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Waiting on God… you ladies are in for a treat today. We have our first official #GuyGuest on the show!
Pastor Aaron Daigle (no he’s not Lauren Daigle’s brother but I totally asked) is coming on to share with the 3 W’s of waiting on God when he’s waiting on you. I know how hard it is to be in a season of perseverance. It’s everything in you to just keep showing up. Wondering if it’s all working, wondering if it all will be worth it… wondering if you’re where He wants you.
Well, today you get to hear from Pastor Aaron on the 3 principles of navigating this season and they are so dang good. A ton of revelation in this episode and I know as a faith-led entrepreneur who is passionately pursuing the dreams God has for you, there is fruit on the other side of these 3 W’s. Ready? Let’s get it.
I pray this blesses you!
Hi, friends! Happy Monday! I’m so excited to bring you this interview today with my friend, pastor Aaron Daigle, and pastor Aaron is a speaker, an author, a YouTuber he’s so legit, y’all are gonna love him so much. And he really helps Christ followers step more deeply into their purpose and just have a deeper understanding of the biblical principles of scripture, but in like a totally real life way.
He’s so fun. And we just had a great time today on this interview and it was truly a holy spirit thing that led me to asking him to come on the show and y’all, you know, I don’t really have guys on the show and he is the very first and definitely not the last guy to come on The Stefanie Gass Show. So I hope that you guys enjoy this as much as I did.
We’re gonna be digging into waiting on God when He’s waiting on you and the three W’s of this waiting process. And I know if you’re anything like me, you know, hanging out in the messy middle is the most uncomfortable thing and we slightly hate it, but we also know it’s necessary. And so we really get to lean into these three principles today that are gonna help us navigate that awkward middle. Let’s do this.
Before we get into today’s chat, two things. Thing one, and you guys love when I do this, thing one is that you have heard Chelsi and I talk about Call Her Blessed, our very first and potentially only retreat going down March of 2022. We launched it just a couple of days ago and we only have six spots left. As of right now, VIP is already sold out.
If you have it on your heart to come hang out with us, pour into your business your God size gold, goals, not gold. I mean, gold would be fine too, but I mean God size goals, and hang out with us, get pampered, go through a 90 day goal map, reverse engineer, dissect, go through our CEO retreat planning process with us to really get super extraordinarily clear on what you’re called to do and who you’re called to become in your home, motherhood and your business, then Call Her Blessed is for you.
Six spots left 3, 2, 1 go. We will sell out. There will not be an opportunity for any more people to come. This is all we have are these 20 spots and there are only six left. So if one of those is for you or you just want more information head to callherblessed.us right now.
Thing two, there are only five spots left for Podcast to Profit. This is kicking off January 13th of 2022. If you are a podcaster and you wanna grow and scale your business, you’re tired of playing small. You’re tired of being a part-time podcaster and you wanna make it your entire business model, just like mine, you wanna let go of all these weird methods of marketing and all these hustle, harder movements, and you just wanna pour into one thing to many, your podcast is your absolute thing, you’re marrying it, come on girl, Podcast to Profit.
That’s where we’re going to scale your show, SEO keywords optimization, growth strategies, podcast pitching. I’m gonna help you build your thing out whether it’s coaching, courses, a program or a blend of those things, we’re gonna do sales page optimizations, sales pitching. It is just so flipping good. Y’all, I am telling you, we have had success story after success story. You can go read a handful of them over at podcasttoprofitmastermind.com.
But if this is for you, you’re gonna want to apply ASAP. Again, only five spots left for the spring in class and this is the last time you can get into Podcast to Profit for this price. We are increasing the price for the summer session. So if that’s a consideration for you podcasttoprofitmastermind.com. I can’t wait to meet you at either CHB or P2P Let’s grow, girl.
Hello, pastor Aaron. Welcome to the show, my friend!
Hey, Stef. I’m super pumped to be here.
Me too. I hope that you realize this is a milestone 370 some episodes and you are my first ever official male guest.
