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Today me and my girl, Chelsi Jo are giving you the inside scoop on our IMMERSION event this past weekend at the Dreamer’s Summit! What was it like? What breakthroughs happened? How and why does IMMERSION work so well? What do we see in our business futures?
We reveal all. Come along on our journey and walk away with inspiration, how-to, goal setting, lots of laughs and everything in between.
There is power and potential inside of each of you – it’s time to bring it to life! Let’s create a vision for 2021 by partnering with God. Wanna go from called to chosen and make 2021 your most fruitful year yet?
Grab your earbuds, hit play, let’s do it.
Hey, loves! Welcome to today’s episode of the podcast. We are going to be digging into the power and potential inside of immersion. And basically my girl, Chelsi Jo and I are going through what it was like this past weekend at The Dreamers summit, what immersion does to your business. And it doesn’t have to be an event. It could be any type of immersion.
Immersing yourself in your business, a project, into a date night, but what does immersion do? And we’re taking you through as a fly on the wall on all of our breakthroughs, all of our big audacious moments that we have this weekend. And we’re even letting you in on some of our big juicy goals for 2021. I know y’all are going to truly love this. It is so good. So juicy, so amazing that it is actually a two part series today.
You are getting part one and tomorrow you are going to be getting part two of the power and potential in immersion conversation. So just make sure you’re subscribed so you don’t miss it and get ready to get your mind blown. Now, before we dig into today’s episode, I have some super duper exciting news for you. If you have a podcast in the world, or you are inches from having a podcast in the world, I have reopened Podcast to Profit.
This is my 90 day complete immersion. Get it. We’re talking about immersion today, and now I’m going to offer you an immersion experience, an immersion 90 day group coaching program. What happens in there? Magic, but for real gir. 20 women, just like you with shows who really want to take their shows next level y’all are shooting for the 10 -50,000 K download marks.
You want to get the breakthrough in your podcast. You want to have it be the evergreen funnel like mine is for me. You want to scale your show organically using SEO, amazing titles. You need my brain all over your podcast. This is your opportunity. Okay? 20 spots, that’s it. When they’re gone, they’re gone. Seven applications are already in.
So do not wait. If you feel led to be part of this group mastermind program with us, and you got a podcast in the world, which is your only prerequisite, then this is for you. You’re going to walk away with your podcast strategy, completely redefined sales and marketing practice. We are going to go through and I’m going to teach you organic visibility, like podcast pitching Pinterest, et cetera. We then go into course creation and you will know how to create and craft an online, completely passive e-course that you can present inside of your podcast.
We’re also going to talk about how coaching could fit in if that’s for you. And finally, I leave you with my soft launch strategy. This strategy has helped. My students have $33,000 launches, $10,000 launches, $11,000 launches and everything in between. So if you have it on your heart to scale your podcast in a really big fruitful, amazing evergreen way, that’s a ton of fun with accountability, sisterhood, and me, my eyes, my coaching all over your stuff.
This is it. You get training accountability, breakout sessions with me. You have office hours with my team. It is completely 101% full immersion. If 2021 is your year where you’re going to take your podcast all the way up girl, head to Podcast to Profit. Hurry, these spots are going, go and gone. I haven’t even launched the thing and we got seven applications. So if this is on your heart, go apply ASAP. You’ll hear from us soon. And we can’t wait to welcome you into the very first 2021 graduating class of Podcast to Profit.
Y’all were sitting here in our cute Gilbert bed and breakfast in our pajamas. Chelsi Jo’s wearing her PJ’s that I bought her all. She looks so cute.
I will be taking them off tomorrow morning and getting dressed though.
See, and you all know I’m an advocate for PJ’s all day. This is like the only thing we different pretty much. We’ve come to know that we’re the same person through this weekend. We love to wake up with the birds, do all the things that are so much fun for work with lots of yummy food in between, and then get in our jam jams, go to bed by a nice abrupt 10:00 PM.
It’s feeling pretty good feeling. Pretty good. So, okay. So today we we’re talking to you guys about is the power and possibility that is just embedded inside of this concept of immersion. And just to give some background and then we’ll take you through that.
You know, what I guess, what is immersion and why do I feel so again, confirmed that this is such a beautiful process because anytime in the past eight and a half years that I do something like this, I go away. I have a retreat for my business for a weekend or an event that I’ve gone to with my husband or a big, you know, personal development event or this weekend coming here with Chelsea so that we could go through The Dreamer Summit experience together.
And get away full out like bed and breakfast together, go to this beautiful coworking space and experience the event and just there’s nothing else. But the immersion event, the breakthrough that happens is transformative. The amp, the answered questions and prayers that I brought up, or literally answered, which we’ll share with you. Some of those crazy breakthroughs and the power in just allowing yourself to go there in one space of your life for a few days, it’s just beyond. What do you have to say about that, Chels?
There has been, I came into this whole experience with many other experiences of immersion in my life, and they’ve all been fantastic. I’ve loved them. I came into this weekend thinking it would be the exact same. And I was met with an unbelievable amount of what felt like some weird diversion that was trying to keep me from this experience.
And we’ll talk about this, we’ll get into this, but even if, no matter how you come to this episode, if you come to this episode thinking, Oh, immersion is great. I can totally do this. Or what are they talking about? This is not possible for me. This is definitely an episode to listen to because I have been dealt many things over this weekend. I never saw coming in the good and the bad and just a very short amount of time.
And there’s so much power that can come out of allowing yourself to dedicate a certain amount of time to turn inwards, to be open, to be reflective and prepare yourself for clarity and for answers to just be open to the process instead of creating constant busy-ness for yourself and feeling stressed and hopeless indefinitely. So we’re going to kind of walk you through a little bit more on why you need immersion.
And so just to clarify, any of you’re wondering, well, what exactly is it? I think we kind of said it, but immersion is laying everything down to focus on one thing for a specific amount of time. Typically it’s like a weekend or more. So this could be a retreat, an event, a marriage retreat, a personal development event, a getaway or what did you say earlier?
It can be, even if it’s not a whole weekend. I started out with full immersion experiences in the realm of marriage retreats with my husband and I was so dedicated to it, but we didn’t have the resources to be out of the house. And so we created time and space for ourselves in our home.
But there was nothing else around us. And so even if you’re in your home and even if it’s not for a full weekend, immersion is just not coming up for air for anything else. You’re just in it. You’re totally in it. You’re not trying to pacify children. You’re not trying to check emails. You’re not trying to metal and other things at the same time, you’re fully dedicated to one thing for one period of time and that’s it.
Perfect. So then why do we need this? I think we need this because we’re in this culture right now of normalizing busy-ness. The more you do at the same time, the more successful you are. You’ll be the better mother you can be. If you just do the dishes as the same time as answering the email as the same time as scrubbed the floor with your foot on the rag, like or whatever your things are that you’re trying to do all at the same time what’s happening is you’re lying to yourself that you’re doing more.
