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Do you want a top ranking podcast?
Join me and 5 of my amazing Podcast to Profit graduates as we dig into the WINS from my 90-day full-immersion coaching program. The ladies share how God worked in them and in their businesses, their biggest wins / breakthroughs so far, and funniest moments (get ready to laugh, these are gold).
They share HOW this program was drastically different from other courses and programs they have done in the past, and the POWER of accountability.
We go into how over half of the P2P grads hit the top charts in under 90 days.
How they all have an offer, program, or coaching service they are launching +++ other amazing tactical wins!
If YOU have a podcast (or want one), do yourself a favor and listen to this candid, honest conversation about what it takes to go ALL-IN. To take your show next level and do the WORK that will result in the breakthrough.
Making sure your voice is heard and your platform is seen, isn’t easy — but it is SIMPLE. I can get you there. Walk with me, Lola.
Partner with me and other God-led women to transform your podcast into a profit-driving powerhouse!
Podcast to Profit is NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATION.
It’s your time. It’s your year. All the yes.
Hey ladies. I am so excited today. I am sitting with five of my beautiful, amazing podcast to profit graduates. Even though it’s super early up here on a Wednesday morning, we all have our coffee and some of us are hiding in closets. You know, this is our life right. Busy moms, but they’re doing it.
And I brought them on here today because I want to talk to you guys a little bit about the reality of what it looks like to go through that crazy mental battle of, should I do this thing? Like, should I really truly invest in something that costs thousands of dollars and not be a hundred percent sure of what I’m going to walk away with? And I think it takes so much bravery to invest in yourself.
It takes so much heart to push yourself through those limiting beliefs or those fears that you’re facing. But I want you guys to hear from my girls, what happened for them? What was that like? And ultimately, what did they walk away from?
They just graduated and we’ve just reopened Podcast to Profit for the first class of 2021. And if you’re on the fence about it, this is the conversation for you. Take a listen, just see what God does in your heart. And you’ll know by the end of this call, if it’s for you.
Hi Tricia. Hey, tell everybody what your podcast is.
My podcast is called whole health empowerment project podcast. Who is it for? It’s for busy mamas who are striving to achieve whole health balance. Yeah,
That’s amazing. So you guys check for show out. Tricia, tell me a little bit about why you wanted to do Podcast to Profit. Why were you looking into the program?
I was looking into the program because I had a podcast and I had a dream of making the podcast more of a reality. And first I think the, the thought was that I needed help to monetize what I was talking about. And then also, I just didn’t really have the structure of creating a podcast weekly. I felt like I was really struggling with it. So I initially about it as a way to provide support. And I knew that you could do that.
Yeah. Was there ever a moment in your mind where you’re like, I don’t think I’m going to do it, like what, what happened when you were thinking of the investment to get into Podcast to Profit or looked into like, Oh, okay. This is like all in real, like I’m in, or did you really think, did you, did you go back and forth with that?
Oh, sure. Yeah. I mean, look, I’m a single mom. I work full time. So those two factors, finances. And if I would have the time to do it were really big factors. I thought about it a lot. I prayed about it and, but it was, it wasn’t like, you know, I had a lot of time to think about it. I was just kind of like trying to figure out if it was something that I could fit in my life at this particular time.
But I knew that I was because I had originally really wanted to be in the first group that you had run. And I was so bummed that I missed that, but I wasn’t quite ready yet. And then, so I, you know, I would have been waiting for you to announce that you were opening again, but even though I knew that it was something that I wanted to do. Sure. I was a little hesitant. Yeah.
Sorry. Glad he did it.
Oh yeah, of course. I love it. I’m so happy that I’ve done it. And I feel, I mean, I just feel like, can I talk about all the benefits that I feel about it? Yeah. I mean, so I think for me, it has given me a framework of what I need to do to be where I want to be. So I think previously I kind of like had it in my mind of war. I think we all, all of us ladies, we all kind of know what we want.
