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Wow. 2020 is ending… I actually feel bitter-sweet about this year. While some of it was seemingly awful, in hindsight it was actually one of the best years of my life. Huh. Weird right? Today I am sharing my word of the year with you.
God works in mysterious ways. When my kiddo had to do distance learning I was mad, and sad. Yet, he’s thriving. Loving it and flourishing. We get to spend more time with him and love his teacher and class. Blessed by the mess.
When my husband had to work exclusively from home, I thought… oh Lawd… Imma have another kid to clean up after and how will I get anything done, etc. etc. Yet, he has helped me immensely. We have grown closer. I see him in a new light. I cherish this time he’s been home, and I actually don’t want it to end.
Blessed by the mess.
I thought my business would crumble as people lost their jobs and stayed away from coaching or courses- yet… it flourished. Best year of my life. God-sent clients. His hand all over my podcast and programs – thank you sweet Lord – you are so faithful.
When I found myself burnt out and tired. Struggling with balancing the growing business, new responsibilities, and maintaining the type of mama and wife I’m called to be — he delivered. New team members, a spiritual coach, and supportive Christ-led friends who would see me through. Grateful God. Yes. Blessed by the mess.
Sisters – dig into your everyday and seek out the mini-miracles.
They surround you. Perspective is everything. Invite Him into your mess and find yourself astounded by the work He will do. The work only He can. Trust in the process. Take the steps. I’m with you. Lean on Him.
Join in to learn my word of the year – what’s new for 2021 and how we can partner to grow your calling.
Love you sis.
God’s light,
Hey loves. Today, we are going to be digging into your 2021 word of the year. Yes. This is always so much fun to kind of figure out what the heck your word is going to be in by word. I just mean maybe this cornerstone, this foundation, this thing that you want to kind of set the tone for your 2021. You know, I’ve had years where my words have been action.
I’ve had words where there are growth. I’ve had words where they are rest. Like I have had these cornerstone words based on the different seasons of my life and what God is walking me through. And I’m going to share with you guys today, on today’s episode, what my word of 2021 is and how you can pick one for you. It’s going to be fun. Let’s do it.
Before we really get into the word of the year, Happy New Year’s Eve! Oh man. I cannot believe today is the last day of 2020. Now some people are screaming hallelujah up in here. And then for people like me, I’m going, huh? Like 2020 was actually maybe one of my favorite years of my entire life. Weird.
I know. But inside of the mess, the mayhem, the pandemic, the lockdowns, the glorious messiness, there were so many miracles in 2020 for me. Gosh, from this business, the way God’s hand has been at work, the God-sent clients, the deeper connection with my family and my kids. Being able to work from home together with my husband. Like it’s just been so beautiful and I’m just so grateful for the way that God always is at work, no matter what kind of struggles the world is going through.
We can always turn and rest easy knowing that God has got us and He’s got this and He is always making out of the hard, the dark. And if you are kind of in that weird season of still not understanding the goodness, the fruitfulness that maybe He was so carefully orchestrating through your pain, suffering, hardships, loss, whatever that looked like for you this year, just know that He will never forsake you and His plans are always bigger, better and brighter than ours could ever be.
So I would encourage you to just pray over what hidden blessings, maybe are you missing or that are, that are coming up for you from this year. But all that said, I was thinking about what my next year had in store, you know, ever since I went on the trip to do the Dreamer Summit with Chelsi and doing all of our goal setting and all of that. And I’ve been praying to God, you know, is there like a theme for this year?
What, you know, what do you really want for me? And I know one of the things I say to my clients over and over again is don’t look up and what that means to me and what I mean when I say that to my incredible students and clients is that distractions are constant joy-stealers. Distractions are smashing your success. They are pulling you away from your calling.
And when we look up and we look around and we get sucked into social media or the idols that pull us away from the things that we really are here to do, the people that we’re really here to serve and solve, then we get off track and we know that there is only one path and it’s God’s path. So what I mean, when I say to them, don’t look up, it’s literally exactly that. It’s pray, get with God on your choices. Do your work, do the work he’s calling you to do. Work your hardest.