Oh, wow. I’m so pumped. I listen to the show and as you talk to the ladies, I’m getting all psyched about it as well and saying, yeah, I’m mom so hard also. Let’s do it ladies. So, it’s an honor.
Well, I’m so excited that you’re here and we got connected actually on Instagram. If you guys follow my Instagram doing like white memes, every other post. And so I’m always looking for like epic, white memes and this amazing account keeps coming up and it’s pastor Aaron Daigle. And like your meme quotes are like life changing.
And I’m like, I’m gonna save that one. And I’m gonna share that one. He’s like, who is this chick? Keep sharing my memes. And so that’s how we actually got connected, which is so fun. So tell us a little bit about you. You’re an international speaker, you’re a published author. You have a YouTube channel. You’re married. Tell us just a little bit more about this story. Like how did you get to where you are now and what does that journey look like?
Totally, thanks for asking, Stef. I grew up in a Christian environment with my mom and my dad was super abusive and was on drugs and alcohol. And it was just a crazy scenario when I was 12 years old. Someone broke into my house in the middle of the night and raped my mom in front of me. And so I was pretty much done with God and left and went onto the streets, got in drugs and alcohol and juvenile jail and things like that.
And threw a chain of events, I ended up coming back to God in my late teens and had always known that he had called me to ministry. So I pursued a career in teaching and just wanted to pour into other people and help young people through struggles. And so I got involved in the public school system and then later on started pastoring a church in the city.
I was doing all that but the entire time I’d always felt like traveling and being a guest speaker in different churches and conferences and putting out material online was something God had called me to. And after about five years of both pastoring and teaching in the public school system, I eventually pulled the plug and jumped head first and started my YouTube channel.
I probably would’ve started a podcast had I found your podcast before starting my YouTube channel, but that’s what we do. I’m full time in ministry and my wife as a marriage and family therapist, just pouring into couples and families and helping them in that capacity as well.
You go through all of this craziness in your childhood and all of those hard things. And it seems like you were so far from God’s path for your life. How did you get saved? What was that like? What was that story?
So when I was 12, my mom had been bringing me to church and I was around the things of God and a missionary came through and shared his vision of what he was doing overseas. And it got a hold of my heart and I said, God, I’ll do anything to share your truth and your love with people in different languages and different cultures.
And I guess if I’m gonna give my life to ministry, I might as well get saved and give my heart to God too in the process. So I was like, oh yeah, by the way, I’ll live for you as well. And like He saved and stuff, but not too long after that was when the rape took place and I just got far away from guy, but He never really let me get away from Him completely.
I remember one time smoking weed in a circle of friends and He was talking to me while I was getting high. And He’s like, I have something better for you. And just it hit my heart. Well, when I was 17, I found out about a Spanish speaking church in my community.
And I had no intention of giving my heart back to God, but I was like, well, they got Spanish music. I can learn Spanish, maybe get me a Spanish girlfriend. I mean, I don’t know, let’s try this out. So I went for Spanish and within about a year or so, I had given my heart by to God. And about year after that, I was fluent in Spanish. And then a few years after that, I was pastoring that Spanish church.
Oh my goodness, pastor Aaron. Won’t He do it? That’s so good. Oh man, love it. So today when I reached out to you and I just felt holy spirits prompting to ask you to come on the show and I just handed it to you. And I said, what do you wanna talk about? You know my avatar, you’ve listened to the podcast. And you brought to me this topic of this concept of like being in the middle, especially as we are trying to build God centered businesses.
And you said, Hey, there’s these three W’s of waiting on God when He’s waiting on you. And I’m like, that’s it, that’s gonna be so great. So that’s what we’re gonna talk to you guys about today. And I think the first thing is we see you, Aaron is building a God centered online business through his ministry and his YouTube.
I have obviously been there and still building and stewarding this calling that’s on my life, but there’s so much struggle in this waiting. It’s hard to just trust in God and to sit with your faith when you’re not really seeing the fruits of all of that.