Right. And what our dream is, but I didn’t really know the action steps to take me there. And honestly, I didn’t really know how feasible it was and I didn’t really have the hope that I could achieve it. And the program really gave me that. I mean, I could cry about just how hopeful I am that I can actually do what I want to do and I can achieve my goals.
That’s amazing. What do you think your biggest takeaway was? Or your biggest breakthrough?
Oh my gosh. There were so many, I think a big one was I didn’t realize how, how much Pinterest was such a big, I didn’t know that I could really even use it the way that I need to be using it. So I think there was a lot of breakthroughs, but that was something that I was really surprised by.
Yeah. That’s awesome. I’m so proud of you. And I know you’re going to continue to push forward. I mean, you’re walking out of this program, not only having streamlined your podcast, you know, the SEO and all the little components we’ve titled your episodes like crazy, but we have the foundations of your course that you’re launching your first program, your first live program in just a few short weeks.
Right. Trisha, how does that make you feel to know that in 90 days we went from, I don’t know if my podcast is really working for me to not only is it working for you and growing for you, but you have a program you’re about to launch into the world.
Oh, I’m so happy. I mean, I, I think that in my mind I thought, Oh, I could just figure it out on my own, but to know that it’s just about ready. All I have to do is hit publish. There’s just a few things that I need to tweak and it’s ready.
I don’t know that I would ever been able to do that on my own. I wouldn’t have, I would have just dragged my feet and it would’ve just taken a little bit more time. And so now that at the end of the 90 days, this is the result. It’s amazing. And I’m forever grateful for that. Totally worth the investment.
Amazing. Well, thanks for sharing Trisha. And we’re so excited to see your program coming into the world in January. You’re welcome. You guys go check out her podcast and check out her program as well. So we’re going to move to Ryan Chanel. Ryan, tell us a little bit about your podcast. What’s it called? Who’s it for?
It’s F I it’s actually Ryan channel. So I just wanted to say
I always patient now, because I know.
Oh, fancy. So I’m like, but I figured out
So that I can stop saying Chanel.
Okay. Sorry. Can I, can you ask me the question?
Oh yeah. What is your podcast called? And who’s it for
My podcast is called wellness and the word and it’s for women. I empower people. I empower women to create ultimate mental and physical wellness. I’m really passionate specifically about helping them seek and know God and grow a deeper relationship with him, their own intimate relationship.
I love that so much. I like that kind of like what I do, where I partner business, but, and by ministry, you partner wellness with your ministry. So that’s really fun. Tell me a little bit about what brought you to Podcast to Profit. What were you going through? What were the struggles you were facing and why were you like, you know what, this is for me?
Well, I had done your business builder bootcamp earlier in the year. So that’s when I got connected with you and I was going to launch a podcast, but I was kind of dragging my feet with it. And when you first launched P2P, the first time I hadn’t started my podcast, so I almost like scrambled and put together a podcast just so I could do P2P.
Cause I really wanted to, but it would have been, it wouldn’t have been the same. So when you came out with P2P the second time, I was like, no, didn’t even think about it. I was just definitely gonna join. Amazing. Was there any,
You had already decided like I’m, we’re just waiting for the announcement that it’s open again?
Yep. I was literally like, send me the form. I need to sign up right, right now.
I definitely thought about the investment, but I have tried so many coaching programs in the past and some, I got a lot out of some, I didn’t, I really, I trusted you at that point because I had worked with you before. And I just knew that I think it was really the God piece for me, knowing that God was leading your business, that now the step for me was letting God lead mine.
So that is what really struck me. And I just trusted you in that way. And luckily, when you opened P2P, the second time I had just launched my podcast, I was like a month in. So it was perfect timing. It was just what I needed.
Yeah. That was perfect timing. You just had that fat little foundation weren’t like super green, like still figuring out this microphone. So yeah, I think that it was perfect. God’s timing is always right. You know? Yes. Totally. Talk to me about how you saw God work through you or your business through this program.