Stay true to the methods you’ve chosen to show up on here. Like if it’s podcasting or video or whatever your thing is, stay true to it until. Don’t get distracted by the new fancy things. Don’t hop on over to this platform and that platform don’t feel like you have to be everywhere either. I am coming off of a week-long social media detox, and I don’t even want to come back. And I may not.
I may wait a few more days because I own my life. And I’m so grateful to have recognized that social media was nothing more than an idol and I didn’t need it to grow a thriving, extraordinary business. And it’s liberating to know that you can do this your way as long as you are partnered with God in that growth. So as I was praying, I’m like, God, what, what is my word?
What do you want my cornerstone to be for 2021? You know, what are the goals or the audacious things that you have in store for me now? I didn’t hear many audacious things come through. I do have some audacious goals, but to be really honest with you guys, it’s more of the same. It’s really digging in now that I have absolute clarity over what I’m meant to do here on this planet for the foreseeable future, which is help the kingdom, help God’s incredible daughters, understand their calling.
Understand maybe a piece of the, of the books that are, I’ve written about them in heaven and pull a piece of that down and help them decipher it. What’s your thing, or what does it look like? Or how do you move with this calling that maybe feels unclear or too big, or, you know, too small? How do you take the things that God has planted inside of you and begin to bring them out?
And that’s what He, you know, has asked me to do. And that’s finally where I am seeing my gifting and I’m cultivating it and I’m really feeling into it and it’s exciting and it’s fun and I’m here for it. I’m here for it. And I’ve asked God, Hey, you know, whatever my gifts are, just allow me to amplify those and do more goodness for you, you know, spread more.
More of your glory. And that glory is clarity. So I’m doing more of that by launching a group coaching program called Clarify Your Calling. It’s going to be four weeks. This is for my girls who are struggling with clarity. What, is my thing? I don’t understand what I’m supposed to be doing here. This is literally for those of you who are going through a full-on pivot from whatever it is you’re doing to something new, or you don’t know what you want calling is.
This is that very first breakthrough call that. So many of you hear me do on this show, but spread out into four weeks, an immersion experience with a group of other women, you’re going to get the group coaching aspect as well, the accountability piece, and we’re digging in super deep.
Why am I doing this? Because I cannot serve all of you in a one-on-one capacity. And I know that, and God knows that. So he led me to this answer, which was having a course around clarity. That is going to now serve you guys any very affordable option. And it’s going to be passive and it’s going to be a course that you can grab at any time.
It’s going to be great now, but, but, but I didn’t want to record it. I’m like I don’t want to sit in my little cute in my little office and record this big course. And I feel like I want like cool, live examples. I want to be able to spotlight people and highlight people and do like, power coaching minis with certain people and just have examples so that they can live in the course for people taking it so that they can take those examples and apply them to their own lives.
So I decided to run this as a group coaching program so that I can record the course. So there’s that. Which I’m so excited about. And for any of you that are feeling like you are ready to figure out your thing once and for all and have 2021 be that catapult year, when you really step up into what God is, has in store for you, then check it out.
Okay. It’s going to be at clarifyyourcallingcourse.com. clarifyyourcallingcourse.com.. Now, if you’re like, Hm, I don’t know, like, I’m not sure this is for me or you’re new to me, Stefanie. You’re not sure how I am as a coach, or you just want to get some free training on your calling and you’re not at a space where you can invest right now. That’s cool.
I’m actually going to be doing a two-day workshop on getting started with this clarifying your calling work to really begin to get those beginning stages of how you can figure out your thing. And those are going to be happening over in the Facebook group.
All right. So any who, that’s what that’s new for 2029, which I am super excited about. Of course I am relaunching Podcast to Profit, which is for my podcasters. Those of you that have graduated from my podcasting course, and you are ready to go all in for 2021 scale, your show, walk away with a passive course or coaching business and learn my soft launch strategies.
Podcast to Profit is happening. It’s going to be happening a couple times this year, but the first one is also launching mid-January. Yes, I’m going to be very busy this month, and it’s going to be great because I’ve had a lot of time off and it’s been so nice to just relax and bounce back because your girl was a little burnt out.
