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Something tugging on your heart, but you can’t seem to make sense of it? Have a yearning to step into your calling – but not sure what it looks like, or if it could ever become a podcast or business?
In today’s LIVE COACHING session with Ashley Mozisek – we start from SCRATCH to uncover her calling. We dive into passions, skills, specifics, loves and more to uncover the purpose within.
We not only uncover her new brand, but paint a vision for her to bring it to life.
If you’ve been STUCK on what your calling is, how to pivot, or what to do to begin.. this one is for you.
Hey friends today, we are talking to one of my clients, Ashley Mozisek. And we’re talking in this live coaching episode about starting from scratch. Like what actually is my calling? What actually am I supposed to be doing with myself? Can somebody help a girl get started? Yes. This episode is for you.
We really dive into how to uncover your calling and it’s going to be really, really wonderful. And I think you guys should listen in because there are so many nuggets and takeaways for those of you that feel like maybe you’re in a season of transition. Maybe you’re trying to get that thing going, but you’re just unsure of what that thing actually is and you need that clarity.
I am so excited to chat with you today.
Me too. I’ve been nervous because I feel like a lost little puppy over here.
I know, you know, what’s so crazy though. Whenever you feel that way, like, I think we all feel that way because we have so many pieces inside of us and it’s always right inside the thing you’re supposed to do. But sometimes we can’t see it because we are that thing. And it’s so natural for us that outside perspective or you know what it is, but you can’t seem to like, well, how does this fit and how do I verbalize it? And what do I do with it?
Well, I’m so pumped. Okay. So what is your number one goal of this time together?
I guess, just to figure out, I mean, I get to stay home with my baby right now, but it doesn’t feel like a long-term thing. It doesn’t feel like what I’m supposed to be doing or where I’m supposed to be. So I guess just to maybe like get a little guidance on what direction I need to start heading to, I don’t know, get where I’m supposed to be.
So you just need clarity on like, yeah. What are what’s God’s calling over your life, right? No problem. No problem. I will tell you, like did a big prayer over you right before we started. And I’m like, Lord, give us the clarity. Like just give us the divine downloads, whatever Ashley needs to hear today. Like just work. Do your work, so I really hope. I don’t hope God always delivers.
Well, let’s start working on this. Let’s just start with the discovery work. I want you to, I want you to think about for a minute. Who are you? Who is Ashley? Like the things you’re so passionate about that if you didn’t have those things, you wouldn’t be you. What are those foundational passions that are critical for you? They are your makeup.
I would say family first and foremost, my son is my everything. I didn’t even really know if I wanted to be a mom. I may not be a good mom, but being a mom, I love it. It’s great.
I was a dog person before I had kids. I was like, I don’t care about kids. They’re so annoying. I’ll have dogs. Then I had my own. And there was this huge heart change. And I’m like, now I have this heart kids in general. Right?
So definitely being a mom. I mean, like that’s everything.
Okay. Beautiful. And is there anything about being a mom specifically that lights you up?
I guess watching him grow, watching him learn and helping him to become who he’s going to be. And then I started from family. I would say helping people in general. Like I just like talking to people, helping people. I don’t know. That’s where I get kind of,
I know that’s a big one. Now. What do you find that people come to you with certain types of topics? Do they come to you with Ashley, you’re so good at blank.
Uh, lately. I mean, like, I feel like I’ve had a whole person changed since having Liam so lately, I’ve noticed like people coming to me with kind of like the direction that I’m wanting to go or think about going, but like how do you keep it together? So one of my like weird things I do is I never go to sleep with dishes in the sink at night. Like I get those dishes done.
That’s just one of my things. And my friend was talking to me about just juggling. Her husband doesn’t really help her and how to just feel better. That was like, one of my things just don’t go to sleep with dishes in the sink. And she was like, Oh my gosh. And she started like, it’s something simple to me. She was like, mind blown.