Oh my gosh. Honestly, I think more than I expected and I don’t even think I really knew fully until we did our graduation call and I like bawled my eyes out, just talking about it and reflecting back. I think that reflection piece is incredible because I really got to look back at my whole journey and see how he worked through me and just change so many things like the competence that I have now, where before I was really unsure of myself and scared to put my message out there in the world, because it’s like, who am I?
Who’s going to listen to me? And now there’s a lot of people listening and getting a lot out of it. So that’s really nice. But I think the, the worthiness, which I mean, who would have thought that was going to come out of a podcast mastermind, but that time that I spent connecting with God, knowing that I’m walking in the right path and just the confidence and the sisterhood that I gained the community, I actually wrote down like four things.
And of course it’s alliteration because I love alliteration community, consistent, consistency, confidence, and content. That’s kind of like the four things that I felt like I got out of the program.
So good. So amazing. And I think it’s interesting because we heard so many other women say this worthiness piece or this confidence piece of like, when they joined sure they had the podcast or they had the thing, but it was like so much, they were so in their head, like it had to be perfect.
Who am I is what I’m saying, hitting anybody. Does it matter? Who am I to charge for this thing? And interestingly, like, I don’t think of myself as a mindset coach at all, but I do think of myself as a good steward of what God wants us to work on. And that is obviously something that he really just enforced inside a podcast to profit is that you guys are all worthy each and every one of you with an amazing, beautiful, unique gift that you bring to the table in your own way and allowing it to just be messy,
I think was a big breakthrough for you guys. Like, Oh, I don’t need to edit for 17 hours. Oh, I can just show up this way. Well, people do like my stuff. And then you got that confirmation as your podcasts started to grow and some of you rank and all of those things. So I love that. Share with me the funniest or most memorable moment that you, you had.
Oh my gosh, there was so many, I think one of them was when we’re practicing, pitching on, we have, our pods are broken up. We’re broken up in pods, in podcast to profit, which is, I think the best idea. And once one week, cause we w we all met weekly in our pods and one week we were practicing our pitching, which is incredible because we all gave each other really good feedback. But of course I went and Tiffany was like, do it again.
And I was like, you’re joking. Like, I really was like, thought she was messing with me, but she was like, do it again. So that was hilarious because I was sh I was the only one she didn’t do. And I think she, she liked to mess with me a little bit, but also it was really good because I got to practice my pitch again. And I feel really good about my pitch now. So that was hilarious. And then just, also, always on the calls stuff, you’re, you’re hilarious saying, saying the crazy stuff.
They, my crazy stuff that I say, you know, thank you, girlfriend, keep shining, keep showing up in your beautiful life that you are sharing your heart with the women who need you the most. I’m proud of you. Thank you so much. All right. We’re going to move to Dreya AKA Andrea Lopez, but she’s the Draya to all of us.
And also she’s our baby of the group. She’s like all of our child, even though she’s only like 10 years younger than us, but you guys are gonna see she’s, she’s just so, so special for being the age that she is. And I just hope my children can be like, you Dre it in their twenties. Tell us what your podcast is on, who it’s for. Thank you for that nice intro.
My podcast is called the journey of pursuit and it’s for creative young entrepreneurs.
Awesome. Talk to me a little bit about why you decided to do podcasts for profit. What was going on for you that wasn’t working that brought you to, you know, what I want to do this?
Well, I had taken PPU and I had seen it on your Instagram. You were doing like an a hundred dollars off that week. And it was kind of like, I, I caught it the last day. And you had just gone your stories saying, like, if you miss this, like, I won’t be doing this again for a while. And I hadn’t been having the thought of starting my podcast. I was really afraid and I took that as a sign. So I bought your PPU and kind of took that jump.
And then when I ended PPU I felt so prepared for a podcast. And I remember just feeling so shocked at how much I had learned in I binged your, your course, like, I just like sat down for a whole week and just watch the entire thing from start to finish. Created a podcast, told myself that if I felt really good at the end of the PPU, then that I had something there with the idea that I had been kind of holding in my head.