I need to do an episode called bounce back from the burnout, mm hmm. Anyway, so that one, if you are a podcaster and you’re ready to go just all the way up, I’m talking all the way up, go to podcasttoprofit.gr8.com. What else is new for this year? I don’t know. It’s whatever God’s got in store for me. Some of the goals I have, I have some income goals. I have podcasts download goals, and they’re just guided goals.
I don’t get tied to goals because you know, I’m not one of those. I’m not going to manifest my destiny over here. I know that that’s not reality. That’s also not God’s way, but I’m here to do my best work. I’m here to show up audaciously and so that I can serve His kingdom at a higher capacity, you know, tithe more, give more, serve, more, want to get out of debt. That’s a big goal for this year is to start really getting close to, as close as we can to getting out of debt.
Focusing on my marriage, my motherhood in a really big audacious way. I’m going to talk about motherhood in the next episode. And some really cool things that I’ve discovered about myself as a work from home mom, who was battling that mom guilt, something fierce and why I was battling it and what I’ve done to transform that, those feelings through some simple behaviors that have really, really just created a shift in the way that I parent and the way that I feel about parenting.
So that’s pretty exciting. That’s going to come out next in the next episode. And yeah, I’ve got some other really crazy things written down, which I don’t know if God’s going to do or not. But you know, I don’t know. I’m excited. I’ve got maybe speak on some big stages, begin thinking about writing a book, stuff like that, which is just, that makes me like, uh, maybe doing a retreat this year.
That was something that I’ve been wanting to do. So many of you have been asking for it, and I’m here for it. I’m here for it. I just, you know, I just feel like all the cards haven’t lined up quite yet, but that’s on the vision. That’s on the vision board. We’re going to go to Disney world as a family this year. We’re also going on a couple other little mini family vacations with our parents. So it’s going to be such a good year.
I feel like 2021 is going to be such a beautiful, amazing year. And that’s when I was actually doing a Bible study and just, I had been praying over this. What’s the cornerstone for this next year after I had all the goals that the visions created. And I had written down all the ideas, I kind of know where I’m going. I had re mapped out the programs and the coaching pricing and the courses and all of that.
And I had all those pieces of the puzzle, but I didn’t really feel like I had a cornerstone word. Then I closed my eyes and I was just kind of being still with Holy Spirit, and the word perseverance, persevere, persevere, it just shot through. And I was like, okay. Yep, yes, sir. I got it.
I got up my pen and I wrote down the word persevere. And I thanked God for that. Then I headed on over to the Bible to see what scripture had to say about the word persevere, perseverance. Here’s what I found out. 2 Peter 1:5-7, “for this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness, and to goodness knowledge and to knowledge, self-control, and to self-control, perseverance, and to perseverance, godliness, and to godliness mutual affection, and to mutual affection, love.”
Wow. That’s crazy. That is speaking so deeply to my soul right now in this, in this area of self-control and perseverance in a world that is saturated with more and push and distraction. The only way to have success is ____. And I’m just so anti- all of those things right now. And I feel so strongly that I’m being called to speak up up against this norm.
The world is trying to push on us as entrepreneurs. And especially as kingdom entrepreneurs. We have a harder time because we know that certain things are idols already in our lives. So we’re already battling all of the idolatry that’s hidden within business and in social media and all of those things, but to bring goodness back to at the heart of entrepreneurship.
Knowledge, not knowledge of the world of millionaires, but knowledge of Christ and his way, and what scripture says about stepping up into our calling and then, that that takes discipline self-control, knowledge. We have to read the Bible to get the scripture out of the Bible, and then we have to persevere. And sometimes the hardest part of this whole thing as a kingdom-led entrepreneur is to follow God and to knock it off the path and to stay steadfast and to put our head down. Right?
So that verse just really spoke to me the second one. 1 Timothy 6:12, “Fight the good fight of faith lay hold on. Eternal life where unto thou are also called,” sorry about this translation, “and has professed a good profession before many witnesses.” Basically, you guys let’s fight the good fight of faith. Hold on to salvation, right? Hold on and keep fighting. That’s what persevere means.