So transformational. And here’s the secret. This is the weird part, Ashley, that things that are super natural to you. And you’re like, what do you mean? This is like a, not like, not a novel concept, but for moms, especially. I really feel like we’re going somewhere with this mom thing, but I’m going to keep pushing you until we get there, is the simple concept of like, how do we do simple things that make us enjoy motherhood more?
Oh my gosh.
And it’s the stress. The stress of motherhood is what takes the joy out of it. And guess what? The stress comes from, it comes from us, not the kids. It comes from us not understanding how to be patient with them or how to proactively plan tomorrow and take five extra minutes so that when we wake up, we’re not overwhelmed, stressed, and then projecting onto the kids and creating, we’re creating our own reality. That motherhood is chaotic, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
I love that.
Okay. Keep going. What else are people, keep thinking about this for a second. Let’s think about your friends with kids. What are they coming to you for? What else? What are you giving them as like these concepts? What other things are happening for you in motherhood when it comes to joy? Why are you enjoying it so much? And other moms aren’t?
Yeah. All the little things like that, you know, like starting a load of laundry. When you wake up having your meals planned out and a huge one lately, this was like the last, my last eight month journey has just been insane. So I’ve lost 25 pounds just overall, like we’re healthier as a family exercising, going on walks. And I think that a huge thing for me is like the balance and not getting so caught up in the pressure.
Like you do not have to eat chicken and broccoli every single day, all the time and oatmeal, like there’s a balance. And even the pressure of working out, like you don’t have to go to the gym and lift weights for an hour, do some yoga in your living room, you know? It’s easier on you and you want to do it. If you miss a day, it’s fine. There’s no pressure. Then that makes you do it more like with that comes, you wanting to do it and you just being better. So that’s a huge one for sure.
Good. Now, ‘kay. Let’s keep going. So we’ve got this motherhood concept, family concept, the simplicity, pieces of motherhood, pulling joy out of motherhood. How she can do that. Are there any other components when it comes to your passions? So we’ve got family, helping people, what’s next?
I don’t know. I’ve been so stuck on the whole nine thing. Maybe who I was like before. I mean, I’m still a nine for sure. But like me, who I was before to now, I feel like I’ve grown so much and I can talk to people and I can, I mean, I still work for that company. I still do stuff for them.
But like the other day, they’re like, can you start answering the phones for us again? And I said, no. Who am I? So I don’t know. I don’t think that that’s playing into where we’re going, but it’s like moms that feel like they don’t have a voice or a backbone.
Mm boundaries. Yeah. But here’s the thing about enneagram there’s pieces of you at your worst? Like, I can be a workaholic. I can be a full fledge workaholic. I can put work first over everything. That’s a three at their worst, but a three at her best is like lifting people up and empowering others and having boundaries. So there’s this huge spectrum of enneagram. And here’s the end of the story with enneagram.
All that is, is a worldly determination of some of your strengths and weaknesses, and you are a daughter of the King and you are everything He says you are and nothing less and nothing more. And just because we’ve got labels on us of I’m an MGQP from this test, I don’t even know what that one is. I’m three, I’m a two. Like those are great and we can do them and we can see that and then go, great.
I can now see maybe some of the places that I can be better or that I can tweak, but I’m who God says I am. And if God says that I am a healer and I’m an empowerer of women and I lift them up and I help them find their joy in being a mom and find the beautiful, glorious miracles that their children really are, then that’s who I am.
I love it. Yes. I listened to one of your podcasts talking about the Enneagram and it really opened my eyes because I was letting the Enneagram tell me who I was. And it has helped me grow a lot. But also I noticed after I listened to that, that I was like saying, you don’t have a voice. You can’t, you’re a nine, you can’t talk to people. So, and now I’m like, I can talk to people.
You know what. There’s one of your podcast episodes, the Enneagram doesn’t define you and you get to your story because moms are really into a lot of people are into that. It’s very trendy. And I mean, I talked about it a lot at first and thought it was totally fine. And then I recognized that people were doing what you were doing. It became a label with limitations on you. Well, I’m afraid. That means I’m not a good mom. That’s what that means. That’s not what that means. I am. I am not a number.