And then after PPU I had been obviously following you more and more, because I wanted to learn even more about podcasting. And you had said that you were going to start P2P. And I was kind of like, okay, well, I obviously learned a lot in PPU, so I can’t even imagine how much I’m going to learn in P2P.
So I sat down, I looked at if I could afford it and I was like, okay, it’s an investment for sure. Cause you know, I live in LA I’m 26. I, I like paycheck to paycheck. I’m a singer songwriter. And so I was like, I have to really trust myself and invest in this. And I did, I just did it. I was so afraid after I paid, I was like, Oh, okay, here I go. Like, I was like that. I just know I was like, if I throw up it’s I’m sorry. Like to my roommate, I was like, I’m so sorry. Oh my gosh. You know what though? I want to highlight something on for those of you that are like, what are all these peas?
PPU is Podcast Pro University. P2P is Podcast to Profit. This mastermind program that we’re talking about. So can you guys highlight just for a second, I want the listeners to hear something. I shared that I had a promotion going on, right? For a hundred dollars off. I shared it on Instagram. I shared it on the podcast. People buy in. Why? Because it’s urgency. You heard Dre FSA.
It had already been on my heart for a while, but she was waiting for the reason to do it. So this is a beautiful visual of how marketing and sales works. Now. I didn’t have anybody in my mind when I said, I’m going to do this thing, I’m going to do a hundred bucks off. I just knew there’s people like Dre going. Hmm,
I should. I don’t know. But look,
And now here’s the next part. Here’s the next part. That’s super cool. When somebody comes in and they spend a dollar with you, what will they do? They will spend thousands of dollars with you quite literally, especially if they see that you have value to offer and they get a result. So Dre got a result. She loved the course. She had a podcast in the world and she went what’s next. So I just wanted to visual. I wanted to paint that picture for everybody listening.
Every single thing that I teach about organic marketing, it works. And you just saw a live example of that. And that will not be the last time Dre works with me either. I can pretty much guarantee that. Okay. So had talked to us about how God worked in your, through you in this program.
I think it was the whole idea of kind of branching out, like letting myself really trust the process, trust the fact that I had just taken this huge leap and kind of let go of the expectation I had of like what I wanted. I just kind of was going week by week with all of you ladies. And I was kind of just telling myself, whatever I can learn this week will be what I need to learn this week.
And it was the best thing I think I could have done in the best way that I felt him through me because it was kind of something that just was natural, you know? And I guess it gave me confidence. It gave me, it gave me the strength to put out an episode every single week and not care too much about, I guess like the perfection of it and being a little more lenient on myself and trusting the fact that everything I’m saying is coming from the heart.
So that will speak to whoever it needs to speak to. I think was probably the biggest part of that with the P2P.
So a lot of trust and confidence, I think don’t you think a lot of that comes from like having the people, doing it with you saying, well, if they’re doing it and they’re not being perfectionist and they’re not over editing or they’re not, I guess I can do that too.
Yeah. I mean pod yellow, which I’m sorry, ponytail pod blue. I was in pod blue pod blue was the best because they were always the ones reassuring me. Like, no, you can do it. You’re a song singer songwriter. Like you can, you can put yourself out there, you can pry something like this or do something like this.
And if it weren’t for them, I think I would have still had that doubt. You know, I would have still been like, can I, should I also, because when I started the podcast, I had doubt already because I’m, I am known as a singer songwriter for many people in my industry or my community.
And I had been afraid of taking that jump of doing something completely different from my career to doing podcasting. And these ladies were like, why not just do it? And even though I had kind of told myself, why not?
They were the ones that were beside me the whole way through and just kind of being like, how did it go? What did you do? And we kept each other accountable, which was the best part because I’ve taken courses before. And I felt like there was something missing in most of them, you know, like the accountability that we had so prominent in P2P and also just the honesty in P2P was the best.