Next one, 2 Timothy 4:7-8, “I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race and I have remained faithful. And now the prize awaits me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge will give me on the day of his return. And the prize is not just for me, but for all who eagerly look forward to his appearing.”
Okay. In this one, “I have finished the race and I have remained faithful. And now the prize awaits me the crown of righteousness.” When all is said and done, and we have finished running our races, we’ve identified the callings. We’ve done the work. We’ve showed up for it. We’ve done it. God’s way we’ve partnered with Him. We’ve said no to the world’s way. We’ve laid down the idols.
We’ve battled to be the type of women that God is calling us to be wives and mothers and business women and making time for Him. I mean, all of the hats, all the responsibilities that we have to wear, this is not easy, but it’s worth it, persevere. Just a few more. Hebrews 12:1-3, “since we are surrounded by so many examples of faith, we must get rid of everything that slows us down.”
Okay. Did you like, did you like, could the Bible speak more life into everything I’m standing for right now? Back to it, especially sin that distracts us, sin that distracts us. What are the things that are distracting us? Because those are sins. We must run the race that lies ahead and never give up.
We must focus on Jesus, the source and goal of our faith. “He saw the joy ahead of him. So he endured death on the cross and ignore the disgrace. It brought him. Now he holds the honored position on the one next to God, the father on the heavenly throne.” Think about Jesus who endured opposition from sinners so that you don’t become tired and give up. I love Hebrews 12. In this verse one through three focus on Jesus, the source and goal of our faith. “He saw the joy ahead of Him.
So he endured death,” death, y’all, death, and I’m over here. Like, can I endure a social media fast for a… like for real? Okay. Like talk about perseverance, but He knew the joy. I want to bring two crazy, crazy words out or concepts out of this one verse. He said “He ignored the disgrace. It brought him.” Because did the world want Jesus to persevere?
Of course not. Against all odds, the disgrace. It ultimately brought Him death and not just a quick death, but a slow, painful mortifying, disgraceful death. And now because He persevered, He held the honored position. He holds the honored position. The one next to God, the father on the heavenly throne, he didn’t get tired and he didn’t give up.
Okay. I mean, I could go on and on you guys, there were so, and there are so many more, so many more. I’m just gonna read you one more, one more. This is so good. And this is the power of picking a word that God you, that God shows you because when you take it to scripture, you’re going to find some links and some guidance and some boundaries and some, whatever, you know, storytelling or the things that you need to hold on to, to allow that word, to lead you through your next steps.
And your next year and for me, apparently I’m going to persevere. I’m going to grit my teeth. I’m going to, I’m going to grab on to what God’s asking me to do and not look up. And I’m going to do it against opposition, and I’m going to do it. If I’m the only one doing it this way, and I’m going to do it even when you know, people don’t like me in the podcasting space or the coaching space, because I won’t do it their way.
And believe me, that is a major thing. Okay. When I have not saying yes to peer pressure, when I am saying no to opportunity, because let me tell you something, sisters, not every opportunity is for you. Not every opportunity is for you. And I have learned this year, that not every opportunity is for me. One of the most powerful lessons from 2020 that I can share with you is that once I vet a decision.
Once I vet somebody’s asking me to do something with them or promote their stuff, or be part of this thing, or go on this thing with people or, speak at this event. And I bring it to God. Sometimes the answer’s no, and what’s crazy about that is I’m like, for real? Like that’s a really big deal. And I should say yes to that, and I should do that thing. But here’s the secret and it’s not a secret here’s here.
Here’s the whole point of this whole thing is that opportunity is sometimes Satan’s way of distracting us. Not every opportunity is from Christ. So when we bring it to him, we have to be ready and willing to say yes, father, even when it’s painful and hard and hurtful to say no to an opportunity. And that’s happened to me recently, but I’m willing to persevere. I’m going to do this his way, or I’m not going to do this at all.