And what you’re doing is you’re doing less ineffectively, right? Doing less, worse. And so why we need immersion sometimes is because each area of our lives, you know, whether it be personally, professionally, spiritually, physically, relationships, financially, et cetera, they deserve to have a 100% focus, whatever that might look like once in a while. So that, that one bucket gets all of you.
Like what needs to change in this one area? What do I really want? What is God trying to say to me? And in order to have the breakthrough and to hear from God, we have to lay everything else down and just allow him to come into that one area and work. I dunno, that’s what I think. What do you think? Why do we need immersion? Why does everyone need it?
Because without it, you will stay stagnant. There is no possible way to grow without submitting yourself to this one specific thing and being open to listening and being open to reflecting and being open to just thinking, without distraction, whatever that looks like. And there, there has to be.
You need it. No, why you need immersion is because there are lies all around you that say you can just keep going as you are, that maybe someday the fog will clear, that maybe someday there will be clarity, that it’s just a season. It’s just a season. It’s like this because my kid’s not sleeping. Well, it’s like this because they’re teenagers. Well, it’s like this because I’m taking care of aging parents.
Well, it’s like this because we’re just in the first year of marriage. Well, it’s like this because you haven’t taken time to sit down and allow yourself time and space to be fully immersed in what are you being called to do? Where do you need to grow from here? What did you do over the past two months, a year that isn’t working? How do you fix it? Where do you go from here? And without immersion, you don’t hear those answers.
That was so good. I’m just staring at you in awe right now. I’m like Mike Giraffe on that.
Let’s all not forget that you taught me how to do this.
It’s so good. So how do we get immersion? How do we get it? I think it starts with a choice that you want more out of some area in your life, or you’re just ready. You know, you’re ready for the breakthrough. You’re ready to find whatever the thing is, the food freedom, the marriage restoration, the success, the income, get out of debt. Whatever that thing is, you have to decide, okay, here it is, I’m ready for this.
Then you have to make the hard choices and have the hard conversations and invest the money you probably don’t have in order to have the immersion experience, because everything in your life will tell you that you are not worthy of that time away. You can’t afford that. Who are you? You’re going to leave your kids behind to go flit around with Chelsi Jo for a weekend.
Like you bet your bottom dollar, I’m outta here, but there’s the mom guilt that creeps in. There’s the wife guilt that creeps in. There’s the enemy’s lies that come in because you know what the enemy knows about moments like this. If these two women get together in all of the kingdom incredible potential that God has in store for them.
And they put their heads together and they break through the barriers that I’ve so carefully orchestrated in their lives, I lose. And so he gets in there and tries to shake us to the core and keep us from rising up. And knowing that this immersion experience is going to transform the vision that Chelsi and I have for our businesses, our lives, our missions, our kingdom work, our marriages so much has happened this weekend. That was bigger than we’re going to this event.
And the enemy knew it. And so he’s all up in our thoughts. Yeah. Everything, our thoughts, trying to keep us from experiencing it. So we had to make the choice. And then we had to stay dedicated to the choice, no matter what. And you know, I know for me, some of the limitations were COVID. I had my dad, you know, is dealing with health stuff and I’m in New Mexico and there will cray cray up about the COVID. You know what I’m saying?
And it’s going crazy over there. And I was like, Chelsi I don’t know if I should come. Like, should I just drive? Now I’m scared of the airplane and just all these things and like you guys, whatever, however you feel about COVID okay, you’re fine. We love you either way. But the point was, the enemy was trying to tell me not to come and using fear because he knew if I came here, I’d have the next level of breakthrough that got me closer to moving people to Christ.
Ultimately, you know, the end goal of every single thing that we all do, even though maybe you don’t feel that way, your goodness that you do, your gifts, they are making a difference for the kingdom. You’re a piece of the puzzle. We heard that this weekend. So anyway, that was one of the things for me that was a setback that tried to keep me from coming. What happened for you, Chels? That was a limitation, fear, a lie?
Well, there’s a really big thing that comes through for me when we talk about this and maybe I’m two steps past this at this point in my journey, but it doesn’t seem like it was that far away. When I thought all of this was a privilege that I would never be given. And the day that I stopped believing that that’s a privilege, that I’m too poor to experience. I’m not smart enough to experience.
I’m not far enough along to experience that, I’m not experienced enough in business to experience that once I stopped believing in that and believing in this is not a privilege for those people. This is something that I create for myself right now, right here, I literally say yes or I ask
I’m the say yes’s. Stefanie’s says I’m just going to ask which, you know, …
Sidebar this weekend, I would ask some things and Chelsi’s like, are you really going to, Oh my gosh, like, I’m dying right now. I’m dying. And she’s like super red, like, can’t believe.
But if you’re not audacious in the ask, how will you ever get the yes.
And you know, if this is something that you want to create for yourself and you want to have immersion in something, simply create the time and space for it and do it. And as Stefanie’s been talking about, there will be roadblocks that come up and that is not an indicator that you shouldn’t do it, at all. And luckily for me, I didn’t have indicators that I shouldn’t do it until I got here. And I called home and my children are sobbing, screaming, bloody murder was snot down their face because life is going to hell in a handbasket.
Mommy’s not here. Let’s make this epically harder on her than it already is.
Goodness, help me. You know, that’s a mom’s like worst fear. I have full confidence in my husband and it has nothing to do with what he was doing to me on edge the weekend. It had everything to do with me being in my element as a mother at home 24/7, I am a work from home mom. I am a stay at home mom. I was a single mom. My identity is not rooted in motherhood.
And that’s what this weekend is about to me, that my identity is rooted in what my life was designed to look like. And it was not designed to be the woman that keeps my children from crying with snot running down their face every day of their life until I die. It’s about understanding. And I specifically remember, I mean, it was rough and Stefanie’s like, okay, well, what does, how does this, all this make you feel like, what is, what do you think about all this?
And it is what it is. I know that if I turn down the road and say, if I were to have been home, none of this would have happened and I could save my children from that, that then robs me and everything that I was designed to do from, I mean, it robs me and it robs everyone else that I, the path is set before me. It’s really already there. All I have to do is put one foot in front of the other. And if I turn around and I go back home,
Everything that is supposed to come before me on that path now misses out. Yeah. And there’s nothing else to be said, other than there’s no reason for you not to move forward.
There’s a one degree that made me visualize, like here you are walking on this perfect path that God has set for you. Everything you walked through, every hardship, every moment, every single thing has prepared you for the works that you are doing right now for the mothers, you were called to help. And here you are on the path and it’s one step in the wrong direction. Well, Bay’s crying snot down her face. Husband’s feeling a little, some type of way. I’m going to have to bounce on you and deal with them.
Or like I got to go home or whatever, the thing you pivot off the path, because the enemy said they can’t do it without you. And now you don’t deserve to have this experience because you have to be home to fix everyone else because that’s all you are worth is the fixer, fix everyone else. You don’t get to fix yourself. So you veer off the path to fix everyone else and you miss it and you miss it. And do you ever go back maybe, but how far off the path do you go before you finally realize you’re off?