And so pastor Aaron, I guess the first question is, is this just us? Like, is this just a now thing? Or are there examples from the Bible of someone who’s also struggled with this tension of trusting God, but also kind of taking responsibility for where they’re at in this journey for us as kingdom builders?
Absolutly. And when I saw this in the Bible, I was like, oh my God, it’s not just me. Like there was somebody else who’s dealing with this tension of like, how do I make it happen and own responsibility and like do what I’m supposed to do? But at the same time, like trust in God to open these doors. And oh, when I saw this, I was so excited.
So here’s what happens is Ahab and Jezebel, king and queen of Israel, decide that they wanted a piece of property from this guy named Naboth. He didn’t wanna give it to him. So they come up with a little scheme and decide to kill him and take his property. So when they take it, God decides that He’s not gonna allow that He’s going to repay them for the evil they did to Naboth.
And He says, I’m going to repay them right here on this land that they stole from him. And there’s a man named Jehu who hears that, well later on Jeho becomes king and on his way to the palace where king Ahab is at and king Ahab sends out some people and he’s says, go find out who that is who’s coming up to the palace.
And he sends out a servant, but the servant doesn’t turn around and come back to the palace. Right. He just falls in line behind Jehu. So the king gets afraid and he says, I think that’s probably Jehu. Maybe we’re gonna go check out and see what’s happening. Right.
So he gets on a horse and goes out, the Bible says to the plot of land that he had stolen from Naboth. And then when he gets to that piece of land, Jehu goes up to him and he’s like, you know, nothing about peace, I’m ending this, he shoots a bow and ends up killing Ahab.
Well, whenever he kills him, he tells his servant, look, go ahead and throw his body right there in that piece of land that belonged to Naboth for the Lord had said he would repay him right here on this property. So here’s why I’m sharing that crazy long biblical story that I don’t know, by the way, I had to research and look up, remind myself about before I got on the podcast today.
But you see God led Ahab to that piece of land, Jehu didn’t force it, Jehu didn’t go tie in a rope around him and drag him to that piece of land and make it happen outside of God’s will or outside of God’s timing, God himself put Ahab in that spot. However, Jehu did not sit back and say, well, God prophesy that he would punish Ahab right here in this land.
So he’s just gonna do it. I’m just gonna sit here now and just wait for his body to end up there. No, he said, God gave us this promise. So let’s go ahead and activate it. Let’s go ahead and make it happen. And he decided to throw the man’s corpse into that land in order to fulfill the promise God had spoken.
So the balance that we see here is God aligns events. God puts things in their place. God orchestrates things that puts the opportunities in front of us. However, it’s our responsibility to take them, to seize those opportunities and to activate the will of God in our lives. So how does relate to us now as Christian entrepreneurs building online businesses?
Well, we actually make one of two mistakes. We can air on one side or the other. We’ll spend years waiting around, like, God, open a door. God, you told me you was gonna bless my podcast and we got one episode up. And we’re like, God, this is supposed to go viral?
On the other side is like, we’ll just pump out the episodes. We’ll work, we’ll grind, but we’re not like necessarily sure that God’s called us to something or we’re not really trusting God to do God’s part. And so we will run ourselves ragged in all these various areas, posting online, getting on this social media platform, then jumping onto the next platform and not settling and waiting on God to show us that direction.
So balancing this tension of how much of it is my responsibility and how much of it is God is where I’ve come to find these three W’s of what to do while waiting on God.
Wow. I love that story that you share. And obviously, you guys, insert whatever for the body being thrown on the plot of land.
It’s like, what’s your opportunity? And I think it’s so cool that you mention that God’s already there with the opportunity. And I usually give them the visual of He’s standing right next to you with this gift and it’s wrapped and He’s right there, but we’re over here. Like we’re shopping over here and we’re looking over here and we’re doing this over here.
