Christ.
That’s the promise. In the promise, it’s so boring and blatant because guided grace is not super clear people could, what does that even mean? It’s amazing and catchy, but what’s the promise? Well the promise is, peace and fulfillment or peace and joy through guided connection with Christ daily.
What are you giving her? Right. Or weekly or whatever. Or guided connection with Christ period. Yeah. Think about that piece. Take my words and make them your own. Or if you want my verbatim, they’re yours. It’s fine. But I think you can play with that.
Yeah. I feel like grace is such a term that I’m always like, what does it mean again? People throw it around and it’s like, oh right. It’s what we receive from God. You know that we don’t deserve. Sometimes that term doesn’t resonate with me just because it’s so general or people say do with grace. I’m like, what does that even mean? You know?
Yes. Is there another term? I think because it’s Christianity centered.
You have to have something like a grace in there and then of course it was G and G go together. So that’s why like, oh, it’s so good. It’s so good.
Yeah. That’s true. I’m just throwing ideas. What about like women of joy, joyful woman? Or like, should it be like that it’s for women in there?
It can.
Doesn’t even matter really.
For example, you know, like the well watered women, you’ve heard that.
Tagline and things like that. That’s good as well. But like think if your entire brand is about you doing this guided practice, own it. That’s a micro niche that you can claim. Cause there’s nobody doing that today. I mean, I’m not aware of anything like that. I’m sure there is.
Well think about and pray over that. Right. Something like that, it’s very clear to that is a religious brand. You have the word grace in there and then guided grace. It’s so clear.
And it may not even be available too. You’ve got to look on GoDaddy and of course I’m going to make you do a podcast. You’re going to look on the podcast app and see if there’s already something like that. You might roll something like the guided grace project.
Right? Add a word to it or something.
Project guided grace.
Yeah. What if I did do solo episodes too? Where I talk about it something sometime? I feel like I’d want to mix it up sometimes or even have someone on to interview to talk about, well, how did you find more peace in your life? What’s your routine? Or, you know?
Yes, of course.
I like variety. So I think I’d get bored doing the same thing all the time.
A hundred percent. This is how you know. If you have this woman Nora, okay. We know Nora is 30. She has a one year old. She’s super exhausted. She is a Christian, but she feels like she doesn’t have time to do any scripture work. She wishes she had time to even meditate for five seconds.
She’s super frustrated because she’s craving peace again. She’s lost in that. Let’s say, five or 10 minute and you know better than me what you offer. But let’s say it’s like this simplified easy thing that she can listen to your podcast and get it. Or she can come watch you do.
Maybe you have stretches with it or even yoga with it or something. She can do it that way. Or she can listen to the podcast and take five or 10 minutes. Then you ask yourself, what else does Nora need that solves this problem?
So let’s say once a week you have your guided meditation on for her. The podcast or the YouTube channel or the Facebook live wherever you want to do that. Maybe you have a second component to it, which is like, you’re fueling her spiritually somehow.
You have different guests on. In different realms of Christian motherhood or of finding peace in your every day or of minimizing your life or getting rid of want and how to discern different idols in your life. Any of those things deepen her peace. Right. Helps fuel Nora.
Yeah, totally.
A hundred percent. You talk about health, you could talk about fitness and why that makes her more peaceful, more joyful, right?
Yeah. So I can bring those things in because I care about them, but I don’t want to talk of them all the time. So, or like nontoxic living at home. I care about that, but yeah. It’s not my expertise.
Yeah. So if we’re talking about her, does she only speak French? Does she speak English?
I know. I was like, what if I did two? What if I did the same content and kind of did two podcasts?
No. Is that a lot? That’s a lot. It’s way too much.
The question is a year from now, you do that in French. Who’s the market that you’ve attracted? What impact are you making? Okay. You know where those, the French speaking community lives, that’s who you’re impacting versus a year from now.
You’ve done it in English. You have mainly, U.S. moms that is who you’re impacting. At the end of a year, which woman is more important to you to impact?
That’s tough.
Who’s following you today? Do you have one or the other that’s already there?
I don’t have any. I have an Instagram that has like, I started with like, I, I don’t know. So I had some French and some English and then I switched to all French. Okay. I have like, I don’t know, 30 or 40 followers.
Then I haven’t posted anything months because I gave up. I didn’t know what I was doing. Right. So I just have so much more knowledge and connections and just everything in the English world.