Like there were, I don’t think there was a time where I felt like there was something missing. Like I wasn’t getting all the information. I really did feel like you gave it, your all Stef was like the best teacher. And also just like, my pod was also very honest. Like, I don’t think you should do that, but maybe try this.
You don’t get that in many places, especially in places where you pay a lot. And you’re very afraid of the amount you paid and you almost doubt that payment, the second you make it. But I felt so reassured throughout the course. So it was so worth it for me. Thank you, Stef.
Oh, you’re so welcome. We’ll keep shining. Keep showing up. Keep knocking out those number one hits for Gloria. [inaudible] that fancy. She had a song for Gloria to have on I’m sorry. I’m kind of like where’s my autograph. I know a young millennial who was looking into like creative entrepreneurship Jarius for you.
Go check her out. Thanks. Okay. We’re going to go to Emily Kaufman. Hey love. Hi Emily. Emily’s our other baby, right? Emily. She’s funny is also, and I just love you guys. You guys are so cute. Talk to us about what your podcast is and who it’s for.
Yeah. So my podcast is called girls gone healthy and it’s for a woman in their twenties and thirties who want to take control of their health and fitness in order to show up confidently in all areas of their life.
Look at her. Y’all think she’d been practicing that pitch. She knows what her show is. The one that named it too. I’ll just see your channel art. It’s really cute. So Emily, I think, I think we worked together for a while now, but talk to everyone about what brought you to podcast to profit? What was it not working or what was that thing that you were like, you know what, I’m going to do this program.
Yeah. So I’d already been working with you through podcasts pro university. And so I launched this podcast that I felt really good and like I had a solid foundation, but then as I was trying to grow it, you know, I was trying to search all these ways and I just was given different answers.
And so, you know, I was trying to show up on all of the social media is I was trying to do all these things. And I was like, which of these will actually lead me to making money because I am a new entrepreneur. Like I’ve never made money online. And so it was kind of scary for me to make that first step of selling something.
And then I saw the course that you had and you’re like, Oh, someone else just had $10,000 launch. And I was like, okay, Stef is clearly doing something that I have not learned yet. And so I needed to jump in.
Yeah, like you guys, the wins out of this program last round and y’all are going to have to update us when you do your launches. Because I know here we’re in December, nobody’s launching right now. So you’re going to launch in January. We want to hear like, what are those wins? We’ve had $33,000 launches, 10, 11, $2,000, like everything in between. And here’s the other thing.
Sometimes people don’t have the big audacious launch, but they now have the evergreen program while they’re building the super fan number. They’re selling a little bit every month and then a little bit more and then a little bit more that’s the win. Right. And Emily, you’re working on talk to us about that. Huge win for you. Where are we with your offering?
So before, like I was just creating these small offers, I’m like, Oh, maybe I can sell like a $12 ebook or, you know, like something like that. And then, you know, from working with you, it’s like, no, you want to create like one thing, like one big package actually will solve their problems that they’re coming to you for it.
Like you’re looking for one solution from you. So how can you solve that? And so now I’m creating this six week course that they can go through is going to be an evergreen course as you’re talking about. So I’m able to sell it as I’m scaling up. And this will kind of be like my big thing, which is very scary at the beginning. But now it’s like something so tangible that I got out of.
How do you think that course would have looked or come together without podcast to profit and you also have the private one-on-ones with me as well. What do you think that your PR what’s the, what would the difference have been, did it really add to the value of you creating that course?
Yeah. So I think that a lot of other people have already touched on confidence, but you really set the expectation of based on your numbers. This is what you can expect for like monetary wise course wise, all of that. And so just setting that up front, I’m like, okay, now, you know, if I only sell like two in a month, like that’s on track, you know, it’s not that I’m like doing something wrong.