And what was in the middle? Because you never go back to where you started. When you get back on path and you’ve made this triangle, what was in-between? What’d you miss in between, and It’s not, let’s wrap this awful circle back into immersion. It’s not as if I wanted to say Stef, I got to bounce out on this weekend. It’s was I willing for that moments to break my spirit of immersion?
I’m in it, I’m here and I’m in it. And if you’re at home and you’ve created immersion for four hours, I don’t care if your children are upstairs with the babysitter crying, leave them be. Like, just get in it, just get in it for five minutes. If you leave your kids with a sitter for a full day and you go somewhere with your husband, or you go somewhere with your best friend and you’ve committed to immersion, don’t pick up the phone, don’t check. I mean, we’ve checked on our children.
But at really strategic times, three minutes, I love you. Good. And that’s it. It’s not about take me from this moment so that I don’t experience the messaging that needs to come through and win no matter what type of immersion you do, there will be moments like that. You will be met with moments that, and you will remember this podcast.
You will. And even when we think about my situation and going like, Oh, well, should I not go? Because of COVID same thing. I’m like, no, I’m here in it. I’m in it. If I can’t fly all drive like already, I’m going to do it. But there was the moment in my mind that was like, well, maybe I just won’t do it because now it’s too hard because now I’ve got to drive, looking for excuses. Subconsciously, I think you don’t intentionally go.
I’m going to back out of this immersion thing that I really wanted to do that I really committed to, but almost every time I’ve ever done something audacious, that’s out of your comfort zone, going to the big events, going to personal development, even taking a day to work on my course for a full day at my mom’s.
I’ve Oh, well I forgot my charger. This happened one time. I forgot my charger. Why do I square my charger at important things? So I’m going to, you know, Oh, I’ll just forget it. Like, I’ll just go home. No, you know, no I’m in it. I love this. I’m in it. I love this. So what do I do? I bought another one charger at the Wal-Marts. I get there, I powered it out, man. And there was a few other tech things that happened the day I did it.
I just figured it because I already committed. Everything was taken care of and everybody survived and it was fine. And I was only out 30 minutes, but the smallest thing, the smallest bump in the road, the smallest thought creeps into your mind. The smallest regret, fear, guilt, shame of doing something for you. Oh, I shouldn’t invest in this thing.
Like the smallest little tiny crack that you allow the enemy to sneak into. You’re off the path and now you’re not there. You don’t get the immersion experience. And I truly believe the biggest breakthroughs in my entire life it’s in immersion, it’s in emergent and not just the breakthrough, but I see my, I see what God’s trying to do through me.
And I can sense it like a Holy spirit level of possibility, like today, which we’ll go into what we did today. But it was like surreal. Like this is real. Like I can actually do this. I can achieve you’ve this goal that felt really God-sized 10 minutes ago. And we just mapped it out tangibly on a humongous whiteboard that wraps around this epic room right now.
It’s like my dreams come true. I can do it. I would have never been seen that without this weekend, this event, these conversations that we’ve had this immersion. So don’t be stopped. Don’t allow it to happen when you raise your hand and you say, I’m ready for the breakthrough. I’m ready for the thing. I’m ready for the transformation. I need the work, I need the word, I need God’s will, say yes. And then you power through it regardless.
No matter where you are and no matter what this thing is, maybe you don’t want a full immersion experience to figure out your entire year plan. And you’re not going to vision plan for the whole year cause that’s like blowing your mind and you just don’t even know where to go from there. That’s fine. That’s not what this about.
This podcast is coming to you so that even if you have this project, this thing that you know is going to change your life and you need to immerse yourself in it, you’ve got to create the time and space to make it happen. I don’t care if it is completely going through all the crud and the crumb in your house so that you can get organized so that you can truly begin to be the wife and the mom that you want to be immerse yourself in it, take everything off your schedule for a day, get it done.
It’s just about immersion. That’s what it’s about. And you will begin to see clarity in those moments. I will never forget sitting with my coach, Stef Gass. And she’s like the only way you’re going to pull this course out of your butt is if you tell Blaine, you need two full days and you’re going to have to go and you’re going to have to sit and you’re going to have to get it done. And guess what happened?
Him and I fought like cats and dogs before it came up. Anything to get me to not go do it is the pressure, this forcefield, that was on me, my own fears, my own doubts. I can’t do this. I’m sick to my stomach. And here I am because I’ve pushed through it. And I immersed myself for what ended up being four straight days, that learning curve is legit. And now I have an Academy that’s in the world. That’s what Comes from immersing yourself in this thing that, you know, you need to do.
So good. So now y’all are like, okay, yes. I’m feeling that maybe I should do this type of stuff, but like what actually happens when you immerse yourself in a breakthrough, in an event in a weekend, in a day, in four hours, but you completely focus when with 101% of everything that you are and everything that you have into one focused area of your life with intentionality, what happens?
So let’s talk about our experience this weekend. Let’s talk about maybe some of our breakthroughs. So our immersion event specifically was the Dreamer Summit, which is put on by Polly Payne and the Horacio Printing company and super full circle on that one. But basically in a nutshell, Chelsi Jo’s been using their products for a couple of years. Chelsi was a client of mine for a long, really super long.
I don’t even know over a year now. And so she introduced the products to one of my other clients who then hired you. So funny how this whole thing you guys are going to get cross-eyed just stay with me. So my client brings me, sends me, shout out to Beatriz Vargas from The Grace Fueled Wife, she sent me a Soap Bible Study from the product line.
I loved it so much that I bought one for every single person in my P2P mastermind and Polly Payne’s like, Whoa, who just spent a thousand dollars up in here? So she reaches out to me on Instagram and we become Insta-friends. Well, then I see that she’s running this event, the Dreamer Summit. And what did I teach you guys a few episodes ago? If you’re listening to this on my show, the Power of the Ask.
So I asked, Hey, who’s speaking at your event. And she said, some people, and some people had also mentioned me and full circle. Why don’t I speak at your event on this and pitched the concept of talking about professional growth. And she’s like, that sounds incredible. Would you be a speaker? Done. I’m a speaker at this big event. I feel like that’s one of the biggest events I’ve spoken at.
And so then I tell Chelsii about it feeling semi guilty, because I’m like, this is Chelsi’s friend. This is her company that she started with. I got to make sure that Chelsi’s a speaker too, because hello. Like what is Chelsi teach on? Planning and time-blocking and intentionality and the fundamental needs and all of this stuff that literally plugs into Polly’s products. I’m like, Chelsi, you got to speak at the Dreamer Summit. And what did you, like what happened to you when I said this to you?
I had been thinking for at least a week about how was I going to ask her if I could present? And when you said that to me, I was like, no, stop. I’m doing everything in my power to not make this happen. I am not, this is not happening. And you want to talk about full circle. So I ended up making Stefanie tell me what was I going to say?