You gotta be careful with it, for sure.
So there’s an episode. Okay. I love that. So boundaries, helping moms find their voice. Beautiful. Okay. So now let’s talk about what are the things you do in maybe even in your job that you’re great at. What are the things you’re doing?
Your skillset that you love also, what you love, not necessarily what you’re good at, because maybe there’s something you’re good at that you hate. Like I could do copy for people. I’m great at copy, but I hate writing copy. So I don’t do that. So what are the things you do in love that you also are good at?
I’m good at planning on coming back to our job here, like the bookkeeping and all the assistant stuff. I’m good at that. But I mean, that’s where I feel like I’m not, that’s not where I want to be. So I think it’s good that I could, I’ll be able to do that for my business, but it’s not where I want to. I don’t want to do that. Yeah.
Are you comfortable speaking? Are you comfortable? Like, do you like to write, do you like to speak, do you like to be on video? Do you like,
I like to write more than I like to speak, but I feel like I could. It’s just, cause I don’t really do it. I think I could get comfortable with it.
Yeah. Okay. So I have this vision for you and it may be fully right. Or it may be close. And so you just be fully honest with how it feels. So I have this idea of you have a brand and you have a, obviously, you know, I love podcasting, so I’m always ready to start a podcast, but you don’t have to, but really you have to, so you start this brand podcast or if it had to be a blog.
Blogs are fine, but they’re such a slow grow. Not a, not a deal-breaker. Podcasting is a lot faster. So I have this vision for you of like, how do we help other moms? And I’m thinking new moms in particular, like they’re in their first six years or less of motherhood or they’re just maybe newly pregnant. How do they find simplicity and joy out of motherhood?
How do they love their kids and not just like them, right? Like, yes, we love our kids. I don’t want to like them too. Have you ever heard that? Why is it that Ashley is finding this glorious joy, these miracles in your little, and I’m not? I’m impatient. So these are key words we want to start down. Right? So I’m impatient. I’m frustrated with my kids. I’m unhappy, unfulfilled. I am a stay at home mom want to be, at work and I don’t want to do that.
I want that’s maybe what the resentful resentful is like a big word for her. Was that full impatient? Unhealthy unenergetic, scattered.energetic.
Unenergetic yes.
Frustrated, stuck, messy, probably unorganized snapping at the kids, anxious, depressed, sick of her job. Toxic job. Nowhere to turn. Overwhelmed. You know, I think of this mom who she wants to love motherhood, but she’s not been given the chance because she didn’t, she doesn’t know that she’s the roadblock.
She’s the roadblock. She goes to the job. She’s, she’s angry about that. She then comes home tired. The kids are on, on, you know, level nine because she hasn’t been home all day and they’re excited, but she’s tired. There’s nothing left in the cup. If I could just work from home, if I could just get out of this job, if I could love motherhood, she’s not planning tomorrow cause she’s too tired.
How do we solve these problems for her? Right. And I think what you have discovered, and yes, you’re still in it. I get that. But you’ve discovered that you can still find peace, beauty and joy in the journey to becoming a stay at home mom. And that’s your goal.
But I think that the beauty of this could be something like this concept of the stay at home mom wanna be, how can we embody the things that stay at home moms, do that create more, slow, more peace, more joy. How can we do that as working moms, as we, as we goal towards becoming stay at home moms.
So I really wouldn’t be pushing her to find her way to stay at home, more of how to find the joy until she gets there.
Yeah. Now I do think different experts on where this person is a stay at home mom or this person works from home. Cause a lot of times this mom may have to have an income. Well then let’s, let’s just have discovery calls with different women who have done different, cool things like this one’s a freelancer. How does that work? And you can affiliate for that program.