I know about other people or guest ideas, but I’ve also tried to plug into the French Christian world more too on Instagram, find people to follow who are influencers in that world. I have some people in Canada. Some in Quebec and then some in France, so I’m aware of it. I feel like I could learn more and grow in that.
It’s been this tug of my heart. So, it’s like trying to discern, what is that there? Is that from you God? Or is it for a different thing in my life? Maybe like he’s spoken to me things about French and the French community.
The French community that you’re talking about only speak French? Or are they like a Canadian community which also speaks English?
I guess when I say community, I mean, there’s just French speakers everywhere. Anyone living here would also speak English because they have to.
I’m going to tell you this, I’m not hearing anything that’s like sparking me. Because she speaks French it’s more important to us that we impact her. I’m not hearing anything like that. I have to only talk to people in France because in France there’s no Christianity.
So I’m not hearing a big like moment of why you have to do it in French yet. It would be easier for you to do this English today.
I’m not saying we have to pick what’s easier, but I am saying that if you do something that is a little bit, there are less opposition to you to grow a brand like this for a year.
Because you’re in Canada, you’ll have a lot of roots in Canada already where in a year you can say, okay, like I have all of these people, I’m now going to add. I have a friend of mine who has a mom does it all podcast.
Her name is Martha Burk. She had an English speaking podcast, but she is from Brazil. She waited a year and a half. And then she launched the Brazilian podcast.
Oh cool.
She built the brand where it’s easier where it made sense where she lived. She has small kids and is not traveling to Brazil anytime soon. But she kept to her Brazilian roots. She still kept saying, you know, she would talk about the Brazilian culture. She would hashtag things that were important to Brazilians.
Some people that spoke English started to follow her. Then as she saw the confirmation of God coming through that, it was time for her to then create the second brand. She just does one podcast in English. Then she translates it. The same thing in Brazil. I have to ask her and I will ask her how that’s going.
It’s been a while. Yeah. Maybe one of them has fizzled out for her. But she started with what made sense today.
Yeah. That’s a helpful example to know it’s possible. It’s definitely something to pray on because like I know I want to do this, but like there’s this big goal. It’s like it matters which language I do.
Here’s the thing. You can never go wrong. Okay. Cause either one is going to make an incredible impact. I think if you started with one. Whatever, you choose do it for a year and do it with all your heart and all your soul and then God will refine your steps. The path will become clear. I think a lot of times things don’t become clear until you take messy action.
So I would just go, you know, and sometimes I don’t know how you feel about this, but sometimes I like ask God for literal direct. If you want to pray on it, if you need to ask him for a sign, if you want to write him a letter, if you need to write yourself a letter and then just pick one and be like 3, 2, 1 go.
Whatever happens with this is great. Do it for a year or until you feel serious clarity on like, oh this isn’t right. Maybe record one in French and one in English and be like, how did that feel? Maybe the French one takes you four hours and the English one takes you 30 minutes.
Yeah. Okay. Thank you.
Okay. So let’s move on. We really have the zone of genius. We’ve got the avatar down. Let’s talk about the what or the how.
Yeah. And then I’d also in the past thought of like, could I make a course on something, but what? So that kind of thing. Yeah.
Oh my gosh. So imagine this, imagine that you did, what would you do? Would you do a five minute meditation for her every day? Would you do a 10 minute once a week?
I’m more like I want 20 minutes or 30. Not more than that. 20 seems reasonable because there’s the whole podcast, right? There’s the intro, whatever the meditation.
Just the meditation piece. How long should that be for like a beginner?
Well, if you’re really beginning, like it should be shorter but because I’m there to guide you. It’s not the same as sitting by yourself in a room all alone. And you’re like five minutes feels super long. You can go a little longer. So like, I’d say maybe at least 10 minutes.
Okay. How often do you want to do that? Do you want to do it every day? Five days a week for her?
I think because I’m just starting out in all of this, putting out something every day feels like a lot. Yeah. So I was originally thinking, oh, I’ll do one thing a week, and start out with like a good solid five of them in there already when I launch or something like even 10 just to get it going.
But maybe this is something that could be twice a week if it’s short like that. And it’s different than coming up with a solo show full of like teaching.
Oh yeah. And even have guests. Another component as well to consider it’s a lot more time, energy, and work. So I liked your idea of having guests once in a while.
I think if you did two a week at 10 minutes each and do you go through, like, this just came through for me. What if you started with like the book of Genesis? I don’t know if you actually pull scripture out that you teach.
Yeah. That’s what I would do.