I encourage all my sisters listening right now to take your word of the year to him and see what he has to say about it inside of scripture. So that is my word. You heard the power of that word. So maybe you’re thinking to yourself, and I’ve also shared with you guys what some of my goals are for this year. What’s in store for this year. How you can work with me this year.
I feel like you are just totally in all my business and I’m so here for it. Yes. You know, all the things about me for 2021. Yes. And I love that. I love bringing you guys in to the backend of the business so you can really see in my life just so you can really see. Like you can do this an easy way, His way. Okay. Doing business God’s way is just so much more peaceful.
It flows. business just flows in. It’s not, there’s not going to not be hard moments, but I will tell you the hard moments I’ve experienced doing this partner with God are so much easier than the hard moments I faced when I was doing this the world’s way and my way. and some of the hardest things I had to do to get to this point was to let my ego die.
I know. And to let my way be put aside and pick up the God-sized dreams and they didn’t make sense. They were confusing. What do you mean? You want me to start a podcast? What does that even mean? I don’t know what to say. I don’t know what I’m doing. What do you mean? You want me to start coaching? What do I coach? I don’t get it.
What do you mean? You want me to lay down this humongous opportunity? I don’t understand why. What do you mean? Um, you want me to create this course in this thing that I don’t understand? Like over and over again. Just say yes. You just say yes. When it’s His way. And then He makes good on that. I, that I can promise you. I can attest to it. His way is always the way. So those of you that are like, okay, yeah.
What should I do? What should I do for 2021? And what’s my word of the year and what am I, what am I, what’s next? What’s next? So I think the first thing that I really want to ask you is what do you actually want? What do you want your life to look like, to feel like, what do you want your 2021 to, the full picture to be, what do you want your business to feel like and look like?
Who do you want to serve? What do you want? Your mother had to look like, what needs to change? What isn’t working, what you want your marriage to feel like? What do you want your relationship with God to be? What do you want your spiritual giftings to evolve into? What do you want for your health? What, like, what do you actually want?
And not just goals and like cotton candy new year’s resolutions, but really digging into it. Journaling over it, you know, praying into it, putting it on paper and then visualizing it. I’ve talked about this, I feel like a lot, but let me just say it one more time. You got to create the vision statement for your life a year from now, and we’re not going to know, and we’re not manifesting it.
We’re just creating a picture of the glorious gifts that God has given us. If we really step into realizing them to their full potential, that’s it. Now of course, it’s not going to look exactly like that, but at least you have some semblance of something to strive towards right now. When I do that, I don’t go crazy. I just stretch goals, stretch goals. I definitely take them all to God and see what He wants for me.
And that’s been an evolution too. I didn’t hear from Him as easily as I do now, three years ago when I was starting this, you know, intimacy with Christ journey in a really deeper capacity. So if you’re like, Oh, what does that even mean? Just pray, girl. That’s a great place to start and get into some Bible studies and start opening the pages to the greatest handbook that will ever exist.
The Holy Bible. Start with The New Living translation. It’s easy to understand. Start with the New Testament. start there. Okay. So anyways, the vision of your life, the second step is to then create the goals. Okay. You’re going to map out the little goals that would get you there. And I did a whole training on this in the mompreneur mastermind Facebook group. So you guys can head over there and check that out.
If you want to see it, but the goals. Then you got to use the planner time, block, all the things in, okay? And then you’ve got us, you’ve got to do the work. So here is one of the biggest things. If you’re like, I really want this to be my year. I really want this to be my year. Look. Are you going to do the work or not?
Are you going to keep making excuses for why you can’t do the things? Why you can’t start the podcast? Why you can’t do the YouTube channel? Why you’re not writing the book? Why you’re not, whatever, starting the coaching business or taking that course that you want to take. Like there’s no convenient time to do the things that are going to get you closer to the glory. There’s no, no great time to do that.
You got to rip off the bandaid and make it work. You’ve got to make it happen. You’ve got to have the hard conversation so that people can help you and support you. You’ve got to make the investment when the money is not there. You have to show up when you’re awkward, when your voice shakes, when you’re weird. Okay? Like I’m weird. You guys, it’s totally fine. Just do it.