Right? Let’s see. What else? Oh, this mom, she created an Etsy store, right? Like you could have her on the next month. You could spotlight different ways for this mom to become a stay at home mom each month. And in-between there’s you as the expert, the joy in between finding the journey.
I think so when I was thinking about podcasts before this morning, I was like, I’m not doing a podcast, but I was just listening to you all morning so I could be prepared for our talk. And I was like, okay I might be sold on podcast. But I think that my thing would be like, I feel like I would need to have someone on every time. I think I would have a hard time just talking, just me. Like, I feel like I,
No, you don’t. You do not. Anything else think about all the things you do. Okay. So like for example, we could have, um, finding joy as a work out of the home mama. That’s an episode. And what you can talk about is mom, guilt of not working from home mom, guilt of leaving my son behind.
Two things I do that set me up for success tomorrow, make your bed, do the dishes, right? Two books I’ve read to inspire me to start something new. The fear of leaving the job. Like there’s all how I set boundaries with my prior boss. These are all little mini episodes, Ashley, that you can speak.
It doesn’t have to be an hour. I’m sitting here thinking I have to talk for an hour?
She’s a busy mom with a job. She doesn’t want to listen to you for an hour. Yeah. It’s like, give me a tip. Give me a tip, Ashley. Help me. Help assist her. And maybe you have an inspirational day where you’re just pouring, pouring that belief into her. That even though she’s overwhelmed and tired and frustrated, you’re on this journey of exploring your faith in a deeper way. Take her with you.
Be like today, I read this scripture and this is how it made me feel. And I just wanted to share it with you guys. And hopefully that inspires something inside of you. I think you need to do solos. I don’t care if you do every other, you could do. You, guest, you guest. The guest episodes do take a lot more time and they are more work. And I think you do have so much more than you think, you know, inside of you to share. Is this right before we keep going?
Yeah, I’m liking it. I didn’t expect that. I’m not going to lie.
What did you expect? Do bookkeeping? No, sister.
I was like she’s not gonna know. I don’t know. How is she gonna know? We both prayed.
God is at work. I tell you what, God is always at work in these calls. And he just knows you more than you know yourself. And the thing is, He gave you the words. All I do is decode. God gave you the words to tell me. And I just decode. I’m like, got it!
I love that. I needed you.
Here’s the vision, Ashley, okay. We create this brand. What do I want you to do with it? I want you to start a podcast. And then if you want to take that podcast and repurpose it into a blog every week, that’s fine. But I kind of want you to just do this on the side because obviously you’re working. You have a little one. I do not want this to be any kind of stressful for you.
And remember she’s a busy working mom. It’s not about the perfectionism of it. It’s about doing it. You could record from your phone. Literally you could have no intro. Podcasting is not about the production, which people think. It’s just about the content. It’s just another way to do content. Okay? So there’s all of that. Now. What is the vision of this big picture? I don’t know yet.
I think you can start with affiliate marketing to make money because this mom wants to work from home. She wants to stay at home or work from home. So when I think about that, I think you should pick a few people that you and I can definitely set you up with all these people that you’re going to be marketing this concept of this is how you could stay home, right? Freelancer, of course there’s freelance courses and you make whatever 40% of every sale of that course, freelancer.
You could be a podcaster and grow a coaching business. You can be an affiliate for me. I’m an Etsy shop or an Amazon store. I have someone for you there. What else could she do? Right. So maybe I think for now you can start with affiliate marketing to make money from your podcast.
Then over time, maybe 90 days to six months, you’ll start hearing from these moms. What do they want? And at that point maybe we create something that’s just yours. Like your own course. You do a motherhood mindset course or something. And you have your own product down the road.
Right? Yeah. I love the idea of getting to a point of doing calls, Coaching calls.
Yeah. I would love to end up there.
And you will motherhood mindset coaching. So good.
I like that!
Okay, good, good, good. So there is a vision here. It’s not just start a podcast and good luck. Like you can make money and you can make money right away. Good.