Whole year of like going through the Bible with you.
There’s endless stuff. I don’t think I would go, you know, in order like that versus with themes that are going to speak to her.
Something short-ish that you can think about. I would start with a relax your body kind of thing. Right. Then is this. I don’t know if I’d put music in the background or not. Sometimes I find it annoying when meditations have that.
Oh I love it. I love like just a very quiet.
I guess music without words. Cause sometimes they’ll have music with words and I’m like, I can’t hear my own thoughts.
Maybe only during the quiet times then because I’m the same. If you’re speaking to me, just speak to me. But if you’re guiding me through like a peaceful moment with quiet pieces, I love just like quiet, calm.
That’s the mood,
The mood. Yeah. And otherwise you feel awkward if it’s like dead silence.
Yeah, that’s true. That’s true. Yeah.
I would do that. Okay.
Probably do that twice a week and like I’d have to kind of do a bunch of them before April when the baby comes so that I can take some time off and so that they can still be published and I don’t have to think about it. Yeah.
Yeah. So what I do is I record through my show just like this using Zoom. If you want to look at Podcast Pro University. We’d love to have you, but you can multi-purpose one recording, which the course teaches you how to do that. But you can put that one recording onto YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and so wherever she’s consuming, she can find you.
Then that’s pretty clear, like record this for her. You’ve got a little intro, maybe short because she wants to get to the practice. The other big question, because you can do all this right now today you can get that started, start attracting your woman.
Start putting that content out there, work on growing your Instagram. Everything has one brand. The next question for me though, is how do you monetize that? And if you’re doing the free guided meditation.
You’re not going to go sell the guided meditation. They’re like, well like can listen for free.
It’s free. Yeah.
One thing I thought of was that I got this idea this summer was to create a PDF, but it could be a book. I don’t know if that’s the best thing, but on a guided daily journaling thing, like a breathing prayer. So yeah, because I did this once and I loved it. Well I could again I’m like, is it copying to create one? But if it’s my own content, like the concept has already existed.
Totally. The only copying is if you’re literally taking somebody’s idea, copy.
Oh yeah, no, right.
If you’re just like, I’m just doing a prayer, can you breathe with it? That is totally fine. But just create your own prayers.
But like a thing with kind of very simple, like something written down that they would do on their own versus listening to. So it’s like breathe in, you know, God is with me and then breathe out I am not alone or whatever. Say to yourself on over and over and like just reflect on that concept.
I am a child of God, like what? Just reflect on what that even means. Right.
Would be super cool too if you did that, I love that example. You had a little paragraph with like a prompted question for them that they can journal in for that.
Yeah. Something simple.
You could totally do that. You can do that as a self-published book through Amazon.
Okay. Right. Yeah.
And let’s say that’s a $27 and it takes them through 90 days and they have to buy a new one every 90 days.
Right, right. Yeah. I got your She Rises. I have it right here.
Oh yay. So it’ll look like that. Right. It’s about the content it’s about her. And I just created that in Canva.
Right? Yeah.
You know, so you can put something together. That’s like zero overhead, if you self-publish it. I think you make 60% of every sale if you do a book or a workbook like that.
Yeah. So that, and then as far as courses go, like I’m a teacher, I love teaching and explaining things. I don’t know if you have any thoughts on that.
You have to do the book idea because that’s something that pairs with this where it’s almost like she has to have it, because she’s going to go through that with you. And then on her other days she’s doing all these things, but you need a premier product to make you money because the book is going to make you chunk change until you have a million followers, right?
The course where you actually make money. So if we’re looking at that woman, Nora and we’re looking at her problems. Exhausted, she’s really into like this mindful movement slowing down her life.
Cause it’s like, can you do a course on how to be more peaceful and joyful? How is it practical, right?
Exactly it’s not tangible.
No, it’s not like here’s a result at the end of the course. Right.
Is there something she struggling with understanding the Bible or understanding something tactical that she can walk away with? When I first started looking at scripture, I’m like, I don’t even know what I’m looking at. What do these books mean?
How do I fit in scripture? Where should I start? Should I have a study Bible versus a this Bible? Is there something in that spirituality realm you can teach her that is a tactical thing?
The first thing that comes to mind when you say that is I’m not qualified to do that.
What if it was the fitness component? Because you’re giving her guided stretchy meditations. Sure. But what if you were like, hey, did you know, like we can do this during an entire workout with you. What if you had a course that had 30 different workouts and they buy it and then they get lifetime access or a membership group?