What’s the worst that can happen? And let me just remind you guys of something. This, I printed this out in my planner, because this is such an important scripture. Okay? Let me just read this to you because I have fear me too. I understand, but, but listen, Jeremiah 29:11, “for I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
The plans He has for you to give you, you hope and a future to prosper you? Sisters, your lives are already coated in gold. They are already here for you waiting for you. Favor-filled, prosperous. Beautiful, incredible. They’re already here. They’ve been here this time. It’s promised, but you’re over in the corner with the excuses and the worry. And the fear, because fear is not from God.
Fear is from the enemy, but it’s keeping you from stepping up into the glorious has plans that He has for you. So you have to take action. You have to, you can’t have the breakthrough, the money, the clients, the impact, whatever the thing, things are you want so desperately that you’re writing down that you’re thinking of right now, as I talk to you about your vision, if you are not willing to take the steps. It’s time.
It is time. No better time than a brand new year. So once you’ve decided I’m going to do the things that you have to put them in the planner. Because when you put things in the planner, they become promise to yourself and then you actively do them, okay? Actively work on them.
And once you’ve done something for roughly 30 days, it becomes a habit. And the beauty of a habit and a routine is you don’t have to think about it. It’s an easy yes in your life. So my morning routines, my mornings with God, my workouts in the mornings now, my boundaries, turning off social on the weekends. They’re all super easy yeses because I took action when I didn’t want to, when it felt uncomfortable.
Podcasting right now, this is a habit. I don’t have to force myself. It flows. Plus it was something that God asked me to do. So you better believe when I get directly action. I’m a yes. Always a yes. When that direction comes from God. And here we are and look what He’s done with it. So I want that for you guys. So once you’ve done all of those things, here, here you go. You’re ready? You’re ready?
Don’t look up when you’ve got the clarity. And if you need clarity, I want you to go to clarifyyourcallingcourse.com. Let’s do this right. Once you got the clarity, you set up the way that you serve, whether that’s podcasting or YouTube or whatever, if you’re going to do podcasting, obviously I have a course for you. You know, this, the next thing you’re going to do is you’re going to figure out a way that you serve totally free. Who are you serving? How are you serving all of that?
Then you’re going to go, how do I create the transformation for them? That’s the paid stuff. Those are your paid offers. And then you set up the rest of your life. How you want it to be. The boundaries in your motherhood, the way you’re going to serve in your marriage, your household, all the pieces, the way you’re going to wake up in the morning to be with God.
You get to set up your life the way you want it to be. Yes, you do. Even those of you that have the job while you’re building the side hustle, you can. Even those of you that have 27 children. Yes. I know. I, I have friends. Okay. I see you guys. I’m like, ha I run away, but it’s like, you can do this too. Those of you that are making excuses in your mind. Well, she, you know, she doesn’t get it. She has the money.
Okay. But I didn’t, I didn’t use to remember the years that were not so long ago where I was borrowing money from my son’s savings account. I didn’t quit. I didn’t stop there. Remember, over the years when I was having the panic attacks, 60 extra pounds and my health was totally, completely embarrassingly, awful? I didn’t quit then.
Okay. Remember at the time that I had a newborn and a two-year-old and no money yet I made 12K that year or 15K I don’t even know, but it was crazy. It was, it was not, you know, I mean, it was, it was pretty rough. I didn’t quit. Remember the times. I mean, you guys, I know that everybody’s level of hard is different, but everybody has a level of hard. Everyone.
You, me, her. The difference is the people that are looking like they’re doing great things and big audacious things, and they’re making an impact or they’re having success. They took action. They had goals and visions, and I hope that they partnered with God and what He was asking them do so that it will last. So it will be sustainable. So would be fruitful for them.
Because I know it can be for, so last thing I want to wrap up with inviting you to choose your word of the year. And here’s some simple steps of how I did it. First thing I just thought about how I wanted my year to feel. Journaled over that for a while. What do I want this year to really feel like, what do I want, what am I doing?
Like, how do I want my mother had to look and all the areas, it’s not just about business, ladies. It’s about the whole picture, journaled over all those little areas and how do I want it to feel? And maybe what are some of the goals that God’s planted in my heart or mind, and what am I going to do with those things, wrote those things out.