Because I didn’t even know her. She’s like here, this is what you’re going to say. No, I was like, okay, I got this. I literally sat in my bathroom with my phone, to the speaker in my voice DM and almost vomited 12 times before I did it. And here’s the thing about Instagram? DM-ing you can’t not send it. It sends.
No, it doesn’t. Yeah. Oh God,
You can’t get rid of it and realize that. And so I was like, okay, well, once I start this there’s no going back. It just sends it. So it was like deep breath and go. So I sent it and then I literally put my phone down and I was like, Blaine, tell me if Horacio Printing pops up on my phone, I can’t look, you have to read it. You have to tell me the answer. I was dying.
And then she said, yes. And she loved it. And it was amazing. And Polly is incredible. But last year I didn’t even attend the event because I didn’t even feel worthy enough to be in the room. And I worked my tail off all year long to just be open, to do all of the audacious, scary things that were thrown at me. And now I am speaking at her event.
See, you went from last year I’m not even going to go to the event. I’m not worthy of being in the room with those incredible women. Who am I? The imposter syndrome, the fears, the limiting beliefs to one year later, you’re speaking at the event with the most time of any of us, PS on the third day, like the headliner all by yourself, all front and center and stuff Like doing your thing.
Like what you’ve been created to do, God’s hand is all over that. The strings that he brought together and weaved through that whole story, the different people that he brought into alignment together and had to like you and Polly were already there. But until I came into the mix, that was like just the weaving, the beautiful weaving that he does to create these blankets that are just his vision from the very beginning.
And he’s doing it for every single one of you that are listening. You don’t see it. And you don’t feel it until you give yourself a day and a moment to immerse yourself. And then you begins to see like sprinkles and you wonder, why is it raining right now? Cause that feels like a sprinkle. And the more you do this, then you realize it’s raining.
And then it starts to pour ike, hold up, let me get an umbrella, girl’s got some galoshes in the closet somewhere. So let’s talk about what we did this weekend shall we?
We’re both speaking at this event. And we’re doing the things virtually, obviously with COVID and so we’re on DMS together and you know, we’ve just evolved into such a beautiful friendship. It’s been so cool how God also worked in that way, but I’m like, Hey, Chels, like joking, what if we got together and like, watch this together. Wouldn’t that be cool if we could have done that?
And I said, no, for real, I was actually going to ask you.
And I’m like, cool, but are we kidding? Or like, and she’s like, no, let’s for real, get together, fly to Arizona. And we’ll do this together. Just pop on a plane. It’s like, It was like, it’s like 30 minutes, just pop on over here. I mean, come on, no big deal. And I was like, well, I do have a lot of Southwest points and I totally could just like crash at your house on an air mattress.
I was like, I’m not about that. We’re getting an Airbnb.
So then I tell my husband, I’m like, Hey, so what if I went to Arizona for this weekend with Chelsi? So we can watch our Dreamer Summit presentations together and just do our goal planning and all the fun things that girls do. And he’s like, he had just gone hunting. So he, it was like an easy, yes, right?
Like, Oh, I gotta say yes to this one. So he was all in. And then my traveling anxiety creeps up a couple of weeks later. And that’s where all those fears and limitations that we already talked about. But I busted through those bad boys. Cause I have some experience in those obviously already. So then here we sit. So then, okay, what am I missing? So we get together.
First of all, that was super fun. Like seeing your internet friend become your real life friend, is.
It literally like became 3D and I’m not like it was otherworldly. It literally, you don’t realize how 2d the internet is until you see somebody in 3D. So this is what went down. And because we’re here for this whole experience, the Dreamer Summit is specifically to take the paper planner that Horacio uses and it’s called, the Dream Planner.
And she has this whole section in the front of it that helps you go through an inventory with yourself to figure out where you’re at. What held you back last year? What do you need to do to move forward this year? What are you really dreaming for? And with no limitations? Like what are you dreaming about?
And for those of you that went to the Dreamer Summit, you know how incredible this is. And for those of you that didn’t, let’s just maybe walk them through a little bit of what we went through so they can kind of get a taste of what it, what it looks like to go through this process.
Yeah, for sure. So basically what we started with was pre-work and I thought that was actually one of my favorite parts of this experience was going through like your intention, like, what do you want out of this experience? And so we went through and we answered some of these questions. I want to read you guys one of questions.It was basically like preparing your heart to prepare to dream. So we would answer these questions.
Like, what do you need to let go of from 2020? I’ll read you guys one of the examples I need to accept that not every opportunity is for me. And like we had some breakthrough moments, Chelsi and I were sitting here on that the first day, just doing this homework together, journaling stuff. And all of a sudden, one of us would be like, Whoa,
I literally got up and left the table cause I was crying. Like where did that come from? Out of left field. That’s just what happens.
Exactly. Because we don’t ever give ourselves enough peace and quiet to hear what God’s knocking to tell you. Like, Hey Stef, like not every opportunity is for you. And I need to do a whole episode on that. Cause that’s another conversation. Another big one for me was like, I can’t fix everything for everyone.
Like I can’t control the choices that some of my family members make. And that’s super hard for me as a fixer. I want to fix everything. So like we did this work and the final, which was so crazy. Number three, what is a question you have for God? And I said, what are the products, courses and coaching offers that make sense and are scalable.
How do I serve the women that still need me if I change the way that I offer solutions to them? And just so we don’t lose that train of thought, what’s crazy and one of my biggest breakthroughs this entire time was then having the answer to that question come through like resoundingly clear today.
All right, there, you have it. I hope you now can truly feel into the power and potential of immersion. And I just want to remind you if this is your moment and if your immersion that you are ready to move forward on is your podcast is making your show the thing, the driver of your business, the thing that brings in the audience, the way that you serve, the way that you solve.
The way that you show up and just letting God work through your voice and your heart right here behind a microphone and taking it all the way up for 2021. Then I want to invite you to come and apply for Podcast to Profit Mastermind. I talked about in the beginning of this episode, but if it’s still on your heart and this is triggering something inside of you, I want you to go learn about it.
Head to Podcast to Profit 20 incredible God led women working together, friends who will become your family, my eyes all over your business. Weekly trainings, bi-weekly breakouts weekly office hours with my team, titling your episodes, sales, marketing, SEO, Pinterest, all the things.
And you will walk away with a passive revenue course planned out, mapped out, along with a plan to launch it into the world. If that ain’t a immerging girl, I don’t know what is, there are 13 spots left. Hopefully one of them has your name on it. Head on over to Podcast to Profit. Love and God’s ligt, Stef.
What’s up, girlfriend? In today’s part two episode, we are going to be going further into potential power, potential of immersion. And you’re going to get to hear the second half of our experience of the breakthroughs that I personally had, that she had. And then most importantly, how you can walk away with an immersion experience of your own, whether it be in your life, business, marriage, motherhood, podcast, wherever the thing is that you really need to focus on for 2021.