And like, I’ll just make my thing instead of just going, Lord, I’m ready to open my gift now, but I’m gonna need you to help me assemble it. Cuz I don’t know how, and it’s this beautiful partnership of welcoming Him and a lot of times we’re afraid of opening the gift of that part. But then of also saying, Lord, help me assemble what’s inside the box. And so I’m super excited to hear these three W’s. Take us into the first one.
Absolutely. So the first one would be to actually be willing to do what it is we’re stepping out to do. We have to be willing as say that and we may be like, well of course I’m willing, I’m listening, I wanna do it. But no, like, are we willing to grow and get better? Are we willing to get uncomfortable? Are we willing to step out and change ourselves to see the change in the world that we’re trying to bring forth.
So one of the saddest questions in the Bible is from the story in John 5: 1-8, there’s a paralyzed man. He’s sitting by a pool and every now and then an angel would show up and stir the water. And whoever jumped in the water would get healed. When Jesus shows up and says to this paralyzed guy who’s been there for over a decade, by the way, he says, will thou be made whole like, do you want to be well?
And at first you think that’s kind of a dumb question. Like I know you’re God and you know all things, but like that’s kinda not smart. But actually it was brilliant because obviously the answer was no, the man had all kind of excuses. He says, there’s no body right here to bring me into the pool and carry me.
You’ve been there for a decade, you could have rolled into the pool by now. I’d just sat in the water in jacuzzi my way until the next like angel showed up. But the deal was is he did not want to be uncomfortable. He was not willing to fight through what was broken, to fix what needed to be fixed. And sometimes we’re not willing to actually pay the price.
We’re not willing to go through what we’re going to have to go through the three years, the five years of grinding and waiting and questioning and other people questioning us. Are you sure that you’re really supposed to be building a ministry online? Like really? What is that? Nobody in the Bible had a podcast. Like what are you doing?
But then there’s other examples in the scriptures of Jesus encouraging people to go for more in life and to give more and to be great. But he did indicate that if you’re gonna do this, you’re gonna have to pay a price. And are you willing? And one of the stories where this is clear at is from the mother of Zebedee’s sons, she goes up to Jesus and she says, look, I got two sons. Let one of ’em sit at your right and the other one at your left and the kingdom.
And what’s crazy is that Jesus didn’t rebuke her. He wasn’t like, honey, I know you think your boys are all that in the bag of chip. But like, they’re just like every other, but he didn’t even say that to it. He didn’t tell her no. All he did, he’s said, can they drink the cup that I’ll drink from?
When you see that in context and you look at what Jesus was talking about, referring to the cup, which he later in the garden of Yosemite says, let this cup pass from me, not my will, but your will be done, but I don’t wanna go through this. He’s referring to the suffering. He’s referring to the price He’s about to pay on that cross for us. So he looks at these guys and he says, you can have something awesome, but can you pay the price?
Can you drink the cup? And so when we’re starting out and launching off and say transitioning onto an online ministry and building a platform where we’re gonna be able to pour value and encouragement into listeners, and we’re wanting to give ourselves over to this, that is a really great calling. And there’s so many wins from this and so much opportunity, but there is also a price involved.
It’s not what YouTubers make it sound like on their clickbait to just, oh, do this real fast and everything’s gonna open up and be great in your life. Like there’s a struggle involved. There’s a side to this where you’re gonna really deal with some things and some stuff in our own hearts comes to surface and we have to ask ourselves like, are we willing to do this?
And so that is the first W when you’re waiting on God to open up doors is to ask ourselves, am I really willing to do what it’s going to take to get the results that I’m really trying to see in my life?
Yeah, this is so great because let me just tell you, guys, listening right now, when you finally decide to open that gift or say yes to what God has for you, every single thing that you can possibly imagine is gonna come against you.
You are gonna think, first of all, yourself, I’m not good enough, I’m not qualified, I can’t do this, I don’t have the resources to make this happen. I’m too introverted. I’m too extrovert. Every lie that you can even think of is gonna come at you.