But then also from working with you, I feel like it took a lot of the guesswork out of it, you know, instead of going back and forth of, Oh, should I start with this program? Because health is a very general subject. So I remember our first call. I was like, Stef, I don’t even know what to talk about in health. Like there’s every subject under it. And so to really narrow in and get clarity on what I’m speaking to them about was huge.
Yeah. And then also pinpointing for us, what was that one specific pain point that your 20 something year old college girl that was so huge because now you’re going to be able to market this course directly to her and get that result. And that’s something I want to highlight. Something that you said was I was able to give you guys a realistic expectation, right?
How much you can sell based on how many super fans you actually had. And here’s what I do not like about the coaching industry. You hear a lot of just take this thing and run some ads to a tiny offer and you’ll make $10,000 a month. And I’m like, I, so I’m calling BS on that period. I don’t know if I’m allowed to say BS on my own podcast, but there it was because that’s what it is.
Okay. It’s like, no, you’re not going to make 10 grand a month with a $12 ebook because you’re going to spend 10 grand a month on ads to do it. So I’m all about being realistic. And when you guys are in P2P, that’s one thing you’re going to get for me is I will never, ever, ever tell you something that is not full truth.
And a lot of times when we’re newer, when we’re, new-ish in the podcasting world and newish could be a year, I don’t know, we have to have realistic expectations of where we are. Right. And so I’m just glad that you brought that up. Last one, Emily, what was your funniest or most memorable moment.
Yeah. So we broke up into different pods for it. And so the pod that I was in, you know, we were meeting every week and on top of the homework that you were giving us stuff, I know that another girl in my pod was always like, you guys should check out this book to help you out. Oh, I was just listening to this amazing podcast. And so I just like kept coming up with her homework. I was like, Sherry, stop giving me more things to do.
And is also an entrepreneur coach where she was like, she couldn’t help herself. You know, she’s, that’s so much fun. I love that. And here’s the thing. Emily is such a good student. There’s no way you couldn’t not do it. You were like, okay, I’ll do the things for you, but Hey, look, I’m sure you learned and you’re better for it.
Yes. You’re welcome. Keep going, keep growing, keep helping all those 20 sentences that need you girl. Okay, let’s go to last but not least our beautiful Chloe, Chloe. Tell us what your podcast is. It’s Chloe McKenzie and who it’s for.
My podcast is called start right now and it helps ambitious creators go from aspiring to actualizing their potential that’s to lead, to launch and to grow both in their hustle and in their lives.
So good, amazing. Talk to me a little bit about why you took podcasts to prov. Had you worked with me before? I don’t think you had, but I want to hear. And then why you decided to take the leap
For sure. I was not listening for very long before. I knew that I was ready to invest with you. I was new to podcasting. I had only a couple of episodes under my belt. But I was listening to your message on a weekly basis. And having spent many years in the personal development industry, having invested thousands of dollars through the years on courses with gurus and teachers.
I just loved that you were so authentic in your ability to deliver value and to sell and to just show transformation that I knew that I wanted to work with you. So I’m right now on maternity leave. I am very conservative with how much I have free flowing to spend on opportunities like these. But this was a no brainer for me to make the next investment in helping my podcast to grow.
Yeah. That’s so fun. And I love that you used your maternity. This is how I, but I’m not surprised cause now that I know Chloe I’m like, she definitely would use this maternity time to, to grow and to just better yourself, like that’s just who you are. So thank you for choosing me. Yes, my girl. Yes. Yes.
So talk to me a little bit about, I want to hear what were your biggest breakthroughs or wins, like what happened for you in your business because of the program and because of your, and in your podcast as well?
Well, as somebody who’s speaking to folks who are aspiring, but are on the sidelines, that’s very much me. I’m speaking from a place of where I am in my own transformation. And having been through the years, acquiring all this knowledge and theory, but not actually taking action. I was ready to put my foot in the sand and to really show up in the way that I felt God was calling me to show up and wanted to take big action, to be able to get a big result in this process.