I really want you to walk away from this episode, with that breakthrough. That’s my goal for you. So grab that notebook and pen. We’re going to do the things honey, but before we do one more reminder, Podcast to Profit, my 90 day complete immersion mastermind program for podcasters is open. You may enroll. Actually, you may apply to enroll all for Podcast to Profit graduating class of 2021 right now, sister friend. If you’ve got a podcast or you are weeks away from getting your podcast into the world, this is for you. It takes you on a 90 day journey.
One week of training, weekly trainings, biweekly breakout sessions. You’ve got community. You’ve got pods where you’re working with your group. You have office hours with my team and what are we actually doing? We are scaling your podcast, titling with you. I’m auditing your show, going through content with you, descriptions, keywords, all of the things that will organically grow your podcast in the future. It’s getting done sun, we’re doing Pinterest marketing, visibility podcast pitching.
We have a guest speaker come on and do workflows with you. We also have creating your passive course. You will walk away with an outline for your own passive product to then bring into your podcast and make money from your show, using your own products or coaching.
We go through all of that. And finally, we go through soft launch the strategy that I personally use to make thousands and thousands of dollars in sales, really simple, really easily and no stress, no paid advertising. None of it. I teach it to all of you. My students who have gone through Podcast to Profit, they have walked away with $30,000 launches, $10,000 launches. I’ve got some people who have 2K launches, like they pay for this program plus like exponentially plus.
And so I have students who have ranked. I had Jennifer Lee who ranked number one in her podcast category. I have handfuls of others who are launching top 100 in their podcast category. The success is unbelievable. So if this is for you, I want to hurry because there are only 20 spots and I already have seven applications at the time of recording this. Go right now, right here, right now to Podcast to Profit and have an immersion experience of your very own.
We’re done with this summit, are mapping out from the goals that we’ve set because we go through and we go through, who do you want to become? What are the dreams that you have in all the different areas of your life, spiritually, physically, relationally, professionally, financially, and then you map out the actual goals. So part of the goals for me was figuring out this income, how am I going to hit this income level or this podcast download number or impact this number of women without having coaching at the beginning of the funnel.
So Chelsi and I just start mapping this stuff out on whiteboards. Like the whiteboard goes all the way around the little room that we’re in, the conference room and we just start backing into it. And it’s so interesting. Cause I would put some stuff down and I’m like, Oh, that seems like too big or that, that doesn’t make sense. And then God would just like speak through Chelsi. Like I was like, Chelsi, I should just keep the same income numbers from this year.
And she tried to get out of it twice. So we did this for me. Okay. And then we could have wrapped up and been done. Okay. And she’s like, man, I really made me think I should do this for me. And I was like, just get up and do it. It’s not going to take that long. It’s getting late. We got to do dinner and just get up and do it. Okay. So she gets up and does it. So then she’s got to write her big goal down. Like that’s what this is.
And she literally wrote this intention and the pre-work was about, I need clarity on this. What am I going to do in my business. She stands up and says, I think I’m just going to keep it the same as what it was last year. Cause it was great. And my jaw drops to the floor. As I stand here with this woman that is like breathed fire in my face, through every coaching zoom call for the last year and a half. Here, she sits like I can’t, I won’t, don’t make me. And it’s just goes to show and you know, so much perspective has been given to me through this experience, you know, but.
Stefanie is a human, the insecurities, right?
This does not go away no matter where you are in your journey. And that just goes to prove here’s Chelsi Jo with Systemize Your Life. You need to find a system that is your defense. This is, I mean, that is your offense, right? This is how you come at the defense and say, no, I like, I know how to play this. And yes, it’s hard. Yes. It’s big and scary to go up against a team that you think is totally going to beat you.
But with God on our side, we will always win. And then you take this immersion experiences and you go into them with some pre-work and you go into them with some intention and then you write some things down and we’ll talk to you about what we wrote down and you give yourself over to the process. But when you’re in it, it doesn’t matter how many times have you done this, how many years?
Eight years.
And you still are met with Hmm, I’ll stay small.
Yeah. It’s so much more comfortable to write down goals and dreams in your immersion event in the one area that you’re really there to focus on that feels super comfortable and super safe. And the thing for me was this year has been my biggest, most fruitful, incredible year in eight and a half years. It’s insane how God has worked to bring me here full circle. And I’m like, all the things come through, right?
Like this is already so big. I should just stay here. Like, and then no matter where you are, there’s another level of fear. Like my old levels of fear used to be, you know, have to leave my kids if I get too big or like, I don’t know how to hire someone. So I just won’t and now I’ve done all those things. And so now the new levels of fear are I’m too afraid to write the book or I’m too afraid to get the stage, the big stage.
Like I could pee and puke just thinking about it, which is exactly why I have to write it down and claim it and going I’m going to double my income next year if God wants that, which is a hundred percent up to him and I’m wonderful, whatever He does. But if that’s in line with the goals he has for me, I’m going to step into it. I’m going to double my podcast numbers next year, writing those down and putting them up on the whiteboard. There was just this big moment of like, who do you think you are? And then I went, Oh, hold up, I’m Stef Gass.
I’m doing this. And then it like all came rushing back and I’m like, thank you for just calling me out on that. I’m so here for that answer right now. And that’s why you have friends that are willing to challenge you when you want to play small. That’s why I breathed fire at Chelsi for a year and a half because I see her potential and she sees mine.
And so we write down these audacious goals and we start backing into them and I’m avoiding the first part. Right. Which is coaching. So we mapped out all my income based on where it comes from. So we’ve got coaching, we’ve got the passive courses, I’ve got the mastermind P2P, I’ve got some affiliate income, et cetera. And I’ve got all these things mapped out except the very first one. I’m just like avoiding it, like the plague. And she’s like, okay, but stop.
What are you doing in that first bucket? Like how are you going to give people clarity without coaching them? One-on-one right. And so then we go to the next whiteboard and I’m like, okay, here’s our options, Chelsi. Option one, well, you could just raise the prices over here. And so there’s less people I don’t even know like what happened? How do we get to the final
It’s been brewing in this immersion experience for two days, we’ve talked about it, subtly and little bits and pieces. And it’s just been sitting there and it’s been brewing. And that is the real validity of this whole experience is that it’s not going to come to you in a second or a moment.
And it’s been brewing before this event for probably 90 days, I’ve known, something’s got to give. So that’s also the thing, like God knew if I can just get her
To this moment, to this very moment in time, I’ll give her an answer.
So then we write. I’m like, okay, hold on. Okay, here, there’s an option B.
I’m over here listening to the woman that’s like, Hi, I help people create passive products off their podcasts and I’m like, just create a course. And she’s like, no, it has to be me. I have to do it. And I’m like, create a course, like, you know how to do this? You teach people how to do this. Like, this is the answer. I mean, and then I would say, I don’t know how you feel about it, but for my perspective, this is what it looks like. Right. And so we worked through all of these, all of these like little nuances for both of us.