Then you’ve got spiritual warfare that’s gonna come against you to keep you small and keep your mouth shut. Because the second you rise up into your authority, you start winning. And then the third thing is, you’re gonna have these extenuating circumstances. Maybe your spouse isn’t super supportive, or maybe they’re, oh my gosh, there’s no money in that thing that God’s calling me to, I don’t understand.
And so what we’re saying to you is that you have to be willing to push through this insane amount of opposition, even though, and partnering in with God and saying I’m willing no matter what comes against me. Like if this is just a beautiful illustration of the gospel in and of itself, Jesus went through every single opposition suffering hardship that he possibly could to get to the glory that was already his you’re gonna be sitting in that same seat.
And so what we are asking you today is are you willing? And it may be a year and it may be a decade and it may be your lifetime that you’re fighting through this willing phase. Pastor Aaron, I’m sure there’s so many other examples of this in scripture. I don’t know if you have anything else to add there, but go ahead and move us to the second W.
Yeah, absolutely. Just let me sit on what you just said for about an hour, because I needed to hear that so much.
So good.
The second W is to be wise, to use wisdom when we’re moving forward in our God given calling, and making sure that God is on board with this and that he has truly called us to it. You see, we don’t wanna get ahead of God and run off with our own plans.
And another way I like to think about this is to say, don’t jump out of a plane, unless God tells you to go skydiving. Like it’s okay to completely shift ministries and do something online and give it all you got, it’s okay to quit your job and do something like that. It’s okay to really put yourself and your family on a strain for a little while to do something like this if it’s what God is telling you to do at this time of life.
Now, Proverbs 3: 5-6 it’s the very well known scripture of trusting on God. It says to trust Him with all your heart and not lean on your own understanding, but seek His will in what you do and He’ll show you which path to take. I know that can be fuzzy sometimes.
And some we get to where we question whether or not God called us to do, and this isn’t even on my notes, but I wanna share this a good way I have found to know when I’m in the will of God, is that I have a sense of peace inside of me when I’m doing what I’m supposed to do when I’m doing what I’m called to do, even if it’s difficult, even if it doesn’t make sense.
Whereas if I’m spending time doing something that I wasn’t created to do, I feel unfulfilled inside. And so that is a good indicator. If you’re building something and putting yourself out there and putting content out there to encourage other people online and build a Christian business, you might not be seeing the fruit right now. You might not be getting the kind of results that you’d hope to obtain, especially in the amount of time, you’d hope to obtain them in.
But how do you feel in your spirit when you’re actively doing that? When you’re actively putting together the podcast or putting the video together or producing your blog, like what happens in your heart? If God is confirming it to you, then that is his way of showing you His will. And He’s encouraging you in that direction.
And by all means, if so, run with it. But if you’re feeling like you’re forcing something and it’s outside of the plan and will of God, then it might be time to get back in the prayer room and really seek His face and understand what it is He’s calling you to do.
And one last little nugget here on being wise is that timing is part of wisdom. And just because you’re not seeing the fruit right away, doesn’t mean that God has not called you in it. This whole idea of getting blessed right away and real fast that’s pop culture, that’s not how God works.
The Bible says in Galatians 6, it talks about sowing and reaping. And if you plant the right seeds or are gonna get the right crops, but there’s a little piece of that phrase I wanna mention. It says that you will reap if you faint not in due season, that at the right time God is going to show the results.
He’s going to produce the fruit, but it’s going to happen in His timing. And so if He told you to grind, He might not tell you you’re gonna grind for three years, but there is a time where God is going to pull up the harvest from what you have planted.
Oh, so amazing. I like that you mentioned this peacefulness that comes over you when you know that you’re operating in God’s will for your life. And I also wanna say, there’s that opposite of that. And I call them, holy spirit sirens, pastor Aaron, where I’m like, I’m doing something that I think, oh, maybe that’s from God, but I don’t know, but let me do it anyway.
Holy spirit will like pull the plug on an alarm and I’ll have all this anxiety and angst, or I’ll find myself like starting to idolize something or a phone or an idea or an opportunity, or it starts to become like this constant, like disrest that I’m carrying around.