And learning from somebody who’s walking their talk and not just teaching stuff that they don’t actually do on the backend was super important. This accountability and just having a group of people that are supporting you on a consistent basis, gave me some of the courage and comfort that I needed to be able to practice showing up practice, getting messy and just learning how to refine my message so that it could be a super productive three months because you know, if you’re doing all this stuff in your head, you’re really not getting very far.
Yeah, exactly. What do you think was something that I taught you that you were like, Oh my gosh, that’s a tactical thing that like, I’m never going to forget, or that’s really, really amazing for me to implement into my podcast or business. Can you think of anything?
There’s a pressure to do so much. And I really like that. You’re very specific in having us focus and hone in on the things that are really gonna move the needle for our businesses and for our podcasts. Instead of being on all the platforms, doing all the things on social, selling all the products, it’s really about focusing on the podcast as the core and using that to repurpose in other ways on the places that is really going to be helpful and impactful for you.
Especially as a busy mom, doing less was really helpful. And something that really stuck with me was you said that the free things that you do in your business, the free value and content you, that you’re providing is perhaps the most important work that you’re going to be doing to help grow your business.
So thinking about how I pour myself into my podcast each week and how I provide value in a really authentic way was probably the biggest learning that the podcast is the engine that can move so many needles for you. If you’re willing to focus and go deep, deep on this one specific thing. Yeah.
I love that. I think I want to highlight what you said there on most often, what you’ll find in this space is do more, do more on these platforms, start doing the real start, doing the IGTs and have the YouTubes and have the tick talks cause that’s new and up and coming. And I’m like, well, first of all, to any of us as busy moms and Dre and Emily, you guys will be busy mom one day, just Mark our words. Okay.
Do we actually like spend hours on YouTube researching things? Do I ever go to a webinar in my entire life? No. Do I ever go to tick tock? I don’t even have that app. Do I? So I’m like, why are all these people telling us to do all these things? When we, ourselves, as consumers are not doing them, something’s wrong. And I love what you said, Chloe about.
She’s willing to do the things she’s telling us to do. And here’s one thing about me. I will never teach you guys to do something that I haven’t proven myself and that I’m not still doing myself. And if I change something up, I’m the first one to be like, Hey, let’s change this thing up because I found a better way.
So that’s why we spent so much time on the foundations of the show, right? Chloe like titling SEO, descriptions, auditing the words coming out of y’all’s mouth, making sure they’re sounding authentic and not over edited, giving you guys that encouragement to do more podcasting and less worrying about how it’s going to make you money.
And ultimately that’s what made your shows grow, right? Like did all of your shows grow? Raise your hands during pay-TV yeah. Everybody’s and I think we had, we had multiple people who ranked I’m trying to,
And I was top 35 in Canada for entrepreneurship and I was on the charts in the U S for entrepreneurship and in the UK as well. Britain.
Dre, did you say you ranked as well?
Yeah. I charted number 14 in Indonesia, which was crazy because I didn’t even know people were listening and Indonesia
Crazy. You guys like to be that your shows are being heard, seen and felt in countries around the world and none of you are paying a dollar to make that happen. Right? None of you were Collin, some uncle over here that lives in Indonesia. Mike, are you listening to the show? Like organically, organically? Did anybody else rank in here? Emily ranked? What did you rank?
Yeah, I was actually top 10 in the U S for fitness and yeah, I actually had like this other podcast to reach out and was like, did you know your ranking among like the big names? I was like, wait, I listened to those other podcasts. Did you tell us that? I feel like I’m just hearing this for the first time. Yeah, I might’ve forgotten. Cause it was just shock. That’s so cool. Yeah. So grew exponentially during this.
I hope that you and all of you, that ranked use that that’s marketing right? To say I ranked it top in entrepreneurship in my category in health. I know that Elise Rooney ranked hers as well. Somebody else did too. Do you guys remember Dana Irvine, Dana Irvine ranked for hers.