And came up with an entirely new product line. That’s going to be coming out in 2021 that I am so beyond the moon, excited about, I know that this serves every woman where she’s at from the moment of, I don’t know at all what to do, there’s an answer. It’s an affordable answer. It’s a scalable answer. And then, they move into starting the podcast. Again we’ve already proven that concept. And then they go into the mastermind with me.
And after they’ve done the first step of getting clarity through the courses I’m going to be bringing to the world and they still want to, then they can do coaching. But it’s going to be, I’m going to be less available. And that was a hard, it’s a must happen, but it was a hard thing to accept because I felt a responsibility to what, what did I write down on the first one?
I can’t fix everything for every single person on this planet. Right. But I can show up with the gifts that I have in a way that I know works and lower the price points so that’s extraordinarily affordable and help more women have those breakthroughs. Yeah. And then do exactly what we have done. I want every single one of you listening to have the success and the breakthrough and to, a year and a half later go, you know what?
Chelsi and I sat on the phone a year and a half ago and we mapped out her brand that today she’s speaking at an event with me, we’re sitting here together like a year and a half of doing the work. Her show will pass a hundred thousand downloads by the end of next year. Yeah. Have an insanely profitable business by the end of next year already.
It’s already doing, it’s thriving a year and a half. I don’t know where I was going with that. I’m just proud. I’m like a mama bear. Oh, my point was, how do I do that for more women? Because if I’m one-on-one you can’t, I can’t. So like, God gave me the answer on a whiteboard 48 hours in to this experience that I almost didn’t show up for. God tried to keep Chelsea from, not God, your children I mean, no, God was like, girl, you’re going.
But Bay’s real cute when she cries, you know, she’s like mama, mama, I need you. My point is theory, long story short, that wasn’t short, very long story long is that clarity came 90 days later after the questions had been brought up, but 48 hours into the full immersion of tackling the questions and then taking it to God with intention, hearing and allowing other things to come in and then really taking a look at big picture, how do I implement that?
One of the coolest things that we got to learn through the Dreamer Summit from Polly and everybody that spoke really was that when you commit to this time and you want to put your dreams out there, you’re immediately going to vet the first idea that you have. It’s going to seem too big. It’s going to seem too hard. It’s going to seem too scary, too bold, too much. And even if you’re bold enough to put it out there in the world, somebody probably will shoot it down, but that’s okay.
It doesn’t, I just heard this the other day from Donald Miller, say you have a goal to lose 50 pounds and you only lose 30. Well, you’re 30 pounds lighter than you are. Like that’s way better than losing none at all. And so it’s okay to put these big dreams out there. I mean, the dreams that I had a year ago and the dreams that I have now moving forward, they seem ridiculous and they have, but they’re, you would not have that idea.
And that dream, if it wasn’t designed just for you, it doesn’t come out of the middle of nowhere, ever. And I truly believe that. So don’t be afraid when you commit to going through this process to just put it down, just get it out there, put it down on paper, and then don’t be afraid of what happens because that’s what Stefanie talked about often was, Oh, I know that when I put this down, then it’s going to happen.
And that always can can sometimes for those of us that have gotten used to the process of just putting it down on paper and saying, these are my goals, I’m working towards them. We know the work that comes after it is not always the easiest or the most, most satisfying, comfortable.
I think my noise of the weekend was… Every time I like having this realization of something, God was really, I’ve always known is in my future. But like then finally when you’re acknowledging it and having the bravery to actually write it down. Cause I know anything that I write down that’s been planted by God.
Once I finally write it down, I can’t stop it from happening. And so it’s like, I’d write it down. I had like three or four of those really big things that I wrote down. I’m like, Oh my gosh, I’m gonna barf. I just wrote it down because then I know it’s gonna happen anyway. So what else, what was the breakthrough for you Chelsi and what we did this weekend or a favorite?
One of my favorite things was, Christine Kane is a pastor in Australia, I believe. And she brought this concept about how we can’t coast through our lives that we have to press forward because there’s so much resistance in the world that coasting is not coasting. Coasting is actually regressing. And I’m like, what in the world’s just came through that woman into my lap because not that I’ve ever been once to coast, but it just goes to show that there’s no space for autopilot.
You can’t just not be intentional. Right? Autopilot is just showing up every day with zero intention going through the motions and literally putting on your ear muffs and refusing to listen. That’s going to push you back further and further and further and further. And using this excuse that you don’t have the time, your children are too needy, you don’t have the money.
You live in a town where you don’t have family. Yeah, but it’s easy for you Stef, you have your family to drop your kids off. Yeah. But it’s easy for you, Stef, because you guys have money to take your kids to preschool and a private school and a daycare and you have a nanny and all the things. Oh no. I know. I just mean, I mean like everybody goes through those things, right? That’s what we, I want a nanny now. No, your kids are too old at this point. Right?
They’re in school. Yeah. So, you know, it’s, you could have everything excuse in the book, but that was one of the biggest things I took away was just this, this notion of looking, seeing a person sitting in a boat and knowing that like at the end of that channel, at the end of that river, that they’re going to get somewhere exactly where they’re supposed to be.
The dream that they have, this thing that they see in their mind of what that land looks like when they get there, they’ll get there if they row. But if they just sit there, the current’s going to come, the wind’s going to come. There’s going to be resistance on them.
And they’re not just going to sit there, their boats just going to get further and further and further away from that place. And their boat was put on that specific channels to go to that specific land and nothing could stop them if they would just row like just, just row, just press forward. And if you just row every day, you’d get there.
It’s100% chance you reach the end destination if you just row.
And they talked about, I love that, don’t coast. They talk and it goes right hand in hand with that. It was DawnCheré Wilkerson that talked about how dreaming with faith, this is the other thing that I took away from it, that dreaming with faith looks different than living with faith and how sometimes. And this is how I related it. When you’re in that boat, you have no idea, the island is not insight at all.
And you have to believe that it’s there, you are rowing endlessly with no land insight. And you have to have faith. You have to have faith that it’s going to get you there. And we can sit there and we can have all of these grandiose ideas and we can dream with faith, right. Without pressing forward and just coasting. And that’s cool and all, but when we actually begin to live with faith, it gets hard It gets uncomfortable is what it becomes. But that doesn’t mean that the dream isn’t there, that island isn’t there, it’s there. And you’ll get there.
It’s like that concept that we all kept talking about all weekend. How crazy of running this race or rowing that channels, your arms are tired. There’s no more food. I drank all the water, but look, there’s a huge flying fish. It keeps coming up at me or like have a sunburn. Like we’re just full of. It’s so hard on the journey instead of like, that’s what you got, nature.
Like, let’s go, right there is my island, my salvation, my eternity, my answer, my calling, my breakthrough, my debt-free, you know, the restoration of my marriage, the things I’m so seeking for the God planted in you. And yet you’re sunburned, you know, you’re a little hungry, like persevere, go forward. Row, don’t you dare give up. Because those dreams, that marriage, that child, those are gifts from God that you are. Wow. I don’t know if that was really from you. Not sure, no faith, audacious faith without sight. And it’s a whole nother level of hard.