And of course, I’ll go to like my godly council, but they’re like, well, have you prayed? I’m like, oh no, I actually have not laid that at the feet of Jesus and said, is this for me? And you get a resounding yes or no most often when you actually ask that question. So pay attention to your holy spirit siren as well.
And there’s another just final thing I wanna mention on this one, God will only give you what you’re ready for, when you’re ready for it. Like, I couldn’t have stewarded the growth in my business or where the podcast is for anything three years ago. You have to be prepared.
You have to go through hard things in order to weather them more. And so armor up because it’s just part of the journey. Like there is no up and to the right. There is none of that. It’s going to be the ups and downs and God knows the perfect timing in which you are ready for Him to hand you those crops of all the things that you’ve been planting. So just so much yes to that.
So pastor Aaron, let’s say someone’s both willing to fulfill the dream that God gave them. And they’ve waited on His wisdom. They’re over here, like patiently pursuing with excited anticipation and everything is saying, go, now’s the time like this is your thing, but they keep running into roadblock after roadblock after setback, after something’s coming at them every which way they turn. And they’re super frustrated. Why can’t they get ahead? Why isn’t it just working?
So Stef, that is a great question. And there are so many answers to that. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly why for one particular a person, I think it was very wise as you brought forth that sometimes we’re not ready for the destiny that God has put in our hearts. We’re still growing. We’re still learning. It could be that the destiny is not ready for us.
Maybe the listeners on your podcast are not ready for the content that you’re going to be putting out and he’s preparing them on their end. There’s a whole bunch of different reasons, but the fact that there’s so many reasons why we could be hit setbacks. And we probably aren’t gonna know because God’s into details, He’s just not into sharing them with us too often. That’s where we really fall into that third W and it becomes so important and that is for us to be willful.
And when I say willful, the word sometimes doesn’t make sense. We usually under standard in the full term, willful disobedience, which is being obstinate. It’s being stubborn. Literally, this is God’s honest truth. When I was a little kid, my mom, single mom raising me after my dad had beat us and left and whatnot, and shout out to all the single moms out there, by the way you are God’s heroes on this planet.
But she would tell me, she said, son, that stubborn hard-headed will of yours is gonna be your greatest asset one day but right now it got you in timeouts. There comes a point in our will, in our decision that we just have to get that resolved and say, you know what, God called me to build this online business. Yes, it’s different than how ministry used to be built. I don’t have as many models around me, but I know that I know that God called me to this.
I am willing to pay the price and I’ve used wisdom and God has spoken to me so now I am going to do this. So when I hit the setback, I’m gonna go over it. If I can, I’m gonna go around it. And if I can’t go around it, I am going to dig under it. And if I can’t dig under it, like I’m gonna just bust it open with a sledgehammer.
There comes a point where we have to decide that I will not be moved in this because I guarantee you, if you’re building something online for profit only, or because you wanna do business or whatever, then you may or may not go through. I don’t even really know, but I guarantee you, if you’re building a ministry, then you are going to have so much opposition from society, the world, from people who don’t understand you, spiritual warfare involved, that you will have every chance to take exit after exit.
We have got to decide, I am going to do this and I’m gonna figure it out. If I don’t know, like what I’m supposed to really be doing, I’m gonna get into Clarify Your Calling and I’m gonna clarify, like, I’m gonna figure this out, no matter what it takes. And so what happens though, when we don’t get feel the motivation, like we make that determination, but we wake up and it’s just us and a blank screen.
And we’re trying to write the blog post and there’s nobody around but the air conditioner and the cat. Well, something I like to live by is what you feed grows and what you starve dies, is sort of like they say, sushi is an acquired taste, the more you eat it, the more you like it.