I like courses better because you’re done with it once they buy it. But for example, maybe they buy the course and you add one new one every month or something.
Would it be like a workout video?
Is that what you do?
I’ve never done that.
Or is it just what you like the fitness piece of what you do? What does that look like?
The reason I did that was because of the training I went through and that’s what they do. They train you to go do that in your city. Kind of take people through like a group fitness class.
Are you teaching it?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. You’re teaching. It could be dance based. We’re going to do rounds of weights and squats. Whatever your style is.
Then as you’re doing that, you have like a theme or a scripture for the day that you speak over them, you speak life to them. And there’s just something powerful about hearing that while you’re like grunting. You’re running or something. It’s like, it gets into your cells in a different way. You know what I mean?
Yeah. So I mean, that would be really difficult though, to do as a course.
But that yeah. There are so many fitness exercise videos that already exist. I super excited about that.
Yep. The other thing you can do is. Get the book done. Because you have a job, right? It’s not like I have to make a thousand dollars tomorrow. You’re not under all this pressure today. So I think if you can start taking action, because what happened for me is like I just started the podcast and then people kept coming to me with the same question over and over and over.
So your customer base will give you the course. Yeah. So give it 90 days, even six months where, you know, you want to do this, we know that the book goes with it and that’s how you can monetize starting now. In every single episode you can say, hey, have you guys grabbed your guided grace workbook where I take you through your daily breathing and your journal prompt?
Be sure you head over to the guidedgraceworkbook.com or whatever you’re going to do and grab that. It’s $27 and I’m telling you it’ll transform your mindset and bring you more peace. So she grabs the workbook and then over time you’re asking for her feedback, what else can I give you?
What more do you want? Is this helping you? How can we refine? And at the end of that six months, I think you’ll start hearing from your community of what they want from you at a deeper level.
Yeah. And what about a free thing for opt-in an email?
No, I think you should send them. I was thinking can’t we just package up, get a week’s worth of free guided grace meditations. And that’s why they give you the email address. Cause I don’t know if they know you have a podcast yet, but if they’re listening, let me think.
Or they find me through Instagram, I’d start actually posting on there. I love the stories and stuff.
You talk about anything that helps Nora. Okay. Right. You talk about yourself a little bit, but she doesn’t really care about you yet. She cares about why you can help her not feel this way. So if you have an example to draw her in, I have an episode on the formula.
Did you see that one? Yeah. Listen to that. It talks about share your juicy piece, relate it to her, and then teach her something in these areas. Right? Women exhaustion, deepening your Christianity, the craving piece, guided meditation, breathing with prayer. Any of those things you teach any of those things can be on your show.
Yeah. I’m just trying to think of your freebie. Yeah. What if it was like a video or a PDF that was like five components of strengthening your joy through Christ? Then you had in there, one of them is guided grace work and you’ve point them to your show. One of them is health and wellness and you can have a piece in there.
The next one is prayer or like how to properly pray. Is there a right way to pray? You have these different things, like maybe there’s different components to how does she find joy for, does that make sense?
Yeah. Just something free and downloadable with the content that I’m already talking about.
Exactly. Yeah. Okay. Putting it all together. Yes. Yeah.
Okay. And then yeah, like I’d love to do some sort of course, but I don’t know. Well, that’ll come.
Yeah. Clarity comes through action. So the French piece of this, the course piece of this. I think here’s the order of ops. Here’s what you do today.
Leap, you know, you just go and if you have to rebrand three months in because something doesn’t feel right, cool. You’ve learned. You’ve practiced.
So many times I launched something and it was a flop because it’s not what my audience wanted. I did it too soon or I did what I thought they wanted. Versus waiting to hear what they needed from me and then I created something they already were begging me for.
That comes from the free stuff.
Do you think your audience can change and not be exactly who you thought it was originally based on who ends up being attracted to you?
Yeah. When I started, I thought it was network marketers.
You know, I’m like, that’s all I’m talking to network marketers and then God’s like yeah, you think so? Don’t you?
I didn’t even have to worry about it. He brought me the people and then he brought me the clarity for the podcast. He brought me the clarity for the course. It was like, all I needed to do was open my mouth. Right.
I didn’t need to worry about all the how and the what and the who. I had to have a general idea, but he will fix it for you because he already knows what he wants for you.
Yeah. You’re so right. I need to let go of that and I think it’s just the fear of like, yeah, it’s so stupid saying out loud, but yeah. Getting it wrong and having to change.