I mean, for the affiliate marketing, I feel like they’re like looking like, do you have a hundred thousand followers?
No, no, just do it. They don’t care because it’s free for them. Like if someone wants to affiliate for me, I never say no. They could sell one thing. Well, it’s one thing I wouldn’t have had without them. You’ll never get to know if you want to be an affiliate for someone. If they have a program set up, they’re like sure.
Of course. You know? So let’s do the pillars. What are you going to talk about? What are going to be the pillars of this brand slash podcast? And obviously the first pillar is motherhood. The second pillar, I think has to be mindset. Don’t you?
Yeah. I love that.
The third pillar I think, should be work, work from home strategies. And this is the bucket where you’re getting guests. And I would just do, I mean, I would do one a month. I would do you do an episode once a week? It to start because you are busy. That’s like 10 minutes, 15 minutes. And then once a month have a guest on that has a work from home strategy for these mamas.
And I’ll be your first guest if you want.
That would be perfect.
And then how about that, that concept of systems, routines and habits. That’s all one bucket. Okay. Cause it’s your system routine habit bucket. And that one is in order for her to have more joy. She’s got to get it together, right?
Got to. You have to do those dishes.
Do the dishes. That’s what you can say, do the dishes, Dolores. Oh gosh, perfect. So we’ve got motherhood mindset, work from home strategies, systems, routines, habits is one bucket. So whatever you want to like, you know, it’s all the same concept. And then the final bucket I think should be faith and inspiration because she needs that fuel, that soul fuel to keep being a patient happy mom, you know, it’s not just natural to people.
Would the mindset kind of like include just choosing to be healthier, but not being crazy about it. Like finding your balance type thing?
Mindset to me means how does she go from a dark headspace, like waking up every day, annoyed. She wakes up every day already on edge. She looks at the kid and just, instead of seeing the beautiful miracle that the child is, she sees, he needs something. Like perspective needs to change. How can you get her there? Can she journal? Can she like, what strategies do we have to get her perspective to shift?
Got it. Perfect.
So we’ve got our pillars. Okay. So let’s back up one more now and let’s look at some name ideas for this brand. So fun! Tell me.
I noticed that you always do the names and I totally get it like that has to do with it so that people can find you easy, but I’ve had this name, Salt of the Earth. And in my mind, I don’t know. It just feels wholesome and good. I don’t know, but let’s I know you have some ideas written over there.
But the earth is so good. The problem with that is because that’s such a thing that people already say, it’s not available because that would obviously be phenomenal.
I would be surprised.
I would be shocked. It’s taken. Yeah. I figured. And now we could keep going on that and do something like Salt of the Earth Motherhood. The other thing with salt of the earth is we could use that in. That could be like part of all the messaging. So one thing that would have the most crazy SEO in the world, but you may absolutely hate it would be Work at Home Mom Wannabe.
Every human would listen to that, but it’s very, I know it’s not very floaty and feely, but,
But you’re right…
Work at Home Mom Wannabe. She’s like what? Yes, yes, please. I just want to be a work at home. Mom. I just want to be a stay at home mom so bad. That’s literally the number one pain point she has right now. If we don’t do that, we are for sure using work at home mom in the, something in the, in the tagline or like for work at home, mom wannabes, you know, we can add that anywhere.
So the other ones, like I put, I think I really loved the idea of having mom or motherhood in the title. So joyful motherhood, becoming motherhood, loving motherhood, and then we can keep building it. I would love if we could have like a play on words, like instead of joyful, joy-fueled mom that may be already taken.
Oh yeah. That’s cute.
Joy fueled motherhood was that one taken. Joy-fueled motherhood is available joint.
And I do like the becoming motherhood or loving motherhood.
Okay. Let’s see if any of those available. Cause they’re so simple and clear. Okay, joyful motherhood is taken, becoming motherhood is taken. Loving motherhood is available for only $8,000. No biggy. Let me see. What is the verse with salt of the earth?