If you just start putting out the content, it gets more interesting, it gets fun, everything’s hard until it’s easy. And so if you just feed your ministry and keep pouring into it, you start figuring things out, it gets easier. You get more interested in it. And I don’t know, they say 90% of business is fail. It is probably because only 10% of people are willing to see it through. But hey, you’re listening, Stef and I know that you got the grit to see it through, and we know that you will.
This is so good. I love this one. I think this is what most people are lacking, pastor Aaron, is this, you can get through part one part two, but when you finally sit there in it and all the hard is coming against you, it’s that will to continue pushing through.
And it’s also the will to keep knocking on God’s door. Like, Lord, you placed this word on my life. Like you asked me to do this and there’s no fruit yet. Why am I showing up? And instead of the why it’s like, Lord, you promised me this. Like, let’s go like, let’s get it.
What am I missing? Where’s the door? The person? The client? The opportunity? Like I’m ready for this. And of course we wait on his timing, but it’s the asking, right? Like continue praying with a pure heart and you will receive that gifting or that answer in your life.
And so this will to keep pushing through, I think is such a missing puzzle piece for so many. Don’t give up. And I love that you said everything’s hard until it’s easy because I’m such a testament to that. Like here I sit three years later, I’m like, podcasting is like so easy, you guys, just do it. It’s so great. I can bust out an episode in 20 minutes.
But when I started, I remember struggling, like, what am I supposed to say? And my content was kind of awkward. And you should read the descriptions from episode one through 50. Like they’re hilarious. And I’m looking back at that going, oh, there was a time when that wasn’t easy, but I kept persevering and willfully pursuing the dream that he gave me in October of 2018 and going.
I will not stop until we see this through, we, God and I, see this through together. Those are three amazing W’s, pastor Aaron, how do we put all of this together and really take hold of what it is we’re talking about today? This waiting, this waiting on God when he’s waiting on you?
Yeah, totally. It’s just balancing the tension of what’s my responsibility, what’s God’s? I like to say that it’s our job to climb the ladder and it’s God’s job to show us which building to lean it on. And this whole concept is in first Corinthians three and six. When Paul he’s talking about someone else he worked with in ministry said, I planted the seeds in your heart and Apollo watered it, but it was God who made it grow.
You see, God didn’t make growth come from absolutely nothing, out of thin air because Paul and Apollo were praying for it and hoping for it and dreaming for it. And they actually had to go out and plant the seed. But at the same time, like it wasn’t just their labor by themselves.
As you just pointed out so beautifully, we, it’s us and God it’s teamwork. And so we can’t force growth that God hasn’t called us to, but God doesn’t force growth for us in areas that we haven’t planted. So let’s keep planting, keep on doing what God called us to do. And in due season, He’s gonna open the door and make it happen.
So amazing. Thank you so much for blessing us today with your wisdom and with so much encouragement, but also straight up truth about what it takes to keep pushing through that waiting season. Pastor Aaron, where can everybody come, just listen to you, check out your amazing memes on Instagram and watch your YouTube channel? Cause I know they’re gonna want to.
Yeah, totally. So it is Aaron as in the brother of Moses, J, for James, as in the brother of Jesus, and Daigle as in the brother of Lauren Daigle. No, it’s not my sister, everyone asks, but Aaron J Daigle on YouTube. I have some books on Amazon and yes I do hang out sometimes on Instagram as well.
Awesome. Thank you so much, my friend!
Thank you as well, it’s been a pleasure!
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This is amazing I was sleeping and I woke up at 3:00 am I opened my phone and God again showed me what he was showing me what I need to do. God we always show us the way we just n don’t d think say Yes
Hey Pam! We love how God prompts us. Cheers to you for being obedient to rise up instead of delaying.Now is the best time to take action. The Bible calls us to live in the present moment because seventy-nine times in the New Testament alone we are told “Immediately!”
Scriptures tells us that urgent obedience comes with the promise of blessings – enjoy this episode on shifting from waiting, into obedient action.
Episode 607 | ”Immediately” is Said 79 Times in The New Testament. Stop Waiting & Start NOW.
-Stef Gass + Team
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