But that is the beautiful progression of how he works through you.
You can’t control the, how you can’t control the outcome. I think when you’re called to pivot, it’s the most beautiful story as well that then you can share with your community. The coolest thing is I never lost the followers that I got when I was doing that originally. They just came with me.
They just evolved with me and it’s okay to change. It’s okay to say I tried something and I’m just going to, and I’m just really open communication with my audience. I’m like we started it with a guest model. I want to move to more of a coaching model.
How do you guys feel about that? And as long as everybody’s with me and my Noras are still with me, I’m going to do that. So you will pivot, it will not be what you start with will not be what it looks like a year from now.
Yeah. It’s already a beautiful story how, you know, I felt led to leave teaching and do this. Even where I am now, I have to remember that was all pivots. So yeah.
Yeah. So I think what you can start with today that, you know, you’re being called to do is this guided to grace work. You know how, you know who she is, you know why they need to be short and concise, and you know you already have ideas of what you want to teach in those things.
So I think the first thing you need to do is get that branding everywhere. Figure out what that name is for you. Get the domain and get the podcast set up because the content needs to start rolling out for the audience to get built.
Does that mean, I guess letting go of that active gratitude that I had before kind of switching my Instagram to the new name, to changing the website. Letting go of that.
I would because that’s not really what it is.
No. Yeah. Yeah. True.
And it’s better to redo it when you are starting new than when you’ve built for a year and you’re like, dang it now I’m going to rename it.
So I would, and then the next tier. So once you’ve got everything going, you’ve got your first couple weeks up on the show is get the book done. That’s the next thing or the workbook.
That might take you a month to get all those pieces done. Get a cover, get it put together, launch that. All the while you’re putting out great content. You’re pumping it out on Instagram. You’re pumping it out. It’s all organic.
You don’t need to do ads or anything crazy right now. And then for six months, get to know your avatar. What more do you need? What do you want? How am I helping you?
Be so engaged with her on Instagram, send them messages, ask them to correspond with you through your show. And then I think at that six month mark, you know, we can get back together again. I think you’ll have a lot of clarity on what you want to create.
Okay. This is, wow.
This feels more doable somehow than the brick and mortar classes. Cause like people have to show up, whereas here you’re pulling from the whole world online. So right. They’re like more opportunities for people to find you.
Once you have kids, you do not want to have I’m sorry but like the worst thing in the world was being like, oh, I have to go to this work thing at 7:00 PM. It sucked man. So anytime I can put something online instead and like be in PJs and have my baby napping. Oh my gosh. A million percent.
I know. I want that. I’ve wanted that even before I kind of found you and then it was like, this is how.
Oh my gosh. I’m excited. This is so cool. I’m totally listening to your podcast because I need that in my life.
Yeah. So you think 10 minutes is 15. Okay. For the whole length of the whole thing? What do you think is good? 20?
Maybe grow there, but remember like that woman today she’s right. For the first six months, take her with you on a progression.
You have a new human that joins the podcast. You can tell them, hey guys, we’re in the advanced phase now. But if you are new head back to episode one, start with the five minute and you’re going to go through the 10 minute and then maybe it’s a progression for her and she can start with episode one.
Okay. Okay, cool.
Yeah. That’s a amazing and already amp up the book, even though you have nothing today, let them know you guys. I’m so excited. I am writing the guided grace workbook for you. It’s going to be out in the world soon. Get on my email list to stay in the know so you can get them on your list because they’re going to want the workbook.
Okay. Well thank you for your time. You’re welcome. I think it’s time to go.
We’ll talk soon then my friend.
I hope you loved this coaching episode. If you are in need of a session, I have a couple of spots for February. Not many because I’m doing my mastermind.
So if that’s you, you’re going to want to hurry and get in contact with us to snag one of those spots.
I just want to leave you with a prayer sister friend that wherever you are in your business today know that you are worthy of success. Yes, you, that God wants you to ultimately move forward because he wouldn’t have given you that call by accident. He wants you to step out in faith and pursue the mission he gave you so that he can show up for you in a big way.
God qualifies the called. He will lay the bricks before your feet. I promise you, the provision is waiting for you to get out of your own way. God is there for you. He whisper this into your heart on purpose. So all you got to do is believe him and trust yourself enough to know that you are worthy of success.
You can figure this out. Your greatest potential is seriously on the other side of action, action breeds, clarity. I know that you’ve got this girl. Sending you so much love and light, Stef.
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