Maybe there’s a play on words. Okay. Matthew 5:13. You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored, restored. There’s a word. And it’s no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.
Restored motherhood, restored mama. Restored mama?
Yeah. Restored Motherhood, Restored Motherhood is available. And then you can say like, you are restored as moms, you are restored in Christ. You are restored as the salt… Like restored has so many cool plays that you can. And you can say this podcast is founded on Matthew 5:13. You are the salt of the earth, moms little world changers. You’re restored.
Yeah. And I love it more than all the other ones we came up with before. I’m glad you looked that up.
And you know what else is so beautiful here? She feels broken and feels broken because she’s feels like she’s failing in motherhood. She doesn’t want to be in the toxic job. She’s like lost. And you’re telling her, no, you’re not lost. You’re restored in your motherhood. Ah, it’s beautiful. I’m so here for it, restored motherhood. We have a winner.
Now, how can we, let’s now create the tagline. Now this is so catchy and so beautiful. But what is it? And what does that mean? And who is it for? It’s elusive, which is fine. We’re going to add a tagline. That’s very SEO, sticky. Like if we were going with the stay-at-home mom wannabe, then we could be feely with the tagline, but this one’s vice versa.
So restored motherhood, restoring joy in motherhood and exploring…
I want to say something about work from home mom.
Okay. Let me just, if I was just to be really blatant and then we’ll try to make it sound really good. It would be something like work from home strategies, joyful motherhood and simple systems for stay at home mom wannabes. You hate that part.
I know. That’s what they want.
I feel like I don’t like it, but I feel like it’s necessary.
As a title at the least like an episode.
Yeah. Yes. For sure
We could have it be one of your first three episodes. It’s like calling all stay at home and work from home mamas. That’s totally searchable. And it’s you kind of making a joke out of this. Like that’s what you are. That’s where you’re at. And that’s why you’ve created this venue for them. Maybe we should do that. It’s just have it be an episode top one of your first three.
I do like that.
Joyful Motherhood. Creating joy in motherhood, simple systems and work from home strategies. I’m struggling with the simple systems. Cause she’s like, what does that mean? What kind of systems?
Healthy habits?
Yeah, because healthy habits can be the food. It can be healthy habits of doing the dishes at night. Like it doesn’t have to be related to be a healthy habit. Yes. Good. Okay. So let’s come up with your keywords that you’ll put after your name. Obviously SAHM/ WAHM. Right? Those are, she’s looking for that. Passive income, organization hacks, maybe productivity, mom. What word with moms. We also really want to attract that mom.
New moms?
Yes. New mom. Parenting. I really would be searching for how to work from home. Right. That’s really what I would be looking at. Work at home. Mom, stay at home. Mom, let’s put work from home, like spell that one out. Work from home. Freelancing, online, what’s the word, service provider. Cause she’s looking up how to become right. How to become a freelancer service provider. How to work from home.
I feel like something, I was searching a lot was coaching, coaching like, Oh, I don’t know. Coaching with all sorts of different things.
Let’s put that. Let’s put, start, start coaching. How to coach coaching business. And as many as you can fit, you just put those puppies in there. So now that’s all what’s going to drive traffic to your show organically. Right? Someone types in work from home, I want to see your show in that first page. And then she sees, Oh, Restored Motherhood, creating joy and mother had healthy habits and work from home strategies? Yes.
Yes please. All of the above.
Great. Okay. So now we’ve got title tagline keywords. We have your categories. Let’s do a description. I’ll riff you a description and then we’ll come up with your first five episodes. Okay. Sounds good.
Yes. You’re doing this. I love that this, I’m not starting a podcast.
That was going to be the first thing I told you. I don’t want to do a podcast.
Now. You’re like, okay, I’m going to order my mic today. It’s totally fine.
Yeah. I think it took like one episode and I was like, I can do that. I can totally do it.