So I mean that in and of itself in 90 days, like if nothing else in 90 days to grow your show and understand how to use it as an organic audience driver, that ended up self is priceless because that’s going to work for you guys forever. You also learned with Pinterest and that’s now going to drive traffic to your shows for forever, but then we didn’t leave it there. We all created the courses in the coaching.
Do all of you have an offer now that you are promoting on your show? Everybody everybody’s nodding. Yes. Like so crazy close working on it and you’ll get there. So, Oh, and we never finished Chloe. You have to very quickly share with us the funniest thing and I know what it is. And if you don’t share it, I’m gonna make one of the other girls share it because it’s so funny. Okay. So
COVID times date nights don’t happen out of the house. So every Thursday was my date night because I could send my toddler over to grandma’s house, but it was also the day that blue pod had their breakout. So I would literally be like Q in the, the little baby up for bedtime, ready with my wine and our takeout in the background.
And my husband would be beside me as I’m doing my pod breakout calls. So the girls found it hilarious that he’s in the back kind of enjoying this pod experience and hearing all of our crazies in the background. But girls got to do what girls gotta do. Right.
I love it. I love it. Yeah. There, the girls are like, you know, Chloe we’d have her wine and then her husband would be right here just listening. And we’re like, Oh my God, that is amazing. Like the commitment I just applaud you. And I love that you made it happen and that you made it fun.
And that’s the whole point of this. How can we have fun as we grow? How can we have fun with our callings? How can we have fun with our passions? And this is fun. Like, I don’t think there was one moment in there that you didn’t have fun, except for me making you pitch me your sales pitches, other than that. And even that was fun, right?
Like after you guys threw up a little, you were like, this is fine. I can do this. So anyways, thank you guys. Does anybody else have just something on your heart you want to end us with? And then I’m just proud of you guys so grateful you were on this journey with us.
If anybody feels like they’re not at a place where they have it all together and they’re not ready to make the investment. The important thing to know is that you’re learning foundations that are going to set you up for success later down the road. So don’t feel like you’re too new, too fresh. These are really going to be integral to helping your show grow. So you’re not making up for lost time and fixing mistakes weeks and months and years down the road.
Man, if I would have had the things that we went through and had been armored up when I started this thing, I mean, you guys, it took me a year and a half to start ranking. Think about that during, what did you want to say?
I wanted to say that I was a little skeptical at first when I had done it, because it was like the mom preneurs show. But I have to say as a, not, I’m not a mom, but being around moms was actually super eyeopening. Like the fact that we were surrounded like Emily and I were surrounded by moms that are doing such a good job at being able to do their con like their business and be a mom and not put one or the other, you know, on top of their it’s like their job.
And it was beautiful to see that they kind of made a priority for themselves. And I just don’t want anyone to think that they can’t take this, this course or the P2P because they’re not a mom. Like it was definitely something beautiful to be a part of, even as not mom,
Thank you for bringing that up. And just when you’re saying all this, you know, Ryan’s got her babies that just woke up right now and they came into her screen and we’re all. And like all the ladies had their babies on the calls and I’m so here for that, like just normalizing your life again.
How do we make business fun and easier and more simple and more automated and normalize the things that should be normal, like authentic marketing and sharing from your heart and working from your PJ’s. If you want to, like, why is this such a, you know, like it doesn’t need to be a big thing to grow and scale an audience because your audience is just like you.
So thanks for bringing that up. And we had lots of moms. We had grandma’s last P2P. We had Jose. So we even have the dudes up in here.
Like everybody’s welcome in my corner. Okay. Thank you. Love God bless you. I’m cheering for you. This is just the beginning of your incredible journeys. And you guys are still on the fence about Podcast to Profit. Pray over it. See what God says about this for you. But if you’re not, I think we have a handful of spots left. So head to podcasttoprofit.gr8.com. Get in that application. Take that leap of faith with me.
You just heard from the girls, all the amazing wins, the amazing breakthroughs. And I know that you’re not going to regret this, taking that step in your business and in your life is always going to come back. God bless is your life.
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