There’s a whole nother level of hard.
And if you don’t, you miss it yet again, this concept of missing the island, missing the path and it’s that easy. It’s choosing God’s way to just dig into audacious faith when it doesn’t make sense, when you can’t see it.
So maybe you’re interested in hearing what are some of the audacious things that we’re going to get our sticky little selves into this year. So I figured we both thought, Oh, maybe we’ll share a few. And here’s the really cool thing. This is why I’ve loved Polly’s products from Horacio Printing for so long. A) they’re super simpl and so it takes the busy out, right?
But it also really guides you. If you have no idea how to take something very big, break it down, work it backwards, break it down and make it tangible. The beginning of Polly’s planner really does a great job at that. And so we worked through that this week and this weekend, and we talked about how, where are we at in all of these areas of our life, which you guys know, I teach so much in my fundamental needs that we go through and figuring out what’s lacking, the areas that are good in our lives.
Why are the excelling the areas that we kind of feel like meah, that’s not that great, or, Ooh, I feel really discouraged. What do we need to do in that area of our lives? And Polly has something that she has created a wheel with what looks like pizza pies, you know, or pie slices in there. And we shaded in the whole entire piece of the pie if we felt like that area of our life was really where we wanted it to be.
And then we shaded it in much smaller if we felt like it was lacking in some way. And then there’s this really cool spot in there right next to that, that says, what is one thing that I can do/make time for in each of these categories? And so Stef and I went through and we picked out the one thing that we’re going to do in some of these areas.
And one of the things for me as I went through the wheel and I identified specific, I pulled out specific words that really came through to me, that I wanted to become in each of these areas. And spiritually, the word that came out for me was steadfast.
And so the one action item or the one thing that I’m going to make time for is a Bible study every morning, and a prayer journal. I have an empty prayer journal that’s been in my nightstand for over a decade, it just sits there. And it’s really cool. And I have found a profound sense of just the need for all of the people that are brought into my life to pray for them. And I know that systems work. And so if I create a system, it will help me be effective.
And I feel very responsible to the journey, to the people that are brought to me, that when they mentioned that catastrophe has happened to them or that they’re struggling in a certain area, that I make time for that. And so I think that that prayer journal will really help me to do that. And so that was one of the things that I picked out from there. I’ll share one more and then you can do one.
So here’s the thing in my personal piece of the wheel, my little pie slice, two of the words that came through were fun and light. So you guys might not know this. You probably don’t know this. Cause most of you think that I’m funny on the podcast, which if you ask my husband, he’s like, what person do you know? But being a bit more fun and lighthearted is something that I really wants to experience.
I can be super serious. And so the one thing that I’m going to make time for that I was like, What do I do? How do I do that? I don’t know how to be fun and light. I don’t know how to do it. And she’s like do one fun thing a day. And I was like, Oh, so I’m just going to try and make time for something even if it’s five minutes, which I do from time to time, but I want to see more of it. And I’m going to make sure that I laugh every day because I don’t laugh enough. How about you?
I love those. Those are so good. So one of mine and the physical category is to find food freedom, like just truly be free from different diets or yo-yoing, or trying to find quick answers everything in my life, especially in business. I’m like you guys, you know, you got to do the work. You have to spend time with God to hear the breakthrough, but yet when it comes to food, it was always the last thing on the list because that’s in my way, you know.
I’m just going to do the quick diet or whatnot, back and forth, back and forth. So I wrote down finding food freedom. And interestingly, you know, that’s something I’ve been praying over for a long time is like, how do I just find true health without ever being on a diet again? And God led me to a friend of mine, Jessica Brown, and she is a nutritionist.
She’s amazing. Anyways, we’ve been working on intuitive eating. So my one thing is to continue the tracking method or it’s your inventory really of how you feel when you eat on a scale of one to 10 and really listening to like the body God created you, that tells you when you’re hungry and when you’re full, what a concept, what a crazy concept your body knows.
And it also knows what you’re craving and what you really want. And it just all seemed too good to be true to me, like a couple short months ago. And now I’m sitting in it doing system with her and I’m like, I could cry. I’m on vacation, eating all the things I really want, but I’m eating them until I feel full. And then I’m able to throw them away. It’s like something that I’ve never been able to do.
So that one thing was to continue with the intuitive eating process, which is the journaling. And then also I ordered a Peloton. I’m so excited. So I’ve been doing my little app too so continuing to do that four times a week, my Peloton app workouts. So that was one thing I did in the physical bucket. And then the other one in spiritually, what I wrote was having the deepest possible intimacy with Christ. I feel like there’s a whole ‘nother level.
Like when Chelsea said earlier, you feel the sprinkle and then you feel it rain and then you feel it poor. And it just gets deeper and deeper and so much more beautiful and fruitful. So I wrote the deep as possible and what I wrote inside of there was to do this new Bible app that Chelsi told me about, which is Dwell, where you can listen to the Bible every single day, and also to continue my morning routine, which is the daily scripture that I do every single day in my morning routine. I use the Soap Bible Studies from Horacio.
I love them, but it’s that it’s daily, it’s a daily morning routine of doing this work to continue spending time with God. I don’t remember who said it this weekend, but they said, you want to get to know someone, you spend time together, right? You want to hear what your spouse really thinks or feels you ask, you spend time, you get to know them deeper. And it’s the same way with God. So yeah, so that’s the wheel.
Okay. So here we are, you’ve kind of heard our experience and we’ve given you a little dabble inside of the Horacio Printing lead in to actually using the planner and what it looks like to have big dreams and how to write them down, how to plan for them, how to make them happen. So if you want to do this in your own life, Stef and I are going to give you some tips on how you can recreate this for yourself and not just for dream planning, but also just kind of for any immersion experience.
And one of the biggest things that I want you guys to take away from this episode, that we both want you to take away from this episode, like always in both podcasts for all of you listening on my podcast, on Stef’s podcasts, we give you homework. We want you to actually walk away feeling like you can take this information and you can make it work in your life.
So something that I feel like is super important after that siren has its moment is knowing when the right time is to do this because you might have followed along in our stories and been super amped up, or you might see other people that have their moment in their life when it’s time for them to do a certain type of immersion, but you need to be able to know what wins to do in immersion experience for yourself. And there is no right answer to that at all.
And I think you already heard us talk about how the fears should not limit you, but you truly will know something will speak to you over and over and over again about this one thing that really wants to be worked on that wants to be fixed, that wants to be improved. Maybe nothing’s broken. Maybe you’re just in a space where everything is just, like this is so comfy and I like it here, I’m warm.
And I have a throw blanket on me and Netflix is rad, but you still go to bed every night or you still zone out when you’re doing the dishes. And you’re thinking about the same thing. Every single time. When you drive down the road, you see the same thing in your mind and you know that you want this one thing to happen. And that’s when you know, it’s time to sit down, put some things on paper. Here’s the real messaging that needs to come forward in my life and listen to this podcast again and get fired up and make it happen.