Okay. And this will be too fast for you to write. So you’ll have to like listen to me and pause on the replay. Okay. Welcome mama. You feel a tug on your heart to get out of the toxic job so that you can be the mom you know you were called to be. You’re frustrated and sick of waking up early, feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. When you finally get to see those precious babies at the end of the night.
You know, there’s more to life than clocking in. You wish you could figure out how to just be present in your every day and love the journey. How to find more joy in motherhood, how to be the mom in your heart you know, you could be. Welcome to Restored Motherhood. I want you to tap into the joy, not just when those things happen in your life, but now, as you walk the journey to either staying at home or working from home. I know you can.
And I know that you right now, wherever you sit, mama, you’re already the salt of the earth. It’s been declared over your life and you are now raising world changers. So let’s pour into them. All of the incredible positivity and patience, love, and joy that we can. It starts here, starts now. It starts with you with where you’re at. If you’re ready to transform your mindset from frustrated and overwhelmed and stuck to full of God’s joy, you’re in the right place.
In this show, you will find how to create more happiness inside of your every day, healthy habits, how to set up routines and systems that are going to work for you, creating more time and space and finally, work from home strategies that you could implement to make these dreams a reality in your life. I can’t wait to walk this journey with you. I’m here for it. I’m excited for you. Let’s become restored, mamas.
That is, I’m going to cry. That’s perfect. So perfect. And the name got clarified. I love the name and I’m glad we got salt of the earth in there.
And that’s really clear that it’s going to help you attract that mom who’s maybe where you were like in the $5 fill up. She’s like open to faith, but she doesn’t really, she’s not leaning on it. I think that’s going to help her in this journey, right?
When you’re, when you’re closer to God, you’re closer to all of the godly qualities of being patient and kind and joyful. She needs that so desperately. She also needs to trust that, you know, God can help her create this different mindset, this different perspective. So, Oh, I’m so excited for you.
Yeah, that’s really good. Okay.
Let’s create some titles or I mean some episodes. Okay. How about the first one should just be Mom, You Are the Salt of the Earth and You’re Welcome Here. And I think in that first episode, what is this podcast? Why did you create it? Tell them your favorite verse and what it’s founded on, why it matters to you. And then I want you to be really brutally honest with her.
You’re not, you haven’t left your job yet. You have, you are on this walk with her and that’s why you’re doing this because you’re going to bring on other experts to help all of you. It’s like, you’re their best friend because you’re in their shoes. You know, you didn’t create this from a place of authority. You created this from a place of vulnerability. She’s going to love you for that. And you should tell them. You should be like, I feel totally unqualified to be on this microphone.
I’m nervous right now. I don’t, this is so uncomfortable for me, but I’ve been called to be this voice and to walk this journey with you. And so I’m doing it because if, if I can speak up and show you guys the way I find joy in my everyday and just make that journey a little bit happier for you, I’m here for, okay. So then I think the second one that you should do is we should walk them through the pillars. Let’s do that.
So let’s say three pillars of restored motherhood. And then what is restored motherhood all in the same title. So three pillars of restorative motherhood–what is restorative motherhood? Then you’re just going to walk them through your actually we have five, sorry, five pillars, and you’ll just walk them through. So you’re just kind of explaining what the five pillars are and just like a minute on each one, letting them know this is what they’re going to be learning here.
And maybe you have one tip for each of the pillars that you can give them in that second episode. Why they are really here. Right? You want to work from home. So let’s do the third one is calling all work from home and stay at home mom wannabes. That’s going to be, I know that’s gonna be one of your top downloaded episodes. So do do you want me to do that episode with you?
And talk to them about, maybe I can lay the foundation of this, like after we get clarity on which thing could be right for you and then talk about what I see as the most viable options. Like maybe I can do top five things you can do to work from home and then.
Yes, I think that would be a perfect one and then I’ll be ready for a one with someone else and then to be by myself. And yeah, you are the girl for that one.