And then asked myself, like, what’s the cornerstone of all of this, this whole picture becoming a reality? And I didn’t know, and I shut my eyes and I grade and I waited and then prayed and waited. I did my Bible studies the next day I prayed and I waited for that word to be delivered. And it was, and once it was, and I took to the Bible, it was like, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
So many confirmations of everything I stand for right now, everything I’m so here for. And I know every year is going to be different. But for me, 2021 is a year of perseverance. So don’t just pick your word because it’s sounds good because somebody else has that word. Wait for your word to be delivered to you from your incredible father, the God who is looking out for you, who has a plan for you.
Who’s had a plan for you just like Jeremiah 29:11 promises you from birth, the plans He has for you. It’s already here. What’s the word that he has for you, the cornerstone, the feelings, the vision of your life for next year. And then I want you to say yes to that. I want you to say yes and take massive action, whatever that action might look like.
And if I can help you in that, I’m raising my hand. I’m called to do it. I’m so here for it. Let me help you get there. If it’s not me, find the person. If it’s no one, if it’s a book, if it’s just you needing to take that action yourself, if it’s you needing to lay down the idol, delete the app, say yes to more time with your kids or yes.
To more time with your husband or maybe it’s yes. And more time with your business. I don’t know. But you know, you know. It’s that, it’s all of that. And then it’s just digging in and not looking up. Getting dedicated, get so dedicated to your call. And then one year from now, one year from today, December 31, 2020 in December 31st of 2021, come back to me.
If you do all those things, the way that I am sharing with you, that will transform your year. Next year. I want you to report back and tell me what’s different because I truly believe God is at work and His daughters. And He has us all beautifully intertwined for this massive, greater good. And we are all a piece of that puzzle. If you’re listening to this show, you were not brought here on accident or by chance.
You were led here, divine intervention, Holy spirit come because we are here on purpose together. I love you, girl. I pray over you that your tomorrow, your brand new year starts off with incredible, beautiful joy and peacefulness in your heart and trust and faith that God has got beautiful, incredible plans for you.
And He’s ready to walk with you to bring those plans to life and to light. And just that you will trust Him. You will lean into Him in a new, incredible way. In this next year. You will deepen that walk with Him. You will open your hearts and eyes to the handbook that will give you all the answers.
You will begin to just pray with more audacity and more courage, because He is here to be with you to be your light so that you can become His light here on earth. I love you. I’ll meet you back here in 2021. I’ll see you next year, girl. Love and God’s light, Stef.
Have you ever had a business meeting with God? In this post, my goal is to provide you with six tangible steps to set the agenda for your business meeting with God.
Today, I want to share an amazing conversation with Jaclyn Kirschen about her top ranked podcast, Lose Weight Mindfully. Jaclyn is a testament to leaping in faith when nothing else makes sense.
We’re chatting with Podcast to Profit graduate, Rachel DeSonier, about how her podcast skyrocketed and landed clients without social media.
Do you want to build a profitable, sustainable, and impactful podcasting business? Then, you must follow my ten non-negotiable rules.
I’m sharing 7 steps that allowed me to make 7-figures as a Christian business owner. It’s time to get back to the basics.
Let’s talk about podcasting basics today. I’m doing a power coaching call with my friend, Jeri Bisbee, a Podcast to Profit student.
I’m breaking down different revenue buckets and what you should prioritize in each phase to build a profitable business.
You are in for a treat because today I am interviewing Lisa Limehouse about her group coaching program, podcast downloads, and more. And, oh my goodness are you going to be blown away with the incredible success story this woman has after going through Podcast to Profit?
I’m sharing three simple, tried-and-true tips to get more clients and grow your business while eliminating discovery calls.
My student, Lara Frendjian, is with me today to talk about the amazing conversion rate she experienced with her podcast.
How social media is ruining your chances of making money from home, and what to focus on instead to create sustainable income.
Today‘s post is an interview with my student Heather O’Brien. Heather will share her story from her first sale to subsequent podcast growth.
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