You know, what’s interesting about that too is sometimes one of the warning signs for me of like, Hey, it’s time to do some work in this area is I’ll be triggered by something, you know being in a mastermind and somebody says something about something they’re doing. And I’m like, well, you know, I wouldn’t do that.
And then when I dig deeper into how I’m feeling like I’m feeling triggered by this person on Instagram or this person over here, or whatever that thing is for you, it’s because deep down, maybe you want that, but you’re telling yourself, that’s not for you. You can’t, you won’t, you shouldn’t, someone’s already doing it, all the things, but really that trigger isn’t even jealousy at all. It’s an internal alarm going off saying, you can have that too, that’s for you. I’m trying to show you that.
So I pay it. I really heightened to certain triggers that might come through at first as a negative emotion for me and saying, well, what was that? And so often it’s, Oh, it’s cause I know that’s for me, but I don’t have it yet. And it hurts a little bit. Yeah. So that’s another big, when is it time, moment. And then the other third one is when there is a problem. Yeah. You know, when the marriage feels really hard and there’s lots of fighting and the opportunity comes up for the retreat or for the marriage event or for the marriage course, or for whatever that looks like, and you’re going, Oh, …
When you’re literally loading, getting dressed every morning or when your laundry room is falling to pieces and you can’t weed through the mess of the mess of the mess, it doesn’t even have to be something so big. It can be this part of my home is not working, this thing, whatever it is. If it’s a specific thing, like it can be isolated too. I know that my clothes are out of hand.
I know that my eating is out of, my weight is out of hand. My health is out of hand, my marriage, my kids, my backyard, my garage, my relationship with my family members, my whatever, something is really out of control. It’s making you feel crappy every time you interact with it, whatever it is. That’s when it’s like time to get serious about this process.
Yeah. Which makes me think of is your phone constantly in your hand, are you idolizing social media?
I was going to say this earlier in this episode, about how important it is to immerse ourselves in our families every single weekend. So good. Put your phone down. That is a whole other immersion experience. It’s so many of you are avoiding and we both preach this to you every single day, every single podcast, every single Facebook live when it is and is not relevant to what we’re talking about, we talk about it because it’s so important. And they talked about it this weekend at the event, multiple people talked about it.
So you got to lay all the things down. Yeah. For the reason and the purpose that you’re doing them, which is your kids and your spouse and put it all away. And that’s why, you know, if y’all are new to me, I say, delete the apps every single weekend for two full days and have your immersion experience with real human beings who love you and need you and look up to you because you half in, is doing such a disservice to how you could be feeling as a mom or a wife.
And it’s not to shame anybody or make any of you feel bad. It’s to show you the potential of how your life will feel. I was fully addicted. I still get that way sometimes. When I finally started turning off the apps on the weekend, I could break my addiction. And it was like, I was seeing life for the first time, after a few years of being a full fledged workaholic and my life is forever different for it.
My kids are different. I’m more peaceful, more soft, more loving. I also have way more perspective on what actually matters. I was living in this lie, this fog of you can’t be without this thing. And so now I’m constantly inventorying my life. Do I have any idols at all? What’s an idol? Is food and idol right now?
Is my phone and idol right now? Is social media and idol right now? Are my kids an idol right now? What’s an idol? What’s happening because nothing can be higher than God, nothing. And when you notice that’s happening, immersion, let’s fix this. Let’s fix this right now. And God will give you the way to fix it.
Which leads us to talking about how to do this. And so you can walk away knowing when is the right time, right. But how do you do it is with some paper and some pens and not your cell phone. And, well, I guess we did, we definitely Googled some scripture a few times.
I posted some IG stories when I’m normally not on socials on the weekends. Yeah. I knew it was important for the people who are with us in the event to be with us here. That’s how we did it.
Super fun, celebratory time for us. But the point is to not be distracted from your experience, it’s the distraction that pulls you away, right? So how you do this as you pick your specific topic, you know what it is that you’re going to immerse yourself in and you just show up and be prepared. There’s no real, like you have to do this and then you have to do this. You have to do this.
Do a little bit of pre-work just like we did write down how you’re feeling about the experience. What things are you hoping to get out of out of that time? What is your end goal? And I even talk about this for people that are trying to create capsule wardrobes, what’s the, pre-work create a mood board, literally know what you want your closet to look like when you’re done with it.
And you don’t just go into your closet, unknowingly, you sit down, you do some pre-work you look at it and say, what do we want this to look like. When Blaine and I do immersion experiences for marriage retreats, we don’t just go and show up and be like, Hey, what do you want to talk about? That’s not what we do. We have an idea in our mind. We know going into the weekend which it’s never comfy.
It’s like hard things are about to go down. I’m going to hear things about what kind of wife I am that I never want to be told. And I know they’re coming, right. So we do that pre-work in the beginning and that’s how I would suggest going about it. What do you want to add?
I love all of those tips so much. The other thing I would add is what type of immersion experience do you want to be part of? Because there’s so many options, so many cool things you can do. You can do a course. You can do it alone. You can do it with friends. You can do it online. You can do it in person. You can do marriage stuff with your spouse, without your spouse. Like there’s all types of things.
And I think my advice here is to try some different ones and explore and know that there’s not one right answer for everyone nor every situation. But I know for me, my favorite type of immersion event is an actual event in person with another human being. Like, I love it. And you know why it’s because I love the accountability and the brainstorming.
I’m a verbal processor. And so being able to talk things through with another person really helps me have clarity. And that’s just for my big growth stuff. And then there’s been immersion. That’s been inward things that need to change that are just mine, deleting the apps, having some conversations with God that could only be me. So I think thinking about what type of experience do you want to have?
Do you need accountability or brainstorming? If so, who’s that person and be careful with that one. Is there’s also the right person to do certain things with. And what event is that? And then you just go, just do it. God, didn’t put it on your mind and your heart on accident. He told you which one and with who and all the things. So don’t you dare second guess it, do it. Your life will be better for it.
We did it. I hope you guys, I enjoyed this episode. I just really want you to take away from this, that there is power, potential and breakthrough in immersion experiences, in immersion in your life, in immersion in your family and getting rid of distraction, being intentional with what needs to change and then doing the hard things, doing the work in a specific set of time or at a specific event to let God work through you.
So I just want to pray over you sisters, that wherever you find yourself right now, whatever you’re thinking, that God would bring forward into your heart and into your mind, the things that He is asking you to lay down to change, He is trying to transform them for you. And you were just in the way of that, that you are able to see the work He is trying to do in you.
And you just allow Him to come in and transform you from the inside out that you’re willing to get quiet enough, to hear the breakthroughs, to hear the answers, to feel what he is trying to show you so desperately. The path is right underneath your feet, sisters, let’s lean into a vision and a season of faith, unseen faith that you cannot touch and you cannot see, but that you can experience with complete trust and leaning on Christ that He will get you there. He will get your boat to that final destination if you just row, sisters. Believe it, see it, receive it in Jesus’ name. I pray, we pray.
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