Okay. Calling all work from home moms and stay at home mom wannabes– five ways to make money from home. That’s going to be juicy and I’ll put with Stef Gass. Okay. You’re next month, next month let’s do, um, how to start a freelancing business and your guest is going to be Aubree Malick.
And then how to start an Amazon store or Etsy shop. And your guest is going to be Juliana Barbati. These are all my clients. So I’ll just set up a group text and tell them. They will say yes. And then let me think, how else do they work from home?
I see a lot of like virtual assistant type things, which is essentially what I do now.
So how to start a freelancing business or become a virtual assistant. That’s the same, that’s the same thing. But let’s say both in case she is looking up virtual assistant. Okay. We’ll keep thinking anyway, that’s your next three months of guests. Because if you just do one a week, one a month of guests, I’ll keep thinking on that.
Okay. Let’s come up with the next to that are you. So how about two simple, easy routines that will change your life? I mean, and it’s so funny and you’re just going to joke about it and be like, these are not novel. You guys, these are so simple, but I get, I’ve had so much feedback that they’re transformational and you can tell them about you’re doing dishes and how do you make that work.
Go deep. It’s not just do the dishes at night. Like how did you make a priority? How did you start that? Like, why do you, why do you do it? How do you do it? How do you make time to do it? Do you have any hacks about making that faster? Like make it into a whole thing. Next one. So those are some easy routines.
How about the secret to being a patient mama? We also need one on mom guilt, battling mom guilt. How to deal because she feels guilty. Right? Leaving her kid feels guilty. She’s tired at night, feels bad about her like endless wheel. So the secret to me.
Yeah, for sure.
And you know, you, we all felt that. And especially, I can’t imagine like the moms that are working and these moms who are working, aren’t like working out of the house. Cause there are those moms and that’s great. This mom does not want to do that anymore. Because I love it cause that’s a micro niche for you. Okay. So the secret to being a patient mama, what can we say in here? What do you think the secret is?
I think a huge one is taking the time to understand that your little is going through and learning so much. Like, it really is hard on them. Just like we go through hard things as adults. Like that’s, what’s hard for them at that stage in their life. I think that knowing that helps you to be more patient.
That’s so good. I wrote that down for you.
Thank you.
You’ll get all these notes that I’ve been writing down. So battling mom, guilt on that one. Do you have anything that you do there? I think for obviously for me, I don’t know if you’ve heard my mom guilt episode, but I talk about you have to inventory your guilt. Is it real or is it self-perceived? Cause sometimes it’s real. If I’m on my phone too much, I feel bad.
It’s God telling me to stop and put the phone away. That needs to change. And then there’s the mom guilt. That’s not real well, you have to have a job and make money. The kid’s having a blast at daycare like it’s the self you can’t self-induce. So maybe inventorying the guilt, riding it out, seeing what needs to change and what does it need to change. Then actively asking yourself daily how the things that need to change can be changed.
Yeah. That’s good. Mom guilt is something that I never felt good at.
Tell them that. Tell them that. I feel like I’m still struggling with, but here’s what I’ve come up with so far. Here’s what I’ve researched. Like you don’t have to be, you don’t have to have done these things to speak about it. You know, or if there’s somebody that flows through that, you’re like, that’d be a great guest on this topic. Then you can bring another guest in to talk about it or to even just converse with you.
Okay. We literally have title tagline, pillars, description episodes. A way for you to monetize guests for your show all in an hour. I’m so excited.
I love it. I love everything.
I can’t. This is going to be so good. I’m excited. Let me say a quick prayer for you and then I’ll let you go. Okay. I lift up Ashley. Now I pray over this new mission that you have gifted her. I pray that you give her courage and motivation and excitement and dedication to seeing this project through.
I pray that you bring her all the mamas that desperately need her to help fuel their life with simple tweaks to create more joyful living and to be the salt of the earth. I pray that you just move her feet. Be part of her spirit as she does this work. We trust you. We love you. We’re grateful for this time today in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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